Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, May 22, 1907, Image 1

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    0 ci
DevoU-d to the Mining, Lumbering ami Farming Interests of this Community,
NO. 16
Lei livery Wide a-wake Man
in Hie City AdopMt.
More Attention is Needed to be Given
to the Improvement of Our Streets
mill Alloy ways. Which Should be
Tut Into Hood Condition.
Tli" Mitioi. 01 Ime county in
wlin li Ikis at imcii lh llniving low, 1
'( Ctt i::- iinvc. is hviftlily aiii
plud bv nature witli 1 In- material
nl which to make -x 1 limit loads
ami lulls. Colt.iei Orove liai
n vailed it'ilt of this advantage to
:i mall extent fnlv. It has two tr
lim e v r- f ur "lni'H, i'tit the ma
jmitv .ii'1 in :i bid condition cspec
lally in winter an.t taiW t It
I'limilil Im- tin- 'vciy prop
o:tV owner ! say Hc other
1 1 v. ii .f lit si'- 1:1 111" Mill" run mil
p i'c; l 111 Its In . ell 1I11I street, lull
the pie-eut 111 1 -1 1 ii 1 t ;i l Will
ColltUl'll' ' I ' H e I"!'- until nil 1 1 H
citictis mi f one miliil and nut
niilv willi"!.; I'"1 mi x iniix t make
111'- lint"i 111' t't-- lln-UV
:'iiin i.f 1. in 'ii'Ms, which :ne not
inn i li I 1111 j 1 ii 1'iui loadways if
slid in ill'- .i 1 111 1 i v" slat" us when
thccitv plot was out. Vhv
little, il any, impiovctuent been
iniul'' on tin in, 11I ihcic are many
Ii, m l'. nun' h. mil's oil nilirr side.
Home of wlie h ate only to be
reached ill tllf WOt season by wa'k
in'.', on 11 plank 01 two Uiil 111 the
miiil w liil lli'' toadwiy is almost
imp:i able l'r teams This state ol
all. tils Is liol lo In' ittti imitcil to the
ritv council, but In lh" property
owner themselves, who have it in
their power id mak" th improve
ment it lh'-y sii 'tesire. The only
excuse 111 it ran bo ffeted for op
posing the iinpioviiii'iit is the one
df cod, l"it with the material right
at onr doois almost, that bug-uhoo
is Imt a hut" t r i tie oompnied with
the additional value which wotiM
enhance to nil of the property
along mi iinirove'l street. We pie
Hume that every citicti is anxious
to see Cottage Grove advance to
the ranks ot a town of the lirst
elasH. All would like to see indust
ries established here that would
make a huge pav roll, but capital
ists aro shy, and liesi;ato to loeute
in a place whic h shows no sign of
hustle mil life, and certainly a
town that hIiowh mi pride in keep
ing up its Htieets even, doe not
tdtow much energy, ami is not very
inviting to idrangors to
matter how good a point it may bo
lor biiKiness, wii-h is not known to
sti lingers seeking loeutions The
Kiiniiner time, which is no ap
proaching i lh" time to do the
woik that is badly r.eeded, and
before next fill our streets should
be put into u condition that team:
could salely travel litem without
fear of Hlallin'. The alleys idiould
also cuinu in lor a goon share of
improvement and the slogan "better
.streets'' ought to he the watchword
of every wide-awake man or
woman in Cottage Grove until the
inquovcmeiits needed are made.
Some wide-a-wake towns bare
:raulcd their councilnien the power
to improve, what streets they see
lit, without getting I'"? consent of
the property owner. The prop
city owners along the proposed
improvement however, can protest
nnd in that cane provision is made
for gradual payments extending
over 11 certain period ot year, which
lightens the burden, the property
standing as security for its .share of
the cost of improvement while it
Iuih ull the advantages of iuorensed
value during the tune, for when the
ponuu'ioKt improvement is made ft
few loadH of gravel ouce in a while
ia nil that will bo necessary to keep
tho roads. in good condition.
