Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, August 28, 1907, Image 4

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The Expense of Publishing Newspa
pers Greatly Increased.
Like evco thin;: else, tin; cost of
publishinj; n newspaper has in
creased. A i!o . en or so years ago j
the getting out of a paper was com. it ; au opportunity that all lovers
lucratively inexpensive. Help wns'ot glKHi amusement BhouM avail
cheap, paper stock was low, otnl ti,emsc1voa of. as the Riugling
less reading matter was required. ; prothcra have organized a circus so
Today printeis get sixty per cent ! CXC0Uent, so largo and so full of
.more in wages than they got twelve I tiovolty that it is above comparison
years ago and another increase is , wjtu any other show,
to go into effect September 1. The, Fcreigu agents now stationed iu
piice of paper stock has risen fully ; I.urc,pe and Asia were instructed
a thitd and is s-till rising. last wiuter to engage every net of
The introduction of the linotype . prominence regardless of cost, and
into newspaper offices was felt to be , tiie result is a performance abso
the downfall of compositors, but lately mowopoliiug all the world's
time has shown that there are more ,est taleut. What these agents
men m l women at work today on )eft for 0ii,er shows to engage was
newspapers than ever before. The , ll0t considered good enough for the
reason is that newspapers give Riugling Brothers to bother with,
more for the money than tortnerly. There nre over ioo performers with
give more reautug aud a larger and
better paper in every way than was
the case in fcrmer xears.
There is nothing on the market
that people
ct so inner, oi.tor ineir
money as they do i'i newspapers at i
the present time. It is rich in news,
full of entertainment, indeed, a ne
cessity for the counting room, the
More and the home.
With this increase in the cost of
and 'ttin- out papers
will certainly come increased rates
of adveitising for the merchants,
for there is nothing else left for tbe
papers to do.
Miners Supplies
at reasonable prices.
Our jVIotto:
Goods at Reasonable
General Merchandise
Miners Tools and Amunitions
Tullar & Powell, Proprs.
Fashion Stables
The Ilodjjc Jijjs give a perlect separation
of iCine-Ieail-Ore
1634 BlaUcSt.
uLl Jli
-rti r r.r If dm
.1 A L-l-lO)
30 days' treatment for $1.00. Satisfaction
guaranteed or money refunded.
Many Going to Circus.
The people of this vicinity will
have luit 0110 opportunity of seeing
liinglini: Brothers WoiM's Circnt
est Shows this year, the exhibition
at Kuccne on August ;,o being the
0)ie lo lc tin-Rented near here.
the circus aud 100 big acts, not one
of which auv other show could af
ford to pay for. The Riccobono
hoists which wear trousers, coats
ami boots and stand and walk on
their hind feet ail the time they are: 11
:.. .i ,o,.,ci tri.,Q.l :
., ,? ,
ammai act tue wutw tins ever seeu.
If the space were to spore 100
more nets, better than ever before
seen iu this country, could be men-
tioned. Suffice it to say that Bing-
nug liionu rs uave an orgiini.ituuii
so wonderful as to staud on a plain
by itself high above any other kind
of amusement. And there will be!
but one opportunity for the people j
of this citv to see it. j
& Gettys
& Gettys
TO? For
For Sale by New Era Drug Store.
1 ho biles nnd Mings of Insects, tan.
unburn, cuts, burns and bruises mv
relieved at once with Tlnesalve Car
bolii-ed. Acts like a poultice, and
draws out tulhimallon. Try lt.'.Vets
Sold by New la Drug Store.
Any person wishing to Investigate
Ms or lier nsKoHsnieiit for l'.n7 for the
purpose of correcting any errors or
omissions will please call at Hie ns
svs'sor's otllco wltlun the next ten
Jays, that the matter may be attend
ed' to before coniinencliiy: to rite the
Persons who have loaned nionev
and have taken deeds ns security niul
who have not reported uticli loans lo
the assessor, are hercdy not Iticd that
t lie same are taxable credits and ll
not reported immediately they will
have to bear the conseiiuenees1 of as
sessments made from the bent Infor
mation obtainable.
B. V. Ki im v,
County Assessor.
t'nlted States Band Olllee.
Kosebui)?, Oregou. July ill), l'.H7.
