Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, July 10, 1907, Image 5

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    Items of Interest in unci nlioni
Collate (irove and vicinity.
CaOAAAJI A-8AAfi.ftJLftJlftJLB.lAfi BJLOtflB 0 BOOti B&fi fl9fi V B 9 Bfl 9.fl J)'.
The ri'cliMM'tit (li'iniii nip- f'di.iiii- f
lint new I'M III r tit' I law Hint."! I.imI
Oluu.hi lliivvklnn wiii n CiiKi'm vlil
tor IhhI Irlduy .
JCutfrnc Slentn Imtulry, Allison
ntul If nMitiK" neiUs,
I. I. I ti 1 1 n win! li Eugene Nutiir
iluy mi lniHlni'Kn,
W. V. Comer n lmfi,n m In tin
, i ll.v for a few
Itov. Olson went In Eugene thin
morning dm Imnlni'MH.
Lincoln Taylor visited I In- county
Mi-iil lln hitter purl r hint week.
Mih. II. . Tlx iriH n Im vImIUmu
rehilivcM und friend in KnHlcrii Ore
Mr. Itiirliiiiiuu nf Coi valllM 1m vImII
Ing nt tin' home of lire daughter Mih.
II. II. V Witch.
Mih. i:. II. I'.vfitiH ami daughter
MM I'.lliil of I'.ng.'iie Hptut (Ik
fourth In thin city.
l'lyxrw-4 Wiilki-r mid family were
vlnitlnK fi ini'h In the iiclghliorhuod
(if IlllllMIII llhl Week.
A new concrete iddcvviilk Iiiih liwn
completed In front of )r. Nclile.f'n
block on Mul n Ndt'iil,
Mih. Hiilllillili wi'lit to Eugene
Nnturdiiy to In- tii'iiliil by Dr. V. O.
I'ronH'T forey trouble.
V. II. Hall of Snu l'rnncici fn lit,
Hi.- Ith In this city leivlng for his
home on 'I'liurHiliiy nllil.
I'miik Wood mff an I Win. Miller
were iimong I In Eugene v Ultois from
CotlaK"' Otovn Hiiturdity.
Mi mm Orpin Iliirini wlio linw Uh-ii
vlxltliit! her mother hre for h few
Iih returned t Engem? Smi'liiy.
Austin IimIiiihk'' of (In- Dillon mill
Kot li Im I'k lui'lly brnl'd t'.v being
cuught under a I iik'" linili'r. n week
Mr. mid Mil 'I.M. iai.lliii'r have
left fiir New iiinii, .l., v lu re I hey will
buy forty t 1 1 I mikc tln-.r future
In illlf,
Mr Klii', wlio Iiiim lii-i'ii yinMIng
her mother here for hi-vrral week,
Iuim ri'tni'iii'il l her lioiiii' In f 1 1 .
( begun.
Mtm. Harms Ihih 1 hi 1 1 lo r beautiful
residence given ii nf i ii 1 1 1 1 mul
Im thcrvvne gr.ntly improvr.l Iht
Dr. I'red E. Kliuincnil of the MIm
Mourl State I'lilvcrHlty in In t In rlty
Visiting at tin home of IiIm falluT, .1.
IS. HlmiiiiTal.
li. II. Ilanlfn of Iho Electric lor
ri'Hpmi(li'ti'0H4'liool of Hoiliivlllf. Ore.,
waslii tin rit j yi'MtiTilay In tho In
terest of Iho school.
Mr. mi'l Mrs. J.'. ('. Curriii and
daughter of Dawn. Mo., are here an.l
for a few week will vhil with rein
tlvtM. The laily h ii hImIit of Mm.
John ('nrrin. Tliin Im tle lr llrnt trip
Weet of the KiM'kiCM.
A pnlent from thu United HI hIi m to
Miles Caiy, now ilci-eaHod, whh it
eorded IIiIm wiek la thr county re
cordiT'rf oflleo, I'onveylnt; (il aeren In
townwhlp 14, I womI. Thu patent Ih
tinted September , lMHS.
The hiIiooI district nt Dorena
propatliiK to l.ulld an Addition to the
Hrliool hoiiHO, (he IncreiiMe In uttend
nnco niakliiK hiicIi an outlay neces-
.... 1
wary. Hirer more riuu'H iiro ii or
ftddtMl to iho Htudli'H and hereafter
two teachiTN will be neecBHary.
