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About Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1907)
BOHEMIA NUGGET IIOMUMIA NUCIUUT PUBLISHINU COMPANY. M.l, all rbroti yllc (o Nitf l Pub Co, h"iirp1 at th jv.wlinire at I'otUffi UrY, ("iiii ai mtoikI i ln mall natter. Sl llSt KIl'TlON KATKS. 0 month $1 .00 1 ' 1 111. . Ill h t- ,)0 If pudl in HilvHiuv. Clubbing Pitei. Tlio Hoh.Mitln N liquet une year villi any mo of the following iul-lU-atlons one year for auiount wt iiMmlte: I'a.-llic Monthly V--kly OivKonlan I Poitliunl) '.Vo'kl'y Journal (l'ortl.inil) iiailv Mir.lnir ltoinl deliver) Wt-ckly MlnlnR Kivoril I'ai tlH- llomesteail North wst Poultry Journal $2.00 : ln ii-t l lrit mi e by THE AMhKI- MIM.Vi l ON. IIKSS, I'batuticr of lulu-lum-e HhiIiIiiik, Iji, Colo , where our rr'lci will I nfloi'uf totlictiMOl tb lil Iuk ivr from tho arioiiit nil run mh-Iiou ol he wml, a 'i"niliic htnarjr ami iiuiitra' x- rillS I'ATr K in knit on ti if at E. ". Prtke'i nlvrrtiaiiiK Atroiiev, l m.l 6.' Merchant! Kl fhauye.saii IrauoiM'o, California, where ism rarl lor aiterliiim ran b made for It. Wkunkshay, May 1". 1907 I Thera is a fiehl for iuvestmeiit in the lojjgetl-off lauds. It covers a diversity of crops that make up the Hiixe.l la; niing idea of modern ag riculture. The eoil is rich, the climate penect, anil the chances for success are as great as iu any dis trict in the world. The fact that grass grows green every month in the year shows the value of the countjy as a dairy regioD. That there is a growing demand for hay makes it douUy valuable lor pro ducing that crop. And there are thousands of acres of logged-off lands ljiug Mle awaiting the hand of man for clearing away the logs and stumps aod making the Gelds rich pi od titers. The time is not far in the luture when all the available tracta of laggcd-off lands will be utilized in producing farm ciops. The army ot homeseekera increases every year. More people get away from the centers of population in quest of homes of independe ce. And there is more independence on tte farm ol today than at any time since the beginning of history. Here is another field for the inves tigation of the young man of to day. Au'l they should not spend too much time iu making those in vestigations, for the lands are in demand, and will soon be occupied by energetic men and women look ins; for homes and plenty on mod ern farms. Mix This At Home. The fullowliifc simply home-made mixture is said to readily relieve nnd overcome any form of rheumatism by forcing the kidney to filter from the bloud and HVHtfin all the nrle acid and poisonous wnste matter, reliev ing at once Hiicii symptoniH as haek o he, weal; kidneys and bladder and hluod diseiises. Try it, as it doesn't cost much to make, ami i faid to be abnolntely harmles.-? to the stomach. Jet the follow inf? harmless fnfjredl entM from any K"d pharmacy: l luid Lxlraet Dandelion, ne half ounce ; 'ouipound Kargon, one oiinec; Compound Syrup Sarsaparllla, three oiincew. Mix by blinking well in a bottle and take a teaspcKinful after each meal and aalu at bedtime. Thi- simple mixture iswiidtoKive promjit relief, nnd t here are very few caseri of Pheiimatism and Kidney troubles It will fail to cure perma nently. These are all liarmleKH, every-day drills, and your dnint'iHt. whould ke-p them In the prescription department; if not, have him order them from the wholcsalu drug hoiiHes for you, lather than fail to use thi, if you are Hlllieted. nueen Victoria of Spain has given birth to a son, who if he lives will be the future King of Spain. Th id may be a matter of supreme importance to the Spanish people, but we fail to see why the American people should be so im mensely tickled over the event or why it is so important an event as to require big doubleool. scare beads and lengthy editorial mention in our leading newspapers. One local birth in any American town or village is of vastly more import ance to this country. While the Spanish jcoiil iTR.