Notice is hereby iven that In cotn
pliance with the provisions oT the act
of Congress of .lime :(, 17 entitled
"An net for the sale of timber lands
In the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory",
as extended to all the l'ublie Band
States bv act of August 1. l-s'J,
Oregon, tiled in this olllee on April
1W7. his sworn statement No. M70
for the ourehase of tho S', of S P. .
and S 1. V, of of Section No. .il
, ...... N- , ,,,MOiitli. ISanirj No.
l west W. M. and will offer proof to
show that the laud sought is more
valuable, for its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes and to es
tablish his claim to said laud bef ue
W. W. Calkins, I'. S. Commissioner
at hisotlioein Eugene, (rygm. on
Tuesday the 5th dav of November.
lie nanus as witnesses:
F. ti. Young of Eugene, Oregon; o.
K. Stafford of Eugene. Oregon: M.
E. Fleming of Eugene, Oregon; l'.oli
ert Wilhelin of Bexter, tlregon
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the aboe-descrilod lands are
requested to Illo their claims iu this
otlice en or before said 5th dav of No
vember B'o7.
l'.KN.iAMiv L. I'.niiv, Kegister.
Restoration to Entry of Lands in Na
I tional Forest.
j' Notice is hereby gWvn that the
hands described U'low, eml'incin' -h"
; acres within the Cascade National
1 Forest. Ore., will be subject to sottle-
1 meiit aud entry under the provisions
i of the homestead laws of the Baited
j States aud the act of June 11, UK.iti
' C4 Stat.. i'3:ii,at the i nited states
Baud olllee at Itoseburg, Oregon, on
Sent. 10, V.ki7. Any settler who was
actually and in iiiod faith clnhning
any of said lauds for agricultural pur
poses prior to January 1, Bturt and has
not abandoned same, has a prefer
ence right to make a homestead entry
for the lands actually occupied.
Said lands wen- listed upnti the appli
cations of the persons mentioned be
low, who have a preference right sub
ject to the prior right of any su !i
settler, provided such tetth'r or appli
cant Is qualified to make homestead
entry and the preference right is ex
ercised prior to Sept. In, 1 " T . cm
which date the lands will be subject
to settlement and entry by any quul
ilied persons. The lands are as fol
lows: SK'j nf NW1;. Sec. Jf;T S,
K. :! E, W. M., listed upon the appli
cation of James Y. Hill, of llazledell,
Oregon. I'nrn Dennt.t, Actiny; Cmn
mlssiouer of the (ieneral Band (Mice.
Approved June .j, l'.'UT. Jfsii: I'..
Wilson, Acting Secret n ry of the In
terior .
'& COTTA(Ji:
All the latest treatments.
Ordinary Cases $1 2 per Week.
J I'nr fin llier jinrtioulars iclitrcss
Dr. ii. c. sc iim:i:i
Slvcw xwxxvw? xwvx . v- "v.
KepalrliiK Ht rean.tuiljlc utiurKC.
All wnrk KUiirHUlecl Ilrst-eluKa.
WHtches, Cliii'kn an 1 Jewelry at Lowum i'r.eo
J. S. Medley. .1. C. .lidiiinon
Medley 3'' Johnson,
Office Suite X Hank llhhj.
Special attention jdveti to Mining
und (;or)oi'allon Law.
Ollii'e ( ., '-liii ..!, Went Hlile-
Cott. vIrovk, Ork.
the Kidneys, Bladder
Uncminl on1 vonil
and Rheumatism.
S l'TI'.NT.
I nllcd Slates I, mid Olllee, Koseblllg,
Ore ron. Mineral A ppllealion
No. 1 Ti.. Augu-I HMI7.
Notice l heieby given l hut Star
Ceii--olidated Miiuin; Company, a
corporation of Bort laud, Oregon, has
made application lorn patent (or the
Star Consolidated liioiipBide Mill
iuy, claim ', ci nnpi Isiint the (ilovcr,
I'lacU traveller, Mexican, tiolden
star. Star Fx ton ion; alv Bast
rliiince, N Ichod. -11111 . boiian -a. Marl
ley. I Inches. I; ii Hi i- and Smiiifjler
1 .iiilc, Mtuatcd in I'oliciulit Mining
Pistrict, banc eounly. Slate of Ore.
