BOHEMIA NUGGKT I ItOtm.MIA MUKll.T I'CUI ISHIMI CO .M I ANY. o K.nt.T.Mt t th p.lniro nt ( ..ttm'O i-i.' O vi;iii wroinl clu 1 1 i i in 1 1 1-1 COTTACK (JROVK Sl list Kll TioN KATES. t; months I voir is m. .tulis '"' If J;ill it) .advance. CI HOE FLOUR MILLS Cluhhinj Pates. Hie Itohetnlu Ntiw'uvt one vi-11 vli li any one of t lu follow inc. pub ligations one jf.'ir for amount - t oppoMie: I'.i. illc M.mthlv Weekly Oivgonian 1 I'oitlaudi Wtvkl'v .Journal ( Portland 1 1 . 1 i 1 v Mining Kcord 1 I Vnveri Weekly Mining r.tvor.l I'jii itii' Homestead Northwest Poult ry Journal S-J (Hi ' ' Y'.o SJ.'.'.i 1 7 wFurewap streams t I'll til ;rs- ivh II I- 111 I 0 .'1ri'-:ii' t. : hi 'ni't" i ki'i't .mi - an minis. oV;i; i.v Tin: amhii- I'llHU:!'. r ft 1 "l'l l . A lll'l l" " 1 ll iim' .'i ; . ! in: mw'H in 111 in 1 "'" f i si . :t - ii'ii! 1 1 l.l.tnrv mi t mi' libit. I ll IS 1 l'l K is kept "ii tar t t " I' ''" (.IViTlullH! . UM'I '' VO'i'l .!l!l! hllkrO. H11 I IHIH'I-'O. OllltfOI. ttll.'l ' IR.'t- I.T K.lvi'rf.MIlL' "'I'll I " '' lor " WEDNESDAY, Jl NKO. 1007 The IVitliind J iiu nil in i i ik ing of the probable a andonmi T.t oi tin' J reposed Eueiic-OruiKi-; canal, ends the at ti-lo ly nui:. "If Eugene t t Iter face town 1 tin Willamette mid cutis1. mt l.v ham mers nwy. water tranru"itat!or. will iviiutMiid coiuinr:itively sn";i," in other wor-ls ? n t : 111 t j that tt o Willanntte river can be usi.l to transport the products ot' tins to tion to Porthiti'l. Whether this is 1 os-il - 01 n the Nm'get w.-ul l still su-i -t that the prcjtct of I'cnnec-tinjj ! v i" -trie roii'l at Alhany with the Cot v illis road to Yaquina "t least vv ceive the attention of the cotmnittn- who rpOftei aiv.-i,'ivio lf NIes,rs iv,ler and Storev the eanal scheme, kiki which meets j would like to come to Cottage ! a"am'in ICuene in the r.ear fut'ue. Grove they wor.M surely he wel- i As we mulM,tand it. it is nut onJt-' 1 as lle,,util' f "rtiuiate la.-: , ., , , eene has welcomed them, the particular aim of the people ot ; w Jo not l)cHl.v0 tbat they ex Eugene ami we will say of Lane j jV.ct :uTCne to build their railroa.l i county, to find transportation par-j t timber, nor do we think lor u 1 ticularly to Poitland, but to find minute any obstruction will be giv- 1 . . ,n,l.ints : rn "'em in reaching their vast hold- ; some means by wnicu it piouuLi-i, . ,6. ., , J , , ' u'.sjs c.f timber land in the vicinity; can be transported to market, mure , of-Ct,ttage CJrove- It 1S ,iuite rvi. especially to markets out-ide of the (j(;it ,,,lt jf tj ty ,vtre driv-n tiom ttate of Oregon tor in-t tnee, San C- tt iuo- ( '.rove, they told their se-j Franci-co, and this can be done cu ts to th" wrong people. j cheaper and better by reaching Ya qtiina via Corvallis. The writer, however, do claim to have made such investia tioni of this scheme as wuold war rant him iu asserting that it is en- The only excuse for buying anything but a Pure Grape Cream of Tartar Baking Powder is to save a few cents in price. C ROYAL costs you a fcw:ccntsmorc per 'can than Alum or Phos phate of Lime powders," but it 'is. worth; farmorcithanthctliilcrencc to keep your biscuits, cakes and pastryifrcc from thcJinjurious effects ot these cheapening substitutes. Continued use of AlunV means permanent' injury'to health. Avoid Alum Ailments Say plainly ROYAL BAKING POWDER An fi hange says "it knew it all the time," if Cottage Grove had .ranted a thirty year's franchise, uc would have not the saw mill, bat they d irt-su't tell. They told et!ou"h to d'-fcat the only request i'.tt r.unk !"i'a franchise, because they or the t'Mrtu-s askir g a fi"ii did no show their hand if, there was anything good in it tor Cot lag drove. It now shows, as was thought by every thinking cit izen 1 ere was something back of it. r If it's Up-to-date. THE TOGGERY has it. STYLISH and KU.-l'lTTIMi iloth.'s iii'i- 1 li'iiiaiid"d liv all ini'ii of on I ja Imin'tit and THE TOGGERY is t In' pi; i.-f t.i t your ( ut li t f 1 1 1 1 tin- .'lowii of your lif.-id to tin snf hi your lfft. 'I'll i -4 wjirm w.-utluT r' nilinl- us t lint We will make it tool fur you if you buy your SUM MER I SDI RT:AR of us. If it's The TOGGERY has it. WWW f&IFtl I'll Alvl.f S illl.WS. IVupr. IIAIJ TUMi cv 11 AN SON. o r?.'