Bohemia Nugget c. COTTAGK GROVTL CRUGON NEWS OF TBE WEEK la a Condensed Form lor Cor Busy Readers. A Rnumi of the Lett Important but Not Less Interesting Event of the Past Week. General Bell says tbe nation Is not prepared for war. A crisl. is near at Chicago in the telegraphers' dispute. Crown Prince George, of Servia, will visit the United States. A prediction is made that Japan will invade Europe and fight liernaany. Consul Jenkins lias been recalled for fnvorin President Zelaya in Salvador The kaiser has offered to buy an air Bin if ita inventor can sail it across Germany. The railroads of the country hav adopted a plan of publicity toconciliate the people. Mm. II. F. McCormick. daughter of John T). Rockefeller, says her father is being persecuted. Kndeavorars from all Darts of the United States are on their way to Seat tie to attend the con vent lono. St. Louis publishers are to sue the government because their publications have been barred from the mails as sec ond class matter. As an evidence of the large amount of monev sent out of the United States by Japanese it is shown that those Portland annually send $120,000 Japan. A row betweed Tillman and Dolliver has led to talk of a duel. The Hague conference is having some lively debates over the Amencaan prop ositions. ' Express companies in Nebraska will fieht the new state law reducing rates 25 per cent. Japanese have formally demanded li censes in San Francisco preparatory to suing for damages. Commissioner Neill is making i strenuous effort to keept he telegraph ers etrike from spreading. The Jamestown fair has borrowed another $350,000. Tbe ccmpany property is given as security. Sedition is spreading in India and it is predicted that England will soon have another war on her hands. Archbishop Glinnon, of St. Louis, has been appointed to take a census of American Catholics, estimated at 15,- 000.000. The Union Pacific at the Omaha shops has just turned out two all steel box cars and it is probable the change will be adopted. ' Judge Charles Swayne, of the North era district of Florida. iB dead. The judge was brought into prominence a short time asro by an attempt to im peach him. Telegraph operatocrs are to vote on a general strike It is reported that the Moqui Indians la Vtah are on the warpath. Philadelphia has forbidden games at Bchool in which there is kissing. Odesea is again the scene of rioting in which many Jews are being killed. A tornado in Eastern Wisconsin struck several townB and killed two people. The Hague conference is receiving many propositions to mitigate the hor rors of war. Negotiations are In progress to settle the dispute between United States, Co lombia and Panama. Giover Cleveland, who has been ill for three weeks, is improveud Bufli ciently to be around the house. Bandit Raisuli has captured General MacLean, commander of - the body guard of the sultan of Morocco. The Miners' Federation has vofed to continue Moyer and Haywood in office and given abcut $45,000 to aid in their defense. Chester B. Runyon, cashier of the Windsor TruBt company, of New York, has disappeared with $96,317 of the company's money, leaving no trace of his whereabouts. Harriman has ordered full publicity ct all railrcad accidents on his lines. The Miners' Federation convention at Denver has adpoted a Socialist plat form. Thousands of Japanese are being smuggled into the United States from Mexjco. 'A new ordinance passed in Philadel nhia makes the city a partner in all street car lines.. A French emigrant agent has been arrested by his government for sending weavers to America Navajo Indians in Arizona threaten Tevolt because the agent killed one of I hem in self defense. . President Cabrera has passed whole sale death sentences in Guatemala for alleged revolutionary acts. The contest for the Republican na tional convention city Is now on. Chi cago seems to have the preference. PALLS FOURTH. Celebration Victims Up To Former Records for Number. Chicago, July fi. The annual slaugh ter hns been done in the name, or rather under the guise, of "patriot ism." With fS known victims, and hundreds of others groaning out their lives in hospitals, it Is certain that the lint of victims to the "Glorious Fourth" w ill exceed 168, the total last year. In 1000. with all the precautions that eouK bo taken bv authorities, the total injured reached nearly 0,000 and the total this year when all the returns are in, will be quite as large, more likely larger, for the foolkiller has been sadly remiss in his duty. Inventors have brought foitli new engines of destruc tion. The toy pistol and cannon cracker and deadly dyanmite cane have claimed their usual quota. One peculiar feat ure of the casualties this year Is the number of deaths ftcm fright. Of the five instant deaths in this