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About Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907 | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1907)
BQI4BJ1IM HUGO 3K8X B Devoted to the Mining, Lumbering and Panning Interests of 1 1 j is. Community. VOL. IX COTTAGE GKOVK, LANK COUNTY OR KG ON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 1907. NO. 22 4 WILLAMETTE VALLEY TI10 Annual Convention and bus jiicBH meeting of the Willamette Valley Development League was held in this city Inst Wednesday ami a goodly numltcr of developers from all over the state were in at tendance. Of it" proceedings tli Cottage drove Leader write an follow: The convention was railed to or der at 2:.'lf) p. in. by president Hinds ol the Coniin.-icial Club, and was tinned ovor to Col, I). J'.. Ilofi-r 1'renident of the League. J Howard, on behalf of the Club wel coined tb" delegates, whi h was re Nponded to by Col Ilofer, who es pecially thanked the ladies (or the many beautiful 'lowers and hand Home decorations. In the absence ot Walter I. von, the League secretary, Mr. V . ll. Kosenherg, of this city, wa chosen secretary pro tetn. On motion the pieiddent appoint ed the following cuiniiiitlecu; On N'ominationa 1. M. C.Gault of Cotla.?. (hor, J. H. McNeil, of Marshtudd, W. C Hawley, of Si lem. On Hesolutions I). J. Dulhuille, ot Cottage ('.rove, Louis Harzee, of Roseburg; L. II. Hosenhurg, of Cottage Grove. On J'lrclrie Railroada J. H. Kheltou, of Puritan 1; .?, A. Cham bers, of Cottage drove; Peter I gie, of North Hend. On ICqtiitios -('. J. Howard, of Cottage drove; J. U. Campbell, of Oregon city; J. d. draham, of Sa lem. Preaid.'tit Hofer introduced Con grcsmnan W. C. Hawley, who spoke cm the subject of 'The Tub lio I.and Policy of the Future," in which he stated that after thor oughly investigating the matter it was his oi'iuion, and also the opin ion of Secretary Honaparte flt WnHhington, that the law regard ing the Railroad Land dranta could and would be enforced, com pelling the railroads to sell the lands to settlers ut $2.50 per lu re. Representative.!. U. Campbell, of Oregon City; 011 "The Kquities of Development," and Prof. . L Young, of the II. of O. ol Kugeue, on "Oregon University and State Development," wero listened to with interest, both gentlemen put ting forth some good poirts and puggestions f"r the development of Oregon. Alter '.irief talk by Hon. Thou. Kay, of Salem, Piosident Kerr, of the Oregou Agricultural College was called, and spoke interestingly of the work of the O. A. C, and its relation to the development ol the commonwealth. KVKNINO PKSSION The Christian Church was filled to overflowing at the evening ses sion, a number of ladies being pres ent. After music by the orchestra, Governor deo. d. Chamberlain was introduced and spoke onv the "Cause of Progress," stating that one of the main causes for the great progress being made in Oregon, is due largely to the Lewis and Clark Exposition, that being the first great effort of the people of Oregon in advertising their great state to the world, the result of which is now Bhowing itself. He also spoke encouragingly of the grea, good being "done by the Development Leagues of the state, and urged the people to eputiuue to ask ,and de maud of the National Congress sufficient appropriations for the im LEAGUE CONVENTION provement of our harbors and liv era. Hon. U. 1 Jiiiiim, of Indfp'ij deuce being absent, his Hubj'ct.j "The Untile for an Open River,"! was ably prrseutcd by Col. Ilofer. Col. Ilofer is an enthusiastic be liever in water ways as 11 menus of transportation, and ho say; he bc boJieves the only way to solve the high freight rates and car i hoi lage is to build water ways and open In- liver (1 r I r.'iiiviuii till uai th-il the railroad companies are moj tally afraid of water trrnsportation, ami all that iw 1 en Haiy lor the j 1 -opl-of Ivigeim and C'.M.igef'rove to do. is to build a stcamliout and anchor it somewheie in the tivtr, and the car Hhortawe would immediately teaSe- T. K. Campbell of thd city, chairman nf the railioa 1 ei.mmis- sion told wliHt the coiumission is; doing, and lion Louis litiie i Kosebnrg, tol I about th I-.N-i Imi spirit of Houfbur and i.'oos I ; 1 v Hon. l'eter Iij-ie of Ncitli l!