Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, August 28, 1907, Image 3

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    ns its u a u t is v n s s e u 5 t s a b
All Kind i T iimi'4 :il
1 .11 WHiiii'h,
Vcali li ,V
l''iti:ciu- Steam i,nuudiy, Allison
nnd I Instinct n;fiits.
Ih'. I'.chl mini" m liii'iliH'HH In
Kni'iii' li.l Hiiturdn.v.
.1. 'J'. I'irlilM, of Kupine, wits III (In1
rlty Muii'liiv oil liiiNiiioxn.
Mr. n ml Mr i.
( i if In I '.ll'rni'
MrCI.'i It'll
IumI Wi'i'li.
Mn .1. M. I 1 1 ; mi mi. I i lilMnu ale
Vhlliiu; rilniili nl iM'iiln.
(!. I!nm K 1 1 1 w.ih nt tin1 county
Hi .lt (HI l'ii-lnr-H tin S;i I iirdav.
I'i.'iiiK .1. My, wlin Iiiih lii i'ii vlniliiiK
in I'.ilu'i'iii-, ii'liiriicil home I'l iiliiy.
Mr. iihI Mrs, .Minium have returned
fi'inii I lii-lr mil inn on llnw river.
limine I mill lulu, f 'JL'.i, $".M, ini,
$1 100 aii'l .."iini, I'isiai. II i mi.".
Sinner, i W llnllie, Wheel. T .V
WIImciii st i i I Slainiiii'1 t c w i it r in i
clillles ill N eili h A. I ,;nv.; hih.
Mr. S. l. I tend, of I'Ulceiie. Win III
tin" I'liy 1'rMuy, on u visit to liii
iikiI lnr.
Itillli'lieM fl'ill, li.'id, llL'OII, il.MIII,
t7".ii0, $1 l.iioo anil ifi'ii.iiiiil. AhU IIimis.
Mm. Ileter uT l'..i I hml, Ih isitin
ill I lie Inline if M i I'.'ll I .mi II III tlii-
II v.
Mi-M i a !'cil;lm I- ;i J -Ml In;,' In
the PiinIiiI Tele;,'r.iili elliie al tliin
I'll lilt vi mi r lie n i eimls 1 1 li A vena i
imis Cn rli'ilini inn fur sale nl VeatcluV
I am hhu'h. s -jn
T lu ;i ii miii I i-t i itci i'i ii 1. 1' ll.e M. I)
church will lie iel) al I'm ll.ilhl. Hep
leinliei J i
MiHM Nellie Slliii ll 1 1! S.ill I'l.lliei-cii,
in vhitin;,' Iht sisler Mr I. A.W'ilsiiii
in llils ritv.
I 'nr ins, t. i i; r.i iir den, Inisiiies" n ml
I'iv iilenee 't'i iie I y See inv list aiel
jil'leeH. I 'i m. vi 1 1 1 ns
Miv. .1 . S. W'ai ..n who li as In en
isilln (i'm'Ii.Im lie. a I i ii't , n tinned
Inuiie Mmnl .1 v
Mi.s'ie i -al, h iniue lrid.IV
fi uiii ( l a ii I s I 'a i I'm a v is. I with t . I
ati i'h a ml li i 1 1 I l,ri e.
M . '. I'nelil'.i li lias ;;nne mi a trip
to lilalm I'all.s, ami will n olialily lie
alisenl fni .i eniiile m immllis.
'I'tt'ii hundred ami lillv Imp iiel.el -waiilnlat
t 1 1 1 1 1 1 l.awsiin'H In liny
.Ii.'iiiiiiiih Kh ami i amp fin nil inc. s-'.'n I
IIiimhch In rent, aihl iniiliey In In. in
n;;onl I'ur Hie U'sl l'iic I null r.inee
.i!iipanleM in the wmld. Call mi
1 1 ill.lH.
Mism Maliel TaHniH nl' IWunMyii,
lnw:i, al'lei n visit, with filcmli In
lain Angeles, Is i -i 1 1 i 1 1 ijr at I lie linme
.1 It Sinn ral in tliU clly.
.sneiman v laru, wiuie naiiiiiin ma
cliineiy at I he t 'mn I anal u hi Mini' 1 , i . I
t lie llllsfm I line in in jure IiIh Innt last
week, which will lay him up fm- i-nnm
MlH. Marl. in Ycateli, nl' tliiseily,
in if Astoria visi tin at the hmne nT
her siHtcr, Mrs. Chiis. 1 1 iiinphrc, m.
