Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, October 09, 1907, Image 2

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Moke cheek pVlo to N"Rgt?l Fnb. To.
Knlorcd at (he pontofllro at Celliite Orovp,
Orvtron an wooml ciaM mall matter.
6 months $1.00
1 your $l.rm
IS months fi'.OO
If paid in mlvnnco.
Clubbing Pates.
Tin iloheinbt Nugwt imt your
.villi any one of llu following pub
lications oiu year for nniount wt
Pacific Mont lily 52.00
Weekly i Portland) ?'-ri
Weekly Journal ( Portland) $- 00
I ailv Minimi Kooord (1'cnver) $.".f0
Wcokly M loins lWord Sa.L'S
Paciliv: Homestead S-J.LV
Northwest Poultry Journal $1.7."
Thl iitr Is kci.l on nio bv TIIK AMKKI
CAN MINISii I'ONciltKSS, ('limnli.T if lum
merce HuiMing, louver, folo., wbere onr
iva.h'rs Hill 1 w,'ii-,iii to the useof t lie ioail
ItifC iPra from tht Hhous mimtiK aoel ioua nt
'.he Went, a ('ientiiic 1 i lr rv ami iniivriO 'X
tubll. ril IS PAI'KR iskpiit on Incut E. ('. Drake's
a lTerilftinK Atrctiry, M aii.i c .Morrhania X
change, San KrHiit'Wo, California, when? eon'
mots for mlverlisiiiK en l mailt for It.
Wednesday, Oct. !, 1907.
I'cliticBl f-kirmisbrs now rago
throughout the United States, in
which it would seem that with
Roosevelt eliminated from the pres
idential race, as far as the Repub
lican parts- is concerned, Taft is the
favorite. lie will not, however, he
allowed to have a walkover in the
convention, for the Republican ship
is even now floundering in the
shoals of the political sea, and the
breakers are dashing on the taiiff
Bands. This is a nuestiou that has
hitherto been democratic thunder,
the republicans gracefully taking
the defensive. Taft, however, has
given it out to be understood that
he is in favor of tariff reform. That
does not mean to say, by any
means, that he has changed his be
lief in the "principles of protection
to American industries and Ameri
can labor," but he believes that the
time has come when amendments
to the tariff laws should be made
to meet the changed conditions, to
remove duties needless for either
revenue or protection, and make
such modifications as experience
may have shown to be necessary.
With all due respects to the demo
cratic free trade papers which pre
tend to believe that the Republican
party is ready to accept their tariff
doctrine, they should remember
that the party has always been in
favor of tariff reform whenever it
could be done without iujury to
our industries and people. The re
publican party may become a free
trade party sometime in the distant
future, but all necessity for "re
ciprocity" will have to disappear
before that comes about.
Don't worry about your kidneva
when you can obtain :io days' treat
ment of Tineales for ifl.Un. These llt
tlo globules hriiift relluf in the linst
dope, I'.acloirhe, humb.'ii.'o and Kheii
inati.sin yield ipilrUly. If not H.'itis
fied your money refunded. Tills is it
fair offer, you can't lose. .Sold by New
Km Driiif More.
The assissiiis of ex-Sheriff Urown
of Baker county, aro Mill tit large,
and the prospects of them being
captured at all is growing more re
mote as each day passes. If, a? it
18 now asnerted,the Western 1'edt.r- I
ation is engineering such crinieH as
a nonichment. for nlWed ,i ievmu-es '
against it or its members, it is a
simon pure anaicliihtic organiza
tion, and all the power of county,
Btate and government should be
brought into plav to suppresss it.
Whatever may bo its aims and pur
poses, enough is known of it to bet
convincing that it is not n loyal in
stitution to the government of the
United States, and tbat its member
ship and sympathisers ia large and
scattered throughout the country,
needs no further evidence than the
reception and cheers that greeted
Haywood on his acquittal, not only
at Boise City, but at all the stop
ping places along his route home.
He was cheered as lustily as the
most exalted poison in the land
could have been.
