Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, August 21, 1907, Image 4

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And Tell Our Eastern Friends All
About ths Superior Opportunities
We Possess.
On April 2'.th last the Oregouiau
published a special industrial edi
tion 'evot(vl exclusively to the ex
ploiUtion of Oregon. It probably
contained more special and miscel
laneous ittforrmitiiui about Oregon
than any one publication that has
ever been issued. It is peculiarly
useful and valuable to the honie
seekcr, because it gives the latest
and most reliable information about
bo tinny different subjects that the
homeseeker is naturallv interested
in. Almost every department of in
dustry is specialized, an 1 both de
scriptive and statistical information
of a highly valuable character is
given extensively and in entertain
ing form.
Residents of Oregon who know
its advantages as compared with
the congested and depleted Kast,
and who still have friends back
there ivticm they would like to see
here enjoy in-: 'h? good tbiegs of
this favored stn'e. can aid iu a
splen iid work now without cost
and very little effort. If ypu think
your friends wo"ld- b interested in
knowing more a' out Oregon aud
Knowles & Gettys
Bohemia, Oregon.
Knowles & Gettys
Orseco, Oregon.
Miners Supplies
at reasonable prices.
Our Motto:
Good Goods at Reasonable Prices.
General Merchandise
Miners Tools and Amunitions
Tullar & Powell, Proprs.
XT 1- I C4U1
The IIoclc Jigs give a perfect separation
of 2?inc-L,ad-Orcs
1634 BlakoSt,
guaranteed or money
might eventually become a valuable
eitien, nend his name and address
to the general passenger agent of
the Oregon Railway oi Navigation
Company or Southern Pacific at
Portlaud, and a copy of this upeeial
edition, with a complete summary
of the several subjects treated, care
fully indexed, will be mailed to him
promptly. In this manner you may
oe the means not only of doiug your
friend a good turn, but of helping
to stimulate tho growth and pros
perity of Oregon.
Don't forget that commencing
September 1st and continuing daily
for two months, tickets will be on
sale at almost everv railroad station
in the Kast to all points in Oregon
I and the Northwest at what has come
j to be popularly known as "colonist
rates." These rates are the cheap
j est general long distance rates ever
! established and enable one to reach
! Oregon from any part ol the United
States at but a tritle more than one
Iceut a mile. They are the greatest
incentive to colonization aud pro-
! gressive home building of any
known agency, and if the restless,
i dissatisfied resi-lent ot the East is
' made to know before-hand the ad
vantages he can enjoy here, the
problem is solved, and the star of
emrire will continue to move stead
ily westward.
Now is the time to spread the
' gospel of Oregon, so that it may be
heard and heeded by the time the
rate goes into effect. Send one
i name or two, or a dozen, ami you
will be exerting a worthy intlncnee
toword the upbuilding of our state.
Send them to your neatest Southern
Pacific agent or to Wm. McMtu ray,
Gerjeral Passenger Ageut. Portland.
b'or legal blanks Nugget office
K G o y.
m For
U and
refunded. kJ JT'
For Sale by New Era Drug Store.
Hie hltos miilMing ot insects, Inn.
milium, cuts, burns and bruises mv
relieved nt once wltn rincsalve Car
Indued. Acts like u poultice, and
draws out Inllnniatlon. Try It, '.'.VI
Sold by New lira lrug Store,
Any person wishing to Investigate
Ids or her assessment for l'.M7 for tin
purpose of correcting tiny error-am
omission will please call nt the us
sensor's otilce within the next ten
days, that the matter may lie attend
ed to liefore commencing to write t In
roll. Persons who have loaned monov
and have taken deeds as sccinlty una
who have not reported such loans to
the assessor, are hereby uotllled that
the same are taxable credits and if
not reported Immediately they will
have to bear the consoipiciices of as
sessments made from theU-Nt Infor
mation obtainable.
It. 1 Krl'M'Y,
County Assessor.
TIMItr.U LAND ACT .11 'XK :. ls?v.
t'nlbsl States Land Otlleo,
Hosebniy, Oregon, July :!(, 1!K7.
Notice is hereby j;i veil that in com
pliance with the provisions of the net
of Congress of .lune :t, ITs. entitled
"An act for the sale of timber land
In the States of California, Oregon.