city, four were from fright. This lis a splendid tribute to the manufacturers of explo sives and the blithering Idiots who ue them to cause suffering. In New York three persons were kil.'ed by explosives, and a irl was trample! to death under the hoofs of a panic stricken horse scared by celebra tors. Cincinnati, Philadelphia, Milwaukee and several other large cities report no deaths, but hundreds of accidents. The total fire loss attributable to fire works wad $304,000. This was greatly reduced by heavy rains, which- were general over the Middle West the night before the Fourth. SUE SAN, FRANCISCO. Injured Japanese Claim Damages from Bay City. San Francisco, July 5. Suit against the city and county of San Francisco was filed this afternoon in the Superior court for the Recovery of $2,5.5 for damages alleged to have been sustained' bv the proprietors of the Horseshoe res taurant and a Japanese bath house at Eighth and Folsoni streets on May 23 when a row, caused by an attack by la bor anion men on two nonunion men who were eating in the restaurant, re sulted in the fronts of the two places being smashed by stones and clube. The suit was brought in the name of limoto, proprietor of the bath house but includes the damage to both estab lishments, the proprietor of the restau rant having assigned his claim to the plaintiff. The papers were filed by Carl E. Lindsay, attorney for Timoto. Asso ciated with him are United States Dis trict Attorney Robert Devlin, who ap pears at the request of United Mates Attorney General Charles J. Bonaparte and Earl II. Webb, of counsel for the proscutioru Japanese Acting Counsel Matsubaio is also taking an active interest in the case, which is tne nrsc legal action re suiting from the declaration of the United States government that, by due legal process, reparation should be made for whatever damage the Japan ete may have sustained. BIG LEVEE LETS FLOOD GO. One Million Dollars Damage to Farm Lands in California. Bakerefield, Cal., July 5. The Buena Vista lake levee has broken, flooding 000 acres of land belonging to Mil ler & Lax and the Tevis Land company, and causing $1,000,000 damage. The Sunset railway has been put out of commission and the oil fields are cut off from communication with this city. The levee held back the waters of Buena Vista lake, covering 19 square miles, and protected a body of re claimed land extending for a distance of 15 miles. Including the old bed of Kern lake, the property of the Kern County Land company and Miller & Lux. This land was covered with crops of growing grain ready for the harvests and with alfalfa. Of the flooded land, about 22,000 acres belonging to the Kern County Land company and 8,000 to Miller A Lux. The territory is divided into four big ranches, and the work of re clamation has been in progress for nearly 20 years. The levee was built in 1886-7 jointly by the two corporations at a coet of 250,000. , Throws Sop to Peasants. St. Petersburg, July 5. The govern ment la showing feverish activity in pushing the distribution of the 25,000,- 000 acres of crown, state and peasant land, which it has decided to distribute n average lots of 25 acres to individual peasant soldiers on easy payment terms, in order to make a showing be I ore the convocation of the new parliament Four of the participants in a pawnshop robbery here June 12 have been tried by court martial and condemned ffo be hanged. Eight bandits at Kiga have been sentenced to death. Pouring Into British Columbia. Victoria, B. C, July 5. It is ei- ec ted over 3,000 Japanese will arrive n British Columbia during this month from Japan and Honolulu, and as many if not more are expected in August. The steamer . Kumeric will bring the first large contingent of 2,000 Japanese from Honolulu, to be followed by other steamers. The numbers brought across the Pacific are constantly increasing. Five steamers due during the next two weeks have over (500 on board. ' Straus Probes Immigration. . Montreal, July 5. Oscar 8. Straus, secretary of commerce and labor, left hero tonight for Honolulu, via Toronto and Winnipeg. . Mr. Straus Is studying conditions at the ports where immigra tion into the United States is the heaviest,' CARNAGE OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST wrn DEER SEASON OPENS JULY 15 Change In Game Laws Not Generally Known by Hunters. Albany That net more Ihan ft per cent of the sportsmen of Oregon know that the open reason for deer begins this year July 15, Is the opinion ot a lcai liUnier. 