Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, July 10, 1907, Image 1

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    I- If v i V H -
li. W w s Ji .f o
1 S
Devoted Me Mining, i.uml icr in;: nnd F.'irn.iir Im-rcts r.f
NO, 23
IT IT T mi
Z. V J I. U l.
i previously, ptinl'd has 1 1' i ii Mm
liliii"! lime ly V trior II. Mi l' all,
jncct"turv of tli iriv.v, bo with
Adopted at the Annual Session of the Mn. I( l; ,M ,s ,,, U(.,,,
Stale llranyc llcy Recently - Dc- n,, significance tn - i ' ' i-l I
maud M;mJc for Parcels Post. I to ibis cruise r.f die u-.n.hip'. by iii:
I Japanese, h'.wevci , ir. it is dimply
ii of (In- iikV I impiii tnt acts of
thu Slate ( .range wan to instinct
it! I'.x'nt jVn commit tec to initiate
an amend pent to t he constitution
dept iving the legislatum "f any
right to Jmciid or tcped any law
ena'Mc'l by the people.
lor practice. Sen clary Met.-alf
ploirH tli" imwsp iper .m-i f o t i i
llnly lay
C .la-'lc-ofj - f ' Hi' t
i . . .
tli- l.luinc I 'i i If-ire Mil
h alio" ; ( tli" original
.'. 'I'i.i. .e il l lU.he Willi
I,' :i IW'llMS ,,f t!j- , ! .MM' l't
u in'l in in and r,i j ' , ; , hi
lull.". );('. i r-nk iii . ii'. : i
frjtilil. DO'V ! i 1 1 '.r -,;(. I h . -! i
and .l.-itk in Hi' k in.' d ,(.r,
from the inching ,l !,i ,
pouring out thf ii eol I
lili.'-l. r aboli lii'ii; the !'
W'llicll llllH I'TCIllly' HI I -'"'I I tli- ' I
foci that there ih a i liming
between the l.nited Stud t and
Japan rind (UmIitcn lha' Here is no (.
foundation lor tli" minors hi"h
'eri'.on fo. trollf li'.hlTif' iip-MI
, !. k f ! ' ' jil. i i' s ij tiit 1
(Ik. hoi; " tf Ji"" ill ill V
whiHi ' iihimiiUm- l)i' liill intro'l'A ' I
( oilH-lil ; lli" eoiiiiii
itt-.- .lid tiiin't li's feet. Jff
i'.K , '
Ih- i Mi.'M. Pi." ; i ' i 1 1 1 ( I that thoy . i"'J' M v ami spleii.l'.i . .M,
j .1 I
.halv.-Uh f ; 1 1 1 1 1 ' " i ii lish ;n.'l li.I K"res -u,
; ' 1 1
!' 'i
' f v
i- .us eai;-
'Mtil ill"
It cvpieHHi il itMclf a oppfmc-1 tj)inve hotn" .sptrtvl hio id' ast. He
the I'm jlier frc" liMrilmion ol mm- nlso cays thai the n is no - ti nth in
limn M.iuis hy loiij'rfN';. lhe rrpoit th'it Aoki i.
'J im scntiineiit . oppusition to , in ilisf.ivor i i til ' own e nntry
the Tuttln road lnw aj i f asserted,
I ' I .. I ' , '. ... in . I i I
ll III' t l'i ill"! ' f I iiv
Johnson S. "o. r ) ml.
vi,.- suW-tioM f i..,iMinK troi.;r;,;K;:,:;T,
Lotuj Live i lie Kinq!
i.ll ,rv 1 1 , i , ,i i -' 1 1, ii 1 1 I ni-i
1 pean imhiiiI i Irn; t.vlnr lii AiiniL ,1 tl
i rrv f III" no M'hl il.iv 1" "!."nt: l.iv
kili of
I I '!
'Ic lines upon our iinin hihw nyn, , m,h .Inlia l i rn. ui inn
iiMad of expensive niaeadaniinl i ."' '"jV' '"p" mm',.
f ' iiiiiilcoiiiti' I'i'lii'i aiid li iiil-Kiy "iii-
fiaihi, was favoraoly jeriivel.
