mi I 2f Ml9WIqlw, M;mOT1rpvvrYV'T-y -TV -TV "TV TV TV TV TV T; TVTVTVTV I If A Alp MBWQ "c"" ' Interest in and about S llvlllL llIyWD Coltajjc drove and vicinity. Vend Ii & N-Li. I In !-1 1 1 1 1 1 All kind of plnmn nl lid whoii'h, (li'oro Mctjuccn wim t IiIm week on IiuhIuchh. IIoiimci ami IdIh, 1'2'Si, 1M, fMK), $1100 Mil. I $i;,IM), 1'lMIAI, IllM.H. MImw Akiich IjiiiikIoii Iimh cone on n vUlt lo friends In Hilcin Wheal ut tho I'loiiriiiK iiiIIIm for xr, cent per IiiihIm'I by the mirk. Whent iii (he I louriiiK nuIN fur hi'i cent per IiiinIii'I by lli xnek. CluirlcH Id-tnlnKlon of Oi'iiln wan In the city mi IniHiiieMH hint WcducHtlny. Will ThoniiKon, mdii of Mi m. I.. M. ThoinpHon, Im hero, from Wervnln on a vIhII. W. II. Lincoln of thin city at tended the woldicr reunion ill Kllp'tic thin week. Paint your In n ioohIh with Aveniir hum ('iirliiiiiiicuin for Hile nl VenteliA,- I.IIUHIiu'H, S-'JII 4 ln ll (irlw'H left on Monday luoru Injron tho loi'iil on a IiuhIuchh trip to I'orllnnd. Fred Wuehltc Went to Sulclii Weil nei.lny where ho ill enter the Will amette I iilvcrily. jRMIm DiiHi-l Darker of Eugene in Ih Ulujr In Hie city the uni'Mt of MIh KriiiieeM Howard. K. A. WIIhoii mi. I lie u Curry or HiIh city will open n reHtnurniit lit Itoic hurt; iihout Octuher lHt. I'uruiN, MtiM'k ranchcx, IiuhIuchh Mini rehl.lenee property. See my Mm! mid plii'CM. FlNou. Ilivim. A iimniilni' writer nay Unit IiIh (In not eiit enough. liocn he Hiippimc they lo all their eating In eoinpnuy'.' Mih. I. II. ' i 1 1 k'11' oi , who hni lire n visiting rehittveM lu the eity for (i few iliiyw returned to Eugene on Saturday. Saturday, Sept.. iMh, opi-uiiiK at the I'iihIiIoii Millinery. Maiiv liMI I K Mr. A. Welch, mniniL'iT of the lamctte Ynllev Co. arrived in tin ycatcrduy from IN u t IjlikI on husducsH. Mr. anil Mrn. (icu. V. Mrljiiecn win) hlive I u vIhIIIii in Kui'lie mill Portland returned home Sat II I' ll n.V. Mm, Caiiiil liower of KauHan City, iw visiting for H inoiilh ut the Jionie of her hrother-ln-lnw, Lottoy Woodn In thWclty. A marriage license Iiiim been issued to .1 oil n Fletcher, nued '-'8 yeai-H, of Kitfcni iiiel .MIhh Ivh 11 tt iitiin , aged IS of l.onine. IIoiihoh to rent, niiil iniiney to loan apjont for the U'Ht Fire InHiirnucc CunipunleK in the world. Cull on lllllllH. The uiinuul F.ncntiipmciit of the l.nne County Veteran wiih hehl in Eugene hiHt week, and u nuniher of vclcninH from thlicity attended. ilny I H, Nil it.v Mrx. Nchlbrede of Hillings, Mont., who Iiiih been vlHltlnjr her mother. Mm. Stouffer of this place for Home time left Wednesday enroute home. ltev. and Mth. W. A. F.lkhiH from Hood river, arrived In Cottage Grove on Saturday. Mr. F.lkiim hiicccciIh Key, !non an pastor of the ChilHtiau church ut thin place. The ladles of the Preishyteriiin church pruhldoil over a lunch counter lu the empty Inil-iliiiK on Main Kttcet, near the corner of Fifth street, on iiturday. and did a fair IhisIiichh. Kuiierintciiilont HaiiK'hinan, wife mid bahy have moved Into the Rich mond cottage on Fourth xtreet and I'rof. Tucker an-.' family will occupy the Mncy rcMidence on Wall Hired. The Cottage Grove. Manufacturing Company ha junt coinpli'ted repair ing, refitting and painting the coin liiuallon couch for the (. iV; S. I). Ilail rond which iH now a "thing of lienuty , etc. Do you know that i'luemilve Car lioll.ed aetw like a poultice In draw ing out Inllamntion and polnon'.' It Ih tintlHeptic. l''or 0u(h, huriiH, eeeiua, cracked handH it In immediate relief. LTictM. Sold by New F.ia Drug Store. Telepone gli lH In some cities are for bidden to ml pleaHe" to "number." lint no law can prevent uh from way lug "tlmnU you" und wishing to add "dear" when we are niiHwercd and got "number" within a few minutes, hn lHthe uHiuil ciiHi) in Cottage Grove. Fred Waehlte, a former employo of thin olllee, left hwt Wudnosday for Sa lem where he will enter the Willam ette, I'nlviiHlty. A farewell reception waH tendered 1dm by the members of tho Fpworth heiiKUeat tho Methodist church and o largo number of his frli iidM wish him HuecesH. llaleij limn, will Jiick neven or eight hundred boxen of