Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, October 16, 1907, Image 2

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Mk ll chcok payable to Nnrcct Tub. Co.
Kntcml M the pmitofflro at CotUfce Drove.
Tirun rpoml rlM mull matter.
0 inontlm $1.00
1 yctir .l.."
IS months $-.00
If paid in advance.
Wkdnkspay, Oct. 16. 1907.
If a single reader of this paper
lisa failed to writ letters to some
old friend, acquaintance, relative or
person who may be benefited In
coming to Oregon, ho should write
today. The colonist rates close
Oct. 31st and if yon want your let
ter to pet results it must bo for
warded at once. The rates are $-
from Missouri River points, St.
Paul, Winnipeg, and all the coun
try adjacent $'i0. from St. Iouis
and f,'.V3 from Chicago, with a re
ductjoti of .f '2.t0 to points east of
Umatilla. Similar rates from every
other point in the United States.
Get busy and add one family to the
population of Oregon.
The Oregon ls9ue, published in
Fortland, gives a list of all the gov
ernment permits issued in the dry
counties of western Oregon, as
shown by the records at the cus
toms house. . It says:
"Under a federal law the natio"al
government collects a special tax
from all persons who deal in alco
holic liquors. Druggists who u;-e
liquor in perscription work only are
required to pay this tax just the
same as the saloon keepers. Our
local option law states that the issue
of this special tax stamp to any is
prima facie evidehce that such per
son is selling, exchanging or giving
away inloxicating liquor. In the
following list aro some druggists
whom we are yery confident nre not
violating the local option law, and
we not wish to direct suspicion to
ward them. Persons, other than
druggists, in this list have no doubt
paid this tax for the express pur
pose of conducting a aiminal traf
fic in strong drink and some drug
gistr, that we know of aro also wil
fully violating the provisions of the
Then follows tho list, which any
one may see:
In Picnton county there aio only
three druggists, at Corvallis.
In I.ane couuty, Cottage drove
has 7, Kugeuo 17, mostly blind
pigs. Junction 1, Springfield Co
burg 3, Mnrcola 1, who 1ms just
been fined $2Z0.
In I.inn county, Albany has 13,
there being I besides drug stores,
Brownsville 2, Lebanon 4, Ilalsey
1, llarrisburg '2, Ncio 1.
In Lincoln county, Toledo has 2,
In Tillamook county, Tillamook I
has 0 j
In Yamhill county, MeMiunvillo ,
has 2, Amity, 1, Dayton 1, Sluri-!
dan, 2, Willimina 2, N'ewberg 2, J
North Yamhill 2, probably all drug
If it's Up-to-date. THE TOGGERY has it.
,isii .hi. 1 vi:i.i.
lothcs nre tiMii,'iiii" I iv
men of umul JiwhriiiiMi t mul
i t the pl.'HV t. vet your Outfit ll'Mii
tln crown of your ln;ii tu the
soles 01 your feet. This iwirm
Weather reminds us t lint
We will make it cool for
011 if ) 011 buy your SUM
If it's, The TOGGERY has it.
1 111 " .' " III Mil III" miwHrm
New Bank Formed by Lane Co Men. j
The First National bark oil
Springfield was organized last Wed-1
nesday with the following otlicers: j
President, B. A. Washburne; vice-
president, Pen Avers; cashier, I. P. ;
Bell. Directors were clu seu as tol-'
lows: B. A. Washburne, Ben Ayers!
J. B. Young, J. C, BratUiti. and IC. :
Iv Kepner. A new brick building
is in course of erection for the bank, 1
which will be completed about the I
fifst of next year. In the mean 1
time the bank will do business in j
the quarters of the old First bank. ' of the orders the company receives.
The f-tociiholleis are all old resi- The dale of the re-opening of the
dents of Lane county except Mr. I mill for business depends 011 tho
Ayers and Mr. Bell, who came re-j car supply, and the final decision in
tently from Asotin, Washington. i the new rate matter. II the pro-
I posed rate on lumber shipments
i SAGINAW SAWMILL CLOSES DOWN from the const to tho 1-ast is put
-, ' into effect tho mill will remain idle
Geo. II. Kelly and P.. II. Lox. fnr . fo ... n,, i(1
Opens Tuesday October 15. 1907.
All Wtutli.v persons w ill Le admit toil to (lie teliuol. the onlv iv
I'liivinents lieln.a; r.-ilthfulness Mt seluml, ;md no.ul leM rt men t at nil
times. The moral inllitcnee In the srhool will ho enieiullv tomrdod, Mini
no one w ho uses iinleoeiit. or luilijllsmv, or w ho indulges in th"
use of toliaeeo or aleoln.lie drinks, or who is in unv xvnv Immoral, will
he retained 111 the Aeadem.v.
lioo.l moral talks will he ivoti hvthe teachers alhlall will l.r ex
pected to at ten. I these. Ihhlc instruction ill he triveii tliloimlemt the
yea 1, vet 110 one who att''ii'l t h" si lioul isi olii.;o I l iin t he-e es.
The llilile classes aro only for those who desire 1 1 it -1 1 1 .
l'.ivognlzed papers will he 1. i en to any lini-hiii-.; :mv of the Tour
courses oll'eivd. namely: Tonolioi s. M ini-toi ill. Shortlemd and C111
ineii'ial. We toaoh the ( harlii r system of Sh.irthan I. same as Portland
I'.ii-iiH'ss Collet", For :,.n nddiiv-'.