:;on. with t UHaei- eroiiud, as ih'-M-ribed
by the olllclal plat, herewith
po-ted audi" iheticM milr on lllc
III the oltice of tile Iteflst, !- of the
Koscbui Land Pi trlct. orctoii. M.
s. No. iior. as billows :
t ilovcr I, ode lici;imuim at corner
No. I, wlii'iin' llii' I',', sec. cor. hoc . 'Jl,
I';."!. S I: 1 w tns.s ss,,.ir7 min w.
,os7.s',i(, thenco S7I deo. .",1 nun F.
1 iOO i'i . thence N .1:! div. ;lit lulu. E.
i l'i bi l(: thence N 71 !;" min. w
l ii'O ft ; thence S !V.' de.T. 'M mill. XV,
td'.l hi It, to the place o( bevinnine;.
I'laek Traveller I. ode Peclliliinu at
cor. No. I, whence the F. sec cor.
s -e. -.IIT -'!. S K I W brsNMl den F!
inl'i. ::o see . W sM"..:l ft: tlienceSti'.l
leu' . M min. b -i r. E I luvn.iil ; thence
N :' ! dec. E IMMI ieet : t hence N li'.l de.i.
l mill. 10 sec. 1 l!"i II. thence S.
Jo dcu. W lion ll loliic place of bc-
Mexican liode bcuiiinin at cor,
No. I, whence (he F. sec. cor. sec.
:'l, I' 'S'. S K I W brs S VI dec;. ,-,:! n,in.
Jii'm c. W. !i'.i;..v: it: thence s i;:. d-e..
;:n min. E Il'.i7ft.; t hence N ':! detf. I.
i;ilO feet; thence N C." dei;. :'.s nun. W
11.17 It; thence S. j:! deir. V Cnu ft. to
t':c place of I !; i ll ll i II :r.
(ioldi'li Star l.odc- I'.euinnillM at
cor. No. I, u hence the E1, scr. cor.
sec. L, T j:!.S.It. I U l.rnS. Nldcu. :!
mill, .lils.'o, " ii7 !;.!:! I it . t hence S . Co
den'. ;ls min. E 1 1'.'7 it; (heme N 'Jo don
1. .'."is 10 it; thciicc N l:i dec;, r, nun. V
.' '."). -I It ; thence N ."ii. de;. ."s mill. :',U
s. c. V :M I .",11 (t; th. iicc.SJo dec;. V.
.".70 ft. to the place of boLriiiiilne,.
s;.ir l'Alcn -ion I .ode IW ciiiniuc; at
nil'. No. 1. whence the E sec. cor.
sec L'l. T :.':'. S. I.' 1 W brs. S V! lies'.
:: nun, W s.-.-.i ; n hence S C!l dc'.
M min. lo so,' I'. 1 1'is.C, ft ; thence N.
J;-,. dei-'. F. o70 It ; thence N CS deu. Fi
null. -ec. V. 1 I'.i7. II I! . t hence S. '-':!
,e..;, f.tni f r : t tic place of lie-in
Paisy Bode T.i -innii;- at cr.No.
1. whence the N I', cor. m-c. Jl, T L' '. S.
K. 1 Y brs N s'! dei.. :! mm. ",u see. V
msi;.;i1 fi; thence S .",7 deu'. ,'i7 min. 17.
1 I'.i'Um fl : thei N IJ f. E Col) it ;
t hence N .",7 den
tl co S I-' di "-'.
nun. u , i i":un; ti i ( . to I lie placi
hi I iri ti I i ii ;r. Chance l.od
cor. No. I , w hence I '
established in survey
Consolidated (iroiqi
1 I mill. 10 sec. F Cm;
In'mnniiii;' ;it
s. i,. m. No.
No. t : I , Hi isti in
Ins. N. Is ,1c
I. it : t iiciicc s
l-'ilcir. Vi;euit: lliciicc S. I'i UvT-
min. 1'. ll: II it: tln ncc N I'.' ilctt. i:
cnu ft; thence N in U-.r ' min. W I H's.
1 1 ft., di t lie .l:icc i.f Lcmiiniiic;.
N il'IK llll-lllllSI I .Mile r.l'v'illlllll!.' (ll
cor. Nn. I. whence N I', cur. Sec. I'I, T
J , S. It. I W in - N sj i.... mill.
see. W r.s!i7.:;l it , tln ncc N M ili-jr. 1
miii. in me. i: I-Ii'.I.mi It; tlnncc N "i
li' j;. I" min KiiiiOlt: thence S. I ilc.