--n l, was present, and npoke bnetly ol the wonderful rcHouices o Coos 1 liny and its excellent harbor, con-i teudiiiK that Coos I lay could :iial 1 would b made one of the !e v-.t hat Kirs of the world. After the reports of the various committees and the election ol of ficers, the Convention adjourned, and a reception and banquet . w.i , held in the Commercial Club room i which was greatly enjoyed. During both sessions of tho Con vention the Cottage drove quai-; telle was heard in a number of n lections. Thus chmed one cf the iiiont Huccessfut meetings held by the Willamette Valley Development League, and no doubt much jood will come of it. The new ollicers are: rresidenl IC. Ilofer, of Sab -in. Secretary K. II. Koseiibnre;, ul Cottage drove. Treasurer Walter Tooe, 01 Kails C.ty. The following resolutions wcie adopted by the Convention ; WhereiiM, the requirements nf 1 he Willamette Vulley tlmuml adlitloual i'litlwny faeilltlfH to t I'lewjit'-r a well iih to the terminals of the triiiiseohti nental rnllroails at I'oi l luinl, iireui, II ml WliereiiH, nni'leetrle line lian heen projected from onelniiK to Coos I'.a.v which will K've an outlet, to a deep water hnrbor, and Whereas, the const met Ion of .said line If extended throiiKhout the Wil himetto N'nlley would Klvenu niitli t ancS facilitate the HldiinentH of the products of 0110 of the richest valleys III thi) world which has heietot'i ue been hampered by the luck of ade quate transportation fucllitlcH, mid Whereas, the count ruction of n.ud eloctrli! railroad from Coos Itny to KoHcburtf, and from Ivoseliui'K to J'ortluud, will have an Important IteiiriiiK on the IikIiihI rial develop mentnf tin entire WeHtern (iii'on country, and NVIierens, the banks of the Wil lamette Valley now contain a surplus of over :t,0(M.0(l() which could he ad vantageously placed to the hid tel lilelit of the hankn and the people, therefore bo tt Resolved : The Willamette Valley Development J.cynueiu hcmhIoii assem bled does hereby declaro Itself in fa vor of such project ami does hereby pledge tho moral support and assis tance of thia I.eaKiie to see this object consummated at the earliest posslblo moment, ami be lt further, KeBolved: That wo do hereby re K'ret that the road from Drain to Coon Hay has not been pushed to the early completion that the people of Oregon wero led to expect, and he tt further, ItcBolvad: That a copy of these iCHolut lona he Fpreud upon the 111111 utea of this LeuKim and published in the public, press. Whereas, the Willamette Valley Development League recognize the Importance of rendering the physical (Contliiuud to fourth page) ALL READY FOR A GRAND T1E; Wijf, Fourlli of July Celebra lion al Collage drove j hoyraut of the Sports and Exercises ol Hie day Amusements (or all t Both Old and Young and Handsome Prizes for the Lucky Ones. I In- v.i 1 ii it -v I'cuitli of July com - iij it !---, li.-i'.n 0111 1 . 1 1 'I I lit ir woi K , ali i I li iW 11.;' 1. 1 lie ci 11:1 union;,' 1 . 1 1 1 1 ployjuiu "I i.-v-l;ts provl led. The -in' f t'ii- ( cleluntiou is now in ll.-- ! 1 ' ' i 'I 'hi- ileik ni the , W,.:1, M , :in 1 lt ,,i,:v ne Iik inc-1 str,tt. c;( ( .t ic th" l'n. om liver ,,,, ,,, , ,t. ,, minivcuiiy one - 'a,,, j,s tiibntaiic 'lie 'MMie-t ever b.ld ill Cotl.lei .j,. ,,,,,. o) allli, was j i.-.v- Vh- committers h .v- don.- ,1(jli;,lt i,.:)11, j( n,(, ,,.t l-jisla- lh ii wnik w-li and nil . ho r I . ih's ci'-,- to cehhrriti ' - a 11 be a .mi I mi li iin;; a 1 '"u- i 0 tune. llio(,K.M foll,,n.- is the lui" of l.lis. overe-l th'.- i ffect of the amend Onh i of 1'ro'csMon an I ; mi ni while noting in th.: judge's Mai. h I'l OJ I ,i III lof t llL- l!l Celebiation to be held in Cotl.i;:c drove July 4th: I ti.