John C Watch, the fnmons I'nlver
Ally of Oregon debator, who gradu
altid thin ye:ir, left f'r I'orl laud yes
terday w hern he will enter newspaper
work, lie Im a Rood ciirtooniMt as
well an writer and Hhoiild nmke a
jood hiiccosh. tliiard.
Siimini r coughs aihl colds yield at
oui'o lo Hees Laxative CoiiIi Syrup.
Contain honey ami tar but no opl
HteH. Chlldicn like It. rieasant to
take. 11m laxatlv" ipinlltles reconi
ineiid It to mothers. HonrHcncfn,
coiilw, croup yluld ipiickly.
I'lneiil.M for the kidneys Htroiint hen
thesH itk'hiis and nM in drawing
unison from the Wood, try mem mr
winter In In force mid li ie.ifi i Hie
rallroudM nre compelli'd In pny a the
for every day a cue 1 1 iml Tin iiiwlii d a
shipper after a ptilliil Ion Ii.ih i 1 1
made fur Maine and a nTlnlu tlim-al I
lowed to Ri't llieciir In the hlpp'T
Oil llm ulliir Imd, mider I Ik- law, lie
A Model Warship.
Mr. J Jn.ltlon of tho fir in of
Wyni'c Hardware Co. Iihh fi;j,iin
shown his ingenuity and ciriiinlily
in window dreHsiiijj. Homo wee ks
a;;o, he built a loconiotivo oj of
different arli-'loH in tin; linrdwaro
line, which at a nltot t distinit
away niijjht well Inva luen taken
for a p niiini.' Iillipnti m lofonifjtive.
(n the show window now js on dis
play til" inouel of ii biit.ll.i,ii) build
after tliosniic style, Hint is of small
shipper iniiHtalMM pny a llm- (oi i,.,l , 1(,(S ,,,, f,,,,,! in every
i'iiiuihK nr iiiiina'iniK n on wiiiiiimi
cp I lulu I line. We -l 1 1 1 1 1 In Hii y I li.i I
the shippers will fiMin now mi dai
little Itoiilili- In Hei'ill'lliK ''II x. for I In
rallrniidM do mil l Mil 1 1 1 - mih
Mlionld pay ili'inui :i;'n eli;ii:'en lull
I he people.
State I ialnc Warden HiiI i'm ri poil
for the six months ending June vm,
Nhowsthat he has H'1'iired ,1 convirl
Ions for t!.e vlolitimi of Hie j-.nur
laws, an foll'iws: Killing d'ii, s:jlnilt of nioola of wire
hardware iimo :nnl really i ni l,e
i 1 1 "wed ii'i a work of art. The main
p ul r hull of th'.' veimc m im !
of ivyo eto-s it m.iws In.-it lu top re
sent prow ;rid si rn. The turrets
a If lilld" of s uni kind o milju;;
uleii'i! i Ii .mi wlii'-h p-i p out bras-;
water t ip-, which ;;ive a o" r,;
TaKE noticc
To I he i ','t t l."ii i nf Of it la (Irove:
An flea idinesi Is c'linbieive lo prfiod
li' iillli and the next thli,;? to Oodli-
llft", yni v. ill plea .. 1 1 -; r 1 lip idl
"lieeH, :i!eyj, i-lft el , eiHHpftf tin. barn
and chicken vard-t uiiliin and around
yoni plupi'il y. I Would reeoni mend
II. al yon ii lil .i id" of lime in the
' po'iN niid w.iler cI'ihi-Im, not fftii
Heeled wll li sewer, fiyot.lerof j
W. W. lloi i -o-.y, Heallh ()lli:er, '
Col tai'f (Irove. Oregon.
Allper-OiiM III V 1 1 1 ; T I 1 1 - tl(:ll list the
I on it ll i if .J ill.v i-f,ia lull tee re. i lies I -
d lo pifrti-nt them to 15. I, inch by
.1 til y l-'lh
Prepare This Yourself.
lorthii-v who have any form of
lilond ill Mid'T , who want new, rich
I I .o I ami . l.-i 1 1 v of it. I r.v I hit:
I laid Kur.ici liaiideiien. one half
niliiee; I'omji'iiind K(ir("tll, one
fi'iliee I i.liiliii.iiiil s.i-t'iii. V'i ru'.ii...