Nevada and Washington Territory",
as extended to all the Public Lund
States bv act of August 4, IS1.':'.
or IUitfene, County of Italic, State of
Oregon, tiled ill this ultlce on April
11, l!H7. his sworn statement No. M7d
for the purchase of th.i Sk, of S K
and S L of S W of Section No. ::i
in Township No. 1!) smith, llnnjr No.
I west V. M. and will offer proof to
show that the land soiiirht. is tiion
valuable for Its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes and to t -tublih
his claim to said laud bef-no
YV. W. Calkins. 1. S. Commissioner
at hisotfieein Fugene, Oregon, on
Tuesday the ath dav of November.
He mimes as witnesses:
P. ti. Young of Lugene, Oregon: t
K. Stafford of Lugene, Oregon : M.
E. Fleming of Eugene, Oregon; Hub
ert Wilhelm of Lexter, Oregon
Any and all persons claiming a 1
versely The above-described lamls ar
reijnested to lite their claims in this
otlice en or before said nth dav of No-
I veinber Pm7.
Kfviamin L. Ei'PY. Ilegistei.
Restoration to Entry of Lands in Na
tional Forest.
Notice is hereby given that the
lands described below, embracing 4'
acres within the Cascade National
Forest, Ore., will be subject to settle
ment ami ent r.V under the provisions
of the homestead laws oT th I'nited
States and the act of June 11. lHOii
.".4 Slat.. '3:il,at the I'nited States
Land ollice nt lioseluirg, Oregon, on
Seit. 10. Wo". Any settler who was
actually and in good faith claiming
any of said lands for agricultural pur
poses prior to January 1, 190t and lias
not abandoned same, has u prefer
ence right to make a homestead entry
for the lands actually ocoupi'.'d.
Said land wire listed upon the tippli
eations of the persons mentioned be
low, who have a preference right sub
ject to the prior right of any such
settler, provided such 'ttler or appli
cant Is qualified to make homestead
entry and the preference right is ex
ercised prior to Sept. l'i, I tin", on
which date the lands will be subject
to settlement and entry by any qual
ified persons. The lands are as fol
lows: SE'4 of NY'4. Sec IT., T L'I S,
H. :! E, V. M., listed upon the appli
cation of James V. Mill, of 1 lazlcilell,
Oregon. Fnun Dknxi.t, Acting Com
missioner of the iem-rnl Land Otlice.
Approved June li, piu7, Jks-ik K.
Wilson, Acting Secretary of the In
terior .
COTTAUH (;icovk
8 IK,.!4.J I 0.
hi 1 1
All the latest treatments.
t Electrical
I Ordinary Cases $1 2 per Week.
For furtliiT inu ticiilars aililn-ss
ir. ii. v. st iiLi:i:r. 5
f. -5
KojiairinK at reawmuble cnnrux'.
All work K'lHrauleeil llrst-ciunii.
Wntrhct, ( !uck rii I Jewelry ut l.owfB. I'riee
J. S. Medley. J. C. .Ii.dinson
Medley Johnson,
Office Suite :t ll'ink ISldff.
Special attention given to Mining
and Corporation Law.
Oillce on Main street, Went Side
the Kidneys, Bladder
t l IT .1 I'll II
nm mmm
v IT
JLlik.m Jtm
NoTicFor Arri.icvT.oN rois r.
s. rn:Ni
I'nlled M:iti' i I nlid Ollice. lioMehlliy,
Oregon, .Mineral A licalion
No. ITii, Aiii:u-I !, I'.Mir. !
No! ice hi heiehv clvi'll llnd Star
(nsolidated Mininir (.'oiuuiny, 11
corporal ion of I'orlland, Orcnn, Iwih
made iiilica(lon lor 11 pnh-nt fertile
M:ir Consolidated ( ii oiip Lude Min
im;' i l.ilui ', eomjii Uliiit th( iover.
I'lack traveller, MecMii, Oolden
Star, Star IaIimi -.n ; liii-.v Last
Chance, NIcIi.mIciihi ., !niinnii. Hart
ley, llnulies. K'aMler and Smimler
l.udcs, Milnated ill llnhemlii Mining
I'islrict, Lane comity, Slate ol'tlre
U'on, with mi 1 face ground, 111 de
scribed ly the oUli'lal d:it herewith
posted and ly lli.'lield nole-t on llle
ill the ollice of the Ucelslef of I he
Hosehni j,' I .and I l dril l. Olefin, M.