IJ lilili. Iu sec. V tli'.I.MIIt; thence S.
," lleji'. I"i mill, w cnu It. lo t he I'liice of
i;iiz.iu.i Ijo.1.' UeciiiMiim' lit cur.
No. 1, whence tie- N i: cur. Sec. :M. T
S. II. I V. . Ins N s .!, -. I.". nun. Iu
sec. V, s. ;:!''. L'7 IIMlience S. sj tle'. 'J7
min. I.. I ."nn it; ilu'iui' N ileir. I'i
min. I! in "I ft . thence N s'.! 1 1 1 f-.' -7 niin.
V I'MI') it: tlli'Ilce s . .". lie:;. !" niin. W
tjiin It ; I., tin- ...ce .. .i i : 1 1 1 i i ..r
1 1 .-1 1 : 1 ' I. ! I'.-.'i o :iiii i iit i''i".
No. I.ielee tllf'S I CI ll". SCC. I , T
S. li. 1 V.'. l.i-.s s7,,.L.,. r, min. -'o
see. W vil 1.77 ft : tle iiccS. .'i7 ile;;. -7
niin. K l-.".iu,:;u it; ihencn N '."J ih'if. 1
titin it : thence N ."i7 ile. L'7 niin. V,
lL'!in.::.i ft ; ttciice S. L".i ilcfi w r.iiui'i.,
to the plnec of In illllill!.'.
llii-he.s 1 n I Hemnnim: ut cur.
No. l.when ie N I-'. cor. .see. L' I, l' -'.
S. ll. 1 W lifs. N s7 te, mill.
V;;:!.! It ; then.-e N. r.r, .tejj;'. s inin. 1.
ll'.ij.iutt: thence N ".l ie-. K Clio ft;
thence N .".c il.-' s . V 1 1'l-M-' ft:
tlieliee S, iU"J,. WCilU ll., to the
plfll'C f I ll"'i llllilc.'.
Kustltr l.ii.le- lU'Liiiiiinp.: ut cor No.
1. whence N I', cor m , . , 1' :, S. li. 1
W Ins. S. s ie;. 7 min, K) sec. VY.
HC.'l.-i; II ; thence S. ,'i7ile. --.'7 min.
:;,".i).;iii it; tiieineN '!) He"'. !: con ft;
thence N cu dee,-. l!i min. V. 1:!I7.7! It;
Ill-lice S. L".l lieu'. V. ."i-L'.O ft., to the
ilncc ol he-illliiliU'.
.Sinus-'ler Iji-.ilc I'.eu'innln al cor.
No. I. whence. N I". cor. h-c. Jl, T 'Si,
S. h. I, W Ill's. SMI (ley. I mill. JD Hec.
S' !i71s. jj fl ; ihciiee S. ."ii; ie. s min.
K, 1 1'iJ I J It : t hence N S.l tv. I:
It; tlieliee N .'i.'i i J'l lllill. lUSel!. V .
l -I'.ci.V) ii : tl.cuee s. j!i ilcr. W. cnu it..
tot he ihice of liejinni ii'.
'I'nt.'il net lien J.,1.77'1 ncres.
AllV.ill'l till jii'MDIIrt clllilllilie, il'l
cr-elv Ihe mining KloUlnl, lode,
I ii'em isi s nr :my iioition I hereof ,sn
tleKcrilied, surve.veil uiiil ihiled(ind
aiilied I'm urn hereliy liotilied Unit
unless (heir adverse elainci lire duly
lill'd iieeol'ilillH' to law II II 1 the repl
liilions I liereini'ler, wil lilu the time
jircHeiil.ed h.v law, wltlilhc l:e,'iHtei'
of Ihe I'nileil Kind s Lund Mice, (it
lioseliiu;;, iu the Klule of OrcKKU,
they will lie harred y the provisions
of the law in Midi ciisen made anil
Ill viwiin I,. I'.iinv, l!ei.'iHtcr.
NOTiCK l oli H'lil.KiAIION .
