Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, June 12, 1907, Image 4

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    object the promotion of reverence
for the llg, and Fh'g d.iv has In
come recognized ns a nali 'tinl nutd
vcrsary by the people.
Throughout the htgrr cities the
anniversary N ohsctved hv a liberal
display of national colon, ami in
many instances the do.-oi itions are
clahoiate and Ivantifitl.
The t1.i; always catties admira
tion and p;ittitisni with it, ami
!.... -.iu .1 r i .f i I J -1 1 1 M t i . ) 1 1
'T(C"'( "
'iU.I(4 W
If it's Ut-lu-i! i!t TUt: HHJKLHY lias it.
i-la-i '
i nMo ta SiiRSCl tail'
Will Mill'
-I il 1
i i'Ii r. ,1 ii tin "'i""""'' "I I'ultng UroTf,
.):iiu ii- m i-nn.l i U. ni iiiattor.
, 1
i r.( i:ii,TU i:.ii:s.
1 00 li-".' " ' 1
Jf ;A tdionld t'e ohs. rv?d, and fiom th
. J ni ! cntrnree ol cv :v home th" oi l
I r 1 1 1: i ; i -
' r
tin ml I.
I : 1 ill advance,
flag should wane next l'lidiy.
ClubhiiiK Pates.
.1 ;
i i t i I i
Nii'.Tuet one year
! Mv
l ; i III I I'oi t hllld I
i nil Port kind I
: I ; ii 1 ( t'eineti
a 1 -i.;
,iv ,li eirnal 51 7"
End of the Lottery Company.
Mobile, Ala. June I - -Thirty. tuo
lie of Die followlmr pub- tlifn who pleaded gulty in the
nc year for amount net j;..;, ej s?ate Com t cslerd .iv to an
n.l i .-I m.-iit .-liiieim e nnstiii nev to
) cause int ts'ate carnage of lottery
JejaXi Hilvet Moment, were seut m cd today
S.YfH) i)V Jiulce Toulmin t pav fnes
? amounting to $2$ pDiaO.
The defendant-" a!so acre-.l to
surrender for dentin- t i"ti lo'.tcrv
!,v i.v iiik AMKKi books and other p.rjphein-'l a
i;! s-. t'huiiihi'r oi oui- ,., ;. .,,,-.) ,, .P.s.vko ol the- I'riiit
i..' i.'Hio l'.sooi i in : ing establishment belonging to the
(1 li VIH ..1
MLfwm ML
i ;l
National Lottery Con
... !- . .i
p.iriv. u c.i' o in umii'g " li. I'o1
- . . . i .i
aiivi eneiaicii uiiiier me uan.e m
,m H'. Putd ,ii r.i... M. Roeis Pies-:, where
irr;.-. Hlierv-con- the 1''-IV t ie 1 t - l! .1 VO ' t'en I'l I II t ( ( 1
fo :nx v, h Wit'' t!;. vc p!0.i.
i r mul nun"
r; 1 (:: (
. I
... :(!.'
: . n:i i : r to (or il
Vi:i'Nrsii y, Ji Nt I- 1907
c:k1 L. v
ry C(. i 3 1 y.
'of "- o id
f I
i ;v;;.:i j -vOjVe alsvajs ?pe:ik tt
it- p 1 iu- -- m 'i sysifii with pride,
and lir. v hoc c.Uise to do so Tht
ttu' -. '.i laws e in, and will be
riipr.w i a-; esigeii-.-i-s nrise sbow-
i -i t 1:
th b.f.
w th 1:'.
w . vs ' h 1
cr r,
t;.-i. '.. I'
nn 1 it s
0. 1
1. . I
StHte I.
of exit-:;c;
. (. liV, ( a-r
Willamette Valley Development j
League Meeting.
It i-; nnticipnted that the Wiil.iiu-
Valley Development I.ea1: ie ;
meeting to be held litre cu th- '-';th !
icst will be lattelv at'eiidt'.l. It i-;
ic ! ette
1 i 11 ( 1 y -. -,
1. :l. !
,'i;c- th
t' .-.
S '.'i:
1 changes would be for
:,cut of tin? system,
lib:, iui.1 it is in si
a.i on gooa laws are intended to mix some plcismc with
ti' th-re is one portiorj the business, and to that end a pr'!- 1
( : neon siusiaciory , I 'M' "-1 " 1
. : .4: .. 1 i ....
Ii.r.l nr.V.IPtn , '"af '"auciic luuswmi; ui .iiofii.