winter applet) this fall on their pluco about two inilcH from Dorena. The brotherrt are ull woikeiy und the Bplendid cro) HiIh year Bhowa what SndiiHtry Hiid care fid fanning can produce on our Ore gon landn. All the lateat fall styles to be din , 4)hiyed Haturday. Makv Uautki.h. l!ev. A. ,f. ArniHtrong, pimtor of the M. K. Churi h at hnkevlewHb'ppoil over In the Grove Inst week on It iH way to Conference which ineetw In I'oltldinl lliin week, to vImII tho family of 1 1 In fnthcr-ii-law O. I', Aiiauifl. Air. .MiiiHtiong retioitt a Hpleinlhl growth lu all linen oMiiihI Iicnm in l.akeview and a huge luirveNt, Mr, Ariimtrong hIho hIiiIch that many new people are riiHhliig Into that Kce I hill Imping to secure lanit i.t. the opi ning of the I'oiest. Iteiierve Sept. That ninny will he illHHiipolntod a (here ii io not more than !HI deHlrahli inliiiM to be taken and there nre H and ID cabins already on several of the best, which looks like imnie lively scrapping in Night. 11 Is elaluieil ludlgeslliiu Ih the Na tional disease, Thats why the demand for Kings MyMpepHla 'i'alileti keepn Illi'lenHliig because they do the Work. Ktomaiii trouble, dyspepsia, ndlges thn, bloating, tc, yield iiilckly.Two days treatment free. Ask your drug gist about t hem. Sold by New Fru IM'iik Mure. Having Hold my fat in I mil obliged to Hell my stock Including my select ed herd of Jersey cows, registered Inland China hogs, full blood liy mouth I Cock and While Iieghorn chickens mid liron.o turkeys, bcsidcH .'I head of heavy hnrHcN and a driving team. I inn going to sell at private sale. For information call at the fai in one mile east of Saginaw or at my olllcn in Cottage Grove. F. It. 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 -i . 1 1 come- put up In a collapsible tube wit h n ini.le, easy to npply to the MiiiviicHi (iinl iuflamatlou, for any form of I'llci. It. soothes and relieves pain, iLchiug mid burning. Man 'Ann I'ile Kemeily. 1'iico T.o cents. Guar anteed. .Sold by New Kra Drugstore. Wednesday Sept. lsth a family re union was held at the home of Win. Ilawiey i.t Wlldwood. Th entire family of I I children was present, uIho four graiiihiiihlu'ii. It wiiHthellrM time in 1", years th it tire, family has nil been together and they came from nil over the state for tho occasion. Mr. Hen llawley. brother of Win. was also present. Mothers with little children need no longer fear-croup, colds or whooping cough, i'.cch Laxative Cough Syrup tantes good. It works oil' the cold through tin' bowels, cuts the jdilegm, clears the head. For young and old. Guaranteed, Secure a bottle at once. Sold hy New Kra Drugstore. The Sixteenth Annual Convention of the l.nne County Women's Chris tian Temperance I'nion was held at Fugeiie Filda.v. A number of ladles fioni this city uttended. Mrs. Fva Whecleirund Mrs. Cora Compton, are president and Corresponding sec retary of the convention. If you have head and eye ache have lr. I.owe test, your eyes when I, e is here next Monday, lie sure about tho children's eyes before they Htart to school. You und your children are snfo in consulting Dr. I.owe about your eyes. Ho has IS yenn of exper ience. The old structure on tho eant Hide of Ulver street north of Wall street, formerly iihoiI as a blacksmith shop has been torn down and replaced by u new one. It is the property of Geo. Orr, who It is Hniil Is planning to enter business here again. It is a well known fact that persons living in the pine forests do not suffer from kidney diseases. One dose of Filicides at night usually relieves backache. :!0 days' treatment $l.i0 Your money refunded if not untislled. Sold by Now Fra Drugstore - A line display of Gravensteiu apples was to bo seen at the store of Comp ton ic Wallace last week. All were line, sound fruit and many of tho apples measured from V2 to 14 inches iu circumference. Iia.nch(!s sMfiO, .ftiino, $1200, HriiK, ifTfinO, $11,(101) and .tL'O.ooO. AsIc Uinhs. There has been a great and unsat Islled domain! for labor among the fanners this fall, but the nearcity Is also to he found in ull towns and cities, there not being mechanics enough to till the