S. No. tin-'. aM follow : ;
lilover Lode ltc!;imiiii at corner
No. 1. whence the I', M'c. cor. nee. a I,
T :l, S l; I w in-i S s deir 7 mln w,
'.'Os7.S!M't : Ihence S7I de:T. r I lllll) I',
I .00 II . thence N .".'J dec. ' mln. 1'..
lil'.i hi It: thence N 71 dc;. I mill, w
l.MMI It; thence S ;1'.' de.:. :! linn, w.
Id:'. Ill II, to the place of Levdiinile.
Itlack T;ave!li'r I .ode I Vulnniiii: al
cor. .No I. whence the I! sec cor.
sec. 'J IT J.".. S K 1 W hrs MM! diy ."
mln. :!ll sec. W xi.". "I fl ; I hence S Ii!'
leu'. '.I min. in -co. K I lns.ioil ; thence
N 'S tW,. C. 1:1111 leel: I hence N C'.l dec
M mill, hi see. I i:vi,.i ft; thence s.
.':! dc.;. W liuil It . Lillie place of .e
M"ican Lode' - licuuinihf.: at cor.
No. 1, whence the K sec. cor. ,'cc.
L'I. 1' !. S I! I W l.rx S VI dcK. ! mill.
I'll -cc. W, !H!i.-i.v! ft ; thence Sii.'nlru.
;; mm. I : Il'.l7i l ; t hence N L':l dc.;. I ', fct : thence N 1; '. iIcli. :N mm. W
1 I'.i7 ft; thence S. j:! den. W Cimi ft. to
the place of ln'ninniiiir.
(ioldcn I, ode- Iteu'nnin.L;- ill
cor. No. 1, whence the L1, sec. col-.
sc. l',, r j::.s.i:. 1 v Lrss. mi dci;. :;s
min. ::n see. W :7 tl .'. it ; ihenceS. i;."i
ii'z. min I". M'i7 fl; thence N '..''! div
I'. i:."ivin ft: Iheiiee N Hi dc. ; mm. W
'.i"i.:'l it . ilicnce N .'ii; ileij. mm. ::o
M'c. :U I .Mi 11: thence S letf. V.
."7 ft. to the place of licuiiinliii;.
Star Klen-ioii I. ode lleirinninn at
cor. No. 1. whence the 1. hcc. cor.
wee. L'I. I' s. K. I W l.r. S v.' ,!.(.
:t min. W s:.!i : :: it I hence S nti de.
."I mill. I'l see I". 1 llis.i; i ft ; I hence. N.
S.'. ilee,. I '. ' il ; I hence N lis dec ' "
in, a. ' s' e. S'. Hti7.ll ft: thence S. '.M
de;:. W ;ihi ft; to the place of benin
I haisv Loilc- l'.i K'inuiii' at cor. No.
j 1. whence tin- N K cor. sec, .'I. T 'S, S.
! K. 1 V Ins N V. de .. .". linn. ,'.n see. V
IvlMi.'.il ft: tin nee ."i7 den-. ,",7 min. i..
I t:i! ft; tlienc" N I'J div. I-. liiM) ft;
thence N ."udec ."o nun. V, 1 I'.i'.l.lMi It ;
tlience S iJ lieu-. W . Ciill It . to I lie place
ui 1. etriniiinc
Last Chimee I .ode llein iilni;- at
cor. No. 1, whence I . S. L. M. .No. l'
estiilililicd in survey No. n-JI, I'.osloii
Consolidated til'oup his. N,l ilejT.
II mill. HI see. ; (;m;:!.."i fl; tlience S
L' d'.U. W i it ; thence S, I'.l dec "'
mill.' K 1 1 ft; tin lice N IJ dec i:
i;t)n ft; thence N !:i dey. .". min. W I mv
II ft., to tiie place of lieniniilii;:.
