Lodge Directory. RKBKh AIIS r,,v,y. l'l. Meetim.: 1M . -r.l 1 1 1 1 c, .'111. I '! Il I li ilnv ofcvrrv iii 'i'lli, r. 1 1 r u, i.r. i ;. K ATI I. I'. A I V ii il . Sit. . . , I ROYAL NrlC.llllOKS Mill i ; illlll Itll I .till 1 ' ot' "I. tl I'H ill! Il Mi s M i;v u ', Oi;, I i . M;:i. C. V. V mi mi-. !:.- - w o. v r."iH'nn.i r.inip. Meet'- rv I'l V l'l i'l.'IV i vrnm , I.. V. iM i:. Cm .-. til -! . V I l !-t ;i .. I I, . K O 1 M. Mi'i'ls rvi'l v i;. k . r.i M-. C.I'M :i I C I hill i O II I ( ', it. r. ...,P N K. of I - 1 n v ' 'ii n- .Meet- I'liTV V. . -- ,' i;'. i: I'm, I'll - 1 o m. 0 1 1 i'ii t'.'II.IM' 1,1,' I y vt ' . i . 1. 1 in' tii ! lie.' A. I'KI I l Si M W of A T,;r- i.i i'i . - i- .. i h .',i.i . s !' r. W. V u i m n a A uii'i ;i ;.v n; ii. i ill. r. V. ( VV. !. Alert !- ;:li mi in 111 mi 'A .1 ll'li l :':.! I' i Y . i n; I i.i. 1 1 ill Mi; Forcsiti s of Moii l.iv i'i'.' KhN svt oi.-n. Vmcru.A i ii;, c. r. ro r. I.-iv S. A i , ; i in .hi ; ( n i: I V. Sri r M. i i: w.i-i G A K Mo'is .,; I S,! ! ,ii l.'i i ii v;. i -v- l r. L-i: li 1.. O T 1.'. I ill il 1,1 1 -1 t -' mkIi. l" . 'ly t, in.-. :i r: I -l!1' i II 1 ri Mi I.i: ; Ci F-. S.--r..n lit' 4. .Nl "ri in :- '..-'.! o:i day : u : . m .' li . .ii.s. i: .-! - 'I' (' !.! Ml.-.. -M I !:. Vi iii i.i I . W. R C -A!.; ill-' VJ, M.'.'l ..'i i " in A . 1 i:. i 411, S.;l '1I-.I.1V oi i '.. .Ikn'NII' Wo' ii--. ii in, a,: ii I U. k i '. IT At the Churches Mni ...di.-t i: j . .1. ).. I.oaitv. pa i i i it ! i'r. Hi ! seivie.- .11 il .i. i in. S ri I.:;. si 1h. Kpworth f'.'.'iio. I'. '.n lii.etin 'I ii.ii .-.'i;r. .' All are eotdiallv invi! ;i i pr. ( 'lirisllan S.-irtiCf -t l .ic-ovt-r AHisi u'-, Jiirici' ;.lm;i .Sunday r.ri; iiiir. a! i t o'.-h i Wcil'.C""! -IV L'c:,;iiv at o'cioc Clni-iiaii Chiiuii. i Olron I'astor. St-rvici tlie inori'iti and 7."i) i iii.'. V I'. S. C I', i:'!o i. I'L '' ilil I.i V o'rlocfc, I nl':' i i.'.'i".ii:U. Society a i &v. I C eviv Satnr.! ' .' o' at u ill.- iti'-f', eh- Ol READERS suas-n tiMuvAZ Leiutifully i!luilratcd,gcuJ storifi nd article! ahout Caliomi and all the f.-.r Wert. TOVJN AKD COUIoP.Y JCUiiri.xL a iiicnilJy puLIu ohon d- voi' d to lliu fdir.iirg inteic.' ul the Wetu $1.50 a ytw $0.50 it yen ROAD CF A TKO'Jf A:;o 0OKi3 a ixiok of 75 rjoi. . or.utnui2 120 colonvl i-hot-.-jraf-li of pictuiewjue rjuU in California sod Orrgon. Total . , . $0.75 $2.75 $1.50 All for . . it Cut out ll.i- uJveai.MiieQt end K'.nd with $ 1 .50 to SUNSET MAGAZINE JAMES FLOOD BLDG , SAN MiA.'iUiCO I COUCH i AND fj' tu.ir IV 11 1' 'Withy "fOW'J'Ji'.li'.i OUfiHsaf. 1 1 .1. ) . a; . VI-00 ) f'ri'i lriul J ' -A iv ' , -.ii I Uunafc una Uiiiwi. ;'. 'j.ivi ' ) : I THi. OAT f i " .ii : t-f ' 0 (.! i B UJf?, or ?'!0fvi.