The people of the United States,
are in a great measure to blamo for
the anarchistic doctriuo that is get
ting a foothold in certain portions
of the country, by adhering to the
platform ot'n"froo pies and lieoj
speech." Times! have changed'
since this libeity was heralded to j
the world. In those days Unpeo
ples had n common cause and all
were Americans and radically loyal I
to tho new government they hud j
formed. Hut tho gates woro thrown
opetMtid have been kept open, and j
every scalawag from the old wot Id j
(locks here when his native cotin- I
try makes it too warm for him, and
taking advantage of our penerosi- I
ty preaches their seditious doctrine ;
publicly, and oftentimes it has been
done under tho red ll.ig of anarchy !
while the Stars and Strips, and
even our prominent men were pub- j
liely insulted. An instance of this
is tho meeting held not long ago by
lvmma Goldman, in Pot Hand. No
town or city in the United States
should have a hall or room to rent
to Emma Goldman, or persons of
her ilk, nor should they be allowed
to preach their doctrine in the open j
air, but if this is considi red as be- I
iiic too arbitrary and endangering
the life, and antagonistic to a free
and enlightened country, the line
should certainly bo drawn at t lie
red rag, and they be compellnl to
hold their meeting under the Stars
and Stripes.
To cure a cold lirst move ih" low-
els. Itoos li.-.xative t'oiih Syi u acts '
gently on the howels. ilrives out th0
eold.'clenrs the lu'.ad. It's pleasant j
to take and mothers highly iveom - ;
mend it for eo.s, croup, and wlioop-
ing eouuli. liitaranteed to jsave sat- j
isl'action or money refunded. Kipially j
irood for yoiinti ;in l oi l. shl ly New i
ICra Irug Srnre. I
George Cornwall, tho rustling ed
itor of the Oregon Timbcrman, pub
lished at 1'orti.ind, was in the city
last week. He is taking an active
interest in the proposed amend
ment to the interstate commerce
law, which provides that shippers
shall have a hearing whenever
there is proposed any change ol
freight rates. This matter is
brought forcibly to public attention
owing to the heavy advance in lum
ber rates on eastern shipments an
nounced to go into force November
1. The new rate is practically pro
hibitive it is claimed by sawmill
men and will result in many of
them having to close down their
mills, except perhaps those which
have an outlet by water transporta
tion. A law similar to tho one now
sought to be adopted has been in
operation in Canada for many years
aud it is believed that putting some
such measure in fleet here would
not only be a protection to oar
shippers, but would go far to word
allaying the present widespread
public outcry against the railroads.
The following ure tho resolutions
passed by tho Oregon and Washing
ton Lumber Manufacturer;:' Asso
ciation endorsing this movement:
"Whereas the Interstate) Com
merce law now in effect, does not
coutain any provision wLenTiy a
hearing is required before a change
in any interstate freight rate may
become effective, and
"Whereas, experience- has fully
demonstrated tho urgent necessity
for an amendment to remedy this
serious defect; th:-refore, be it
"Resolved, liy the Oregon A;
Washington liUmbor Manufactur
ers' Association, representing nn an
nual output ejf one and one -eoiarlt r
billion f et f lumber with a value
of nearly t wenty millions ef dollars
that at th coming session of Con
gress, no shall be offered
aM strenuously mge l, providing
substantially that when any railroad
company Seeks to advance or lower
any inteishtte licight rate, or
change the classification of any
commodity, it must if objection be
made thereto, receive tho appioval
of the Interstate Commerce Com
mission before such rates or changes
in the classification shall la conic ef
fective. He it further
"Resolved, That a copy of these
resolutions be sent to every Senator
and Itepresentative in Congress and
that every mill owner, manufacturer
and shipper in tho United States bo
asked to co-operato wherever pos
sible in the passago of this amend
ment of the Interstate Commerce
How much of the supposed news
of the duos obtained of the murder
ers of ex-Sheriff Hrown is true, and
how much is published from reports
of sensational reporters, ol courso
cannot be determined. But it is
not hard to determine that the
murderors are reading tho reports
as well as the public, and if the
hunt is getting in very warm, they
are not going to stand still and lot
their pursuers catch up witli them.
Opens Tuesday October 15, 1907.
All worthy persons will l admitted lo the sehool, I lie only re
ipim men!- lielng fuitlifnliie is al sehool. and mini deport men t. a t. u II
limes. The mor.d intluoueo In the sellout will he eaiefully irunriled, mid
no one ho uses indcectit or prof,. no l.ilii:ii;ii;e, or who iieluliVM In tho
use tr t oR'iccn or nlenhohc drinks, er ho ii in any wny Immoral, will
he retaiiuM in the Academy.