, ' . ' iZnieil, l-t tenor; 1. T. Awbrev, -Jd
a S--cction ot text ' . t r r 1 1.1 1
tenor: J M. Isliam, Nt biss an-1
Vc Olir system 19 ' II S UVI.hcr '2,'. lire nren-.r-
- -- 1 - 1 r
ing to render tLe following pro-
gram: Ch.v.;:o, 1
The IVdouin Love Sony:.. IMu-uti has been the
11i1i1r iiiii an 1 1
Makes the finest, light
est,best flavored biscuit,
hot -breads, cake and
pastry. Renders the
food more digestible
and wholesome
I'll I
l( it's Un-ii. ! .1
KV.liLUY Ii.i . il.
lwViT ..
s :ih a
r, i that i-W-
New Locomotives Four Times as Pow
erful as the Old
i000000000000000000000000 (
The coutraet for
" ks is let for a
oi l w hen that time
'li -hers tumble over
! - ia ':d-r to toavince our
i . ; ! tli it the bo 'lis we are
lit ot dale' arjd that
i' ng
i i.. i,
' I n
The Lost Chonl
Aliee Wliere Art Thou
Ti e North Wind
These gentlemen are well known
for their vocal ability, and their :-e-iectiotis
will und juhtedlv be much
the o:..j- ihev publish .ue the onlv enjoyed by the strangei's who will
oil-:'- th -t -.Ii vjM be n-ed. Their j be present as well as by our own
A relief
liattv :0'lu'l"'i l.t
the t;r-t li
in' 1 1 as
; Atani
-II-iw grmt
ia the sje
a:; rniitoiid
11. umwi-., 11.
i m: 1 1 rim
l.( - i K 1 N(
I I Kl II, ,
III 1 K I I V,
IN f
T --T
iMQl CO.
1 1
il i
. I 1 ! .
Croivni Soj:n -if wj
(line- . 1 1 1 1 .1 1 1 1 1 ) 1 1 m 1 1 1
MiiMiiv; (iotuls
o. iti
;, r in ,.i
. s a 1
kit v&
Z Z Z " V --
1 -- ' : .id;,: 1 - ,;'i.vii .ir
,l- in I i!a i'l-t e m ii ! d
ci ii vip i in
tetident of ni"tivc p., Mir ot II;1
Southern l'a.i:ii O mp.M.v. In t y ens tlj..- --'audatd l-u'-.m.-.-live
011 t)!- o-imj in;,'-; l:ii' ha '11
erased IT-"",'1"!) j (;!.. 01 ..Liht.
This is, irom ' V"" t" Tj.."ii ;li,d
now to 0-1 0011 Tia'live poar
his gOll'1 up f I OIll ll.l'OM pOii'v'H,
or much lrs- to a maximum "i :i -
is lor p." l:eavy c u-i ill-
mm- I dated t '. t-e of e:: , p.i .
s'.iek-:. i.-oie or .toiieal agents gen
erally ni laa'e to convince, part of
th bjard at leat, thit their elaim
is correct and "presto chi nge" the
test 'o;sin use are tiuu? to oue
School Text Books Changed
Salem, Or., Juno 5. All but
four books now in use in the com
.. 1 1, 1 1 .ill., nniiii.
: l. ... 1 , 1 ,. . 11 1 . . uiuu awuuuu ui vick"ii uiivc ikcu , 1 " "
r. 1 1 1 . . ' 1 1 ill" 1111 i ll. itr c-i 1 ill. -
1 I .h e. .... i 1 1 . . t li a ca.. ...l I. - .'-
pureha-e- n- v books. This works a
reit huJ-hii on rnaiy, who have
ail tliev e.-u dj to keep their child
ren in proper regalia to make their
appear in e iu the school room.
The b'.i'.i-e (-urd strikes it truth
fully in a f.-w iiuei :-s follows; .
Th- -titc teM books have
channel n'.'ain :u:vl when the next
seh col e-ir pei s patrons of the
scbo '1- will have to buy a long list
of new I" ols .'or their children. It
is (i'lulaiul it any improvement has
br-en made- since the series in use,
with rciue minor exceptions were
s.itif act' r. t those engaged in
sehoui v. . . i K but publishers are in-i-i-t'
nt :nrl ti e thang'i comes reg
11 i.uly with c ell expiring contract,
wUth'i there is any good reason
1 ji it i i not. ' '
If the state authorities desire to
kc-fp ibis cvtrhifcling change up, it
would " l-uj that it is time for the
Or eo:,! us to make use of their
power in the initiative and compile
a law that will put a veto 011 it.
Paid Capital $25,000.00.
W. H. Abrarai
B. Lurch
C. Ron Kin
A. II. Krl.o
- Ca.hlcr
AiiUln( Caihitr
Leslie til" mi
whieh was taken
pwi ;i, 'h" :i'. '
po.veri!'.,.' nc ir.- '(
ln- 1" ' ii t!i ir
e'.'-r pi--;
the head
' in
a tr
t ille's o'd
rolling slo'
provide tor
ot tW"
- '!! ol
111 1 11'
Flag Day.
