Devoted to tlir Mining, Lumbering and I-'urtnin;.' Intcrcp; of 1 hi Community, VOL. IX COTTAGIC GROVIi, LA N K COUNTY ORICGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNPC 20, 1907. NO. 21 1 AREA is un Compared lo the Widening Demand For Lumber Entire Exhaustion Looked tor in Thir ty years by the Way the Torests Are at Present Being Denuded Mammoth Trees to Disappear For all Time to Come. In regard to the growing demand for OrcL'011 timber Inn. In. W. T. Humev, ex-.egistcr of the United , . , . ... M Slates Iind Oll'iee nt Oregon Citv, nays: "The oiil settlers thought the timber lauds of Oregon were nil ta ken up when I was in office, twen ty yearn ago, hut they know noth ing of tlie extent m.d fntutc value of these land. At that timo mill men wwtild conHilcr only the tall fir ndptcent to nuviijiihlc stream iN'ow fiy legal snh li vinioo , no matter how far front stream or railroads, is eatrei ly filed mi, and that entry nien are not pHi nlvMit the size of the treeH either. They wi-II ( take upland thxt is covered with second growth rapliug", as tlipar j trees hav a maiket value tliey li.l , not have iwentv veara ml'o. ! "The timber Innda of tha North weal ie really of limited area, con- sid.riitft tlie wi.leniug demand for,J(1,d ))t f()r H lino f ,1(.ll,l f(OJI lumber, and I look lor their entire j p;ugen to connect with the regular exhaustion within the next thirty I line of boats operating out of Pott years, in the light of the present 1 a 1 1 The i.lea, us explained In , ,. ,. Sir, liRinbcit, is to put on boats ol denuding of the forests nt the I denuding liands of thi loggers. Timber, therefore, is destined to go up in ft) " price, as the supply lessens, ami 1111-! less Home Hubstitute is discovered iu the meantime, there will bo little or no available building material in the year 107. ' '.'At the same time concrete and steels is coming into favor among builders, and the shortage of lum ber may not be felt no acutely as the trees are cut down. It will take about fifty years for the young X'ilars to become available for piles -and poles, ttie second growth may become available for thcee purposes in the course of time. The mam moth lieea will disappear forever, and the land upon which they now Htnnd will be changed into agricul tural or grazing lands, and increas ing in value as the years go by." SUFFRAGE IS A FAILURE. Miss Phoebe Cousins, a Former Strong Advocate. Takes Woman"8 Privi logo and Changes Her Mind. l'hoebe VV. Cousins, the first wo man United States marshal this country ever had, for many years ono of the most ardent ndvonatcB of erptal righta for. womeu, and n prominent figure at every woman's rights convention in the early days ot the movement, declares that suf frage lias been a failure, and ex presses her belief that! the country ih not ready lor female votes aud will not be for some time. Miss Cousins declared that the Huf'fragistH got off on the wrong track. She defended Reed Smoot ngainst his female opponents and said that the suffragists, in lighting Smoot, vvoro trying to mix church with state, iicondition which should never be tolerated. 1 11 demanding prohibition for the District of Columbia, Miss Cousins says that it would bo absurd to es tablish such a law for the District of Columbja were toreigu diplomats who are used to drinking should be entitled to what they are vtBed to and what llif y want. "I was in Colorado 111 IH'.M," nays Mish Cousi, ".-mil had itn oppor llinitV to judge the woman vijli 1. Sh" hu'l lir full swing Ihit en KesnK showed that th- wonn-n were j 1 1 h 1 un tabid puti , nn as men. t J 1 V v ted for 1 ;i 1 y iu.i I n pmci pie In a wod, tiny voted as their husbands Vfiind, mid if women are fe'fiiii( to do that way, we might, an wtll let Hie men do tin- '.ting and save time and h. idols. ' I am no longer a siilfiagiat. I ilon't think the MilTrfisln at' in harmony with tin- (-(institution of the United State, and I don't think that politic 'an In- improved by the woman's vote " Mihh Cousins ss h"in in St. Louis and furmrtly ma I'1 that ( it) hfr home. Some yean ago hhe removed lo Washington and has pursued her literary wmk there. She vs the first woiihii ever n. 1 milted to Washington t'niversity and was the Univcistty's Imt wo man v'liidnate. having reoived her h. 1. "yvi leil Unitn.1 .States marshal in IsSi to succeed her father, who died. Remarkahle Rescue. Thai iinth Ih ni nuer than lietiuii. llllH nlice linil'e lieftji ileim in -I r.i tei in III.' Ille of Cl-ilnra. 