Ml H I'll VI i"
imndiii': aid Ituin lhe N'atioi'al 1 iirnviiv -nriM weak limn ; i J i
I lirmitM niiiM-all ol lr-r ii in-ilii H iiavi
tail-il : ninl Tor r.iii
(.raiie.e in p idu! nu'iMieatiiiii, with
i.; and eio
l(.l"llfd, I I
sou i ::i;il lii' ii '.I llO V !!!' i U
!',-iK.ii law ,Vis repeated d.ll e.vs:
l ii..ii. ii in .v., ;. i i;i t i '
' ,,i Ti,.. ; , hi ii f Jam- us i.r..v
'i-!,l'ii:' 'ii, : iri'-: l I ru-n t to 111'- troll'-
'.In v, ii. mii .'1!' n-cii"ii-, mil
:'j(Z.t ni (in I'. A '. i.d" lu ply-
. ''in' ill v that tli" ' i ' ' i j.r is e--i
led 1Im lie , (I'll iltlOli Ol 111" 1. 1 1
ii , II l :'.! which I will exph.m
ill i !.;!. put: dly .. i'iil rui. v
v, i,- ii i'ii:; tl jt Hi"' I'.ll i.'i -sr'.!
iin. -lii.. i.e t. '
"l),l..', :,l h hid !'!, l!l
I I p',t-,-.i I, ill .IS .lltlH lil' . d I')' '""i".
I,, not c-'li'.' I'. I port th" I. ill with I k" . ''-' pa-m.; n nil "ir.-,m
up alon;: tl.e ' ol the river to the
' ...... . . i . I ' f-1 ... f I. I 1w. i i. 1 It I. 1 1 . V. , i . f i u I 1,
ill- i j . ; i I n til';
I sin-Tid-d a- to 'I'd sid.s without a hilii,. hide i.r f Salem, two years: I.. Ii. Iiraff,
r .1 I Vt,t f. 1.,., I',. .. t-,..
ol 1 i;e " ' ' - - "" ' , .i s
ilii- !i a I a: nie m !t.
..... , 1 - i i i.ii
). . 1 iiv oj i'(,nai nous" V'.u
, , y-p .it- I I.'" k .lo tli-. holier;
; n s
err.-.t of tint i )'(
l-rijuili slop, s
r. ii mitt""
l-V(- .l,'i
(iri;.'iii'ii oe
tk- I;;!l t
ilne n mm 'I;
ti.e j on.!
; i l - ( -i '.ni-'al;'.
a ion'? ti')'. ih-
,v:i-i no! ..'-. I 'mid pivsije as
i'iimi mij, ni ti. vie. ! ' i ll hoiee
1 ii- - 1-rk, in ie- ; '"1 ''h"si!H hall
ic i. rim! iishiiiL' . ftfrnnl wlnt", 1
liver u'th " ''-olinmit
one entcli in- 1,: ca' n
the imp;-: e ha! le vki-
and tliis '-a- t or im -J. lie j
v : t 1 1 r,ver an ei,ol( -m i
peaks and reie-; an I
efts. To tli- north i
hove 'pel
nl. i i in,' to t!
' i, jasli
1 leaven 's
'. tin- vcrv
tii.'t niak-s
he aes o-i
il. To ihe
j irp"tual
eonfii-ion f,f
oitndiii" oi-
Appoinlcd byCovernor Chamberlain.
But None Live in a Normal
School Town.
i.ov-inor Chnniherlain last Tnes
dav nan.ed the niornher" of the new
hoird of regents who will have eon
ii'il of all .state rir,rnial Hchooln
mi; i '.Ins d'dP. The regents are I).
I,. Sj enee, id Cuius, Cfackmnas
eeaintv. to serve one vear: M. Ilofpr.
I hiiii'i-rlain
ve 1 I-. us
up the rugged tee boti-el vul-Mine
r ne
llie pi'.. Veil reinedy.
