Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, July 10, 1907, Image 7

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I'm Falling
Trine) rlil ti hali A nl a
kind neighbor came to the res B
cue with a bottle of Ayer'i E
Hair Vigor. The hair was
saved I In gratitude, it grew
long and heavy, and with all
the deep, rich color of early
life. Sold In all parts of the
world for tlxty years.
- Atmnl on Sear sen t Inat nearly til nt me
nair niuniiiif an auara tn m,ia wi
B'lvl.aa f a m.iit m in
I 1lil in, sun as a ro.Mll I
?' virr.
t Hfiw tiev. bMiinrtil
M of hair M It
VMM folia, Wit,
W, J. Druwh, Meium
4 HubW.o.lrn..,u..iiliiHt.l
J a-Ua manuriMWrara af I
"An- you iiTtaln you nn rook wcllf
-MNrtmii. I workisl two yenra for
tli gri'iit tiMior. AlU.rtl. At the Mt
illnni-r Im. iiv I wn n..lnud.Hl aftor
t-arli conrnr. mid at tlu. i-i..! f t.
dinner I wna riM-nllcd three tlim."
for Till from I'llcjcenda
WUt klld.
- "nut, ,Toniniy,N nnld Ma mother,
"didn't your i-onwlenr tell you you
were doing wrng7"
"YeViii." ri'i'lU-tl Tommy, "hut I
don't tellefi everything 1 bear." I'hll
adeliihln I'rciiN.
liralal rlllrlamt
"So yxu have Iwen to thu mualcole.
IWm't you admire ilUa 1'addy'a execu
tion?" "No, niadnm; I am iinipd In all lu
ahniiea to enpllul puulaliuiunt" Haiti
mora Amerlcnn, .
Tba 4nlf Drawbark.
Flrat (ilrl You know the older ouo
grow a the greater, I think, la a wom
en' ciiuio!ty to fnll In love.
8e'ond (ilrl Mut the fewer the men.
'Detroit Free I'reaa.
Tli flra Inaiirami. aw cut waa running
for ifHc of tax auaitor.
"Suth a thing a that would novar do!
It la contrary to ouhllc Klipy J" exclaim
' d tba laxpnyrra.
And hla dvfeat waa overwhelming.
C'oalda't Tuajek lllan.
"I tell you, air. you're a llnr!"
"8lr! If I were a Hunting man I'd
knock you down for that,"
"I'll bet you $10 I enn prove It"
"Slr, I it never bet." I'blladel-
phi a l'rvH.
A liooil Kiratt.
siotiior rin aaliameii to tlilnk you
can't do better In avhool. Why con'fl
you lend your rluaa?
Willie Kny, urn, you told me you
Uldn't want me ever to be conceited,
nu I not lit) when a boy leuda the clan
lie nlwaya get coucelted. 1'hlladfl
thl Treat.
A loud laugh, an over-vlvacloua man
Her ltetrayi lack of breedilig. Copy the
llllnvia of form, the quirt polxe, which
la the grrat charm of Engliih women,
whlla a vivacity aomewhnt under re
etrnint adda that which ia winning aud
pifjuante In tha uiauuer of our own coun
trywomen. v To an Italian, charged in a Txindon
court with drunkfiiiK'M, tha nmglntrnte
aalil! "ItnllaiiN don't often got drunk.
I iKin't let Kuiriiah wavn."
ItUKNhn office ra In enmp roeclva money
to pny for their tneala, hut lu ninny camn
they keep thia for other pnrpoMca, and
eat with the coumiou aoldiera.
Amhaaaadur ' Whltelaw Held haa given
f.VN) for the endowment of a bed for
American aailora In the Union Jack Club,
iJt, JUMA- UKl i li;v7
Whenever a sore refuses to heal it la because the blood la not pure and , ,l
healthy, os it should be, but 13 Infected with poisonous genus or some old
pioou iaini which una corruptee nnu pouuicu mo circuiauon. a nose xuosi
usually afflicted with old sores nrc persons who have reached or passed mid
dle life. The vitality of the blood nad etrenjjth of the system have naturally
begun to decline, nnd the pobonou3 rjenns which have accumulated because
cf a nnd inactive condition of the system, or some hereditary taint
which has hitherto been held iu check, now force nn outlet face, arms,
legs or other part of the body. The place grows rcjj, and anjjry, festers end
cats Into the surrounding tissue until it becomes a chronic, and stubborn
ulecr, fed and kept open by the Imparities with which the blood is saturated.