-V ' -' l'yi' l-'yul blanks Nugytt i Ilice. ! WOMEN'S WOES ; Cottiirjc Ciovc .Women arc Finding Kchrl at List j It ilo i in tli ii wntntM' i;ivo ,ni no lli i'i I'M s!i Hf l 1 In' aclies 'mi l th it alllii'l Immunity; lhr mti--' ' keep tin." tllll'o ;Ml'llil !" ,iiin'. tii v) t if ivtrTintly iirlt ,', i ' li.u k' . or lic.i-' H lie, diy ; i U-s. lt iii. Jmvii p. ntts; tliov mi-I M,i" mil, wllOtl to rf-tOop . i:ie:(n I.mLuc 'l'l rv ,ust Mvnlk in,! I. : 'ii.l w-nl; i!)i t.Hkini ; i'l'.' .:v. ! t.i.Miy trie s fii'in k liltH'V i il! i ,ilii , it: -I- mutt1 ulVe! uir; ; ,:i miv 'l!ii; o;,'.r.iii of tin' lut.lv. K r 1 - I . ' ri1 ..ii I ' I ho ! ' w ell and lieiillh ii m ;i:it ll'U il Kc:ld of a v nr. Kl.H.t oil I V III. II IK IIV- 1,1'IIU illl'l ' IS I'll- H !. , i I'..) 1c ii;; taioW. i', S (' (liyr, i'l 'A '2 Mi , t i'l n,!'' lou t )u , sa s : " ' I .ill, tuo !IS SlllOf I t i -' .isinti to use I Kvin's !' ''imi- t tint t mio I i l I IV '.iv ol I,',!:pv tioiilil i .in 1 1 ! i ii I rmist s I i i'l ;l II n'.li'K'd inn - i -. . !. i ;v.n Ha' iiiip uiio 1 1 : i '. 1 1 : I m itil iit icss i ; ".' I i .: --.. 1 h.iv '' ; i ' I :. ". ) ;'r 1 ' '.III " IV I II I V ! .'. I'.li h I 'ti' ' '"lii it :i ill H : , . i ,! i,l u,i- . :i 1 1 u- Ii. f'l"iii i,-n-lion, i . . i i ,.u 1 i;r- ' i . i Mi'' 1- i 1 , 'ili :ni'l 1. 1 111'' in . i . , I I iu i : i.i'l il I I.r I. I.l IK.M . ,fi -' i i I : ;; .'i I ' tii . tli.1t M ; '. i . ' lit ! .HI i .It! II I ti 1 '. ; ! !i .- : : 'l i i ! ' 1 io 1 1' it. I 'V nvi n!.tv: i'i:l 1 1 i Kiiimi"",! . !i,:-. . I':!'- t li..v Itvt : I, h i ,. : lit.ii lit m 'i lt i'.i: - '!" I,', 'ili ii:ilt'ls i 1 1. 1 'ii HI .li-vl.t- iul ' .. llie K ill !)' ' I ' I t:i'' n.iiiii' .!'i't 1 tl."M. nowles Hohcmia, Einowles Orseco, Miners Supplies at reasonable prices. Our Mollo: Goods at Reasonable Good General Merchandise Miners Tools and Amunitions Tullar & Powell, Proprs. -. ' f1::;:;,'w;fc.h:::-'s;''5''i Fashion Stables SKJ5"?V5' The Hocljre Jijs give a perfect separation orZinc-I4eaI-Ores OHN A. TRAY LOR. MINING MACIIINKRY Hi) vr 30 days' treatment for $1.00. uaramccd or money Lt GAL NOTICES. TiMm:i:i.NH vcr ii ni: a. i7s. No i h i: imi; i i iu ica tion I'nili'il St.'ii. K Land Ottiee Ko'-cliii:;, Oregon. May '-Mnt, l!07. N ol I. It h.'i cliy i;nen that in com pliance with th.' provision of the act of Coiii'lex of .lijiie a, S7i, en tnlcl "An act for thenale of tlnihei I nicN in llie States ni California, Ore .on, Neva.la nml' W i-.li liHTton Terri tory." mi extendi .1 to all the I'nlille Land -t it. I'V net o( August . vr.'. hi.aini: t . ahhison ot I.orane, connt, of i.nne. Slate of Hi'iynii, h.is thin day tiled in tltl oltlce his 'iini'ii Ntatenient No. M'l , for the puicha-.e of the N I'. !, N II i, of Section No. IJ, In Town sili Nn '.'0 Hontli, Kanne No, i;wct, , .M ., and w ill offer pi o. if In hIiow that t he hind m Minht l ni"te vuliial'le for lt t linlier or stone t 'm n lor mirl cnlliit'.'il plliptnes. ninl to estnlilUh hi.i claim to Hai.l l.nnl lirlore '. NY. Calkin, l .S roniiiiissloner, nl hi! oHice in Lnp ne. Oreu.ui. on Saturday ! the Vllh day ol Aii.uuat, l!Ki7. ' lie li. :i lie's m w II u.'MHi's : (icorur r. Sc liiielil.'r, ol l.oraue, I Oreton: .l.ic.ili Hunk, of I orane, t re-I lion. Al'dello Addison of l.or i n. Ore- I u'oii; Ldiiinud A'l ll-o'l. of Lol.ini', ! Oregon. j A i ix and nil pci-oiis . lainduu ad- M'i s.'ly I he al.ox i'-iIi'm'i Itied lau.l-im'ei rc.picstr.l to iil tii. tr .