I ! j; II! J U. OF 0. COMMENCEMENT. The Senior Class This Ynr N'mrd e,r. 54 Senator JolmW. Genii'. De livers the Address. The thitty liist annual Con mencement ol the Univi : -it i O; cj; on was li'M Wediusd.iv r,i v . The graduating el.; -s nutn5-.-: : n 1, wns addrcs-c 1 L S u u r j M. O.uin, .f r.vihn.l : h!, address, and that ; 1'' - - t'ampK'li's the lu';ix!v i .- .. "He said he lul not e, -:i:e ' : advice, because i -v i- . t V. received, and tluo .vIm.u. :.- i - siliou t" P,IVC advve .1-.' -::.i!'v ' : disposed to ;;h .'. ! I .. . i . pointed out .v..ic oi l v i :m d tin; work i f ndvi.-. ; th t r a of the I'nivei ,-.it , cor.u . e patriotism. The traditions . ; t'v I . ' call for MKN-m).-i h v. .!! -for tht- hi he t i 1-m.s. ::! : est w ik. riftri'itsni dottu:: i-, :vt o--.lv :: to lift lit for the . o -.yU ii-rr. hut men wli i wid i s-.t.'i I '.' . I'.: of the nation, not n pi. !' sxev-d politicians, hut a nti.ciix IIo dosed his i ! li t i s : ... iog the graduates tl tv-: : t ? 1 lortunc, Mi v in thcr full'.: ..' whatever prok'xi,!. thev nii;;-t o - ; ler. 1'iof. T. Ji. Caatpbed. is ;-:e : - iiiif the diplomas to the -M i: ' ', otTerf d some exc llc-:;t ! . ' vice. H w is ! ( t s-: u - i .; . i valedictoiian h- s-d i, f -r t--u.v i no need of i vtledtctory. th 1 :-;r.d nates are not suiii' ' .o.ni i and goi" lar away hut th:- ;.r: simply passitj.; ui(j the tinti:r work of the university: tl at of -.-r.. i jute work iu the coramonw tilth ' Uieon Miss Louisa Ant inette 1' :r h.;': and John Cuirin Veatoh tlii were anions; the .T iduatr- rr- w ' the deyue of H.n-ho.or "t A 1 1 : . "ciany i'f tlieir !i iv n.is an I t ! -V .'. -here aitinded the o v mtr-oe re. t xercist.s. , At the Alumni hanquef V'ci:. . dny c-vt-iiiuj, Mr, Witch -': v: i n j to the to;i-t. "Stvfh-M f.i:o a? : ' -. : University. ' ' ilins .... , ( i i ;1 is ' as a dfbator dniiiT i. col !'. , day, having won in V: d - I bating league, an ! Lake at the Inter -Stif- ka of u?. the making Oregon ehanij)ion Northwest. 'I he bites and --Lii.s J ii--i i i sunliurn, eur.- hums and bi lii relieve. I nt onee with J'ir,' - il." holied. Acts like a poult!"., draws out inll:uii:itiiii. Try it .Sohl hy New lira J irii.r St.n . .11!' -Yt- Comes Next Month. Inn letter to' Ui-it- I S 1 l: -tornc-y William U. Hii-t'-lio.. Francis J. lln ey r.iu.curc' i intention of coming to Orcf-o-, piosecute land fraud dc-f'-n la; f -soon as the situation at .Sir. Fi asco permits. This i tsii'ct' i be about th" mi 'ulle of Jaiy. though it is L'l.i'v.jd l y m my ; ?ons that Mr. Henc-y wiil be Portland on Monday foll-j. ing j 4th. ii V After the arj iitt.-x' ' t Hermann in Wash in,, to- li Mr. Heuey uiiirjiir.c 'd his come tf I'onlai- 1 to V)ro:e Iii ' SIT' . u i . i ; ioriny couiniis"si':ie." o: I k.- I uid -fice, who is ind ctcd in h.--i r .: I n d j fraud cases but who v.:!' h- r i - ' for his part iu tin IJIu-j Mo nit .in ! conspiracy ens; i i whic'a ' -i;nt Pierce Mavs, Gt-org.