H''iiiM;iiK'f lu Tim mn ,h n to j nli;i llncc otinc ,
t(lJ h :i in .i l) it ;tnl , tnko in
' 1 u 1 t e , . i i - i . . .i . .. i
I, till. i ii . . i . , , . ( I' I IMtMIHII 'I ,IIMT Oil I MM IllMJ
klllliiK (hln.'M. ,, I,, a,!..,!-, I; l.uvit.K li-l.tniK I 'J's arc shallow l mi dii.-s. !,t l,, nv ",o.,l plunna.-v can
It i . not easy to b-f,!V , j,e. , s ! "Ol'lv I he i iiri i-n I at small cf,-t.
1 'I ai' it the pi-.cii.l Inn which,
pei i illy by on.- who is toUllv r.;iri he,, ii,,,.e iM, M ' 'j i,,. ,"
r.ilil f.f the it iiiie .( Ih.. ,lilT..,,...i ! 1 "'if i I" nun in oy iiiihth "llml.v
leer miles In ioMet-vi..ii , ami tlic
linlamr- for unlawful lihlntr. I'al I In;'
HiiVV dil'-t In llent:iH. killing t.ijiii
birds, rtc,
It. M. MoXley came la 'I'llei ilay cm n
hifj; from ('nttat;e Orove uilli Wm
Htrelil'H llllilrtehold e;ooi i. II'
I I'l'iri'' I:i','lll I'lllil.el " It tifMu frel.tle
' parts of micli a vssel(i but it. 1 . w, 11 I and certainly ..,. s wondeis for noiu'm
ivvotlh tikiiii' a stroll thai way aii. '" "I'1" w ''" '" "'''.V. w, "li -'"id out
i ' . "i -iiiIm, : i . h lainvu ((, relieve Heri-
Ir. ll:i! lon siv, ...r , luii- . lamlin:,' ea.-es of rhenma-
store them until such lime as Mr
Slrehl can net pun seHHlun of Ids lion
when Mr. Movley and Mr Stn bl and
family w ii(.riili liec'iine resident of
brow iih III.-. They are iki.v si oftjii li
near Albany.- I'.rovvnwv ill.. Times.
w ill i for vour-i If.
! Hi t 'v.' hi: never '..en a buttleshil, ! .I' ''ackaelie ijinckly.
1 1 j Make t i. in. up. and try it
land that Ins model is made entirely I , .
' I inii picture. t shows
a lei will no doubt e'rve its aim, an
a I '! I i m:iiii ill for the house
Civil Service Ex.' initiation.
Celehralion Postponed.
MfSMfs Mciiieen and OHlrander
nive lancha i.l the In. v veiled in Ihe
, ..' . i. i
strict h.v the Nhle of their Iniildlll;-, ' ' 1 " "'-lHI.I .Mlfl-l:
niid re ha v the form mid ap- W ". I h tu notify the
proni heM torn out and replaced h.v thpnudi the columns of
new ones
IKllllll !
j b.. hi a- htilovv'.; j
I'm linl vav MailCn ik August b j
; l or H an mill (Telciajih; July 21 1
I ''or Tvpe W'nl-t .'e.piiiel J dy ill i
J-,-:.nimali'ta ia Ojifti lo nil citi- '
i ii'. oi tii I loifft rotates who coin-
yijin p.ipr , , ,,,. , v- ..
.WHH III apiflly dlh.,. I ,,l .he ffl.bran..,, nt I nn,l..i. vvJ ..,1 ,
I, ited comilth ill and of but little ben ; , ,
. . p.i'.ij. hi. : on account oi tUaili I mess v.ivn .htvj.'! j , .miualioit,
ot Mis J.evi (,.ct, llldll S.itaiday,
II I'.MlT.
cilt to t he i iw ii' i in th.-Hhap.
