Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, July 24, 1907, Image 1

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Devoted to the Mining, Lumbering nnd J'nrtninjr Irdcrcf.ts of this Community.
NO. 25
Company li Leaves on Sal
urday forRoseborg.
They are Accompanied 011 the Way
by Companies From Albany and
McMmnville. and Major Geo. 0,
Yoran and Staff, in Command.
Saturday afternoon was n lively
time t t b a tteot . It was occasion
cl liy the departure of Co. for
tlin encampment at Kwcl.urg. A
crowd of between two bundled and
three hundrrd pe.,pie. mr stly wo
men, were there t' w them otT.nud
ns the compsny only tuuMend ,yj
sit tin 1 oil mil, radi one could run
sider that he ha 1 attracted at 1 c h t
thtee fair maidens lo see. him off.
The boyt f. It jiioiid a they
mm c tied down me Mien i me
depot, and tried n nppeir hi tin. ugh
it was an evciy day occurrence
with tlinti, and that they were en
tirely indifferent to ihe bright eyes
waU hing thorn and lhe occasions!
nally of the small hoy, a thy
strode nhuigsidc Jtitt when tbrj
broke ranks ihey were quickly ta
ken possession of hy their sweet
heart, or somebody fine's iwiul
heart and he hi captive until (he de
paiture of tnr lifin.
1 here will te live companies in
enmp nt RoHehurg, nil under the
command of Major Ceo. O. Vornn,
who with li is stafl went on the
aiuc train mi Saturday that car
ried the companies from Albany,
McMinnville and Cottage Glove,
which will he joiued at RoHebu?g
by the Ashland and Iloseburg com
panies, making live in oil, ho that
Ihein will he some iu excess of !iui)
men in the field. Co. K is in charge
of Captain Johnson; Co. G. 'M Inf.
of Alhany was in command of Lieut
I'ropse, and Sep. Co. F. of Mc
Minnville in eommaud of Capt. I,.
A. Meade. The encampment will
last until the 2ylh. The last three
days will ha devoted to target pine
lire, nnd rifle teams from each o(
1'ugciio companies will he there to
'omi.ete for tlu honor of being a
delegate to the national contest that
is to be hdd Clinton, y.
Taking it altogether no doubt the
.boys will thoroughly enjoy their
outing, hut some of the veteran ().
N. G. know that Uncle Ham is not
paying their expenses nieiely to
give them a picnic. Woikis ahead
of them, and will make the sweat
pour down their necks worse than
in a hai vest held An hour or two
diill In a broiling hot sun will be a
contrast to a Sunday promenade
tinder the shade of nu umbrella,
and a dispatch from headquarters
two or three times in a night, re
quiring them to proceed at double
quick time to repel an imngiuery
iftttack by nu enemy, will be inther
exasperating in th middle of a
ilroain of the "girl I left behind
me." However, there will he lotH
of pleasure mixed with the work,
and beore another year rolls
around it is safe to Bay all will be
rnndy and anxious fo be in tho field
I touching tu uid in th U'nil;, an
well as ollwr ns"istaiil. '! found
a ITh i r bndly conceded at. tliri
land office nnd will do t b- Ik-) I
can u neatlr poM-il.!.- lo i-li v :
the situation. 'I'he lufi. ii i c Miupl y '
crowded with inoie than lln-y can!
attend to and I hav otdcied nj ....
proof clerk to help them. Otlurj
iHsiHtaum wid be cnf. o the id r , WomCfl SllOllId RcCCIV C
the oflice and I hope lo dc tho bus- ! q ...
inoss well atb ri led to in aj V3CS i'IS MCIl
moullis." !
Providing They Hender the Sitne
Vork in the Same Manner Bill
I i)t u JiicimJ Inio the N. Y. Lcgisla
1 no lo that Ctfect.
I he follow ing commiiiiii'ition in
West Coast Mining Company. Officers ! the i: i-tcr ffo::i ;. K.-tiey is inl
and Directors. rpoituMi from th: fact tint it in one
The following named mtspiis, Jh t. is boiud to become prominent
! . '
A Memorable Day.