-ml it mi ini jvntant event now, lrt"oi the lo.v becomes of Hfio, ho nmy wish h' NOTUT. OV A PPI 1I1 ' V'I'lt 1 N Ptii; MIM'K All PA I I.N I' Not Ire of api'llValiwli oT Ihe Anacon da liol.l Minim; r.'inpanv ot I'.o hfiula, a jihatc corpora t Ion. ad -Itijflivani ihr.'iiuh its Treasurer. CM. Yoiir.K. for a patent for the (1P.M t tiNstU.IIVM 1 11 tJt'AH'IV. CLAIM. P.Olir.MI MIMM1 IM TIIli'T. I.ane mi l llomjas counties, . Utyon. iu:i'in:i: tiii: 1 n 1 1 1:1 siaips l..NT OFPlfi: AT i;os! PC. OP.PtiON. MAY l.Hir. MIMUAl UTI I' A I WIN No. 1'JI. Notice i" hereby ii " tin aeonda Hold Mining 'oiapa ny ! All l- hemia, a private vorporatinn. organ ized and pitiiii? iiinh-r :tl I irtue of the laws ol the State ol Oregon, w It h It irincl;i'. otluv and place of haziness Ht l ucent , li.ine ('eniitv, Oregon, aciuik. I'V mnl iluoiiv'li tinl under it Trea-uier. (' M Noim, whose pot i llire a.l'lle-s is I n- jrone, l.ane ("oiiiity. Oic-on, has lil. il application ( t patent ("i- ihe til'.M ix).NS(i!.inAi'Kn i.m aimv. claim t'ltuattii 111 t hi" I'olieuna Minimr trict. Lane and lioiiia- coitnti", Oienon. and designated lv the ueld notes an I oti'aial plat oil tile In this otlice as Mineral Snrxt y N.. 41".. and Ivliar 111 section 11. township 'J" South. Panne 1 I'.asl. the (il'.M ciiNsiiLinv t i : i i.ii Ai:i7 claim CDN'SlS I'INii or tli.. Mi.h l, mill inn claim, vhiiinlnn 1 M- lineAr feet thereof with surface ground as -how n upon the otlicial plat on i.lein iliis oftiiv, except a conflict of J.ihiI iteies with the Vesuvius lmle iiiinin.: cl uni which contiict Iiil: area is lierei-y e i llldtsl ; of t In Pcco l e inin ia;" ia im. cl.ilnilnc .i"'.i lineai feet .: .n.l lode with surface ptMtind a- -h v. r. u j . m the watd plat; and "( tl:e Join .le minim: claim, ehiitintu: l".7t f t ot tald lode with Miri'.ice .l; . oiiu shown upon said p. at. magnetic variation is u.mi i t. 15' East. The said Slide lode is ,j, ,i ., follows: Pevrianin' at cornt r Nu pot feet l itiu . 4 inciies m ii.i; i IS inches 111 the lThIIII'I sinlieil 1 U fir L'O ill. he-i diameter heals S. I 'i, I as . 1 a set 1 1.". dec W. P.C feet. A lir l inches Uats S 17 d.v. W. -II h et I,, and perilled 1 44". 1'. I . i he monumetit . r-.-t"-i in nrve bears s 7- il.vnes i" min i : 1 1 , e ! i i tii !ae d III;'. el ,' No -..'I I. 7117 i ill lilie he- f ip -'i s. t ween si cti. iis 1 1 an It 1 K, Willamdtc h 1 M rid.ian feet . heals S 'l'lielier feet to v i : " L'.'l degrees l.S mill W 7-r: N 5l' dereeM l.'i in. n W corner No. ' ; them n :,i ,i feet to corner No. 3; theiu-e South ."J .x la mill Ka-t iVet to corn, r No. 4 ; thence Small 71 den West ::imi feet to corner No. 5; thence Smith VJ deg 'M lain West ."'.s feet to cat tier No. 1 and place of lieiiiiiinn, and contain iuu exclusive of the conflict u ith the Vesuvius mining claim, 17.M'.!i acres. The Keco hide irt described as fol lows: Peniniiinn at corner Nu. 1 a post 4 feet loan, 4 inches s.piare set is inches in the nrouud sciihed 1 IP". A fir S Inches In diameter bears North :;l deg Kan "l1,, feet. A pine M inches iu diameter heals South 4li de I-Ia-t '"'i feet, both faced and i-cribcd 1-14:. P T. The section corner between sfeii . ti ll au.t 14 tp L':t S It 1 K hears South l1; deg 15 mill K Witt feet. Thence Nol tu 7S deg 15 iniu W 6.V feet to cr No. '. tlietice North 51 ibn I". i;:is ,.,.r p -.r No. :i; thence South 77 (h ;:a miu K 56-'i ieet to cor No. 4:tlienee Smith M deg V CL's feet to cor No. 1 and j.a.--of ix'sinninj: and caiitaininn ''.'-'s:i acres. The Gem lle is described as fol lows: lkvinnin at Corner No. 1 idea tical with corner No Pcco lode and with S. P. corner of the location. The section corner between sec tion 11 and 14 tp '''! S K 1 L hears South :!! detc '' min V. 'ja:;5 feet ; thence North 7- deej ua min W 1.171 feet to cor No. 1'; thence North 51 d.- EiS feet ti cor No. .'I; t hence Soul h 72 deg I'O lain K 1.174 feet to cor No. 4 ; tlietice SoUtil 51 l?z W H3-S f. t to cor No. 1 and place of beinninr and containing Pl.