Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, May 15, 1907, Image 8

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Curtiss Lumber Co. to Ship
Lumber by Water.
Steamer Leggett Chartered and First
Shipment Will be Made About
the First of June.
Yaquina will once more become
a port of entry auJ departure for
vessels plying the coastwise trade
after nearly twenty years of eom
parative quiescence.
I?y the first of June at the latest,
it is expected that the Curtiss Lum
ber Company of Mill City, will have
its first cargo of lumber to go by
the water route, ready for supmeat
to San Fraticieco. The Curtiss
Lumber Company baa chartered
the steam schooner Leggett, hith
erto plying between Portland and
San Francisco, to transport its lum
bar output to California points, am;
.the management will commence
shipping lumber from Mill City to
Yaquinu I5ay at once to load
,ne !
big ship.
The boat ia expected to j
arrive in Yuciuin the latter portion
of this month to take on the lum-i
. 1
ber cargo. The Leggett is one of !
the largest steamers now used in j j
the coastwise lumber trade, and has 1
a ranaeitv of l."00.000 feet. Tolkind. complies with tin
1 ,
complete the cargo it is estimated
will require about eighty carloads
of lumber.
The Curtiss Lumber Company
has recently doubled the output of
the phut at Mill City, and the dai
ly capacity is now about 1 2.1,000 '
1 The present difficulty of securing
adequate rail facilities for transpor
ting the lumber product of the mills
to California points, and the lact
that lumber can be shipped much
cheaper by water tbrvp rail is oue
of the principle factors that has led
to the Curtiss Company deciding to
ship their product by water. In
addition the route from Mill City to
Yaquina Cay and thence to San
Francisco is the natural route and
the most feasible irom the stand
point of economy.
The revival of the coastwise trade
out of Yaquina Bay to California
points, recalls the time in the early
nineties, when a number of ships
made the run regularly from the
Bay City to Yaquina and carried
practically the entire grain output
of this portion of the Willamette
valley south. At this time the Bal
four Guthrie Co., shipped many
tons of grain to San Francisco out
of Yaquina Bay by meana of boats
chartered for the purpose. The
old "Willamette Valley" was oper
ated in those daya from Yaquina to
California by the O. k C. company
and in the summer time the sight
of its black hull outside the bar
preparatory to entering the harbor
was always the signal for the rush
of the thousand summer recreation
i.sts spending their Bummer vaca
tion at the seashore, to the docks
at Newport, where the ship's en
trance was hailed as an event of I
importance, as well as interest. 1
The bar at the entrance to Ya
quina Bay is eaid to have a maxi
mum depth of 2.'l feet at high wa
ter, at present a depth of 20 feet is
ordinarily sufficient for vessels
which ply in the Pacific coastwise
trade, there being few lumber car
riers now on the coast which draw
more than 20 feet. When loaded
the average size lumber schooner
on this coast draws from 10 to 18
With the putting on of this ves
sel it is believed that an impetus
may be given to other industries to
put in ships to run out of Yaquina
Bayi which uaturally has a harbor
equal to auy between the Columbia
river and San Francisco. Albany
d)EE' LflHflTWE.
Th Original Ltlva Cough Syrup containing Honey and Tar. An Improvement over all Cough.
Luntf n4 Bronchial H. medio.. Pleasant to the taste and good alike for young and old. All coudh
.yrupa containing opiates con.tlpate tho bowels, lioo'u JLahaOva Honny and Tar move, the bowel
end contain, no opiate. Prepared by I'IMK-VLU ME-UICINt COMPANY, CHICAGO, V. S. A.
Eighth Grade Examination.
The eighth grade final examina
tion for the public school will bo
May ib, 17; -lime 1.;, 1 , 1007
Teachers who have pupils ready
for the examination should notify
nifl of the number of questions
wanted and the name of the- jeiou
appointed to conduct .he cvunin 1
t.on at lens .5 lay- Morn the -la to
for which the qucNtions me wantt'd. :
V. lb Piii.Ki.
Countv Superintendent.