One of t lie itityH w i iiumhI .it wit 1 1
iiltiii4iiri, ii" ui li :h uiili pioiii to i. in
Inill h, Im tin one n whli'ti vi- Ih'i'ji iih-
Hi illlili:tel Willi III. K llij: New l.ifi-
I'IIIm, tin piilnli-Hi piirllli rH dial cine;
hi'iiiliirlii niiil Idlluii mii"! , ftrn 1 l.iii'i
tin1 lioweh ilnht. ".'!. it I ti'ii Mori m I
riim niiiV.
ifelf already one hundred fold.
The lo-,n of the plant will of
necessity i-uhc a grat l-al of in
convenience to our citiz'-na, who
have become so aoeuhtomM lo us
ing it light that to have to return
to the keionerie lamp will be an
unpleasant change. The installu-
ft ion of motors for running machin-
l ire Ilreaks mii Sunday y. wever. is o,,ew that most
ail who have it metalled still have
the water power or strain to fall
back on, no that its 1.,- will not ho
grpatly discommode them '
G iSiiui
Morning About Noon
who sire largely interiHted in th"
Coiiipany, hiucoiiHcnt'd to n i v
hh ofliccrN and directors. John V.
Wheeler, Orange, Ma"
TicHtnirt r and Direcfoi
vMth the j. co pie before Ioiny It is
as follows;
'I he rjilary iti .stlon is always n
it J. In- In ii in Fil'il ion wi 1 li : n v 1 1 in.
I'lOHideiil, j c 1 1 -. 1 1 of our crhools. I '.nei'n Im
1 1( rbi'l t 1'.. ' '"""I i i'lit'T if our sla'f',
. , , llll'l I .Unfile MIOII'I SIIIM'IO piovi.ic
Smitn, New Uaen, Conn., Vice-!H M.lniixti for this question; U'hv
I'lesidcut and Director; C. 15. O, 'Vl' '"" r.-.vard e'hViemw, K-nti,
, il l -ilie Htnl exiierl'-iiii', iiiienij of
goo.l, i iv Joik C ity, .Stcretaiy, j ifi-e, iinimitiri a'-'niiiHt si'xi
AnhiMant Treasurer nnd Director;, " ''". "f ,,,t we l.nin.-l n.r is
1 IIIIH ll (loin lln- '.Mllnen tefli'lll-Cf. il.1
Jarnen If. I i at t . Southinton, Conn, j u-,- oi l from il.c nn n, iu, i I am sure
C. Jl. Thompson, roi', r . ; j 1 ''"' 1 1 ' 1 . eir, Severn I
, 1 ! oi rnrlv l,iij.:'iie lo'li si-ho'.l
C hark"" L. Collins, Nathan, N. II.; i i. i, , in wi iv the foundation t the
Jese Hrdlield, North Adams, j J";' '"'J1 Hl VVI' !MIV t"U-
"n I iiii. r-r uri'.iil lo ri II I llllllllll- III
tin' hi'h school iiinl she has nothing
to show for 111" -t-aiiMM Tivice nn-
ll he t he'1 halikh .f II hoM of h( II-
ilintM. She lias served the high
Hel.ooi loll it 1 1 I Wi ll' -III' lias 1 III' I V
pel 1 1 .1 II I hllC Mll'elV Ulllft lieclll
ciellt nr vlii' would not retail! her pi I
Mii'Ui. A ei a poi a t ion would rewind
fin tl Y i' e, vet. He pa hs it I iy and
t en dii'i oiiiii.tle iii favor of otlieis
l!ii. .do r all. this im oiilt one e
ample of many biiiuiar riiws, Wi
oiiIh lo he h i In leith man and
v.niiiiiii as i .'"a t'la the reward for mt-
i. e I endel ed. I.ct 1 1 4 st art. lloW a lid
. i ., . ,.i,... ........i, ...I :.. ...i;..;
jli II I 'I Willi! l . l' HI llllll-
eney, lentli ot r-i'l Ire and epel-
Mum , Directors; J . A. I'-ade, Su
perintendent. WeNtern oln.c, C t
tage C,iov Or.; I.astem olh. e, No.
William Ntieet, New York Citv.
Long Live Ihc King!
