Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, August 21, 1907, Image 2

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Ml nil i'hock to Niiftf! P '.
Krti'tv.l Rl the jvwloiTIro t foil ire irov(,
iiTU'tn isnnil cUss umil umller.
tell tlio ilepartmcnt of justice to
look elsewhere, for a man to fke
hi pl.io1 ntiil nothing i more cor-
tain thsn that Mr. Heney will lay
down his title ns assistant to j
tho United States attorney Rcnetal.
4.1 Professors
The meat ami hi end of of Oregon '
advertisin;; is colonist rates. '
The people of Oregon are not neg-
lectins this opportunity, and there I
st inrnoN katks.
ti months $1.00
i "ji
Is in..i;il).!!!!.'.!'."r."!!!.r.!.V".yj!iH)l will le thousands of peoplu come to
1 ( paid in advance.
Collcfe of liberal Arts.
. is.
11. I..
H. s.
....Pli. i:.
Clubbinx Pates.
this state to Gml homes between
September 1. ami October How-
i ever, do your portion, and ''rite
The College nfl.fheral Arts tiiiin
Tin Hohenil.-i Nnpeet one year another lett rr jnst hs soon as von
III. iiii.v on. ol Hie following Uy t,own U)is to HOne )icm,
IH.lll.m- I'M, .r;il .' iuiu'iii
I'm. -Hie Monthly
Weekly Orciinni.'Ui I I'orthiml)
Wceklv .lournnl ( Port land I
i. i.. il:..!.. . li f . I . - . -. I
l.flliy .Mining "'"ni lifinn. , ..;..,.... .., -,,,,
J.-'.j j teachers taking annual exatnina-
I in the older states who should get
SJ.OO the advantage of the low one-way
SJ.00 I ,es to 0'rg0"-
t.'ltim the following, nrliools;
Weeklv Nlimnir Kecord
I'n.-ilic Homestead
Northwest poultrr .lonrnal
Itionsat the eoutt hottse. only live
' 1 . 1 -U . .
are lime ".eacuei s. i lie ran iu
The College of Oratory, (. I!.
The Teachers' College. It. I'.!.
Tho Normal sehool, Diploma.
Tito Oregon Institute or the
Academy. Diploma.
TheSelniol of Cotnnieree, I'i
.1 Instructors.
Affiliated Colleges,
o I lege or Medicine M. D.
College ..r l.nw 1. 1.. I'.
.'nllece of The.ilo-y I. I.
Clleue ,.f M il l.- 15. M.
The A llih.i teil l'olle;;i s are tlm.n
ciaTy independent of t lie Col
li'UV of 1 A i t .
The .( ho -I of Ai l. fri I illeate.
The Sehi'ol of Art in a No llnan
eiallv Ind. -pendent . if I he Col
let;., of l.ll.eial Arts.
v 1
If it's Up-to-date, THE TOGGERY lias it.
ST l.lsll and Wl.1,1.1 l l'TIMI
elnl Ill's .lie . tt' 1 1 1 :n l I ' I liy nil
men i if :'i H nl Ju l:; men t n ml
i : I he pi. H ,' In . .'I your 'lit li I II "III
I lie en in n i if , i hi r hem I to t he
sel.w iii void I t . Tlii i warm
ue.'il In i r. iniii. I li-. 1 1. al
We w ill nuke it cool lor
)on if miii liny onr SI M
MI K IMH k'W l k of lis.
foil i m ii i I , m ! ia sv :
Salem, Orcstm.
: Iltv II II" 1 Kt l'l II II Mil l I 111. A 'U.IM-
. N MINIS'. . ONi.KI SS, f hnml,. r of I ..mj ntlPr .uu lnore Inorativo tiebls ll.lS
mon'r Hiniiluis'. lit'iivrr, ut . where mir
r,M.i..i' iii i . v,.',.,. u. i lie ii. o me io.r : j,, nhout eliininated the male
H1L' I.HI .'.A ll't'OI III.' 8tlOHS nillUDK MSMlOll el .1
he U, m, a m iiMiiuip l.i.mry mm iiiui.ts' ox i eH( ju Oregon, and wo question "
I the wisdom of such condition in
! l. l. i.-i. t. t. l. t. I, I - t. t I t i 4 .- t. I
rnisi'M'Hl .iMUtM t,. p,t.ietio,nl fiphl . We need. S-fpVrVTVT f .r,rVrr''r?r 'rT T'T'-f'T t'f't't t'TT'f .N
feuiah) instriftors I TT i 4.