1I) IH mat uio mat legislature changed the deer season has not become known at all In this part of the state and men who always begin deer hunting as soon as the season opens are making no plans to go into the mountains until next month. According to the new law, the open season for buck deer is from July 15 to November 1. It was formerly from August 15 to November 1. The season for female deer remains the same under the new law as it was under the old from September 1 to November 1. These changes in the deer season are embodied in house bill 151, which i recorded on page 341 ot the 11W see sion laws. Another change In the deer law is that it is now a misdemeanor to kill dogs chasing deer. . It was fornferly illegal to hunt deer with dogs and that provision is also contained In the new- law. Under the old law many dogs caught cliasing deer were shot an killed , and the new provision was in serted in order to protect owners of val uable dogs, which would break loose and chase deer without the knowledge of their owners Seek Location for Library. Albany Albany's public library will be started as soon as a suitable build lng can lie found. Arrangements are complete for Instituting it and as soon as temporafy quarters are rented the librarv will be opened. Nine directors have been elected and their election has been confirmed, in accordance with the state laws 'governing public libra rles. under which this institution was formed by the city council. These di rectors are Frank J. Miller, Mrs. J. K Weatherford, H. H. Hewitt, Fred I' Nutting, Mrs. II. F. Merrill, Mrs. 8 E. Young, M. H. Ellis and Miss Lucy Gard. Water for Irrigation Next Year. Ontario Messrs. Allbright and Eg gleston, of Portland, Christian Co ODeiatlve representatives, have re turned from Upper Willow creek They state work ia progressing rapidly on the irrigation project, and that work of survey for the laterals is still going on. The huge reservoir in Cow valley will be ki readiness to deliver water next year, and while the project of the federation is a vast undertaking and will take a long time to construct, they sav it will surely be completed to lrrl gate thousands of acres ot high land in Malheur county. S. P. Behind Spencer Powe Plant Klamath Falls Tbe positive an nouncement has at last been made that the work being done at Spencer a on Klamath river is the begiLi. ng f a large power plant which the Southern Pacific company will complete in the course of a few years. The operat of the workmen engaged on the plant have been rather mysterious and era ployes who liave worked there tor six months or more did not know what they were working at or for whom. ' New Clerk in Land Office. Burns There Is rejoicing among the patrons of the United States land office here over the assurance just received from the department at Washington that a clerk is to be added to the work ing force with the opening of the office The work of the effice has been badly congested and this will telieve the strain and permit the completion of important transactions which have been awaiting action for some time. Buy Land for Weston Brick. Weston The proprietors of the Westn brickyard have purchased of James D. Gish his addition to Weston. consisting of nearly 10 acres in the lowv er part of the city. Before making the purchase the brickyard people quietly demonstrated that the soil was well adapted to the making of a superior quality of bricki The price paid was $2,000. . Ontario Wants New Land District. Ontario A petition is being circulat ed in Ontario and numerously signed asking the government tc create a new land district for this section and the appointment of a register and receiver, the office to be located at Ontario or Vale." At present parties having land office business to transact have to go to Burns, a distance of 150 miles. Clackamas Land Booming. Oregon City The large Increased fees of the recorder's office in Clackamas county is a good indication of the healthy growth in the real estate busi ness. The fees of County Recorder Ramsby for June were $421.01, againBt 269 35 for the same month during tbe previous year. Murphy Estate Valued a) S70.O0O Salem Tbe will of the late Judge J. , Murphy, has been probated here. It leaves an estate estimated at $70,000 to be equally divided between the wid ow, Elizabeth C. Murphy, and the son, Chester G. Murphy, the latter being named as executor without bonds. Fruit Box Factory for Weston. Weston C. W. Avery, manager of tbe Blue Mountain sawmill, has gone to Portland to purchase machinery lor the equipment of a box factory to be run in connection with his mill. The demand at present is far in excess of the supply with present facilities. , FOREST FUND FOR EACH STATE Plnchot 8ay Department Proposes Improved Service. PendUton yhilo In the city for a few hours, Clifford Pinchot, chief for- that If his present plans were material lieu nnn mo nn appropriation lor ior est reserves, by congress, would bo di vided into specific appropriations for tho states. Ills object In this change of poller Is to secure