Nothing is more trying and disagreeable than a stubborn, non-healing sore,
The very fact that it resists ordinary remedies and treatments i3 good reason
for suspicion; the same germ-producing cancerous ulcers is back of every
old sore, and especially Is this true if the trouble is an inherited one.
Washes, salves, nor indeed anything else, applied directly to the sore, can
I t....-iiw do any
t9f il2tSuiVtm Jnff the sore with caustic plasters or the
Uplmru flr,i Cut u surgeon's knife make a lasting cure. If
radually grsw larger and, worse
1 WDrifl
a averv w
until I beoamo every
hlarmed about
It aud consulted taken
treated in butt'ho'Joreonrinuei cause
vsrtlaad and ooiutuanoed its iae TUT " . "
aind after uktmr it s wulls X was The cure must come by a thorough cleans-
?o$pRlfaf&2b J8f of the blood. In a . S. S. will be found
ptfoot of a. b. s. sad tuero has xxot a remedy for sores and ulcers cf every kind.
B tif ourlit th "r iU It is au unequalled Wood purifier-eono that
k ... e THOS. OWEN, goes directly into the circulation and
Then the sore begins to heal, new flesh is formed, all pain and inflammation
leaves, the place scabs over, and when S. S. S. has purified the blood tha
pore is permanently cured. S. S. S. is for sale at all first class drug stores.
Write for our special book on sores and ulcers and any other medical advice
JfOUilesire, Wc make no charge for the book or advice. v
Capital laaUfcmnf,
CnpltAl iHinlnlinif lit In Mill JirftrtUM
In many cmiii rh u. HioiikIi of lute yi nrn,
liHnll hi tli t'nltfil Ktnti'R, It linn
bfen iiiikIk nM liiiiiiiiiio nn mllilr. Thut
rrenlloii of tlia Prrnrli Involution, tin
Ktiiiioiims i ami UN4M1 i,y .tn conn -
iricR. "mi too om i-xociitloiiiTi ni di'Ula jM.rt I'nrktr" whom iiiumi iKim--ou
t J ii In Uriiimwl.k. jrilii.-iitly In tlio KiikII-Ii iikwi u uu
Tlw n.o-t human,. n.Hlioa of nmi- U(.,v f , (J .r of l'HrllmiaM.t-H m-
ion. in.. ri.Hiric.vl'"ir, m uwn ..ljr
In the UnltiMl (,.. Kpnlti -mploya
tlio gnrrotp, or Iron rolliir. wlilrh
tightened until tin' victim HtrntiKloN to
(lentil j nmi In I'miwln tlm liciulu of
irlonTn nri Rtmck off with the mvonl. i
Tliu KulHotlniTn tiwl In Iliivnrlii nmi '
l'lKlum; nmi ltuln ili-Mro)- Jut
rrlmlnnU by nitwit lug, IiiiiikIiik, ninl
with t lie executioner's word. Tlio gal
! low n U the ofn'll menn of ndmlnl.ter
l lug denth In Orent llrllnln; Aimtrln
I Lilt adopted tho amne inenna; tint CM-
Iicae crlinlnnm are killed by tlio word.
Tlin ittiHirtAlitrtl H tut lnr aa 1 Ir rih
" , "
it'MKl gnxlllif Bt tli TOUIld, rOIUfltltlC
V" ",,le Wf
uenn rlli,B on yon inn. o-nig lit I
I nlmll friiitil tln ryuonurit of my nf-
fiH'tiona nil gnllnnt wero wont to do
w,,"n knlKlitlMHKl waa In flower.
whBt "hrun,,,,,t " tMl
"w"'" r-tlll hit prartlin) -lim.
, I r u 1 "hould acrenade hvr
1 with a phonograph." ;
"Whnt? A phonograph? Why, a
phonograph It nothing like at romantic
at a guitar." .