Depillliaeiit (if Uie liilerinr,
Iiand Ollice al liiiseliiiry, )reu'on,
Aui.mihI i!, IU07.
iN'olicn is herchv V'ivcn lllllt
l.l'.l'; 1'. IiANDKKTII,
of ('idlaoi) drove, Oregon, IiiiH liicd
notice of his iiitetil ion to niaUe linal
proof in .support; of IiIh claim, viz:
IlomcHtead laitry No. UlMHi iniuJi)
aiihuhI lliUJ. forlhcKW Section
Jl), l iWinship JO, lianyi! 1 H'.niiil Hint
Haii) proof will hn iiiiuli) heforo W. V.
CuIUIiih, I.'. K. ( 'oniiuisaiolier ut Ku
gene, ( hi yon, on Noycnilicl' J I , l'.07.
Ho iiami'H the following witncHHes
to prove uh ri'Hldcuci) upon uiul cul
tivation of tilt! land, vi :
John lloiHtciter of Haylniiw, (Jrn
(,'on; Cliarlert W. Karn of Cottage
drove, Oregon; William II. IJlalrof
Cottage drove, Oregon; Herniun T.
Dow or Jaigeii", Oregon.
Ukxjami.n L. Eiuiv,
Hundreds of Cottage Grove Readers
Find Daily Toil n Burden.
The 1 itsllc and woiiy ol businci s
The hatd wotlv and slm piii' ol
The woman's liouneliold t arcs-,
Ate too otcat a sttain on (he lud
Backache, headache, tidciiclu-,
Kiducv lioiiblcs, urinatv poiibli w
follow ,
II, Olivet ol I'.Ho W i t St . Pen
dleton, t)rc;;i.ii, "I .. i J;
I'l out expetieiuo when 1 say thai
Poan'a Bidncv l'dhi arc a remedy
that Inn much ni'. tit and can be
di ponded upon Lo ciiiim;.; len l;
ache aud l-idncy liouble l a
linie win n m b id. w is so sn;c an I
llinnthat it was all I could do to
lien. I over oi Miiiie I ten up aivim
and t he 1; iduej - w i . dei ni;;i 1,
Moan's Ividiu Fills d,.l inoiel. i
me than ever tliinjf del h id tiicd
Ilea v worli ami colds have hi on ;.; lit
a t w ino.c ol i-t ill in ss in in v b id;
sj' ce ihen at I mil "', but a t w doses
ol Moiin'-i Bidii'-v Fills h ive quick
Iv removed tin- symptom-- Tins
icinedv can be l iu d upon o end
suflciitios similar i( initio." I'm
Hide I ix' all dealers Biu'c ill cent-,
l'oslct Mlllun li Co , llulV.ilo, New
Yuik, sole aoilits lot the I'liite l
Slates. Beiiuinbei the name Moans
and take no other.
c c in : .o c i iih.ii. v on
tl.'i 111 ll.,' I'...,. . !l.,l.l ; I
at fun min)
'I'I M I'.l'.li I. vM T It t s7.s
o i n i; I ni; l Ti'.l.U' i ion
I niteil .states 1..UI.I (llli. c
lin eliiilu'. I ir. I. July 17. I''""
Not ice is 1 1 e 1 1 1 1 y ct i ell Hint I o in
plilllicc Willi I lie pi i o si ,-; , I the
act ol Colime-s ol June .1, -7s,eii-t
i'led li ;u t tor the sal,. .. t imliei
l.llllls ill Ihe slates ol ( 'a 1 1 loilii.i . I ie
I'.ill, Nr',,'1'1.1 .Hid W.ishin-lon I'l l l i
torv." a-, esteielcd to all I In- I 'ill ilie
l.iiiul Stale-. i act ,1 Vnn'iist l.l-'.'J,
I'll) i.i:i. c. WII.III.I.M
of ion, I niinly o 1,-inc, s i.,t, of
(l'.,'iiM, tiled in this oil ice i ill .1 all. '.I'l,
liinT. her worn l a t emeu I N o. s ; :i
for the of theNW1, .. ,-W1,
of Section No. :v.. hi 'I'nw n- iui No. I'i
Mouth. Kan-ire No I we-i. W. M.. uiul
will nller prouf la hIiow that the hind
h-olelt is n nn e a 1 11.' I I'le for its I i in lie r
ni' Htoiiellian for agricultural pur
poses and to est.-i her i him lo
said land In foie W. V. Calhin -. I . S.
t'om in issii iner, al hi o'lii e in l-'.nci lie,
( trcuii, on Sat lliel.'lli day of I'.hiT.
