Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, July 10, 1907, Image 4

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    - 11 ' 1 ' " " " M"MM,M,MM,WMI"IWWWI'I'M'IWMWIIM,"MI
Make 11 rhfcko paynblo to Nvigfvt ritb.Oo.
Kptorod t the pernlolHc t TolUi Grore,
i.vor..... V;i
is monlhs
If paM in advance.
Clubbint Pates.
The lUiliomla Nupsrt one yvnr
vlth any one or the following pub
lications one year for ninonnt wt
liwltte Monthly
Wtvklv Orviroulun ( Portland)
Wooklv Journnl ( Portland)
Pailv Mining Hoconl ilVnver)
Weekly Mining Kwortl
Pud tic Homestead
Nortliwext Poultry Journal
Thisimwr Is kfj-t on Itlc br T1IK AMKRI
'JAN MIMSli rONiSHKSti. ChmbT of Com
merce Hiiii.ling, lc:ver, Colo., where our
reaiton w ill be wilto'iie lo Hie neo( the
In iiirsi friiu the various mining e'lion ot
he Went, frienliiie library iul iuinr' ex-aiblt.
THIS PAPER Is kept on file t F.. C. Drake'!
Ailvertining Airi'iiov, 04ud6- Merchants hx
hniiR, San Francleo. I'alltornla. where con-rni-tf
for advertising mo b mio for li.
nble lo rnise from a poor mun to bo.
come n mi'liouairo iu tbo short four
years of his mayoralty f Sun Fran
cisco, lie tuitfbt possibly have a few
Leather nu1c from tlie intestine.
of tho whale resembles kid, and is
very tbiu and tough. It will take
color readily, and an attempt is to
be niado to make whale leather ft
commercial product. It is claimed
that it is admirable for making th1
long-sleeve gloves now so much
worn by women.
'1 he MteM and stings ot insects, tan.
Hunburii, cuts, burn and bruises are
relieved at once with Plnesnlve Cnr
holued. Acts like u poultice, and
draws out Inllainntlon. Try It, -Vts
Sold by New I'.va Prug Store.
An Immense Crowd Come to Collage
Of Trimmed DrcsHatw
The llnal reductinn of our entire stock nf Pine Preiw 1 1 i t that for
merly ol 1 up to VH will heelosed liet Nutunlny, July PUIi.
A great clvrc to Del v now and different
Summor Hat for Only $1.98
We also show a line hue of lWch and OntliiK Half; jiml what you
need for your vacation trip. Plea-e reineinl" r the placo.
MAIN ST. Four Doors Ktvst of BrUltfe; COTTAGK GKOVE
Grove to Take Part in the
tivities of the Day.
OKI Man's race 1st piie. l K.
Walters; lid prize, U. 1). Tucker.
Half mile bicvclo rnoe it prize,
Albert Wood ward; iU prize, Kirn
cst Oill.
oOO ynul bicclo iu'c it prize,
Pud Lincoln; '-'I ptize. Albert
Wood iv a rd.
Ping 1 silks ist prize. CI iy and
j limy' Mosi.y; 'J 1 prize, Tom lir
j ker.
I The s-ng by Mr. K'.ias West, an
old man 73 years of age, was well
Wednesday, July 10 , 1907
Such incidents as that of the
Adams company dividing
up $'24,000,000 among its stock-lii-Mc,a
ic liLflv tit nid the more-
ment for a pircels pon as it should.
Congress would Lave passed a par
cels post law long ago except for
the influence of the express com
panies, which along with other cor
porations, many members of con
gress serve, rather than the people
at large. The creition of a parcels
post system shouid not be the only
step taken to curb the rapacity of
the express companies, but the in
terstate commerce conimiBsiou, hav
ing authority to,l so, should in
vestigate the charges of these com
paDien, and reduce them when ex
orbitant, as they arc in a great
many, if not all caes. The Wall
Street Journnl mentions a case of
the transmission of $493,500 in gold
from Fairbanks, Alaska, to Seattle,
by mail the postage amounting to
$4S0, becanse the charge of the ex
press company would have amount
ed to $1580. Many similar cases
of all soits f merchandise might
be cited. All other progressive na
tions have long had a parcels post,
because no other rational legisla
ture allows euch corporations to
make or defeat laws to suit them
selves, regardless of the interests of
the people. It is time the people
throughout -the country got busy
in instructing their representatives
in congress to attend to this busi
ness. Portland Journal.
