BOHEMIA NUGGET t -yy OTSlawisWiSilassaaailMSfcllSa (H)ll LAW A NIK1ULT IHim.lSMINU COMPANY. Mukp nil chrrku tviti to NtiRfet fiili. Co. o KpIommI lit th jxntlonwo t 'ltR Univp, i view nooimil cl limit matter. COTTAGKI GHOVr; .si'list KIPTloN HAT KS. (t months ' 00 I year ' ,, IS months f-.lMI l( imM In advance. Clubbint Pates. Hie Uoheinla Nugget one year HIi nnv one of tlio following pub lication niie year for amount et CIIAttl IIS MA I I llliWS, I'ropr. Si t 1 1 .(,: 11 1 IIAUTUNCi HANSON. FLOUR MILLS opposite: l'a Me Monthly Wecklv Otvgonlan ( Portland) WeeklY Journal ( Portland! Dailv "Mining Herord (lienver) Weekly M ining Heeord Pncllie Homestead Northwest Poultry Journal $2.0(1 s-'.r.o r0 hi' t'Oper i krrt on HI bT TUK 'AS MIMS'I lONi.lii 'S-. t'liiiiilT A M K K I ol I'OIII- nioit-e llutftinfc. leaver, olo . ' ir.1i-r lll li wi'lro'iic l.llif use el III .( iiik tir irom th noim limunif vlinii ! leWeiil.aM-teiitlile lll'inry '!! inlii'T1 ml. II. llllsrAI'KR tn kept on Moat V. l Pike s , .lrrliiiiiii Anencv. ("ln.1ii MtfivliKiiH I J I lixiiire. Sn KrmiiMx-o, rli(.unl. w litre roil- nu-tn lor tverUiiiit ru oe mittf (or It. Wednesday, May 2'.', 1907 They usually want something from the pantry You remember the hunger you had Home cooking counts for much in the child's health; do not imperil it with alum food by the use of poor .baking powder. Have a delicious, pure, homemade muffin, cake or biscuit ready when they come in. To fce sure of the purity, you must use The First Nali 1 : t I OIM WIN KKl'OKT MK Til K CONDITION It Kll in t 1 1: .... ...v:..... H'repm neueve i miuicicui 1 .Vt(l H) lt:iir tirove. ill tin Slate ut it tin" fUe ni luiMne, Mav KKSOfKCKs. I , mi nr. I li.-.n;r.i e'llmii. urvil Hil t un'i'urf t I Koll.ll 10 lilt' 1 1 1 1'lli Hi lot) t'rvmnini-on 1'. s Hutnl llmt-. ffurilie. r(r . other IJokI Kstnt' ow neU 4 "11. J JH W 1 tl l'-'...' 1 .'. 110 ( Tin Iuigene-Corvallis ranal sclieni" lrc not seem to nctivo imuli Mionrage::ent in the report of lh eommittie nppointe.l to in vMi3te its feasilnlity atnl cost. nnl it is eviuVnt that the ooiiiuiitt-e have lonf their work well an.! are ahle to maLe a very iiiklliplile repoit. The originsl i-onI of the nnilertikkitig to say uoth inp; of the repairs tiat will hiv to liw ooiiftantlv made if the experi ence f other canals is to be snvtm criterion, we leason to dismiss the scheme ol a' r.tnal. This d) not neceparilv mean tlicre is no other means of attain- ; ins the mnie end as was desired by digyin? 'he canal, for as is suggest ( d bv the committee, Koken of bj the NuRget. an elec tric line wou'd l' cheaer to build, cheaper to inn and to answer every jurpose for vhich the canal was intended. It would also open a greater oppor tunity of benefitting and interesting people in a fa." greater scope country. Cottage Glove, for in- j .,.11 i:i. I 11.. -., I Mailer, wuuni nc ucuri -, i.i,u.i11i.,M,MiM.I.Wt to rhw k : ...4 il.o ..linr, l,sn ! IS'iimil.l ivrtlrii'llte ol ilelit I1LI'.1 IU J IJUtiuvu iiu-' . , I'rrtlJUHi hs k taken up by the Commercial Club ' ""'r ' h,H k '"' r.m..cic ti-n-o Toiiit ...: 1.1 1 , . State of t irY!ii. been made of tne various C omnier-! cial Clubs in the valley to select t','"; ' I'M:"1"'-, , , I I.T. C . Wlitfler, Cashier of the alove- delegates to meet at Cottage Grove 1 .. 1,,,. donolemnlv wear that the .1 c 1 . . .1. i ., 1.. ... i., i.,i.i ut rJ ii, in me near nuure 10 uiscuss me i-" kiiiivviinic aim nt'iit'i , T. C. WUKKI.EK, CaMhier. Suhsrrilnil ami sworn tt livfoiv me rbis J.'ith day of May V.fOT. FlNla At. S. HlNIIS, Notary Public. Correct Att't : ( t h.iver Vkatcu I Royal makes a difference in your homea difference in your health a difference in your cooking. ROYAL is absolutely Pure I GRIFFIN S VEATCIi CO. lci lei 1 1 11 ilk w W l 1 II L- vN... I II. MIX. I!' IT . I I 1'. nil 'IS illlll lillllLW. 