Next I n lay, Junr; 14th is flag j
day, the iuniivcrs:.ry of the adop
tion o! tli--! Muia un l .'-tripes as the
national Hag. Om- hundred and
thirty yr-ais ago .n that date, June
11, 1 117, coiigresri cnaete'l that tho
ilag of the thiiteen United Slates
be Li .'tiipes, alternate led and
whit': that the- 1'uion be 13 Ktats,
white M a fi' l I of olue, repieseut
ing a new- onstellatiou.
No piovis'on was made at that
time for new i.t-it s and the future
growth of the United States wbs
evidently not considered by con
grcs; at tiie lime tho act became a
law. lienee in 81 8 another enact
ment was found necessary to pro
vide for representation of new
btatcH in the ilag and cougrens or
dained: "That from and after the
1th id July next, the flag of the
Unite I St'ites be V-i horizontal
stripes alte rnate red and wLite, that
the union bo twenty Mars, white in
a blue field, und that on the admis
sion of a new state into the union,
ouo mar be added to tho union flag;
and such condition take effect on
the 4th day of July next succeed
ing such admission.
In is'.)? the American Flag Asso
ciatioa was- formed, having for its
mission and new textbooks will be
substituted at the beginning of the
school year. The fourth and nfth
Cyr readers, the Thomas elemen
tary history and tb'e Reed speller
are ihe books retained.
Civil government has been
dropped entirely ad a separate sub- j th it the 1 j o eu'.; v.
iect and will he-eafter be taught in Lo:i is loo i :r ien
connection with history. The men - , tbau th o;
tl arithmetic has also beeu dropped
and the mental exercises will be
given with the aid of books on
written arithmetic. In the place of
the two subjects dropped an import
ant one has been added, that of ele
mentary agricult ure. This addition
has been made in response to a
very general demaud.
The principal changes are Ihejnow lo ,o.u poun as
substUutiou of Wheeler's readers j to the lioo.bdn pcan.l en
uptothe third book for the Cyr : ' ars aS"' '". '"
readers: the adontinn of Smith's i car has ei"wn from
' " I
arithmetic in place ot Wentwo" tu'n
the adoption of liuehler's grammars
in the place of Reed it Kellogg's;
the adoption of the Nat u ml geog
raphies in the place of b'rye's, and
Doub's Uuited States history in the
place of Thomas's advnnceel history.
The total cost of the books used
in the schools under the list in
force up to the presetit timo was
$i.80, this list not including the
booka on nature Htudy. The prices
of those newly adopted, not includ
ing the nature rtudy, nggiegate
$9.14 or a reduction of fib cents. If
nature study be included the new
list will cost ?9.8'., or an increase
of 9 cents in the cost of all the
books a child must use in his tight
years of schooling.
Headiuhe ami coiiHtlpation disap
pear when Ldde'H Little Liver Pills
are useil. They keep the Hystem clean
the stomach sweet. Taken occasion
ally they keeji yoii well. They are
for the entire family. Sold by New
Era Drug Store.
Delegates to Development League.
The Commercial Olub at their
meeting Monday night selected tho
following gentlemen an delegates
to the Portland Development
League which meets on June 21 in
that city; F. Hinds, Frank Phillips,
M. A. Anderson, F. II. Itosenberg,
W. H. Garman, J. ii. Protman, J.
H. Chambers and Charles Bruneau.
For legal blanks Nugget office.
lit ii 1".
1 I'li-a . ot m-
v 1 ii Miles ate .vvi
'et , o t -o gr.'.du '1
1 'A tint 1 ii.- 1 1 iv
I'.iiitiU' gi.tnl nt
0 il- .--; no' ie oie
't tlllS oe-U' ia
io:'- powetful
it v-ti v: years ago.
th- S Mithern l'a-
ll igl.t ears and
o.u'he- show tint an
1 i 1 1 1 a-c m tiie si- ot
. ha, b. en ntc ssary to
th cvi-r-aiouii'ing v"l-
me of trall'n- lie weight of :i- ilit
ens has itKieas'd fn n "J'J.oou to
12, OlJt potiinl ; lleii i.tpacity is
entiipare I
- of 11 lew
th t e fr-'iglit
27 leet to ID
Traveler-, as nutch as ship)" rs
have benclibd 1 tiie cidargement
of rolling stork. In 2" ens
coa' hes iriv been .Md'-n' d 2 feet
anel bnglheu'd i.v. 1 'Ji! leH. ,S at
ing capacity (J ce..:i he'- has I eon
increased from -''l to 7D, and the
height of coaches on the lfaniuian
lines has grown from ID feet tl in
ches fo 1 1 feet 2 liiehcs. Weight
of coaches, w hieh is th" uige of
safety, has been multiplied lour
limes, reducing vibration and pro
viding more loom and greater com
fort. The.- incrr ,a-e in car capacity on
the Southern Pacific .and other lines
means that their crying illieicney
Il.s be 11 cnlai gi , nunii more than
the a'dual number of new cuh indicates.