- S -rcn-'ii ..i. Wdlard N. J.u,es w ie c ar, ict-. -i last sunimer. Mr. Here) di i i ot re! r u !.!! letter to what par' I e w u! ! ; i in the case of Louis II. (,! s -, the I telephone man, whoi-c tn;.I bribery coints uj) this wed; i:; lrancisco. It is popul uly h. ! that Mr. Ileiicy will turn ti e over to Jliiam Johnson t eitle, although i;o sucIj inf-im litis be n given out puhli' ly hy C ' Mi Heney. If- ho should d" this it would give him an opportunity to J make his ariival in PortlatjO e llicr ! In addition to proscu ie; ihuj case against Hermann, Mr. Ilvi'v! will hIho prosecute I!. A. j: .' iii audi former United States Attorney j h i! A. II all. None of these cau s can ! be tried before July because of tbo ' lack of goyernujcnt funds. 'I'ha j new upprojtiation becoun s effcetivni July 1 and will be apportionc! hv j the middle of the in. .nth. Journal. ! i'or le'Ul blauLs Nuj'"fct t fiicc. VOMEN'S WOES. rpthfiit Oii vc Women are Finding 'I lel!o! r.t Last i lii'o-- -ef in tint imion have more tlv.n i fiir sharo of the actios u, 1 p-ilus tliat aOlict IninuMiity; l'.;e 1'u t "ke'p must attend lo ..-ti.-s in spite of ronslantly noh !!i.: lvi' -l.s. in hea 'aches, diy ('!-, I'cui;!;; down pains; they ; 1 1 -i -1 to -p over, when to stoop i . t ; 'Mtiu They must walk ,1 ! :t 1 and wik nith racking ! . -r. ; -n niv aclirs fntn kidnry huh t e'U'-c moie sulTeting :t: -t l:-t or;,Ml of tllO body. . p tli - i idaeys well and health is i ai', v.-,. ;int lined. Kcad of a : l :'m kid".e-s only that hclpj - i: i.i i;'.e s aim rs en ' j ! ' ) on know. I Mr-. ;;. s V. Oliver, of ('.12 Ma !, --!: i'.'iid'i ton. Ore., says; l" ; :, :m'v t wo years since 1 , . o.w.suni to use Doan's I . !'i ior t that time I f 1-iduev trouble, - ai) th.ing that causes :!i.;:i a iwordercd con k idne. neeompanied u-. ii 1 and listicss k --tl- ss, 1 have yet ;t Do. m's Kidney ; ! procured at n di ug j t i : c t ntiro trrcdom !'. 'e'les and lameness, if'ion of tin kulness j auil ii :on r. nv s i tliat j ii i a:: I att- n I to , -'I'm' -K scorn fi 'Tt . I i .! ' : - 1 ill I eeotninei'd ' , to thu-'c -s.-tl'-r-1 i'.: t y aiht iit in ny ' s n( I y all dealers j l-Y.-tC'i-Mill'iirn 'o. i t' .1 i r . o'e agents for the . Kein.uihei the name .i i d:e no others, deot Snowies Bohemia, Inowles I Orseco, rr 9 xt iiiiners at reasonable prices. Our Mo ( to: Goods at Reasonable Good General Merchandise Miners Tools and Amunitions Tullar & Powell, Proprs. . J. . . -..' ' ii.'l Fashion Stables 'lhe Hodge JigH give a pcrlect separation of Zinc-Lcad-Ores ' J O H N 16M ISlakcSt. rrt, (2) ineuies i 30 daV treatment for $1.00. irantetjd or money H. C. MADSEN, Watcmmakkk. Kopnlrlim l rrM'uiiitlili' i ltxr. All noi k f-iiurrt n frri! Ilrnl rlHs?, I Wli'lio,l lockli mi'l ,I-wiMi t l.invi'nl I'rli' con'.Wii: c.i:t)vi:, okk. - - - .1. S. Medley. .1. ('. .lotinnoll Jlct He n V John son, At lorneys ;il -law oi'iiw suite :i ;. ;((. Spinhit attention dun to Mining and t'nrMrat Ion I ,a w . J. E. YOUNG Attornvij-ot- Lair Oillco on Xlnlii Hi-rot. Wo'l Cot r ai; i.' (Imivk; Okk. ARE