'IVnn . , I le renhlelN ! of ', V. Pepper. IP'Wl ile "! WM III l.eil. enlel . 1 1 -a 1 . 1 - 1 with hem ri Im uei iif he luiij.' find thin it. i )ueiiH fuileil lo help nie, mnl ill hope hiel tied when I 1 enn t il.inii 10 , KIiil''i4 New I lsco et v. I hen ln-titii j ichef i-aine. TliecoUKl hiii kooii e.'.'i-eil tllt Mei'in' illiiiirii-heil i j'li.ll ,', ,in I i ill llili-e WeekH I Wan nlil" lo . to i work." liiiiiiinteeil i,,r e..ciiliH jieljon h! ''-'" nil ics, an imiease o , Mic. iiimI I.uiiI JS.-iik.-c Pha; 7- 1 N, IaAini(, ieeirof 1 llllli'V, lilttl liotlle tree i " . , . i the 1-Mid olnee s ivh there is no 1111- More River Coats. R. K. Knox, secretary l the p.n KeJ M,(.li:ui,s- .,oI, ,.,IV aocia tjoll iiaH ,eceivod a b iter fn-mU. M. liamheit, piesident nf the Ci'i- ens Hank 01 I ort laud. 111 whi'-ii be deniren to find utituljat induce- iimnl I In- inel elm nt m luie will very ngiii umu nu 110 upp.-i i.i !in and with enrning capacity of about -0 tot s each. The boats wnild be feet lony, 1 1 feet beam j and capable of running lo to I miles per hour. They can be gut I on about ten inches of draft at all ! seasons of the year to and from Un gene. The proposition will at oik bo taken up by the association and correspondence with Mr l.nmln it opened, p'roin the l.u t that nu n of financial standing ant taking held of the project, it would stem that it is no visionary scheme, but that the promoter mean business. With a little dredging at a cost ol a few hundred dollars, several bars between bete and the lower iiwr could bo put iu such shape thai it would bo possible for utich boats I mentioned by Mr. I.unibeit to navi gate the river as lar as Uugene at all times of the year. Kiigcno Guard. ORECON S REFORMS WORLD WIDE Citizens of Swcedcn Wants to Know About Initiative and Rcfe. - endtim. That the eyes of the world am fixed on Oregon is no mere ctheiciil Ulream ot tlie enthusiastic booster. Not only are Oregon h great and undeveloped resources enticing to hundreds of emigrants but the great governmental reforms the Heaver state has inaugurated are no lesB attractive to foreign diplo mats and publicists. Another instance was noted in a letter received by (loveAior Cham berlain from far away liweedon. The missive sought inloimalion rel ative to the initiative and referen dum ancl more particularly on its effoct on political parties. The in formation is sought by Otto tlrond luud of Stockholm, who is connect ed with the Central Bureau of Sta tistics of Sweodcn. Ho ntates that he is preparing a tieatiso on the subject and that ho has learned that the two measures had been adopted by tho Oregon legislature and that he wished to know moro of their practical application. Jf you want a good farm talk to Hinds the real estato man. LAND ENTRIES linlries Increase From 850 , H, . r. itr . to 926 in Six Weeks. Requests for Extra Clerks to the In tcrior Department Almost Ignored! Entrynien Indignant Over tlie Out -; lagoons Treatment Papers on File . Many Months. ! ' 'ili(.'e'-tiuii if tiin'ar land and home, lend ei.liies in the United Sidles l.and ():li'-e in Rosel.iir' has i' i n Iro'ii I if to woisn Six .lv ! j . i ,'-,pe(ial I nspTt or N. J OliiK-n at lived from D'Mivr for I lie announced purpose nf ai-'elni;' toii-lieve thiseonge' tion, tliir" wern on hie in the land nltiei- s"o . nt i j i - .. Tliumday nmrn-in:- " li -i. In- M ini O'P.tien 1-lt for 'id.l.ii'l. Calif, pntsuatit to a ., ,., i h i !.)Di ti e I n t ri r Ik t U''..-i)ii)ton, there were . life lit ilnedia'f tli"f in ?ight,as the In it'ii r I t tiin ( n,(-nt has-made 110 pro vision I n ri 1 elell.s nei.ili d to t clear : .vny tiie. liel I up entries. "Tide and ii;.;ain we have tirgent Iv ie piesteil th' Ilitelior Oo . n 1 1 -ni'-nt to pi ov el. for cxti a elei ks so tl .it llie-M- ullir-' e.Hild he disposeii ol," .