Nichodeiiiiis Lode I '.iL'iliiiiii!: at
cor. No. I, w hence N K cor. Sec. L'I. T
, S. K. 1 W in s. N s.' dec min. l'ii
sec. V iis'.i7."d ft:lheiice .N'sl ih'C. I
lii ill. -HI sei'. I'. Hi, 4. Ml I'l; thence N .ri
dec I"1 min I'. i:oti ft; tlience S. vl de;r.
4J min. In .-ec. V 1 Hil.Mi ft ; thence S.
." d'c )" min. w inn it. to the place of
1 lii-cimim;.
I'.o.inza I. oih.' l.eKiiimnu' io cor.
No. 1. w hence the N i; cor. Sec. Jl. 1'
SI. S. II. I W, Lis N s dec 1.1 mill. In
sec. W, s. ;:(:;. J7 it: tlience S. sj ilec -7
min. J-. I 'm! it: tlience N .1 dec II
MINI. L lillll ft . tlience N dcC '-'" lllill.
W l.MMI fl. nee S. ." dec l'i mill. W
lillll It; to the place of licciillill'.
Ilnitle.v Lod" - IVuinniiie. at cor.
No. I. win-nee the N licor. sec. L'I, 'I'
L':. s. K. V. Lis.S s7ilcy.. II mln, L'o
fee. V V.I 1.77 ft: thenceS. .17 de;:. L!7
tuit.. L r"iii,::u I I ; l netico N 'Jll dec K
Cllil It ; tlience N .17 dec -7 lllill. V,
1L'!MI.:M ft : t li nce S. L'!l de w Loo It.,
to the place of lii-oiiiniiic
llnudies Lode - Li'Cliliili-.-' 'd cor.
No. 1. N I-! eor. see. Jl, T -'!,
S. K. I W hrs. N 7 h'c inin. NV.
! :.:.'J:S ft : thence S. .in dec s min. !;
llliLMJU ; thence N 1!0 dec I ; i;nl) ft;
thence N .Hi de-.; n mill . V I J.J fl:
thence S. Jll dec Whim ft., to the
place i if in i n ni ii:.
Itilstlel' lio.le - r.ivilinili' at coi No.
L whence N i: cur sec. Jl, 1' J.'i, S. K. I
YV Ill's. S. s de;:. 7 lllill, 0 sec. W.
si'.Jl.J , il ; lliein e S. 17 dec J7 min. L
I.",.1o.:;ii it: tiieliceN J'.i de-'. K i;oo fl;
thence N ho dec In min. V. I:: 17.711 It;
thence S. Jll I YV. .ViJ.1 ft., to Ihe
place oi lieeihhinc
Smiicler Lode I i'o in ii i ii al cor.
No. I. w hence N I; cor. sec. Jl, 'I' j:!,
S. I, 1, VV Lrs. SMI i'-r. I min. JO see.
' !i7IyJJ ft: I hence S. ,1h dec s min.
L, 1 1'iJ. I:.' it ; 1 io ni c N Jll dec IMM.s-
I'l ; I lli'lice .',', ,le;'. -J ; lllill. lOSee. V .
1 I'l.".. Ml I I ; t liehce S. Jll dec V . I ',01 1 it.,
lo t he plni e of I .eiiinninc
'J ot a net a i on Jll .7711 ncres.
Any and all per ;oiih claliniiiy; "'I
Vel'-.ely Ihe Inlliili!: Ki'uiiml, ln(e,
preini.-.i H or iin.v o I i n thereof sn
ilescriLiid , surveyed find pl.'iMedand
applied I'm lire hereliy untitled that
unless theii adverse clailiht ill e duly
tiled fieci ii-diiiji to law and the regu
lations I lieren ndei , wit Ida the lime
prescrilied li.V law, with the Keejutei
of the t'llite'd States 1,,'ilnl Ollice at
Losehinc in the Slate oi Oregon,
they will lie Ltilied by the proviMioliH
of the law in Mich cases ininle and
pi o ided.
I . i ; .v.i ami x L. Limy, ItcniHtcr.
No'i iciv i'oi: ri'iii.iCATioN .
Depai'linetit of the Interior,
Land Ollice at Itom lnirf:, (Irirou,
Aim'iisi :i, i!io7.
