Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, September 04, 1907, Image 1

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ii" Jk 1 Jk msm. ASi&-m
Ci HlitorlMl 8oelit)C
Devoted to the Mining, Lumbering ond Farming Interests of this Community.
NO. 31
Oregon's Governor Would
Restore Lands to People
The Congress also Addressed by C.
W. Fairbanks. Vice-President of the
United States, and a Telegram
Read From President Roosevelt.
Thu 1 1 ligation CongreH wan
opened fit Sacramento mi Monday,
a, largo number of pinminent men
of the United States being present.
In his remarks Gow-iiior Cham
berlain alluded to th" wolk lit in,;
done under tlm Carry a l, but Hiid
it was his experience that while Hi
eoveruineiil acts nioie slowly Unit i
results ohtained me more mil stan - U
tint than thoH leHultiu,' tro:n pii
vate enterprises.
Chamheilaiu l.iniented the la.l:
of enro which hud existed in dinpos
ini of the pul.lie dotnain. While
he did not want to ho uudecslood
as l.eini; in hivor ! confiscation,
mid wh treiierally opposed t . law
kvsncss. the revelations ..( fraud in
seiMiiiti). vast aids was, in his opitt
ion, Mtflicieiit jjroun h for li 1 1 I i 1 1
means to take radical steps lo re
store them to the people. Nor
should it be forgotten tlm hpeaker
said, that in addition to miauls
fjivcu them lor construclini; their
road, the railroads have obtained
millions of acres ol lands which
in o withheld from sale, sometimes
in express violations oi the terms
of the grants, and always to the re
tardution of commercial and ne.ti
cultural development of the stitis.
Following th" Governor was the
itpeech of the N ice-president of the
United States, Charles V. Fair
banks. At the conclusion of Fair
bank's speech Clifford l'inchott,
government forester, read a tele
gram from President Ifooseveli ex
pressing best wishes for the success
of tho convention.
The president paid there is no
movement nioro emphatically for
the benefit of the iimall farmer and
ranchman than the irrigation move
ment. There is no other way to
assist the actual Hettler and lmtue
makcr ho powerful ns through the
wise use and preservation of waters
and forests. Tho president also
said it was a matter of great satis
faction that congress would devote
attention to other things besides ir
rigation and forestry.
Grant's Farm Home Sold.
St. I,ouis, August HO. The his
toric Dent farm o 1,'fS acres (.mtsido
tho city limits was sold today for
$74,000. The log cabin occupied
by (lennral Grant is still standing.
'I lie bites and stings ol insects, tan,
Hiinlnirii, cuts, burns and bruises arc
relieved at once wit li l'lnesalve Cnr
l.olizcd. Acts like a poultice, and
draws out Inlhiiuatloii, Try II, '-'Vis
Sold b.v New Kra Drugstore.
To Capture Eastern Immigration
At a banquet given by the Ku
gene real entate brokers hist Friday
night, it was decided to send a man
to Forlland to remain there during
the months of September and Octo
ber for the purpose of diverting
eastern immigrants, who will bo ar
riving in that city in large numbers
during that time, to Ivugeno and
Lane county. .Support was pledged
from the Merchants Protective As- Hiirest, lienllng naive ever applied to 11
sociaiion. and the Commercial club, j J, to J of
Two hundred dollars a month has talklni? uhout." liuaranteed by Hen
been subscribed for that purpose. I Blll,'u l'"iwy. Mo.
Rc&olutio.i Tonus the Working Basis .
