Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, October 16, 1907, Image 3

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    HOME MnVVQ ,CI,IS ' 'ntcrcsl 'n ant nboul
UUJHE ilMYj Cot IfiRC (irovc and vicinity.
All kimlH of ilnii'H rit Venirh
I.iiwhoii'h, n -0-1
lr. )gli'Mhy niiiilo it Ini'ilncHM Init
io MiiKi'im Tlmi'Hilfiy .
WANTKI)- Plain hcwIiik to do, cull
'Phono No. M. Mll-lm
Hull. I. II. liliiKliiuu of Pnyenn wan
In llin city Satnrtlny.
MifN l.l..le V catch of (IrimH I'iihh
Ih visit lux relatives III tin' city.
New (dock of dry kooiIm mid
tdioes at Ollivor Venlch'H.
Miss Ilni'l Mntim-r of r,iieiic nenl
Sunday wild fi lends In this city.
Mr. Trunk t.'rnbt ice was In r.m'enc
'I'l 1 1 1 r III y lllli'lidiliK li'KllI business.
Ir. Kline, who Iimh Ix-cti mi :i vl .lt
to lliindon (or trn la jm, Iiiim returned
Paint vour lien roosts with A v na r
iniiN Cnrliollncnm (or sale il Vcntch.V
l.uwson's. s -jii 4
Mm, Frank K. Miller o( i t In n) l
IhIIIiik her daughter, Mrs. INI Ah.
by or Milk Creek.
ut il sample u( lliintiin llrown
l'.icinl nl Mclciilf V Hriind'M on Thins
lav iifttTiMMiii.
CIlMH. Itrillll'llll llhll Will. l.lllllll'HS
attended n meeting nl I In- Plks at I " t -k'ene
WedncHdu,, .
Ml'H. Skilliiiaii of ( : ran t I'ii m was
visit Mw. Dora i 'li'ld of tlii- city
lllst. Week.
Mr. iiihI MrH. II. !. Morris went to
PuKei'" lait Thursday to -1 it rela
tives, rrliirnliiK Monday.
Hinder, New Home, Wheel. ! A
Wilson mid Standard m-w In;.? ma
chines nt Veatch l.avotts.
M iss Ogli'liy W now 'Tapi'lnt; tin
key" for llii- Western I'liion Tele
raphCo. nt Colfax, Wu-hlnj.'t on.
Mr. Mark Stewart and Miss Vlimie
Stocks, two of ii i r popular yoiinji
people, worn n i hi Tied In wt Wednesday
nt Plltfenc.
Mr. utld Ml'H. Mcl'ailand of M ar-h
Held were visiting Mr. find Mix .1. V.
linker, the parent of MrH. Mcl'ar
land. la'-t week.
I'1. .1. Hard returned from tlie mines
Sunday and idler a busy day Monday
purchasing supplies In llm (irove. went
to lilt home In r.ui'cnc.
Fred Itouni'V of I'uuene Inn ne
cepted the position with the lllain
ette Valley Co. made vacant by the
resignation of T, Aliratii'i.
J. K. rainier lias wold hi, general
merchandise store oil the east side to
.lames P. Miller. Mr. Miller will con.
tlnne the business ut t!:e same place.
SiiinpleH of Itoeton I'.rown I'.read
Klven away at Metealf A- lirund s.
Thnrwlay afternoon.
(lame Warden J. W. linker, Ii;ih
moved his olllce from the Nun'et
building on Main street to his red
.lamcM McKurlnnd is having' n
doulile-deck porch lillllt to lii.i resi
dence on Third street, which will add
much to Up nppcaranco.
Mr. nnd M l'H. J. M. ltoherts of F.u
gene arrived In the city Friday on a
visit to their daughters Mrs. Van
lienhcrif and Mrs. .1. I. .Touch.
Thn Silk Creek Methodist Sunday
School are now lining their new or
KMi, lately puridiiiHod hy the proceeds
from mi Icecream so'dal uiven during
the Hiimmer.