I !ood moral talks will be given hy the lonelier ,'indall will he e
peeled to at tend these. I'.ihle Iihi t ml !ous will he i;l en t hi oiioioii the
year, yet no one w ho a I tends t he sehool Is ohlie.l to join t he e el asses.
The I tilde classes are only for those who desire them.
Heeogtilzod papers will he niven to on voue II nishintj: ;i ny of the four
courses ollered, n.itnol, : Teacher's, M I m-lei id. Short haul and Com
mercial. We teach the Chai tier sytem f Sliiniliaii I, Mitine :ts Portland
Ihisiiieos College, for Information address.
L. G.
Ministers Named in the Eugene Meth
odist District.
Following is the appointments
made for Fugene district by the M.
F. church conference held in Port-
M. C Wire. P. F.KIder, Kngone.i
Oregon. !
Albany S. II. DeWart.
Cocpiille and Handoti W. S.
Coblmrg and Ilarrisburg W. M.
Hrowusville- T. L. Tones.
Cicswell -I. II. Ski.ltnore.
Cottage C.rovo S. M. Xieklo.
Oorva'llN -1. H. Leech.
Dallas M. P. Dixon.
Drai l J. 1). Stratfoyd.
Klkton J- M. Sweeney.
Fugene I). II. Trimble. j
Falls Oitv O. F. Round.
Gardiner C. II. Wooley. j
Halsey - -George Clark.
Independence Sanford Snyder.
Jefferson k. II. Allen.
Junction City T. II Downs. i
Lebanon J. L. Iicatty.
Lnraue !
Marshlield W. R. F. Hrowne.
Myrtle Point W. F. Rogers.
North Rend A. F. Lacy. '
Sih tz Indian Mission (
Springfield George Fllis.
Wendling and Unity J. W. Per-!
kins. . ;
Voncalla N. J. Ilarbit.
li. F. Rowland, P. F., Salem,'
Oregon. j
Death of Mrs. Dolph.
Mrs. August ii Mul key
widow of the late United
Dolph, j
Stat- s
Senator J. N. Dolph, died in Paris,
France, last Friday night. Death
was due to pneumonia, with which
she had been sulTeiing only a lew
days. The body will ho brought to
Portland for interment.
Mrs. Dolph was a prominent
member of the First liaptist church
of Portland and her funeral will be
held under its auspices. She. leaves
th ; following children: Mrs. Rich
ard Nixon, Chester V. Dolph, Mar
ion V. Dolph aud Henry V. Dolph
of Portland; Mrs. Lewis Walker
Thornton, Paris, and Cynis A.
Dolph, a Lt'-Uk'iiatit in the I nited
Slatea Army, stationed in the Phil
ipines. She w.ii a sisler of Marion
I'-. Mulki y ami an aunt of ex-senator
F. W Mulkcy.
The Oregon Ll'ttric railway,
which undoubtedly has the best
Hack ever laid in (iiegon, will not
slop at Salem, its ptesont southern
tonuinal. I t i builders will push its
construction south to Albany and
Fugene, and for the entire distance
a first-class railroad will bo built,
regardless of expense. This is not
all that the eastern capitalists who
havo put iottimes into this electric
project w ill do for this : eel 'oil of
the stato, for a complete sj stem of
feeders n aching to all parts ol the
fertile Willamette Valley will bo
added to the system after the main
trunk lino is completed.
Assurances are had from oflieials
of the system that all this construc
tion will soon be undertaken. It is
believed those trolley lines will de-
velop tho Willamette valley as no
other ono thing oau do. j
Jt Is claimed indigestion is the No
tional disease, Tluits why tho demand
for Kings ll.vspepsiii Tablets keeps
InoreiiKliiK heemiso they do tho Work.
Stomach trouble, dyspepsia, indiges
tion, Moating, i te., yield ipiicMy. Tw o
days treatment free. Ask your drug
gist aliout t hem. Sold by New Frit
Drug Store.
PAAP, Principal.
Albany Democrat. II. F. Mcll
wain iel urncd last night from a
shoi t tiip to Cascadia. He located
tho band of h'.lu near I'atleison's,
and in a day r two will return
with l'rod Riis Jr., and hunt up his
(i(1))ti .;. Mei twain has equipped
!lis llimllaill rig.lh a telephone
attlidlu.n, so lllHt hc c, rtlu,ll
In the Homo teleolione lines nnv-
w hero, sotiK tliin; arranged for liiiuj
by Mr. DeVarnoy. With it anv-
where this side of PiUtclsou's he
can talk with Albany at any time.