o( Stale Grange Tax Commission. :
I im of th" most notable c.iHi'i in i blc, and Unit ho r mind had weaken-
Tin1 following resolution wan ln- ,('K''I history h i" just come to mi , cd with her hody, others asserted
sented lV tin- I, inn County Ihisi-i end by llm ithdni'.wil of tlm suit j that she whs st rong, alert and vig
ness Council, ft tul adopted hy Hie f("' "ic appointment r.f a guardian : (,iom; phy-ically and mentally, and
Oiegoii State Grange: of Hi" pcron mil estate id Mis. j tint the burden of her H7 years was
"Jii Holvnd, That tin; represent.!-1 IS-'ik-r G. F. I ly, founder ol Chi ist J n ,.,, one. Umlu prcseure, lmr
livi-M lu the Sliite (Irnnnc IVotn I.inn , i:n Scirii'-c. The suit, bn.ught in ; son, George W. Glover, acting as
county, he iiistiucUd to ask tbe'Hm N'ew Hampshire court", at-"fjit friend," brought the Hint
Slato Clause to i)jioinL a sperild 1 ti in t' -I nl f-i.t ioti because it was that Iiuh just hrcn withdrawn; he
committee (,f live members mi asses-1 rifininsl a woman 7 years old; of i h represented hy able talent,
nifiil and taxation, who shall take f." "t wealth. possessing an inllu-j which included United States Sena
up the subject of scenting equal ;encc incompai ably greater llinn j ior William K Cliandltr. The ease
tncs in our state; ami w hoso find-1 th it ol au.v nmioiiiled and crowned j was conducted hy three maulers,
ings shall bo Kubimtlc 1 lor discus ! ruler in the wot Id today ; who uh i r. Jr. Hi, tin- celehrated alienist,
'im and icvision In the vaiious I - ' ' ' t" he, d ad, who had been re- and two judges. Mm. Eddy's tes-
......... ! e ,n,,l C.iinlv Ooiimils ,
dm in;,' tl.e ye ar, and whose final re-j
noil shall I.e. made at tlm annual
This .
of the state grange in IW. ! ''"' ""'seli; ol wnom n mui dccii i happenings oi uais ago; gave oe
ommitcc has held its pre- j wi illeii that elie 's the creature -uU on subjects that the present
jimimuv ..-si. .ii and ha:, divided '
the 'A i ilk
t in li i l
. us lo ohtain homo sub- 1
ults at. the next meet in;,',
II Wld I e
r every pran;,'.'
to ain i l it a cniiimittee to investl
- ate ta timid rs in its own neigh-
li.rlinod nut coui'lv. If vout
county assessor is doin really
.od j
work, in us-j"siii,'; proi'frty. you
should lind it out and inourae,"
him ly yout commend. H nui. It h
is not su'( i e. u,' to our satisfac
tl()ll ,!.,, y,P, .;!,,, i., him to ,
leu y sho'
!,j , ,.,. ,
j;ul n,,,, , tH. ,.j,;ict facts, ,i,,1It,,,. llM, hmld pro-!
lest or I'm I fault until he kno'vs Hut I
details o
Ihe m itlei. Tlio details i
of the usscssim-nl
r"ll beloi'i; hy
right to eveiy lapayer. If
class of propel tv is not paving Us
just, proportion .,( taxo-. then sonm j
.ther chm is paying to much.
C.eneialiy the man who owns his
home m town ami the Ui me,-.s, liav
borne the loudens of taxation
When the Pinners in the grange cd
uciitn themselves upon this subject
they will be in a position to demand
I'eloi ins long needed.
I,ct youi subordinate grange tax
commiilee .epott monthly to your !
Pomona committee ami to the State
Lecturer, who is chairman oT the j
State grange tax coui.nittee. F.yory 1
Pilmi. ol 1 1 11 i'i n,l 1 v in (lice, ill I
" !
should ho informed as to the a i
scssed value of every mile ol rail-,
road, electric hue, ol eveiy public
Herviee corporation and private en
terprise, every acre of timber land
held for speculation, and of all oth-1
er forms of property likely to es
In this state tho assessment roll
in not published so we must dis- !
cover for ourselves in other ways
just how well tho assessor hasd .imj
his work.
In collecting taxes the sheriffs!
say, it is not the amount of tax I
people complain of so mud, as it is
tho injustice and inequality of it.
One man had :I7 ncros and had
painted and repaired his fences and
buildings iill the place looked very
line, and he discovered that his
next neighbor who had 200 acres
of just the same land, but with
neglected buildings and tumble
down fences, paid the same amount
of tax.