YOU GOING EAST? c i mh : i e i hi inonr v n fll'il llllll;V lllll! ( Ill'M llllil . ; f i i r i.i tut r.iir & i i-iurr njio. im io KFr Vty Oregon Auto-Dispatch Co v"- vii'- a URsr siHttT purtuno. ostoai r'r i.. fur r:ltr ,1 I i I tier pjit ul K Prepare for Irrigation, Spralnu and pinnping Machinery, l'aii hanks-Morse iasoline !' Kiues for puuipin;;, i-praying, sawing, blinding. Outlits coniplete. l'aii hanks Scales for vt i ;;lino . I'airhnnks Motse Dynamo ami Motor for p'pvor iuid light. fail hanks Morst iiidtnills and Towers li'aii hanks-Mors lr d Chop pers, (.iiindeis, Well rumps. All first quality goods at low. e-t prices. Always in stock. Liberal terms. prompt reply to inquiries, quick shipments Write for catalogue ami price. FAIRBANKS. MUKSE & CO. Portland. Oregon. & Gettys j Oregon. & Gettys Oregon. I cSudd nes Prices. ! J COTTAGE GROVF. O . 1J ii O V. fLg P. Q A PIT l! -F r- A. TRAY LOR MINING MACHINERY DENVER COLO Satisfaction refunded. For sale by New Era Drug Store NOTK K 01' AITLICATION l'OU MINK HAL PA'I KM Notice of plleatioii of the Auncon da (Sold M Inlaw; t'oinpanv of Ilo hi'inla, a j'llvate eorporatlon, nct liiK I iy and lliioiiuh lis Trenruirer, t . ,M. l iniiiir. for a piitent for the- ui .m uNsoiii i Ai i'M) gUAinv. CLAIM. IKIIIKMIA MINIMI DIS TltlCT, I.iiiii'hikI UoiiuImh connllcH, tlVk'iHI. itr.roi.i'. tiii: vnitku status LAMIOI- I lei: AT ItOsr.MPKo, oltl.UON, MAY II I'.itir. M I l:lt. I. tl'i'l I, kin no. 121. Notice is heivhv lvi n that the An acond.i Hold Mlaiiitt 'niiipiuiy uf Ho hernia, a private eori'oiiitlon, oruan led and eisUn iin.h r hiid l. Irlue of the laws-nf tin state of iireRon, with Its pi inclpa: olllc Mini placi of huslni'is id Dnent, Lime County, Oregon, acting hv and HiioiikIi and under Its Tlea-airer, C. M. Vomitf, whom post otlice adilie-M m nuld lai Kcne. I .line County, Onvoii, has tiled nilicat Ion for patent for the UI'.M CUNSOl.IliATI'l) til'.Mtr CLAIM i It uaitsl in t he Ituhi'inia Mining 11h trlet, l.aue iiikI IioukIiis eounllen, OlCk'oli, unit ilcHlnateil hv the Held i.otisaiiil otllehd plat oullleln this oltlee as .Mineral Survey No H:t, and Ivliiji in si'ctl.in II. "town-tlnp S.m I h, limine I Iji-1. the fanl UKM cnNs(H..TI.I QCAier CLAIM I'ONSlsriNU .r Ihe Sll,c n.lt inln InK I'lalin, ilalmlnji :xm linear ftH't there. if with surface ground hm mIiowii upon the ottlchil plat on tile i u this olllet. ex.fpt aeontlkt nf :Mhu ncn-n with the Vemivlus lode milling' claim which contllctllik' area 1h herehy ex eludisl ; of the Ihvo lode mining i'lalin. ehilmln; .W.I linear feet ol said lode with surface ground as shown upon the said plat; iiml of tin iem Imh milling ilalin. elaluiiii 1 :t7 4 feet of said lode with surface ground as shown ii ii "Hid orlicial pint. The iniiiMietlc variation l- from ,.M"tii,Jl PV laiMt. TheHiild Slide lode is descrihed n follows: Ht'iiiniilng at corner No. 1 a post .'I'j feet loll?, -I Inches squalO Set IS Inches in the ground seriled l -IIH, a llr '( Inches dhuneter U-ars N. I 1. V. P.IJ feet. A llr '21 Inches llumctt-i IiciiimS 17 ltn. V. 41 feet both fact l unit Mci Hied 1 -lit It T. The miueial luonilin.'tit erect".l In survey No. Ix-nis S 7- tlegrees fi mlii ;. 