U the popular t ry throiiho'it '.nr i
iean count 1 ieh; while in . im III 11 Hie
cry of I Iim pienent day Is "l.on 1 , i v
Mr. KIiik'm New iMncnvcry, Klni of
Throat and I.uiik liemedies!" of
which .MrM Julia Hyder I'ayne, Trurn
.Mais,. Hiiyn . "It never fail to (jive
llllllledlaie relief and to quickly cine
a eoiih nr cold." Mrs Payne'
opinion H Hhio'i'it hy a majiuity of the
liiliahitaiilH of thin coiintiy. New
I Iihcomtv cures weak Iuiil;h and .-.'!'
I hi'iiatn alter all at her reniCillcH haw
failed; and for cuii'lis and culds ilV
the proven remedy. (inu anteed liv
I'.eiiMin'M I'hariiiMcy. .".lie and ifl.ini.
Trial hot lie free.
The Most Profitable Crop That Can he
Raised in the Valley.
Roseburg Land Office to Have Help.
As n result of the visit of. Judge
R. A, Hallinger, commissioner of
the general land oflice to Jlosoburg,
the congested condition in the land
office will he relieved as rapidly as
possible. Judge Hallinger has or
dered a proof clerk to be Hent to
Some three mouths ago we gave
a short account of a walnut rove
that had been set out by Mr. IVlix
Ciitiin. and he informs us that they
are doing finely nnd making a last
growth, and is confident that this
section, and in fact the whole valley
is especially adapted to nut-biating
trees, lie is not the only authority
for this statement. Felix illctt. a
prominent California nursery man
and nut culturiHt, is also nuthot in
fertile statement that the French,
commonly called F.nglish walnut
trees, are especially healthy and
vigorous uud prolific in this Wil
lamette valley. In an article, in the
Oregon Agriculturist and Rural
Northwest, he nays :
"It is of special intere-,t that Mr.
Priuce of Vamhill county, gathered
this past season from threo hundred
and fifty trees which had been
planted but eight years, thirty
bushels of the tuost splendid nuts
ever sent to me froth any part of
the I'aoiHo coast, not excepting
Southern California."
Nut culture is claiming the in
tention of many in Lane county,
and ourJstoroB have handled the
product more than once. The nuts
are equal, in fact better than uny
imported ones, nnd the market is
bo Btaple that there is not the least
danger of the industry being over
done or the supply too great.
If you siifiW bom bloating', lielching'
Hour stomach, indigent Ion or dyspep
sia, t alee a, Ring'H i.,Hcpbia Tahlet
ti'ter each meal, ami overcome the
dinagiei'iitilo trouble. It will improve
t he appetite and aid iligt Htiou. Sold
by New Kri Drujf Srore,
Women of lale years have begun
to demand as putt of ttuir rights,
that th should be paid ns highly
11s men, when they do the same
woik i.s 111 vn . And why not? It
is a Mibiect however on which
many prisons ililler. A toll was
lately passed bv both houses of the
lcgHatuit- of Ntv Voik granting
the same vii.nies to men and
women far practically thv same
work, but was vetoed by the gover
nor on the giound that it applied
only to tho women of the city in
stead of the h"k- slate. I he veto
was justified mid 110 doubt another
bill wiil be passed that will coincide
with the governor's idea.
Ordinarily the question of pay is
fixed by the law of supply ami de
mand, the same as the price of
wheat or potatoes. For nviny
years teaching was about the, only
occupation oniMile of housework
open to women who had to earn
their own living. The large sup
ply of women undoubtedly kept
I wages down, but today a score or
mote trades and professions, form
erly pursued only by men are fol
lowed by women and the (purifica
tions of a teacher have been raised
so high that it must be a trained
woman to secure employment as a
rule. It costs a woman just as
much financially nnd just 'as much
time and study to attain the posi
tion desired as a man and if fche is
his equal in uny special line or
study, why should she not teceive
the same payment ? Wo believe
the time is nt hand when the quali
fication, not the eex, will bo the
standard for wages fairly earned.
The Destruction is Complete the Plant
Beina Entirely Destroyed Loss
About $30,000 Witii Small Insur
ance Will he Rebuilt Immediately.
The electric liy lit plant of Cottage
fir' re is recv a mass of shoulder
ing ruin- The fire was caused by
spirl.s Ii'dding on th- f-of of the
shed in t!i I'-nr, which buraing
through st fire to the havings.