. . . . 1 -
The controversy concerning the
sewer to be put in on Fifth street,
in the Council Chamber last week,
the lact was disclosed that many of
property owners in the newer dis
tricts now in operation were not
availing themselves of the opportu
nity to connect their vaults, etc.
with it. It is estimated that the
city ban expended somewhere in
neighborhood of $l.r,000 in laying
main sowers, and the property own
ers along the route should be com- j
pelled to make connections, and if
there is not au ordinance to that ef
fect, one should be passed at the
first opportunity. Along this same
line, we would respectfully suggest
that the health officer, rigidly insist
that the notice which he publishes
in tbia issue, be fully complied
Kissing games have been banish
ed from the playgronnds of the city
of Philadelphia. The board of
health has decided that they are an
abomination and must go. Medi
cal inspectors have also been ap
pointed posts at the various public
playgrounds and the children will
be as carefully guarded against dis
ease there a,s upon the school
Schmitz Giyen Five Years.
; Mayor Schmitz has been sen
tenced to five years in San Quentin
for the crime of extortion, He
Btill declares his innocence of any
crime and will appeal the case to
the highest court. If he would ex
plain in what manner he has been
Cottage oroTC s my c receive I
eclipsed all former elTorts The wrt.HllillJ m,Uch i,ctw,.n, Dr
number of people who came to thN j rac0y llmi j0o Uobiiion which
city to take part uuit have been j took pl ice on the platform was
well up iu the thousnuds and with J much enjoyed mid won bylhoht-
all this immense crowd iv.'t one dn- j tcr.
1 ..,m! Tiie lusi lull ciiiuo between I ot-
ayreeable thing occur d to the , ? .
.. . ... , t.isre C.nne and I'.u"cne was wit-
ludivioual or a visitors p.eaure , , . ,
.-Jnt-iMcr fli ivholp daw I
Many of the stores an t residences
OU Moil
street and a grand display ! tiro j
i-esscd li. a !are crow, I. and
"on bv t h home team.
A dancine pavilion waa erected
were nicely, if uot elaborately !u"-; t the park and dancing wi s in
orated and everywhere the stars ! dulred in during the afternoon and
trinP -Pre ditaved. . fvetiiDg.aiKiin me exiling
r . . " . 'tavc another c mccrt
1 Df pai't c.v.cuiu u- s. v - j
tationsol even the eiuimntee who ' vvnj.s was jKK
bad that part of ihe pro-ram in ; AU togeUlcr tlu. ,iay was greatly '
band, seme novel floats falling into j .ovcJ T,10ruwt.r0 no rious '
line of whi. h notice hud not been ; acddents ,Q , lun pCBSllre ot any 1
Riven. . .. 1 it x i 1 1 be 1 oik' remembered as
The Cottage Grove baud headed i . , ... . ...
- 1 11 h i) iric "cm lot' ii-"i 'in
the procession, which was followed
by Co. F. O. N. O. who presented
a fine appearance and weut through
the evolutions necessary in a pre- ;
... . , , . . 1
else way wmeii gaintu jor inem
many compliments. j
The Liberty car, with How I
ard aa Goddess of Liberty, support-1
ed by Miss Hazel $ray and Mis3 j
Mamie Kinie as maids of honor and J
Miss Hazel Hazleton and Miss Ma- j
bel Rosenborg representing Plenty;
and Peace, was next in line. 1
Wo have established a
Class in your town aud
you eau join this olass at
any time. We ivo spec
ial drills and our super
tor drills are just what
you must have if you de
sire the best success.
We assist worthy stu
dents to secure good po
sitions. Do not say that
you cannot learn to
write Shorthand for
You can in a Short Time
Be Prepared to do the
work the world wants
done. Address
fomspfac School
held iu Line comity
Sodaville. Or.