717 feet. The l4 neetion comer on Hue he tween Kfotiotis II and 1 1 of tp ".'IS, Kl 1;, Wlllumt'tte Meridian, hemsS 2: degrees o mln 7.r: feet. Thence i Ueerees ir nun pjsti f.'ft to corner No. '2; thence N Til .ie I'. r.'.N) feet to corner No. 3: thence South ij den 1"' mill F.ast l."i(K)1ei't to Cwi iit r No. 4; them e South fit ileir Wwt .ton ftet to corner No. ft; theiue South S'i tlevr .'to min VtHt :t'.s feet to corner No. 1 and place of Uyinnlnpr, and contain Ini; exclusive of (he eon Diet . it li the Nt'snvhiH in I ii I n 4 claim, I7.Ul!i imtch. The Iteco hide Ih descrihtsl mm fol lows: IteKinnliitf at corner No. I a post 4 feet long, 4 IncheM !Uure et 1 Inches in the giouint aciibed 141. A J llr s Inches In diameter Lear North "I diameter beurs South 4'4 ile- i:st Mi I hi t. hoth faced and cerlt.ed 1-4:t It T. I The Hi'ctloil e.irner Iwtween Metons j 11 mid 14 tp -'.t S It 1 K I t-arw South 1!; di g lf nun I , p.t.i feet. I hence North 78 ilejf 1ft lulu V .V!l feet to eor No. themo North 61 de ", (i.ts feet to eor No. :i; thence South 77 dv :'. mln K ft.V! feet to eor No, 4; thence South ftl .let V C.-S feet to cor No. 1 and place nt iHxItininn nnd eoiitaluing i..s:t acreH. .. The !ein hnle is descrilted as fol lows: I'.elniilii); at corner No. 1 iden tical with corner No L' Iteeo hxle and with S. i:. curlier of the location. The '4 section corner between nee Hoiih 11 and II tp LMSItl I: heaiH South Mil dejf :!." min I) 2i:tft feet ; theme North 72 deg '.'a mln W 1.(74 feet to eor No (henee North ftl ileg K this feet to i or No. :t; thelict South 71' W .'(! mln i: 1.(74 feet to eor N'. 4 ; thence South ".I le V U3H feet to cor No. I mid place of beginning ami containing Pi.siJ acren. The net area for w Ideh patent Ih i applle'd fur of the naid (iein CoiihoII- dated (Quartz claim, after except lug (the Hald conflict with the VctnivhiH . lode, which said conflict In.' atea t not I claimed l.y the nppheant, Im 4l).Pi! j acrcH. I The notice of location of the Maid I Slide lode. Ih of record 111 the office of the County Clerk of louitla ('ouiitv. Oregon, in Vol. ft, pugu ILM Heeordn ol Allmng ClalniH for Hind count v: and ih uIho of record in the otiice of tin Count v Clerk of Lane Count v. Oree'oii, in Vol. No. if. page.'!.'! KecordH oi .Mining ciJiiniM for Lane lionnly. i ncgon. The notice of location of the Iteeo lode in of record ill tho olliet of tlx) County Clerk of Inne County, Oregon hi Vol. 4, page -100 lteeotdn of Mining I 'lniniH for mtid Lane county ,' Oregon. 