1 w l Wr :! . h Hull. :,! . ..f Farming Machinery KnukiiiK liouvp. fiirnil lire nn. I tixlur r. inn- Ik. 111 NiOioiirtl lHiik 11. 'I K.'! ro A ifilltv . ' . K TSI ft ln-trom Hiik ami ItMiikris . li'.'.i .i.: iiti.l Ins lin n I1"' "H"""'l 1"' "v'i1"1' l.ri,.-'t 111 1 lir, ail1 1 ,'itiri n ,1 .r-iii-i Kriti-uoiitil pm-r ciirrtMu-y, nickel-, mntivnlK 1 wri i. niiMtvwir:iivr is ihnk. vii Stvcl ten ter liole. U.Jii On I Kclcii!.tion fun. I lih l;. S: TivH'iirrr .1 nT ifnl ol rirciilmion r; in Tout :.,: it IllBll.lTIK-. ( Mj llnl sUm k iml'l ill I"..'"! H -i,'i.!n ('nut I, o m nf : t i.lct priitii. lo ciK'ii mi.i 1 i lcs I Hl.l 'I TV! Naiiuiml Hunk noir 1.'. i' I'm' ui l ru-I i 'niiirxinici n.l SnviiiK Hunk- JwlMl t,'vvl to I . 44 If it's Up-to-date. THE TOGGERY has it. STYLISH iiinl Yi:.l.-riTTI( (l.itln's tire ilfiiianil'd y nil men of good judgment and THE TOGGERY is thf place to kret your Outfit from the crown nf your licml to the suh si of ynlir ie't. This warm weather remind" us tlmt We will make it cool for )ou if you buy your SL'M MfR INDFRWEAR of us. If it's, The TOGGERY has it. J matter and we would suggest that of an electric line from Cottage (irov via Kugeue and Albany to connect with the Corvallis line to Vaqnina be made a part ot the discussion. Director Commencement Day. J. H jllAM I I Y X. V. NY ii n r. The followmg very sensible re-jlf the goods you buy of them give marks ou Coinuimcemeut is taken . satitaotion? i)o ,hey fulfdl what from the Rogue River Courier: lthey agree? Do you for one min- From now ou uutil the middle jute SU)poSe that you can get some of June is Commencement time in ; lbing for nothiug? Tbe oily hundreds of schools and colleges ; tongue.i a!ent j9 the ouly one who seattcreJ over the United states. It 4,e!s rnetbing for nothing!. For is the ending of school dsys lor wLal Teaon should he give you a thousands of youug weuaud womeu ibig CH,ilt r,o value received? aud their goiug out to battle with (."au't vou si e at a glance tht there the woihi. The average ,ri.)!jt l e a cat. b somewhere and takes a rosy view f Iile, oeiug u lleiJ a m.ul (liruisies yt,u auy ar young be looks at the bright si le (or H ,u0ney than the mer- of things and the majority of them clUntinour town can, remember have been sheltered Horn the ciHb he ,3 misrepresenting things to you; and blows of the world by tbe p;i- ; he lai;es X(UI fl)r H sncker; be takes reutl wing- Comuiencemei.t is yo fol a simple miuded man or thus a ciisis in the student life. woman The active work-a-dny woildisau, Show me a man that buys every altogether different place than the thiog he needs at home, patronize classroom. The mau who was a il(ne mUrely and I will show you successful student will not neces-: a prosperous, hustling citizen and sarily be assured of a successful life i show me a man that huya of agents for the qualities demanded by each 1 .en, to Sears & itoebnek for his jGraphophone! I run l t , Hurried ll.eal-, m 1 .f T He ;ire the llillilieu le nf I "ieml;i. A ItillgM Dyepep-hi Titlilel niter each I meal iddrt illKe-tiotl. illl in iVfi I he ;i lite. Si ll li.v New P.ra ill iik' -turc. Occa-ionallv jieiHons de-irln; to nurchasea cirainuihune con clude that they can sts-uie a low er priii' on a machine hy haying at Kugene. I'm tl'itid. r hy seudliikf Iwist. We want to make those TS'Ul- the fallowing prnpositiiin: Anj'tine Inyini; proof U-fnie us to the effeit tliat ttiey orativ nf their friends huve purchastMl ,r can purcha-e, miy I v ' of I'.dl pon. Ciiluiiilii.i or 'ii torir;iph ophone or records at anv of the above mentioned places, iinv cheaper than we Hie selling the fcailie, will In' given a lunhi phoae absolutely free. Kvery aeiit is laiund I iy the amecat Iron contract to s -II only at the prices r'.M'd liy t he factory and any agent lining otherwise i promptly u-eiideil. When you Imv 'lwhere yo i are simply out the erpri--.' freight or your car farcin tr.m--v action. Huy from your loe.d dealer who is here to st:iy and make g:nl all guarantee. NOTIONS and NOVELTIES The Bazaar. Director W. II. AIIIIAMS. l. I t Itl II, W. A. ii !: i i no, run. in.i ki.i:v, I'. Itl ISM KIVO. Bank of Cottage Grove Paid Capital $25,000.00. W. H. Abraai o I. Larch ? C. Kimi X A. II. Kl PrtflJ.X VicfFrctidcat Caihl.r AfiUuat Ck.kltr A repie.