Nolice In licreli.v iven thill
of Cottaoc irove, Oregon, haH lilcd
notice of hid intention to luako llnnl
proof in siiipoi t of his claim, vi.:
lIoineMtead 1 )iit ry No. 1 lllilli nmdo
Aiijiiiwt I'.mjj. for the SWJJ Section
JO, Township JO, Kuiiu'd 1' W, anil that
said proof w ill Ijo Hindi) heforo YV. '.
CalkitiH, II. S. CoininisBioner nt Kn
gene, Ore"" u, on Novemlier 11,1 107.
lie names the following wilness(!H
to prove his resilience) upon mid cul
tivation of the hind, viz:
John Iloistet ter of Saginaw, ' Ore
yon; Charles YV. Scars of Cottage
liuive, Oregon; YVillilllil II. JSlilir of
Collage (irove, Oregon; Herman T.
low of Kugeno, Oregon.
Cottage Grove Women arc Finding
HpIicI nt Last
It diicM seem women lnive
more tlnui n luir shiiro of the aches
ninl pains nllliel hunrinity ;
they llllist "keep lip," llHI'd attend
to duties in npile of coil' l.udly mcIi
ing hiH'ks, or hca-'iclies, iiy
spells, lic.iiiii.; down p.nii',; t'u'V
must . idoop over, when to Mnop
menus pm I nie. Tin v must w dl.
am! lieml iiml woik with tickinr.
pains ainl in.iiiv aches lioin l.idni v
ills. Kidney1 c'llise mm e u ll'et ill)',
than any other m ;;, in of the IhkIv.
Keep Ihe ki'lnevs well ami hcallh
is easily liLiinlaiiii il. Lead of a
remedy lor kiilm-v, mily lliat h !j-
ninl fines the ki'lm vs ainl is en-
llol'SCll I'V people oil know.
Mis. I! S C Oliver, ol lil'.i Mi-
j pie Mi cel. lend ci ui, l)i,' , s.ijs:
i ''It is iioiv m at ly I wo yi ins since I
hive hid anv ocasinn lo use 1 1 ,.m'
Kidney I'lII i ''i tor i that tunc I
'hud my sluic ol kidncv timilile,
I lllil if there is .invlhm'! tint i arr-.i '.
Iinoic miseiy than a di ,i,i,cn , run
' 1 1 : l on of the I: t, ! ne s. nrr.mii line I
'.villi leu k.u 'm-, lii'il ii it. I hstirss
' Ii cliii;; aii'l ret Ii ssii, ..s, I hiveyi
. to experience it. )i, ti's KiilneV
t ills, which I proi iiicil ii a iliui'.
sloii', I'lniiolit mo (nine liivloin
from the pains, lu-hc. ninl l,im'iii : s,
legnliitct tin aclion of Ihe l.i.lnrs
ami restoictl iiuilotion t" t i l ' - ; th.'.t
I Ctlllld oet :lo ami .iml ill- n I to
my ilulics uithicit disiuinfoi I
ilo now ami al v.ivs will reoinuieiid
Ilonn's Kid'i Pill-, to ih i c sutler
i ing 1 1 1 ii 1 1 l.iiliiL'V ailini nt in a ny
j I'm in " h'or sale liy all iletilris
l'rice -al ct-i. p'o-td Mill. inn Co.
' r.nllalo, N. V .suic a;'ciits lor the
il'iiiteil States. Iiiim iiihi i tlm name
; 1), an iiid ' :.o ore
TIM I 1:1: i . N i r .n :r. .1.
No t u 1: I ol; I I I'.I.IC Y'l'loN
I I idled .'Mates Laud Ollice.
I Lo eliui c oi'-'i"!', July 17, I'"','
.police -. iu'ieo ;:ien 1 11.11 01 coin
pllance with Ihe pio.isioii; oi the
act of Coiiure-.s ol June :i. s7, en
titled "n m l for Ihe sale n liinLer
lands in i he t a I es oi ( 'alil'oini.i, I n e
V'i'li, Ni ,,i..i and Washiiiol on I'erri
lorv." 11 esleaded 1" all III'' I'lllilic
Land St.-ih s Lv m l of Aii-iist I. sij,
Cilol. ;. t . YYII.Iii l.M
of ion. County of Lane, .' Lite of
Oregon, lilcd in 1 his ollice on Jan. J'.i.
