Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, July 17, 1907, Image 7

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Mrs. Cmma Stolt, of
Applcton, Wisconsin
"A NrlicMior Advlvd M lo IW I'rriinn.
I lirgnri In Improve nt OtKf ."
y 4
: ' L
Mm. Kinii.ii, 1011'J OncUlu f-t.,
A ijltoii , Wiit., writes:
"IVrima him ilonn me a great 1 1 nl
K'mhI a into i Ih'khd t m k i n x it hii-1 I uin
alwaya to cM'Rk n'v'-xi word for it.
"Tliroo year ago I wia in n wrctclu'd
ron (I it Ion wilt) lokmh( bearing, down
pains, ami nt lliiioa tvaa o aor aii'l Iiuno
that I noulil not inuvo alxiut. I Im l
iiillniiiinutioii ami liriiutioo, ami hI
tlionnh I unci) ill Hermit reiuetlle.a, t lit-y
did mt tin irtaal.
"A tmiKMxir who liad been lining !'
J u im it 1 1 v i m . I mo to tiy it, nml I aim
glii'l Unit I did. I Ix'ttnti to ItupiovH as
(niii uh took it ami I fflt iniicli le tter.
"I thank you for your Ann remedy.
It in certainly a godsrnd to J k women."
Catarrh of the Internal Organs
MIpn TlinrvMi llertlea, WJiito Church,
Mo., wrltfi:
"I in florid with catarrh of tho at
much, lxiwela ani Infernal organa. Kv
erytliing I nto acornix! to hurt mi. I
IihlI ft patMiKo of the Umula with
out takinx inodioinn. I waa so tired
mornlnga, and ached all over. I had a
)ain In my left aide, and the twist tx
rrtion or excitement rniido me ahort ol
"Now, after taking I'eruna for all
motitha, 1 am an well on I ever waa.
IYnum haa woikeil wondera for me. I
elieve lVruua ia the beat mtdleine in
the world, and I recommend it to my
At Culroaa AM; In Kir, Scotland, a
touitmtour tin bceu found rb!iii la be
lieved to d.ito from tin fourth century of
the Christian era.
Hornet tmre It lloee.
Teacher Tommy, do you know what
an epic UT
Tummy Tucker Yea'm. It'a eomrtliing
you take that makes you alck to your
i t'haaer.
"Ioea your huahnnd Indulge In games
Of dilutee ?"
"No, Indeed."
"Hut I thought ho played the raeva?"
"Ko lie doi-M."
"Hut tlmt'a n gamo of olinnN."
"Not with liliu." HoiiNton Post.
Then They Clinched.
Floorwalker I'd he aihumi'd to let
my triiiiirm lnn; tin youm do. You oujht
to have thrm rrnnnrd once In a while.
1 took keeper If my hhiim were ait aharp
a your 1 wouldn't have any more trou
ble In keetiiiK my t runner crcumd than
J'OU do. Chii-atio 'JViliuiiP.
(iolnw Too l'nr.
"fx)ok here," exrlnlnicd t ho lendlns
man, an h entered the green riKiin ;
"when I kluscd you In the third net
aotiiit of the i-olorliit? riuiic off your
cheek nnd pot on my faee.'
"You vllliiln!" Hiinjijied tho Irato
leadluK lady.
"Oh, thiit'a nil rllit, nmdiim. 1 don't
mind U lii a villain, hut I don't want
to bo a deep-dyed villain."
Determined Opllnilam.
"(iramlfnther, how have you miinaced
to retain your hopefulneaa and your
faith iti human nature?"
"My dear, I avoid modern fiction. Def
er ro to aee a aoriety drama, and read
nothing In the newHpupera that baa a dis
play bead over It."
lb fraction! Result.
"The Khciidlta aro certulnly a very
extravagant couple. Whut la tbelr In
come 1"
"They haven't any. It'a all outgo."
Baltimore AmerUnn.
With Apoloarlea.
"Where are you going, my pretty maid?"