In usdnjf coiil,I .-.ynip. why not ;o
tlio liest? one that coiner highly reco
niendod Is Pees Laxative Couuli
Syrup, contains Honey an I Tar and
is superior to other cniiidi syrups in
many wnvn. Children ab avs like it
liecnuse it contains no opiates is a
laxative and l. guara n I -I to l;Ivc
satisfaction or your money refunded.
Trv It. Sold by New Kra Ornu. -Store.
Leatn to box, row ami swim, my j
boy. lnit first leant to I e a ;.M i,tU -mau.
To bo a gentleman means
more than biug merely polite. The,
real gentleman is always clean in-'
110 mutter how sailed lux '.
clothe may be. lie is clean
! mind, clenn ot body, clean
heart. He willingly sot's I. is ha
i with honest toil, hut he soot
soil his mouth with utcVin !
guage or his mind- nub u :
., """, ,
there are many kidney r -i
,t feW Mf. ;itrU:!,1 :sh . ,
"nneules" is a kidney ivin.-,lv i
contains no alelml i i ;.it- !
Nit 1111.1
Food and Priii: Law, iruarann . - i toi
give satisfaction. Thirty days tr--at :
inent tor Lii. Impure aln.ut I't:. - 1
ales." Sold I v N'W I'.ra Mm-; st m-
Miners Supplies
at reasonable prices.
Our Motto:
Goods at Reasonable
General Merchandise
Miners Tools and Amunitions
Tullar & Powell, Proprs.
yr , - '1
LP .U" y7lP
gfiJtr 1 7"""'" m""--' f-1-
Fashion Stables fm-8vw
The Ilodjjc JiH give
of iue-I4ead-Ores
mining maciiinkry:
I634 IUakoSt.
For sale by New Era Drug Store
Hundreds ol Cottage Grove Readers
Find Daily Toil a Burden.
The Initio and worry of busitwsn
I The haul woik and utooping of
i ..... 1 -.
- '
n on u,.
Hack ache, headache, sideache,
Kidney troubles, urinary troubles
11. Oliver of f'la West M., Ten
dletoti, Oregon, says: "I speak
from experience when I say that
Doan's Kidney l'uh are n remedy
that has much mciit and can be
depended upon for cuting back
ache and kidney trouble. t a
time win n uty back was so soie and
lame that it was all 1 could do to
ben 1 over or straighten up again
and the kidneys were deranged,
1 iati's Kidney Pilh did more for
me than everything else I had tried
Heavy work and colds have brought
.1 twinge 1 stilTiKss in my back
si' c tl en at times, but a few doses
ot Doiti s Kidney Pills have quick
ly removed the symptoms. This
le'v.rdv i .in he plied upon o end simiiir to mine." For
s-.l" by all ile dei s. Price -rl) cents
K,.-,vt Milbuui Co , HulTala, New
Yotk. sole area's lor the United
t a- s Pcaif nh t tho name !ans
h'hI t -' no other.
- i'iure!f
I I , " fill
. . ( i
"--'- I:-.KI IV
: - .1 It. . , :l . .. 1-1 Inl
. ! -. , . r uT,..l iii.'OiihH I
I . 1 ioIii.'I In a plulu
- 1 I-! I- If iu
I It.- . . i 1 i-HI:il,ll.hl. . M..-ir bid..
v : . I
rf I. ilid Off-Ron.
I'nr legal blinks Nugget office
& Gettys
& Gettys
:i perfect separation
(Prioen quotoil are wholesale.)
