Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, September 18, 1907, Image 2

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iit nil chpclin jyMi to Nutrgrl Tub. To.
Rntoml t Ih jHwionii-e nt Collate Orovr,
Otkiiu ! sooona cliws hi i I mutter.
srnsnsiPTioN k.tks.
6 month UM)
I year
IS months $-.00
If ptitil in ndvnnce.
Clubbing Pates.
The lUihemta Niijwt out1 year
.vlth nny one of tin- following put
llentlons one year for amount set
Pacific Mont lil v $2.00
Wccklv OivKonian (Portland I SJ..10
Weekly .lonrnal ( Portland 1 $2.00
ltailv Mining Kecord (lenverl .".:"0
Weekly Mining lfcvord SJ.2'.
Pneltlc Homestead S-.2."
Northwest Poultry Journal $1.7.1
ThWtwper is kit on II to lv TMK A MKKI
JAN SttMMi OSOKK.SS, Clminliir el ein
mere Htii I1 ntr. IHniM'r, Colo . whtrc o.-.r
roft'iors w iil I wt'lco'uo to t lie use ol the loiul
IliK Pixrs from tlu' Hrious lilinniK sci'lioni ol
he Went, a vientitio litrarv iiml initi-r-' -Uiblt.
THIS PAPKR mkppt nn input K. C PiHkp's
Ivvrltaiug Asrcncy. M unit (V .Men'linnta K
?haui?e, San Krnm'ioo, Culilornift. uln-roron-rmrU
(or ndrrrtlsitiit enii le maile for it.
Wednesday, Sept. IS, 1907
The Kugene people subscribed
J(!o,ooo as a bonus for a railroad to
Siuslaw, under certain representa
tions and propositions made by otio
Mr. Carver, a capitalist. That gen
tlnuan, bowevcr it would seem lins
been playing a double game, and
has given Eugene the cold .shoulder
to work up another scheme with
the city of Corvallis. He not keep
ing faith with the Kngene poo le,
it is now proposed by them to trans
fer the aubseription to Mr. Welch,
who proposes to build an electrie
line from Eugene to Salem to con
nect with the line at that place
nearing completion to Portland,
and sidetrack the Siuslaw proposi
tion for the present.
The terms on which the subscrip
tion is to be made collectible, wall
right if rigidly ndhered to, one of
which is that the road shall never
be sold or transferred to the South
ern Pacific Company. We have an
example of this kind of an agree
ment in the United States land
grant to this company or its pre
decessors, which give an inkling
that ways may be found to get
around such agreements, or at any
rate to cause an eudless amount of
trouble and expense to force ob
servance of the agreement if nny dis.
position is shown to evade it.
We are under the impression that
what Eugene and Lane county
more particularly desire, is not so
much a competing to Portland, ns
a competing line to the ocean, and
this is what a line to Siuslaw would
virtually be, whether wn traded
with San Francisco or Portland.
It is, in one sense, perhaps, no
business of ours what Eugene elects
to do with a subscription raised
among its own people, but we be
lieve that the Eugene Guard is on
the right track when it advocate
as follows:
''Suppose Mr, Carver does not wish
to carry out his agreement to lm'ld
the lEilgcne-.ShiHiiiw railroad. Why
should the project lie nliaieloiieil'.'
We have $iiu,nou In stoek'd that
la HiimVieiit to pin ran lee the good
will and co-operation of tli" people
here, and there are other men besides
Mr. Carver in the business, of railroad
building. It, would he far wiser fur
the Btotddioldcrs. at. the meeting next
Friday to vote In favor of a perma
nent organization, electing directors,
and taking other steps necessary to
build the line to tidewater that will
make Lane county more prospeious
and abHolutely independent. Why
Hhould the Kiiene-rortland project
be made contingent upon the throw
ing down of the safest and waiiest
plan that could ever he launched for
the solving of the transportation pro
blems that are hampering the devel
opment of the upper Willamette val
ley." A Hindoo sage with an unspeak
able name, predicts that in l'Jlo,
China and Japan will combine and
equipped with powerful arms, con
quer the world. It is hard to imag
ine the young generation of Amer
icans now growing up, being adorn
ed with a pigtail and wearing his
Bhiit on the outsido of his punts;
eating his soup with chop sticks,
etc., nor can we fancy seeing our
pretty girls hobbling along liko a
setting hen disgusted with its job,
with their leet resembling a worn
out baseball. These things may
happen, but we think the sago (?)
bus another (;ttcs; enniin lit- ha'i
failed to make c tot wlnt
the white people will lv doin
nloitir about that time.