-.11 I I.'.Cf iver l.awreni-e today, "hilt each tint" we hive lieen in humed t itit Hi"!" are no funds javid ibh foi sm h a purpose, Whil Mi I'lirieii is u competent. 1 nspeet- 01 mspectot was not required t" tllj. w - needed extra clerks, mi l have need. I them for months, but jtnt when e are going to get j them would bedilliiult to piopheay.j lnspeeti.r O'P.tieii merely repeated the woik oi picviniH inspector'-, ' 1 ' ; approving '-nines that long ago j uii'b-i went mvi dilation and should I 1 have been expedited 'to patent, j Now, I suppose, instead of allowing j ,.,1,1!.. ilw. I, , tenor Deimi-lmei. I stid another inspoctor to j go over the work that has already been 'h;ue ' ' To say that. nlrynieu, whose pa- , 1 ,. , r . . . peis have hem 011 hie for mauy months, aic indignant over such -.1 outrageous treatment is putting it mildly When Inspector O'lbbui was detailed bete six weeks ago, it i .,.10 iivtiiU,l lli'it ..tiliiec tvoiihl br. .1-1 V 1'V IVM LII'll expedited to p t tent . Failure to realize this expectation and the gloomy prospect, of many more weeks and probably months of wait ine. has moused the harshest criti- ciHin of the Interior Department. Kxen those who have heretofore Hy the litnple means of nicking justified the Department's delays on a spade into the ground at Peek tho ground of needed investigation ski11- N" V.. recently and turning , . . . , over a s-od, the mayor of Newvork do not, hes.late now to join in ''uiclty inaugurated work o tlie new denuiicialion of tho gross injustice j w;,tt.r supply system for that great being done to hundreds of nppli- njctropoliH, whieh will be the most cants with honorable intentions, tremendous ever undeitaken. It Unloitunately, however, the entry-1 men have but one alternative, and that is' to await the gracious pleas ure ol tho maladministration at at Washington. Uoseburg Review. A Fortunate Texan. Mr. 10. W. (biijdloe, of 107 St. Louis St., Dallas, Tex. .says: "In tlie past year I have become ticiiialnted with Dr. Kind's New. Life I'llls, and no Inv ntive 1 ever befoie tiied so effect uully tllKposes of inaliii fn and bilioiisnesH." They don't grind or gripe. Ects. nt PieiiHiinV I'harnmey. Fxnrcss Rates Reduced. I 1- Wells Fargo Kx press company has reduced the express rate from Portland to Cottage Grove irom 1.25 to $1.10 per buddred. THE LEAGUE IN SESSION Willamette Valley Develop3 i I if i mcnl League Meeting The Commercial Club Has Put folh Untirinrj Encrqyto Make it the Most! I Successful one Ever Held -Fine Proyram for Hie Event Has Been Prepared. The ui'-etinj.' of the Wil- ' l,iin'',t( ,s 1:1 Sl Vatley I l -vi-lupin- n i League io'i to 'n.v, :nd i att-ndod lii niv -P !''" 'e-i from 01 1 mi -it ion ; m other part of the ' o'inty and throu;h tl;r. vnll-y. The matter ol trnnup,'itaion and water 'v.iVH vi,l iic-ive : -p ci 11 Hlt'nttou, out fiiiil mtcHt-, our re Miun ( h an I iiidu-tries, will alno be brought into prominence. Anv and II far;ri-M, miners and business '"-" ,li, lr w've, and daughters , vi'.l he welcomed. 111 hvt it is de- J - iiniit that as mauv .attend as t.os- hat a lble, as tin- session will be full of interest for all. The delegates and visitors attending Hie convention . . are invited to make lite usu of the I club rooms a-, guests of the Com mercial Club. The following pro gram of exeieh-es li.'S been r taiiged : I ia r,v: vt Millie OrrlifHlM A'l'lle-s ni WYIi-iitii" ,11 li- lnilf yf ' I ' anmi'icial C lull ( '. .1. Howyl d Aidies ol U'eli'ullii' oil behalf of citv Mayor .1.1. Jones McciMig pl.n-eil in i-im r.'.i' nt' 1'ivii-d.-i'tt ..mViPauvttf Y.aliey De velopment ! . ai.' 11 ..(' d . IS llofer Annual leel ion of oilii-ers and oih.-l ini-iie"s The l.nst t in ir. I.. 1 1 tin r S u I livu n Male i ,111. n t. tt.- The PmI I l.iuel l'"hcy "1 the I ul II 1 e ( '. iIi.lM'i'xmiui 11 1 1 aw ley "'1'he I '.' j'li t i'- if I h 'pnient " . .1 . I ' . Campbell III. .11111 I ' n: vi-r-ir v .1 in I S 1 .1 1 e I h'- velopment ......! rot I'. ii. Young '1 he N orl li Wind.. 