1 lie notice of locution of the lieui lode Is of record In the otttce of t ho Coutitv Clerk of La tie County , Oregon, in Vol. ft, pnye 'MM of tht KecordH of M iiniiK ClniiiiK of Lane County, Ore gon. t The preHiiineii enernl course ordi rectiou of the Hald Oeiu CoiiHolidated (iuartz claim vein In Northwesterly and Southeasterly hh nIiowii upon said olllciul plat. The hii id (Jem Consolidated (Quartz Claim contllcm with the VeHiiviiiH a.H aforenaid and the Pawn mining chiiniH adjoin; on thoKouth. Any nnd nil pemona claiming ad versely the mining ground, vein, lode, preml-eH, or any portion thereof no iliHcrlbed, platted, and applied for an herehy notllled that uidenH their ml verHo elaium are dulv tiled acnord- I lug to law, and the regulations there under, u it hln Iholluie picHcrihed hy law, with the Kek'imer of the United KtateH Land Ollleeut HoHohurjf, Doug Ian County, Oregon, they will hu hai red hy the proviHions of t he law In Hiich canes mndn and provided. JtKNMAMIN L. Kunv, JteglHtel', Date of fii'Ht publication, May l.V A. I). 1!M)7 ' Diteof hwt publication, A. I). J!07. i rorythe Kidneys. Bladder and Rheumatism. RELIEVES BACK-ACHE TIMI'l'.U I.AN'U ACT JIM'. :i. s7s -. Noncr. ion prni.icAi ion I niled slnteM Lund ( mice ItoNflmi't. Oregon, Apul '..'u. 1 7 . Notice It hereby i;i I'll thai In com pliance with the pro I Inn i of (he act of Congees of .luue :t, sVs, en titled "An acl ("I- the Hale of tiuil'iT hind In the siatci of Calit'oruiii. Oregon, Neviuhi and 'axhlnch u Terilloij," as extended to nil th. I'uhllc Land States hy m l ' Aihmi .i I. Ii:', LDWAItl I'. I'AIIM of l.oiatie. eounlV "I Lime, t ile ul Oregon, has d ,.i lilcd In I I.i-- "I lice his nwoiii stall iih iil No. mi ,1, f,n t he purchase el the y ot ,'n i tion No. I, In To ushlp No. :'u u'lth. Ihillge No. ft West, , l , .niil will offer ploof to hiiw llmt the I n.. I Hi'iichl In more ; 1 1 1 1 a I I ' I'u it" liinl'cr oi Htoiie thin fm auilriilliii.il pur piiHCH i n I to e- lalile.h IiI-j I .- I m I said land l.efoie . I ,11, m- I Coin In Ihhi ner ;it Ids ofllc In In -eie . Oregon, on I 'hurt. I iv, the istn . i , a - .( .Inly P.Mi7. IIo icones ;n It ii" hi f (ieole . S;i inlei - .11 ol I.' I Mile, (trefoil; (ieiJ:Je r.lllinill id' La. III''. Oregon ; I'liinl. i,i I - uf I . t - 1 1 -. re gon ; ( ieiifge -i h nie. ler of I ,ui .11 ic, I r. gun. Any and nil per mis il iimln. .ul ver-'t'ly the alioe dcsei'ihed l.iiels.ue ieil."ted tnllle their 1 I.i 1 111 - 111 I Ii I otlice Oil nf lielol'e i-.iul I I ll diV ol July . Imi7. Ill S.I AUIS L. I !lili , Itei'il. I . NOTICi: l-'Ol! I't LI. H A I KiN Mepnrt III'Mlt "f Ihe 1 1 1 1 1 I i r. Land 1 illlce at Ito- elun ' irecoii. M.-iv i:ith, I'hi,'. N( Ice Is hei eli' I en t ha t WILLIAM II . MII.LI It. of Cot Inge I i t o e, (liei;,.i. h.is lili-. notice of Ids in lent Ii 111 u in;i!,e tlli.ll livcyenr proof In -upioit "I lux clllllll, l : I l.'Ule'te id Lutr, No i7M made Manh 7. I iii at, t.o il, . si, NP. Nv. SI 'A, see. Town-hip ! Ualme I V, aim that sai l piuof will he luude hefnfe W . V. Call, in-; , I '. S , Comini.sloiier at Inn otlice nt Liivene Oregon, on Sat ui day, . I uly i.ili I'm,'. I le ihiiiiih t he !oluug witlie' to prove tn c.iiil 1 1 1 o in-: ii' Mil.-in r Upon, and cultlvutl.n "t the 1. 111. 1. viz: .lames Topp, of C. a t in;,.' 1 . 