"I'm going a-ikatiiig, kind air," ahe miid.
"May I ukate with you, my pretty maid?"
"You're too bigh a roller, kind air," aha
I Hon ('lay ton t Ciilthrop'a "ICngllNh
( iNtuine," it (lowi'lptloii nnd lilntory ut
eoHliiiue In varloiiH period In F.ngliind
hlnee the Nurllifiu eoiiipnHt, haa been
pllhllHlic hy tho Ma'iullliin ('oiiipnii.V.
Ita viiliio la greatly liiereiiHctl hy, the
addition of over V colored HluMtra-
A new ue for the auloiiiolille I de
aerlbixl In ('nnitry l.lf" In Amerlrn by
i' II. t'linidy. '1 lie author and aoino
friend took n car atraight iutonm the
eoiintry, tip hi" "d down ilule,
thi'oiiglt wooda and neroaa atreaina, t n
II wnger, Tim lieeonnt will prove of
Intcri'Mt to liny nutoiuolille eutliiiHlitat.
"I mute and IIU Italy," by lt-v. Vim
on Iiiiiuliile KiiKg, bat Uen pulilUlied
by (J. 1. I'uliiam'a Soim. The InK.k la
not merely a hl"gritphy of the "dlvlno
M'l," It la rather an attempt to de
pict HfrcBh the IITe of Imnte'a lime and
to look ut the mediaeval world, nml
JcKpeelal'y tho Italian world of the Tre
cento, through Imnte'M yen. Accord
ingly, Imnte'a own wrltlnga and thoNe
of bl rontemporarlea have been made
thu baalH of the work.
An Intereatliig paaNtige In "The Life,
and letter of I'M win Lawrence (iod
klu" la the extract from H letter of
Mr. (iodkln'H, In which be demrlbea
bla flrat meeting with UladNtone: "In
the evening I went to llryee'a t din
ner. I expifttnl to aee the ). O. M.,
but I bad not Been Hryce for n fort
night and did not know whether bo
had auct-ecded In getting him. 1 found,
on going In, Kir Alfred l.yall, whom I
knew; Kir (Jcorge Trevelyun, whom I
did riot know, hut waa glad to meet;
Wemy Held, tho biographer of Foa
ter, whom I bad been trying to meet
ever alnco I came, and Ird AlM-rdeen,
Mnbloti'a friend. Itut tho (J. O. M
waa not there, and I waa afraid to nak
w hether be woa coming. Suddenly 'Mr.
and Mra. (Jlaibttone' were uiinounc-d,
and there aure enough be waa, and my
faatened on bliu aa they have
never fnatenod on any man aluce I wna
'M. The Oral worda be aald to Itryco
on Nliaklng handa were, 'la Mr. tjod
klu here?' and then be began to apolo
gize to mo for not having Mooncr taken
any notice of my card, pleading prea
auro and loan of volco alnce ho tamo
back from bla atumplng tour In tho
Went, I aat by bliu at dinner and bad
a uioat delightful talk with him. He
la younger In iipjiearanco than I ex
jioctcd, aa young ua I aid In play of
iiittid, with a tharmhig little vein of
humor and i-ndlc Intercut In all aorta
of thliiga. Ho left lmmedlute!y after
dinner to go to the"
My Ha ir is
Extra Long
Feed your hair; nourish it;
give it something to live on.
Then it will stop falling, and
will grow long and heavy.
Ayer's Hair Vigor is the only
hair-food you can buy. For
60 years it has been doing
just what we claim It will do.
It will pot disappoint you.
e My hair mini in ba vrr ihort. Bnl after
minx Ay.r'i lUIr Vl..r a thurt lima It lx-o
to grow, aud now It I. tourtaan luohaa luug.
Tlilt tsaint a ulanitld rotull to uiaafior '"
aln.n.t wlihif any halr."-Mlui. i. U. Hr.m,
Culorado Byrluga, Colo.
alada ay t. 0. irn oo
I owell. alM
Alae wanuntaturara et
Though tha I'opulntlon Eipaadi
There la till Itouiu lor 31 ore.