Uitter, country 15c
tuttor, cooking ifio
luttcr, crenmnry, 11 yvc
lutter fat 7i) 'tt
liickcus 1 1 to 1 b
Onions, cwt. fs.oo
Anplcs, hiislicl, according to
quality 1.25
Chitti'tn hark, oM , 5c
liiles, Rreen 7c
Suit hiles, lry 8c
tatiH-H fj.50
Cabbage, cwt ?5.t
Tnrinps, cwt $1-5
Carrots, cwt - $1.5
ParRnipH, cwt
hk; hhain, rro
(Hotail prices arc iuotcd)
Wheat, biiHliel Hoc
What onil vetch, choppml
ton 52(.oo
tiaiR, iMiolici 500
Praii, ton f 21.00
t'taau wheat chop, ton $2S.oo
Oats ami vetch chopped, ton $25.00
Mixed, ton f, i.AM
Sliorls, ton f.'S.on
Flour, valley, cwt fi.o
l'lour (hard wheat, cwt 2.50
Rolled barley, per 7ilb sack f i.5
Rolled bitrley, standard, enck $i.ih
Hay, bnlod, ton
t'ows 3 4
htfp 4c
etil. dressf d f t 7c
H'.'Cs. tlreHNed 7'.-c LAND ACT .1I NP :. l.sTS
t'uited Sti't.-H I.nnd (nV
U.metiurt:. Orejjon. April -1, 1!KI7.
Notice In hereby i?ivu that In eom.
plinnet' with the provisions of the
net o( OonKreM of June :t, ls7s, en
titled "An art for the sale of timber
lands In the State of Callforniu,
Oregon, Nevada and t ashltitrtcn
Territory,' as uxtendeJ to nil tho
Public llund StateH by net 'f AugiiKt
I, ls'.-.,
of Porane. county of Irfine, Htuti1 of
Oregon, ban this day tiled In thin of-
tiee liH a worn statement .. m.,i, t.r
the purehiiHeof the H W '4 of Section
No. 4, In Township No. .o south.
Itanffe No. S West, W. M.. and will
offer proof to Miow that the land
nought Is more valuable, for its. tiinlsT
oi Mtoiie than for agricultural pur
poses and to cxtabliHh hln t lalm to
said land before W. W. Calkhm. P. S.
(.'ommlrtHloner at bin olticc in Kugein,
Oregon, on Thursday, the 18th day of
July 1M07.
lie iiameH as witneiH4':
(Jeorge W. Sanderson of Iyirane,
Oregon; fleorge PiiriiiHii of Ioraue,
Oregon; Prank HuvHof lrane. Ore
gon ; lieorgeWehnledcrof Ixnane, Ore
Any ami nil -rnoiiH claiming ad
versely the above-deMerilnsI lauds are
reiie-ted to tile their claims in this
otlicn on or before sabl lsth day of
July, lis7.
Pi s.iamin L. I'.nnv, KelHter.
All tbe )atrsttrAtiiieiitn.
Ordinary Cases $12 per Week.
For further particulars aililres
Ir. II. C. 8C1ILKKF.
Kepalrlng t rcatooable eaarKi.
All work guaranteed flmt-eiau.
Wat.'bei.CI.K'kiani Jewelry at I-owit Price
J. S. Medley. .1. (J, Johnson
Medley $ Johnson,
Office Suite H ll'ink fllilf.
Special attention jflven to MlnlnK
and Corporation Law.
Olflee on Main meet, Went Hide
Prepare for Irrigation, Spraying
and pumping Machinery.
FairbankH-Morse Oasoline Ivn
CiueB for pumping, spraying,
sawing, grinding. Outfits
complete. Fairbanks Scales
for weigbing. Fairbanks
Morse Dynamos and Motors
for power and light.Fairbauks
Morse Windmills and Towers.
Fairbanks-Morse Feed Chop
pers, Grinders, Well Pumps.
All first quality goods at 'low
est prices. Always in stock.
Liberal terras. Prompt reply
to inquiries, quick shipments.
Write for catalogue and prices.
Portland, Oregon.
uospitaland SaDitarium
M. A. N.i.
.M luei-al Hui-vey No,
l ulled Sillies I.11U.I Ollii e,
lio'ielilllg. Ore., peli. 7, IIHIV.
Not ice l' hereby given thai In pur
suauee of Chiipler il. Title ;l !. of iln
Kevlsed Slatules of I he I 'idled Slules.