I I I nil "ol I ic iiee
le nnd "..Id-i il h i
(in nit ni. .-. hv
.Vi,- a in I I.O'i
the tdtei ol I 'l trill 1 1: and I'i'oilD
,i',: r . v-.i..i,i n.1,1.1', d..i i:'"-oni I'liarinm-y.
lllillld fo'put"s pOnt.
. . i- . . .....:... i l. ..
mvo.h ,iniK .nr-.i:;Sayj Imprisonment Will Cud l.ust
uoin me iiuk'i iihui " i a a jinn ni"
Jiuhlie M'l (in lil'id.
The Si.ite M.i'-ln was enipoeicd
t appoint a eneiitle.i of five, to -at tlur n'Xt Slut. iirnnM,
.upon lo Iter laws for Assessment and
taxation, ispeeially with tho id"'i
ol im ii a'.ii);, state , tfVctniH from
laxiitioy i-t corporate interests,
which imw pav liMlo cr nothing.
That the i .W"la he ieil the -;al'.-iiiK
eoi poiati'ii s i-h"iild '" phwed
hehind the I'rus el pi in ten 1 1 "PiH,. i
I he tiief ('( WiioiioA' VlU!
prtfident of l'i iifitoii Uni ferit. ,
rrolesH'ir N iU 'ii made ttci:icnls
to thnt cf."c t in nil ddr's .ieiiv
nt .Jamestown exp-iii ai on Hi" .j;h
1 ,v .J'rTr. ;,-,
I I..-' I.l Mia'.V lt all ! did not I"
i v ! i a ii j.f Ih'.' oi I I iv. .-x , i ;
I , I,. .: o i, (!,, , I .-i- ' ', i-.)'i lor t i o
Ii d'j'i , t Miiee e ontiis rmd pei'unt
li-Mioi :.i 'S'd'iion' t til - i litii.'
in tin- a' f of ih" Uinpipia
I : V ' i Ki;.t ti .l!ii.o ie-, a, id Inrt i.i i
pm idni-.; '.liii'ni I'..- funily
ii a- i ...f.'.d I,.' take:. Iioin 'he ., at"i -ut
(lie I i.'. j ! i 1 1 . i r aho ve t ti"
W l'i li. !( i dun i, 'I Ih.- N'.l tli I'e. p
.phi ,mi 1 .ih'i; i: li." Ji"S"iniiiV' dam
on tin )i,uth I 'nip.ina liver, at any
I ol it.- M' ir .
" I iii, Illvl 1 ICl'li'lX oil th""
livel;. a', ox. tli.- point spe-ifi"! wei"
l ... I .i',.. t d it anv 1 1 1,11 o lu take'a
,,n, ,,1; I .-: p-llpos , .1 V. iy ..!.-
jnt la v, .in I a ehaii'.;- wa h
of Ihe
i ale.',". In 'Ik- dim di 1 m,
' iinndu d mih s Irom . i ere
the Ca cide
. .thifp
i" keep:.
1,11 !) tii.v"i'!i'i
v.,lf,eil tl'-. lad "ii li.' tt pro'in I.
"The lion? I -at 'in- of tlK- oii-iwl
hmi Pill '!'.' v. cm, o ii". I in' a
new hfi ir,c n hv ti." do '.. and in-
Hmln-M ,,, hmi-- hi'.! :-. -Ahic-ll I 1l.V-i,.H'.HS Wat h-MUld. ti.e I
ve, intended !- eov-r ih" trout'"1' ""' Oil"s-vi I '- ''"l'
f-atui-eol Hi'
lint, in.i l ie-
of ho i: e
mH'.-!, i
''! ll't) d llo'le hill -d,
f f 'ilowiii;.' the word
hill 'J:; as I'd- t mtro-
: ch rk l,ei'ig O'l I cautions
I . i 1 1 1 1 1 1 r- ,, .ii .
north! n liori;;. ai. v. il ii
as it pushes its nay
n-stk-b.s . f tV.-
. i,
I ',' . : a in y . m 1 1:..