The cltlea of tho United States are
the lnoHt cxpaualve In the world, and
iiuturally take much Intercut iu reck
oning up their population from time
(: time. Kvery tenth year they find
that city directory etlmatea are upt
to be too liberal, but uctual couuts hcI
dom fall to ahow a large and aubHtan-
tlal Increaae. At this time there U a
general protest against the calculatlona
of the government census bureau, nnd
they are In truth t'ar t(H mechiinlcal.
Averaging tho growth of American
cltlea between ISiMi and liX, nnd add
ing tho annual Increase to the yeara
alnro the hint ceuaita waa taken, la 4iot
an accurate rule, though It restrains
nn undue optlmlain. Tho last aeven
yeara baa ben a period of great bual
neaa proicrlty. Over a million Immi
grants a year are coming In. I'rbun
population la gaining on other forma
Homo cities have been quickened In
growth and others are Blowing up. The
ceiiHtis bureau merely applies the meas
urements of the last decade, which, In
general, will fall abort Hut the next
national census la not far distant and
the olllclnl figures w ill aliow the bureau
that Its plan of computation Is crude.
According to the department's reck
oning the jpulatlon of tho United
States In llHKl, without" Alaska and the
Inaulnr ponROHslons. wna Ka.lM.MO, and
Including theae R'l.lHL'.lMO. This Is an
addition of 8,K)0,(HK to the, continental
IKipulatlon of tho country In the six
years ending with 11HM1. Cities have
gained 15.9 per cent and the rural sec
tion 8.8 icr cent. The four greatest
cities are New York, credited with
4.113.043. Chkago with 2,04t),185, Phil
adelphia wltTi 1.441,733, and St Louis
with OlftXH. leading lloaton, next In
rank, by 47,042. An Increase of a mill
ion and a third a year la the estimate
for the whole country. A bluebook re
cently published In Ixmdon places tho
annual lncroaso of population lu tho
world at 0,300,000, a fourth of which Is
In the United States. At the present
rate of Immigration more than 10,000,. I
000 aliens will come to this country In '
the next ten years, but tho tide will !
recede If the unenxumplod business ac-1
tlvlty of the proseut time should fall
off. ;
Estravavarant ICconoinr,
raul Morton, In a rocent address on
Insurance, auld of a certain, proposed
economy ;
"lliat would not be an economy, but
an extravagance, In tho long run. It
reminds me of the boy and the Jam.
"My son,' Bald this boy's mother,
"isn't It rather an extravagance to eat
butter with that superb JamY
- 'No. ma'am. It's an economr th
boy answered. The same piece of
trsad does for both.'" 1
Banking by Mail
On aavlnga depoaita of a dollar
or more, compounded twice
every year. Jtia Jiint aa eaae
to open a Havinga Account with
tis by Mail aa f you livnd nit
tloor. Send for our freo book
let, "hanking by Mail," and
learn lull particulara. Ad ln aa
Oregon Trust &i
Savings Bank
Portland. Oregon
Sixth and Washington Bla.
C'olleaa llaxa.
There waa om-e a Yale sophomore
who, na many college men do, found
hlirtaelf In flnanclnl atralta and wtwnwl
all hla goxl clot lien. A little before
Thanksgiving he gut a big chink from
When he got home for the holidays
tho firat thing hla mother took out of
tho trunk waa an overcoat and on It
waa pinned the pawnbroker's ticket be
had forgotten to remove.
Ilnatily grabbing the ticket, he antd:
"Hello! They inuat have forgotten
to take tbla off at the .Smith dauco
when I left It In the cloakroom."
A moment later hla mother took out
bla evening trousers. They also had
a ticket on them.
