Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, November 20, 1907, Image 3

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pr rrni r iti n in tu b b s ry tr ii raw?
Items of Interest In and about
Cntinvt flrnv nnrl vlrlntiv.
nj - .-. n -.. ................ .
G.juiju juljuhuuuuuaju RrarvBwrraf AoajLaJUAJUUtA3
Hen I locate for your drnyiiiK. '
id lloKnti- to do your ilrnyn.K.
lliK'iln for iiiick transfer of goods.
Ili)nti, m IrniiHfi-r idiiii, IIorhIc,
WANTKD-l'laln s.-wIiir t( do, rail
'1'lioiiH No. 4N. JMI-liu
(loilfrcy limber hns been visiting
In Kiigem'.
I'livM liiigu htin gone o ItuHclilirK
nil IhihIiico.
Uv. nml Mrs. N. M. Nlrklc with In
Eugene Monday.
J. V.. Iiumewood visited old friends
hero IiihI week.
.1.11, Chiniibcrs whm in lMiRciit' on
huHlues yesterday.
.loe Handera was In I'ugin lust
week. Ask liliu aliont It.
C'ouiu'iliiiiin Vt'iiMko was doing "
Iiichh In KiiKcni' hist week.
Tlio excnvntlng Is finished for the
lllndH & Stewart brick block.
Much (if the Kl'l Im'Iiik taken to
I'ortlnnd goo via Cottage drove.
I r. and Mm. I). I.. Wood returned
from !ln'lr visit lo I'ortlnnd Monday .
Tin Nugget ofliee received Its setr
oud ton of print iiiMr .Monday ly
Itev. II. M. Mount ol Kiigcuo vis
ited for a day In Coltuge ilrovnthU
Maggie IVursou on
for dressmaking "nil
lio to Mrs
Fourth street,
ilaln sewing.
The niinuul mcrtliigof tliu Itlverslde
(lol.l Mining Co. will In' held In I'ort
lnnd Di'c. 7.
The aniiunl meeting ! the Vesuvius
!ld Mining Company will ho held in
Portland Inc. 7.
.1.11, Hliurp, the inn n after wliom
Slnirp's Creek whm nanu'd bus been in
tint rlty several days.
'I he minimi meeting of the Orcgon
('oloiudo M. M. & 1). Co. will be held
in I'oi tliind, Dee. 7.
Frank Phillips Is preparing to hulld
a two Htory In irk I. lock, -ill feet front,
llPXt to tilt' llHIlk block.
If you want to buy or sell any kind
of property, either real or xrsnuitl,
list it with F. H. Phillips.
Argyle Mcdllvrnv of Oinyonville,
formerly a resident of this rlty Is
visiting here for a time.
Itev. Ct. R. O. Humbert of Eugene
wns In tho elty yeHterduy In tlio inter
eHtof the Divinity School.
Miss Ptellu Coihlln In here from
Wendling visiting her grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. A. McKlnney.
Geo. (). Knowles and family left for
Kugono Monday where they take up
their residence for the winter.
I-ewls Hartley has gone to .lack nun
county wdiere he will spend the win
ter prospecting with (leorge Htedham
who went hint week.
It Is a well known fact tlmt persons
living in the pine forests do not Buffer
from kidney diseases. One doe of
I'lnenlcH lit night usually relieves
backache. MO days' treatment fl.oo
Your money refunded if not satisfied.
Sold by New F.ra Drug Store.
Clint Stewnrt. was In Kugeiie Mon
day in conversation with his urehltect
an to a change In the brick block he
will Hoon commence next to the Ore
gon. F.d Jones and family hnve returned
from tioldfleld. Nevada. They will
Hpend the winter here mid return
south in the spring.
To cure a cold first move the bow
els. Iteea Laxutlve Couh Syrup acts
gently on the bowels, drives out the
cold. 'clears the head. It's pleasant
to take and mothers highly recom
mend it for colds, croup, aud whoop
ing counh. tiiiarnuteed to give sat
isfaction or money refunded. Finally
irood for young and old. Sold by New
Km lrug Store.
Clms. (iettys went to Eugene Mon
thly. After a few tlays he will goto
his old stamping ground at Florence
nnd other buy points.