The fire was dc covered by the lire
man In fori- it had gained much
hea Uvav win in. mediately gave the
alarm. The plant was equipped
with an inch and inch and a half
hose for fighting an incipient blaze
which the engineer and fireman at
tached as quickly as p msible hop
ing to le? abli to hold the fire in
check until the arrival of the fire
department, but unfortunately the
pressure Wt.s o weak as to hardly
foice the water a distance of twelve
feet. When the tire company ar
rived and had nnuie connection
with the hydrant the same state of
The Oregon Stale Agricul'
tural College.
A Great Monument to the Efforts of
the Grange Its Aims and Purposes
and the Good Work Which Its
Foundnrs Inteneed It Should Do.
The Charming Woman
is not roc-inili.v one of p-rfi et form
and features. Many a plain woman
who could never ,,erve n an artist's
model, possesses rhoe rare qualiticHj
that fill the world admires; neitnen, ;
clear eye-, clean smooth skin and tlia 1 1
sprlKhtlinerH of cf,.p (ir,,j ltct,m that
accompany j.',,o1 health. . plivHicnlly,
weak won. an is never attractive, not ! mllon.
even to herm-lf. Illertric Kitten, re-; b " limuwion in
The Oregon State Agricultural
tor weak women. ivesr ronj? nerves 1 every sense . of the word. It was
briifht eyes; smooth velvety skin. founded by the grange and is now
heantiflll COlim exion. I ; linn. nlr., f,a"Sci ""'I IS UOW
at fienoii's Pharmacy. .",l) r ents.
its greatest monument. Four mem
bers of the order are on the board
ot regents, and their reports ot the
; college at the State Graoge sessions
Frank Torkingfon of Salem, an I j are instructive and entertaining.
V. Gowdy of the drove, owners are wcn he numbers expect.
of the Golden Slipper mining pro- i The courses given at our college
perty on Horse Heaven Creek, Ho- do not guarantee thef success of
hemia, visited the property last 'every young person who enter
wiek, in the company of l)r. Ogles- "poo or completes them. Their
by. This was Mr. Toikington's ultimate ability to succeed will de
first visit to thai part of Bohemia j ppnd largely on their inhereut abil
district. He was surprised to find ity to grasp every chance which of
so much development work done in ' 'fcrs an opportunity,
that section and was greatly pleased The agricultural courses at Cor the showing on his property. ! vallis do three things for the con
They let a contract for work and ' scientions student: They give him
say that they will arrange for more , be knowledge ot the impn
affairs seemed to eist, the pressure extensive work in the near future, j number of well ,,mPit f....
'familiarize him with a fltill larger
Work is going on steadily ..t the num,,er of funiamental' principles
esuvius, each day shows more sub- up0u which successful practices in'
stanti:.l work accomplished. i the various branches of agriculture
Prof. A. C. Terrill went to tll0 j '"" bd: and they train him
Vesuvius mine todav and will have I'" habltS tLou8ht. concentration
charge ot the a.say and laboratory , "'" observatio"
work. Someone has said: "To be cdu-
jcatedisto be able to think long,
Maitin Shea has a co"trat on the accurately and to a eafe conclusion."
Golden Slipper mining claims, and No man needs this training more
will commence at on?e. , thin he who wrestles with the prob
lems of the farm, who would bar-
Man nn Pilo Remedy conies put up
in a collapsible tube with n nozzle.
I'.asy to apply right where norene.-:s
and inllainatioii exists. It relieves at
once lilluil hlecdinn'i Uchlntf or pro
triidlni' niles. (luarantceil. Price .MV.
(h t it today. Sold by New Era lrug streams of water weie soon playing
b"ing ' weak that it seeinp.i all
tlierc was to do was to look uu and
watch the plant consumed.
It is said al?o that of the
regular fireman aie with the militia
so Mud it devolve I upon th" citizens
to' handle the hose and though all
woi ki d ,i!lupg!y and to the best
advn'ila.M; Ihey could, they lucked
a hea I and many l ''them experi
ence. The f.ict that the water iu
the main had la en piitially turneil
olt was unknown, so that the pres
sm was to reduced as to be of
little ik'iielit excep! to put out the
siuouldeiiiig ruins.
Marsha! ' Snodgrass, who is tbe
one thoroughly uciprinited with
the condition of the water in the
mains, was absent from town, who,
had he been here, could hav" turned
on tho Jull simalv, which Mr.