Alherton Wci.i.i Ii.ihi Tusl -
dresH Im t 'o( I :i).;e ( i 1 1 1 r, 1 ,11 ne ( 'l HI II M ,
Oregon, has inn. I.' upi'lliiilinn l"i I
H. Patent for IMMI linear feet of I he
Arlington lode, Sur N.i Ho; i.eniiiit'
gold and Hllver; the h iiii. In -Inr, N
L'l dig. :tl mlii. VY. ;.;.( ft. mid s '.'I
deg. Ill iiiiii. I',, fl. id mi Hie !i -eovel'V
cut theieoii with Hinl.-ne
gl Olllld lilhl feet III wi.llli. Sitii'.it.'d Im
t he S If, ol See. I I I sii .pi-n .led 1 T '.'.'
S. It. I p of the 1 11 . 1 1 1 1 . ' M M.-i 1 . 1 1 J 1 1
In the t...-liil i M iiiim:; Iii-ii I. I .
iillglaH I ounl V , Oregon, iiol le
KcrllM'd bv the i . 1 1 1 t .' 1 1 pint . ll'VMlll
poHte.l nil, I li' I lie lietd II. nil I.I"
III the iillli'O id the ;.'i'(sili r ..I III.'
I'lllte.l SI:il.'M I.iiikI Hlhee .it K-.--lung.
Oregon, u- ! llo , to u 1 1
llegMiiiln at ('..I . No, I Win' i.e.
the P. S. M N. Nil I esliilb-:.ed HI
Sur. No. ."."I be:irs N.
Ilil sec W. 101 7". ft
The SI' for. i I
I I-, pell
I -.1 I I
le Me
.',11 -l'l'
.':t s. K I I ; ot ni.
I i.llan heal s S. ,,il
p. ; ::u ft.
U lll.itln l
I hem e S
to I 'or. No.
Thelien S
lii. w
i;oii tr.
I de1;
: iniu P.
I . M
to d r. No .'t.
Thence N . i'.."i
to for. No. I.
Thenee N . 'l
ft. to for. No.
."i inln. P.. . on fl.
.;. :'. Mini W'
the pl i 'i oi i.
I. Mil i
Vnrl.illon '.'d .ley. ::.i
talldlig l'i.fiss m r.'i., i
ftiet with Sur No
1 he ndj ilmmr el tlin
t'Xeluded others ll anv
The not i. e of ii in ei , i
mmUI Atbiiurtoii lint" i
:ni i i:
.. I o -1 i e i
: i . to ii
( .,ii
I. ..If
are tl.e ,.
1 1 Ii 1. I . o l ,
led I
- . .11 . . i.i
I I ot ll.l.l'
llll- .ll, I'.
. i
the nllli e of I he l!.v o .
folllltV at Jbe-ednic,
Page ,'rji'i of Milling le i',.r.s.
Anv and all per-. mi -i elalinin-.: a l
Versely the miuitig wloniid and pre
UiIsch or any p.iilion I l.eo .. . .I.m
crilu'd and applied lor an- h'i i.v
not hied that unions their ndxer.e
elaim- are ilidv ' ' iilittgto l-'ivx
and the r ".ul : i , . thele mi I. r,
within the time pie-eiide. y laxv,
With the Pegi-ter d tie' I into. I
StateH 1 .1111 I lllti. e at I e .s,-on -. Ore-
pill, they . III lie liaiT. ,1 i.y
lili I
the prov loiit of mi. I ,' t .it ii (
Ill-: n.i oil L. Li.i.s . !:
lei .
riMllKK I.A.NU T I
NoTlfl. foil I I I
i.if i n
I'nwed States I ,a ltd tlC-
ItoMclilln;. Oregon. April i. . I '".
Notice Is ii. r. l.v Kien that lii l oin-
pllaliee lth the H'ui lull-, ol I he
act of ( onureMM of .1 iitii :i, I'', en
titled "An net for the Mil"' of liinber
ln. It in t he Statin of ( 'a I if ill eii l ire
Kou. Nevada mi. VihIiIii;I..ii Ten d
tory, an extended tonlltlie ri.ldic
I.iiud wtnten I.v net or AnunM I, I :..,
ii,li' ULSIIN,
of Miircoin, county of Lane, State of
Oregon, Iiiim t Id ( dny tiled in thin of
Ib'C IliN HWol'll (.tnteinelit N'. i . fm
the purchaH.' i.f tlie N V .f Seet..n
No. In TowiimI.Ip N". -''! nuuth,
Halite No. 'J wefcf, V. M., and will
offer proof to how that ! he l.iud
KollKht i-1 inn re adl.ilile ..r its fm
Iter rr tdoue than f.,l at-'i i.'nlluial
ptirpones, mid In e-tadll h l.l i laltn
to Maid land
illiee ill
the I Jill
II. H. (V)lllllllM'l
lluuene, Inviiii,
day of J iily, P'Ui-.