A Narrow Escape.
11. W.CIoyd, 11 merchant of Plunk,
Mo had a uariow ceapo four yeara
Htm. when Ii" ran a . jimeon bur Into
hi thumb, llo Hay: 'Tho doctor
wanted to ampututu it Imt I would
.not eminent. I bought it box of Jluck
lmi'n Arnica Halve and cured the dan
Kcrou wound." '-'50 ftt Bennon'n
Attorneys Now in San Trancisco With
Over 300 Applications.
There inconsiderable! excitement
here over the prospective sale of
the aplendid timber lands now lu l l
by the .Southern Pacific which weic
originally granted ! the Oicjmhi ey
California Company. Several at
torney have Irto at w 'ik lately on
the legal ipirMiioiis involved, and
it seems to be the common opinion
that thrHe lands will b sold for
2.50 an acre, and that thou who
mke the fust ollW to buy will be
the oneH to whom t lit- landn will b"
aold- 1 1 in this belief that look A.
C. WoiwIciKk and S. I. Allen. t
torneyM foi two dittercnt bmlies ot
men, to San Kiaiiciseo, tliin week
with ub ml :t(0 appln'ati iiiH uhidi
will he tiled with th" S'utli'Hi l'i
cihc Coin pii n v and a tender of the
puichase pi ice will be made
Several gro'ipn of citieJis ate ar
rniigiii' lo purchase thfie l indi, or
at leiist 'o tender pnytnent for the
tr act I hey choone, and th" timber
eruinera and hud contninien will
r"p u Imrveet whether til" lands
are fold or liol. 'l't- monl common
plan in for th" inleiidin pnii lia-cr
to pay lite criHm-M a ccnilied sum,
usually $', tor lixate ti. If th" ti
lie paxnrs lo the applicant then I he
mic iulltu the applwaiit on to t he
laud will receive mi a I lni 'tt il fee
when the title is leerjved. Oilier
uteemrntb, which iiie n 1 1 1 fi atioits
of lliii) one Hie 111. etc- by 1 Ittf' t nt
If the line timber lands now own
ed by the Nouihrrn racihe Com
pany are diHtiibnU-d aiiion' entailer
hol lers it will woik a great change
in lite limber interests of I.ane
county. Much of tin- very beat
timber here is owned by the South
ern Pacific and thousands of acre h
not owned l.y it is, mi account of
it h location, control'ed by the rail
loiid On account of th? great value of
timber here now and the (act that
tho railroad company has been dis
posing nf it, it is fairtc assume that
l"rge part of the lands of the orig
inal grant now in I'osHesHion of th''
.Southern l'aeifie are inont valuable
for this product. It is not possible
to Ull how much ol this land is
timbered and how much ia not. but
even a low estimate woul I make
the holdiuga of immense value.
The total land remaining from the
original laud grant and still in pos
session of the Southei 11 Pacific are
a little leas than IIOO.OOO neie,
with au assessed value of $1,1'.'",
8;ir. lvigene Guard.
ITKK Attorney A. C Wood
cock, one of the attorneys has re
turned and says that ho undo the
tender of the purchase price to
Charles W. F.kcrlien, acting laud
agent for the Southern Pacific Com
pany and it was promptly refused
by him in a gentlemanly yet digni
fied manner, who said that they
could uot accept that price for the
laud and that no deed would isime.
Mr. Woodcock was careful to com
ply with all legal iorm in making
the tender and leela that the cancH
to be brought against the company
are good ones.
Cough and colds contracted at
rhls season of the year nhonld have
Immediate attention. Heea Laxative
Coogli Syrup contain Honey and Tar
and Is iiniHunlled for lioarseneHs,
croup uinl cougtie. Pleasant to take,
mother endorse It, children like to
take It. Contains no opiates. Move
the bowel. Sold by New lira lruff
W. 0. W. of Cottage Grove Inaugurate
Still Hunt for Members.