The HiiKiir triiHt is evidently prepar
ing n fund, wherewithal! to meet an
cxiconey that may overtake It, as per
Sl.'indard Oil Sugar took a lioom of
'Jll cents a Hack one day hist week.
Mr. Hamilton Veiitch has retired
from the reel estate liusincHs nnd will
iniivo on Ion farm he lately pur
chased of Mr. Frank Cralitree. lie
has also Hold his residence hero to Mr.
('all for Hatnple of Hoston lirown
liread at Metealf & Hiiiud'H Thurs
day nftcrnoon.
lo you know that i'lnesalve t'nr
liollzed acts like a poultice tn draw
in;.; on t liillainatlon and poison? Il ls
autlHcptic. l''or cuts, Iiuitis, eczema,
cracked hands it Is immediate relief.
Uriels. Sold by New Kin Prutf Store.
Mrs, ). V,. liennett, who has been
Visit Ihk I'L'r mothrr Mrs. Nice on
Mosby Creek, Htopped over last Fri
day with relatives in this city on her
wuy home to join her husband ut
Beat tie.
What Is known as the Young' build
ing at the corner of Wall nnd Hiver
Htreetn nnd the building adjoining,
are belnK renioileleil in the Interior,
to be used as a skating link, by T. C.
AbraniH and Jacob FladuKer, who
expect to have It In readiness for
opening by November 1. A skating
l ink If carried on In a proper manner
will be a wource of great amusement
for our young people and will no
doubt be well patronized.
1 1 comes put up In a collapsible t ube
with a no.zle, eiHy to apply to the
Horeness and Inflnmatlon, for any
form of IMIes. It Boothes and relievos
pain, itching nnd burning. Man an
i'ile Ileinedy. Price 50 cents, (luar
nnteed. Sold by New Fni Drug Store.
Attention Is culled to the auction
sale nf real erdato advertised In this
iHmie Th" objects of HiIm mile are
twofold: First, to sell notne prop
erty at auy prlce the public Is willinn
to pay for it . Second, to let the great
commonwealth of Fane county know
It. has a seaport through which It
may t-end to market 1 1 n vnMt products
Iiy water nnd thereby cavo to Its
people em. minus sinus In trannportu
I lnii. The foicHts of f.ane county
contain thirty four thousand million
feet of lumber, equal to IL'.KI.IKM)
t ruiiMpoi ta I Ion tonn of freight. A
Having of only tii centM per ton
would be l.'J.'iil.lMK) in the products of
the limber holders of I .line county.
It will not belong until our people
ilinenver they can save from fine to
three dollars per ton by Mending their
lumber to market via SIiihIuw liny.
The mills at Florence are demount rat
ing this fact every day and when the
clitel pi Islng people of the whole
county realize t he force of this fact,
II. w ill not take the town of Florence
long in grow Into a city 6f ten to
fifteen thousand population as Aber
deen, Washington has done, Flor
ence now enjoys a rate to San
I'laindseo of only fll.iHI to $rt.(Kt per
ton. a gieat handicap in Its favor.
It Is a well known fact that persons
living in t he pine forests do not suffer
from kidney diseases. One done of
Fliieules at night usually relieves
liai kie lie. :lu days' treatment 1.00
Vour money refunded if not satisfied.
Sold by New Fru Drug Store
The lilelunond Moving I'ictureCo.
showed io a large audience on Satur
day nivlil at MaKoulc hall. The
pit -tines were ail of the latest rage In
our l.irge cities ami the Montana tiirl
e-pei-l.illy, Is worth seeing more thun
once. 1 lie audience which pucked the
house was moic than pleased with
the entertainment.
Don't forget the Midland Lyceum
attractions, the most popular enter
tainers abroad for the winter ; Hon.
.loseph i i. ('amp, "The Orator of the
South" speakH Oct. lsih in Cottage
(irove. lie-crve your tickets now nt
too FxpivHS olllce.
The Cottage (J rove Manufacturing
company has built a large lumber
shed addition, which will lie need for
storing luouliliiigs. casings, tlooring
etc They have also added to their
well eipnpped establishment Ull Inside
moulding machine that will take In a
timber f'ixi:t inches in Klze. The ma
chine Is specially adapted for flooring,
rustic, etc.