t'lil.('.l 1
"t i!. n
'I'n'il 'in
Tie -e '
! el i-in" 1
p-.ili' s
; i ; y.
p.i.- a
: i . V
ntl.'-ll '
i US' ' lii-",
- f to the
oi iin. 1 h-
eatehes an.ive the . mi i.iiu- ol the
!i-tard i an.'e. the em lie.- sii.ol;.; ei
ilm.mdishiiit- on the : "r ' 1 ,h '""i'1 H''ui as it tips
r, ad.i-d the'se words i over the divide ana plunges down
' tlie' -.vat-is of the ' wiMl Tick"ii ! f-prtd into the val
,,, 'j, ., j il-jp-jri" ' hl-v .I t h idanteUt rive, shirtino
!. r.,1 apo-ar ia the rt'l'J "UI i K ' h u mh i' the P n -
.. '..ill 'J:'. nAiu laced hy J vM sohtndrs that li
) Hio'tiiinet al . alptn 1
In in,.' .diove tl e
at li.
loot -t
'ii'-iiii a.
with ' I four ! e.v ' 1 1
1 1 : 1 1 v v , I : 1 1 . ; :
w! i h
mail, I t ie,- l .1 ' ii onle an
"v,od icasrt i'he oii,inal nmrt
hill, ih, lalio ln.'ed. Co t h..U'
yivn 'he nil-! with."il any ni--t
ik-., '
'11'!,'- hill W is lefcrr- I to tie
(mii m Iti " i, ii li-lietiex; JainMtx 21 ' t.!.t
Thi -' eominit-'i i livi'h'd the Hll and p it
in. id- ' V" I :ll-., "lie ton -n 1 1 1 the annul
uh:i in i" itnie "! th oi'i :ni;t lion - ii .'.i i-.
Lilt '.i'l. aw l ".! oth-i Hi- wtnif ; In n
feat me .i
the . I lk
t il
.1 -.'
he i;
I'mpqn a
' ami 'he
.( m , t in .... I lo iii'ii t h .a--;
- y-
I Ue. ei -ed season
1 1 1 t e eommitti r :
.a i-mal hill in charge.;
1 mak- thi i -xpiami I
:. pe.hli may know
en ii.Uniioii upon the
.'.itmittee or mvselt to
. lo-;: -ra-on for tnvit
lio i:'h ni n iv opinion oo
on ";e wid rrsu1! to the I
h f ir the mi-stake can j
pi -ui :
!-.'i ! th
:i'V- i
ha! t:
I li
t ': ,
In it o(ll, .in i ia: 1 1 ncled tl'- it lid
iiuh.i i two hi'l .Mverni'-r i' orir.
Altera very warm dehate the !'''"'" , cclehr.aion of th-vlin-ai
, ..' ai,,; , ,.,. descendants of the Hneis .1 t!u
prem IH r.jnn.11. .i fi-,-". " .1 -
cent rehiito upon taxes ' paid by
Murcli 15. was disapproved hy n
tlnse aMe. It wus claimed that
tlm penult y uttaeheii was stiflicicnt
to indm e nil Who had the inoney,
to pay anyway, ami that this 10
biiic caused niticlt cxtrn work and
-expense to the county.
A Memorable DaA.
t)ite of the da vh we renieiiiher -wit h
plilisoi", ie well an with prnllt to our
heal Hi. In t he one on which we been me
iie,ii,aiiil"d f lib Hi'. Klny'a New l.lf"
I'IIIm. 1 1n pidiiles-i hii-1mix that cure
heailin lii' end biliousness, and keep
the bowelrl liuhl, '2r,v. lit lleilHon'H
,1'llill llinc.Y. ' .
Doclftiutiou of Independence. Mr.
Wilson'srtiunioiit is that 'then i-'.
alwHVH Home iiihii oi im-u 1" hind
... ,
.:. L - w
L: --
0 tV
of I i Crnnde, three yfars; VV. B.
Avr, of 1'oitlanl, four v'ars;
Henry J. Maierof Th. DalleH, five ,
y ars. Stejdien lewtll, of fiirtr.ts
P .-' , fix j -iirs.