Camp No. 2G0 Cottage (hove W.
O. W. have inaugurated a still hunt
campaign for members, under the
guidauce of District Deputy Beaky,
and prizes will be awarded as fol
lows; First prize IJach member secur
ing eight applications, a solid gold
W. O. W. watch charm.
Second prize Each member se
curing five applications, a solid gold
W. O. W. ring.
Third prize- -Kach member secur
ing three applications, a rolled gold
W. O. W. watch charm-
Fourth prize Koch uiembor bc
curing two applications, a solid
gold Wi O. W. stump button.
Fifth prize- Kach member secur
ing oue application n rolled gold W.
(). W. stump button.
Sixth prize Kach membor sc
ouring cone, the big stick.
The Work of Organization
Progressing Rapidly.
First Anniversary of the Launching
ot the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Fair
Tinds Much Accomplished Many
States Appropriations Made.
(Sj i c i 1 ''oNM'.v !:.)
Seattle, May Is. The first an
niversary of th" incorjioration of
th'- A laska-Viikoii l'aeifie Jixpo'.i
tion occurred on May H. Just one
y':ir after litiy representative citi-z'lf-of
S"Hle formed tlicmselvf'
into a e 111 ( -an v !"f the purpose of
holding a great world' fair, th"
woi k of creating the enlerpriHe in
l ir advanced and progressing rap
idly and smouthly.
'i l " past exposition year whi' h
bus I lull of itn jiortHiit vents,
is looked lai k upon by the man
agi-mi-i.t with gratification, as it has
been ill-voted lo, rtrhaps, the hard
est task of any Hint will be con
fronted, th- successful launching
ol lb.- woild' fair. From now on
it will be the Mini of tho manage
ment I havi- very detail of the ex
position completed for the opening
day, June I, 1 '.'..
All preparatory work of the ex
position is well under way. There
lias been im-ed by the sale of the
capital stock and by state appropri
ations the sum of $'J,0S7,(Kll. Two
adiutninistintivt- divisions, exnloita
tiou and woik", have been thor
oughly organized, the plan of the
grounds has been adopted, and
ground breaking day, when active
woik will begin, has been set for
Mine i. Witlun the year' tune
the cxpositio i and l.he work for
which it Ktands has become known
all over the country and abroad,
and the exploit Uion it ha received
has resulted in many states and
countries signifying their intention
to lako part.
Although the bill appropi iating
g;700, M M for lite participation of
Alaska, Hawaii and the Philippines
passed ly the United States Senate
did not gel through the house at
the last session of Congres, the
senate's action insures the passage
of an exposition bill early next ses
sion. A new bill providing for an
expenditure of one million dollars
for the exhibits and building of
the general government, Alaska,
Hawaii and the Philippines has
been prepared.
Appropriations have alretly
been made by Oregon, California,
Washington, Missouri, Utah and
Pennsylvania, and the senate iu
Wisconsin has passed a bill appro
priating $25,000. Kxpomtion leg
islation is pending in Illinois.
Many stales which did not de
cide to take purl this year, are ex
pected to pass bills at the next
meeting of their legislatures, and
there aro fourteen other states,
whoso legislatures did not convene
this year, that will bo urged to par
ticipate. With the breaking of ground on
June 1, work iu earnest s.ill begin
on the boautilieation of the site and
the erection of the buildings. The
first structures 1 rected will be tho
permanent ones called for by the
million dollar appropriation of the
State of Washington, to be usod
alter the fair closes by the Universi
tp of Wa ahingtou. The uext build
ing built will bo the large exhibit
palace. State buildings and minor
exhibit structure will havo to re
main until later. While the build
ings are under construction tho
work of laying out and beautifying
tho grounds will be carried on.