The rain on Sniiilav "i.'Jit Imd
one Rood effect foi" which nil IW1
duly thankful, except I'-ilnpi hoc
mako.s. 1l cause 1 the wooden
sidewalk to swell ho th it (!;o n.iil-
no longer itottudil to ten the sole
off the pedestrian's shoe, an I theie
wa" not neat the amount of profm
ity lloatine; in the ait n'l Mond iv .is
! before the mist.
To cun
i v ! ) iir-t i,p e i In- In -I
i.l :itive I' mi :!i Sii'ii' .-1 t -
p'lltl.v on the I'.i'.Vi I-. drive-- cut the
ei ll. cleai s the head. It's !r;:s. nil
to take ail'1 ninther !-i;hl re.vni
metiil it for c.ds, civup. ; i ; 1 uhoop
iu:l coic-h. tiuaranti'eil to u'.ve .it
Isfaetion or money refunded. I " ; r l 1 11
i.od for yi'iim; an I nil. Si' I I ty New
ITa I Tu:; Store.
The man who vis;!e; wkh ih"
cow and learns tho calves to su. k.
vh easts tile corn b'"oiv l:i ' wino
is i.ow in greatest lee';. ;oi butter
is on the upper .'fade. vva!" l-ie.her
than a kit, fich po:k is cliirlen.;
up the scale, and l-eef is o :; o
sight. The ecg he (;at!.cis eu-ty
day from out his chicken com.-,ic
almost worth their weight in,
and we arc in the vmp. Hi- c ".n
brings fancy juices, it i lising
every day and he rakes in kinds
of cash for half a ti i i t h iv. The
farmer's in the saddle, an
comes to town, tin rest
rijh', should eo w. bu
a, by
.UP I sit
A r,ec (-paper is a enriou-" iliii-.L;
in the public eye. Th" new -gatherer
is stormed at Iveausc lie gets
hold ol one item and i-aba-ed he
cause he does not '.'ft aiidnfr.
Voting men and veini" women, .is
well as ohh r persons. ) ei :'. rm Met-- j "f them are obeying what the stat
which become h imate items iuv j "tes proviiles.
publication and then msh p the! According lo Mr. IIofT, who hs
newspaper office and bc;f the editor
not to note their csc.ipa !c. The
next weeK thev coudcni'i the satr.e
paper for not having published an-
other parly for doing tho s.unc thing
thev were etiiitv of f.-a "ettin" ap-
parcntly I heir late visit to
printing office. Exchange.
Don't worry almiit ymir '.
when you can nl.t.iin '', days'
nient of Pinculcs for fl.nn. lie
tlo globules bring rell-f ia ti)
din -tl'-:;t-
s" I'.l-
dose. I'.ack.'iche, laiiub.'iL'o and Itlp
m.'ltisin j-iehl 1 1 11 b-kly . If 1ml sal
tied your money reiunded. 'I'liis i
fair offer, you can't l"e. Si, I I 1 y N
l.ra Drnj;- Store.
A large number ot i
I.l 1,
:i h'.:
Secretary Taft last week w
visited Portland, and he no
made many now friends on that oc- j
casion. Taft is a large man in nc re'
than one sense of the word, raid
tliose who met h'.m lace to n-v on
his recent visit were made aw. re ol 1
that fact. There is no doubt that
the Secretary is good presidential
timber ami there is no d t;bt that
his recent visit made many i
votes in ca'-e no secur'-s ti.e nomi
nation and tho opportunity 1- !-i'. en
to vote one's preferen. a Or pon
City Enterprise.
Validity of Initiative ami fiei eiiduin
Portland, Sept. 1 I. Ti.e i aeilie.
States Telephone Company through
its attorney, Evan S. pill-ibmy, at
tack i the iiiitiativ.- rind referendum
l.iws i.i answer to a suit i idituted
by state to collect taxes on eroiH
receipts tod ay. The answer av-eits ,
that the initiative, and referendum !
laws violate the canHlitutiou of the
United States. It was not, cxp ted '
that an answer woti'd be !ii ib
It is likely to go to the hi-he-t
com ts of the land.
Mr. Liplon to Try Again to Capture ;
American Cni).