"Yea, old chap, bnt you ran atari a
phonograph and then run to the tall
timber a before the thootlng beiclua."
Too Majch Raarela.
Hop LI .had bought cheap but
"wnrrnnted" clock. At the end of n
week ho returiM'd to tho ahoj from
which he tind procun-d hla timepiece,
with no exprcflHloii on hi face, but
with evident tMiwIldermeiit of mind.
"Khe go. dick, clack! click, clack ! nil
light, trw day," he announce! to the
young woman who waited on him. "I
wind all light, aamee you any. Nex
day alio go click, click clack! click!
click! dnck! '
"I ahake her up ho! down ao!
lound ao! bo good. Mie atop rlluk-r
atop clack only go when I alake.
"I any give me ouo leaa aluke, tnore
click, clat'kr
Got Bat-vie.
The boarder who waa a month behind
with tha landlady waa aurprlied at tba
alia of the heap of mnnbed potttoea on
the plate tjia girl had brought him.
' lie waa even mora aurprined when he
fouud a folded paper In the center of tha
Itut b didn't open It IIo knew what
It waa.
Carefully wiping It with hla napkin, he
put It In hia veat pocket aud went ahead
calmly with hla dinner.
You can't dlacoucrrt an experienced
World's Coal
;tloii of
The total conaiimi
coal in the
world la coiiHldcrnbly
aand toua an hour.
over fifty thou
Of thin great
great quantity about
twelvtr thousand
five hundred tona la require! to heat'of Lafayette that she would he unable
the boilers of stationary, marine and
railroad engines. The production of
pig Iron consumes over live thousand
tons un hour. The average hourly con
sumption of coal In huiiMcholds Is con
sidered to bo alkiut ten thousand tout.
Where "Poah" la No Vtrloo..
A well-known motor-engineering Arm
In the Midlnnds at one time held the
agency of a certain American car, but
owing to strcKs of buslnuHa did not sell
many. A telegram came one day.
"Ilojie you ore puidiliig our cars."
Promptly came the answer back: "Yes,
we are, up every hill." The agency has
lccn removed. Judy.
facia Alias.
"CJIve some men rope enough,"
they'll Uied Unci Allen Sparks, "and
hang a Jury."
XVJwXrX, VxrijI
iif-mirri n -v
permanent good j neither will rcm.ov-
... m . n .
particle 01 me diseased liesa were
awnv another sore would come. he.
the trouble is in the blood, and the
promptly cleanses it cf all poisons and
taints. It gets down to the very bottom of
the trouble and forces out every trace of im
purity and makes a t omplcte and lasting
cure. S. S. S. changes the quality of the
Wood so that instead of feeding the diseased
1arts with impurities, it nourishes the
rritated, inflamed flesh with healthy blood.
1 rt u rtimrult to r.-ll. Hint tlio "Hlr
, r,.KHr(, , lll(ll)ry .
,.,.r(lllJi tl) ,invll, Mlllliy at ,.or,
mouth-l tlw hiiiiio "(;illTt I'lirkiT"
who In the nullior of "Tim Wenvcru"
nnl lio wrott- 'Tin? ltltflit of Way."
ItiWxTt 1. I'orttT hnn cotnl-iiH'J tlie
fn'-tn nmi (liiri-N hIkiwIiik tin: ri.'HUltn
of in tin1-l;ji 1 owiMTnlilp nliroinl, moro
eapeilnty In Orcnt Urltaln, and will
prcMnt them In a hook called '"J'lio
Imngera vt Municipal Owiierahlp."
Ilunlng hi coiicluMlotia uiKtn long atudy
end wld'. obMcrvatloii of actual corkll
tlona, Mr. I'orter la-llevea thut tuuiilcl
pal owiierahlp la alwaya a mistake and
a burden.
.An I'ngllnh pnbllahlng ,houiw ofterel
recently two large prlwB ono for the
Ixtit atory for children of both aexea.
the other for tin; beat atory for glrla.
The two ennteata were conducted sep
arately, but when tho prlz-ca were
awnrdvl Ixith auccenaful atorlea were
written by the name jktboii Mlaa
ChrlKtlnn (Jownna Whyte, the nutlior of
"The Story lUk fjlrlH."