At evory court hoiific in the state
let there he watchful, intelligent
people when the board of equaliza
tion hears the arguments by eorpor
rtions why their taxes should bo
cut down.
This is rightfully tho business of
tho taxpaying farmer and ho will
not be out of place on that occasion.
-Everybody Should Know''
ways l). (I. IIiijh, u prominent lmni-
; news man 01 lllull. Mo., that, liucklen s
An lie; 1. Halve im II111 ouicUest 11I11I
polled menially incompetent alio
... i
pl3 sic-ill v unfit lo control her pro- , mat liable ever heard hy a court. It
II'"'' m peiloini the simplest offices tta versed a wide range; took up the
Id a If I t '.111...... f I
of a that used her us a inn-
'li'nc '"' ''oiumg momy 101 mem,
who was ;,id
vet to liave had a n '
' existence, mi l who has done more
i;ood than an livm; man or wo- :
in hi. ;
I'm time in. .1, lie, Mis. h.ddy has :
ihe of n extraordinary ,
net it .I 'attacks that Iicjoin with an , noi hin; in her writings that has
aiticle in a mHow journal of N'esv 'collided a blow; she has not ussail
Vnil.. It was stated .piite seiious-1 tl any hody; the disagreement that
ly that he was dead that she. had j one nii'ht have had with her doc-
I "-en deiul tor Home time, ana umi
her pl.i.-c had been taken by a wo-
man ma le up lo represent hei ; then
a i m ' tiun was made that, while j
h'f iithm;,' tin- breath ol lile into the ,
.I I'll.. Ill
"osiriis oi .mis. r.uoy, ten. net
poor, weau-numie.i woman, oeiuu
i . , , i
",wer, ami a pnsoiier in her own
house, enher news. iipcrs .sent re-
I'res- .natives to interview Mrs. Kd
said she was bent and fee-
The St ite Association ol Sheriffs
met 111 I'ortlan 1 last Friday. On I
,,e snnK. ,iJV the sheiitVn of the I
s,at. , Washington .net in an-j
oouv,.,. ad a joint ,,1011 was held
m p((.tll 0n Saturday. Tlm next j
8r:.,i will beheld it, Asto.ia.
im, .............. .1 il... , ,1 ,r 1 1, , 1 i, 111
Van -1
is , i 1 i l tor tho members to get
.lt.1iiltillio.l and di-cuss such
ton; ,IS itftVct conduc. of the ufheo
to the best interest ol tho people.
Atl'riday's m.etiug the question
ofsal-i ol property for delinquent
tax claims was discussed, the new
law differing in important partion-.
lars from the oM law.
c.,1... 11... ..1,1 In iv 1 ,1 inonenl
taxes had to be advertised before
I'llUU Ol" ui.. j
At about 1 o'clock Friday niorn
ing a charge of dynamite was ex-1
ploded under tho saloon of John
Daly of Detroit The building was
blown to atoms, and there i 1 no
trace of Daly tho proprietor. It is
feared that he perished in tho de
struction of the building. Tho ex
plosion shook every building in I)r
froit, and many windows were brok
en by the force of the concussion.
Hosidonts five miles distant from
the scene of tho explosion heard
the noise. As yet there is 110 evi
dence as to tho persons responsible
for the crime, though an investiga
tion is said to bo under way.
It is said that a fovv days ago,
Verdict of Guilty.
Sail l'Vancibco, August 30. Tho
oirv in the i-iso of I onis Class , ,f
jury 111 tlic ( jbo 01 j)i,ts l.iass. 01
the Pacific States Telephone Co. ,; action of the liver und lwel.i w lien
, , ... . .. . . , . nmulated with Hr. Mini's New Life
charged with bribing Supervisor;,. ,;imn,nteod by lieimon's I'liar-
I.ouorgan, reached a verdict ofi'micy. ".
guilty on tho first ballot tonight. j logal blanks Nugget office
ttni. l! V w 'IS
ohililv the moet re-
generation Ins forgut, and on one
an i ml tmns .iisr usse.i mis woman
of s" years o." age was lucid aud ex-
plicit and accurate.