bettor appropria tions for the individual states, making It possible to pay better salaries for those who are placed in charge of the forest reserves and thereby secure more competent men. The question of having the forest re serve district headquarters moved from Portland to this city wss taken up with Mr. Pinchot, and he promised to give the matter his wttenticn. He lis tened carefully to the arguments made for the proposed change and admitted that there seemed to be some good rea sons why the change should be made. The forester says his particular pur pose in coming to the West at this time is to study local needs, hear complaints, explain the purposes of the forett re- serve, adiut differences, and in short to adapt tlie administration of the re serve affairs to tho local conditions He says he Is finding that complaints concerning tbe reserve Is not due to the theory or policy of the administration, but to mistakes that have been made. m the conduct of the reserue affairs. and these he is endeavoring to adjust as rapidly as possible. lie went from here to Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, and from thence goes to Helena to meet Secretary of the Interior Gar field. He exports to be in Portland July 13 and 14. , Salmon Reach the Calapoola. Albany Salmon are rpeortcJ to have been seen in the mouth of the Cala- pooia river, where it enters the Wil lamette at this city. If salmon aie successfully passing the falls at Oregon City and ascending the Willamette - a long deferred bene of residents of the upper valley is being realized. In spite of all the contrivances which have been placed in the river at Oregtn City to enable salmon toa scend, very few ,of the fish have ever been seen as far south as this citv. Will Find Klamath Reds Active. Klamath Falls The Klamath Indian reservation is a busy place this Bum mer, and Secretary Garfield will find much to Interest him w hen he visits the home of Uncle Sam's wards in the middle of July. At the Klamath agency, where the schools are located, about $40,000 is being expended in im provements The chief improvements being made are the constructing of a sewerage system and an electric light and water system. I.- , .1 Harney's Prospects Excellent. Burns There are excellent crop prospects in all parts of Harney county. Grain has a fine stand and fruit of all varieties is looking well. Alfalfa has made an unusually good growth this year, and there are some rich patches of it 6n dry land with no artificial irri gation. Haying will begin early in July and the crop is very hfavy. " PORTLAND MARKET8. . Wheat Club, 80c; blucstem, 88 89c; valley, 8Go; red, 84c. Oats No. 1 white, $27.5028; gray, nominal. ' Barley Feed, $21.6022 per ton; brewing, nominal; rolled, $23.50 24.50. Corn Whole, $28; cracked, $29 per ton, Hay Valley timothy, No. 1, $17 18 per ton; Eastern Oregon timothy, $2I23; clover, $9; cheat, $910; grain hay, $910; alfalfa, $1314. Fruits Cherries, 810c per pound; apples, 75cfl per box; storage Spilz en bergs, $3 50 per box i. gooseberries, 7o per pound; cantaloupes, 3.50(i3.75 per crate; apricots, 7oc( per crate; peaches, $1.261.60 per box; plums, 1.05 por box; blackberries, $1.25 1.50 per crate; logan berries, $1.25 per crate; raspberries, $11 60 per crate; prunes, $1.601.75 percrate. Vegetables Turnips, iz per sacic; carrots, $2.50 per sack; beets, $2.00 per sack; asparagus, 10c per pound; beans 710c per pound; cabbage, Yn per pound; corn, 3550c per doz. en; cucumuers, si per cox; lettuce, head, 25o per dozen ; onions, 1620c per dozen; peas, 45c per pound; rad ishes, 20c per dozen; rhubarb, 3 & per pound; tomatoes, $1.50 per crate. 1'otatoee Old uregon isuruanis, is 3.25 per ack; new, 3o per pound. Butter rancy creamery, Tiyim per pound. Poultry Average old hens, ikjjizo per . pound, mixed ' cnicaenB, iuc; pring chickens 13 He; old roosters, c; dressed chickens, 1017c; turkeys, live, ll12c; turkeys dressed, choice, nominal; geese, live, 710c; young urks, 13fl4c; old ducks, 10c. 'Eggs Candled, 2425c per dozen. veai urtBsea, otgc per pouna. Beef -V Dressed bulls, 34c per pound; cows, 66Jc; country steers, 87o. t Mutton Dressed, fancy, 8o per lh; ordinary, e7c; spring lambs, 90c per pound. . , Pork DreBsedt68o per pound. lops C 8c per pound, according to quality. Wool Eastern Oregon average best. 1622c per pound, according to shrink age; valley, 2022o according to fine ness. Mohair Choice, 200 30c per pound. HOLDS OFF DAMAGE SUITS. Japanese Consul Is Also Investigating Refusal of Licenses. Pan l ranclwo, July 3. In respoiiHt! to an Imiuli y, the Japanese consul to. dav Informed tho Associated Press that no decision bits vet been toadied as whether suit shall bo brought In th courts to recover In Imhnlf of Japanese residents of Kan Francisco who suffered loss