I it's Uo-to.dato. The TOGGERY has it. 11
im, UiiKj ..';'. K;ifcHA.ik &i,iJiiiLi:'a hJl&idi,1i,mi. Amw, nnii.A L'
'huiiK'0. Stui l rrtiuMco. i tuilonuA. wiutc com
rncts foi hI vortihiiiti: t'Hii lo in a tie for H.
Wi:nx:snY, August 21, 1907
I .1 I
in nearly all dopantnuMits of elu- j "T?
cntioual work, aiul it wuuM lo bet- ;
r if ntnlp ITrlwm nrptlmn i nfltnl I
A lil'fary rhaigitiK' tee rav
luinjj ci unfoi t to ii respectable
hoard of ditectois by ministeriny to
a small and liiiaucinlly independent
circle of book takers, by its free
dom from the rush of numerous
ami taoet readers
confoi mi y to the notions and va
garies of the managers. Hut snch
n library never realizes the highest
utility. The greater part of the
books lie untouched upon the
shelves, and compared with the free
binary it is a lame and impotent affair.
Whether right or wrong and i .lentist' eight barbers, a shoemaker,
that we need not noiv disetigs hu- ' a tailor four
Cottage Grove
I MONDAY, AUGUST 26, 1907.4
John F. Stowc's siH pnnlm-l ion ot
Mr. Albert l'lieniH, stalT corres
pondent of the MniiiitacturerV
Record" of Haltimorp, and one of.
the country's best posted cones- !
nnn.l.nlj rt i i. . I it-1 r i i I Clll.i.j.t ic .
flti.l In striet 1 J
making a muiiy ol uregot) ami ine; 4
l'acitie Northwest, in connect ion !
with a trip including; all of the Pa-
eiti.- t'oist. The renort of Mr. ' -Hi
I'henis will be decidedly eompli- : -if 500 Reserved Opera Chairs 500 4
Showing uii'ler mi iinmeii -e water prom tent wit h
capacity of Two Tliniisanil people.
inentary to Oregon.
Riugling liros. carry with their
circus a police force, two doctor, as j v
lihlr'K'Mniit lis tliffP. i
man beings a at present constituted jearpenteis, two paitttrs, two wag
will not frequent in large numbers ! on-niakers, three maehiuisth", an
libraries that charge a fee. Tlie electrician, a post-master, four sail-
Ait Immense Stni;e
Ke;tlistic Meeli.mie.-il Dl'leels
( if H'UVI MIS SfC llCl '.
P.v I'rof. Ilavworth's Military I'.atnl ..f '..'n Musicians
1 " I ; very y vii e,'iti liny
v,i"ils :i I isi 1 ely li.lit.
Strict I Slraighifonvanl Business .Methods.
Ono Vricv to all, and
All get Value Received.
AWiiti Sn eel. Colti"c (ii'ovc, Ore. I
spirit of the age and the te ideney
of libt-ral coininunitien are entirely
in favor of furnishing this means
of education and amusement with
out charge. Certainly towns which
can maintain by taxation paupers,
parks, highways, and schools have
no reasonable ground for denying
free reading to their inhabitants.
These towns spend vast sums of
money in providing education, and
yet omit the small extra expendi
ture which would enable young
men aud women to continue their
makers, ami
addition to many
three laun.irymeu, iu j f Grand Operatic Orchestra at Each Performance
many other skilled j 1; . .
Portland expects to entertain ten
thousand visitors from different
parte of the State on the occasion
of the vinit of Secretary Taft, Sep
tember (i. A rate of a fare and a
third from Roseburg and points
north, and from Pendleton and
points west, baa been made for this
"fH a nunccfiAM op or: r mto tf?
Contracts already filed show that
the teachers of Umatilla county will
be paid during the coming year
about lo per cent higher salaries
on tlie average than last year, when
they were nearly as much higher
than the year before.