Mr. Vcateh will reiniiin until al'ler
tin" regatta.
Wells l'as;n Dxpres!. Company has
iKNiicil n Me I'H tn their n;;eii(s all over
the l ulled Stales nnl tn, nl'ter Sept,
1st, accept any lame C. (. I . liqimr
IM'. 1'ialic laicile llai'ii, I he npt irlan
has Ic l II I lie. I In her linme in laielie
frmu her hmiii iin'i'M mil in;; at. New port,
jiiiiI Is a;aln at her nllh o hi the new
('hrisniau Muck.
IS Airs. Adeline I'. Kneels, nf I'nl'
csl !rnve, has presented In Ihul lily
u limine iiml rniinds, In lie iiscd I'nr n
iilirar.v and park.
Tin' lii'Kister ays; Al Win. i'l'Crt
lun's rcsid"iice in this eily a li;: tree
is now pri'ilncim; ami lual III In;;' the
MOcmid crop nf li;;', llnw is that for
I. lino rniility V
K. .1. .i)ine. city edilor nf (he lal
;;ene lavdiler, who u as eh etc I Prin
cipal ol I he ( iea ly school ii t l aiKelie,
has rcsiiied t ) place and will re
main wii a t he l!e;;isler lliis winter.
Tin' Imiiih iiial lei ly inei lni;; coli
I'ereiiec will lie hcl I Monday August
JO, nt the M. II. Chinch. Tim I'resid
iiiH' Idiler will preach Sunday even
Inn August LTi, the nioi niiiK' Herinon
will be l.y the
II' yoil sillier I'rolii hloat in;;', lielchiiiH'
Hour Hloin.ich. lnilljL'csliiin or d.VHpep
Kia, take i liin.n'H I ),, spepsia Talilet
niter each meal, and nvercoiue the
(ll.saKrcc.'i hie irnuhle. It will Improve
I he appel ile and aid iliesl iuu. Sold
liy New Mni, lriiu' Siore.
'J'he newest indii, try In select Jal
ffi'iio I'nr il.H lieailaiiai ters, Ih iiii Iiicii
liator factory. A company under the
name of The McClauaiian Incubator
Co., has hcen I'nriiied, mid hoiiio of
tint machinery for ilH niillit has heeu
Man an I'ile Iteiueil.V coiues put up
in ii collaisilile tiilin with a iio.xle,
I''.uh,v to apply n;,'ht whero HorencHH
and inlhi.inai Ion csIkIh. It n licvesal
once lillml hit eilinn, Itcliliifr or irn
Iriiilln piles, ( i iiai a uleed . I 'rice aOc.
(let it today. Sold by New Kra lru;
? no s s b b b no vi b u k in n i i
Kcms of Interest in and about
Cottage drove and vicinity.
Mr. nml Mrs. M. H. llnrl , of CottiiK''
Ci'nvn llml thut they li ji vt n very en
Jnyillile eamplni; nut place. Home
ellil iiilli'M down the river, and no
well pleiised are I hey with the people
and Ki'lieinl appeal a nee of I IiIiijth here
ahoiilH.that they now I hlnlt Hcrlous
ly of liive'Hiii' extensively la (Irantv
1'tin pinpirly, in which evcnl Ihey
would likely liecnliie pet'luaiielit Ii hI
ileiilt of lliis plnee.- Kopue IMver
Ihiei'lms and depiiHiloi'M of t he
hank al drain. allilintfd wllh llie'l'lin I
V Sa liitf a ( ii,, at Portland, which
closed lis ilniil'S, pel II ii ilied ,linli' lis In uppnilit i. M. I '..t h( 1 1 ,
cashier of Ihn bank, iih ivcehiT, and
Ihepelillnll wl 1 yin u I ed. 'I'IiIshIiowh
ci.nildiiice in I ho Iirain lustllutioii,
w hich Will miuii (!(.'. iln be in opciat I'm,
- Ki'nlsler.
We i all al tent ion to I'ic change In
Die ad of C. II. Mail holder, on ll.e
third pace. Ild i nlei pi Islnn firm
have lately hei tl lecelviii'' hil'l'i) con-
.'.l;:iini''lils of fall and winter noods
which you are Invited Id inspect.