It in not clear why Mr:. Kddy
shoiihl have hcen made the victim
f,f join nalistic attack and dart per-
pecution. Slie is verv old ; there is
t; tno was u matter tor calm tliscus-
sion , it did not call for writs and
sutnmoiises and court appearauces.
If those op posed to the beliefs of
this Si-ycur-old woman thought
. 1
iney were injuring nor or ner,
it is likely they hava discovered
their error. Out of the pi rsecution
of the hist nine months the Christ
ian Science Church has reaped a
harvest of converts. Spectator,
becmiin;' a lien on property; and f.t
delinquent sale anyone was allowed
to n.iv He taxes and receive a
.iimui utk; definable by the
. f owlH.r withi Uir,(. yearH The
, a!)olislus llle ailvorti.slLg
Uxt hut provides that when
taxes bceomes delinquent any one
j . lll0 !imol,llt jue, with 1"
1 ,,. c,.,lt penalty added, and iceeivo
! ., ..... to
(.ase tl)e prior owneI.
; 4.crtifi(.aU, wilh
( ,)eful0 Uu. cxpirati,)n of
, voted as tho
:iss, n'i'i t ion that the
eei loiv-ait:
does not apply to
, tho 1907 levy.
jHily incurred the hostility of a
gang of Greek laborers employed
011 the Corvaliis & ICa-storn railroad
in construction work, but there is
no evidence to connect the loreign
. is wilh tho crime. Tlm (.reeks
are said to have been in Daly's sa
loon the other evening drinking.
Wliilo they were in the saloon they
wero lold that their bunkhottse was
on lire. Tho Greeks started to
leave the saloon to save their be
longings, but in their intoxicated
condition, it is said, Daly persuaded
thom to remain in tho saloon and
continue their "good time." Al
bany Herald.
-Regular as the Sun'
Is an expression lis old as the race.
Noiloulit the rlslUK iiml setting or
1 Hio sun is t ho nioKt regular perforin
, ,n imlvill.H it ,H (hl
Proposed Reform is Very Moderate,
but in the Right Direction.
For the first lime in years the
United States has a Postmaster
General who seems to appreciate
the opportunities of his office. Tue
postofiice department might, under
intelligent management such as
prevails in other countries, become
one of the principal means of en
lightenment and comfort to the na
tion, but almost the sole concern of
those who have conducted it in re
cent years has been ti avoid in
fringement upon the privileges of
private greed.
Mr. Meyer wishes to establish a
genuine parcels post. He would
raise the mailing limit to eight or
ten pouuds. At present it is four
pounds. The proposod reform is
very moderate, but it is in the right
din-cton, and, if it overcomes the
opposition of the parasitic express
companies, it will relieve the Ameri
can people from numerous vexa
tions. Our ptimitive postal facili
ties are a scandal i" a country
which boasts ol its wealth and prog
ressivenC'S. Kven in Grpat Britain
where railroad influence is utroiig,
the mailing limit is eleven pounds.
In France it is 22 and in Gennauy
110 pouuds. The United States
charges 10 cents a pound for post
age on parcels. In Great Britain it
is lj cents, lor a pound pat eel mid
2." cents for It pounds an v where
within tho islands. The rate to
Hongkong by way of Suez, which
is much farther than New York to
the Philippines, is 12 cents a
pounds. Uverywhero on the con
tinent of Europe small parcels ore
sent by mail at cheap rates, where
we must submit to the extortion of
the express companies. Famdies
are served with groceiies by mail.
The laundry comes and gous
through tho mail. The to-trists
mail his small baggage. In France,
Germany, Switzerland it is thought
be'ler to Kerv the welfare of the
people than to' he-qi lip big divi
dends for tiust magnates.
Of course tho expttss companies
will continue to oppose the parcels
post. Their graft is too lucrative
to he given up without a struggle.