-latins in tliW ..Mice on or l.cioiv sil'l Villi day of! Aii.uust. p.m7. I I'i x.iwiin L. I'.ni'V. Uenlnter. A Fortunate Texan. Mr. L. NY. tioodloe. of i7 St. I.oilin St.. Pall. ix. lex. -;ivs: "In the past yenrl h.i ve lircoin.' :ic.ii.iintc.l w ith lr. KinuV N.-w Lite I'ills.nii'l no lax- a I i e I I'vrr I., f. a r t l i. 'd so effect uallv i dispose-i of in. il. il l i and liilioinn. sm." . I'liov .1. oi l : nml or .u'ripe. 1'iictH. at r,rli--.iii"s I'li.ll'tliacv. MESIGK! ARE YOU GOING EAST? c cm f ile you niotirv nn f:i i)Jiliii: li"ii rlii'l-l .'.ul-. r ,fr i f, .f flrn j 1 1.1 l.-r tini-. till". Oregon Auto-Despatch Co. 21 insi simir romiANt. oniog 1 t I ! ! , r & Gettys Oregon. & Gettys Oregon. Prices. i i ! . svvsil IJKNVF-R COLO Vor an(j Satisfaction refunded. Sill BACK-ACHE For sale by New Era Drug Store 4NOTUT. Or AITIilrATlTlN FOlt m i n Kit a ii r.'ri:T , ' Nutli'oiif npi'll, 'at inn of tin Ainu-oil (In Unlit M f 1 1 1 1 1 vc ('"inpiiiiv c( Ho lifinln, n I'llviitc ici pnril Ion, not- , intr ly nml thrmiuli lt 'rn'iinuiiT. CM. Vitur.ir, for ii imtciit fur th m:m (Nsoi,iiti:i) tjit.viM. ri.MM, iton i:m i mimnuihs. Tltlr r, I.nin'iHi.l Hoimins coiiiitli'H, ( n'kfti. Ill'.l'Oltr. Till: tMTIll) ST All's INMill' I'in: AT IIUSKIII'UU, Or..(!0, MAY ! IIHI7. MIHI At AIMI km io mi, I a-i. Notice i lirrrhv Klvintlint tin A n jii on.l.i (.I'M Mlnliiu roiiipiiii.r f Hn- lieiiiin. ii piivnto mi piuutlii i'hhd- Ixeil ninl ,jit liif? mi'li'i' i. ii' I l.y lit lie of tin' ImvNoi tln state nf iiii'j'oii, II Ii lln pi inclpu: ollli Hint plin e of I iihIii.s ill Cneiii, I. uiie County, (Ili'Kon. IHiillw' I'V 'linl tlitonnh illnl ilinler It.-, rieaniier. (;. M . Yollnw, wliene pot otliee ii.Mii-h l n,'.i. Keiie. Lane J'.nintv. Oivjoii. Iimh 111.'. I 1 iippllfallon for inilent f"r the (il'.M iCnso.ll l i:l It I CLAIM I i'ltiinte,l in the Itoheiiiin Mining trl.t, l.mie n. I lioiilim eonnllef, Oit'Oi'ii, aii, .I.-hIiwiIcI Lv llie ilc, l.' t. H nii'l otticlal plat oiilileln tliii ottlee iin Mineral Survey X.. -H I, nml Ivlns in Heel inn II. townslnp ,.:l sulh. limine I i:nt. the ai. Ul'.M Cijs(i,IH V I i: I 'JI'.VIUZ CLAIM I'ONSlS I'lNiJ ,,f the Sll.le .xte luln- ug claim, claiming 1 m linear ftvl I thereof w ith Niirt.ice Kloiiinl hh kIiowii upon the .itllclal pint on tile in thin I ultlee, except neontlli t of '.'.onl hcivm J with the YeHllVlilK lo.le milling rhiiiii which contllctlii)i nreit U hereli.v e clli.ll ; i'l the Keen l..e nilnlliy clnlin, claiming .Vi'.l linem- feet nl niii.I lo.le with Hurfiiceroiin.l in shown upon the hhM pint; mi.l of il,.. lietn I m It inlnliii; clnlin. claliinn :t7l feet of Mil. I lo.le with Niirface jjoiiikI iim sliow n npi'ii Hni.1 otllcinl plut. Tlie inaiit'tlc vnrintl.m l irom '.M 'toVP l-V l.HHt. The hiiI. I Sll.le lo.le it dcni r iln .1 lot j fi'll'iWH: