Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, July 17, 1907, Image 1

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1'cyoted to tlic Mining, Lumbering and l-iuming Interests of tin's Community.
NO. 24
The Eugene-Siuslaw Road
Now an Assured Fact
Popular Subscription for Railroad to
the Coast Passes the Required
Mark. It is Now up to Mr. Carver
to fulfill his Proposition.
The railroad loin F.ugeur to the
big liiuher in the wemer'i end of
tin county and eventually to tit
mouth of tli Siuslaw river if now
assnred, says the Fugene Guard.
Tim committee of businessmen who
li ivo been work in e earnestly and
arduously for the pmt teveial
week have Ht last been successful
in seeming the icquued Jt'O.tMH) in
stork subscriptions to tho enterprise
and everything s ow ready for
tint incorporation of a company mid
the building ,J' the limi ttu mile
or moid of ioad befoie the wiuicr
ruins set in.
The roinmiitrt' ha announced
that the ninoiitit hud ben laired
iiml I lie work if organizing will at
once he attciiJed to and the surveys
lor the line will he started an Hxin
tin possible. Already written con
tract for the right-of-way for the
firHt nix miles out of Fugene hive
been Kfciiied, this ntHttor having
been attended in hy the committee
soon alter the brgan woik on the
The route choiien for the road, as
now pluuncd, will lead, due weal
from Fugene for a distance of ten
miles, then turn northerly in Mie
direction of Franklin, Ihence went
again to GoUIhou and past the An
derson Si Warner sawmill, past Tri
angle lake and down the Lake
creek valley. This route was se
lected hy the committee and
.Stephen Carver as the moot feasible
and tfhiltf the Hitrveyora may not
follow the exact route selected, thin
will he the general direction in
which the hue will traverHe, and
tnmo of the finest timber laud iu
the world will he tapped in the Lake
Creek valley and vicinity.
The Guard ban before given an
ontlino of the plana of Mr. Carver
in the construction of the road, but
for the information of those who
have not read of them we will state
that it in the intention to build
thiity mih'H of the line with the
money mfltHcribed hy the citiztns,
together with what .Mr. Carver and
. . ... 1 .
ins associates will put up. Jlns
will extend the line into the big
limber and when that much is built
if. will bo no trouble to raise money
for the extension of the line to tide
water on the Niuslaw or to its mouth
nt Flotenoe. The first ten miles or
more will be constructed this auui
tner and fall and will probably be
placed in operation before the work
begins 011 the extension next
Fifteen miles of steel rails, pur
chased by Mr. Carver when he bid
in the Medfordy-Crater lake road,
afterward losing it on a second .sale,
are due to arrive in Portland any
day, and will be shipped here to be
UHcd ou the iimlaw road.
Negotiations will at once be
opened to secure terminal grounds
in Fugene. They will be in the
western part of the city somewhere,
the exact location not yet having
been decided upon. The line wil
enter the city fiom the went in the
vicinity of Filth Btreet.
Salem Reaping the tlcnefit of a Lane
County Product wHch 13 round
Near Walker Station
Far upon the Willamette livrr in j
Lane county near tin- little town of!
Walker, thi'tn in a 1 rn t of land
which is rich with Mratns of var
ioucolored Sienna, the king of;
paint pigments. '
Seeing the great value o thi ,1
tract, a body of idircwd Salon husi-
ncni men bought sixty-two ;k re-, nt
the cnlor-heui iug nod and lotmed
themselves into a company lor the
purpose of manufacturing Sienna
pain!, so)s the Salem Journal.
A factory site has been sek (en,
and the latent mnchir.cty (or the
woik purchased. A new mill of
2,(MI0 pounds capaoty has been or
lered and will be run to its full u-
pucity along with the other mill;.
now in iih. The factory is putting
out a quality of goods which is rr
ctiving thu highest pi aim wherever
Long Live the King!
I the popular cry tliioii'lioni l i,n
pellll count I'leN; while In A nul icn II
cry of Uih prt-hciit Imv Is "!.mm l.iy.