London, Sept. Ei.- Sir Thom ei
Lipton made the personal announce-
ment today before a number of Lis
cliil) Iriends tliat bo will make an
other attempt to regain tho Amer
ica's cup for Cj rent Prit iiu in T.)0S.
lfe announces that tb" new Sham
rock will bo built on entirely d-d'ei-erent
Important to Cruisers
I want every reputable crui.i r in
Southern Oregon tosend me his name
and uddress, upon receipt of which I
will Hfiid him iiil'ormalioii el' iial lu
teiestto himself anil his business. d
fli'LHs It. (i. Wolf, Kosobiiiy, Or. ;il-lt
4J Professors :
College nt l.ihernl Arts.
eel i:si:s :
Uasdcul . H.
Literary II. I..
Seleniille It. S.
IMiilosephieal I'h, ;,
The lilh'fte of l.l'heral Arts main
tains t lie following schools ;
The t.llep or Oratory, I). 1!.
The Teachers' t'olleijiv P.. IM.
Tho Normal School. Oiploiua.
ThoOrecn Institute or the
Academy. 1 lipluina.
The Selmol of I'omuicrce, I1
1011 c im 001 a eiiin si:
Salem, Oregon.
Dre'on women 110 matter in what I
;.ut of the state they reside will not j
li.iv" to work more than ten bouts
a dav il'O. I. IIolT, state labor coiii-
I missioiicr, is :dilc to prevent it. In
p.'i'tland the commissioner has will
ed a fa illy successful battle until in
line t ot the institutions where wo
. . 1 . , .1. , i- 1..
I tu' n are euipioyen. uie nouis 01 m
j bur for any one employe are not
I mule than the space permitted by
the law.
O itsi.'e of Portland, however, up
ami down the Willamette valley in
th." little towns of Salem, Eugene,
AH'a.iv, Corvallis and others, the
men who hire women in stores and
factories, look with some degree of
li-htiK ss ii!"ii the law, or did until
the recent trip of the commissioner
tlireu!,'h tho country. Now most
just returned from a visit through
ti e valley, he found a great many
cases of law violation on his trin.
j Iu "st instances, however, the vi
1 oiations were more the result of tg-;
i iU'ranee of the law or of cureless-'
ss than f t wilful intent and there,
t"re nothing more than admonitions
to be good were given by tho com
missioner. In some instances, hovv-
jevr, employers laitgneii ai me
! v ai iiings ol the ollicial ami are
Itlicrefoie 011 the black list.
'' am watchiu;; for those fellows
i and will get them before I finish,
i is the way Mr. Iloff put it this in discussing the cpiestion. i
The greatest difficulty experienc-j
cil by tlie commissioner in bis work!
j) i ti"ularly in Portland, is in the
failure ot those who call his atten-j
ticn to violations f)f the law in dis-!
I cuvct inir tho names ot tlie women
who are worke 1 beyond th" legal
limit. In the future, however, these
, .. CO l. .... I ilw.
priftot s will be convicted upon tho j
evidence of their employes. - Jour- j
jnal. I
I Conti.i uf cl from fostpage.)
1 0 bt. Paul, was l'Jt) days, and the
Pacific Coist luinberiiicn lost $1.5,-!
;,, ,.,.11 , ,.t ... . 1... !
1 iii'.i,iiiu 111 l a in 'ii i .1 1 i"n m i,iiii-- "y
rei .'n nf the inefficiency of the
Now lo make it more difficult to
obtain cheap lumber, Messrs Hill
;,nd Ifarriman have announced an
inereas" in tutes of H) cents per i0
pounds, which will add to the cost
of lumber just $3 30 per 1000 feet
iti all the territory cast of the Itocky
mountains, e-:cept Nebi-aska .md
Kcui:-a wheie the advance will bo
--cent- per 101) pounds, or &l;d
per 1000 leot. The excuse for hold- i
; (!lc p'ddic is haul ( f 1 mpty
' car"' ,u"1 allolhor is the -.'alled
j lli-h. ,,l i'"s of ,l,lllhcr-,jut n.olhinK
ls M,u a"111 1,10 "K pnees 01
freight. Tho cost of lumber under
I I'l'iim r.'ieilic Cost Kreilil. !