In the treatment of Pile It he-comes
neceesHary to hav the remedy put up
in Hii 'h form t lint it can be applied to
the parts affected. Man .an Pile
remedy I cncaHod in a oollaplhle
tube with 110..I0 attached. It cannot
help but reach tho spot. Itclieve
blind, bleeding, Itching and protrud
ing pile. 50 contH with 110.I0 guar
antned. Try It. Sold by Now lira
Drug Store.
For legal blanks Nugget office.
Of Oregon Will Hold a Big Convention
at Poitland.
The Oregon Development I'ague
will hold its next convention Fri
day an 1 Sal ord iy, Juno 21st and
2 "2 nd in tho 100ms of the Portland
, Commercial Cl'ib, second floor,
I Sixth and Ald'-r street -1. 'Ihisdafe
J meets the approval ol a largo num
ber of perilous who want to be pres
ent, and is made I'T I lie spec ial con
venience of tie .vfpap'-r men who
are anxious to be present.
Mvcry newspaper man in Oregon
is a delegate at lar;o to the Oregon
Development League meetings.
The president and secretary of
e.ery commercial, :n !ii-!ml, irriga
tion and hoi li 1111:11 :d organization
in Oregon is a dclegi't". and the
president has a light t name such
delegation as ho d' sires.
livery county judge hi the state
is a delegate and has authority to
name two othei s and the same is I
true with regard t" the mayorj of
the cities nnd towns. j
Oregon must get full benefit of j
the colonist rates dining September 1
and October and one of the chief
I features o Ihe convention will be.
a discussion upon the lines of how
we are going to get the best out of j
this great northwestern travel, j
There will be a number of good 1
speakers present and questions vital
to the development of this jtate
will be discussed but tho central
idea of the gathering will be how
to make practical ar.d cifcctive the
work of modern adw-itifing; in
other words, the best possible plan
upon which we can work in har
mony to add to th" population and
wealth of Oregon.
As soon as delegate au- appoint
ed a list ehouhl bo sent to the local
pajierij and then forwarded toS'cre
taty Tom Kichar dsou, at Portland.
The business men of Portland
who participated in the cxcimlon
to itiiity-three Oregon and live
Idaho cities and towns, report Mich
an excellent lime that they are
planning s-imilar trips 111 other di
rections. Ti e high price ct wheat wi!! put
ni.'iiiv hun beds of thousands of
dollars into the hands of the wheat
grower of the Inland Iimpire, , au J
the crop o .tlook is fine.
Wonderful Eczema Cure.
Our little buy had eczema r live
years." writes N. A. Adams, Henri
etta, Pa. "Two of mir home doctor
saiil the ea-e was hopeless, his liinirs
bottl affected. Y" then employed
other doctors, but no hciieli I resulted.
Hv chance we read about lileetrie
Hitters- boiiirlit a buttle and soon no
ticed improvement. We continued
this medicine until several bottles
were used, when our hoy was com
pletely cured." i'est ot all blood
medicines and body building health
tonic, (iunrnnteed .at lionson'e Phar
macy. Tiiic.
Effect of Car Shortage.
Mr. Matthews, proprietor of the
Cottage Grove Flour mills is ex
periencing tho result of the cir
shoitage which is not very encour
aging to a new-comer and an enter
prising man. Several weeks ago,
iu fact in the middle of April he
placed orders for sevctal loads of
wheat, barley and hay, but up to
the present time has received but
oue carload and in consequence had
to shut down his null, lie has
made complaints to the putties from
whom he purchased the grain, but
all the satisfaction he could obtain
was that it would be shipped as
soon as cars could be obtained,
which wa promised i y May 1.
Last week he made a trip to Albany
fii Bee if a personal appeal would
havo any better effect. Ho lound
there about 150 empty cars, but a
solitary .one was all he could ob
tain, the agent claiming that all the
empty cars were engaged ahead ot
him.' He wanted to know then
why the company did not move
them so that they 'would -bo doing
some one good, but ot course could
got uo satisfactory explanation, lie
is now liviug 011 promises and can
do nothing but await the pleasure
of the company. This state of af
fairs is very exasperating, canning
uot only great deal of annoyance
but a financial loss to him and the
community ot large, but it does not
seem that absolutely anything can
he dono to remedy it.