In the wiei king May 23 of a Jap nnoso restaurant and bathhouse on iol mm street by a mob. The matter wa described lis being at tho present time . t . II 110. ' t It was said by a representative VI the consul general that the consulate, la not l - - - . . awaitiiiit inHtructions from Toklo. It was further saU that tho consulate was Investigating tho complaint of local Jananeao that their race Is lxlng discriminated against by the board of police commissioners in refusing grant them Honor licenses, Intelligent: office licenses and licenses for similar munlcluil priViio. Tho reply of tho board Is that It Is acting under an ordinance which forbids the Isauaiice of liquor licenses to anv save citlsens of this country and persona who have declared their Intention of becoming citizens, and in ncvoidance with tho rules of the board, that the other licene ea named shall not be grunted to for diners until American residents hav more fully recovered from the business shock ot latit year's earthquake. The consulate looks with suspicion on this defense, but w Idles to 1 tin dcrstood as desirous of investigating further before making any definite re commendation to the loklo govern ment. EACH SHOOTS OF VICTORY. Conflicting; Claims In Strike of Tela graph Operators. San Francisco, July 3. "The strike is over," said Superintendent Stomtr of the Postal Telegraph company. "The slrike Is over," said Mr O'Brien, of the Werttern Union office iii the ferry building. "The strike has Just begun," saiil President Small, of the Commercia Tclegtaphers' union. These throe laconic statements ade quately doacribe the attitude ot the vp- Ming parties and give a hint as to their future action. Although the officials of both companies hero in San Francisco are but subordinates and could not of their own volition take any steps towards a settlement, it is not thought likely that any such step will be taken while the local officials report that they are handling the bus! ness without unreasonable delay. Tbe operators on the other hand, State that they will carry on the fight, even though the companies find a man !r every key, and they declare they are prepared to stay out six months If nec essaiy. Iheir leaders, however, say that thev expect to win in much leas time, and Mr. Small yesterday prophe sied, that the "liuhtning would strike soon iu an unexpected place," but did not explain bis remark. ROCKEFELLER TO TESTIFY. Oil King Surrenders to Orders of ' Federal Court. Cleveland, O., July 3. John D Rockefeller has decided to give himself up end testify before Judge Landis In the Federal court in Chlcsuo. It was earned tonight upon trustworthy in formation that the oil king had reached an understanding with the government. officers through his counsel and that he hereafter will not be molested by Unit ed States marshals. According to the present program, Mr. Rockefeller will arrive in Cleveland on the Fourth to spend the summer at lis summer home, Forest Hill. No government officers will meet him to serve summons for his appearance In the Chicago court. Instead, service will be obtained upon the oil king's counsel, who have promised to have Mr. Rockefeller testify in the Standard Oil cases before Judge Landis in the United States court In Chicago July 0, or whenever his testimony is desired. It further waa learned that the gov ernment has sent subpenas for Mr, Rockefeller to United States marshals In districts whore they thought ho might be or might visit. Both Must Share Loss. San Francisco, July 3. Another one of the important legal points developed bv the late earthquake was settled to day, when Judge Souwell decided that contractors and property owners were put upon a level by the act of God and neither could recover from the other in cases of misfortunes resulting from the quaking earth crust. The court held that both parties must stand equally whatever less results to buildings under construction the property owner that portion already erected and the con tractor the cost of material used. Reno Operators on 8trlke. Reno, Nev., July 8. As a result of action of Superintendent A. N. May in dismissing two operators in the Reno Western Union office, four other oper ators have qiiit work, and Manager Iirown states that he will not lie sur prised if a general walkout results from the disHatisfaution felt among the em ployes on account of the strike in San Francisco. One result of the shortage. of men is that business with the Salt Lake o'llice is six hours behind. , Trust In Umbrella Frames. t Philadelphia, July 3. An indict ment was returned by the United States grand jury here today against the Bo ca I led umbrella frame trust. The In dictment contains, three counts and charges the National Umbrella Frame company of this city, tbe Newark Rivet