Mot her.-, w il h little children need no
longer fear croup, colds r whooping
eoui;h. I'.irs I .a at i i- Coiiuh Syru p
t.ltes eooil. If woiks oil the mil
thiol. l'Ii the howels. en's the phli";in,
deals Hie head. I'm -oiinii an. I fid.
1 1 u.ii atlteeil. Secure a hollle at once.
S.iil lo New Y.; I I'UU St ore.
with Dr. King's
New Discovery
50c A $1.00
Froa Trial.
Unrest and Uuu Curo tor ull
We- have established a
Class in your town and
yon can join this class at
any time. W .ivo spec
ial drills and our super
ior drills arc just what
yon iiinst have n yon dc- j
sire the best success. !
We assist worthy stu
dents to secure jrood po
sitions. Io not sny that
yon cannot learn to
write Shorthand for
You can in a Short Time
Be Prepared to do the
work the world wants
done. Address
Sodaville. Or.
For Furl her informal ion
II. MS, II. i.ria ii, v. A.
iiauti'm:, mill, I!i:cku:y,
r. koss kim;,
o il it
Paid Capital $25,000.00.
W. H. Abrams
B. Lurch
G. Hon Hinii
Harry Short
- Cathier
Attiitant Cathier
A ropioHent'i.livc bank of the
business public, of this city and
surrounding' country.
We Solicit your business.
pSk WV'WW'VW'.V-
4.1 IVofcKKOM :
College of l.lhcnil Arts.
I'oi leo;s :
Classical . II,
Literary It. I
Selentillo It. S.
) Philosophicid I'h. P..
The (lloi;e Al ls lii iln
t.llllS I lll follow itlU' schools ;
The I olleue ol' ( hatoi v. (I. It.
( I'he Tcm hcls- Colei;i', II. I'd.
' Tho Normal School, Diploma.
!; 'I'llO UrcKon llisliliite or the
; AcMihuiiy. hiphiuia
The School of Commerce, Di
'. ploin.t.
I ol! , I I l Hi I K, MU'lil h:
imi:sidi:ni joiin ii. coi.i-man,
S.i lent. Orcein.
If it's Up-to-date, THE TOGGERY has it.
STYLISH ami I . LI,-1 I I Tl V( 1
elot lies jire dciuuml 'd by nil
men of o;ood judgment itiid
i i I he 1 1 1 .-1 . i to ;-et "iir bit tit from
tin- eiuuii nl 1 111 r liejol to the
sole" of yoiil teel. This ujirni
eat her jeiiiiud-. us t lint
Yc will make it cool for
oii if you buy your Sl'M
MI R I'NDIiRW I'AR of us.
If it's Up-tcdate,
V jllPH iwiiijuiiiliiiiliwmm uimiKwviinipimil mini mum wmmmmnmmmmmmmmmmm
Of Trimmed Dress Hats
Tlie I'iuilI i. iluel mu of el. tire stneU of Fhit llreHs Hots, thilt for-
inerl.v ml I up to f. lMi l lM I,, ,d next Salurdil.V, July l'lth.
A grent clxrvnco to not v now and dlfferonl
Summer Hat for Only $1.98
We also show ;i line line of peaeh , -ind Online; ,ih; just what you
need for foir ;ie,ii i.ui trip. I'ea-e rcmomht r t he phtee.
MAIN ST. t our Doors Y.wsi of llrl.luc: COTTACK GROVE
Al l. KINDS 1)1
(jRAIN, I also BALIiD HAY.
iS -
General mkm, Stoves ami I
We also handle nil Kinds of V
Farming Machinery $
Crcivm Separators, Sporting Goods Si?
Guns and Ammunition, Etc.
Remember Wc Buy for
Griffin &
k-Vs vvnvvnS."- i-.
J Instructor.
Affiliated CoIIckcx,
( ollego of Meilleine M. D.
College or Law LI.. It.
College of Tl I ivy It. D.
College of Music 11. M.
Thi A llllio ted Collet's liril uan
daily Independent of the Col
lene of LI hern I Arts.
the School of Al t, Ccrtllleate.
The School of Art. is also lliian
chilly IndixMideiit of the Col
Icko of l.lhernl Arts.
The TOGGERY has it.
lers tn
v VM
lilllgCS. j
Call on
Veatcli Co.