Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, October 09, 1907, Image 1

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    Devoted to the Mining, Lumbering nnd Farming Interests of this Community.
NO. 36
All Street Improvements
Laid Over Intil Spring.
Tho Councilman Wrestle With the
Water and the Dumping Ground
Questions and Find a Big Snag in
Each of Them.
A regular meeting of the City
Council wns held on Monday cvon
ing, all membors boing present but
Councilman Bands.
The minutes were red ami alter
n few minor corn el ions had been
made, the name were approved.
1'etitionH for a hcwci in the Me
Farland addition to Cottage ('.rove
was referred to the Hewer commit
tee. The application for permission to ,
build an addition to his wood sh d !
on bis property on Main street, by
Mr. Awbrey was granted.
A petition was presontod by A.
I,. Woodard on behalf of the eiti- j
zenS living along Front street pray
ing that the street from the depot
north to the city limits bo graded
was referred back to the petitioners
for correction ns it did not comply
with tho requirements of tho coun
cil in sueh cases flud could not bo
acted upon at present.
Tho report of the Recorder
showed that the collodions from
fines, etc. during tho mouth of Sep
tember was $.(9.50.
The city troasurer filed his report
of the collection of water bind for
tho mouth of September showing a
balanco 011 hand of $S86.72. Conn,
cilman Corner chairman, made a
verbal report ol the investigation
made by tho water com mil toe of
the condition of the water supply
of tho city. His report tallied with
the account givon elsewhere. Thoi1'
work was endorsed by tho council.
Ordinance No. ISO. relating to
tho improvement of River street
failed to pass and is laid ovor indef
initely. Ordinanco No. 187, re
garding the improvement of Third
street was road for tho third timo
and passed. There was only one
bid for doing fho work which was
The dumping ground question
was again brought up, but the
street committee reporting that they
had not yet succeeded in seeming
grounds, no action was taken.
Tho bid oi II. II. Cray for haul
ing gravel for the improvement of
the alloys north and south of Main
at reels was accepted, the price hi
ring 55 cents a yard.
The Uocordcr was instructed to
notify the Southern Pacific Kail
road company to remove their
fences along the line insido tho city
Tho ordinance regarding the pro
firmed sower along the Lurch prop
erty being defective, 110 action was
taken except to refer the ordinance
back for correction.
Engineer Tuylor made a verbal
report on tho work of laying the
sower on Fifth street which is com
pleted and the same was accepted,
and a warrant ordered drawn in
favor of contractor lor balance due
him. Mr. Taylor waa employed to
oiako estimate and apportion the
expense of laying tho sewer, to the
property owner along the route and
also to draft ordinance regarding
the tame.
The Street committee was em
rpwereJ to sell the black iron pipe
belonging to the city and not now
in iiho, for icn cents a foo nn offer
having Iimhh made for tlio same.
Tlie hhiiuI urist of hills being
read nnd acted upon the council
A Crimimal Attack
on 1111 InolTnimive citizen in frequent ly
llllldclll tllllt lllltl'('lltl,V iihcIchs liltln
lube culled liin "npieiull.." It Ih
generally I lie result of protracted con
Htlpatlon, following liver torpor. Dr.
Mill-:' New Life I'IIIm regulate Hit;
liver, prevent aiii'iiillcitlH, and estab
lish regular 1 1 : 1 ) t m of tint bowels, "'
at liensoii's Pharmacy.
Superintendent Ackerman's Plan of;
Meeting the Demand for Teachers
Siipeiinteiident of Public In
Htruction J. II. Aelcerman is prcpar
ing an outline for one year's nor
mal instruction for high Hchools in
cities of the first cI.ths. This will
apply t all high schools having a
four-year Conine. The draft of the
Hpeeial course will be Huhmittod to
the State lioard o Education and
if adopted will bo put into force
this year. Thin move is made for
securing belter teachers and more
of them. The plan is to make, pod
agogy one of the subjects of the
senior year in high school, this sub
jeet to be optional the name as Latin
and Oorman in that year.
A recent investigation in the slate
of Nebraska shows Hint out of
'2lM)0 graduates of high schools, j
WOO engaged immediately in teach
ing, while 000 went to college and
S00 engaged in various occupations.
Siipeiinteiident Aekerman believes
that aj out the same proportions
prevail in this btate and that it is
important thaj those young people
who go direct lroiu the high school
to the teacher's rostrum should
have some special training for the
work. More than that, he believes
that if special instructions were
provided, a largo proportion of the
young people would take up teach
ing as a profession and that thus
the problem of securing teachers
would bo partly solved.