Mr. In.i.k Wi.,.lev h,., n. .1 ! J"lv 1:1 0" winch dale the
from i;N lllp to ( 'i.liin.l.iH. Ohio, i ptojMitni will be icri' Tiled at the
Where he went to atlelid t he ( ,eiie .ij yj ,,v ,. ,, ,i,'t ,jf a mle of
Assembly of tin- 1'rei.b.v n-i i .a church. ! j ,,ni()l,
N III If none Mr. oi,y v I ll
S ec tary of li' aid, laieni.', (Jre.
no put: i oi: i i ikji a i ion.
mimber f.f the larger ea lei ii rill
Her. turned bv way of ( '.uif. n nia
Ii i ' w.,i k-, at nifc'ht All art- m-
vit. d
Man Znii I'ile Keini dy coanw pul up '
in a collap ll.le tnl.e with a nozzle.
l',nv to rthi wh.Te sorene j (vjOTICE
ami iiillaiiialiini exltH. It ieievesal
once blln.l hlee.luie;. Itching nr pro- ..u,ai
trailing piles. ( iuuraiitee.l I 'rh e ..uc. i . .
Oct It l..,hiv S..I.I Itv New f i.i liar.'1
j ' . .... . '. .
w.liei . I I
I'y order ,f .-oiuiiiittL-('.
e. 1 1 let. led I it Co I a pl.V St I let I.V
rulcM uovrriiiiur the use of
lini" for jpriuMiii Is
j fi oni 7 to s p. in. ami failure to com
j ply w ith the. e rules will necessitate a
i title I 't .In l .1 it.. I I.el.i.p tit.i.l..
.1.... ..I.. 1. 1 . .. I.,., t . . ..rtl "'-
''. ."Is'.ii ""ii'S r....e ! lie ne in- , J ; , , I . (,,!,.
Iters belni unable to attend : ... '
The adjourned M.'hi.n of the rlty
oillicll failed I" mntei labf on Alon
patron- must If used
Two Birthdays Celebrated
A very pleasant day was spent at
the liome of Mrs. S. I'.. Hubbard.
Sunday July 7.
It beiiijj the birthday of her son
Wily Hubhard and rnndsou Ken
I by order of water coin initter.
tiioiaii: CoviiK, Olminnan.
At Iter hi)iiit- at London Spr ings
it C'llSUlnplinll ot the If osels Vd I
1 -part in. nt . I the Interior.
I .and t tli. e at J trwebnrir. Oregon.
duly ... l'aOT.
Notice i-- hereby riven that
1I5A .lollN iiookki:.
i f r.iiilhci. or. .a,, ha- tiled notice
i( his iiitentiuii to make Una I live
vear proni in Mipi"i't of hh claim,
vi: Homestead lu'ry No. ;i'ii!." made
Ma v l."t, I'ttMl. f. r 1 he
S, - N I,', SV' ,. SV. i, Si;',,
Se.-liuii ', 'I'fiwiship I'l S, Kallfii
W, am! that aid pi o if will lie made
hei'.iie V. W. Oalkiu. I'. S. ' 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 - -sioner
at hi- ol'ljee at lauelie, ( )re
oii. on t v. Septcmher I'.'i,
He inline the following witnesses
t" prove hirt It idelice lljt'in residence
iipoii. and cultivation of tie-land, vi.:
Scot I I ;ile-pie'of Panther. Oregon;
lau Nil haels i.f M... mil, Oree-on:
I'lank I,. Cieu-haw of l'auther. Ore
i:.iii; HrnrL'c Holland, 'row , Oivli n.
1 . i : v.i wiiv I,, lamv , Kiaas-rm. j
Norici: i oi: i i r.i.iOATioN.
at 10 o'do-k. Mrs.
I pal t a, eld of 1 he I lltei ior,
I ,aa ! (!lii t- a I C I Ml IV, Hvu'oll,
.1 oi V 'J, P.Mi7.
wife of Levi (Jeer, i Noli..- i i l.t iehy iiyen that
nrll. Wisrar,,,., a family rf.mion j at-l aboat : 3 ours. w"s of ( in -t . . l; , ' H . . .11 . lib'T notice
was arranged. Anions tlif j.rvs-1 ,MU R u '' ' ,M ,1M,V ' c'mPl,''. 1 IU1,H-! or his it.tentioa to make linal tive
..i . 1 n... f.... !day. I year proof in simp, at of bin claim.
lmi0,ih,i.K..iuu. u,,.!, (, vi.: Ib.jae.-lead Kntr.v No. lolWmade
M. C. Willis, and a great K"'11' i woman, a . wife mid mother K'd.ruary .V.. i:H f-r the N K', Sii-tion
nrsdav tnoriiiri'
Maude Oecr
aunt, Mrs. Altnira H.istow. The and was well Irked by all who knew j Ji,..,1,';;,, '.'roof win'hemade b,
rheiiniatiMii kidney, bladder trouble,
for luinbauo and tired worn out feel
iiiK. They In Iiik (julclc relief. Satis
faction Kniiruntee.l. Sold by New Km
irriie; Store.