Mothers with little children need no
longer fear croup, colds or whooping
cough, t'.ces Laxative Cough Syrup
tastes good. It works oil the cold
through the bowels, cuts the phlegm,
clears the head. For young and old.
( iiiaiiinteed. Secure a bottle at once.
Soid by New Fin Drugstore.
Hiver Veatch, one of our most pop
ular and reliable merchants, having
been in business In this cltv for over
nine years, has disposed of his stock
to W. C. Johnson and for a while will
take a well earned vacation. It Is
rumored that Mr. Veatch will move
his building away in the spring and
erect a handsome brick block on its
The new Advent church on Wall
street is now completed and Is one of
the neatest little buildings In the city.
Mr. Mole, the .contractor, has done
some excellent work on the building,
and it is lluished in a neat and at
tract ive hi. vie. It wjll probably be o
month before it is dedicated.
To cure a cold first move ihe bow
els. Itees Laxative Counh Syrup acta
gently on the bowels, drives out the
colli, clears the head. It's pleasant
to take an'' mothers highly recom
mend il for colds, croup, and whoop
ing com-h. Guaranteed to give Bat
isiactlou or money refunded. Fijually
u'ooil lor young and old. Sold by New
l-'.ra I rug Store,
A deal was closed last week where
by Messrs Stewart and Hinds became
the owners of 72 feet frontage on
Second street, by lot) feet extending
to the railroad, the property of F. O.
Walker. The ground was bought for
warehouse purposes in the. future.
Surprised Their Teacher.
The pupils of tho 7th grade gath
ered together on Friday evening
and proceeded to the residence of
Miss Pnrvanee, their teacher, to
give her a surprise party, which
they succeeded in doing. Tbey
were about 5M strong and each was
hidened with something good in the
way of pie, cake or fruit, which
was served during the eveuing as
Tho evening passed away pleas
antly iu games of various kinds
and wus thoroughly enjoyed by
both scholars and teacher, wh ap
preciated the good ioeliug thus
manifested by her pupils.
Wood choppers to contract for liiOO
cords of four foot cord wood. Ad
gress 1'. V. Cooi'FH, Dlack Uutte, Ore-don.
01 the Lumber Manufacturer'! Asso
ciation on Friday Last.
A large and well attended wce'
ing of the Western Oregon Lum
ber Manufacturers Association was
held ftt the oflice of the Hecretnry
on Friday the 11 inst. A number
of matters relative to the good of
tho lumbermen in general was
brought up. Tho matter of tho
3.10 rate to .Sun Francicco Hay
points was the principal one and
the committee appointed to look
alter the matter reported that they
had engaged the services of Mr. J.
N. Teal of I'ottland who so suc
cessfully served the interests of the
Oregon it Washington Jyutnler
Manufacturers Association in the
Portland (lateway case, to look
after the interests of the Associa
tion and that tho case would be
brought on lor a hearing at the
same time the Kastern rate was
tried out.
They utated that they had re
ceived assurances from nearly all
the laixe mills in the Willamette
Valley that they would aid in the
case and the Secretary was directed
t have the necessary pledges pre
pared and sent out at once.
The following resolution was in
troduced and passed by unauimous
vote and it was the senso of the
meeting that this resolution should
be pressed to it finish at the coming
session of Congress:
Resolved, That this Association
endorse the action of the Oregon &
k Washington Lumber Manufactu
rers Association in recommending
to Cougress that the powers of the
Interstate Commerco Commission
be eularged so hs to provide that
no change in existing freight rates
or any rates that may be hereafter
enacted can be changed by the Rail
roads without first obtaiuing the
sanction of the Interstate Commerce
Commission as shown by the reso
lution introduced by A. C. Dixou
at the September monthly meeting
of the above named Association,
and be it further,
Resolved, That we endorse the
action of State Railroad Commis
sioner Atchinsou in bringing this
matter to the attention of the Na
tional Association of Railroad Com
missioners as reported iu the Ore
gonian of October 10th, 1907 And
the Secretary is hereby ordered to
send a letter to Mr. Atchinsou ex
pressing our appreciation of his
A resolution was also passed abk-
ing the Assessor of Lane County i
to raise the assessed value of the
road bed of the Southern Pacific J
Co. to $:S(),00( per mile iu this
county. Siuce this was done the
Assessor has replied to the same
stating that this had been done in
All mill iueu adjacent to Cottage
Grove, Kugene and Drain are re
quested to join the Association as
they are doiug good for the luiuher
tueu and all the mills should be
represented in the Association.