Kivimilti at eornrr No. 1 a ' p.'f feet limn. 4 Ill.'hi'H s.uiile pvt. ' is lin lii i in the jsr.inn.l hci il'.l I 4l:t, i II tl r '.'0 Ini he ithlineter tieul rt S. I ilri. I V. lli'Jfeet. A tir l'l Inched .llaineter Im'iiihS 17 (hv. Y. 41 fret loth fac.il iin.l hi I llie.l 1 III It I . I li mm. .ml 1 1 1 o 1 1 U 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 eirct", In Hiirvey No. I'-.H! l'irn S 7- degrees iii nilii I'., 7M7 feet. Tlie section corner mi line lie tweeli ectloiH II and 1 1 of t'l '.'.'? S, It I L, NVilliiinlte Meridian, l.enrS '.'! degrees .'i lulu NV 7.':! feet . Tlicncc N VJ decrees I'i mill NV l'JMi feet to corner N'n. thence X ,'d dey L .V.hi feet to corner Xo. M ; thence South ,'i- )' l."i tnln I'lit l.MM) feet to corner No. 4; them e South fd dejj NVcst .'tan feet to corner No. .i; tliciue South v. dV Hil mill NVest '!'." feet to col lier Xo. 1 and place of lietiniilU, and contain ing exclusive of tin rotiliict with the Vesuvius mining claim, I7.0)!i urns. The Itrco lode Is dccrilu'd hs fol linvx: ll.'vi lining lit corner Xo. I h post I fi't lollL', 4 llirlles i.iuaie net I. Inche. in the ground sciilied I -11 1. A ! lir In. lies In diameter Ih iiih North .'il .l.'K l.a t :il', frrt. A pine In lm In- in I diameter Iiciiib Siiilth -I1, di I'.hI ,'ti j le t, I... ih faced iin l M iil.e, H T. ! The '4 Her I I'll corner lie I ieri nn t Inns 1 1 an. I I I lp l' l S IC I L U ar. S nilh '.': let If i mill L Hill feet, v I hence Noltli j 7 div l-i mln NV .Vi'.l leel to enr Xo. '-': j theme North fi .l.j; ) I! IS feet to e..r i No. :l; tlirnce Soiitll 11 ifj .'IU mill I'. ;."' i.'I Ii 'i I Incur. No, l;lheiin- S . . ii 1 1 1 f I It'll NV til'S feel In nil No I i.li'l place ol hi'liiiilii mi. I '. ill I n t li I II )J li.'.'H.'J j acres. The (lem I.nIc is .e. l ilir.l a fol- lows: Itelnliliitf lit corner Xo. I I'len 1 1-Jl I Wll li r'l iirl No .' Itero lode and 1 Itli S i; i-i.i m r of the li catlnii , The '4 section corner lietwerli sec- ! tlou.H ;in.l Hip S It I LI cms j South :t!l i.i .'.'. lulu i: Jll.il frrt; jtln nre Norih7J dr- i'ii iiilii NV :i74 ' feel I" cor Ni. ''; tliem e North ."d ilr 1 Kli'iS f.et to nil Xo. :t: thellre S.illlh ; 72 .1. ' '.' mln i: 1:171 tret to I'm Xo 4 ; Ihelire Snlitll .".I .1. NV li IS feet lo cor No. I and pin. e nl i u n i :i ml i I'.iiitainln lii.si-.' act en. , I he net urea for 'which patent is applied f irof the saeldem Consoll dali'.t 111.111 claim, aflcr excepting tin .aid COIi'lirt illlh th' Vi Hll In-, lode, uloch said einitlii tin aiea k not claimed iy the apjilicant, is lO.ir.'.l ; IICI'I t. I 'I he in it ire of .ir,-lioil of the Said i S..' . d- is. .f in-oid in the i. Mice of I he ('ount CU-rUof I lunulas ( 'ouiity, Oieuoii. Ill N'i'1. a, piiKi' I'.'M Hreonls ol .Milling ( liilins for said county: and is also of record iu the otliee of lli.i County Cleik of Lnne County, t)iV.n, iu Vol. No. ti, piiKe.'