? ..rrz-z-z;rz "Z -5. '2 "2 . GRIFFIN & VFATCriCO. I ' IV I. 1 III" J 1 11 1 1 Fxrminj Machinery Crcivm St'pafators, Sportif (it)OiJs dim'; iml A 111 m 11 1 1 1 1 11 n. 1 Call on .' Wc Buy for (,)unlily Griffin & Vealch Co. - - .ci; NO 'CLOSE OUT' SCHEME 1 The same publication is giviu' the story of the change in affairs not ot the Oregon Securities Company, state tbat during the past four mouths while the miue was in the custody of the receiver, it has been oni-rated nt a orofit. This mav be tirelv feasible, but is merely ee'.o- . truej but if SOj it Ioobs lmd ani lt is ing Ihe statements that are prouml- a I;Uor way to boost. The company gated by many of our old ci'izfct s ; was managed during the eceiver- snin ov tne same management as iGraphophone: F R E j; and renidenters. To be able to betore, nud such statements only yo . . 1... t?-.. I.- ; snip our prouuvt, 10 .. n-.iu. . tQ distriJ.t the former stockholders, via Vaquina in preference to Port- i :ini makc jt ,,npleasant for themun Jand means a saving of several hut.- ; agemeut of the new company, and died miles, and in f .ct we can see ' it also works a hardship on the if thiroutt. is es-.bH. d ,"iniri ," ,,1str'. an(1 such reP0rtH that Portland can ex eet to handle lhe transpor'.ation as the extra dU-1 tance to move the products would be from lu re to Portland , th n :e 12" miles to the ocean and down ths coast the siime distance ' from m l such works continually keep a caitid over Bohemia. Sunday afternoon May 2G, the gentle spiiit of Ida Saxton McKin by took flight from this, to joiu that of her martyred husband in the world beyond. Kven the here to Portland, iu order to n ah A;;'-i l of Death frit compassion for ho in life had Kuflered so both ui'iitilly and bodily, Alnle Mrs. McKinley 1 v a fitting end to a the port which we have right ut our: door a:; may be sai 1. A ruiltoud is already iu operation from Va.piit.a to Albany, which would only li-av the dihtnuce from Cottage ('.rove to Albany to bo Hpanued. Whatever may he th- rc.uit of .1 t L - i. - A. the agitation, even 11 it a.uou-os u, (k.,()li i(.r ,.vo (IM,glt(,rH an,i i.r nil, the credit of the effort mint be ',(;, r , jdiiu a yeai wan so great given to Eugene people, who have that her health was shattered and and nrp making everv ei'foit 10 s; - '"'Hi that time on her lifo was one cure transportation at rates ni'H ti ! 'i d c o:n was 1 -,ic t- '.:!( I doing. .Mi M K inky wus born in Can ion, Ohio, June H, 1 H 17, and was niuii'-i t William McKinley Jan u tiy ''", 171. Ti e shock of the ol liuileiing borne with uncomplain- III' Ii.'ltlf'lU'ft that will leave the producer a fair 'j.;vf,11 her' invalplism COuld not price for Iih products and not at destroy her indomitable spirit nor the mercy of a corporation and we her both in her husband, and it wan believe that we speak for this sec- j lH-r 'vl'"; counsel ami unfaltering , , . belief i hi-, luture that kept Wil- tion of the countv when we say ,. , , '. , . " , ; Ham McKmlev'H courage in dark that whatever the promoters think ! lonrs ol a(lv(.rsity ami finally cn- ls most feasible and best method to ! ublcd him to achieve tho goal ol obtain what they are btriving for, j bin umbiliou tho presidency of the will 1 eceive the hearty co-operation ! 1 '''.V''1,? lts' , . , . ... ,. . 1 ;f ,1 ! Iliu bullet winch killed her hus of this section and if an electric ,janil (.,une nwir causing tho death road is decide.l on that Cottcge ol Mr4 McKinley and for a long Grove will have the opportunity l tinie her life wh despaired of and decidinir whether or no, it desires j he wished at that lime to join her to be counted in on the deal. 'Ihe bites nndHtings of insects, tan, minburii, cuts, burns und bruises are relieved at once with i'lnesalvo Cur bohzed. AcIh like 11 poultice, and ilraws out lnfliiinatlon. Try It, -'."jets. .Sold by New Era Urii Store. husband. On her recovery how eer, sho wished to live until the completion of the McKinley mauso leum erected by the nation which will be dedicated September 110. The funeral was held Wednesday and was attended by the President and tunny prominent officiala. OOOOO00OOOOOOOOO0O0OOOK0( Directors OiTii-iotmlly persons dflriii to puleliasea i I.a popliolic eoti ilude that they can secure a low er prie." on a lnai hlii.' by buying at Kugeiiu. I'ortl'ind. nr by sendinj; laist. Wf want In niiiU' those pfi-olis Ihe fallowing proposirion: Aiii'oiie laying proof bei'ore us to the efi'ee t that they nrunyof 1 heir friend" have purchased .,r can iurclue-e, any type of fall son, Columbia or Victor I naph ophorie or records at any of tin above mentioned phees, any cheap'-r t han We 111 c s.