It i , evident that in making the
appoi iilmei.ts the Governor studi
onsly i.-.-oid'-d appointing tneu who
miidit b" prif-t associations, yeo
raph'ieal Ioention or ponticul inter
es:s, he prejudiced for or against
anv oi " of the four normals Not
.,.' of the men is interested parlie
darly in cither the University of
ht-.jii, the Agrieult'iral or any
j'her Mate institution. This fact
will leave more free to handle
t.i" normal school problem free
fi f ;u other influences.
c-.ef: is a farmer, a democrat
'and a ni' inberof the executive eom
!int;te ia the State (.range.
Holer is editor of the Capital
Jo'.irn il and a repnhliciin.
lin'i:,' is county superintendent
el I'liiuii eountv and a democrat.
Ayer is a lumliei manufacturer
and a republieau
Maier Is a merchant and a demo
ciat. Jewell is county judge of Jose
phiue county and a democrat.
The State Board of Rducatioir,
composed of the Governor, Secre
tary of State and Superintendent of
I'liiihc Instruction, are t-x officio
nn.mber-s of the board of regei.ts.
' Anion; ducatii woikus in
attendance at the s ssion ol the
State Teachers' Association, it is
generally remarked that the Gov
ernor has selected a strong .hoard
tha' vid be free to manage the
narmal sdiools with a view to the
b.-.1 u.Pre-ts of Ihe s'a.e.
A Hsppy Man
A Largo Summer School.
The Albany (Allege Summer
Scitool is having no sessions this
wee, on account of the Slate Teach
er's Aleetin;,' nt Sulcni and on ac
count of the l'imrth of .Inly. Red
tutions begin again on Monday,
July Slit and continue, lor v five
weeks 01 until A ugimt tHh. The
l. Aal i- ni i 1 1 me n t of the Bchool the
fii-Kt week was thirty-six, which is
the largest nunibcr of toacherH ov'r
gathered together in a summer
school in I.iun comity. The princi
pal'!, IVenident, II. M. Crooks nnd
Supt. W. h. JackHonv am expect
iiig a largely increased enrollment
when the hcIiooI rosumcH.
Battleships VV ill Come Around Horn.
Eighteen or 20 of tho largest
battleships in Hit' American navy
will he sent round Cape Horn into
the waters of the Tuei I'm ocean next
-winter. The report to that effect
l'i. i' tuinin- legion of Western
the illogl corporations t. '"i :oi-.r-n is -1 i nl v n 11 1 i ne IoI t .y tw
the wrongdoing and ho eonU uds - K)ft IaoullUlill ,t,.lks 'phe
thnt this cannot be Mopped ny i,111' , ilioroughf are of laud travel , passing J
ing the coriKiiutions themselves. , hi u niU,1v ; tlu, "Shasta K...ute"
1 The only way to stop tlm graft is too( ,h,. s,nh'ern I'lieifio; conned mp.
get at tlf root of it, he says and l!u, ( VU( s.,MU,rt rti,M San l'lan-
this can only ho done by itnpiion ( H ( o .otl)l .,, Portland i.
ing tho men r( sponsible. the north. v)u cither hiuid thin
-ii at t 'el im'.I. a.i has a rang- of
. Linn County Poultry Farm. inuun' .ins. To the wi .-1, l in- t.e-
... . ,- ir 1 , , ;i 'tween it and the Pacific ocean, is
lir T l.,l,l,.i nl ll ilce. Ins il l -
vv. 1. ,. llll, , 1
J . t I.i- . 1 -iiiui. ill wIiomk ee the
Ithi snrf f.iifvfi breakn. To the
i : ' !;,..... 1 1 1 1,.: lii.. m..iil .. i,..,U
converted it into one ol the niovt 1 ' v b ' V '
. . , ! 1 iiii-e, .who:;" ice-ctowm d cicst lor
Buccessful poultry yards in Oregon. , " .