!.') Kim'oi'iIh i .Milling clmins tr Lane County Oregon. The notice of location of lln Keeo lode is of record in tha otliee of the 'mini v Clerk of Lune County, Oregon In N oi. 4, page 4iH Iteeorils of Alining laiim lor Haid Lane ('.unity, Oregmi. The notice of I'Miitl'in if the lieiu lisle N of record III theottlco of the County ( lei k of Lane County, Oregon, in Vol, ft, paje :i0 of the Hccords of Milling ClaiuiH of Lnne County, Ore- t'Oll. 'J he jirenuineti enri nroiiiHe or di rection of the said Uem Consolidated I in.ii t z claim vein Is Northwesterly and Soul hcaHfeily rh sliown upon .na 1. 1 olli.'lul pint. Thenaid liem Connolidnted iuait. Claim coiillli is with the Vchiiviiih 111 aforesaid and the Fawn iiiidIiik claims adjoins on the Hontli. Any mid all persons claiming ad versely the minim ground, vein, lode, premiM's, or any portion thereof ho ih'Hcrllieil, platted, and applied foi aienereii.y noyncii mar unless ttieir iiilyerse claims are duly tiled accord ing lo law, and the r gulal ijiih tlirie llllder, W ithill the lime pirsci ilird liy law, with the Register of the I 'iiito.l Ktales Land Office at I CoHiiLti rj, Moug 1in Counly, Oreron, they will he haired hy the provitamin of the law In such caticH made and provided. Itl, v itMiiu I. 1,'hnv 1li'iiutnr Dale of first piililieat ion, May la, A.' It. I'.KIl Dtteof last puhllcntlon, A. I). 1!K)7. the Kidneys, Bladder Rheumatism. RELIEVES The Magic No. 3. Niiinliei three In n w Infill imi" cot for Oco, II, I'm 1 1 ', of Cctai Oloxe: Me., a.col dlll,' In n l.lli'l which leiidH; "After iiflciiiij; much w llh liver mid M.lnr.v troulile. and lie eoiuliiK greatly ill .i oiirui.'c.l lv tin fallnro to tind iellef, trlnl 1 I t-i-HllterH, mid iim n renill I am a well inail tinliiy. The Mi nt liol t le I i Iicm' I mid thlee liolllea cnmpleli-il the cure." tlUHHintccd l'Ht icnnily for v ilniit II. liM'i' mid kliliiev ii oiililrs, liy II. II mni'n riiaii iacv. ."iiicl'i. H. C. MADSICN, W'ATiiiMAKi'i;. Klrlim nl rrm,,nnl,li. i linu rii All work g.mimili'i'.l ihi i ibm.. Wntohi'ii.l'l.ii'lunii.t l.'nrlM nil .'.'! I'lliif coi'i'Aiii; oK'ovi:, oi;i:. .1. S. Medley. .1. r. .Ii Iiihoii '. Ma lie ij .lull ii son, A I lorii. VH i a O'irr Siiltr.i Iini I, l!ll,. Special atten.'inn ulviti in MliiK mid 'orpora I Ion I .a w . J. lv YOUNG jittovmij-Kt l.n ir Oftli'H nil MnMnln rl X - CoTTAC.K C, i i I-. ( l,l . I Ai t d u ) .V'l..,. M. i, I. , ,, .. Ill I l II .1 I. I , . t,, Mill -!.! j.i.l h f'.,. Uf rl.iv lo.,y a rll I...U. ii,, M ADA MIl , ilUlitfOK, Waiiiii.a i.. a , r, ! - I .1 - 'I .' IL- ,1, 1 i ' ! I i' l I.i .. i I.,ln I " -i. uttin ir -,..i ?IW rU..l,r.,t. "l Mn. lmx tlJ , rllmi.t Orr',n. riMnr.K lvni. ci mi ni: :i. i ,.-s XOTICI: i in; ' M ir u I'liifed Slat. s I, nml I llli. Koseliuiy. Or.'u.iii. Ai.iil '.'a 1 ! to 7 N Notice h heeh gn .-u lll.lt In com plinnre with H.e pl'ovl Imi. nf lli. act of Congees of lunr I'.'s, . titled "An art i"f I In in I.- i.f limlrr Imiili iu the . .t'it .,; i iln.ii ni i. orcKiiii, M .1 ,. j! ih iii.