Fur Further Information
Continued from tirst pa.nv.l
Wc ln'.e priced the challenj-'O ef
oiiv' of tl ese sentiu'Js. ,
It, 011 the o'.l er hand, the trav
eb r approaches fr iu the north, he
must jiass through the domains of
.Mount Hood's wide-circling beat.
W. It. AIIIIAMS, II. 1,1 Ki ll, W. A
IIAUT1 i, mil. KI.KV.
('. HUMS KIM).
Tliic olnrioiic mo 11 1. 1 ;ii 11 ivatrhfiian
Columbia was represented by I h. . .j xvitll othtr ot iji8
kind ftntvlinL' hard bv Adams
and St. Helens ever tcwer to the j S
uorth with lla-Lin eie, to bavk our
The L. O. T. M.
ol ho lVif tiilifn nf the local tent. 1
liauk of Cottage Grow
Paid Capital $25,000.00.
Mies Agues Langdou and the Ila
waiiau Islands by Miss Eunice Van
Deuberg an I Miss Opal Whitby.
were represent- j ,ine,.s offi(.ial prtnigt. It may ;
.1.. ... :
well be 'Ut-.-tioned whether :i like.
W. H. Abramt
B. Larch
C. loti King
A. M. Kelio
AsiUunl Cashier
iu uniform, and the MO'ieru W'Ooa-;aa ut.,ler th.t w tl t t"i 1 yleam
men, by a float of a log cabin, fob j of nn,,ther of earth's mount'iiu
lowed by miners with pick, shovel I :f 'fhe broad i-rerless boson
and pack, making a novel and 1 of ,he Cojliral)ia , iv
Perhaps the car that received the
most applause was that gotten up
by the Womans' Club, a rolling
avalanche oi roses, and to the club
is due credit for the handsome dis
play. Cloee on its trail must be
mentioned the daintily dressed ve
hicle of the Ideal Millinery, being
a garland of flowing vines terminat
ing in a central bouquet.
The Cottage Grove Ice Factory
was iu line, with a display of llo.v
ers frozen in a large cake of ice,
and Pearee Bros, and the Modern
Pharmacy were patriolic in their
display of the'Stars and Stripes.
There were also many dillc-rent
orders repiesented by nicely gotten
up earn or decorated carriages,
aiming which were the IJebekahs,
Wocdmen, Christian Kndeavors, all
of which deserve especial credit for
the enterprise shou.
At the yrove the program wa-s
carried out as formed and the ex
ercises were listened to with tho
closest attention and enjoyed by
all. The music by the, band was
much appreciated. Miss Palmer
read the Declaration of Independ
ence in a clear tone that was dis
tinctly heard by the audience The
oration by Rev. J. It. N. Boll was
entertaining and instructive and
was greatly enjoyed byall.
In the al'ternoon the sports were
all carried out and the prizes were
awarded as follows:
100 yard foot race 1st prize, Ed.
Finnerty; 2d prize, Orrill Spear.
75 yard foot race for boys under
21 ist prize, Joe Robinson; 2d
prize, Harry Dyer.
50 yard foot race for boys under
10 1st prize, . Bud Lincoln; 2d
prize, John Cooter.
Girls foot race 1st, prize, JIazcl
Gray; 2d prize, Audry Laudgon.
to the enst,
iver h Aceps aw..y
amid its rich valleys
A rcpre-ientiitlve bank of the
biiHine.HH public of thin city and
HiirroundinirJ country.
and mountain
f lstnesses.
sni' otii, dt en waters' of the Willam- j
etfe riv r stretch anay to the south j
amid its fertile fields and pipulousj
cities and villacren. To the
We Solicit your business.
the united volumes of the Colum- j ? nl -kt1-
li.I Will.l.C.H- out ,htirilJ'raPtlOP,10rVe
creat fresh water tide, through a
mighty gash in the Cot range, to 1
the bnney vaters ol the l'aeitie.