-ll i ny; tin Sitllic, Will be yivell a I.IUpho- phone Absolutely free, fvery agent irl bound by the xainc cast -inm contract to s -II only at the price-!1 ed by t h'" factory and any liKi'lit doing otherwise is prompt ly suspended. When you bay elsewhere .you are niniply out the exprc--. freight or your car farcin tram net ion. J'.uy from your local dealer who is here to stay and mal-e g'jml all tftmniiitce. NOTIONS and NOVELTIES The Bazaar. II. A III." MS, I!. I I ;i , w, II Mi l I NO, I llll. 1:1 1 Kl . , r. tnH kin.;. A. Paid Capital $25,000.00. W. M. Abramt B. Lurch C. Rot Klnit A. H. Kalto I'rtildent VlcfPrsildent Cashier Aiilittnt Cathlcr A representative bank of the business public of lids city and surroundiiuCj country. We Solicit your business. OOOOOO (KVOOOO o oooooo ooo ooo ( Eighth Grade Examination. The eighth grade final examina tion for tho public schools will bo held: May io, 17; Juno 13, 14; i7 Teachers who have pupils ready for the examination should liotify me of the number of questions wanted and the name of the person appointed to conduct the examina tion at least 15 dayn before the date for which the questions are wanted. W. 15- DlM.AKO, td County Superintendent. I'ineules for the kidney and blad der. They bring ijulck relief to back ache, 1 heiimatisin, lumbago, tired worn out. feeling. They produce nat ural action of the kidneys in filtering waste matter out of the blood. '' days treatment il .00. Money re funded If I 'Idculcs are not satisfactory. Kohl by New Era Drug Store. Dwen it Sons yesterday received live ears which they will load at once for the lumber murker, TiMhfit i,au act ii;ni::i, is?. NOTK'I; 14 I c I I IM.ICATION Culled States I .and Olllee lloseburg, Oregon,. May iilst, I'.l7. Notice 1h hereby given that in com pliance with tie provisions of Ihe act of ('oiiji'cHs of .lune :t, lH7s, en titled "An act for the sale ol timber lands in the States of California, On Hon. Nevada and Washington Terri tory," as extended to all the Public I, ami states by act of August I, IMC, I'.I.AINK ADDISON of Eol'alie, county of i .n.ll", Stale of Oregon, Iuih this day lilcd in this olllce his sworn statement No. N'Jla, for Ihe puiclmseof tint N 11 N i: !,' of ."'ecllon No. I-'. In Town ship No 1'0 south, Uaii(u No., W. M., and will offer proof lo show that I lie land s night is more valuable for Its timber or stone t'liiri for agri cultural pin poses, and to establish his claim to Haul land before W. W. Calkins, C. S. Commissioner, at his ollicu in Eugene, Oregon, on Saturday I he L' I lh day of August, Iii7. lie names in wit iiohhi'h : (ieorgo Schneider, of boraue, Oregon; Jacob Hunk, of Lorain, Ore gon; Ardello Addison of Lor me, Ore gon; Edmund Addison, of Eorano, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming ad versely the abo vc-deNciibc( lands are reipiested to tile their chiiiiiM In this ollico on or before said Ultli day of August. 1!)07. I!i;nja.min L. Eimy, iteglnter. I' I vci'V i !:i s ii i ( :i n I n i 141 11 11 is .1 1 is. u I el 1 1;; 1 1 1 . Strictly Straightforward Hnsiiicss Methods. 3 One Price to all, and All get Value Received. I ()!JVIR VKAl'CH, Alain Street, Cot t y;c ( i rove, Ore. I - X P WHITE FOH OU IIOOHLtT ON BANKING BY MAIL O 1 o INTEREST ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS SAVINGS BANK or nit; Ctllc (5uaran(rr & tEniot Companj) I 'ay:. 4 jnr r. ;. on !J,ii'iny. Ai.umnlx " 4 " " " ('. 1 lilu tth-. i f I,'p,i it .1 Ai ujhh; Hul'jri I to Chvtk J. Ti i jCIiuj 11 Ko:;:; Gi 'i'oi-. 1 1. I In 1. T. T. l'a.JKKIIA.: ' Join 1 li. AiT'aur.on Ciia:;. II, Kci i- . A::( . r.w'i(7 Via.- I'n'siJfiit lYeaxtnr 24O-244 Washington St.. Cor. Second PORTLAND, OREGON R-ead the Nugget. M M Vf M v! 1