"Why, Reginald," ahe aald. "aurely
you didn't leave theae In the cloak
room, too, did you?" IJpplncott's.
riTOSl. Vitna raora ana all NerTnoa IMaaa
Mid fwrroai.aatlr rur4 by iir. Klina a Orm
?si,V. kaior.r. Mod for KltKK lltrlal bolU. and
traailaa. lit. 11. 1L Kltn.. UL.MI -nU bu. J-LUa-.i' a,
The London Graphic aungeita that the
Hrltinh educational autboritiea aet up
phonographa, with a "atandard accent" la
all tha acboola of the empire.
Motbera will find Mra. Wlnalowa Boothlna
Ryrup tha b?at remelr to uae lor tbelr chlldrea
lurluf tbe leethliif period.
"King Edward the Shrewd" or "the
Wiae" ia, according to a I'arla corre
apoiideot. tha titla a near poiterlty will
give to England'a ruler.
No Anarrer Keqnlrad.
Tommy Taw !
Mr. Tucker What'a the trouble now,
my aonT
Tommy Why la it that the tbagazinea
don't make their readin' matter aa inter
ectlng aa they do their adv'tiaing pagea?
Don't Poison Baby.
pORTY YEARS AGO almost every mother thought her child must havo
PAREGORIC or laudanum to mako it sleep. Thcso dmga will produco
Bleep, and A FEW DROPS TOO MANY will produco tho SLEEP FROM WHICH
THERE IS NO WAKING. Many aro tho children who havo been killed or
who30 health ha3 been rained for life by paregoric, laudanum and morphine, each
of which is a narcotic product of opium. Druggists aro prohibited from selling
cither of tho narcotics named to children at all, or to anybody without labelling
them " poison." Tho definition of " narcotic n is : "A medicine which relieves pain.
and produces sleep, hub which iiv poisonous doses produces stu por, coma, convul
sions and death. " The tasto and smell of medicines containing cpium aro disguised,
and sold under tho name3 of "Drop3," "Cordials," "Soothing Syrup3," etc. You
should not permit any modicino to be given to your children without you or
your physician know of what it is composed. CASTORIA DOES NOT C02I
TAIN NARCOTICS, if it bears tho signature of Chas, H. Ectcher.
Letters from Prominent Physicians
addressed to Chas0 1!. Fletcher.
Dr. J. W. Dlacdalc, of Chicago, III., szys: "I uc your Cstorla and
advl38 Its ueo In all families where there sro children."
Dr. Alexander E. MIntle, of Cleveland, Ohio, ra;-s: "I hvo frequcnt'7
prescribed yo'r Castorla tnd have found It a icliablo and pleaaant rem
edy for children."
Dr. J. S. Alcsander, of Omaha, Neb., eays: "A ccl.'clne bo raluablo arl
beneficial for children cs your Castorla ia, deserves the highest praise. I
had it in use. every where."
Dr. J. A. McClcllan, of Buffalo, N. says: "I Lave frequently prescribe'!
your Castorla for children and always cot good result?. In fact I uaci
Castorla for my own children."
Dr. J. W. Allen, of St. Louis, Mo., says: "I heartily endorse your Cas
torla. I have frequently prescribed it In my medical practice, and havo
always found It to do all that Is claimed for It."
Dr. C. H. Clldden, of St. Paul, Minn., say3: "My experience as a prac
titioner with your Castorla has been highly satisfactory, and I consider it
an excellent remedy for the young."
Dr. IL D. Benner, of Philadelphia, Pa., eays: "I have used your Cas
torla as a purgative in the cases of children for years past with the most
Lappy effect, and fully endorse It as a safe redkdy."
Dr. J. A. Boarman, of Kansas City, Mo., says: "Your Castorla ia a splen
did remedy for children, known the world over. I use it in ny practice
and have no hesitancy ia recommending it for the complaints of infanta
and children."
Dr. J. J. Mackey, of Brooklyn, N. Y, says: "I consider your Castorla aa
excellent preparation for children, being compered of reliable medicines
and pleasant to the taste. A good remedy fcr all disturbances of tho
digestive organs."
Bears the Signature of
mmmm I
.l"M!li''. 77nT-T-v..::.' TZ I .