-i . ii i TeriltOlV ," .ii rt. Iiir. (., , t,., I I'iiI'IIc Land St.it. hy a' t of ut.Mii I, lvrj, ; r.nNVALii i; r m:m n ! of I.orane. emiiity it Lou- -t.li- , I, Oregon, has I hi- di.v til. I Iu lln- I ! fjee his s urn otiiti'iueiil No n I t he purclut"!' i 'I the S V nt S. n i,,n No. 4, in Township No. :''i -.niii j Itangr No "i west, V. Nl . , nnl Willi offer ploof to .-how that Ihr l in-li noiiuht Is ni.irc valual'l" foi in t ail i r I or stone than for iiirririiii ui al pur-j poses .nml to r t.il.llhli hli ..iltu., -aid land l.i fore W. V. alldnw s i iiiniuN-'l' tin at his oilir.' iu u.-riir. Oregon, on I Inn mln . il,e -t, ,,i , t .Inly I'.ni7. 'le flumes ,'1. wllnr-sr-(ieorp- NV. Sandei - li .f Lormr Oregon ; I le. rg.- I armiin i.r I,. .ran- Oregon ; t' mi k l.'lNi'f I." l';l a I he gon : I ienrgc Vchnleder i if I ,"i .uir, I li r I gon. Any and. -ill pi-r-ons .'lainiln ... verj-el.v t he alio ve desrr:l.ed l.iiilsiiir ieilie.-tei to tile thrir r.iim-.n III , olhce on or liel. ifr w:iii I -. f 1 1 .i- nl' July , I'i7. It i vi a m i n L. Limy, Ciyistci NOTicr: lm: i ri:i,n a i m Kepiirl mi nt Land Mlice at I f Ihe Inlulor. I'.. Illll '. ' ll'l'to ill . M.i v i;:th, I'm.. Not Ice is la i e, j v t WILLI A M f I M I LLI K. of Cottage i'oe, Oirg.li, lia- llli'd Hot Ice of 1 1 i p. Ii.leiilioli lo lii.il.rllii.il liie-year proof In i : j . ( . . r I .1 hii. claim, vi : I omi-.li... I I 1 1 1 1 Xo ;i7s made Nl.itrh 7. I'mn .,i n,r -i, NK , N'., SI.'-, see Ion n- Idp .'I Hiiugc 4 NV, aim t hut sin i p.,,,, wii he made l.i'ii.i'c . W. ( ; S Com lui-.-ii iner 11 1 his . 'III.'.' ;i ' I i -nil Oregon, on Silt Unlay, .1 ill , hli, I'lli" Ile mimes I he loll. Ming Willi.- i" lo prove tn'J en I linn ni -, ir,.leme upon, and nltlvatl. n . I the I. m l, viz: .laiae- Topp. of loiia;;. hini", )iegon; .Inines I n, l"i , i 1 1 i-r Oro e, Oiep'on; I li 1 1 n I n ico I'rl ini ol I'ivlile, On gon ; I ieoi f. r lloiNol hi Vide, I Iregoli . Hl N.I MI L I'.MiV, I : . i -. t . r. Hate lirsf piihlicatioii May ''.!, !HI7. fW V.'"V'V"4 ..'..', .-. A ..-.V-.". -v-. coTTAii: (jitovi: Ull (U1U k3(J All tll 1,'llfll Ire lllllli'lllH. Electrical PLAIN tod MKUICATKI) H A I US i i - $ Ordinary Cases $12 per Week. l'(ir further part jo ul.irs inlilri'ii ir. ii. c. sciili:i:i !fe.vis.s;v'SV'Avs.'VN'N'a,4'C'.7' Uggg JVepare for Irrigation, Spraying and pumping Machinery. FnirbankH-MoiHe U.isoljne I'di BineH for laiinpiiio, hprajin, sawing, grinding. Outfit's complete. Fiiirlmnks Scales for wciliiiig. J'aiilnvnlis Morne Dynamos and MotoiH for powor ntitl liolit.l''iiii lmiiks MorHe WindmillH and Towers. Fairlianks-Morne luied Cho) pcrH, Grinders, Well 1'umpH. All first quiility goods nt low efit prie.eH. Always in stock. Liberal titrm.s. l'rompt reply to inquiries, quirk' Hhipmonts. Write for rutulogue and pi iron. FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. Portland, Oregon. it I f.AL OTICES. I IMI. I.i: I . N I .IINL :i. I7s. . Nil ICL I Hi: I'l i;i .H ' VI ION I 'lilted SI il Irs I m I I llliri' i;oMiliuii Onuon. A pill H. I'.mi. N. .1 