, , , , , 1 ! ever iddteis ni de-seeiiding suns. '.At
He has ( hens (no tnalcs an I at , " . ,, ,
t ,,,.,,1 , hPoiu one hundred miles noith o
an expense last year ed IO0 he-:
,.,l nlY &))() cash bftsides coll 1 1 "K ' V "
III" ii11" .i. -
sidera'jh in the way of a living.
H.i'o ttn t-1 i i tr liiMi fit Till ('('nt1.
, , , iV 7 : .' , , ml tM.ninatcsat the sea.
eacn ami lieeps uieiu , myiuK iv-o
ized Hix iu res of laud ami the sheds
of 1111 abandoned lilo factors', Mid
... 11 . . 1
jpoi.ri uioiiniain riinu" curs nie coasi
land Cascade ranges at right
In the
they ate old and fat, and then Fells
lie approaches, he passes, under
surveillance n. .1;. immaculate
mountain Sentinel. His passafio is
challenged by the 11 .-h of eternal
snows, by Ihe.ira-dj of plunging
a valauel.-s, bv th-' ri.sli W iiimiti -
Tin-: rui-sri.. toi
, i- Amos Kitijz of Port Byron. N. Y..
s."i e;irs of jj-e; ; since a sore on his
lie-, which had troubled him the
-renter part of his life, has neeti en
jtiivlv liua led liy liueklen's Arnica
iS. live; t lie world's ureuteft healer of
two Sun s, I'.iiriis, I'uls, W'ui.ilil.snii-I I'ileH.
f,...,l I.,. I , IM... nun, .
1 .ne- 1 1 71 . 1 i-.i -i . j.ii,, -..-.i
,v C. T.' of h.ig-
Lotj Oriver's Tent Burned.
Ai noon We Inesday th"
l:tr ?.
"crs who '.ere ! riii in ''dow n
big pooo.ocio-foKi diive lor th" Iv.t-
1 rice L'-'i cents.
tain ton nt--, I'V t ii- tiuuie
in uinlain aiir.
perpet ial batil
!e i.f fli.Md
11 eath-d iioin the
and diitts of Ihe
'titimTs lot 1 v 'uannif.
Birthday Party.
Wedivsdav iifternoon Miss Buth
gene Lnmbet company took tire and . Blair celebrated her thirteenth
ail Hie iu.r-.oial pr.ipeiiy and h-d- birthday tit the home nf her jinrents
due, Ik lon'Mior to the men w ie .11 "ii l'ourth stred and u most de-
tin 1 y destioyed. 'Ihe nn.n wuv lightful tiun? vas had. Thela-vn,
leattiig their dinner abo n duo feel lie re games weie played and
i below where the tents wcie loeitid, l in.-hton served, decorot-
Ii th- traveler uppi...u.h I'lo.n the land one . t the 1 t.(y e.a.ks dtscov. r- ivtUxnA the little la-b-s present nude
s.ait.ii, he must pass lluough thejed that the tents were on tile, '.'lie ; merry and enhyved themselves to
Scene of Sha-da's ndh-ss vigil. No j men rushed t j the eontl igr iimn as j their hearts content,
one who passes tierc can ever foi - I quickly"" as they eouldv but b fore -Mrs. Dunhnr assisted by Miss
get the scene. Mount Sh fsta 's j they got lluae evei.Miiiiu '-v.i.-, a Mand Blair, ai led as hostesH. Many
one of thes, sentinel peaks'. He ': mass of ll ames an 1 not h ing was . beautiful presents were presented
towers -ilci.t, suh'iine, overlooking
the vast area of his beat, ever faith-
v. is lies for many
Those present
mid- ' ol the gigantic convolution p!
il. 1 I 1 1 1' 1' 11 I iiiii ll.- Ilii. II
them dressed. The big hinds make I " n, , ,
, ... i ' ii - k tscoveied a m wmk ot ledges and
sp end d winter yftrd and laying ' n , .