- proi - ssi, ,n will I'-riii on I oiirth ! t ivi I 111 fl-o-it ol' t In-cil . h ill at1i::!0l MAC' ll ! Mo Main I r. ei we-t to I; 1 ver st 1 ect , ; I Ice lire 10 .it ll to Second Kt feet , '. lie II cc ; uot to A -tlcet, thelicc south to j W a II wl I . I he 1 ice to t he frove. uit 1 i : it nr i'i: x'i ssiun ( '1 it I :ii.'e ( i love I'.alld I aln-1 ty al I'licle S;om'h I'm (''mplliV I' i A. II. Si. iis - i Vi-leraiis Women's IJelicf Corps ( i i-- drdeis I loan I i ':in -Lip'-,' bii i li s and autoinotiiles 1 1 'it izen on hoi si back I On mi 1 i al al I h-park the following 1 cvrcis.-" will l;ike place : ! Musii- bv the I'. tiid Pi -iyci liv I In- (. ' 1 1 1 1 1 I ; 1 i 1 1 . UeV. .1. Ii. Ileal ly. Music by the Hand. Kcailuio ,, 1 lecl.aiatioii ,!' Inde pelldetH'e by .Ml-s (iellril'lc I'alllier. Music by'lhe I ;.i ml . I j aiiou by l!e . .1 . It N. Itcll. 1 . 1 i KA.sKlil' hlNN'l'.i; u 1 i:u""N 1 -n u ; ii m Al l::iu tin-re will be a. concert at Ha- park followed by music by the city ch oil -, al'tei which the following contests will take place : I'.ase I'.a II ',; me - 1st prize $.'!(! ; -lid pl'i.e S'-'il, oldv one t'ottilv'.e (il'ove 1 1 am lo cnii -r oil ;nd foot race, free for all, ?." nlid 7' -yard loot race for boys under Jl, ;j .".n Mini 1 ..'.11 ."iil-yard root race for hoys under I'i, U'.IM) ; 1 1 1 I il.oil. u yard foot nice for girls, :.(HI ,-ind l .."1O. 'niice-lei;v;cd race, $:j Till and 1 ."(). Old men's race, contestants t. be r.u vears old or over, t-'.T.oO jind Sack race, t.un and l.iKI. Half mile I'.icycle race, if.",. 00 and jf'' ."in. IMui? I'.nlics, I' -J .-.u to he eividcil as worked out. Iln- niiinbcris to be a j 1. . . ... . .. . . 1 t . . . 1. . .. 1 ... . . hi 1 011 iiiiiiii i o ' 1 n 1 11; it-ftiiiit. The baseball name will be plaed on the ball ground south-east of (own. The otter events will take place on the ni-onnds at the grove, ex cept the bicvele race which will be dow n l-'ourth street, south of Main. At .1 o'clock the Ancient Order of 1'ow .lays w ill hold high carnival on Main street . In the evenino a rand display 01 lire works followed by a Hruud "ball in the 1 1 I fellows 1 n i 1 1 1 1 Long Live the King Im the popular cry throughout lairo pean count l ies; w hile in America, the iry of t ho pit-sen I day Is "Long Live rr. K in's New liseoveiy, King of Throat and Lung Remedies!" of which Mrs Julia Ryder Payne, Truro Mass.. says. "It. never fails toive Immediate relief ami to ipitckly cure a cough or cold." Mrs. Payne's opinion la shared by a majority of the Inhabitants of this country. New Ihscovcry cures weak lutis and sore throats alter all ot her remedies have failed ; and for coughs and colds It 's the proven remedy, tiiiaranteed by Itenson'H Pharmacy, ode and $1,00, Trial bottle free. Vico President Fairbanks will b! me guest 01 me wsioria v nainoer i .1 . -.1 .1.. A . 1 t . of Commerce July 15, with banquet at iSeuside. i CLOSED ! No I'rolcclion for Game Fish lixcepl in the Umpqua Came Lav; Revoked by Amendment at the Last Legislature so That it:fll.(.jC(i Uj lnake xhl. mihu7, of the Only Applies to the Umpqua River , road an assured f.v.t, and a mass and Tributaries. j meeting is called to meet in that city on July 3 . when it is con - - : fidently expei ted Hie f ill amount 1 Tln-.i 1 . ii' 1 a los' d seas- i,ii (, ui h- lnti'r in 1 he ?tnto of . . . . ( ;r . oil . :;(( ;,! i I II ri.ii.qua river and l' : 1 1 ! ' ,11! 1 1 i , . :nd an lers may i f,,r 1 1 ' 1 j at any litiicof tho 1 yt.;ir iii ruiv 1 i ----- t or cork in the '' ' turn by rm ,t t nliii-h amended the OM 1.1V.-. IIS Ii :: I W ll I l.iw. Its li ::t was not. iliscov- ted until I it' 1 V 'A heu Itol. el t Shaw , In1;:" W'.-i'siet 's piivatc 'c'C.rc-tiry, ii,,. elmiiL'Cs in the laws ma Ie ,y nlt.. idatuie. ! 'phe closed s-asoiiloi troit was I , , lormeilv .Nov -mtier. I ecenner, j lanuarv. 1'ebraai v url March and was pti-"ctibed in section -O.'Uofi the co.U. !'',- an act f the last leg- ! Islature thi . section wri- uuiended, i so that now the- only statute provid- ing a do'cd sc'ii-on for Uout as 1'oUoa.-: reads - -y for any or have "It -ll ii i b? Uld'iwful pel son to take, catch, kill in poss,.s-ion any t.out except - mini Hint, diuino the months of I )ci ml ei , of :,m e-ii lanuarv "lid l et ruary til-en horn tho voters of tin- 1'aip.pi.i river or Us lribu. (.ra total of thirty miles. Alter ; and the first ten miles will be com tai icy, 01 at inn time to t ike, catch, ! the thii ty niih s are built r w ill be j pleted before the rains set in next kill, 0! have iu ,os'esion any ! :' easy in.Vlei 'o sv.