Tho Normal instruction will run
through tho entiro senior year, and i
will occupy the time of one subjec'.
At tho same time this instruction
will not interfere with tho regular
work of tho high school. A num
ber of other states give some nor
mal instruction in high schools and
find the results highly satisfactory.
Important to Cruisers.
I wiin I. every reputable cruiser In
Southern Oregon to send me his name
ti 1 ic I address, upon receipt of which I
will send him informal Ion of vital in
terest to himself nnd his business. At I -dress
II. i. Wolf, Uosoburg, Or. Ill-It
President Small Tells Them. However,
to Get Ready to Strike Again.
Chicago, October 1. President
Small, in his speech to the striking
telegraph operators today, appeared
to forecast tho end of the strike,
lie told the strikers that he be
lieved the strike would be at an end
inside of ten days, but warned them
to bo, prepared to accept whatever
thoy would have to return to work
without obtaining any concessions
whatever lie urged them, how
ever, if they returned to work un
der tho stigma of dofoat to prepare
themselves for another strike with
in 11 year.
This speech and other indications
very apparent today indicate that
the striko is lost. Many of the best
men are growing impatient over the
deadlock and throaten to return to
work unless something' decisive is
done this week.
Manager Iowa Lumber & liox Co., Medford, Which
Proposed I-arge Operations, Announces Indefi
nite PostponementConditions Not a
Very Cheerful Prospect-
Medford, Oro., Sept. 2S.-- As a
result of tho proposed advance in'
the Fa iter n rail rate on lumber, tlie
Iowa Lumber k Box Company's
plans for an immense lumber plant
here will be abandoned, the Pacific
A KtiBlern will probably not be ex
tended to the liulto Creek forests
and the largo timber tracts adjacent
to tho Uogtte River Valley bo 'left
uncut for many years This pro-!
posed rate w ill alTeet every lumber '
industry in Southern Oiegon, a
well as in Oregon in general, and
indirectly every bm-iuess in the;
country, '
Edgar Ilafer, of the Iowa Lum
ber V Box Company, stated today;
'It was our intention to make ex
tensive improvements, including the
building of a modern sawmill with
a capacity of 150,000 ftetpcrdayi
and a new box factory with a ca-;
pticity of 75,000 feet per day. j
Theso improvements alone would 1
cost $251 ,000 but, with tho pro
posed Eastern rates staring ns in
the face, wo certainly shall do noth
ing, and the only fact we regret is!
tho large amount of capital which!
we are compelled to adow to ley
dormant under existing conditions.
"Vou a k mo why tho Pacific &
Eastern W not being built is con
templated, ami whether the failure
of the Oregon Trust and Savings!
bank will have any permanent ef j
feet on its exit union. As to this 1
question I cannot answer, but do j
know as long as there is no lumber j
company contemplating lljo open- j
ing up ot the Hoguo River and:
Butte Creek timber to assure tlio
railroad tonnage, it would be folly
on their part make any further
extensions without tho assurance or
guarantee of a tonnage which
would warrant a reasonable rate of
interest on the investment.
mi i i.s auk sui'T down. j
"Tho mills in Southern Oregon
and tlio Willamette Valley are coin- ;
polled to find a market in tho Fast, i
as they cannot get into San Fran- j
ciseo and bay points on the present '
rate of $5 per ton, which is equiva-. j
lent to $H.,u per 1,000 feet and j
compote with the water rate, which
is $4.25 por 1,000 feet from Port-1
land, tho Columbia River and j
Washington points. !
Tho advance in tho IvtMuj
freight rate of 10 cents per hundred
pounds makes it impossible for tho
lumbermen of Southern Oregon to
compete with the lumber manufact
ured in the Southern States, known
as yellow pino.
"In order to demonstrate the
conditions let us take a mill manu
facturing lumber in Southern Ore
gon or anywhere in Western Ore
gon for that matter and see what
the advanced rate means. The rale
to Omaha is now 50 cents per hun
dred pounds, against a rate of 21)
cents per hundred pounds from
Southern mills, and it. will be ad
vanced Novembor 1 to 55 cents.
'Basing a mill cut of lumber at
a reasonable value of $15 per 1,000
foet, f. o. b. cars, and adding the
55 cent rato, which amounts to
$18.33, makes the lu rubor cost $33.