She names a - u it i..' r r-
W. li. I'mker of i. ii, On oii .
K loy lei of J line, ( )n ;. n . A n hie Mia
t hew i of .1 line. Inchon li alii Wo. id
ef .ion. ll' ;'i in.
Anv and all
veoe'ly the ; .
ici in sti'd In Mi
ollii li or luii.i
(, I'.iu'i".
Ill N.I M I -.
ins e. . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' : i . I -
.'I'.lll'.i I.I
a , la III
il l I I ll
I lis III..
i in I hi-.
I i.y id
I lei.
i i:io, .
HMi:i:i: i.Wh . i jim:
NMi ici: I'm; i rm.ii A l n
1'nile.l States I.
lioM'Inii y. I licoiill,
Not iee - In i eliy 'i
ind ( Ml.
Inly. J'J
ii thai
i no, .
i coin
lialiee wit ll I lie pt
Willi the ptovisioll
o t he act
, entitled
of ( 'niii! less i if .1 line ::. s,'
"An ad lor ihe s.ileoi (imliei lands
in Ihe SI. id - of ( 'alii'oi ni;i, t in :;on
Nevada and Wash 1 1 1 ; I on 'r, i i itoi s ,"
lis: extended to ,'illthe I 'll 111 ie I .a li. I
Stales hv in I of Ail"M I, s:ij,
AM) V 111 llM N
of l illgene, ( 'oun I .V of I ,aiie, SI ate i if
Oregon, liled in this olln e oil I'l'lil'il
II.IV I, I'.IO", his KWolli i lalcllienl No.
s:i7l, for the piircha of he fi aci lonal
N W of N W, of Seelion No. C. ill
'I'owiiiship No. JU, soillll. li.iliL'e No. J,
West. W. M.. ami will oiiei proof In
showtlial the land soiiht i-i more
aliiahle for it s I hn lier i .1' s'lolie than
for agricultural put poses ami In -talill-h
hi i claim to said land hel'ore
W W'.Calhins, C. s. doiiimi -s.oiier,
nl his ollice ill liin.'.elie. Ol'eoa, on
Monday the '..'Ist day of (eloli.'i . I!)07.
I e mi mcs as it neHsc-:
'l oin ( 'a i ii I -11 oi Diiyene, (iiegon;
Cal Young of Kugoiie, Oregon ; Sam
uel A. Cm niii hael ol' Kuyenc, iregon ;
I lermiin T. )ow "f l-inyene, ( trcgoii.
Any and all peisims claiming ad-ver.-'cly
the iiho c-descrilieil landH are
reilUCHU'd to hie their eliiiliiH in tills
ollleo on or hi fore :-a id Jlstday
Oc(olier, i:io7.
lil.N.I AMI.N li. lamv,
KIXilKTKATION Ol' 'll'll.i; TO
In the Circuit Court of Ihe Statu nl'
I (rcon for I .aim Count v.
I Ii t he mat ti-r of Ihe a pl icitl ion of
.lohll S.ll lierhind to regiuler Ihelil le
to Hie K1;, of N I 'M, and I .!', of N w, of
Section n in 'I'p JJ Smitli, KaliKi; :i
West ol Wil'le .Meridian, ngiiiiisi nil
wlioin il. in.iy concern.
To M i. whom rr may com i:i;n :
Take notice thai on Ihe ."Isi day of
.Inly, l!M)7, an iipplicnLloii was lilei hy
said .lohu Sul herluiiil iu said conri
lor inll inl rcglHl ration of title to Hie
nliovi! di Kci'ihcd land. Now illilehs
yon nppcnr on or licl'ore I he .'dli iluy
of iSeptcinljc!' !l()7, anil show cause
why Hiioh applicnlion should not he
granted, (lie hiiiiii' will hn taken to
confcHHcil and u deri'co will lm entered
according to the prayer i f the appli
cation uml you will lm forever haired
from dlHputinj,' the sunn;,
E, 1'. 1,1' K, ( 'oiinly (.lel'U
KeulJ 1'. li. dniiiK, Deputy.
tr.t;Ai. NOTicf.s.
Mepartmenl of (he Interior,
I. nil. I I Ulice at lio ieblinr, Orev'iili,
July I'Mi".