Me naiiieH an wit iicm:-i'.:
Miirlln Ibieiii.on of I n.
roll! I'eder Ophns .,f l .ueeiie
lerinan how of Luene,
I Ire
if. 'II.
.'on ;
l.lllll I lll l-oa ot r.l.'leli -.ut le. I i; ej.'.iii.
Any and all perxons i hi Iniiii',' a.l-
VCI'Wely the uboVe-deHet 1 1 ... I land'
are ruquehted to tile ihelr . Inimi in
tlllHiillice on or liefor. -lid IJtl
l-! .
I i
of July. I',mi7.
lil N.I.WIIN h. I'.IU.V. Li ).
NOI IfK I'llll l'l P.LIf A'l 'lo.N
t'uited Slaten Land Olh. .
IloHclnirtf, Oregon. . i - j 1 L'a, Lin"
Notice In hereby ji,U en that in coin
pliaine It h the proviHlon -t nf tin-net
of ('ollgreMrt of. I line .'I, I -, entitled
"An net for I be (.aleTif t i in her Inn. I;
In the .State of fi bf..nila. Oiegoii,
Nevada t n.i H'liHliiiit'ti.ii Territory,"
an ex tended to all the 1'ndln- Laud
Htateo hy net nf Au(.'iiHt I, i'C,
ii;oi!(!; I A It MAN'
of Lorane, county ot l ane, -tale ol
Oregon, hun thin nay tiled in iIiih of
lice IiIhhu oi ii hlat.-ineui No. mi:):.', for
the plircliMHM of tin S ll of Seetioll
No. I. in TowiihIiIi. No. '.'il Hiiiilh,
Halite No, wcmI, V. .M., and nlll
oiler proof to mIiow lliat. the land
Hoiibt Ih more viibiable for ii-viini-Im'I'
or Htoue tlian lor al ienll ninl
pin j.oHeM and to 'Hto lli h 1,1m rl uia
to wald land befiae V. W. falUniH.
II. S. V omiiiiHhloner, at bin olliee In
lOUKene, Onyon, on TlmrHda y, the
lHth day of July. iwtT'.
He inimitH a witneHi tt:
fleorK" '. Handermiii of Lurane,
Oregon; Ivlwurd l). I'arinan of Lo
rane, Oieon; I'lunk Dnvl of Lu
rane, Oregon; l.eoin Sehniedei' of
Loraue, Onyon.
Any and all peiHonH cIjUuiIiik ad
versely t lie ahovn-deHeribed lamlM are
reipiealed to tile their clainiM In t.hiH
olliee di or before Hnld lHth day ol
Julylli7. .
JlKN.UMIN Ii. KliliV, llef'iHler.
W,T" Dr. King's
Nov Discovery
BOo & $1.00
Free Trial.
Uureat and Uuickeat Cure tor all
Tor legal blauks- Ntigfct olliee.
I;jal Noricr.x.
TlMltPC I.ANM. AtM'.H'M-l. IV.
Ntn n i: poi: itiii.hvm ion
i:nlte.l Stales Land Olllce,
IIii-i liunv, Oregon, iMareli . I'.MI7.
,ol i.e In lieieliy vixen that in eoill
pllallie illl I In pI'ovl'.l'HiM of I he net
offongi m of .1 1 1 1 1 :t . It.' enlllled
"An net for t lie 'ale of I iinli.'i binds
in Hie .'. t .i I ei of t ' id. i Oiegoii, and Waslilncl-.n let I Itoi.V,"
,., , elri !,' I I" Mil 'lie I'lil'll.' LiHid
Stales l' n. I of Vil..',ul I. Is"'-'.