1 J ,i,.m. i.. . ,- iiii opil iv 1 1.1 1 niiiierii ed
inatter that it Heeiin destined io fie
come one of tho geat mining dis
tricts id' America. .'On tho not 111
slope of the Calapooia mountains,
liug well up to their intersection
with the Cascude range, is the i,o
hemia mining district . of SoiUh
western Oregon. "1 . , '
1 1 1 I 1 1 . . t . -. I .1.1 illCll'IOl
home and tnukca more cadi off his 1 '-"veie. .10 ......v.
s.'x acres than ho;.io tUen off. a mtur-; ",u l' U i,h.l" 1',0,u tho llu,th oT
ter section.-Saleiu Journal., ,' !s0ltl -F,0,n hklicvor, dneehon
savei'l. No one could tell lyw the , Miss" Buth a:id
Gre.tarteil. 'I he woid wan brought! j more i.iiihdps,
fill thiough srinlight, or starlight, j to town by ' Men itt Devereaux and j were:
or storm. To the south he peers 1 Mr. Bettit, who rode a lor; down 1 Misses Bluia he Veateh, Kllen
th.ough the gateway, to the valley the river. They left can,,,, nhkdi : I'ajker ILhel Barkds, Kieh
. .- . ' . , .1 ! . , . , 1 ... jards, If.ttte'.dcss, la unue V 10-
01 Hie midamenio., ne eauue, im is iv,o inne, u.w ..e.i-. 01 ...e ( JU,,(V mki yurk,v
gpldeii glint of .harvest fields ih Springfield raco at 'J.-SO and anivo Kjjt, ;.,j,-t p.,;iio B.artehs, Maini
r .!'
pons. A coating 01 cat diiuihuiiu
once n year keeps' the roost-; free
from vermin, but ho pays to make
poultry a hucccsh a man has U
keep busy nmoug his hens. They
will not Htand neglect; Any one
wishing detailed information be tter
go up and visit tho Blblin yards at
Ilalsoy,' Mr. Bildiu lias, a neat
varud and Untile
Nile. He sniffs the scent of ripen
ing graiii from alar. He v hills a
breath of his refreshing uii down
. . . ' 1 1 , 1 . . . i ,- . i '
to l ie pai c neu i. 1-. uni lainui e . .,v . . , .
11 1 " I is not necessarily one ol pericct lorni
hurvcbteis. With hi:; -real fields ! ainl features. Many 11. plain 'woman
of snow and ice b tempers the air 1 whocoiild ney.r sersa m an artist 's
III. ..I. I, r-.-, . ........ .....
those of the j here at 5. jo, riding' t he 1 illh s better Kinn , h' Hastings,
than with a r
The Charming Woman
a in 10
illooivi, Clarice King, Idoreneo
II. in.'invav, Iilu Hayes, V'erna
Ttill.H', Kva Kichimmd, I.eah Per
kins, .-ta I lolderiuan and Anna
Hid fiiinllght that n.nke possible 1 that all the world adnui'. V neatn---
skn filie I Ir.i
1 1 -.i. .1 1 .1 . . . l t..... " 1. ... . 1 , M-.i 1; 1 ceil nie . run 1 ne. 11, win iiiiiirovu
en ai' is, wiiu 1 neu cm euneu uivvii. . iieeoin oanv eoon iieaiin. . in vse-auv 1 . 1 ,:. 1 .: ....1.1
thimo ever increasing aieus.of or-
I cleiir eves, clean smooth
epi lnht line:-M of step and that
If you sutler from bloatinn', helchiiiu'
1 st.ui' s'oni.vh. indi,esthi;i oc d.vspep
Uia. take .1 .Bine's D.spf-psin Tablet
d'ter each menl, and nvercoiue I hu
that ucstlH ;huong th. hills and, Zlu "ir
valley.1 of (the upper biiciaiuento. , stnn weak women, niveslnn u-i -His
sleepless eye catches eye.' and "'.ntZ
mion the uleamiug thread of the at Benson's l'liarimiey .' ."iu cents'.'
i - ("
he appet i to aiul aid iliiicM'ioii.
by New l.rii Jirnj;-.sroiVt
If you want a good farm talk tq
Hinds the real estate man.
w w
- ."-4?. '