Don't worry about your kidnevs
when you can obtain .'III days' treat
ment of l'ineulea for if 1.00. These lit
tle globules bring relief In the first
dose. Hnckache, Lumbago and Klieu
matlsm yield quickly. If not satls
lled your money refunded. This is a
fair offer, you can't lose. Sold by New
Fra Drug .Store.
Seventh tirade Club.
The Seventh grade has organized
a club, its object being to iucrease
the interest of the pupils iu the
general school work. It is not
fully organized as yet, but the of
ficers elected are as follows: Presi
dent, John Bpray; vice-president,
Walter Ribbles; Secretary, Alice
Counts; Treasurer, Edith Hastings
Although not compulsory, the
scholars are requested to join. Tho
term of the officers is one month,
and the president acts as master of
the room, and tho teacher is the
judge. It is hoped that this or
ganization will be beneficial to all,
and cause the scholars to take a
greater interest in school work
It is claimed indigestion is the Na
tional disease. Thats why the demand
for Mugs Dyspepsia Tablets keeps
Increasing because they do tho work.
Stomach trou tile, dyspepsia, indiges
tion, bloating, etc., yield quickly. Two
days treatment free. Ask your drug
gist about them. Sold by New Fra
Drug Store.
Ortk-e on Main itreet, Weat Slile
M. t. Church Reception
Wednesday evening tho people of
the M. K. Church gave their new
pnslor Rov. N'icklc and family a re
ception, welcoming him into their
The scats were rearranged so as
to leave spaces ut the F.ant and
West ends of the church where
prettily decorated booths were
placed. The ladies ferved coffee
and cake and coca and cake at
each of these. At the north end,
opening into the League room, lem
onade was served
After introductions and refresh
ments, a short but excellent pro
gram was rendered.
VfayorJ. I. Jones, also Kupcrin
tendi.nt ot the Sunday School, wel
comed Ilev. Nickle in behalf of the
Church and Sunday School. Mr.
W. A. Ifogate spoko on tho sub
ject, "The Needs of the Church."
Mrs. Cotupton spoke lor the Mis
sionary Society of the church.
Laura Hefty, for tho F.psvorth
League, Mrs. J. M. Isham for tho
Ladies Aid Society, Mrs. V. I).
Wheeler spoke on the subject of
"Merc Man". Rcv. Klkins of the
Christian Church extended Hev.
Nickle a welcome for all tho
churches of this city and expressed
the good leeling between them and
the willingness to co-operate in
their work for the same end.
Rev. Nickle replied that he was
quite satisfied that his lot had been
cast w ill) these jieople for a time and
although he was not a perfect man,
he sincerely wished and hoped that
the church and all whom he mav
become connected with, will tjf
benefited by bis coming.
The musical numbers were line
and were appreciated. The quar
tette, Dr. and Mrs. Van Winkle,
Miss IJeebe and Mr. Isham. sang
beautifully and the duet sang by
Misses Heebe and Anderson and
the solo by Mr. J. M. Isham com
pared equally to the quartette.
Albany, Ore., Oct. 12. Hev. C.
Aldetson, a pioneer Methodist'
minister, now retired, living at Sa
lem, was instantly killed this nioru- j
ing by the engine of n freight train.
He was hurled from a trestle Hoi
feet down and forward to the rocks i
of Penuywiukle creek, this city. ;
His skull was crushed by the fall.