I r. K Iik'" New I iIhcovci y , Kin
'throat nii'l l.uiiL? Helm-el ii--'
whicli Mr Julia l(.vt. r I'nyi.e. Truro
AiiiHM.. Huytt . "It iH-vcr fnili lupvi'
lliiiueilliite relief nul In iiiii l,ly rule
a or colli." MtM I'liyneS.
fiplliloii IhhIiiiIimI hy it iii.ijmiIIv ol tl
lnlui tutiiii Im of this coiinliy. New
iMm'OVCi V CIU'CI UCltk lllll'H (III I Mule
throats nitrnll otlu-r reine.ll.M have
lilei; mi. for coughs it n I ci'M -i It's
t he proven reiueily. iuui miti t il l.v
Iten.iou'H I'luiriuacy. .'iOc anil
Tihd l.otilc free.
A Humorous Eulogy on the Hoy
F. I). Outturn, secretary o the
KaiiHas State Hoard of Ilorliculluie
recently deliyerfnl the following
humor oiih eulogy ujKm tho htg be
fore the Knife nnd b'oik club of
KaiiHiis City:
"No rellection, hygienic or sani
tary, i coHt upon your city when I
aay that, for the bog, it is the most
unhealthful in the woild. I enn
count hack (1 1,000,000 of him that I
have come to Kaunas City, and the
records show ail dead. Therefore
as his next Irieud, and of his family ,
I come to make n few remarks and 1
introduce resolutions.
"From antiquity, thtough the
lony progress of years, ho has be
come civilied, is a debt
! 'O'-ri 'l,
mnfl tra rra tAmr,vt. nti.l lull tn uu if I
b h
prosperity. He yields great pros
perity. He mnat be reckoned with
by tho luckless explorer of the Yu
kon, lie ia an automatic) reducer
of the corn supply nnd u raiser of
the price. lie is n bucolic bond
whoHe coupons are large litters of
"He is a patient pig, a condenser
of ham, head cheese, glue, bristle,
buttons, fertilizer, waddle covers t
and .saumie. He is n mint and the
yellow corn is the bullion which be
transforms Into coin. In all homes
he ia on tho tables high born, rich
and poor. He ia with the noldier
in the camp and the. uailor on the
"At j$2.2f per hundred he is a
plebian and we won 't speak to him
when we meet him on tho street.
At jjtf .25 per hundred ho is a gentlo-
tuan ana a scholar nun stops associ
ating with the country people. He
comes to town and bocomcH an aut
ocrat, but gets it in the neck at tho
packing houses, i bleu to death,
becomes the commerce of the nation
the fat of the land.
"The nig gets one luxury" dish
water. Dish-water contains pre
serves, molasses, povr, "tomatoes,
milk, onions, steak, Rtavy, pickles,
grease, cheese, nml t;ilel dish-rags.
ManZou l'lle, Itemtiiv co.uich nut tin
ill U collapsible tut) with a no..le.
FaH.y to Himly rik'ht M'ho HOivneH.s
nnd intlaniatlon cxIhIh. It rehevcHat
once blind bleeding, ItchUij or pi-o-
iriuung plies, liiiarautoiaj . u'rice.iuc.
uetit touay. WolJ by.ew" .l'.fft I'rug
Wonderfully Adapted ForjFive Companies to Assem-
Nearly All Kinds.
The Industry is Bound to Become a
Great Wealth Producer for Lane
County although Now Only in Its
It i.i.ol to veiy long ago that the' Ile'idipmi-i s 1'ir-t Separate
i,,.mc ami fiuif .if the V'llnrfiitt-1 tnli'.M () . N O . FugMie, Ore. July
Valley apple w-i.t fat and wide-.' In!1'2' 1'1"7' 'i""'"' rd"is No. 1.