1 oe. Oregon; .lameM I l,.t . i '.at. ,;. drove, (.IH'guii, llulnlliico I'ellio 'I llihle, Or.-'.'uU. lieo;;e II nil -111 I 'I Vide, )r. go" i i . l. i:i.n . n.l'd.l Pate lirst publication May - .'. I'.iOT. TIMI'.LK l.l c I , .11 Nl .: iV -notkt: i 01; 1 'i p.i.ica ri'i'N I nit Itusehuri; I Stilt, s I.MIel I Ull, e, , Oregon, Ma M l'"i Notice Is herehy gien that iii din pliance with the pro ihaix uf lin net uf ('ungre"s uf .lime ;, h. i-n tit led "A u act fur the a lei it tlmher lauds in t lie Slate tt ot .di fui niil, Me. go, Nevada and llvlnll'.-toli I el l'l torV," IIH Clel'le, to all (h puldii; land states hv act f Augu-l i. x'i AUTIII K (II. siil uf KugtMie, county of Lam , -late ui Oregon, has lids day I , I In llo uile IiIh mwui a rtntemeiit No i. (, ,r I he purchae of the NK1, uf M'. liun No. :t-. In township No. pi i.,uth, cuiye No. '' west, mi. I will offer prooi to diow that tin laud oiiul.t in moie valuable for its t holier nr hIihh- tl.nn for iigrlcultural pill (hi es. and tues tahllsh his claim to -aid hind lief,,ie W. V. Calhlns. I'..-'. Couiiui "ium r, at Ills Ollictt at l aiu'el.e,. I le.'"ll, oil Friday the .'.Id day ol Au.oi t. I'm;. He names mm w lines., -.. Harold (il.'ls, Ml. of I uetie. h -; i . Herman T . Iiow. of lau. ne. i tu-g on Arthur l.atllll, i, I I jleene, I l-,-i . William T. OhImiiii ( laiei e lire gon. Any and all ji.r.n. el i-mie;.' a I Versi'ly the j.liov.- ., il,e, I iml-- an ieiuexted to hi" t heir claim i In till" ullice on orlieiuie anl 'J.M dayul Angii-t, I'.i(l7 Itl S I VMIS I ,. I I.I.V, lll'l'l ler. TIMIlKIt LANIi ACT IIM. :i 17 Norm: r,n: n p.i.ica i fu Culled Stales Land Olli.e Konehurg, Oregon, May '.'ImI, :iii7 .Notice Is herehy given thai ill coin pliance with the pi u i.-,,n - uf lie act of Coiiii'm ol' .1 ii ii .'!, Is'i's, n titled "An net for tin sale m liml ei lamlH iu the Stales ) Cnlil'oriii.i, ( hv Hon, Nevada nnd Vaihiiigluii Terri tory," im extended lo all tin I'llhlic Lund Male hv net of Align t I. I s:il'. I'.LAINi: c. AUDISii.N of Lola lie, county ol iwine, stale of Oregon, has IhiH day til. d In this ulllce his sworn Hlaliment No. S'.'lft, for the pmcha e of tin N i; N K Vt ot Section No. CJ. iu Town xhlpNol'O Hoiith, Italian No. Hwesl, V. AL, and will offer proof IohIiow that the land H mght l; imue vidualile for its t linher or .' lone Cm n for a:;ri cultural puipoHi'N, and to eHlahlish hin claim to nai.1 hind before W. . t'nlkins, C, S. ( 'oininishli mer, at hi t otlice In I'.ugene, Oregon, on Saturday the l'4llMlay of A ugunt, 1!mi7. He nalheH as wKiicHMce : Oeorge C. Schneider, u Loiane, Oregon; Jacob Ituiik, of l.orane, Ore gon; Ardello AddiMoti ol 1ir me. Ore gon; Kdmund Addison, of Lorauo, Oregon. Any and nil pci'soim elairnln ml ViTHely tho almve-de.Mcrlhed lands ara l-eilueHt.ed to lilt their claims InThji tdlice on or beftire nald L'lth day of AiigiiHi. v.mi. ItKNjAMiN L. Lnnv, KegiMler. 