demand. Wheat at the riouiing mills for 85 cents per bushel by the sack. i 0. N. G. Officers Promoted. Captain Hummoiul of Kugeue, and Captain Hamlin of Roseburg, have been promoted to the rank ol major, for soryieo with the uew Fourth Oregon Infantry. Both of ficers have had wide military ex perience nnd nre fully qualified to command battalions. Captaia Ham lin, who is superintendent of schools at lCob'eburg, commanded a com pany in the rhillipines during the trouble of ISDN, while Captain Hammond was a non-cotiuiushioned officer in the First Nebraska Volun teer Iufantry. I roiTl f ft 4ti ft SATURDAY SIIPTI'AIIJUR 28th. 1907. The Formal Opening and I'.vhlbit of KXCMISIVIC FALL AND WINTFK MII.MXKKV Itadleal limovntions Inform, mntei ;d and methods of elaboration mark the cvchHvc collection of huts to which we invite your Interest. MARY HA KILLS, - - Cotmije Crove. SATURDAY COUPON DAY. This Coupon will be taken for 50 cents oil any but, (no mutter how low the price) pttrh:iHcd in our Trimmed Hat I'arlors on Saturday September 2sth, GOOD ALL DAY. t r THE NEW ARMORY Is Now Being Fitted Up tor the Use of Co. E. 0. N. G. The interior of the l uge store building west of the bridpe lately vocatul by V. A. Hemenway, is being transformed and put in a con dition for an armory building for Co. O. N. G Although not as large as could be desired, it will make fail Iv good headquarters for the company The stoie room proper will be used for general tactics and drill, while the two rooms in the reir, one will bo used for toe captains and officers head quarters and the other ns an arsenal for nuns and eouipnu iits, and both will be fitted up according to the need. Tho company, wo under stand, has taken a leaso for three years, at the end of which time, they believe the slate will probabl) furnish the necessary quarter Co. Ii. of Cottage Grove is, wo believe the youngest company in the sHte, but nt the Itoseburg encampment they took a place in the front rank for eflieiency, and one of them lep resonted Cottage Grove ii the com peting riilo team at Port Clinton, Ohio. The Krst National Bank m Cottage Grove, Or. Paid up Capital: $25,000.00 Surplus mid I ndlviiled Profits. $5,875.44 Money to loan on approved weiirity KxchiinyeH sold, available anv j place in the United States IlliRimKT KAKir. '!'. Wheki.er j Hrolili-tii. I'mhlrr MORE IMPROVEMENTS To be Occupied by the Pacific Tele phone Co. and Modern Pharmacy. A SAD CASE OF SUICIDE Aaron Kelly of Coast Fork Swallows a Dose of Strychnine. Aaron Kelly of Coast Fork, who is well known in this place, com mitted suicide Monday night by swnllowing a dose of strychnine. It nppenrs that a week or ten days ago he went to Roseburg to prove up on his homestead, but as he told hia wife after his return homo, his memory seemed to become a blank and he testified to matters which were entirely wrong, among which was that he was married in when in fact he was a siugle mmi at that time, l'oaring that he had perjured himself to such an extent that he would lose his homestead, It ho preyed upon his mind that he became ineutally unbalanced. After his return from Itoseburg he told his family what he had done but nothing they could say seemed to relieve h'u mind. His father went to Itoseburg on Saturday to see what could bo done to straighten matters there, and will be greeted with the sad news of the death on his return. On Saturday Mr. Kel ley was in town and it appears ho transferred nil his property by deed to his wife and also purchased the poison which he look. He leaves a wife aud two .small children to mourn his loss, who have the henrtfelt sympathy of their neighbors, who speak in high terms of the upright character of the deceased. It is known that he has been a sufferer from rheuma tism for some time, and it is sup posed that while at Roseburg the disease struck the npine, causing him a loss of memory for the time being, aud which has resulted in such a tragic manner. Last spring, on iulormation gath ered from the principals, tho Nug get published a list of a number of iniprovrmer.ts aud new buildings proposed to be done in Cottage Grove this year. Most