Sltn llriind, who has been lu Tueo
jnn for He ve nil weoks past, accoinpnn
ied by his wife has ret urned. While
lu tliat city his wife, presented hhu
with a hoy and Hlni Is ircelvlnK tho
coiiKiatuliitions of his many friends
on Hm event, Mis. Urand will re
main in Taconui for 01110 weeks.
An addition Is to he made to the
medical fraternity of Oottn.Ro Urove.
Dr. .1. O. Van Winkle will In a day or
eo open his ollleo In I ho Itank of Cot
tiiRO drove bulldiiiR'. Ho eomes from
Weudllng and Is highly reeotnniendod
ns HiiiRi-oii anil Is 11 gradiiato from
the OolleRa of rhyslelans nud Stir
jeottH or Han Francisco.
Jloiulacho und eonstlpation dlstip-
pear when Dade's Little .Iver Tills
rest present were, S. II. llrislow, ! h-.r I l.e hu-b.ipd and three chiUI-
I'leasant Hill; C. I' Croushaw and j ,1,t! V'in.-ast nlxnit I! niontlis,
i r 1 hay.- th t. inpai h V 1 a lai tie circle
son lieu of this city, Mr. and Mis , , ', . n
.... J oi u lend 111 their loss.
T. W. Jenkins, Mr. and Mrs. (lu.. j
Willis and baby, Whitson, ()rcyou;j .Miss Minni'. Seats died at lir
Mr. nud Mrs. V. Tj. Wiscar-ui and K'nie of h r parents about six
htnily. John Hubbard and wile, mile , from this city TlinrH.lay. Jul
... , ir ti 1 i r . .ith ol spinal diseasf nt the aire of
Stanley Hubbard ami wife, Misses 1 1
J .. veats.
Mabfil Lee, Ireuora Hubbard, Messrs ! s;ll(, wns ni,ht aml iovjntr
Wily Hubbard, Kruest (Ml, Clay
Hubbard and Oscar Hubbard, all
of this city.
Kugane papers please copy, Koso
brjrg and Oakland papers please
Uncle Sam's Niggardncss.
Mr. Iandretli, who has a home
stead a few miles east of town on
Row river, nearly a month ago filed
with the I.and Oflice at Roscbur,
notice of his intentidtt to tnako final
proof, believing ho would be ablo
to do so the latter part of July. Not
bearing anything from it, however,
a day or two ago ho took a trip to
lto.soburg to investigate, and found
that office almost buriod under a
pile of prior applications, and was
told that he must wait his turn,
which may bo months yet. This is
very disappointing aud annoying to
him, as he desired to tako advan
tage of the railroad low rates, to
visit liia nged mother iu Virginia
and spend tho winter with her, and
wished to provo up on bin land be
fore loaving.
Uncle Sam in a very nice old gen
tleman, but io inclined to bti nig
gardly iu Home respocta, and
through thin trait the land otlico is
yoitn;; lady with a host of friends.
She was buried yesterday at the
Sears cemetery at 10 o'clock.
At Mills City, Thursday, Juno 27
1IK17, Ella, the wife of A. T. tli u
(;etl. Interment in the Monroe
A. T. (Iriiijelt was formerly a
well known Lane county teacher.
nre used. They keep tho system clean 1U)w pwamped with work it is "mm
tho stomach sweet. Taken occasion
ally they keep you well. They are
for tho entire family. 'Sold by New
ilira Drug Store.
ble to accomplish, and houio of his
nephews and nieces are put to great
inconvenience aud expense.
Most of our people went to Cot
tage (irovo to celebrate, the Fotuili.
Several persons expressed them
selves s well pleased with Ihe ex
ercises mul enjoyed the cool, nice
Mi. and Mrs. George Miller. of
Divide wye in our neighborhood
Wo understand Mr. Vernon Clow
is tnartied.
Five peiso..s from Cottago Grive
attended church Saturday, taking
dinner at the Hancock homo before
returning to town.
Mr. mul Mrs. T. Richardson were
at Cottage Grove on the Fourth.