They keep an Iiiiiuciihi' h1ocI from
which I" select, and al prices which
defy ciilnpi lll ion.
A. I -ham, nil old pioneer of l.aue
cniiiU , and nunc iccenlly from l'lilic
illc, 1 now in i;ue,eio ipie elt id'
jaundice nn. I cn la i (.'eincn t of the liver.
I le Ins icrcul ly Ih cii t ryin;? the vir
I in s of i hi' I : . 1 1 v 1 1 . 1 1 1 Sprincs. but. his
case deuia.nli'il ine.lieal al leal ion .
and In i i iuiw und'T the care of I ir.
Tllns i.i I aii lie.
Mr. .Iiihu 1'liillips who wllh his wife
h.i i been v isil ini; I he family of I'. .
I'lulhp-, i n li d on hi i ictiirn trip to
his limn in M ii hij.',aii la- t Mnuday.
His win- remained here and he will re
turn In a nIhiiI time In make Ids per
M i 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 Inline In Ci il tn "e (irove.
The cminl v U nit iie pector has phte
ed carda in Hie store windows of
ib al' l's, calling, alb ulioii to the slate
law w I iie 1 1 I i! i I , t he i ill. riii l; r.n sale
any frail iiilesled with worms, scale or
1 1 1 1 ii r i usee I , and aiiliolinc' s I hat the
Maw w ill be lric!ly enf .'cei by him.
rhere are iui'.v sKlylive ineiiiln ri
in I he Cnvol e ( lub nf Cntti;e (linve,
which wiis. nivnui,'.e, last Meccmbci.
Sinn thai time they have paid nut!
as limiiil v about S7", fnr cynl e scalps.
Tim e pen e is lin t by assessment nl
t he members.
Simula r cnm;hs and (nli Is yield at
iiiiec In Pees l.a a 1 1 ve Cnut-h Kyi'up.
(Villain hmiey ami tar but nonpl
ales. children like it. Pleasant tn
take, lis l.ivaliva ipialities recom
mend il lo mothers. Hoarseness,
colc.'lis, croup vield nuicklv.
A heavy plai k dioppedon the foot j
nf Mierinau Clark, siipei intelident nl
the Coinbinal imi mine. Pnheinia, mi!
Wednesd.'i v. uu I cut. nenilv throu
il. lb- u.i - hioiiKht to town and Drs. j pf Wheelet -Thompson Co , has dis
(i;;lcsliv nnd .lob dre-ised the wound, j posed ol his interest to his partners
Miss In. Hie llawUns iind her sister i antl severs his connection with the
H.'iisy, ,'; v il h their brother, left
last W'cdiicsdav nn a two weeks vn
cation which they will spend in visit
inn in Portland and at ot her points in
the Willamette Valley.
II. !'. iarout le and ('hurlcs Tcetcirti
have ret in ned from a trip taken to
Middle fork. Ah far as fishing and
hunt inn is coni'ei ned they were not
very niccesNful.
Win. Jordan and family of 1'otlnne
drove, have been spending the past
two wccKk cn inping ""'I pruHjieet inn
on Thompson creek. They leave thin
week lor hoine. Kogue lilvcr Courier,
tii'oss JSriis. have been very busy
K'et ting out tops lor manholes ami
nl her ncecHsary casl lima for the Hew
ers at Cottage irove. l!c;iist:r.
Miss liilli.-i ii I "at tci'Hon of Ketchikan
Alaska, is vislling friends In the citv,
Mrs, I :i I i:i ii hi Ven Ich, of KoHelmrg,
is vislling rchitlves in the city.
Mark (iaroutte and family, Mim.
(irons and l'rnnlc Mtd''arhind, who
have been riiHtieat lug on the coast,
returned home Inst week.
Services at the Methodist Kpisco
pal church uext Sunday morning
will be conducted by the Womens
Foreign Missionary Society,
Organ voluntary.
Congregational Singing.
Kosponsivo liible Howling.
Prayer by tho Pastor.
Song by the Children.
Heading by Miss Gertrude Pal
mer. Anthem by the Choir.
Address by Mrs. Sinieral.
Plea for Members y Mrs. Ilaol
ton. Song by the I.adies.
Paper, "Customs and Religious
of India," by Mrs. Wheelor.