of them have been completed and add much to the appearance of our city but some of them have been postponed for one reason or another uutil next season. Ab hough it is rather late, however, one more big improve ment is to be added to Main utreet, the enterprising owners of the prop erty having decided to build as th'-y planned to do earlier in the season, and the building will be rushed to completion as rapidly as possible, if they nre not handicapped by la -k of mechanics or obtaining material, and work commenced this week on the new brick building on the Stewart bloek next to the Hotel Oregon on Main street, to be occu pied by tho Pacific Telephone Com pany and Ihe Modern Pharmacy. The building will be r0x'..- feet and two stories high. The upper floor will be fitted up into oflice rooms. The front of the first story will be plate glass when completed, which will bo about tho first oi Jan uary, it will be one of the hand somest buildings in the city. A PISTOL DUEL In Which a former Cottage Grove Mar shal was Involved. A pistol duel occurred on Satur day afternoon at Marcola in which one man by the name of Charles 'C'ro.vley was almost instantly killed, and Uert Nunn, formetly marshal of this city was seriously injured and from the effects of which he died Monday nlternoon. The troublo seems to have arisen from tho fact that Nunn was a witness n tho trial of Mrs. Alice Cruzan at Eugene for selling liquor, for which she was convicted, Crowley being interested, and it is said that he made threats against Nunn several times during tho day, and when they met he opened lire on Nunu who returned the shots with the results as stated. The latest person to bo shot by a companion out hunting was mis taken for a coon. Some of these hunting idiots would mistake a mo squito for a man. and New stock of dry goods shoes at OUiver Veatch'fl. WANTliP At this office, clean cotton rags for which we will pay 2 cents a pouud. Its Time to Consider About your Winter Hosiery, Underwear, Shoes, Dress Goods, Heady-made Skirts, Coats, Itain coots, Hats, Caps and Umbrella's. Everything in this lino has just arrived at C. H. BURKHOLDERS A large shipment of the Armor Plate Brand of Hosiery direct from the manufacturer has been received. This line is guaranteed to wear. Children's school hoso with triple knee, toe and heel; Haby's cashmere, in white and black, plain wervn and ribbed cotton; Ladies' cashmere, plain and ribbed cotton; Men's hose in black and fancv colors. You arc invited to call and examine my stock of floods. Prices are reasonable. Wynne Hardware Co. Don't Wait Until Your Grain agents for S RiPe SHARPLKSS n ml ready to be lm.rve.sted before buy- CREAM Iiik the machinery you will need. We crPSDdTfin nre handling and have on hand, the ourAKAluit, old reliable McCormlck Line of BEE HIVES REAPERS and MOWERS supplies R.AKES and BINDER.S And the celebrated , , , MITCHELL which make h;i3 for many years prov- T edits superiority by its work. So if BUGGIES, you need any machinery hi that line, it WAGONS and will be 11 wIho selection in buying this make. Come in and talk it over. VEHICLES. Wynne Hardware Co. ""1 I ! H0TEL QRAHflM 1 I Headquarters For i 1 Mining and Commercial Men I I G. T. LONG, Prop. I 3B U LLET I Ns Great Northern Railway Low Rates From the East During September and October the Great Northern Railroad will sell COLONIST TICKETS From all Eastern Points at Greatly Reduced Rates :::::: Now York to Cottage Grove. $50. Uoston Chicago " St. Paul Minneapolis Duluth Sioux City 00 $49-45 ..$33.00 .$25.00 .$25.00 .$25.00 .$25.00 Proportionate reductions from other point". Now Is the time to send for your frlendn. Orders for ticket will re. celve prompt attention. Additional Information on npiillca. tion to . H. DICKSON. Atfenl. l-'J Till KD ST. tit Nor. ltv. POItTf.A Nh. 1)11 W, A. UOSS, Ass't (leneial I'tisse'iiuer Airenr. Seattle, tt'n. HUM J WANTED -Experienced bridge carpenters, $3.50 a day, ulso labor ers 4'2. Tit) a day. Address P. V. Cooper, Black Butte, Oregon. 13-3t FOR RENT. Modern up-to-date lodging rooniH with bnth, in a quiet home. Inquire of Mm. K.A.Cottle. liO-Ut