Notice is heroin i-ivcii Unit
(il.oEiiE EPWAiiPS
of CoiiimIoi li, Ororoii, lul l tiled notion
of Ills Inteiillon to iiiil.e tlmd live
year proof in siippoilnl his elnlin,
P: llonicsicad I '.ni ' No. U'l'.U madu
M.l I'lOll (ol the' M'. Section I,
lowiislup :' S, lliinc.e I U, and (hat
said proof whl be imnle I n fi n n t ho
llc.'l ler olid IhcelMI' ill Fo.iebiiru'.
Ole;oli on l'rld.l, Seplelllber I'd ll,
Hi- li;t MK'O the following ll llc'iseM
to i.I'iiii. til. colli iiiIioiih resilience
upon, an. I
1 1 1 '. I ; O 1 1 1 1 ol the hillil
.1. .lilt A ( ll i .;s of ( iilllstoek, I HO
lton; li A Allen of ConiHloiL, llfe
eiii. I Isco- r.ariliM i if ( 'inislocl, , I ho
c.on. Samuel Mel in nun ut I.ohiiik,
I llec.oli
l a s I i I I I 'iuiv , lii'vdstci .
Niti u i; I'm: pi in .i A'l iN.
I leparl lin Ill i I the Ind I'l'.r,
I .on I 1 ll ice a I l; use I ii i re.. I on on ,
.1 nlv a, I'M 17.
Not I i In reliv el en I hut
I li JOHN Ih I' 'K IK.
. I I'anl hei , i irev;on, lias ni.-ii notice
i I la in (en I i oi to inula' linal live
w ar pi i mi in -upioil "1 Ills chum,
vi'. II. 'in. si, a l I nli v No '.in; i in ido
la v I '.. I'Min, (or I he
K. - ',. N I :V',. : W, SI V
Section Js. Iius.'shi;. IM s, lianejcli
W, and that ii I pp'ot u ,l I, made
lel 'leW . CilUllis, I . S. I'oinliiiH
tdonei at llii ollice at eiii'i'lic I rc-
en Wedlles. I.'l . Scplcllller J.'i,
He lllilill , tie' t 1 1 1 1 ' W i 1 1 ' ' i I 11 CSSCS
to Ins I, i.l. nc- upon resldelico
n a ml cull I .i t ion i if t he laud, vi:
-Volt (ole-pie of Tart'ier. ii'K ;
lnn Mchails ,,( l id, le-oii;
I'lanl, I. ('leu linu nl rnnthei'. ire
ivai , ( ieoi c,e 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; i i i ! i 'n , U ccon,
I'., .uii I . I iii . Ii i i.e. I l ii.
i I 11(1. I I l
ii r.
.1 the
.U' I ION.
I I. pa I t lliellt i .1 I he I'l'lor,
I. ale I Mil .it li 1-i'l.iir:.', In uoli,
. i . e x ', ran'.'.
N. 1 1. i i v hei i I ,-, ;! n that
.1 ( Kx IS l: i h;i s
i if ( '. an-I oi l. , ( li , iron . has tile. I not mil
of hi-, in ' 'ill Ion lo In.i..' 1 1 1 1 ; 1 1 live
e. r pio.a in m 1 1 ) . j i . . 1 1 of Ins ilaiin,
i , 11 lead I lit I y No. In i,J mailc
1'elii n iry Je l'"d for I he N I Section
I. I". n Ii -1 1 1 1 '.MS., kali.e I '., it tul
that s.inl proof will he made lieforc
I h. I;.', lor and lie, i lei al liosc
t i i ( irec, a, on 1 1 1. ho. Si'iilt'inhcr
it Ii. I'i",
lie nam. the lollow in 1 1 licsse-i
n ).'ni' his eoet inuoiis le iileiieo
upon, an, I cu 1 1 1 y it ion of the laud,
John . rir i if ( o i n st in 1, , ( ire-.-oii:
li Allen nl ( oiietoi I;. lieon;
I I i a I Hai nes ol ( oinslocU, Ol eejoii;
oniicl Mi Cm nan .
I'.i .i mi s I.
I I .oralle, ll oejoll.
I .I'H . lieistel'.
:'l'. .11 Ni: :i, isrs
I I'd.lCA'l'H )N. j
I IMI.I.l: I.ANIi A(
Niil'H'l. I I Hi I'
i hill i;
I Sta
( Ire;
aiinl Mice,
Ma v Jo. P.iu7.