1IMI7, her swiiru st a teineiil No. s.;j
for the purchase of the NV, oi SW,
of Section No. JO. 111 'l'i n ic h ip No. pi
south, Lunge No. I west, Y. M , and
will oiler proof to show that the land
Naught is 11 Vfililahle for its t iiill.el
or stone than for fi"riciilt ural pur
poses and to est . a I il is 1 1 her claim lo
said land In I" VV. V. CalMns. I . S.
Collllllissioner. lit hi- ollice ill lau'elie,
Oregon, on Sal iii',l.i tin- I :.' 1 1 1 d;iyof
(Ictoher p.1117.
She names a.- U il i.e-se--
V. P. I'm ker oi ion. Irci'oli : W.
Klo-ter of June. in vou -. Archie l(;i
thews of June, 1 iicloiii ; Liifu . W I
if ion, 1 ir.-gi hi
i A liy a nd a ll l c ! - el limiii.' ail
j veise'ly III" ill di -el llicl I.. I, lis fll"
leiplesl ed to hi- t he, 1 1 la 1 ins in this
! ollice mi or In I',, aid I :i h day of
I I Ii lolier. inn'.'.
1 I '.I .l il i I .. Ll -1 ' i . I c :'i tel.
II M 1: LL I. N 1 1 Ml .1 1'N I: :i. l-,s
No I ll I. I'ul; l'i i'.I.U A I lo.
C'liled Slalcs I. .'lllil llliee.
PoseLiit -j.. I u e"i in, July. :::.'. I 'in?.
Not ice i . h I chy ej eii that in colli
pliame V, i: h the pi ,, Isimis oi the ait
of I 'iiiiuti' -.s of June::. Iss, eiitillcil
"All ae for Ihe ileoi l.iulicr lands
in I lie Si.iL-. !' t 'filifnrid-i. In g' 'ii
Nevfida and i asl, i ,o t on 'I'ei l it.u ,"
as extended I" fill tin- I'ulilie Land
Slfites v aei oi A 1 1 : i -1 I. IWC,
of Dllgene, ' 1 1 1 ! 1 1 ' of Lain', SI ate of
Oregon, lilcd in this ollice mi l'clirii
n.iv I, 11107, hi - swoin I f 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 No.
S-'IV I , for t he pm oh. i o of t ii ,ict ioiial
N W I, of N ', of Section No. li. In
'I'ow nshiii N'.,. s i. south. I.'ange No. J,
Wc-t V. M . and will ol'l'er proof In
sliowlhal the l.i ml sou dit is more
vn lun Lo for il s imlier oi stone than
for agrieiillur.d purposes audio i-s-I
alili h hi . . l.i i in I . i N.'i id la nd hcl'oie
YV V . CalUin I . S. C ii sinner.
al his ollice in Liigeiie. Or. : oii, on
M i.iii L i the ::lsl dav of ' leloliei . Ilioi .
I I" iia nies as . il lies e
'1 oiii ( a 1 1 1 1 I , 1 1 oi Liifo-ue, Oregon;
('ill d oling u I' Liigeii", Orei'oii , Saiu
liel A. I'll I'lllii hael of Luge ne, I Uegi ill ;
I lei mail T. Low "f I aigene. Oi eooll.
Any and nil person-: claiming ad
versely the nliov e-dcM i ilied lands are
requested to lile I heir claims in (Ids
officii on or lie fo i e fifi id Jlst day of
i Ictoher, I'iu7.
I'.LN.I AMIS L. Llilil ,
In tlie Chcull, Court, of the Stale of
Oregon for Liinu County.
In Ihe ninl ter of (he application of
John Sot lurl.'iiid to icgister thetille
to the S'., of N L' and '. of NH'of
Sccliou s in 'I'p J:! South, Lange .'!
West, ol YVil'le Meri.llan, iigiiinst till
Avlioni il. may concern.
Take notice thai on the IIIhI day of
July, 1 1 io7, mi application whs lilcd ,y
said John Sutherland in said court,
for initial legist i ii I Ion of title to the
a ho i n dcHerihod land. Nmv iiiiIcns
you appear on or hefoie t he nth day
of ISepteliiher P.IU7, and show cause
why Mich application should not ho
granted, the same will lie taken us
confessed ninl u decree w ill ho entered
according to t lie prayer of the appli
cation and you will he forever liarred
from disputing tit" same.