'batty I ; 1 1 iiart'tte -p, an.-,p..i -tali"ii and Waterways. ... , Col. i:. Iloiei- Mu n- On hestra rvcxiso m-i..s- s, p 111. ur .Oivh.-strn Kepolts ofcoinmilites ail'IColl- n,,. P.edouin hove Son;,' ellli-aiill ol illsineK . I'inxuti .Male iuai'tette Cause of Pi'Kgresx. . iov. Chamberlain The battle iSr an np.m Kiver Hon. b. F. Jones it:., ll'l . ... I I. ... ....l...i. n 1 lee o in- e , i i i iiu.i i in-. M:,le ipiarlelte The ltailroad Commis-ion and In- dutrles of Oregon T. K. ( 'ampliell , j,. Sl,i,.it ios.-inirg and Cons I'.a.y.. lion, bonis Karzee ' ' The Way New York Proposes to Supply Its Citizens With Pure Water wju cxcft!a the Suez, canal in cost with a total of $ll')l,(HlO,(i(K and is to ultimately furnish tho city with a mere tiille of SOU, 000 000 gallons of water daily, in addition to its present supply. So great is the consumption of water there, that one after another all tlie available streams ami watersheds in tho im mediate vicinity have been ex hausted, and the pioblem o get ting the necessary supply has as sumed more serious proportions. .is a result iu" greatest unuei iaii iug ever attempted for. such a pur-1 1 1 . : 1 .! poso is now under way. It involves .rd limn lou I liin Mu ril tv: f.M- - , I. . ,:i . ' uo. o. u.,o, umnu m, ,, to- gether with tunnel, aqueduct, audi reservoir construction on i Titanic I scale. The water will How 130 rnilf H from the farthest limits of tlie ! Supply to tlie fount iin in City Hall park Hid the v it ei h Is fo !,r. , : drained Ime an urea of more than o.j vpiar miles. A filter plant DO ! ; acres in extent mid two rewej yoirs, ! 'fine of them having u ap trii.y ..f ' 12,000,0(10,000 K!lijlH an Hie : other 10,000,000,000 .) be lent tires of the work. 'I lie latter fen- i"pX vVrom huiVa'LVlper 'ones, will be 12 miles Ion;j by two n.iicS wide, the s.n.iiw o.,e win ner exsit'ite tlie removal of the j entire village of Kensico, including ling many old homesteads whore ! families have, lived for generations. ereal, M"CV Vfe the water to tlie city will 1,,-jvm a lmre larger than the ui, -, and will : "der Hudson over ataj I uepui ol OOO lei.t. Of course, New Vork does not expect to drink all of the water. ' Some of it will he used f.r hathing i purposea and the f.'teet cleaning! commissioner is of the opinion that; the streets also should he washed! every .lay, an operation which will teniarid the contents of a small i l"ko. Statesmau ' " " The Magic No. 3. .Nuinlei lliref h nnlei lliref ;t wieleiful mas-1 lor iei. H. Pant-, of (' .-cit (inner Me., n.-eoi to a letter j which ivmls: "Alter suffeiin- much I " 111 , . noniue. an.. i,.- comim: trrently ili-euura''efl hy the j failure to tind relief. I tried hV-ctrie 1 mi. I three bottles c.fK; !. !-. 1 the hj." ' ":" "" ' '"- " r M omaeli, , , 1 1 . I .11 fl K 11 v I niiWi 1 lier b.V l'en- hi in Phariaaew ."ii'cts. Don't do Any Good to Get Mad. The people of F.ugene are becom ing impatient because the S P 1 . 1. .1- noes noi no eeiratn tilings, say i -.l . . tt,n : . , 1 ,0. . ,-ape, mi. jusi r,e; man and see .vhat go'id it doe?. Tho j madder you get with the S t the j slower will be the response. Just pattu U.K. boy9trjftH vviUOllt ulllllje CQst tQ thfi on the back and it wi I corns ju.t ; )eoplej hy tbt. simple expedient ot as quick. We are almost past the i stepping in with g0Verement oper m,d stage. Albany D cm-crat. . ation of monopolies andgovern- He Fired the Stick. "I have fiie.l tlie walking sti. k I've carried over in you:-, on a. eouiii of 11 !..!. !.. Wwlt...l .......... I-,'... I .1' m-nt, until I tiied' liueklen-s Ainiea railroads mid telegraphs and such Salve : that has li ;'; il the sole and , things as need to be monopolies for made me a hnpnv man." writes ,lohiiit, . r . , . . (iniiett, of North Mills. X. c 1 inar-1 their successful and cheap develop iinteed for piles, l.ui ns. . t.-, by liea- 'ment, The government keeps the sun's i'linntiiicv. .Vifetiif. - , . ..... ' . m . manufacturers in check by its du- Linn-Lane Boundary. 