One of tho new addltlona to the
"World'a ClaaBlct" nerleH la Motley's
"Itlm? of the Dutch Hcpubllr," wfth nn
In t roil uct lou by Clement Shorter. It
la lntereatlng to rerall In connei-tlon
with thla fact thut Motley worked two
yeara to And a publisher for hia lxok.
John Muney thought well of It, hut de
cided that It would not pay, am! It waa
flnallv tiulillnhed at tlio cxiicnno of
i "
Motley'a father and uncle by Chupmnn
I In Kngland and the llarjera In Amer
ica. Flftiin thouaand copies were sold
lu me ii rat year.
"It ahull be boneat," thla b'gln the
autobiography of (Jen. Lew Wallace,
the writing of which waa the chief
pleaauro of the last years of the
autbor'a life. The book la made up
of, hewer Ipt ions of bis early life, bis
exjierlenivs In tho civil war, of his
diplomatic services In Turkey, of the
reuaona why be turned to his real life
work, literature, and of the writing of
hla famous books. A man who haa won
dlatlnetlon In so many widely diver
gent flelda has naturaly a rich fund of
Interesting reminiscence and Incident
to which the Intimate aelf-revelatlon of
the author already so widely known
through hla bookawlll give peculiar
and vital Intercut
lu a volume on "Old Time Wall Ta
pers," Mlna Kate Sanborn, referring to
the fact that the paperhanger was re
garde aa almost a needle luxury In
early American days, and thut "the
family often Joined In the task of mak
ing the' paste, cutting tho paer and
placing It on the walls," states that It
was not even beneath the dignity of
George Washington to engage In tills
homely work of Interior decoration.
She wrltea: "The Btory goes that the
good Martha lamented In the present
to get the new paper hung In the ban
quet room In time for the morrow's
ball In honor of the young marquis;
there were no men to be found for such
work. Lafayette at once pointed out to
Mistress Washington that she had threj
able-bodied men at her service Gen
eral Washington, Lafayette himself,
and his ald-de-cnmp. Whereupon the
compnny fell Immediately to work and
tho paper was buns In time for the
Aeroas the Cooater.
It Is the paraphernalia of life which
changes; human nature remains much
the same. Old stores of earlier days, 1
with their assorted goods and local
gosalrt, hare yielded their place In the
I' busy towus, or hove been pushed far
Into the rural districts. There were
no commercial travelers In the old
I times, nor "bargain sales"; but the
I woman shopper, with her Inconsequent
i . . . , ..... ,
day, and tho smrirt salesmau existed,
too. In proof of this F. A. Currier
"gives two stories of old shops of Fitch
burg, Mass., In nn article on the bygone
topping district of that town.
A lady , entered on of the stores
where hats aud caps were kept, aud
turned over the whole of the stock.
Nothing seemed to suit her taste.
"Have you none of a subdued mouse
color?" she asked, at lust.
For a moment the salesman was
staggered, but he recovered his breath.
"No, madam," he replied, ''but we
have some In enraged rat color."
Another woman, In search of a cer
tain kind of basket, made the Bales
man reac,h down every article of that
nature on the shelves save two. Then
sue said, aa she turned away:
"I only came to look for one of my
"Madam," rcionded tho weary
salesman, "If you have the slightest
Idea that your friend Is lu either of
the other two baskets, I shall be pleas
ed to take them down."
Maklnw liar (Mar.
"Wu've got a dandy cook at our
house, young, white, pretty and capu
ble." 'Oee I ' You want to try to keep her."
"Yes; I'm going home to start a quar
rel with her now and deumud of my
wife that she fire her."
Why la the world are you going to
do that?" x
"So my wife will keep hor,"- Hous
ton Post,
1 Ii'fl bard for the
say soft nothings.
diffident lovr to
Mica Axle Grease
lcngthcna tlwe life of the
wai'on aavca liorv
jiow'Jcrc'l mica
forma i
a aniooih,
Lard coating on axle, anil
reducca friction.
ii you wain your outnt ih
to lat and earn money
while it lasts grease
the axles with Mica
Axle Creaae.
Never Mad One.