L. I '. Li:l, ( 'uiinly Clerk
SoiilJ I'.L. (iiuns, Deputy.
NOl H i: I'oK nip.LIC.M ION.
I leplil'l inelil of t he I lllei lor,
I. ninl l Mliee at Ito- ehunr, Orci;iiii,
July J, I'Hii-.
Notice is herelo eiveli thill.
lillolHiL I'd 'V A li I IS
of Conisloi k, Oregon, has llleil nollee
of his liilcnlloii lo iiialvc II mil live
year pioor in siippoitol his claim,
r. Iiin lead Lllll.V No. MIIIH Hindu
May :'s, I'liio for Ihe MY', Section -I,
lowiiship '.'I S. Kange I , a lid I ha t
aid proof will he made liefolelhe
Ih'i'i ter and Ihceher at lio eliurg.
On"; ti I'rlday, ,M plcinher hth.
I 'Ol'. '
llchaihee. the folio w i ng w It neiscs
to na, Id .iml re Ideiiee
upon, and cnlth atlon ol III" In ll I
John A. (ill. ol 'olllstocl., i no
gou; I! A. A Hi n or ( 'oiiiHlock, Or.'
goii; Osivir liariicH of Coinstock, (he.
..'.on; Samuel Mel'iiinau ol Lotane,
I l-ee..lll.
I' l .i l l N L. I 'l'H , lii v'lstei ,
Mil II I, I ill! I'l IILIi'ATIoN.
Department i l the Interior,
I .and thi e at lloselnii -.., i lr. gon,
J uly ... I'm,'.
N i il lee is le reliv i en I hat
1 1; John hook li:.
. 1 I' ml her, I le;.v ,i, ha tiled Iml ice
"I hi l intent 0 ill In III ihe I i l f 1 1 lilis
,ear proof in viippnit id hi. elaiin,
i i : Ilo lead I lot I V Nil H 'h'i made
liv I ., I Mill, lor I he'
s 1 . -V ' , , N I ' , ; ; : i , v, ', si ',,
Scellon 's, lowi.-l.lp I'' v, liaogeli
, and I hi I ill pi o. .1 Willi.' made
l oioio YV. YV. Calkins, f.s. ( 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ih -sliniei
.il III ollice al i ilgene, Ore
1'nll, "ll YY'eillies.l.-i v, Sep t e III hi r J.I,
lie liai the oo iug w it nesses
t" pr, i e Ii Is re .ii leiicc up ui residence
upon. .Hid cult ival ion of lie laud, viz:
scull i , de pic i .f I 'a h I her Oregon;
I . i u Nicli.i. Is , f Mound, I iregon;
llnd, I . ( i . ll .ha w of I'.ilithcl. Ore
goii . In .1 gi Holland i l'o , oi iv on.
I : I N i i m i I. I ni. , L'i .. I s l I If,
Mil Ii i: l oi; I t 'p.LIC 'l Iiin.
I iepa 1 1 1 1 1 -1 1 1 i .f ihe I ii lei ii ir.
Land l illii e al Co -ehiirg. I In gnu.
.1 uly :.'. lno7.
Not a i i i hen I.',' giyi-n thai
of Com I icl. . I i'i-L."ili. Iiim tiled iml ice
of his in .-nt ion to iii.d.e I 1 1 1 1 1 lic
eir pioot in suppoit of hn claim,
v i ' (loin lead l.nliv No. loi:j tnaile
Lelirtiarv Ji. I'li'l for lln- NL', Sccliou
I. Township J! S., C iiige I W., and said proof will Le made liefore
Ihe C"1 I til' alld CeceiMI lit CoSC-
luirg. Oregon, mi I'lidav. "sepleinher
hth, I'.ili
lli'iiatm Ihe following witnesses
lo 'prove Ins i iillliliuolis lesidenee
upon, and cull ival loa of ;he land,
John il igg of I 'ouistock. I H'c
oii; li Allen of ( 'oiii-i i ick , I h egou;
0 car Iianies oi Coinstoch, (Iregon;
S. iiiuel McCiii nan o I .oraiie, Oregon.
Hi m i i I.. Lun v. Ccgisler.