Abratus tho engineer, feels assured
would have at le ist saved ihe main
pait of the plant containing the
machinery. There was quite s 'a
breeze blowing but fortunately it
was from .the north, otherwise noth
ing could have saved the mill nnd
perhaps everything south ot the
railroad tinck.
The plant is practically entirely
new during the past year and only
a few weeks ago several thousand
dollars were expended iu making
new additions and in putting iu a
dynamo for providing power for
our different industries. The loss
is estimated botweeu $25,000 and
j:U),0(!0 with only an insnrauce of
$5000. air. Welch of Tort-
land, one of the company arrived
on Monday nud he says that the
hint will be robuilt and expects
that it will he in operation again
within :h o. -TO days.
Mr. Fisher, manager of the
Irovn I.nmber Company, had late
ly installed a system of firo protec
tion for the mill and was well sup-
died with small hose and pipes
connected with a Hteam pump. The
men in the employ of the mill are
well drilled and as soon as the lire
was seen to tie serious, several
I'runL- " i I li -i ii j liu tTikiiA i ii Irtl.-
- " ii"" ii-'iiir ii. iwuu , , .
after work Col HlauVs Bi g! the forces of
Maud, mining p.op, y i B die" , ' oils, the
Tl ? , I principles of buying and selling
mm. Ihe Cl. fxpeets to visit the , . , ... , . . Bl
, I the handling of labor and the ca
tro petty soon. 1 , .
i pi ices of the weather.
Ed. Jenks and Ben Cu.ry have!
Our dairy herds can be made to
returned frem Bohemia where they j ""crease their net profits. The
were engaged in mining for several ; averae Prduction of the dairy
months. icows of the state is about 1C0
ipouuds of butter per year, while
Ralph Thorn came from his home good herds, no better than many
in Lebanon, Monday, and went on j another farmer might have are pro
to Bohemia where he will spt nd dueing 2.10 to iloO pouuds per cow
the summer. per year. In our grain crops, in
i our fruit yields, in the other branch
Charles Hard of Eugene went to j es of live stock are similar oppor
the mines yesterday. j trinities. While admitting there ais
I difficulties thpv am nn rrrsotoi in o r.
George Raines will have charge r:-nUll , ,,
- , . . . nculture than in any other line
ot the Vesuvius team this si'Bsnii. Li . , , .
ir . , , ., I where the man succeeds and secures
He started out for canio today with , , , ...
, , ,. . (the independence which comes
the four big bay horses and expects , i., , f , , . ,
, ' . ' alone to b;m who is a proprietor of
to make steady trips. . . . T .
l his own business. No man who
Clarke Brothers aVegettinr along !reBcbes in',erendence in his busi
nicely with "their work at the Com-! nes'S ha8 more Personal liberty thaa
bination mine in Bohemia, and ner- lu isrmer.-i.ateKeeper
mancnt and profitable results
should be the lot of men who stay
j in Greshaui Herald.
so perseveringly at development
work as these gentlemen have done.
New Hatchery Building Nearly Com
pleted. II. G. Van Dusen, state fish com
missioner who has b;eu on an in
vestigating tour to the salmon
hatchery on the McKenzie river
singer, Now Home, Wheeler &
Wilson and Standard cewhig ma
chines nt Venteh &huv on.
j on tho mill buihfiugs and lumber
piles and Mr. Fisher nays that he
thinks that the investment made for
the system installed has paid for
I'M. Jenks will return to the
claims of the Baltimore Gobi Min
ing Company lying on the Cham- j
niori ttaiii " side in a fenv ihrc
where quite an amount of work , j" 't the hatchery bniHing bad
to be done. ! cen con,l),e'ec- bv Contractor Bu-
I ley away ahead of time and the
building would now be ready for
Messrs. biggin and Sweet, of
Fargo, N. P., the new owners of
the Sunrise group of mining claims,
on Adams mountain, Bohemia, vis
ited the property hist week, and af
ter arranging for the completion cf
. .I . i l m
use ii me irougns were placed m
poBitiou, but it is difficult to get
lumber tor that purposs and it may
be some time yet 'before they are
built. Spawning will begin alout
the wagou road to their property tl,e milltle of nex mouth, Mr. Van
left for home greatly pleased with la "ay, and the prospects for
their holdings. larK8 liatc Ms year are bright.