-ntatlve bank r.f the husinesH puhlic of this city and Nurriiiuiding countrv. We Solicit your business. pituatiou ate dilfe'eut, Thus for the pat few weeks stu dents have been preparing for this great eveut in their life. There are otations to prepare and learn by heart: dresses to le elected and wares and always runs down his' homo merchants and I will show you h niau that the community ha lives in would be a great deal better oft" without as be is no good to them or himself. The motto is have made and an assortment of 'build un your own town, let tho collega yells to be practiced up. j cities take care of themselves; stand On Commencement Day the by your home merchants; they will world gives every student the glad Utaud bv vou and alvvavs stand un hand aud a pleasant smile but the ! for them and the town and country j be beat. Sold by Olivr-r Veatrli daj alter Lommencement it is an t you live in, but f you are uot sat OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ( thousands of dollars are sent an nually to the Chicago aud other city mail order houses, that should Eighth Grade Examination. be spent at home to help build up j The eighth grade final examina our merchants, industries an 1 our- Uion for tho public schools will be ; h. Id: selves i May to, 1 7; Jiinj 13, 1.4, 1707 Kveryone knows tlmt Spring is the j Teachers who ha pupils ready eeason if tho vear when Ihe hvMciu i , , . needs cleansing. Hade1 I.ittle l.iv. r f"r lhe CXRralatl" b,";,,1,, "f'.tlf-V Pill are highly rccninmcmicl. Try me of the number of questions them. Sold by New lira drug store. wanted and the name of the jerson appointed to conduct the examina The I?rown Shoe Co. shoes can't altogether different proposition. JI. M. Coss, who we ptesuuie is a merchant or dealer of gomo kind, writes to the Uogue Kiver Courier in part as follows: "Why buy of agents? Do they help build up the country? Do they help jay the taxes? Do they care isfied with your surroundings, sell out and leave (if you have any thing to sell) and say nothiug." This is the right spirit and we certainly endorse every word of it, aud it is the Bermoii that has been preached again and again by nearly tivery country paper, but still the agents get iu their deadly work and Victor, JCdisou nnd Colurnlia talkiug machines aud records at the Hazaar. , tf There is inure work for mechanics In Cot taw tirove at present than there are incchanicM to do the work, or else everyone wants there work done Immediately. tion at least 15 days before the date f r which the questions are wanted. V. Ib DlU.AKl), td County Superintendent. Hinds has some of the Lest resi dences in the city for sale on good terms. New stock of dry goods and shoes at OlHver Veatch'a. 41ft. IN Separators, Sporting Cjoods t V! f.tllSIml AllllMlllllllllM. Rcni(.;.iui,r Wc Buy for Quality - Call on Griffin & Vealch Co. i'tiMAliiiMiiMtii5AaMiiii OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOO i.l N0U0SE0UT' SCHEME livery day vou ran Imv mmkIs .llisnhiU Iv l'ot. Strictly Straightforward Hnsincss Methods. One Price to all, and All fjot Value Received. OLIVER VEAl'CH, Alain Street, - Cottty;o (iruvc, Ore. BANKING BY MAIL YOU 'i Y Ki l l' AN At.COIJM WH II US IN PORTLAND, OREGON 'U YtJUR NLhillHOI' KNOWS QTIII.Cj l- f O nro INTEREST vvmii-: roi our itooKi.i-r on BANKING BY MAIL L NCI.i: SAAVs l-osr 01 1 ;t; MAKLS OUR UANKINCi li AAIL SVSIIM A M'CCI bS SAVINGS BANK 01 1111 tEitlc 0uarantrr & tEnt0t 240-24.4 Washington Street, Cr. Souiiid, ToitlaiKl, Oreou R.ead the Njgget. hi