AVefietablc Preparation for As
slmttnting ihcFoodantlRcuUi
ling the S'oraachs and Dowels of
Promotes Digestion.Chmful
ness and ncsr.Contalns neiiher
Opium. Morphine nor Mineral.
ISot Naucotic.
Jfrap of Old DrSAHlH PlJIM-S
tM Sr-t
A Defect Remedy for Constipa
tion. Sour Stomach.Diaryhoea,
Worms jConvuls ions Jeven sh
rcssandLoss of Sleep.
lac Simile Signalura of
VX ,y l ,,. .til, .a,8'',M
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
h tim u Cta 6a Bisl Id Its Eist
Dtliwj Much Qilckn Writs Ui Tofiaf
A Girl.' Feliool of the highciit clasn. Collej?!
ale tt'artmrnt. Music. Art. Klocutlon. Qjm
nullum. Fall trm oihti. He ptembor 16.
! - :'. v'i?
0MoUn BsfflaM udlrri"
ffavUoa Fltvntai
Wfttorloo WU Drills
Ballt paoUJly for work
In iHe nurthtriwt. Urill
lnh and tUhina tool.
Weerry Urra tcctt.
Write ui all your machin
ery wantii. Wr-U drilluM'
oontrtM.! blaaka trtM'
rlua St., Parilavnd. Or.
dnvtrora all the
flit mud afford
comfort toefry
lionte in dining
Mom, itH'i'iny
rtMiiu and every
lilftre where Dm
are trouliletaunie.
tMean. neat and
will not aoll or
Iniuro anvt hlnai.
JVy thorn once and you will never be without them,
if not ktit by deulera. eent prvtiaid for 30.
HAEOZaD BOMJJtS, 111 DvKaib Ave., nrootOjm, H. T.
No Secret,
"Do toll mf, Mtn. MatinidLiP, how you
succeed In keping your hired help so
Hy letting them merely help, I really
do the work, you know."
Irrepreait ble.
IIe would Joke at tfca grave's
"What onuses ypu to believe that?"
"Why, he Is a boarder nnd he Jokes
about prunes." Houston Tost.
When theLlood 13 pure, fresli and healthy, the skin will be soft, smooth
anJi free from blemishes, but when some acid humor takes root in the circu
lation its presence is manifested by a skin eruption or disease. These
humors get into the blood, generally because of aa inactive or sluggish
condition of the members of the body whose duty it is to collect and carry
off the waste and refuse matter of the system. This unhealthy matter is left
to sour and ferment and soon the circulation becomes charged with the acid
poison. The blood begins to throw off the humors and acids through the
pores and glands of the skin, producing Eczema, Acne, Tetter, Psoriasis,
Salt Rhcura and skin eruptions of various kinds. Eczema appears, usually
with a slight redness of the skin followed by pustules from which there
flows a sticky fluid that dries and forms a crust, and the itching is intense.
It is generally on the back, breast, face, arms and legs, though other part9
of the body may be affected. In Tetter the skin dries, cracks and bleeds ;
the acid in the blood dries up the natural oils of the skin, which are intended
to keep it soft and pliant, causing a dry, feverish condition and giving it a
hard, leathery appearance. Acne makes its appearance on the face in the
IauffaredwithEoaamaforfortr f plmpfes and black heads, while
years and could find notion to 1 soriasis comes in scaly patches on differ
eura ma until I triad s. Sj a. I ent parts of the body One of the worst
inv and bumlQR: puatulea would forms of skin trouble is Salt Rheum;
'ft1-1? 0.whic." therf ,flowd its favorite point of attack is the scalp,
atloky fluid! oruuta'Wpuiaooma on .1 . y
me attin ana, wnon aoratoneu ou ""'""mnj lauim); uuiuucss. i uison uiiK
and Ivy are also disagreeable types of skin
disease. The humor producing the trouble
lies dormant in the blood through the
Winter to break out and torment the
sufferer with the return of Spring. The best
treatment for all skin diseases is S. S. S.