TIMCLi: I.VND ACT. .11 NI'. :!, s;s
Mil ici: l ol: id r.idCA'i ioN. j
I llili'il Slates I, and Ollice.
Co clun g, l iregon. May Jo, II07.
Not he I ; lierehy given that In com
pliance with the provisions of the
act. ol Coiii'rcss oi June :i, Is7s, en
tilled "An act I'm I he sale oi Umber
laud i in I he States ol ahfui Ilia, I Uc
gnii. Nevada and Washington Tcrri-
lol'V," fi-s eledei load llle plllllic
luli'd -Ifiles L ni t . f Align- I I, s!ij,
01 Cllgeue. count V of Lille, stale of
ire. , n, ha this dav hied ill lid; ollice
his sw oi u -Li lehi. nl No. ''.oil. I'm-Ihe
piil'clill -e oi the NI'.1, of seel ion No.
::j, in town-hip No. In . nth, range
No. J we-l, aod will olTer prunl lo
show lln- land oih-ht is more
v a lu: i Lie ha its 1 1 ui In-r or si one limn
I'm- i i - -1 iitlii(.il purpo es, and toes
l.'i 1 .1 1 - h hi . i la ;in I o - aid la nd hel'oie
Y . W ('all. ins. I'.f-. I 'oiuiiii-.-ionor,
at til ollice at I iigcne, Un-iaui, oil
I'lidav lhe'.::-l day of Align d, llm",
I le till lues ,-ls W it lles-es:
II a roll I l i la sou, of L i igi'iii', i iregon ;
Herman T. D..u of I lii-.i-nc. i n egmi ;
Arthur l.aliili, ol laiielie, (Iregon;
WilL.iui 'I'. Osliuru, of laigeiie, Ore
gon. ny ale I. ill per-oiis clai iniug' :nf
v i I'm Iv Ihe di 'Si -ri I ted lands nie
leipievted lo lile I heir claims iu lids
ollice mi orlielore s,iii J.', il.iyof
i iv 1 1 I. I'ni7
I'.i nivmin L. Illun, liegisler.
TIMI'.LC LAND ACT II 'NI-::!. s7s.
NO Til l: fill! I'l IH.ICATION
I idled Slalcs Land Ollice
CnseliiLg, Oregon, May Jlst, pill.
Nnl ice is In-ri I iy given thai iueniu
pli.ilice with Hi" provisions of the
act of ('oiii'ies- of June .'!, ISVs, eu
I it led "A II act for Ihe sale ni timber
lands in lln- Slalcs oi On liiul'iiia , Ore
;;oii. Nevada a ad Wash Ingl on Terri
tory," as e t c n 1 1 1 1 1 In all the I'lihlh;
Laud slalei Lv ni l of August I, IVlJ,
of Loi'aiic, county ol i, line, Stain
of I iregon. has this day liletl
ill Ihia ollice his '.-worn si ul onion t
No NJl i, for I he purchase i if ho N JJ
'-, N i: ol r-'eclinn Nil, IJ, in 'I'own
HhipNoJll soiilli, Laiiuu No, li west,
YV. IL, ami will offer ptnuf Inshow
thill, the land h night. Is nunc vnluahlo
for Its I llnher or f tolio I an u for ngri
cultural purposes, and to cstiihlish
his cluini in said laud holme W. YV.
Calkins, I'.S, CommiHHloner, at liisi
ollicn in J'.iigene, Oregon, on Saturday
the Jlth day of Aiigunt, IIKI7.
He mimes as wll nesses :
(ieolgo C. Schneider, n Conine,
Oregon; Jacoli Itnuk, of l.oriine, Ore
gon; Ardello Addison of Lor nie, Ore
gon; I : 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii I Addi'iou, of Lonuio,
( M-egotl.
Any and all persons claiming hJ
versuly Iho aliove-desi'libed lands aro
rui I nested tu li lo t Loir claims In this
nllice on or liefore said Jlth day of
August, lllll".
l:i:.i min L. Llinv, Leglster.
For leyftl blaukH Nugget oflico,