Ire I i lir I I'l i I'l V in I hut III cunt pll.'l lire II II I lie pr I' I. ni l ol t lu art ill Coiu'rcss ot .lune :i, s,'s, i n. titled " Nil art lor tin- sale f llllllier land' ill I he State- of I 'nllfol ni l, he ,'im, NcMi.l.i imi ashliik'ti in Teirl- tiil'V . ' 111 r -. tell'1' 'I to nil the I'lililic L.iu.i "tale . l' ml of Augic t I. I sir.', t I 1 1 1 I 1 1 M N , nt Nl a i ri i la , ri ii i u i n( La ne, SI ate i if Oiee. ui. Ims Ihl d :.V tiled III tlilMiif II, e hi', him n il -l n t 1 1 ii 1 1 1 N o, Vl'ii."!, for I III pill l llM' r .1 Ih. N NV lit Section No -, In I mi nslilp No, south, L.i.i ! No invi, W . NL. and will , II. I p t . ii 1 1 t In i tli.il t In' I Hid on-lit ii moil 1 1 ii 1 1 ile (or Its Cm I -1 ii mIi. ii- than for iifi l.'iilt in a I pill pone , ninl Iii el ii hli- li I. Is claim i.i "aid I in. I In . .r W. NV Csllilus, I S C'liiuiN l"in I , .il Ills olllre III I ill. rli. , I in V"li on I 1 1' III y , I he I '.'III .l.ii .. .1 ulv . I'm.". Ilr tin lues as wit iir.' I m Nl Il llll ll.l-.'IO'l'll ot Lllyi'lte, Ol'C C'UI I'nli'l' I Iplnif i f Lunelle. I 'legoli; lliimaii I . . ot I iii'i ly . Il r'iiii , I Hill I .11 I r CI.'M I, I'.'ll Ir. I lnv.oil. nv a i" I all iI""Iih . lalinlll;.1; in I - ill'. Il Ihr lll.iO.'.l lilir.l In in N air I r 1 1 u i -, r, I I.i lili'thi'h i lailiis in i hi- . ihi . ..n i.r hi fun- - ild I'.'Ui day "I hill , I'll',, III Minis I ,. t '. I I . IN'V'I iter. I .'I I I l lll i: I. Mi i I .11 N I : I, s7: .--niii K i: ul; ri I'.i.n l Ion I nil' . Stale Laud 11111.'.' Ir..' elniii. Uregoli. April JO, I M7 N' ll. e i-- hrieliy .-iM'ii lh.lt III riim pl la Iii r Willi I lir pi o I -Ion i of t he ac I ,t I'liiii'li'H-. ..f .hlii" 'I. "i"s. enlilled " A ii a. i"i 1 1.. - ,i r . .( 1 1 niliei lamln in I le- Si a '. "ol ( ' . I f. I. la Oi egoll, N' a.l.i :ni I V.i,l.iio.'lou I'i -ri ilor ,"' a i t. nl. . to ail lln- I'lil.lir Land Stul.-- I IV art I I I, s'l'.l, ' i I i 1 1 ! i L LA l: NN nl I . il'n in-. coiiirTvil lane, 'tale of l n 'K"ii. h.is IhiH.i.iy IH. I In this of. lm-i.n w i a n iiiii i, , rni No ''ii;r.', for Ihr pinrha-.i' nt tin- S I, i, . r Seel lull No I in I i iu loddp N.i -.I Mo'itll, Lai r N... ;, .'..hi, V. , nml will , H-r 1. 1"..! I" -In..-, that the laud si nil. lit l lie in lal'l.lhl. fur lt 1 1 II I -I'.l . t .tone lliih loi uj.'i it'll It Illlll pil. p'-- .Mid to .-.talilM, his rliiiiii I" -ai I I ,ii, I Ii. f.,1.- V. l alk;iis. I N. ( i a., in is--. .i,e r, at Ins olhee In I '.in.'. I.r, i rnni, Thais. lay, the llh d.i I .1 illy I'm," ll 1 1 . 1 1 1 m a wit tic i , w . siiii't. i -ii f l.or.ilie, I i . I mall of I o- I'l.i "... I in .ui i: l a I,.- 1 1 rV'. li . L i iilil, I .1 lie, I II i foil ; I ;.'..i -I ial" of I n--i Illilrih r of I i il ,1 1: i . I l r oi . Nl".' ai d all prisons i l.iliuliij.' ad vi i i lv Ihr mi' .1.' rtilii'd lands am 'I1" t.. tunic i i M i laiins luihiH "Hi"' "II ol ' ii I' le said I Mil il.IV of ,lni r..nr Ll VI no-. I, I .. , li'eglster. I I Ml'.l.l: 1 NO Ai T .IINL 'I, I7M Mi l M I. I ni: I'l f'.l.lt N ITON. t li.l. d r I !r . Land llhre l.'o-rhlll v.. "i" . Apt II I. lHl7, No' i r I-. In-1 rl l' i . I hat 111 I ,-fllU. I ll ii"- iili il,.' i Divisions of iha a. I ii, t oi ;.i'i".