Silvor Chimes, by Mr3. Cuuning
bam. Congregational Singing,
MsliinatOH on tho Irchlimnn clnH
nt tlm University of Oregon, for th
coining yenr jiliu-e the titimlior at
about 2oo fitn dents, of whom ucnrly
2.1 per rent will probably come
from loi timid nii'l vicinity. Tliin
cIhhs will bi tlio lnrgt-Ht in the his
lory of tho intitution, nml will
lt in ; tlie total cIoho up to t'.'.e f00
murk imil tho wholo enrollment to
Tho ronrsps this year will be up
to tlmir usual Matidanl, and with
the opi'iiiiif; of lh new libmry
binldinn, which linn been Hceepicd,
ii f;r''"t deal of additional and bad
ly needed room will he at t he di.s
pOHlll of tho iiiMtitution.
rinelllcH for the k IdneyH m! reliuthcll
llieso oiyaiM and assist, in driwdn
poi.-ion from the Mood. Try them fur
rheumatism, kidney, I. ladder trouble,
foi lumbago mid t lied worn out. feel
MIK, They brllltf (lllel relief. SiiMh
fai t loll euaraiilei' I. Sold by New Kn
lrii: t'ire.
Tim bonid of dircctois of tho
Co1t.'i;o drove public schoolx have
elected J.I). liau)hman, of I'.ugene
as pi iueijml for tin.' comitie; your.
Professor Haueduuiin in a nephew of
1). C liaunhmiiii of Huh city. Ho
is it p;iitdiiate of the AhIiIiiuiI Nor
mal school of the sam" class ns
Prof. Siranyo, hai taught in a num
ber ol the hcIhjoIh in the slato iind
is highly si')ken of as nn educator
by County Superintendent Ilill.ird.
The Cal.ipooin Poultry AsFoeia
tiou iric t anin Tiiesdny evenine; and
inucli tut I: tiHjn sin wan shown. A
numbti of fatiiicis in the county
joined tho Association, ammi them
beiu;; Heveral ladies. Thursday,
I'li I. iv and Saturday, December 12,
Id mi I I wan chosen us the time
for holding the poultry exhiln'tioil
in tins city, mid it is intended lo
make it the largest and bent exhibi
tion ever held in the county.
Captain J- C. Johnson was elected
vice president, the constitution and
by-laws adopted nnd other import
ant Imih'hr'Ss iittendod to. There
will In- another meeting next Tues
day evening nt S o'clock, to com
plete orminintion, after which the
rc'oilar monthly meeting will bo
held on the first Monday evening of
each month.
Iidtoy Woods, of the firm
firm, Mr. Woods is n rustling en
ergetic business man, and it is
hoped that he intends to remain
in Cottago Orove, nlthough at pies
tnt he has not derided into what
lino ol business he will outer, llo
left tlx fust of tho week for Port
land, nml before he returns will
probably tucitle as to his future
A much needed change has been
made at the ihpot by the S. P.
Railroad Company, by the addition
of a day operator. Heretofore Mr.
Isliatn the accommodating ngent,
has had all the work to attend to,
but the incieiise of shipments and
heavy traffic, has caused tho compa
ny to send him lelief. C. Mokes
is now tho day operator anil S,
Smithlield takes the night routine,
and Mr. Ishani is the general agent.
A railroad company is genorally
slow iu making such changos, but
the Southern Pacific is postiibly no
slower iu that regard than any
other company, and we think that
tho people can depend upon them
to make- aay needed change that
will benefit the shippers of Cottago
drove when it is rightly presented
to I hem.
Ep worth League Entertained.
I,ast Friday evening a crowd of
young people, composed largely of
tho Kpworth League of tho M. ).
Church, was entertained by Ruol
Aruo at his home on the farm south
of town. Games were playod
around u largo bonfiro until re
freshments wero sorved. I.ate iu
the evening it commenced to rain
and tho guests had to depart for
homo. Mr.'iy were without um
brellas, but it did not dampen their
appreciation ot Mr. Ames' hospitality.
On Sunday, July 21, at 12:30 fire
completely destroyed the electric
I'ght plant in this ::ity, nnd mnriy
predicted it would bo six months
before the city would ngnin have
lights. The Willamctto Valley
Coinpuny, owners of tho plant, said
however, that the lights would ngain
be turned on in thirty days, and
they kept their word, for on Wed
nesday, August 21, the machinery
wim started and "th're was light."
The Company is certainly to bo
commended for its excellent work.