This is an inevitable movement,
although we suspect it is not m uii
'fesled to so great ar, extent in Ore
egon counties generally; inevitable,
on account of the increased cifct of
living ami the consequent inability
of school d irectora to secure teach
ers at for int r wages We hope it
is also true that rural and even
town directors are more genetally
impressed thiin formerly with the
importance of hiring competent
teachers, such as will not tench at
wages Mint allow I hem barely to
exist. Men and women fit for
te it hers can and ill i find more r e
munerative employment, and so
give up the hitherto illy-paid occu
pation of teaching, and the conse
quence is that the demand for
teachers (xceeds the supply, ami
will do so until better salaries are
paid. Journal.
The Telegram says: Whether
I'rancisJ. Ifeney ever conies to Or
egon to resume pioscciilinu of the
laud fraud cases is up to the Attor
ney (jenera I of the I'nited States.
And the name is true as to whether
i . r'l , r . . . . . II.' i 1 -ii . . .
u imam c. unsioi win retain itiei
office of I'nilcd States attorney for
Oregon. Recent developments are
such that it can be written down as
a fact that Mr. Jleney and Mr.
Hristol will not eoniinue indefinite
ly to sit on the lid. Jf the admin
istration at Washington expects a
luke-warm policy to continue in
vogue as to the Oregon land fraud
situation it in a safe preeiclion that
Mr. Jhistol will quit the place aud
Medford occupied the center of
the stage last week with a fruit car
nival and the annual meeting of the
State Horticultural Society. The
attendance was large.
One hundred prominent business
men of Brooklyn, New York, com
posing the Brooklyn L.eague, will
spend all of August 2S, in Portland.
These gentlemen ore visiting the
different cities of the country stud
ying municipal conditions everywhere.
civic virtue. j
"A bron. I the schools Imve nni'li' the
name of t he city of Scninton fainoiiH. ;
wherever tht KiikIIsIi IniiKiuine is .
tpnken It has lu i n said t hat the sun
never sets upon the activities of the
llltel liat l ilial (.'iilTivponilence Schm ils
Wherever the Kurdish lunnaiie is
spoken, at Inline In unr own nicut
countiy. In the West Indies, in lain'
hunt, hi Australia, in New Zenl.iml. in
Asia. In the Islands of l he pacific
may be found Its indents ring- ils stn
dents. In its whuit existence of lil
ted! years It has had mure student
than all tie' nntversit ics hi the world
ha ve had lor a cent ury.
"Audit is only in Its infancy. The
ground liHM scarcely feen scratched
tlie work Ins scarcely heen liegiui.
T he possihiliticK for the fill are u rc
well calculated to stacker the Intel
"No wonder ihat Scranton Upnnid
of this wonderful institution."
The following editorial which ap
peared in the July loth issue ot the
Scranton Times, the leading daily
of Scranton, Pa., will probably be
read with interest by many Cottage
drove people as it refers to an in
stitution which ii) wielding consid
erable inl'iience iu our community
ai.d it the sentiment of the
pmple who ate most familiar with
it. hollowing is the editorial in
"No higher (filiate was ever paid to
the Internal loiiat '01 lespondeiice
Schools than the action of the Scnin
ton l.iiilv"! of I.IUs iii adopting as
t heir ivn'n.Iin at t he Inl cniul ion al pa
rade of ;I;h lit Philadelphia, the cap
and trown of the fulleu'e Alumnus on
; the day that he receives his decree
;aud his diploma, tllelnall hag illld
I lie motto "ihe HorldH School
In ile."
"Here Is a. Iiody of si- hundred ol
the representative business nnd pro
fessional men of the city, represent
ing every clement of our hetorogone
oiis ciiinuiunit.v and including some
of our most pronressi ve unit cuter
prising citizens, taking pleasure in
exploiting, as the highest, object of lo
cal pride, as the institution closest to
the people's hearts, tho ureat schools
which Imve grown up anions us
within the laMt few years,
"No Sciantonlan will iilf'Htioi) the
Illness of this high murk of hivor.
Considered from the local standpoint,
The I iitcrna t ioiuil ( 'orreKpondeiice
Schools are Scran ton's greatest. In
dustry, einployiiiK morn labor Hum
any other single concern, and iu liuyo
Part t lie very highest class of labor.
I I has drought iiinong us the liest mi
Ihoiltiesoil cdiicatifilinl and techni
cal subject, experts in many direc
tions. Ils inlbience makes for refine
ment, for culture, for progress, f
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Han is made ;
a visit to their daughter's home in
f.orane n few days ano.
Mrs. Ifurcliiiia and Mis. I'.lliott. weiil '
to Cottage (iiove a few days ao.