Mr. aud Mrs. S. Hurcham and
family called at Mr. Foster's the
first of tho week.
Haying ia iu full blast in our
neighborhood now.
Miss Winuio Drcese of Lynx
Hollow was still in our vicinity the
last of the week.
and ,
the i;..:.i-ter ;ind Receiver at l!.tse-
burf,'. Orcio 'ii. on Friday, September
t ; t it. pin,
Hi' ii.iiim the following witnesses
to Jprove his continuous re-mlenee
upon, nud cultivation of Hie land,
John A. . iritfg.-s of Oomstock, Ore
gon; U A All. n of Oomstock. Oregon:
Oscar Barnes of C'oinfocl;, Oregon:
Samuel McCiu iian ot I .himiii', Oregon.
I'.kvi v uin b. I.iutv. Register.
Depart inellt oi t lie I lltei ior.
Laud oilier at llo-cl.niu-, Oreuon.
" .Inly 1-MI7.
Notice is hereby jiive'.i that
iif. i:;f. f.dwaiids
of Oomslot Ic, Oregon, ha-; tiled notice
of his intention to make linal live
yen r tn-oof in support ot his claim.
Vl: I'ntr.v No. H'.KH made
May L's, bmo for the SW' Section 4.
I'ownslrip '.'l S, llange I S , and that
said proof will lie made before the
lLcLfinler :iiiit Kcceiver at Uosebui'i!'.
joirgon on Friday, Sejiteinber I'.th.
I le names the following witnesses
to prove Ids continuous reideuce
upon, and cull i ' : 1 1 1 1 1 of the land,
John A. OiL'gs uf Ouiustock. t)re
gon: 11. A. Alien of Comslock, Ore
gon; Oscar I'l.'i.rncs of Coiiistnck, Ore
gon; Samuel -McC'innaii nf l.oranc,
!i:n.i vmin It. Fniiv, lleijlster.
1:1111:11 :; Sner Suits
m . a 1 vitf 1
3 WJ V t
1 Sow is the time to
conic find have vottr
measure taken for a
; new suit. I have sam
pies from one of the
largest clothing stores
in Chicago. All styles
and grades of goods
A large shipment of
straw hats just arriv
ed including men's,
boy?, womens' and
girls', in all the lead
ing styles.
Main Street, - - Cottage Grove, Oregon.
Wynne Hardware Co.
Don't Wait Until Your Grain
is Ripe
and ready lobe luo ve-fe. befoie bny
lng the nuiciiinerv v o'i Will liee.l 't
are handling and huve ..11 hand. Ihe
old relialde
McCormirk Line of
vvliirli nwiki' linsfi.r in.'in.v years proy.
edit superiority by it work So if
yon need any machinery in that line, if
will be a wise select ii hi in Inlying this
make. Come iu and talk it. over.
And the celebrated
Wynne Hardware Co. '0
! i
la V
! ureal Mo
Headquarters For
Mining and Commercial Men
C. ! LONG, Prop.
i p ; i
10m iTaiiii
111 ii
ItUIBlf Ll
Collage (irove, Or.
Paid up Capital:
Surplus und I'lidlvldcd I'rolits.
Money to loan on ajiprovcd Biuairity
MxchaiiKcs Hold, available any
place In tho United Slates
Jamestown Exposition
July 34S. August 8 9-10,
September 11-12-13.
Portland to Chicago ami return $71. .10.
Portland to St. Louis ami return $67.50,
Portland to St. Pan!, Minneapolis. Dolutli, Su
pcrior, Viunie, Port Arthur ami return $00.
3 Trains Daily 3
Tor ticket Nlcepiny, cur ivsei vatioiiH and iiddllional In for
nintlon, cull ou or address
Y2'i TMIItl) 1ST
!t Nor. JC jr.
urn . il mtt
Edna I. Archibald mul Stanley
II. Hubbard were ninrried tit
M. E. Parsonage, Eugene, Ore ,
July 3d by ltev, I). U. Trimble.
I li. P. Kobtnson, superintendent of
I mc1'.o1 for Krultnuuiith county, whh
" 1 ..liL.tml i...L.-ti1..iit rt Uttita Ti.-i.tli.
the .. , ... l .
11a .'innttriiiiiitll Ci t I. in tb.lllllfi. i;u.M