Scarcely before the embers were
(h ad they had it force ol men nt
work clearing away the debris and
woik on tho new plant was kept up
ontinuotisly, and tho machinery
on the ground to be inHlalled an
soon ns the foundation were built.
Tho new plant is larger nnd more
eoinph to in every way than the old
one, and is viitmilly fire-proof. The
engine is a 275 horse power nuto-
iiKilie Unwell and the two boilcrH
ire of ioo horse power each, with
another to be added at onee. The
lynaino is much larger than tho
old one and is modern in every de-
The Company has spared neither
time nor money in rebuilding the
plant and getting the city out of
darkness nnd our citizens fully ap
preciate their cfToits and congratu
late, themselves that our city is an
well lighted an any in tho state.
Everybody Should Know"
fiiiysf. (i. ll;in. ii orninincnt busi-
Pei-'s man of I'.luir, Mo., that iillckleil's
Arnica naive is tlm nuicUest and
Hiircnt heiiliiiK' Halve ever .ai'tilied to .a
sore, burn or wound, or to a of
iles. I've used it and know what I'm
tnlLiiiL' about. " iiianuiteed bv lien-
son's Hi.-iriniiry. l'.',e.
All parties indebted to the linn of
Watch & 1.,'i vvsou w ill please call and
wine up tiieir account witldn the
next thirty i1;ivh. tj-L'O :i
S m
Cottage Grove, Or.
Paid up Capital:
Surplus and rndivided I'rolits.
Money lo loan on approved security
I Kxchaiires sold, available anv
b place in the United States
j I'reildi'iu.
Pacific Coast
State Fesdr
Salem, Sept. 15-21, '07.
The West is a good and
promising Live Stock dis
trict. This exhibition will
be of great value to breed
ers and purchasers. The
entire stock-loving
will be at SALEM.
Como and See tbe
Display of
Also a Grand
Display of
Special Railroad Kates.
Correspondence Solicited.
W. H. DOWNING. President.
West II
Its Time to Consider
About your Winter Hosiery, Underwear, Shoe,
Dress Goods, Iieady-made Skirts, Coats, Rain
coats, lints, Caps and Umbrella's.
Everything in this line has juht arrived at
A large shipment of the Armor Plate JJrand of
Hosiery direct from the manufacturer has been
received. This lino is guaranteed lo wear.
Children's school hose with triple knee, toe and
heel; baby's cashmere, in white and black, plain
weave and ribbed cotton; Ladies' cashmere,
plain and ribbed cotton; Men's hoso in black
and fancy colors.
You arc invited to call
of goods.
Wynne Hardware Co.
Don't Wait Until Your Grain
is Ripe
and ready to lie harvested before buy
ing t he machinery you will need. We
are handling and have on hand, the
old reliable
McCormick Line of
which make has for ninny years prov
ed its superiority by its work. So if
you need nny machinery in that line, it
"will be a wise selection in buying tiiiH
make. Come in and talk it over.
Wynne Hardware Co. C0TTGWE'
l I .
n w li i I N
i H II MATED rnflll7T1U 11
I M IE 81 B Mil IllilnU lTl 111
ij iivy mm viiai mi j y
Headquarters For I
n Minn g and Commercial Men A
j C. T. LONG, Propl! i
IK1! fluw"liMPIWJI" KvfH!y1v't-11111 """" ""' mmt ' lmiLI uiiinipiiM inn iym 1 11 ji
E ,..,m,.m ' 11 " 1 I
St. Paul,
Tickets on sale vScpt. 11-12-1:5.
Account Jamestown lixposition.
Keturn limit, Ninety Days.
Above rate l.s from I'ortlaud. Same ruteH apply to Diiluth.
I'roportii mutely low raten from Washington imd Oivg-on
points. Rate to ChicuHo $71.50 from Portland; ifiil.OO from
Spoktuio. Low ruti'8 to Onmhii, Kiiiihiim C:ity, St LouU and
many other Kntern points.
For a Comfortable Trip Take the
Stnndnrd and Touribt sleepers, dining
car and Compartment Observation Car.
Meals in dining car on the a la carte
plan. The "Fast Mail" in another
good train.
l'"or information regm-dinK routes ami through ruteH to any
eiiHtern point, add reus
1J2 TIIIIU) ST. (it Nor. Ry. rOHTLA.Nl. Oil.
W. A. UOSS, Asa't (ieneral I'lissongor Aelit, Seattle,!).
and examine niv stock
are reasonable.
And the eelebrated