;).') iu Omaha. The present value
of stumpage is about $1 per
feet, against tho present value of
southern yellow pine stumpage,
which is about $. Therefore, tho
cut of Southern eIlow pine lumber
would he worth $3 per 1,000 more,
or about $iH per 1,000 f. o. b. cars
mill. Figuring their freight rate
of 2It cents to Omaha, which
amounts to $7.66, would make the
value of southern lumber f. o. b.
cars Omaha $25,66, against ours of
$33 33i which shows conclusively
that it is out of the question for a
Southern Oregon mill to compete
with I hem even if tho cost of stum
pngo and the sawmill manufacture
was thrown in, as you can seo for
yourselves the. fabulous profits
which can be made by the .Southern
yellow pino mills above the basis of
$iH at thoir mills.
"Now we will take up the Chi- j
cago rate. Our rate is now 50
cents, which will bo advanced to
60 cents on November 1, against
the Southern yellow pine rate of 25
cents. This make? a difference of
$8.66 per 1,000 feet, taking the ba
sis ot price f. o. b. mills, which is
even greater thau the Omaha ad
vance. "Coming closer home, let us look
at tho Denver and Colorado points,
which has been 40 eent3 per hun
dred pounds, against the rate from
the South, which is lit cents. The
railroad is not content with tading
from tho Oregon lumber mills, the
Central Stites market, but has
swooped down upon the Coast mills
even in Colorado, where they pro
pose to laise the iate Novembor 1
to 50 cents per 100 pounds, which
is 50 per cent greater than the
Southern yellow pine mill rate.
WHY KATKS ark kaiskd.
"fheso aro the actual conditions
which confront the lumbermen of
Southern Oregon, ns well as Ore
gon in general, and it is certainly
not a very cheering prospect. It
the raiPoads had been bankrupt, or
tho net earnings had been too small
to give a fair rat of interest on
their investment, there might lie
sonio oxeuso for the advance. Von
ray, then, why is the rato raised? I
do not know, but candidly think
that tho real reason for the advance
is cither tho desire on tho part of
the railroad to bay its structural
material at its own price by elimina
ting competition, or it may be re-'
garded as tho easiest moans to get '
rid of a surplus of business, which j
would "requiro considerably more;
rolling stock than they care to
equip their lines with at its time.
As a quick and ready plan for de
Btioying tho prosperity ot the lum
bermen, the intended advanco rate,
however, will certainly do the busi
ness. si i:r,i,s ruin ok 1NW STHY.
-"The ofTect upon the country by
this cold-blooded and coolly calcu
lated plan of the railroads to cur
tail tho output of the greatest in
dustry of the Pacific Coast will
biing not only dire ruin to the lum
bermen, but will throw thousands
of men out of employment, and its
ruinous effects cannot but affect
every business man, huge or small,
in the state. Eighty per ceut of
the cost of lumber represents labor.
Theso are the conditions which con
front tho people of Oiegon today.
It almost looks liko a farce to speud
thousand." of dollars advertising
Oregon in the East as a country of
great resources when tho first thing
that greet the new arrival is to
find that millions of dollars in in
vestments are lying absolutely idle
waiting for the time to come when
the railroads will again sen fit to al
low tho Btata of Oregon to resume
its natural business conditions."
Out of Sight
"Out ot sight, out fif mind," is nn
old paying which applies with special
force to ji sore, hum or wound that's
liecii treated with Hooklen's Arnieii
Halve. It's out of Hight, out of mind
and out of existence. . Piles too and
chilblains disappear nnder Its heal
ing irilliience. Ouarsntced lv 1 en
hoii'h Pharmacy. 25 cents.
At a Meeting in Eugene of Western
Oregon High School Principals.
At a meeting of the several prin
cipals of Western Oregon high
schools in Eugene Saturday last,
the Western Oregon Interscholastic
Athletic league was organized with
the following officers: Prof. E. T
Marlatte of Salem, president; Prof.
Baker of Roseburg, vice president;
G. W. Hug of Eugene, secretary;
A. M. Sanders of Alonny, treasurer.
A football schedule was arranged
as follows: Salem vs Eugene at
Kugene, Nov. 21); Albany vs. Eu
gene at Albany, Nov. 1(J; Salem vh
Albany, at Salem; Oct. 2G.
All games outside ot the league
will be arranged by the different
managers, games to count in the
championship. If other schools en
ter the league, time for games will
be arranged later.