; .I ms th,- oldest orchards weie j eompli.tixc will, jem r .l orders
si. II joiitij; and vigorous l oil 1 1",!M 1'-d.pi-iiters ). N. i.. Corn
was :,i, w lleyon-l the ik-.mI j m"irH ",,l l"u S'r""al I5ot
ol t itdi.uioii.
in hs"- duvs when we read of
the Mdeudid Orc;-..,i ai.itle we thu.k
.,i u ... ,.,11,.,'. i,i,.ii;,i 1 1.,,,
tv, and th time ts soon ro.mng
wh.ii I,: county will lie the hug -
i-t expoiicr the best apple., 'th..t
l.-ive this .-plen.Ji 1 apple growing
nppl 'llu-Ko-.d name n Oregon
lust .( !,, Ll bv the Will.ini-
ette '.illey will s"on be jtirreased
by the cut 'iceiiient and ilst i vance
i f out picKei.t In irtii laws
We ill i not inei new orchards on I
Ian Is that have hceii poorly fanned
but mine up-to-date methods of
; h'Hi.lhiig l oth tie s and Irnits. It
! in ii-i ! -s to ask or answer the
iirs!i in, lines it puv? J he jest al
' wa s pnys, and nowhere with less
l.ihor and nse, or with belter
results than in I.aiie county. The
I man who with intelhgein-e ac.d care
raises first-class apples adapted to
this icgion Spitenbergs, Jona
than, (iravenMi in. Kings, Northern
Snie-5 and Hal I w ins- will always
; , , ,.,.,,,.,, mnli;t ,, ,,,, .
home nnd abroad.
Time h another variety of fruit
lor which the Willamette Valley is
lipcoitiiii!.' billions the Italian or
! Oregon pi une. Tho demoiisti ation
j which w-.s loiultu ted duriug lha
, entire pei iod of the exposition at
St. i.nnis, proved c.iinchisively that
thin puiue is thu best of all.
'I'll,. Oiecom tn'mtnrl n-tiicli i-j
I neither too sweet nor too
nor too sour,
which llavors itself and needs no ru
gar tr extract, was approved by the
thousands who had the opportunity
of paitaking of them. It is destin
ed to become of greater importance
as-a wealth producer for this coun
ty, for nowhere else in Oregon does
it leach a higher degree of perfec
tion than iu I, une county.
Pears, plums and cherries also do
well in this locality. thir river
bottom hind is also well adapted to
the growth of peaches of splendid
flavor and size, although the crop
is not A sine one like that of apples
cherries, pears and plums.
Thousands upon thousands of
people are coining to this county to
develop its marvelous resources,
and at the same time provide a
larger local market for tho product
of our farms. A laud like this, ho
blessed with the elements of hoiti
cnltural success, is I ho place not
only lor tho commercial fruit grow
er, but. also for tho hoineheekcr.
Thero is nothing nuie conducive to
health and happiness, nor adds
more to comfort and attractiveness
than the growth ' of an abundant
supply of lncious fruit lor -the
homo. That person must indeed
be (d perverted disposition who
would live in a fruitless country,
when ho can live iu such a land us
this, in such a valley as the Willam
ette, and iu such a county as Lane.
We have the land in abuudmiee,
the climate and the' markets, but I
not mo uioi: ami women ity many
thousands to develop our resources
and enjoy our privileges.
j blc mn
Will go Into Camp for a Period of
Nine Days Synopsis of General
Order Issued hy Major Geo. 0. Yo
ran A Busy Time Ahead.
taiii'ii. will lain;, near Rowehurg,
")reg)ti, July '-'I to 2 inclusive.
! S' l .ir?it-
I', and I'' ami
! Coiiin my ('. , Thiol fuf.ititrv, will
j i"'" lh'' ''"ni.nand upon arrival at
1 K": ' 1 111 ,l,lv -"
, Companies will t.ikwtiom their
Biationi Uu-ir eritiie mesa
'1"M"', "' i mcfsing in
I''1"11!' iH be by ci,mpa.,. lch
company iw cxeted p be pre
piired to ines:-. ironi five to ten men
in addition to their own number.
If any of ihe TepTite Cmnpaijits
are not t supplied with Field
Rnitgu and mes chest, it is recom
nieinhnl that they honow, if pos
sible, horn compauies of the Third
liifuitry that have lomph-ted their
annual imir of camp duty, return
ing the sain' iu good condition inj-
j "ediaU-ly alter the completion of
' ' 1,ls '"1,r nt ,lu'v.
Tiie iiili'iiu to o' worn through
out the '.'iii' uiiiijiciit will ie the
khul i ha enli-ite I men
and the
oliv- ili i ! i oiiie is. The drill
unilonii will be khaki Houses, blue
h! i i T , hit and leggius.