Mr. Meyer says the parcels post
will not compete with these over
grown parasites, but compjiition
cannot be avoid, d. His reform
would save enormous sums to the
peoplo but it would cut off the same
amount from the revenues of Stua
tor Piatt's trust. Hitherto the
trust has b.en strong and wily
enough to block every move to
establish a parcels post; but there
is reason to hope that it msy not
control the next Congress. Mr.
Meyer, speaking for the American
people, will perhaps receive more
attention than Mr. Piatt speaking
for his monopoly. Oregonian.
Substantial Aid for Strikers.
The striking lelourapheis of San
l'Vaudsco, have received substan
tial evidence of the sympathy that
the railroad telegraphers feel for
their c ause when tho Commercial
union was notified that it could ex
pect about $250,000 a month from
tho Order of Railroad Telegraphers.
I,. Guide, grand secretary of the
llailroad Telegraphers, ordered au
assessment upon each member of $1
a week. There are marly CO.OOO
railroad keymen in the United
Slates who will respond to the ap
peal, many of whom, it is expected,
when able to do so will increase
voluntarily the amount of the oflic
ial assessment:
If you sillier from bloating, belching
sour Hloinai'li. Indigestion or dyspep
sia, take a King's D.YHpflpsia Tablet
after each meal, and overcome tho
disagreeable trouble. It will improve
the appetite and aid digestion, Sold
by New Era Drujj Store. .f X
Thousand of Leaflets Dis
tributed About Oregon.
Campaign of Publicity to Get Home
seekers to Come to Oregon Started
by the Commercial Club of Port
land Meets Hearty Co-operation.
Widespread interest is being
awakened over the state in the cam
paign started by the Portland
Commercial Club to secure distribu
tion throughout the east of the leaf
lets announcing the colonist rates
and urging bomeseekers to visit
Oregon during the month of Sep
tember. The dub has printed 50,
000 copies, and rush orders are be.
ing received from a score of com
mercial organizations and many in
dividuals over the slate, asking for
bunches of the leaflets They will
be inserted iu correspondence that
is sent east.
Pre-eminent in the consideration
of a Pacific Coast trip by Eastern
people at this time is the fact that
the colonist rates during th month
of September, will be the last rates
of this kind granted by transconti
nental railroads. Never again will
they, it is said, voluntarily give the
people opportunity to travel from
the Missouri river to the Pacific
coast for the sum of $20. The East
ern bomeseeker who has any inten
tion of visiting this coast because cf
the cheap rates must come now.
Later on he will have to pay the
full fare.
The colonibt rate allows passen
gers all the privileges of a first
class train excepting a berth in a
standard Pullman sleeper. Instead
ot this he is carried on a first-class
tourist sleepiug car, which contains
every needful convenience of travel.
The all-important thing to re
member in purchasing a colonist
ticket is to have it designato the
town iu Oregon "to which the trav
eler wishes to locate. The price is
the same for any destination in the
state, but the ticket must bo pur
chased to final destination.
The Limit of Lite.
The most eminent medical scien
tists are uuanlmoiis in the conclusion
that the generally accepted limitation
of human life Is many years l'low the
attainment pos.sll.le with the advanced
knowledge of which the race Is now
possessed. The critical period, that
determines Us duration, seeir.a to be
between f( and i0; the proper cure of
the body during tills decade cannot
be too st rohgly urged ;carelessuess be
ing fatal to longevity. Nnture'H best
helper lifter fit) is F.lectrle Hitters, the
scientific tonic medicine that revita
lizes every organ of the body. Guar
anteed hy llensou's Pharmacy. 50c.
Justice for Settlers.
Washington, D. C, August 2S.--The
Interior Department is revok
ing the ordor of Socretary Hitch
cock suspending thousands of pub
lic land entries in the West, and as
soon as possible all entries where
proot is complete, and against which
no charges are pending will be pass
ed to patent.
Hundreds of thousands of acres
were tied up by Mr. Hitchcock's
order of suspension, and there is
not a single word of evidence in the
files of the department to justify
his action in a great majority of
The present administration is as
determined as Mr. Hitchcock to
punish laud thieves, but does not
piopose to punish the innocent
aloqgjwitU thd guilty.