In baseball there will also be two
games for each team with one an
other. There will be one dual track
meet with each school in the league
The championship trophy for
each branch of nthleiics will bo a
Dice silk banner with the following
inscribed thereon: "V O I A L
Hard Times in Kansas
The nil! day. of grasshoppers and
drouth lire almost forgotten in tlie
prosperous K;i nsas of today ; alt hough
a, citizen of I'odcll, Karl Slianiliurg,
lias not yet .forgotten a hard time he
encountered, lie says: "1 was worn
out and discouraged by coughing
niixht and day, ano could find no re
lief till I tried Hi-. King's New Dis
covery It took less than one bottle
to completely completely cure me."
The sat'est and most reliable cough
nnd cold remedy nnd lung ami throat
healer over discovered. iiiaranteed
by llenson's Pharmacy, ."() cents and Trial bottle free.
Surveyor-General Daly Falls Down
Stairs Breaking his Neck.
Portland, Oct. 4. John 1). Daly,
United Slates surveyor general of
Oregon and three times a state sen
ator, fell down stairs in the Selling
Hirsch building this morning at an
early hour aad broke his nock. He
was not found for two hours after
the accident. What I aly was do
ing in tho building so early in the
morning is not clear, as no one saw
him so far as ascertained, but one
of the occupants heard some one
fall and on investigation several
hours later resulted in tho finding
of Daly's body.
Died in Minneapolis.
Mr. C. Paul .lonos received the
sad news September 5)0, of the
death of his mother at her home in
Minneapolis. Sho had been ill tor
some time and Mr. Jones visited
her for a month this summer. When
he left she was fast improving,
with prospects for a complete re
covery and he was greatly surprised
to hear of her death. Mr. Joues
has the sympathy of his many
friends in his great loss.
Promoters Expect Great Re
sults From It.
The Leagne Was Organized by the
State Teachers' Association Which
Held a Meeting in Salem Last July
Officers Elected.
Widespread interest is being
shown in the newly-formed Oregon
High School Debating League.
Professor DeCou of the University
ot Oregon at Euqene, has received
many replies to tho circular letter
sent out 11 couple of weeks ago,
promising hearty co-operation.
The league was organized by the
State Teachers' association at the
meeting in Salem io July. Princi
pal E: TV Marlatte of the Salem
High school was elected president,
and professor E- E. De Cou of the
University of Oregon, secretary
treasurer. Besides these the exec
utive committee is composed of
State Superintendent Aekerman,
President P. L. Campbell of the
University, Miss Cornelia Marvin,
secretary of the state library com
mission, Superintendent of Pendle
ton and County Superintendent
William C. Bryant of Moro, Shei
man county.
The state will be districted at
once so that work on the debates
may be started by November 1.
Contests will be held between the
high schools of each district before
February 1 to determine the repre
sentative team of the district. Inter-district
debates will be held be
tween March 1 and May 1 to choose
the best two teams in the state.
These will meet at the University
of Oregon at a time fixed by the
executive committe to determine the
championship of the state.
A bulletin will be issued this
month at the university giviDg full
information concerning the league.
The subject this year for the in-ter-distriet
aud final debates will be
"Proportional Representation." This
is considered a question of great
moment this year, as it will prob
ably be put before the people of the
state at the June election under
the initiative law.
Froe libraries will be furnished
lor the debaters by the Oregon li
brary commission and Miss Marvin
is preparing lists and bibliographies
of these. Tlie only costs to the
schools will be the transportation
of the libraries and a mi uibership
fee of $3.
The officers have high hopes of
success. The league has been tried
in other states aud has done a great
deal of good. It will especially
benefit the university, as it will de
velop material for the university de
bating teams.
His Dear Old Mother.
"My dear old mother, who is now
eighty-three years old, thrives on
Electric Hitters," writes W. J. Brun
son, of liublln, Ua. "She has taken
them for about two years urid enjoys
an excellent appetite, feels strong
and sleeps well. That's the way
Electric Bitters affect the aged, and
the same happy results follow in all
cases of female weakness and general
debility. Weak, puny children too,
are greatly strengthened by them,
(inn ran teed also for stomach, liver
and kidney troubles, by Benson's
Pharmacy. 50o.
A big delegation from Portland
will go to The Dalles to attend both
the Fair and the meeting of the
Open River Association Weduesday
the 9tb.