Cltlmnn Well, well, looking for an-
otlier cook, eh?
KuMiiib Why, no. I can't say
Cltlinan What? Yon Junt said you
Snl, lull I did not. I aald I waa
l'M-klng for n cook. TJie others we've
Lad were not. Philadelphia Press.
llrarf breaking Alternative.
"Anlluk, it waa a uliame to sell that
little ony of journ. It had been In the
family ever nine It was s colt."
"I know it, ThroKsin". It almoat broke
my heart to part with Iyp, but my af
faira had become so deK-rate that I
eitbe had to 'll him or eat him and
I can't Hand for borne meat unless I
think it's beef." '
CITP Vitaa ran-a anfl all Nerroua I)tsa
I 1 1 O tMinananlly curl hy l)r. Klitw'a (irrat
rrm krainrrr. Hand for 1'HKK 2 irtavl t,ttl and
trrallaa. Lit. K. JLKllnr, I1.,H1 Arcti bU, l'liUa.,-,
Happening of the I'nrspeeted.
"Do you ear Ufiue accident jiolicle to
baaebali timpireii?" anxioualy Inquired the
"To be sure we do," amtwered the man
Inside the rn li injr. his face expanding
with a large anil genial smile. "Just
make out your "
"That's all I wanted to know." Inter
rupted the other. "A company that will
do that can't get 'my application. Good
day !"
Whr He Mkrd Flan.
fiacon Did I understand you to say
that you like flsh better than chicken?
Kgla-rt Yes; you we, a flh will lay
a great many more eggs than a hen,
and won't cackle about lt-t-Youkera
Mother will find Mrs. Wlnilow's Soothing
Syr op the b. st remedr to use (or their chlldraa
luring the teething period.
Coavlnelna;. '
"ITarold. papa says you mustn't come
to see me any more."
"Why not, Dora?"
"He you don't aeem to have any
"Great Scott! I'll ahow him! Will
you marry rae. Dora?"
"Yes, Harold." Chicago Tribune.
Athletic Olanater.
Fresh 1 Why did Cornell lose the
Frosh 2 The fastest debater broke
training by eating pie, and It hurt his
wind so he couldn't talk as much or
as loud as the rest. Cornell Widow.
Shake Into tour &noes
A"en's Foot-Kae. A powder. It makes tight
or new atio-s Uvl easy. It is a certain cure for
wealing, calloti ana hot, tired, srhlng feet.
Bold by all lniEKlI. 1'rloe Z'xi. Trial pack
age mailed Kl'.t h. Address Allen & CUnmed,
LeHoy, .New York.
World'a Tallrat Tree.
The highest tree in the world Is said
to be an Australian gum tree of the
species Eucnlyptus . regnans which
stands In the Cape Otway range. It Is
no less than 415 feet high. Gum trees
grow rapidly. There Is one In Florida
which Is reported to have shot up 40
feet In four years, nnd another In
Guatemala which grew 120 feet In
twelve years.
Something: to Be Explained.
Gayboy No, dear, you are mistaken
about my having bad too much to
drink Inst night.
Mrs. Gay hoy Then, for mercy
Bakes, why did you take on your shoes
to go upstairs after I had gone down
and let you In myself? New Orleans
The Kind You lluvo Ahvnys
ture of Chas. II. Fletcher, and has been made under his
personal supervision for over iiO years. Allow no one
to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and
Just-as-pood' are but Experiments, and endanger tho
health of Children lvxperience against Experiment.
What is CASTOR I A
Castoriji is n harmless substitute for Castor Oil. Pore'
oric, Drops and Hoothintr Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Js'arcotio
substance. Its age is its g'uarantee. It destroys Worms
nnd allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething- Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Dowels, giving1 healthy and natural bleep.
The Children's Panacea Tho mother's Friend.
The Kind You Me Always Bought
Bears the
In Use-For Over 30 Years.
tmb eeeiMNV, tt aiuaaav eraarr, mi voaa oitv.
Fire Rnrnlng One Honored Tear a.