W'hcn absent from camp the khaki
uniform complete will be worn, w ith
the blouse fully buttoned.
The camp quartermaster, Lieu
tenant F. L Chanibi-rf;, will be pre
pared to supply each cjinpany upon
its arrival at Koscburg with wagon
transportation for its necessary bag
gage and mess equipment, o that
it will be moved to ?nmp without
dilav. Findi company commander
will furnish a sufficient detail ol
men under a nou-comniission-id ol
licer to handle its own outfit. Range
and mes equipment aie. of fust im
portanco to bo moved, so that the
cooks may promptly begin the
preparation of the nrt meal.
I'amp Miuiiiment, teutae. etc.
o i i i .i . . I
ii-ii lie issueil lie I he o ii i I tei mnster
j i
at the camp giound:
.,.- ...-o
be issued as may be directed by theJ
camp commissary,
Kitle. practice will be a prominent
feature of the encampment, and
eveiy enlist J man will be required
to devote much time So systematic
pmtioe. First Lieutenant (). F.
llouck is hereby appointed chief
range officer, ami he will select such
assistants as ho may require, and
have absolute ( barge of tho instruc
tion and practice so far us pertains
to this coaunaud.
Officers and men are to bo re
quiied hi strictly observe the rules
of military courtesy and etiquette
at all times,, and it is especially en
joined upon every officer to correct
any slight in this regard that may
bo observed, to the cud that ideal
deportment may bo characteristic of
the camp. Corporals are to he held
parliculuily accountable for the con-
Iduct and appearance of the men of
their own Miuads, and failure on
the part of any corpoarl in this it.
Continued to lii'th paji'u.
Only Deposit of the Kind in the United
Slates Tound in the Klamath j
National Forest.
The only jade mine in the 1,'nited
States is in the Klamath National
pector. Samples jf the jade were
sent to (if -riitany to be tested, with
the result that, they weie pionounc -
ed to be of standard grade and ra-
I fable of taking a high polish.
! I reparation") are now being made
to develop thu ir.ine and ship the
rock to (iermany to be worked into
ornaments. As a lliht .slei, a per- 1 "
mit lor huihl:ng a road to tlm mine i
ban been secured fiom the foret i "r many years there was upon
service, which i:i especially charged i tlle -c-ta,ut books of tlii state a law
with furthering in all poh.sible ways ! rRnlinS t householders a tax ex
the li:velopn:ent of mines and all emI'tion to tlle extent of $300 on
other national forest resources. honsehol I goods. That statute has
The people of Siskijon county, ' ueen declared unconstitutional and
particul-irly l..n the Klamath ' 'H uo longer in effect. That auch
river, are very prou . of this dis-! an fc-rnptiou should exist is gener
covery and nre looking f.rwar'l a"v believed proper. In regard to
with hopes of luge returns from this the Oregonimi had an editorial
this new reriource A railroad will which we reproduce in part as fol
probaldy be built down the Klam-j' ,,JW8:
ath river, pacing within a few ' Ote'on desires, and has long de
miles of thi-4 mine. sired, to make this a regiou peopled
A jade mine is located under the bv owners of homes. It is gener
mineral lawn and therefore may be ally acknowledged that Ihe perma
located and operated w ithin a na-. nent inhabilnnt who owum real preop
tion forest, j erly, w ho is rearing afamily and!
Jade i a silicate of ma-nesia ! who is saving his' earnings makes
which was usui in the times of the the be.-t citizen. He gives the'peace
Trojans, it having been found in ollicern least trouble, takes an infer
tile ruins of Troy Dr. S humanu. jest in municipal and state govern
It is very valuable, and heretofore i meat and aids iu promoting the in
has been mined only in Asia, jdustrid, educational and aocial io-
"" .terestsol the community in which
The Charming Woman ;he lues. The temporary inhabi-
is not neeosaiiiy one of j'ifect form
an, I fentnres. Manv :i i.I-aiti u'nin:i n
! w In. coul.1 never Kerv.. .,':; al. isf s
l nunlel, possesses r u e una lit it s
thatnll tlie uorl.l a.lmir..: .nealn.-ss : ,
clear eves, elejin sinoolli skmainl
soi iL'litliness oi l-teo ami action that
! accompany -on. I health. A physical y
I weak woman is never a 1 1 r.n t he. uol
even to heiHi li. blecihc Hitters ie-
sion; weak women, -ivesi ron n.-i ves
Ibri-I.l eves; i , velvetv r-kin.
beautiful compiexi.Jii. i iuaranteeil
at I.eiiMnn s I'li.irmacy. ..0 cents.