Works and the Newark Tube x Metal Works with a conspiracy to form a combination in lestraiot of trade OPEN DOOR IN CHINA Japan Has Blocked It and Broko Many Promise. BATTLESHIPS COMING TO PACIFIC Navy Department Officials Still Try to Minimize the Importance of the Demonstration Washington, July fl. Interest n' world iKilitli'i and tho possibility of conflict with Japan was renewed hero todaywhon the definite news that i greaMleot of United HUt-es wiushlj would 1 sent to tho Pacific coast be came generally known. Also a new plinpo.wHB put on the matter when it ixvame known Ihnt the move, calculat ed as It is to impies Ja;.4tn that sho It not dealing with a ptwet like Bosnia, hlngi-a on something deeper Until tho rest-ntmentxtf Japan at the treatment her cllliens have received that Kan r raiiclo. The real Issue, It is polritM out hero, (a Uio open door In the Par Kaat. . Ostensibly it was for the cn door that Japan went to war with Russia. Put after her victory the duor jof trade in Manchuria and Cores wfs pretty yell blocked up with oltaclc.l placed by Jnn, miaAi to the disenuitylure of American and llrltixh merchant. America was given afstiranres that the door would remain ovn, and. though the president Is at Oyite lUf aid other officials of tho government are out of the city, it Is retried het that the L'nitod Slates Intends, If it should Urome noecsMiiry, to U prepar ed to Insist 4hat the JaiMinese govern ment put no restriction in the. way nt tradewith tho continent if Asia. While it has been conntantly dec la r-' ed by the Navy department that no menace to Jspan Is Intended by the dispatch of the fleet, und Ambassador Aoki, of that country, has acrlcd thai Japan will not construe the pieeence of the fleet in tho Pacific as such, it Is understood here that the arrival of tlm Imttlcship squadron In tho Pacific marks the initial step towards the. maintenance of a iwrmancnl fighting: fleet in the Pacific hereafter Whether t entire fleet of 1 H vessels which ia now destined for the Pacific: remains there or not, It is ancrtcd on the authority of well ipfcrmed oiliclal that the American navy in the Pud Ho will never again be inadequate to coo with any emergency on that side of the continent unless there is a vast change) in the aspect of international politics. , BELIEVE SCHMITZ BARRED. Prosecutors Say Name Cannot Legal- .' ly Qo on Ballot. Fun Francisco, July . Announce ment by h-ogene h. echini ts that h would be a candidate for ro-elcctlon to tho mayoralty this full to a fourth t-rm unless his appeal for a new trial is in the meantime denied by the Apellate and Supreme courts, has raised tho question whether he can legully go upon the ballot. An examination into, the law on this point was made today by Assistant District Attorney Robert Harrison, and the tentative conclusion waa that the mayor Is burred. Schmitz maintains that he Is not con victed until his conviction by the jury in Judge Dunne's court is finally pumcd upon and sustained by the Vo: reme . court of the state. Fiji Islands Devastated. Victoria, D. C, July . News of a disastrous hurricane in a portion of the Fiji group, resulting in the com plete devastation of Futuna island, causing great property loss, but no loan of life, was brouuht by the steamer Moana, Captain Davidson, which ar rived from tho scene of the hurricane. Tho island, which towered high with cuutiful vegetation, now is a great humt-up brown lump of earth. The sland is a scene of desolation, strewn completely with debris, and that no lvcs were lost is considered remarkable. 1 Coal Will Be Scarcer. Rock Springs, Wyo., July 0. Asa result of the suits filed by tho govern ment against the Union Pacific Coal company, icrcing I hut comuiny to abandon coal property alleged to have oon Illegally secured from the govern ment, three of the big coal mines situ ated on the disputed property have- been closed down. The mines belong- to the Superior Coal company, which owned-- by the Union Pocillo. Tho effect will be a further shortage of coal n the West. Flocking Over Border. Mexico City, July C Two hundred and seventy-five Japanese landed at Bunta Ciua yesterday. The Japanese are headed for the coal mines in the- strict of Las Ksperanza. Joseph Z. 8trund, a Chinese Immigration inspec tor stationed at El i'uso, who arrived in thin city Unlay, stated that the Jap anese are flocking to the border in great umbers and buying tickets from uarez through to Canada, In order to qiter the United Etates. No Idea of Boycotting, London, July 0. "The leading chambers of - commerce assure me," cabled the Toklo correspondent of the -Dully Telegraph, that they never even entertained the idea ' of , boycotting American goods. Such a boycott would be considered suicidal, in view of tho existing trade conditions."