- o .1 1 1 lit ' I . I S 7 s, r llll'-.l n ... t tor ll.e '.de of tlmlier ' onN III the Sin I r o I ,,if.,l lll.l, (Ire .11. Nevada and W'jl-hinginll 'I'eril I "N ." 'I- Mcn l.d 1. 1 all Ihe I'ul.llc. Land S'nti-' Ir . . I of umiMl I, l'.lj ii aim i s ii;maim;st "I I'., i it"', ' 'iul v "t N.'imhlll, Staf. i "i T. 1 1 . ' i i ..I loooii, has tills ' I i v h !' I in 1 1. 1 ah' c h i tvoi ii -1 ute- l'" l.t i 7 '.' i I I l.e pilli'llllM' of Ihe V. '., ... ; i , i. i s t: i. ,1(i m J .1 I '. O! S . t !nu llllllier I . ".'Jill I l v 1 1 Il i J . No '.''I Mini h, ItliuH 'Hl , . ,1 , U. i u 111 offer I'l ""I Hi " I li.il I h" j. t,..ujj, t N III' in- '-.ill ilil. I'Mlll I 1 1 1 1 1 ... i ,,r Il.ill hi oil. ..Hi, l 1 1 1 1 1 ioh('., .11. 'I "" I, ll li- , h l'l, Illll til -ail I ii.. I I" loir U.t . I M ii ., ;. s oiiuiil ..-lulu r, ,ii ,-o(ir.. Iii lMi(.'i-ue, iii.'lo n, on IhuiMlav, ihr lllli ilnv r .Imv, rmV. Ilri iii, i. -n a ii in ssi k: Wihlam K. Kell,i. I. r. ii.ioii; Lil Kvlly, oi I... I. nr, tlo-oii; llrnr.V Coyi,iif SU 1 1 1 i--1 i i I .'. lli'on; I in uk CoUI, Uf Sii iiiiu hi, ( a. 'oii. ' An.l' ami nil .einin-i elaiiuluK nil-M'l-i-lv Ihr alriM' ileh. i.Hir.1 laiiil-iare ieiin--leil lo lilr tin ii rhiliMH In (1,1,, olhee on of lirlnrr 1 1 1, ijuvof. .Inly, I1HI7. 1 1 1 : Nl M i j, i;in,v, Iti'htef Il7-nt TI.MIiKU LA Ml A." I' .ll'NL.t ,s7s NMTICL I'dlt I'I'itLICATlON I'lnteil Sl.'ite. Liiln I Otliee Ko.Mi liuiv, Orej.r.ni. A,ril li, 1 :m7. Not ire i, hi reli.v kImmi thai, ill eo'm I'llanrr with the iiovlHiniiN of the art oi CoiifcTem ol .lunr S, s7,s, ,.n. I II lei I "A li art oil' Ihe Male of li, laiel . in tlie Htnii'N of California, Or K"ti, Nevada nml U'a-liiiiKtoa Teril lory " mh exteii.l.'.l to all the l'ul,, Land ftnli M ly act, ol'Auust l S'r' I'.LUTIIA M. tilllsON, ' of Lilian.', eounty uf Llllie, StatHrlf On-j-ron, hn-. tin.-, ..v filed Iu thin of hen her Hivniii nlnteiueiit So, ?!i,"..s for tlie liuirliH i.' of the V of Section No. :io, In Township uu Haitli Itiu.Ki' No. .', we,), v. M , oifrr prtiof lo Mhow that, the 1, mil nought in mure valiial.le for ItHtlni !ier oi'Nlone him fol. an rieiil t ural iill'.nnrM, ulid to i'hIuI.HhIi her elalm I',;11 !'"" vv. W. CalkliiH, . n. CoinnilHMoner, at. Ihh otliee Iu ..u;.'...', Orem, ,, Thu.M.lay, Dm 1 1 t h day of , ul.v, 11107. .She miui.'H iih wiini-HHrs : .lohn O ltrien ..r luaane, Oregon; llar.l.v Crow of Loram , Orei-on: '.eni-Ke MiIIm of Ja.rii.na, Oregon I rnnk (Jllhcrt of Loiane, Oren.mr ' Any mid all .eiNoiiH elultnlng'iul. Ver ely Ilia n liove-ii'Herlliei IuihIh are re.u.'He, (o lile thr elalins thin "H"'" on or liefoie Hnl.l , ,lv nf .Inly, 111117. J I1i:.Iamin L. Kmiv, !eKHter. l-ll Mulo lJicli"nfcV B?iii. J,8,'0U, ' i'W logftl MabkM-Nugget oilico,