' The Cherpicrs Inn. Osinotherley, la a
relic of the old t-oiwhlng daya. but It la
now f,ir(., tor ln fire, which haa nev
er been out for more than KK yeara
and over which griddle cakea ore
Thla huge fire la kept continually
horning by peat or turf from the York
shire moors. An excellent tea la pro
vided for visitors, the chief tfilnty
being the griddle cakea. The ieat
glowa like red embers on a red tiled
floor, thp griddle U-Ing micndcd from
a bar a love, the whole looking most
fjualrit and plr-turewiue. The exterior j
of the Inn Is moat unpretentious and
Old World looking, as It nestles alotie
on the Yorkshire wolds.
"Hlr, I am here to ask you to con
tribute something toward stilling the
erica of fatherless and motherless chil
dren. I "
"Why, sure, I'll contribute. I'm glad
you came to me. Here's " i
"Thank you, sir." 1
"Here's an order on my drugglt for
a bottle of soothing Blrup." Houston
Hoona for the Friend.
"You'll have to excuse the disorder
here," said the flat dweller, "all these
bundles are our summer clothes that
we had to take out of the hall closet "
"Hurcly, you don't need summer
clothes this weather," said his friend.
"No, but we had to put up a cot In
the closet for a friend who spent last !
night with OB." Philadelphia Press.
A rtirnld mn for Htvi ("ouirht
UUlm per. I nd I frtluo Wind Trtra blM
!. em M cent. Jiall Mrenta.
A Glrla' fkhool of the highet clan. Colleifl
ate department. Muilc. Art. Eloeutlon. Gym
nasium. Fall term openi September IS.
J mm.t wiiw. will ?M,T.-
Before Going Etae where.
342'4 Waahlnitoo St. Portland. Orefoa
The skin can be stimu
lated by bathing the
faea twica a day with a hot solution of
"20-MULE-TEAM" BORAX; one tea
spoonful to a pint of water (see cut), then
bathe or sponge for five
or ten minutes with clear
cold water until the
skin Is In a fine
healthy glow; dry
with a soft toweL
an dealer, B-1S 16e pkra
Sample and booklet, containing-
valuable reolpea
for the Complexion, Hand
and Hair, for 6c PACUTIO
OaJtland, Cal.
Mean raah In your pocket, becanae eom
tortable row roeau more milk, mure rream
anil more nioney. Aak for Lilly's Best Fir
Killer: It coeta leas and doee more. Sold
tiT dealera. Jt., 35 eta.; gals., S1.00. Made
by Ch a a. H. Lilly Co., Seattle, 1'ortlaud,
Kan Fraorlaco.
lJoutrht has borne the si ir na
Signature of
If.'i! a
. Fly
Banking by Mail
On aavlngs deposits of a dollar
cr tnore, compounded twice
every year. It ia just as easy
to open a Savings Account with
tjs Ly Mad as if you lived next
door, hend for our free book
let, "Banking by Mail," and
learn full particulars. Address
Oregon Trust 8c
Savings Bank
Portland. Oregon
Sixth and Washington Sts.
Portland Oregon
h Cfctap it C Bi locjlt ii tti Eut
Dr, Mud) Qaictw Writ! Ot Toda,
C. Gee Wo
The Well-Known
Root and Herb
Ha made a life study of roots and herbs, and In that
study discovered and is to tha world bla won
derful remedies.
No Mercury, Poisons or Dmt Used He Cares
Without Operation, or Without tba AM
ot Knife.
He susfentoe ' Cure Catarrh. Asthma. Lone,
Throat, Rheumatism, Nervousness. Nervous Debil
ity. Stomach. Liver. Kidney Troubles: also Lost
Manhood. Female Weakness and AUPrWalo Diseases -
Just Received from Peklnc, China Safe, Sure
and Reliable.
If you cannot call, write for sympton blank and circu
lar. Inclose 4 cents In stamps.
162i First St.. Ccr. Morrison,
Portland. Oregon
Please Mention This Paper.
t , ati . K- i Mr? I
Docs not enlarge the Instrument or
change style of vase; mechanism all below
keyboard; operates piano anion abstract
direct, and precisely as regular piano keys
do, securing the same expression as the
artist can by band; can be entirely removed
lrom the piano iii five miuutes's time, aud
that without the ue ol a screw driver.
Write for Free Booklet
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