It neutralizes the . acids and removes the
humors so that the skin instead of being
irritated and diseased, is nourished by a
6upply of fresh, healthy blood. External
applications of salves, washes, lotions, etc.,
while they soothe the itching caused by
6kin affections, can never cure the trouble
because they do not reach the blood. S. S. S. goes down into the circulation
and forces out every particle of foreign matter and restores the blood to its
normal, pure condition, thereby permanently curing every form of skin
affection. Book ou Skin Diseases and any medical advice desired sent freo
to all who write. S. S. S. is for sale at all first class drug stores.
A ro a ran teed rare for iieares. Couirha
bi tamper. Indigestion Wind Trouble
Dealer bo cent. Mall w cent.
Do you want to know how 110. if
tiut'to work at once, will lay tbe
foundation of your fortune? If
you do, drop u a line lodiiy ask
in fur pai llrtilars court-ruing
WAVKRI.KKiH the Beautiful,
the incomparable homesite ad
dition iu the city of Portland.
which in a very short time will
double and trerde in value. No
auch opportunity has ever pre
sented liM'lf in thu country,
where ao small amount invested
monthly has the advantages of
a healthy iucrease, aa in
The Beautiful
Its location (within walking dis
tance of the city ; li mi u u tea by
car) ; it. elevation (way up o'er
the city with a perfect view of
the mountains) ; and many oth
er features that make it the most
desirable home site properly in
thu Northwest. Lots fJuu and
up. Write today for full particulars.
M.W.Lemcke CGmpany
Siilh l Washington PORILIID ORECOI
HOWARD E. BUnTON Assaypf r - CbemWt
Ieaujvillr, t'olorauo Hpei-tmen prlies: toi1t.
Pllver, L-baU i : t.old, Sliver, 7.V; (Void, uc; Zlucoe
t'oppr, fL. Cvantdtt t-it. M Ailing envelop ant
full price list nt on application. Control and U m
pire work auiiclietL inference: CaxbuDaxa
turn iitaalJCa
Instantly kills lice on Poultry by Ita
fumes. It is very powerful the strong
em of all ll.-e killers. It Is a necesaary
remedy, be.aue lU-e-lnfected (multry can
not lay or thrlre. Sold by dealera. Mui(e
ODly by I'has. II. Lilly Co., Seattle, I'ort
land. San KrHnHsro.
Before Going tlaewhera.
3421-1 Washington St. Portland, Oregon
tha akin wa lefc as raw ea ts ploca
ox iaer. x lunerta an-ony u tna
AfUiotad, lu
v veara I wan Afniotad.
in 1 uaad S. S. fl. I found a por
feot our. There) baa iiovor Viooa
any return or the trouble.
Stockman, Nob.
Portland Oregon
NOTICE The following announcements ara
from leading business men and firms, and are
wed worthy your careful reading. Tha list
may contain Just the proposition you are look
ing for.
The only tracts on the market where you can
contract to sell your crop. Ten trains a day.
Abundance of water. Frlva 1160.00 per aore
easy pay men la coma In or write lor particu-
Bpokaue, Washington,
110 Stevem
The Estey Organ is the standard.
Everybody knows the Kstey to be first
clas, rich of tone and durable.
Estey Parlor Organs range in price
from (lU) to ll.'s). The cut shown above
is style boi, price I'J.i. We also havo
Packard ami Chicago Cottage Organs,
Victor Talking Machines, and twenlv
different makes of I'ianos nteinw ay,
Knabe, Cable, Ludwlg, t onover, kings
bury, I'aekard, Wellington and many
Write for catalogue and price lit.
You can buy just an cheap by mail a by
visiting one of our stores, no sure ami
address your letter to U. V. Johnsoit,
Sherman, Clay & Go.
Opposite rostofllce
P. N. U.
Na 29- 07
1UHEN writing; to advertleare pleaaa
1 1 nieniiu
iuu tlila papar.