Towering above this matchless net
work of waterways, fretted with
forest-clad i-lnud.-;, ri-;o tho uHsten-
ing, ice-bound tigure of our tilent;
and immaculate Heiiiincl-peak. Hej
looka down from his lofty height i
upon the commerce of the world,
plowing its way through these deep
cut water channels fur inlaiidf;
where tho gales of tho deep never
sweep, and where the impeding bar
nacles drop untouched lrom the
bulla of ocean going vessels as they
load and unload their cargoes at
Irish water piers. White against
tho blue uky, or dim and grim
when the stern. -cloud breal's and
lowers along bin jagged mid frigid
utpntxs. but our beidintl stands l
guard over thc-so splendid road
ways, smooth and level and .safe as
the highways ot a king. The Hags
of all nations flutter at its feet. To
tho north and east, reaching out
from his very feet, lies a vast area
of farming binds, lich with the al
luvial wash and deposit of countless
centuries, whoso resources have
merely begun to be known. Here
upread out the fields, far and fertile
that shall grow the graiuH and
fruits of an empire. To the south
and west, the sentinel's gleaming
eye catches the golden waver ot
Willamette's far-reaching harvests
of wheat. He stes to tho west, the
smoke &f Portland's populous marta
Occasionally jierHona deHlrintf
to purcliiHea tirupophone eon
elude that they can mt-uru 11 low
er price 011 a machine by buying
ut Kiigene, l'ortluiid. or by
seddlnn Flint. We want to make
t in me persons the following
Anyone laying proof before iih
to the effect that they or any of
Ibelr fi-IcmlH have pureliiiHed or
eau jiiirchnse, iniy type of Fdl
koii, Columbia or Victor uraph
ophone or records at any of tho
above mentioned pla'en, any
cheaper than wo are hcIIIiijt the
same, will be jriven a Onipho
piionu absolutely free. Fvery
agent Is bound by the HainocaHt
iron contract to a.ll only at the
juices 11 xed by the factory and
any iigent doing otlierwlao Ik
promptly suspended.
When you buy elsewhere you
are simply out tho express,
freight or your ear fare In trans
action. liny from your local dealer
who in hero to stay and make
good all guarantee.
The Bazaar.
and hillsides, tbo commercial me
tropolis of all his water highways,
his Bteel pathways, his valley cities,
his mountain trails and hamlets.
He followH the trail of our south
bouud train as it hurries past, up
towards tho sources of the Willam
ette and the rugged slopes of the
Calapooia mountains, skirting with
laborious puff and shrill hiss of ex
hausted steam, the forest solitudes
that guard the miueral heights of
tObl.W i. J 4 .4 ill
If it's Up-to-date, THE TOGGERY has it.
I'YFISII iumI Wt .1.1, III Tll
elothi'N lire itciiiiunl"il by all
men f ix'tiud iiil;riiuiil and
Is (he place lo .et you I' bi I ll I from
the el'owil nf your IicmiI to li"'
miles hi' vuti leit. Tliii warm
weal her remind u I ba 1
Wc w ill make it cool for
ou if y 011 liny 11ur SFM
,Mi:K I Nni RWbAR of in.
If it's Up-to.ilatc. The TOGGERY has it.
. Ivvrrv tl.iy von ran lntv
I oods rilisoliitvlv t'i.-Jit.
Strictly Straightforward Business Methods.
One Price to all, and
All cet Value Received. j
Alain Street, , - Coltiv : Onivc, Oru.
Ociv Icru in
Viire, Slovis ami llaiims.
(US v..
A'r aUo li.iinlli' nil KIihIm 1 (
Farminrj Machinery
Cresvm Separators. Sporting (ioods.
Guns tvtiJ Ammunition, h'.ic
Rcmcml'er We Buy for Quality. - Call on
Griffin & Vealch Co.
I 7
you :-w-. !:
'' ' V','I i I l.
N A' .U l
ID YOUU .Milt illi'.(;lf KNOWS NOIiil.V , it
OI: l lll:
Guarantee 11 Vhtwst
240-244 Washington Street, Cor. Secoiul, I'ortlaiul, Oregon
R-ead the Nigget.
t s