L. G. PAAP, Principal.
of the Booth-Kelly Lumber Com-1 likely that the other plants of the
pany, visited the company's big! company in this county will also
sawmill at Saginaw Friday and or-; clos? down. I lie mills at Spun
dered the plant closed down at
once on account of tho car short
The mills
Held, (.oonrg ami U entiling are
each operating a day shift, but are
shitminu verv little lumber for the
It is absolutely impossible to ; reason that cars aro so scarce.
get cars enough lo fill one-twentieth j Guard.
Coming Winter Attractions,
The Midland Lyceum Bureau, ..
Pes Moines Iowa, will again favor
Collage (iiovc with tlieir excellent
series of literary and musical enter
taintnents, having engaged tlie
Christian church luiiMing for the
coming winter.
The first number being Hon.
Joseph C. Camp of Ceorgiaoiin of
the leading orators of the day who
will speak here Oct. iMh; season
tickets with reserved seats' on sale
at Hi" Kxprcss office, over eighty
seats having been uljea ly engaged
don't delay Securing.
CIIARI.liS AIM I llliWS, Propr.
Al l. MNIS ()l
(iRAIN, ri:l:l), also BALI-D HAY.
Wr lt;i i' t. st ;i 1 ilislu-i I a
L'htss in vuttr town ;inl
vuii cm join t Itis class at
anv liiiH-. Wo ivc spec
ial drills ami our super
ior drills a tv just what
you iiittst ha w il you de
sire the Itest success.
We assist wot thy stu
dents to secure jood po
sition - : ,t say that
you cannot learn to
write Shorthand for
You can in a Short Time
Be Prepared to do the
work the world wants
done. Address
""" Dr. King's
lm Discovery
OUGIISnn' 50c fc $100
OLDS Free Trial.
Surent mitt Utuck al Cure tor nil
I III'1 FlN :ilhi;i! Kllij
1 M
Sodaville. Or.
j Y.
Collage Grove, Or.
Paid up Capital:
Surplus ami I'mllvldeil I'roiitH.
I 'm- 1 1 1 1-1 her iuf.iriinit i' hi
cai.:. at i t i ; hi oi'i h i:.
Money to limn on approved neeurity
KxeliiineH Hold, nvuiliilile liny
place In the United States
l'riilPiit, Caalilcr
10 acre Xracts .nd Xown Lots at Yoir Own frice. 2 o'clock p.m.
Thursday, October 17, et City Hell, Eudene.
1 bcliovo in tho auction method of haiidlin real eslale. The hest
land investment I ever ina(l(; was at auction. I 1 1; o been doiii. land
l)tisiness in Kuene since; IH82 and havi bought and sold some of the
l)est lu-ojiert.v in tin; county by auction, 'ou cannot '"Keep your ji
and eat it too," and since owners of Florence real estate have been ac
cused of holding prices too hijrh. I have decided, Cor at least one day, to
throw open tho front door of Lane County to all investors at YOUR
OWN PRICE. I know from experience that by doin.u- this values of
what I have left will be largely increased. Do not think for a moment
I am losing faith in Florence Keal Fstate and want to jret rid of my in
vestments. The money I et from this sale will be used to take up op
tions 1 already hold and in making improv oments in Florence.
As Florence is ,he seaport f.r Hie u hole of Lane County, there are
no petty jealousies existing bet ween lhi port and inland towns. Ivvery
man, woman and child through the inlerior wants to see Florence row
info a -real seaport. I lence ALL IMJi.l. TOfiliillliR as one man for its de
velopment in order the whole county may have the benefit o sea
port privileges in ettiiijr lo marKef by f he shortest and cheapest route
its enormous products.
TheSiuslnw Kiver Improvement Club is now organized with hoad
tpiarlers at Florence. .Membership fee only tfl.OO. .loin this club and
help develop the resoiir-en of Lane -oiinty.
Miles of new streets are being
opeueJ, new sidewalks laid, new
street lights installed, new dwell
ings and business bonnes erected,
roads improved, new telephone
lines, new automobile lines to
Yarjuina Bay and Coos Bay, lead
ing sawmill increasing its capac
ity, cold storage plant doubled j V Ion nee, s hours; Ktiene to ! aercs, which will be sold 111 10
and best of all Florence Owns and i I' lorenee, by Nelson Creek cut-olT
Controls its transportation lines. ( j hours. Tho Carver railroad
and is independent of all the world, j now buildim; from Corvallis will
I!y July 1, l'.tO.S, Passengers for bring new life into the whole
Florence will be carried in fol- Siuslaw county. The Properly to
lowing time: Coos Bay to Flor- be Sold embraces the y2 of Es
ence, 1 hours; Ya'juina Iiay to .Sec. 2'?, Tp. Is, S. R. 12 W. I'iO
acre tracts by legal subdivision
each tract being 6i0 foot square.
It lies within the corporate limits
of the town, between the I'iaier
and Bnrry addition and tho water
front, and only ton blocks from
the latter. These tracts make
splendid summer houic-xilcH now
ami in a short limo will grow in
to groat values. Wo iihall offer
some blocks in Chicago addition
to I 'h.reiico, some lots on tho wa
ter front and some well located
lots in Kugeii'i near tho street
car line. Send or call for pho
tographs oi Florence. Terms y,
cash balance on or before 5 years
at 6 por cent intorest. Have this
papor for further referonce so you
may not forget tho date nnd the
Geo. Melyin Miller, Owner and Mgr.
Room 20 McClung Block, Eugene Oregon.
I GEO. W. KINSEY, Licensed Auctioneer.