' " Jt may well be the policy ol the
MOST DRASTIC MEASURE I state- therefore, to encourage home
. : owning by such means as maybe
Texas Will Wine Out tho Trusts Bv 'devised, not inconsistent with the
Making it a Felony to Handle
Any of Their Goods.
The most drastic nnti-t.ust act
enacted in any M He i , no'.v in effect
i in lexaf) it provides, in sub
stance, that anv nelson who reore-
sentsasay agent or selis goods
" b
made by a trust or combine, shall
bo deemed f-iilty of a felony, and
upon conviction, tdiall be punished
l.- erm fi n f-in i O in tiif nMnit.kiitinrv I
for from two ye ns to ten years. Its ,
orov isions applv
1 I f -
to all merchants;
wno sen irusi niaoo goo is ann an i
hl I- .1 .1 I
o may bo dnectly m the
of such concerns
in the i
It is announced by Attornej-Gen
eral R. V. Davidson and his assis
tant, J. P. Light foot, that they in
tend to enforce the law to the letter.
The bill was drawn by Mr. Light
toot and his particular object was
to use it as an instrument to drive
every tiust and unlawful combina
tion out of Texas, Merchants do
not care to run the risk of a term
of imprisonment for telling such
goods ttiid inany of them have al-j test be ,k,,,e l)y "lea"8 of an ex
ready taken steps to quit handling emptiou ou real property owned
'such articles.
A Happy Man
Is Amos Kliiy; of Port Hyron. N. V..
(S5 years of m?e) ; Hince u sore ou his
lt'K, which had trouhlctl him the
greater part of his life, has neen en
tirely healed by bucklen's Arnica
Salve; the world's threat est healer of
Sores, burns, Cuts, vVoiimlsuud Piles,
(iuuianteed by benson's Pharmacy.
Price -a cents.
I vu gene Steam Laundry, Allison
ami Hastings agents.
mnimat const.
laiion Now Necessary
; "
I Would be Pnlicv to FMUr..
Owning by Such Means Not Incon
sistent With the Rights of Others.
Such as by Tax Exemption.
1 tant, who lives in boarding-house,
: . . .. . . .
! leiueu cage or lurnisnecl
J rooms, feels but little permanent in-
' t t j,, weifttre of the oity
: ( v'
school district, couutv or state. He
', ... h MrA ,orU atlA
j J -' "
moirow. He is irresponsible in
! .nKtf, llo ,,nu
" " r' 'J
ror property stands as a guarantee
: that he will fulfill his obligations.
rights oi other citizeus.
i Now that the exemption law is
off the statute-books any subse-
q-"-'t exemption that may bees-
I In1l It'll Ail C. I. .1 J
1 ' ' 1 ",uuonwa
b v constitutional amendment.
Whether or not such an amendment
sba" be a'1oP,ed- the PeoPle n-
.1, IK, ...ill .riour. ....
c -
imm IO aeCiae Dy lUe,r Votds
.such eveut there can be little doubt
of the result. A desire for a lax
exemption is not founded upon a
! selfish desire to eWape taxation,
ncr should it be so devised as to eu-
t '
I aiion eiitirel v
The theory upon which aa ex
emption is based id that a home-
owner is a more desirable citizen
than one who has no ties that bind
him to the community in which he
lives. lie requires less police con
trol than does the transient and
figures less frequeutly iu the court
proceedings. The Btata may well
lighten this burden of taxation in'
such a m inner as to make home
owning easier for him. This can
and occupied as a home It will
readily be seen that an exemption
of pOQ to $1000 on the improve
ments ou land owned and occupied
as a home would be a material en
couragement to ' the building of
homes, aud that the exemption on
household yoods is available an
much to the renter as to the home
owner. Under such an exemption,
if a man should buy 1 1TjOO ! t uud
(Continued to fourth page)