F. .1. Hard went to Kugene last
evening to attend a social gathering
and will return today. He expects to
go to Bohemia the lust of the week.
The Farmers' & Miners' Telephone
Company hns leased Its lines for five
years to I.. A. Newtou, agent for the
I'nciflc StateH Telephone Company.
This consolidates the two lines into
Hohemlii and will enable one com
pany to prosper and give much better
service to Its subscribers than either
company could do before, and sub-M-rlbers
on either line can now have
switching service on the other line.
The change Is giving general satis
faction; a dozen new phones were
ordered Saturday.
Don't worry about your kidneys
when you can obtain !10 days' treat
ment of Tlneules for 1.00. These lit
tle globules bring relief In the first
(Jose. Backache, Lumbago nnd Rheu
matism yield quickly. If not satis
fledyour money refunded. This la a
fair offer, you can't lose. Sold by New
JCra Drug Store.
Mrs. Tlio". Pearce, who ha been
visit Ink the pnt two months in rem.
IIIhioIk, returned home Sunday night.
She wai necoinpiiiiieil home by her
Mliter Mrs. I trail SeiiNtlebell, who will
visit for a few months In Oregon.
It, Is claimed indigestion Is the Nil
tiouiil disease. Thats why the demand
for icings Dyspepsia Tablets keeps
increiiMlng because they do the work.
Htomnch trouble, dyspepsia, Indiges
tion, bleating, rtc, yield iilckly.Two
days trentmciit free. Ask your drug
gist about t hem. Sold by New Kra
Drim Store.
I,. F. Knowllon, a former Cottage
tirove boy educated in tho schools
here arrived from I'ortlnnd Thursday
evening to Join his wife nnd child
who were visiting here. They will
visit his mot her and sisters over Hun
day I hen return home. Mr. Knowl
ton's Hrst, connection with railway
service was by currying mail from the
Cottage drove post ofliee tf tM
trains, at the same time studying
telegraphy, connecting himself di
rectly with the Southern Pacific Co.
while very young, occupying various
posit Ions wherever called on the
Shasta Itoiite from Han Francisco to
Portland. It Is certainly plencant to
learn of the success of our bovs. n
number of whlcii have aimed high In
position nnd through hard work have
kept In line for advancement lu ser
vice. There Is always a demand for
I i iihI u ur I h.v young men, and never a
poHitiitn that does not lead higher for
one wlio tukcK an Interest in behalf
of his employer and dhows his capability.
Train No. II p. m.
Train No. 17 10:M0 p. m.
Train No. K l:-'ii a. m.
Train No. IC 1 :53 p. m.
I'rain No. is 5:10a. m.
Train No. 11 5 :3S p. m.
Train No. !'. 10MS a. in.
No. 1-2 closed, pouch to Port
land only.
At tbo home ot Mr. and Mr. M.
II. Stoue, near Iorane, last Sunday
Nov. 10th at high noou, a pretty
wedding took place, the contract
intr unities being Miss Fthel E.
Stone anil Mr. Hert J. Denham
Rev. S. P. Morsa officiating.
Only n friends of the young
people were present. A fter a splen
did dinner the happy couple took
the afternoon train nt Anlauf for
Sacramento, California, where they
will visit for a while with the pn
rents of the groom, after which
they will return to Lorane where
they will reside. They were the
recipients of many valuable " and
useful presents.
At the residence of the bride's
parents by W. A. Klltins Sunday,
Nov. 17th Mr. Geo. S. Carlile was
married to Mis Susie L,. Woodard,
daughter of A. I. Woodard, one
of our most prominent rawiuill
Mr. and Mn. Hawkins Celebrate the
40th Anniversary of Their
Mr. nnd Mrs. O. B. Hawkins
celebrated their 40th wedding an
niversary Saturday evening at their
home on tba west side.
The parlors were tastefully deco
rated with ivy and chrysanthemums
and after listening to a number of
selections on the piano and a good
old fashioned visit, the guests were
shown into the dining room where
an oyster supper was served.
The invited guests were Mr. and
Mrs. J. VV. Nokes, Air. and Mrs,
O. H. Willard, Mr. and Mrs. C. J.
Moras, Mr. aud Mrs. Mallie Miller,
Mr. and Mrs. F,. W. Hawkins, Mrs.