-ur- money j fall, trout, chai or salmon less than five ' --r- inches in length, or to tal e, catch PACIFIC COAST GROWTH K'tat cb,u;es which ure taking or kill the .aim- bv any means what- I'b'ce in the South, in Wall street over except with hook and hue,; is not alone m this ignorance. The. conin.onlv called un.:li:iu " Is Ranked by an Eastern Journal as oa of people east of the 1. :.. 1 .... ,1, .. ,1 i.,...i n.o ! n.m nf tt,A Wnn.ure f tho no Reckies have but a dim realization 11 l-i mill t llii l 1 1 1 v v. - i iw 1 1 ( provision of this amendment of the; old law applies only to the Umpqua river and its t: ibntat ies, leaving no. law whatever -,- , , i,.,iiine oeven i oiiH-ni 01 uie tia.iue.ieau lar more umu tuarcii any oiner piovrung a lose 1 1 1 1 y season for t rout li-duii! 1" in mv other ri. 1 ;n i.-.u strea-n in the state. , The bill WHS introduced by Representative , I 111. Ol 1 I It.T m utative Hirg and was passed j 'l:co t'lf l'us wne" ,'oId dis-. ity to financial and population cen The amendment coVer'es ' al'fonj'a tevolution- ters of the Hast, with its great sea- son of Roseburi without change is found on page 5 of the l'.H)7 session iak'.s. The old section, which was su nerceded by Tackson's bill and is ;,., ,. U1 (ClHC ua ; . Section iii .t j It shall be tin- lawful lor any person to take, catch kill or have in possession any trout, except salmon trout, duiing the moidhs of November, December, January, l'ebruarv and March of any venr, and it shall bo ""lawful lor any jicr;on to tale, c itch kill or ; have in possession at any timo any trout, char or salmon, less than livo inches iu length, and it shall bo un lawful for any person to take, catch or l.ill at any lime in the waters of this state any trout by any means whatever except with hook and line and any one fishing with houk and line who, upon lifting the same shall find any trout, chat, or sahnon less than five inches in length caught or entangled thereon hIiuII immediate ly, with cure, and the least possible injury to the fish, disentangle and let loose the Hme, and transmit tho I fish to the water without violence," t. ... o 1.1?. ...1 .i..t:t R tia, y-. -V Coutinued to fourlli puo . I FROM EUGENE I'or some time pad '.n;- lias ben (jnietly at work getting nub ; scribers to stoc k to build a milroad I from that . rjiy to ti'lf writer in the. ISiushiw, and it iooks aw though ; th' ir efforts nr-to be crowned with tll.,. ,,. . needed will be raised. Stephen Carver, who recently built tho t 1 . i r t if . tn 1 ! r 'i 1 I ro '. , i fi .m Wl " " J"' '-" l" ; ntni 10, in Lantern (Jrej'on, is the ' - u man who 11 ueiuini inn new eiuer- pris. The. proposition he has made to the? people of Lugene i; published by the Juigene dunrd as follows: "('') 1 itu' to llunir! he was at 'once btruck with 1 h- rviK-iiLililipt; , . . c , ,. . r for busine'S for a road troivi Lu ,'ene to the Siuslaw. He inter- vie-v -d th' leading en--ns of the city and the matter was at once taken up by the .Merchants' I'ro - teetive Association and the Commer- cial club. Mr. Carver made a proposition for the people of Jvugeue to take : i : .. j I nn-n 111 i t-'Mii j.i ny 10 oe ., aui.i-o and he and his asnociates would take a like amount of the stock. The terms upon which this -toi.-k is made payable, are liberal and en tirely reasonn'olo The first 25 per cent is paid upon the organization 1 of the company to be; the second j I)t.r 4.enl Up0n f, completion of : ,e first teu tmles id the road- the ,ihiT(i per cent upon the - itiou ot tli t 11 laiN-s an I lho foulUl o.