Hl;i; I II i;. son
. f , e. .in.l v ol I, mil State (or
Terill.ivi of (ini'oii. hasllils day
I i lei I III I his i ill ice her oHl Hi a lelllin t.
N , i ..r the pnlclio-e of the N.
: oi S.i Hon No. L". In Tnwnshlji
No. l'l hillllll, li.'lllge No. oWC' l, t .
, .iinl w III oh. 'i proof to I how t linl
Hie I in. I -.oil 'hi Is more Villll ilile I
il l under or -tone than
I in al pill p"se , and to
, I iiiii o .- ,ij. I Hid d. f..l'
Inn, I . in I I. an I
in ! II". lie. l ei'i'll, ;,
(in nu' li u.
lul.litli h'-r
w . w. r.iik
nl his ollli'O
V.'edne dil V,
(I,.. ,l h I a v of .Inn.-, pinr.
Slii- h i in.- , .1 ll neM-es
,ii I ; s.. of Mi aiiv, h'i'gon;
I ,. Wild mis, . l I leMer, I ll'i
,nl M W lie-, of lanviie, I He
Hi II. I'i. I., "f I ll;'elle, Oie.
j fl
.1 .;i
lis elalinilig lid
I died hinds ule
v III.
1 . ' I
I . ne
.1 -me.
III" I heil'
I linis in t Ids
l I .IV Mil I' I
Hi day of
l'l N I f I L. I
I I 1 1 5 . t : l.M f I. .1 1' m; 'Mr. -m
i I P i', 1 1 1 1 ; i t i.i, if rii in
ni ii
I '-I il. -i Land IMlI.e,
1 1 . 1 1 i'
M o. h an. P"i7
, ! IV eii t hat HI e.iiil-
. I . . s . 1, nl . . I he
pa. i'ii
I ; . i . .
o June :. s.s.
' V,,
III I he
N....,. I
ll. e
1 1
. .. I Inider
1 nl, I , lie
.ion l ei 1 1 -lie
iUH-l L
i"i 'I
nl U.i.
vleiel. I I.i
- h a. I
I vU,
i:ii r i:m s s: .
i ' 1 1 1 1 1 o I I ,a lie, Ntute I or
of I,
.ol ,i lu
1 . 1 1 v t ot u. k.oii. tec tiiiH day
Illl'. I III illl ..ttl.e III-. A' III late
mint .. ."7I for lie- I'll I'e ll i " . "I tin
N I . ' , .1 e. I N" 1 I.I I 'I II dllp
N ii, '.'I x. ii I Ii , I I ar" No .i e -t M ,
an I will . (. -r pioof I . -I u the
land oii.'iii i- i. nl imi.Ii' loritH
tin, I, .-I .,i - i. ne than to. a u rh'iill ii t al
l I i '-e-i .till I.i , -.1 ll.ll - Ii III . hlilll
to said land I.' t- ie S W '.llhlliH, L.
S i , mi iiiI e.. hi. r. a t hi" ..tin e In Lit-j.'eii.-.
I iievom on I'rida v.the 7lhd-iy
ol .1 me I'tiC
I le ll.l III"'-. ,i ", ll ll'-H'-en
i.iii;;e I'ui'iciii ol I ... ilie, Orey.on ;
I l. ink lhil- ot l.i.r.ine, lin-iion.
"mil;. I ILotlv .f L..i'ai,e. On-nii;
lleiliirl i..t of I .oi'a lie. ( Iremui.
' ny .iiid all peooie. elalailnv; ml-d'l-i'h
the at i-i e ili'n I llie l I.UI.I IlI'M
n.nete. Li III.- I lii Ii . hilinx In thU
olln-e .ii or Ii ( mil, I 7th day of
.1 'in- I'i7.
I'i nj v u L. I'.i.nv
II I I'd I; LM r.ll'NL .!. I7h
NO IK 'L I n; l'l p. H.ToN.
I luted Mate,, I ,and I Mhee
l:e,ediire,, ( Im., A , , p.H7.