Mrs. flavin Uavnl-ion nl SiigiuuAV ,
haw been visiting her daughter Mrs. J
Fmgene Miller and Mrs. T. lilcharl ,
A lady by the name of I-' i n I b-.V gave
n lecture nt the school house Sunday '
night. Subject, "The Human Holy a '
Mrs. Mobcl Dressei of" I,,vnx Hollow :
and her sister Mrs. Smith visited i
with friends here lately.
Miss Nellie Wheeler of Coi vallis has I
been visit ing with her relatives here i
for it few flays. i
Mr. William Medley and family at-
tended the lecture Sunday night.
Mr. and Mrs. ( 'nlvlu liuncli visited 1
Willi A. H. Owens aud family Thurs-
day nlKht. 1
ilay night..
Clyde P.ahciick visited with friends
in Cottage i rove Saturday ni,;ht aid
Sunday .
V l:;iv' i. s t 1 1 l isl Ha 1 a
Class in 1 1 1" town and
yon join 1 his i lass a t
any t i 1 1 1 1 . V ivc spec
ial ill ills ami onr super
ior drills ;irc just what
f)ii !iinL ha ve il you de
sire the liest success,
We assist worthy stu
dents to seen re n id po
sitii ins. Do not say Ilia t
you cannot learn to
write Shorthand lor
You can in a Short Time
Be Prepared to do tin
work the world wants
done. Address
Of Trimmed Ilress Hats
I 1 1 1 1 1 i ti . 1 1 1 1 I u 1 1 i 1 1 1 il i M I r i 1 1 1 i i'i t 1 m 1 f I inr I ivh I i .t I , tlutl
twi ! ! ti. '.. . m i .11 I... l. . , .( Pf t S i mi i l.i , .1 uly It.
Summer Hat for Only $1.98
We alsn lmw a hie ..i I:. . .i .in I i tilling II, il-. ii.-.l what 1.11
lice.i fi ir , . n I .icii ii .a I I i ' lie i I c I iii in I 1' tic 1 '1. i ' 'C,
MAIN SI . I-our Doors h-.vsl of Uriditc. CO 1 I AtiH (iKOVK
I . .S I ' I -. II)
I!iuin!"il il'ihlw'ihi Sllmiw 'ill'! II'IHii'ik' -
MMI'ltH ll'ltUit . MMIH ,1 HUH 1)11111,1,
I ni'i'iviinm Uiwn
Ml I t .lU!IMUIL
Sodav;ilc. Or.
a- I m l in r inha inal inn
. AT M (li! Ill oI'l'K I'.
W- :il 'i hue 1 1" .-ill I. hid-- i'i
F rm i n it M ac h i n e ry
Crciv-m Separators, Sporting (ioods
(nasirnl AinmiiiiilKin. l-.l-
Remninhcr We Buy for Qualify. - Call on
Griff In & Veatch Co.
V- .. v ??:C::
w. II. A 111: MS, n. I I l;i II, W. A.
ii mi'i i si;, i-iiii. m i la ;,
I'. I.'IISS 1 I SI!.
MIhh Winnie Dresner wns in '"irj
IlelKhliorhoO'l Sntunlny. i (
Mr. anil Mrs. John Ashley, .Mr. ninl I p
Mra. ilolin l,iinewui.i, Mr-. Liie & W. H. Abrumt
Diliuewoiitl mill Mrs, linker Single
Were llliifillK tlmse who nt teiiiluil tin:
lecture Sumhiy nlhl.
Paid Capital $25,000.00.
B. Lurch
C. Ho.i Kink
A. II. Kelio
Aftiklanl Caihitir
!et ween Kugene unil ( U .it iik" (iri) o j
u pocket hook ciiiitnlnlnj;' i rnilriiiiil j
ticket nnd nt her piiiiur-i. I 'lmltT will I
pleiiHe Bfiul it to Ihe Nllt'Kft otlice, i
Cnttno (Jriive, iiinl iccclve R-wiinl.
A ro)rc.sentiitlvc Imuk ol tlie
husiiiesH puhlic if this city find
hii rr u ml in;0 country.
A Hinitll nihl chuln with ci'
lltnler pleiNC Ifiive nt NllKHt (iflice.
We Solicit your business.
SlJL'i I SSOK 'I'll
1 G O
R.ead .the Nxigget.