Clara Taylor, Mrs. L- M. Thomp
son, Mrs. S. K. Markley, Mrs.
I?. 0. Lockwood, Miss Brown.
They were the recipients of many
useful and beautiful presents con
sisting of silverware, glassware,
linen, china, etc. At a late hour
the guests departed wishing the
couple many happy anniversaries.
The aged couple came from Hun
tington, Baker county in 18112 and
have resided in this city since that
Silk Creek Items.
David F.stes and family have re
turned from their visit to Walter-
Mr. and Mrs. Parmele entertained
company last week.
Mr. Charlie Wilson and family
were favored with a pleasant even
ing visit from Mr. Baker Slagle and
family not long ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Foster entertained
company Sunday evening.
Misi Ethel Cox visited at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Whee
ler Saturday evening.
William McCoy made a trip to
Gowdyville and called on his father
and mother Sunday.
Grandpa Wheeler and daughter,
Mrs. A. D. Owens was at Walter
Wheeler's Sunday.
H. W. Babcock and wife were
privileged to enjoy a visit Sunday
and Sunday night at the home of
their old friends Mr. aud Mrs. Cal
vin Bunch.
Miss Amy Owens is at home
again after an extended visit with
Mr. aud Mrs. Henry Long had
company Saturday.
Mr- JohnCorbitt was in our vicin
ity lately.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Damewood
returned from a visit to her parents
last week.
We hear that Alfred Wheeler and
wife and Miss Ruth Miller went to
the Divide Friday to visit tkeir
ather and mother.
Good Roadt Convention.
Geo. Comer returned Sunday
evening from Pertland, where he
was in attendance at the good
roads convention as a delegate from
the Commercial C!uh. His report
to the Club Monday evening was
interesting and full, of enthusiasm.
It is not often that delegates going
to the city give as much attention
to the specific errand they are sent
on as Mr. Comer did this time. lie
attended every session of the con
vention and was able to tell much
that he saw and beard.
Mr. Comer knew that bad roads
were bad, but like many others, did
not realize how easy and at how
little expense bad roads could be
made good and permanent. An
automobile ride is nothing new to
any of 11s in Cottage Grove, but to
ride in a procession of seventeen
machines of the most expensive and
newest types as was Mr. Comer's
pleasure with other delegates when
they were taken out and shown
roads in the primitive state, roads
under various stages of improve
ment and those completed. It was
a practical suggestion by the com
mittee of Portland good roads en
thusiasts. -
If Mr. Comer's enthused ambi
tion for good roads would only be
come catching there might be some
thing doing close at borne. Why
not utilize our splendid solid rock
foundation on Main street, by a
coat of tar and possibly some fine
gravel, and make a smooth paved
street at very little expense? Then
the country roads, too, many of
them, could be improved at little
cost and to great advantage for the
farmer considering loss of time
and wear and tear on vehicles un
der present conditions and with
but little time elapsing before the
saving would more than equal their
cost. Cottage Grove's City Coun
cil could set the pace; the farmers
and county officers would fall in.
We know how Alderman Comer
would vote first, last and all the
Welcome to Pastor.
The members of the Presbyterian
church gave a reception to their
new pastor Bev. Dr. Nave last Wed
nesday evening at the church par
lots. Speeches of welcome were
made by the several ministers of
the ci.y. Several choice selections
of vocal nnd instrumental music
were rendered after which all pres
ent joined in welcoming Dr. Nave
to our city. An excellent lunch
was served.
Leg Fractured.
Fred Kelly, foreman of Brown
Lumber Company's logglug camp
at Currnn bridge, met with a pain
ful uccidout while trying to straight
en out a kiuk iu the cable; thn butt
chain How out, causing a compound
fracture of the left leg. He was
removed to his father's residence
at Serro Gorda aud is doing nicely.
Dr. Job is in attendance.
This is the most serious ase of
broken bones at any of the camps
since Mr. Pearson's injury tf Du
rena last March.
Isdueina large measure to abuse
of the bowels, by, employing drastic
purgatives. To avoid oil danger, use
only Or. King's New Life Pills, the
9iife, gentle, cleansers and invigora
tors. (iunranteed for headache, bil
iousness, malaria and jaundice, at
ltenson s marinacv, I'.ic.