6- All 111" Illicit IrealiiieiilM. dccriccil PLAIN ami MEDICATED IIATIIS Ordinary Cases $12 per Week. for further purtleiihirn ml,i ens Y: 5'. i)r; 11. v. MciiLi:i:r, I.LCAL NOIICr.H. : i t M i.i it LWH i' r .ii ni; :i. is;s j Noi H i; I ok Li :l,r Kin J Tinted St .1 1 I'u I .nnd Hliee I h'le.eliui r, oregoii. Apiliu, p.1117. I Nut lee I 1 in 1 el 1 y l en Ihatllieuiii. 1 pliance with I he pro 1 Intel ol ho I Hi t of Colieleiei o .1 H1H' a, S,-S, en llllled "All net lot' I ho Male i.f tlmher lands in the N ah f C.dlfol nhi . ife- jiMin. Nexiul.i and iislilin lnn Ten l I l.ii ,' as e v leiuli i In. 'ill the Pnhlle i I .Old tale . , a.-l uf Aiir.u I I, s:i;' i 1 I.i ll' OLSON. I ul M 1 1 1 i 'I 1 , 1 'uii u t v "( Lane, Stole of (iu n, ha-, tin i .1 iy tiled Iu this id- le e hi 1 nHiirii t,ileineit No. T'.Hift. foi the j 111, I, i e uf Ihe N U of Section N .In low ii-.L 1 1 Nn. :' ! mil h, 1 : 1 11 v " '.' w 1 , ., ami will I ,e, I I I 1 iu! I huW Hi. it I he Im, I " hi I lilole nhi 1I1I1' lor iln I 'ui 1 11 1 or 1 1 hi, Ilia u fur inn I, nil 111 a I .iii I . Hid I" e I ahll li hl'i claim 'ill I in, I he hue W. W ( iilUliix, I N I ' I I i' li r. .it hfw otlice I ji en. 1 10T..11. 1 in I 1 1 I.i , 1 he i m h ! .1 M ,1 . 1 1 1 V-. I''" I I II. I lll.'H M W I I III H 1 N Mtlllll I I .U-.I'IIH, III uf Lll.'elie. I III i on 1'i iler I phu of Lni'.ciie, Oi eg n ; II, lllillll I , W uf Lit;-, lie, (lllloill, i I Mill I ll I oil I I I 'It. Iv It'll ll'.l 1 J IUII u ' and all pel sons elnlinlug ml V. I l Ihe nhuVe . I i'xi I 1 1 lei landl .. 1 1 1 1 in -'el tu hie 1 hi Ii 1 I line, In I I ' I I 1 hue id I 'Ih day o: .1 ! , . I I I I l 1 L. I : I . I . . llej'l I ei . I JI , I'l MI'.I.I; I.VNh I .11 NT. I, Is7s. ... I N o I 1 1 I , I 1 1 1 ; '( LI.IC TfloN ; I ml.- I .Slate. I .and ( Uhce 1 le- el, .11 1 Ire;. "II, Vplil L'U, !Hl7 Not 1. h. ichy :; en 1 1 1,1 1 In' c. mi pi la ll, e ull 1 1 I he pi , , I 'li ill , ,f t he ml ' I ( oie iex. ol J 11 it.- :;. I ,7s ei, tilled "u a, 'on I I., ale o I , 01 1 ' : hind' in t in Si a'. . oi : ' 1 i.f.. 1 i.u. ( h. nun. 1 N . v .1. la a 11 I W ash im 1 on l eriitorv," ' a . l, inli d to all 11. . I'nlihe Laud M ale lo a. I of Xiii'ii-l I, I Vi.', '.I nh'il. I ;, I ul I .uraii", count V ol la ae, tale of 1 lie;.;, .11, t Ins . 1 a llled III lIlIM uf. lee l.t- ' W ul II III. III. lit N .1 "II. .', for x I I e pill , I. a ' 1 if tie .'. L uf s.!' I dm ,; No I in township N,, ;'n Huiith, ! l'..o N". . -M-t U l , iid W 111 , Mi l 1 . 1 o, ,( . . i,o .. 1 l,at I he land ...ai'lil I- mo , I .... .- or it tiui I" I 'l' t (,. it, .111 nn nt'l I, ult Ul id pui " ' - a ml I " slahh I, hit el.n Ul lo 111,1 I l,, l f,,. . . ( .1II.1UH. I S. ( o,, n.iN-iiiiic! , ,,1 hit olhce In T'.,;' lie. 1 on. ,.tl h ii m.,i . he IHIl ,I.IV i'l .1 1 1 1 . I "I," 1 1 ,- 1 1 1 lie x h - Willie r-, - : 'i'- I V" V. . .S .ml. I ,'li of I.,, fane, 1 0 ' I I .'- 'i.l I . I il man of l.o ,1.11'. 1 lie ol, I I I ll i I 'il I lif l.o- I in-'. r. . ai 1 i hi. l.-'h-r of I 1,1:11 , I 1 1 , .-, III. 1 Nov and ill pcixont claiming ad 1'xelv I he alxoe ile- cl il.ed hllnls urn i u 'i led 1 1 1 li then , lalmx In I low "!lice ,,11 , hi f.. ,- n a j 1 1 J x 1 1, ,iiv uf July l'"7 I'l N I '. 