A r po'-eiit.itlve bank of the" s pill. lie of this eit.V all'l
- IIToiilel 'HIT eolllitrv.
c IT
We Solicit your business.
(4''..M ,4-Aft tS
scheme 1
Slricll) S.niiillonwinl ilusiiicss Mclliods. Ic
(Ltf I'rir' ti all, and
AH jjet Value lirrcivctl.
Alain SttcLt, L'(ilt;vc ii
:orapnopnore i rfrWPMWPl
Prepare This Yourself.
For t hose who have any form of
blood tl i--oi i'T.s ; w ho want new, ri-i
Uooil j t nil plenty of it, try this:
Fluid Lxir.iii I laiidclien, om -hulf
ounce; Coinpouinl Kar;;oii, one
ounce; Compound S.vrup S.iirinpa
rillli, three ouni ess.
Shako well In a bottle jini , lake in
teithpoolifill iloseH alt.-reaeh meal und
at bedtime. Anyood iu.icy ran
supply the injeieiienl- nl Klilall eo-i.
Tnis is the preseription whieh,
when made up Is culled '"The 'egej
table 'Jii'ul mi nt" b.v others "The (..'y
clono Liood liirilier." Jt iiets gently
und certainly ilnew wonlcrn for hoiud
fieople who urn sickly, weuk find rjut
of .sorts, and is known to relieve ta-ri-oiis,
loug-iit finding car-en of rheuma
tism find chronic backache quickly.
Make homo up und try it.
f K 15 1:
leen -ii mallv peiHoiiH de.riiej
1 1 1 pure Iiiimi :i 1 i I a p "phone coii
eluie t hfit. they can Hi-ellrefi low-r-r
1'iace on 11 machine by buying
at lai(.;ene, Poiiland. ur by
-endlnv; lai"t. We want to make
those peiMoni the following
pn 1 1 1 -il ion ;
A nyone laying proof before iim
to the effect that they nrniiy of
their friends have puiehiiHed or
can pwicha-e, any type of lall--ion,
Columbia or Vict or iiraph
ophone or records fit any of tho
above mentioned places, any
cheaper t han We arc selling the
same, will be given u tirupho-
hoie-absolutely free. Lvery
;'-1 1 1 i , bound by the HauieciiHt
ii "ii contract to s -II only at t he
I 1 h es :; xed by I he factory und
any ngeiit doing otherwlHo in
prompt y suspended.
When you buy eLewhcre you
un- Himply mil the exprcMH,
fi'el;ht or your ear fa re In trans
net ion.
liny from your dealer
who is here to stay and make
g tod all guarantee.
The Bazaar.
Slate of Ohio, City of Toledo, )
I, in ns County, j
Frank .1. Cheney makes oath lhal
ho Is Heulor partner of the Urni of F.
J. Cheney t Co., doing htisincHH In the
City of Toledo, county mid Mute
aforesaid, and Hint suid liriu will pay
tho sum of O.NF. HI NDItlll) DDI,.
LA Its for eai.'li and every case of Ca
tarrh that cannot bo cured by the
use of lliill'ri iWitnrrh cure.
Sworn to before me ami Miibsciilied
in 1 1 1 y presence, tills lith day of )e
cember, J-SHU. A. W. (JLLASON,
(Seal) Notary Public.
Hull's Culiirrh Cure Ih taken Inter
im I I.v, find uctH directly on tho blood
anil mucotiri surfaces of the system.
Send for teHtlmoniuIn tvw..
F. J. CHLNLV & CO., Toledo. ().
Sold by all Druggist, 7.rjctH.
Tuko Hall's Family Pllla for constipation,
CM. Ir
r.o, Oie. j
:u iiii;
w 1
i I . 1 I 1 1 l i Ia
,i ( a 1
) 1 1 1 1
1 1
1 '
li 4
1 M I I: K li ST
W'i'i M- I ' ' Ml" la )( if.l I I 1 N
I. ' ' .1 I. ' AM -.
HAMKINi , i-0
I ' 11 I ''III. J MM. I ( it'll
MAi Vil :, A I (.i.l SS
I'l III!
(Suatautrr & thrust
240-244 Wasbinglon Street, Cor. Siaond, I'oiiland, ()r
R-ead the Wjgget.