-; ,.l llt ,.oh j.,;,,,, (J, ih. t!iiul upon the ten indes y 1 1 v vi tut iiuimuid vi hi ny v. ivity which have treated the era Withiu the last ten or fifteen yeiir;,piie of the Pacific Coast. The South .e .1 -.1 ... ,r .1 i. 1 ' asiuueiou, aegon anu t'alitornia. has come to be rauked Jack-!aso,,e oi l,,e wom,,-,s "f U,e age. Iack-!asol,e 01 l'le womb-is of the age. Ji.odthe business inteietits of the 'world and turned to the Pacific i Const a mighty stream of the most ! active, viril" people- of America j ; there has been continued and rapid expansion on the other side, of the pUKky Mountains. Put within the i 1,., )ltC()de t,,iU wboie ,Cgiou has! ;iovC(, (rwai.j witu ft marvelous prtJ,reB8 kuown ot in general, but ! only sIiR;,tly eonipreheuded iu the : K,ls,t aui elsewhere. A few dsys ago ! uue of Wall street's ureal specula- ' . . ...... ...... v ,rH .. . ago thoroughly familiar with the Paci fic Coast, where ho had lived for some years, returning from a visit to that section after a long absence, could scarcely find words to express: his amazement at its progress. His ' h lailure to keep up with what that j section is doing aptly illustrates the! condition of tho whole country! east of the Rocky Mountains. It j has been well eaid that "Wall street knows the price of oveiythiug andjyo;lr wiu ieave tbo l)ands of the tho value of nothing," Wall street which pets tho pace for much of the J'ast, knows compaiatively little of the real foundations on wldch American development i' founded and kuows but little of the TO SIM TIDEWATER with which to.ejfend the line on to tidewater on the Siuslaw river or clear to the mouth of the river at I'lorei,re if it is deemed btht." It is intended to operate the road by .steam, Although at some future tune it may be electrified, if it is deemed best to do so and if it is found that the heavy trains can be operated f-uccessjully with electri city. However, 11 railroad is what tho people want and it makes no difference whether it is operated by steam or electricity, just ho there is an outlet to the sea and a mans whereby the billions of feel of the fmeft timber in the world can be marketed is furnished. In the agreement which is signed by the subscribers to stock in the enterprise is a clause wherein it is stipulated that the road shall never be told to the Southern Pacific Co. It is also agreed tht a majority of the directors of the road shall be j ,esidents of Lane county ns also ; f- secretary and treasurer. It will ! be a local company and will be j rnl, trolled bv local cmital J v So sure was the committee of success of the project that the work 1 of securing the right of way for the rosid was started some lime ago. The committee in charge of that part of the work haa pet with very food success as far as it haa gone, the fanners alon the proposed route leadilj signing the contracts." If the people of Eugene and Lane county are iu earnest in de siring a railroad to tidewater now is the time to secure it, by subscrib- ' liberally for the stock anu rais- ing the amount necessary. If tbia. 1H ,in0 tue Work of building the I railroad will at once be commanced of that marvelous energy and act r . 1. . 1 eouuiry ou eariu in 119 nuvauiages. In coal and iron and cotiou and other natural resources, in proxim- , other natural resources, in proxim- coast, haviug on the South Atlantic : and on the Gulf nearly one-half of Ihe ports of the United Slates, it j has limitless possibilities. lUit, i ; great as has been its progress, it : needs to eateh somethiu!? of that breezy atmosphere of activity and energy which have wrought such marvtU on the Pacific Slope. Manufacturers Record. The Charming Woman is not necessa.ilv one of perfect form : and features. .Many a plain woman who could never serve as an artist's model, pussessi's those rare qualities that all the world admires; neatness, clear eyes, clean smooth skin and that spriKhtliness of step and action that accompany nood health. A physically weak woman is never attractive, not even to herself. Lleetrie Hitters re- '! "l l,k "omen, givestrong nervea bright eyes; smooth velvety nkln, beautiful complexion. tiiiaranteed ,U 1c"""'a l''""'imcy. ',0 cents, It is th- concensus of opinion ,,,n0j, the best advised grain men, lhat ,i,e vvhcat crop of llie reBen. farmers of the Pacific Northwest from Sno.OOO.OOO to $10,000,000 assuring good times. If you want a good farm talk to Hindu the real estate man.