; Coast to nt mill Chg's Total
!"i.l)U flit. all ,f:il..Vl
, Omali.'i 1.1.0(1 Is. 15 :i.'!.l5
Chicago l'i.(M) III. so li 1,80
; Cincinnati u'-t.Kl lis.10
I ndiallltpolis... 1 .1.1 HI 2.'!l IIH.OII
! St. bonis M.un l'O.IW .'lu.iii'
1 De.s .Moines. ... 11. on la. ho 111. SO
Denver I1,0i) m.r,) :ir,t) i
i New Vnrlc aii.-lu
Note that freight charges exceed
the cost of lumber in every in
stauce. -Washingtouian.
3 Instructor.
Allili.iled Colleges,
ullene ,,r Medicine M. P.
College or Law.... I,L. It.
Colleiie of Theology It. I.
College of Mu-le It. M.
The Atllliateil Colle'cn are It mill - v;
eially imlepeiuleiit of the Col-;
lene of liilu nil Ails.
The St houl of Al t, I 'ert itleate.
The IScliool of Art is also tlnan- y
elallv lllilopemli'lit of the Col- v;
lee r Llheral Arts. v'
U. M. CI lie, mail carrier on the
Sharp creek wagon roml to I'.ohe
mia post office, iiiinminees that on
and alter September 1. he will run
a stage tr the accommodation 01
passengers and express matter.
Stage leaves Kid liridge station
on the U. A; S. , railway, immedi
a'ely alter the 11 nival ot the train,
Moml.iv, Wednesday and I'lidayof
each week. returning alternate
days, nlltl-lt
and CURE the LUNCS
Dr. Kind's
Ikvi Discovery
50c & $1.00
Frco Trial.
Surest anil Quickest Curo or all
We have cstahlishcil a
Class in your town and
yon can join this c lass at
any time. We ijivc spec
ial drills and our super
ior drills are just what
you must have if you de
sire the best success.
We .assist worthy stu
dents to secure o()od po
sitions. Do not say that
you cannot learn to
write Shorthand lor
You can in a Short Time
Be Prepared to do the
work the world wants
done. Address
Sodaville, Or.
I 'or l'nrl her Informal ion
CM.:, AT M THiKT OI'l' ICi :.
W. II. AIIKAMH, II. 1.111(11, W. A.
iiaii'i cm:, Clin, i i m ki i:v,
r. hums kino.
Baiik of Cottage Grove
Paid Capital $25,000.00.
W. H. Abrami
- Pretident
- Caihlar
AnkUtiiDl Canhler
u. Lurcn
C. Ro.t Kind
A. H. KeUo
A ropre.sentdtlve bank of the
huHiness public of this city and
Hurround lug country.
We Solicit your business.
000000 000000 o 0000-00 000000 1
If it's Up-to-date, THE TOGGERY has it.
tTYl.lsil mid WI'.r.l..'l l"l'I.Nt)
clolhert nre lU'uiaml'.'d by nil
men of tno.l judunient mid
Is t lie place In ;ct ymir ( hit lit fl'oni
the crown of your head to the
Mules of your (cel. This w II I'm
"cather rcmlndi us thai.
We will miike it cool tor
011 i yon buy ymir SUM
mi:k hm)i rwpar of us.
If it's Up-io.datc,
livery day you can liny
ooods alisolutcly riht.
Strictly Slraililforvanl Business Methods.
One Trice to all, and
All get Value Received.
Alain direct, -
Of Trimmed Dress Hals
The tlnal ii-(iii'Iiiiii of onr entiri' Hloek of I'iue Press Hats, that for
merly sol I up to fl.nii will he dosed nest .Saturday, July bltli.
A nrrnl rliMtco to itol rv now and dlltnrent
Summer Hat for Only S1.98
We oNo hIi.ov n lin" line i.f I'.eaeli and Oiitiny; Mats; just what you
neci fur anir ncatiou trip. I'lea a- rciucmht r I ho place .
MAIN ST. F.:r floors Ktvfit of BridjiCi COTTAGE GKOVK
it: Jt: i- ;2i
We iilxo handle nil Mudri "f
m jc cxniiiiiy nacninery v
CreoLin Separators, Sporting Goods W
in My a . fc,. w
i nil- n
nuiiiuiiiuui vvu ouy
unnin cc
GRAIN, riiliD, also BALED HAY.
i! 0
FLead the Nxigget.
The TOGGERY has it.
'" - iviai 't.fcuwi w
Cotten'o (irovc, Ore.
Jfc ifc ' ' ' V
lers in
Sloves ami llniips. A $
. w
rrm n "
riiiiiniiiiiiiuii, r-iu"
1 r 1:1..
iui yudiuy. - tail on
vearcn to. t