If you want a good farm talk to
Hinds the real estate man,
So Declared by the Stale
Board of Education.
A Plan to Allow the School Children
of Oregon to Help Raise a Fund to
Outfit the Contemplated Expedition
to the North Pole.
Through the courtesy of Mr. W.
I!. Dillaid, S'ipf rinb-adent of Pub
lic Schools, we have leen furnished
with the following copy of circular
issued from Dm State Department
of Public Iiistruclio 1 to the school
leichers of the State.
To Tin; Tkaciikks or Orkgo.n':
Commander Robert h. Peary, the
world-famous arctic explorer, has
appealed to the American people to
h'-lp r'dse a fund of foo,ooo which
he needs to defray the general ex
penses ot his coming expedition in
sentdi of tin; North Pole. lie has j
gone s far north that lie (eels sure !
that he will be eble to solve the j
perplexing mystcri s ot the Ti 11 -
known Polar regions on the con-!
templated exp-dition, piovided !
funds can be raided to finHijee it.
It has been suggested that this
amount might be nied through j
small contributions by the school
children of the Un.ted St-ites. Mr. j
Peary has approved of this plan 1
and would be please 1 if the scho' 1
children ot On gou would take the
initiative in this matter. It is es
pecially fitting that tln-.v do so, for
the reason that the masts and deck
of his ship, the "Roosevelt," are
made of Oregon l ine, and that his
surgeon is an Oregon nrm.
'Ihe State Hoard of Ivdueation
heartily approves of y plan to al
low the school rhildicu of Oregon
to help raise the fund, and the
Peinrd suggests tit t yii a-: a teach
er impriss ii 'ou the mm ! of your
pupils the lniji.U t -iri'-e nnd M . lii'i-
eat'co ot this under taking. I itnli
er, 'he state loir'. de-Mguib s Vei
nciday, May is "IVary Day,"
in all the scoooi o! t'e state, mid
evVry t'.'H h r should cab this nut
ter to the iitt nti n d the bo s and
gills, and lLvit'- thun, 011 that day
to make their contt ibutions lo the
IV try Nonh Pole Fund." No
chihl is to he askul to give more
than one cent, but ihy are to be
allowed to give as much as a id'-kle
if they see fit. And ihy are furih
1 r allowed to solicit among their
friends tor isst:ti!ce, m that the
State of Oregon mav tuak" as good
a showing as possible in this great
national movement. Interest and
enthusiasiuui can be amused by
having "Penrv iTaiks" in the
schools, discussions and studies ot
the splendid achievement ho has
The money contributed iu each
school on "Peary Day" should bo
turned over by you to the princi
pal or county superintendent, who
will in turn see that it i handed to
the State Hoard. It will then bo
forwarded by us to Commander
It is advisable that uo time bo
lost in explaining the r ovement to
the children, and the Hoard of Edu
cation is confident that the boys
and gill will enter heartily into
the scheme, it thoy are given clear
ly to understand that their pennies
ami uicklc may be the. melius of
discovering the North Polo.
Secrctaiy of State.
Supt. of Public Instruction.
State Hoard of Ivdueation.
Don't Pay Alimony.
To be divorced from your appen
dix. There will lie no occasion for it
if you keep your bowels regular with
Dr. King' New Lifo Pills. Their
action is so gentle that tint appendix
never ha cause to ittako the least
complaint, (i.iarauteed by IUmimoii's
Pharmacy. 'Jac. Try thent.
Your money refunded if after using;
tliree.l'ourthH () af a tube of , Man
Xau, you are dissatisfied. Koturu tho
balance of the lube to your druggist,
and your money will be cheerfully re
turned. Take advantage of this of
fer. Sold by Now lira Drug Store.