Rev. Mr. Alderson was walking!
on the track to the depot, and was
on the middle trestle when the
train approached. lie was starting
home, after a visit to his daughter
at Albauy. He was over So years
James II. Teeters pnssed away at'
the residence of his son Shelby L.
Teeters, in the south part of the
cit at 5::t( a. m. Oct. 8th l'.'OT,
after a very brief illness of less
than 24 hours of paralysis.
Mr. Teeters was born in Hoon-
ville, Mo., Sept. 21), 1831, being 73
years 11 days of age. He emigrated j
from Missouri to California at the '
age of 1! and from there to Idaho j
in lSt'ill where he was married to
Miss Anna Williams at Idaho City,
Dec. Slh, IS64 and they then came:
to Oregon in 18(i5.
He leaves to mourn his loss a
loviug wife, three sons, Shelby L.
James C. and Ocor'e W., all of
whom reside iu Cottage Grove, and
two daughters, Mrs. KUen Mitchell
of Pleasant Hill and Mrs. Laura
Dootlittle of Cottage drove and Hi
grand children, as well as many j
The funeral took place Wednes-1
day afternoon and was conducted 1
by the Maccabees of which Mr.
leeters was a social member.
- .
Directors - -
w. 11. Aiwa ms, 11. i.rtti 11, w. a.
iiAii'i'iMi, run. iti:i-Ki.i:v,
Bank of Colti Grove
Paid Capital $25,000.00.
W. H. Abrami
B. Lurch
C. Rota Klntf
Marry Short
Aiklalaut Caihier
A representative bank of the
biiKiiiesM public of thlHcIty and
We Solldt'your business.
oooooo oooooo o oooooo oooooo i
Its Time to Consider
About your Winter Hosiery, Underwear, Shoos,
Dress Goods, Heady-made Skirts, Coats, Itain
eoats Hats, Caps and Umbrella's.
Lvcrything in this lino has just arrived at
A large shipment of the Armor Plate Urand of
Hosiery direct from the manufacturer has been
received. This line is guaranteed to wear.
Children's school hoso with triple knee, toe and
heel; Uaby's cashmere, in white and black, plain
weave and ribbed cotton; Ladies' cashmere,
plain and ribbed cotton; Men's hose in black
and fancy colors.
You arc invited to call
oi" roods. Prices
Wynne Hardware Co.
Don't Wait Until Your Grain
is Ripe
and ready to be harvested before buy
ing the machinery you will need. We
am handling and have on hand, the
old reliable
McCormick Line of
whit h make has for ninny years prov
ed its superiority Iiy its work. So if
you need any eiachinery in that line. It
will be 11 wise selection iu buying this
make. Come In and talk, it over.
Wynne Hardware Co.
"!tik. ess&SF?w iiiftrrBtea Jt!
1, 71
ti UMTFI I 1 1 A U 7Y M fl
! y j m virknnmi j y
Headquarters For
I Mining ana lommerciai men n
n mm n mm mm m imt
y u
B I I f" T T "TVTr- 1
111 a JLVyi" VJ L I up. I
1- I
J . , - V
Great Northern Railway
Low Rates From the East
Din ing September and October the
Great Northern Railroad will sell
From all Eastern Points at Greatly ,
Reduced Rates ::::::
New York to Cottage (irove $;o.oo
Chicago "
St. Paul
Sioux City '
Proportionate reductions from other points. Now U the
time to send for your friends. Orders tor tickets will re
ceive prompt attention. Additional information on implica
tion to It. DICKSON, Agent.
r."2 TI1TKHST. it .Nor. Hy. FOKTI.AN'D. Oil.
. A. KOS, As't tienenil Passenger Agent, Seattle, Vn.
WANTKD -Experienced bridge! FOR RENT,
carpenters, JU.oO u day, also labor- Mo(,ei.n up-to-date lodging rooms
ers '2.50 a day. Addreas P. . j with b.itli, In h (pilet home. Impure
Cooper, Ulaek Unite, Oregon. lH-Ittlot Mr. K. A. Cottle. i'u-l't
and examine my stock
arc reasonable.
And the celebrated