'UN L. l lUi-, , IteglHler. IIM II It LN) i f.H.Ni: :t. s7s NOI ML I 01: II '.. i ATI IN. I luted Mute I ,nnd I Mliee Ku-ei.iue,, On'., Apill I. I'I07. Notice x h' iel, o n that ill com pliance with Ihe . o IsIoiim of Hut ;icl ul Coiii-i. o Julie. 'I, l"". ell. tilled "Aii nit ior the vale ..f ilniht-r lands In I he Stale . of I ,tli,, n.. Oil, l-'oii. Nevada anjl Wii-luiiL;t,.n Teril I. .iv," a : extend.. I lo nil Ihe I'ulille Lnii l Stat. - hv in ! uf uuu-d I s:r., II MILLS i;M AKI'.ST of Carlton, 1, unity ,, Va in hill , St ate 1 " r T nil. .r u ( 1117,111, has I his 1 1 ! I, led lit 1 1, is , , Mi, e 1 1 1 i w 111 n st ule menl ,',",, . .1 1 he . chil'ie uf tho V, ', ,.1 . ; i,. N ui s i: ',. and H L ol N I, nl S.clion .N'uinher -1 in 1 iin 11 lup No :.'i) hiniih, Itiuigo No. ., w.ht . . M . nn, I will oiler piuol to ,h-.v that Hi,, land hoiight Is lliole Valll ihle lurlt-t f 1 1 1 1 1 t I o xl one ll .III ,,r ,l"l ienll ui (ll plllpOHI'H and 1. 1 e iiil.li Ii hi i claim to Mild land l,eole W . V. nllolls, S ' 'in Isj-liiini-, ;il I , I -t .,;,e In Kugcue, Ore-nii, ,,n Ihurxday, Ihe 1 1 III (juy ol' .1 nl V, I'.'U, . He i: aiii. x ;ih w 1 1 iicksi h: William R. Kelly, of Lui.uie, o;i ;.,,n; i;. Kelly, of Lorane, uregini; I h-nry Cogill, of Spt ili-helil, ( llegon; IT, u,k Citglll, of Springilf Id, ( ire,"uii. Any. 'ind nil nelsons In i m i n nil. ver-elv Ihe nlene de.crihed land-iari" ieiii .sled In hie llicii claims In UiIh ullice on nr hefuie tJahl 1 1 Ih day of July, CMC. I!i:vi Mis L . Limy, Register. I-I7-II7 TIM I. Kit LANK AC I' .IINL::. is7h .Notici; Foi; I'l llLICATION I niteil Stati t. Lund I Mllee Koxehui-, ( llegon, April ii, 1!MI7, Notice h herehy given that in coin, pliance with tho piovixh.nN of tho act ul ( i.iigrcH, of ,inIH. jss, eU. I It led "A u act ,or the rule of timber land- In the hIhIcn u California, ( Ire gun, fndu and Waxliingtoa Terrj lory." as extemleil to all the I'uhllc Land r tiih'H hy ail of August S!i" I'.I'.U'I H A M. OlliSON, nf Lor.iue. eiinnti' nf I vi . , , ' . '. "'i """" i Oregon, hu.'i I his day tiled Iu this of- ncn ner hui n Hllieniejit Til.iS for the pure1lM.se nf t, , y f Section No. :.(), in Township No. 2U HOuth, liange No. ft west, y. M and will oiler lil'eol' lo mIiou- ll.nl 1 1... i . . . " u iiiiiii Moiight. ih itK.it valuable for Km t Im- mi oi'Hioiie man roe agricultural piii'poMcM, and lo t-HlalillMh her claim to said land boiure V. V. CalkhiH, C.N. ConiiulHsiuiier, nl his ollici In Lutein., Oregon, nn Thui'Hday, tho llth day of July, p.1117. She names as witiieHHes ; John O'l'.rjeii or Lorane, Oregon; Hardy Crow ol Loram, Oregon; Oeoige licit h of Lora.ni), Ortyui; I'rank Uilheit, nf Loiane, Oregon, Any and nil peinonn claiming ad ver ily I ho above ,choi Died lamia are I'elpieHted to lilt- their claims In thh olhcn on or hclore Huiillllh davoC Inly, MM17. fi:.iui Jt. Limy, ItcRlHler. '- For legal blatkii-Nujigct odko, ' i