A Damp Time But Considered a Suc
cess Nevertheless.
Hetween thirty nnd forty ot tho
citi.eitH (, Cottage Grove joined in
the Woman's club picnic given last
Saturday near Disston. Tho weath
er was not propititions for such an
outing, but still you cannot find a
single excursionist who does not
say or bi.ngino that they had had a
delightful ti,,e. Sunshine nnd rain
were about equally divided and the
intervals of sunshine was devoted
to finding a good shelter for the
next shower. However, all being
of jovial dispositions, such a little
thing as an Oregon mist did n t
scare anyone and all made effort to
secure all Ihe enjoyment out of the
trip possible. The luncheon was
partaken under umbrella and the
fact that diippings from it occasion
ally flavored the ice cream and
other good things, caused a good
deal of amusement and many In
genious methods were calbd forth
to prevent t lie mixture. The clerk
of the weal her is to be severely
censured (or his lack of politeuesa
and it in to be hoptd lhat the next
affair of th kind he will treat us
with better consideration.
Latest Revised Base Ball Rules.
Although our Cottage (irove pport
do not sepin inclined to form a base
bnil club iliis year, we submit the
following latest revised rules for their
eon-i deration.
The first thing .or a baseball player
to do is to ueiuire a nickname. A
hnllpl.i.ver never becomes famous as
William or llenry. tjet to be "Mil Bu
sy" or "Tripe" nnd your success is
Ueineiutier umpire are your only
friends and are meant to ho abused.
The timj.ljs must be made to take the
blame every time you are called out
arid every U"od base runner make
the umpire .shoulder the blame for
raw woik on r lie bags.
Your jol) is never cinched. The
only way t get to rhjht with the
manager is to catch him murdering
some one some dark night. Then when
lie attempt to semi you to the bush
tli 1 eaten to leil on him
To be a success yon muse stand in
with the home fans. To do this, you
must imike a home run every time
you eoni" to Ihe hat.
Never knock the ball ho t lie tielder
can catch it. This rule must never
be broken.
. If aballcoines toward you do not
faint, catch it. Another unbreakable
l.earu to be an "inside phtyer."
Nu one know what that is, Imt bo
one unwny.
When you ate on the coaching line
always encourage the batter, if the
manager is at bat make a play by
calling to the score boy to "chalk up"
"another run" although the run
are hung up, not chalked up or else
motion the Holders to piny well buck
to the fence .
Whenever you muff a hall swear at
the scorers, ami tell them was
too hot to liati'lle.
Never run away w hen any one be
gins to throw "pop" bottle at you.
Pick them up. You can sell tliem for
three cents a piece.
When a stall' photographer want
to take your picture look shy and let
him coax you. Don't overdo it,
though. It is nice to have your pic
ture in the paper you send home to
the folks. It proves you aro uot in
jail .
The 0. N. G. Outing.
Captain Johnson of. Co. Ii on be
ing interviewed stated that up to
the present time no order had been
received, designating his eotnpauy
as oue iioioug others to take part iu
the outing which is to be held at
Tort Stevens iu July. He, how
ever, expects such orders will be re
ceived, as it is evidently the iuteu
tion of the authorities that the
newly formed companies should re
ceive the benefits of the instructions
which will be given. We expect
that the members will not be at all
adverse at receiving such order,
which will, be mandatory, but in
case any find lhat their absence
would be detrimental to their busi
ness or iu ease of siekuess, they
may be excused f-'om attending.
Memorial Day Services.
Decoration day services will be
held at Cottage (hove, Oregon,
May 30, 11)07. The Mayor, city
couucil, all organization and the
general public aro hereby invited
to participate with us iu such ser
vices. We will meet at tho bank
comer at f :30 a m, proceed to tho
cemetery and after dinner will meet
at 2 p m at the Methodist church
for further observance of the d'iy,
D, t,. Woous, Pout Com,