Noti. e 1 h.-tedy j'lveii t hill ill eoni with the I . n UlojiH of tint
a. I of fonv re- ..f .lune.'t, IN7, en
tilled "An let 1. .1' I he -iile of tlllllHT
'and-. In t he St ule ( i if f allfol til l. I re
;'..i, an. I a-hiiiKt.'ll Tel'rl
I'.tv," a . teii'li'l to all the I'ulillo
L(,l. - le. ll, I of AllUIHt I, l'.l'J,
ill Mfl.L.s I i-;.M A II I'.ST
of l.'arlloii, i oiiniy Vauihlll, State
ml' T.rillorvi ofOowii, Iiiih tliH
d i V I-l.-d in t hi-. .III. e I.i t - win n m tat e
ineiit No. 7...".7 I r I he ii t .' Iia of Ihn
V ..I S I, ',, St: ol s I. ',. and H
L of I. o Sei tioii Niiintier
"2 III I o II hip No I'll hunt h,' Ha0
No. i. wi-ht, V. L, and Mill offer
pro.. I lo ,li ,w that tie. land v-miht
Is niofe valuable for 111 HiuImt or
ht one than f'.r liKI'leiiltill III pltrpONeH,
and to e'-lal ll-U liH el.iiui to xalil
land h.'l'oie V. W. falKlnn. f. S
(Joininh-l. ui.-r. at Ids nlliea In l'!iiKene,
Oief.oii. n I hiiiMila v, the llth day
of July, I'm.
I le 1 1 ; 1 1 1 1 -" an v. II neHHi'M: William l.
Kelly, of Lmaiie, . t. .n ; i:d Kelly,
of L..rane, Oregon; Henry Colil, of
Spl ,linlieh!, Oregon; I 'rlllk fo'lll, of
SprlliKlield, Ire' 'on.
Any Rial iill .ei-iou-t i laiuilin; ad-
ViT-elv t he ,'llnH e-dei el llied PltidH Ulo
ie.Ui hI.-iI to tile their elaililM ill thin
ollii ii or before hald llth dav of
.1 III
I'.I.M WIIN Ii. LllllY,
117 i7
TIM I! 1 1 K LAND A.'T AV N I '. :i. 1 s7h -NoTIf
i: l ot: l'l HI. If ATION
I lilted Slaten Laud Olliee
lioHebutv, OreKoll, April ll, 1IH)7.
Ni.lieeii laleliy nlven I hat In com
pllJlliee Willi the pro' h. him of hi;
lilt of f.ine.l'eHi of .III lie ;, IN7M, (.,,.
Ill led "An ni t for I he Mile of timber
Iambi iii tlieHtntcM of California, Oro-f-:
, Nevada and Washington Terri
tory." an extended to nil I he I'ulille.
Land Mali n by act. of Aiii'iist , H'.f2.
m;ii ill a m. (iiiiso.N,
of Lorane, county of Lane, Slatoof
Oregon, has this day lihd in thin of
fice her Hwoiu Htn lenient No. 7!f.iS, for
the puiThiiH.' of the N W of Section
No. an, In Townthiii o. 20 Mouth,
Itani'c No. r, wi-Mt, W. M ami will
oiler pinof to mImiw that the land
HoiiK'bt Ih more valuable for Hh tim
ber or Htoue haii for aKi li'ulturai
purpoHt'H, and to cHtahllHh her claim
to tuld land before W. W. (JalkliiH,
I'. H. f oiuiiilHfiouer, at. bin olliee in
Luiriic, Oiitoii, on y, Ibn
lllh day of July, 1IKI7. ,
She liauii h us witlieHHUH :
John o'luien it, Oregon;
I lardy Crow of Lmaiii., Oickoii;
tieore r.etlH of Loillliit, OrcKOli;
I in nk filbert nf Loiane, tlreKon.
Any nml nil peiHonH clalmliiK ul-ver-ely
I he above-dcMci Ibed landmiro
re(iieHlei lo iii.. 1 J i -i rlalnm In thin
otheiion or befoie Hald llth day ot
July, !M7. y J
I!i:n.iamin L. Limy, KeKlHler.
wvi-aite aaax.M Ui.r wttot. "