I heleliy
i ell I hn I in i oin
iiio ishniM of Ihe
nil nice Willi I In
in t nl (on oe-s of .lime ,, ell
tilled "A Ii act for 1 he sn le i if I Under
land lint he States oi I alilol lilll, I ll'C
I'on, Ncvnda and W'ashuu'toii Tcrri
loi v. ' as i lend, . I to all i hi. pndlic
I. lli I : I ales le, ml "I Align-1 I. s'.IJ,
MiTlli'i: dl. siii'
of I'.ll'o lie, I'ollUlV of I,:: lie, state of
I 1 1 ...s ,ii, hi - this .'a v 1 1 led ill this ollice
his sua, in talctin lit No. "-JOII, for I he
pi, i'i hi I I ll" M;1, of seel ion No.
:..', ill loWll hlp No. IU -oiith, lilllgc
No. '..' West, illel Will oiler pl'ooi to
show that the land -ought is nunc
a liia I ile for Us I in i her or si i me than
..r a : r ric'i 1 1 u i . 1 1 pini.o es, an. I'-h
las claim C. -anl hind hel'ore
W . W CiiIMiis. I . S. ( 'oiiiini-sionor,
ill hi- ollice al laigelie, (lii'.oll, oil
l iiihiy the J.'id day oi Aintu.-d, r.)07.
I le n:i ine- ,is w II IIcSI'M:
I la I'i ii I din si hi. of I il-elie, ( Megon ;
Het man 'I' . i'ou, of I aieiie. ( ingon ;
Arthur l.itiin, nl l.iir'ene, Oregon;
William 'I'. Oslinrn, of Kugeiie, Ore
gon. ii.v and nil persons claiming nil
Vcisely Ihe I iove-i lesci died lands ai(
icillc le.l to III" their claims ill lids
ollice on or In 'foie saiii j:id day of
n;.'llst. Kill,'
I'.i niwii'. I,. l!ino, licgister.
TlMI'.ldi LAND ACT U NI'.:!, s7S.
Nol U'i: I'oi: I I I'.I.ICA'IION
luiliil Slates Land (Mice
liiiscliuri;, Oregon, May Jlsl, l'i()7.
Not iee Is heledy given that ill coin
pliaic'e W ith the pl'o isiolls of till!
net of Coui'ies: of .lillle d, IS7s, eil
lilleil "An ni l for the sale of Hinder
lands in the Klnlcs of California, Ore
gon, Nevuda u ml Washington 'I'erri
lor.v," an exleiiilcd lo all the I'ulilii:
I, and itliiien hy ad of August. I, IMU,
ol Lorane, coiinly of i.une, Klulo
of Oregon, has I his day liicd
iu this i. Mice his suoru slalcuient
No SJIa, for the pnrchii e of Iho N K
'( N 10 ", of Seel Ion No. IJ, iu Town
ship No JO south, liiiii(.'ii No. (i,
W. Al., and will offer piool' to show
that the land s night. Is nunc vuluuhlo
lor iln Hinder or stone Cinu for ugrl
ciiltui'iil, ami lo establish
hisilaiiil lo said 111 m I lii loie W, W.
Ciilliins, I'.S. Conimissl r, at liii
ollice la Laigcne, ( trcgoii, on Kat unlay
Ihe Jllh (lay ol August, !IU7.
lie iinnies iih wil ncHHea ;
(li.'orgn C. Scliiiehler, of Lorane,
Oregon: .liicod liuiik, of Lorain, Ore
gon; Ardello Addison of Loi' iiie, Ore
gon; I ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Addison, of Lorane,
( Iregon.
Any and nil persons c!nimlnj ud
vcisely the alMivc-desci lljcd lamls iiro
reipicsted t o lilelhcir tl 1 1 i 1 lis ill LlllH
ollice on or heforc Hiiid Jltli day of
August, 11)07.
Si:.l wiin L. Knnv, Kcglsler.
nordlD and d.y .chool tor youu i.aie..
Mmlo (Iochlltky method). Art! c'oinulet
Arademlo Cuur; ijiirlil lin1ucmnU. I'oi
InloruiaUun JJt... tii.ttr uiirlor
I'or leyal blaukH Nugget cflico,