1 tiss and taxes. It is seemingly a Assessment ot propel ty adjacent ve,'-v paternal government, but per to thf bom (l iry lino between Linn I haps not more so thau is necessary an 1 Lane counties, will not be j to secure to the individual citizen made until the H.irvey oi the new j his liberty aud equalil whieh we line has been completed and t lie j , , , ,.., I; 1 ,,;, t.. 1 , 1 n 1 r- declare for them, but fail to s2cure line definitely located. Deputy Limi County A-ssessor Knl fiidier, con-1 to t'ie:u- feired with Assessor Kieney of I We will get there after awhile, Lane county thi week iu ICugene, j but New Zealand seems to have and the m uter of the, boundary , slnleu a malch on us They have and the assessment ot properly was; . , , . , discussed. The Hue was changed I StrCet Car fared fr a Penny- wluch hy act of the last legiiat me, where-:s two cents; and a seat for every by Linn county obtaius laud form- j passenger. When the seats are full erly iu Lane couuty. but which by j o more are tukeu aboard, an ar- situation naturallv belongs to this county, Change of Time. The time ot arrival of No. 12, the not th hound overland passenger train dun here nt 11:20 a. m. has been changed to 1:1(1 p m or about two hours !abr w hich will probably bring it on time, as it has been about that much Into for tho past t mouths The time of arrival of the Cottage (Love local his been ( hanged also, from '.) :."() to 10:0.1 p. m. Acciden to a Pioneer. (1- A. Hurt, a well known pioneer of Oregon had a narrow escape from death iu a runaway accident in Portland last week. Mr. Hurt, who is 84 years of age, was on his way to the home of his grandson, when he was knocked down and trampled upon by a runaway team attached to a delivery wagon. No bones were broken however, and the agetl IU3n-s jnjurjeN, while pain 1 ful are not thought to be serious , was in the (ity from his nome ut oucaua to aiteiui tlie pto- users reunion. THE PEOPLE REALLY RULE Adopt Many New Ideas for Self Government 1 Where the Government Operates the Railroads. Telegraphs, etc.. Where no Monopolies are Allowed to Exist and Where the People Actually Rule in Fact. We read in the magazines a great many articles on New Zealand. It j ls a new country, but it Heetna able ! to iurnib many ne ideas of eov- 'ernment. Some of these as detailed 1 by a prominent official of that coun- ; try, not long ago, miebt be Drofit- aliy imitated iu this cottBtry v . . .. ,, 'ew faiana, it would seem, lis governed on the idea which ia graduailj' controlling ( strength here that the people really ; rule. There they do it in fact; here tbe have only done it in name. 1 "'.v 'i iuc tuouwus ui our ruleis, who too ofteu have fallen An. o ..... r i, ..ii into the habit of regarding them : selves and their own interests as ' the peopled and of ruling accord 1 jiugly. Here the corporation has 1 1 ia i ' l 1 -v vuuiiui J I L 11 1 U X I UUI whjcb it u UQW tQ be torQ dowQ New Zeiland seems to have taken 1 .it oy me ear in nme, ana to have HecureiJ the development of iodu- I ment hsnd on conspiracies seeking to suppress competition in business. The government operates the rangeineut recouimeuding itself to the good sense ot everyone save ttoe transporter, no one ot whom has ever seen its propriety. I They say the proposed passeuger I would howl if excluded; aud so he I might; but the way to pacify him is I to give him a seat in another car I which is also another remedy which the transporter in this country finds too costly. Guard. Will Locate In This City. Dr. J. O. Van Wiukle will move to Cottage Grove trom Wendling where he has enjoyed a lucrative practice for the past year and a half. He expects to locate permanently aud lias rented the offices over the Hank of Cottage Grove and will occupy them after July first. He is the local phvsieiau for the Booth- ' Kelly Lumber Company, also is dis trict surgeon for the S. P. Co. Mr. Morris sold him a Trowbridge piano to take with him to Cottage Grove, Hegister. If you sutler from bloating, belchlujr sour stomach. Indigestion or ilysjiep- sin, mite a Kings ir,spepta Tablet . ru. , , and overcome the 1 (liH(1R.Veable tl.oui,le. It will Improve the appetite and aid digestion. Hold by New Era Prutf Srore. ( '--, '