Temperance Rally.
The local W. C. T. U. wilf". hold
a uniou temperance service nt the
Methodist church Sunday evwning.
The address will be by Bev. Zitu
mermau, a former Cottage Grove
l -
Thanksgiving; Dinner.
The ladies of the Methodist
church are arrangiug for another of
their famous Thanksgiving dinners
to the members aud attendants of
the church.
Louis Osberg of Cftrvallls 1 spend
ing n few days In t hiolty.
Fine Horse Sold.
This week the Schmitt Bros, of
Creswell sold the fine German
Coach stalliou, "Wallenberg."
owned by A. C. Ruly & Co. of
Portland to a number of Cottage
Grove men who have organized an
association to be Known as the
"German Coach Breeder Associa
tion of Cottage Grove" with a cap
ital stock of $3Coo. The farmers
in and about Lane cour ty are tor-
tunate in having an association of
this kind whose object it is to im
prove the horse and bring him up
to the very highest standard. The
company starting out with such a
horse as "Wallenberg" one of the
best bred Coach stallions ever im
ported to this country, mean busi
ness aud will do much towards the
improvement of the horse in Lane
The members of the association
are among our best and most sub
stantial citizens: Hamilton Yeatch,
Powell & Tullar, Schmitt Bros., J.
S. Powell, Dan Beck, Dave McFar
land, J. E, Sears, Griggs Bros,,
Finerty Bros. Ralph Sears and C.
D. Kennedy.
Celebrated Musicians Coming.
Don't fail to hear the Garber-
Howe musical entertainers at the
Christian church next Friday night.
You will miss a treat if you don't
80 acres, 35 uuder cultivation, small
orchard, good baru and springs 6
miles from town, i mile from school
good orchard land price fiafio. Finoai
Bank; of Cottage Grove
Paid Capital $25,000.00.
W. H. Abramt
B. Larch
C. loit Hint"
Harry Short
Aialitaal CathUr
A representative bank ol the
business public of this city and
surroundlnK country.
Its Time to Consider
About your Winter Hosiery, Underwear, Shoes,
Dress Goods, Iteady-made Skirts, Conts, Rain
coats, Hats, Caps and Umbrella's.
Everything in this line has just arrived at
A large shipment of the Armor Plate Brand of
Hosiery direct from the manufacturer has been
received. This line is guaranteed to wear.
Children's school hose with triple knee, toe and
heel; Baby's cashmere, in white and black, plain
weave and ribbed cotton; Ladies' cashmere,
plain and ribbed cotton; Men's hose in black
and fancy colors.
Yoti are invited to call and examine my stock
of goods. Prices arc reasonable.
Wynne Hardware Co.
Don't Wait Until Your Grain aokxts for
and ready to lie harvested before buy- CREAM
Ing the machinery you will need. We erpADuTfiP
are handling and have on hand, the Hf aka I uu.
old reliable
McCormickLinaol BEEHIVES
MOWERS supplies
R.AKES and
BINDER.S And the celebrated
. . , u. . MITCHELL
which make has for many years prov- .
edits superiority by its work. So If BUutjIlvb,
you need any machinery In that line. It WAGONS and
will be a wise selection in buying this rrm,TP(!
make. Come In and talk It over. V fc.tUl.L.iio.
Wynne Hardware Co.
10 acres in Gowdyville, flue Ini
movements price 2500. Finoai.
$ Directors
IV. II. A11RAMH, 11. LURCH, W. A.
IIAHTI Xn, 1111 1. HKCKI.rV,
I Headquarters For
. 1 Mininor and Cnmmercial Men 8
n i
I C. T LONG, Prop. " J
i 1 i
W Solicit 'your business.
Crossing both mountain ranges by daylight. Compartment
Observation Cars, Standard and tourist sleepers. New mod
ern dining cars and day coaches.
Also carries complete modern equipment
Write for rates, folders, berth reservations etc.
H. DICKSON, C. P. & T. A., 122 Third St. Portland, Ore.
W A P0SS, A. Q. P. A., Seattle, WaSh
R.ead the Nxigget.