-ll' acres. The net area for which patent is applied for of the haidl ieiii Consoli dated Quartz claim, after exceptinej the i-aid contiict with the Vesuvius lode, which said conllietiu.' urea i-. not claimed by the applicant, is'j acres. The notice of location ot tie: said Slide Kile Is of record in the oilice of the County Clerl; (it I'oiiglus (,'onnty, Oregon, in 'ol. o, puge 'S Iheoids of .Mining Claims for said mntv: und i also of record in the oilice of tlu County Cieik f Lain- County, Oregon, in Vol. No. ij. pae.;5 Pecords of Mining claims for Lain: County, Oi enroll. 'I he notice of location of the Pcco lode is ol record ill the ollice of the County Clerk of Lane County, Oregon in Vol. 4, patfe -loo Pecords ot Mining C'laiins for said Lane County', Oregon. The notice; of location of the iem lode H of record ill the ollice of the County Clerk of Lane County, Onvnn, III Vol. 5, pa'e :;i):i of the pecords oi Mining Claims of Lane dainty, Ore gon. The presumed general coiiim: oi di rection of the said ' Jem ConHolidated (Quartz claim vein is Noi t he-t rly and Southeasterly as nhown upon Hldd official plat. The. aid Geni Coinohtbiled luartz Claim coiilllcis'with the ' hii vius as uforesaid and the Fawn mining claims adjoins on the Soul h. Any and all person claiming ad versely the mining ground, vein, lod,, or any portion thereof po described, platted, nnd applied for lire hereby not i lied that iiiiIchs their ad verse claims are duly filed accord ing to law, and the regulations tlieie under, within tliu lime pi-cma-ibcd by law, with the llegister of tin: I'nited States bund Ollice at Koheburg, Jiou las County, Oregon, they will he burred by the provision of the law la such cutLfl made and provided. 15KNJAMIN L. LlJV, Register, Date of first publication, May 15, A. ID. 11)07 l)ateof last publication, A. I). 1!07. Ja-l'q1 blanks of all Nugget office. kinds at the V)UiNKlrN.tiMirMjLiPMi0MAKM 5 SPRING -J -1 -Of' 1 Bvister Brown New FUbborv Shoos for --.11 ST PirP.IVFdt AT OLIVER VEATCH l'scliisive Pealers in Prown Slioe Compaiiy's l.adlen and Lents shoes. Letbody kinws they are the Best for the Money. a MillCL liiP PL I'.LIt 'ATION'. Pepartmeitt of the Interior, 1 .and M'u e at Kosclun n. ' Ireon. ! M iv Cilli, UHI7. Notice is heieh' eixru t ha t i WILLI M 1 1 M I LLLP, j of Cot t.i:e ( it oe, iio-non. lias tiled ! notice i.; his Intention to make tiuul iiveyear pro if iu - uppot l of his j .hum. vi : 1 1 'iin'stea.t Lulr.v No.! ! made M.itch 7. hUM), for theS',1 NL , Si: Section Township -Jl . : i: in:;i I W. alio that said proof will he III ide W . V. Calkins, I'. . . I '. ie lilisMonef at llis ollice at Kftfs'etie. ; lo'eoii.nn satiuday, .Inly lit It I'.mi7. I I le names t lie following to prove hi- I'niit iinious residence' up. li. and cuitlvatii u of the laud. 'r?:. .laine-i Topp, of Cottage Lre, , iiiirnn; .lames layl'ir. Cottifj t;p'e, Otcu'on; liominico Perini ot ; id.-. (Hi joli: Leoiie llirli-iof Pl-l id--. ( irenoii . l.'.-'.'u I Pi n.i vmin L. Paaiv. Pe;;lster. j DIED. On Knd iv. Mhv in, 1 '. 7 Mrs. Allie, -wl'e of M K. (t.irmitte, age , 'i'l nuts, 1 month mi 1 '11 davs. Mr-. (1 trotitte in-- been a resident! -! 4.. I , t .. .1... o. i. miu-" .noeio, oh. hi m i ft- yea: s and ie ivcs iiiini'Totis relativcH ( hereto mourn her loss. She has j been almost an invalid for the past year, lic-iti sick a i;reat portion of tin time and her death was not at all unexpected, The funeral ser - vices wcte conducted at the M. K. 'church, by its past Hev. J. L. Ueattv and lirffelv attended by the , . cit.'tis. tlio Odd fellows and lie bekalis having ch'irge. of the cere-, tnoiiy which was ' most iinpienMve! one and a lartre cortege follow d ,'e cortcee tol ow.d ts last resti ij,' pbice I ntiuterv ' the remains to its in til" I. ). O. Vo ir lie itiey renuil"d ' after minx : t hre-. fourths (;', i af a tube of Man-; .an, oii iire dissalislieil. PeLurn tliej balance oi thetul-to your driiKKlst, and your money will lie cheerfully re turned. Take advantage of this of fer. Sold by New Lra Pray; Store. A Military Club. Members ' f Co. H. of the O. N. ( i. last week orgaiii.-d a Military VAw'u, electinj,' Capt nn Jol'ii"on bh chairman mi 1 I. W. P.ikar, Hecre tury. ('iuli rooms will be fitted up in the new quarters to be built .by ' Lieutenant Iiwt-oa, cousiitiutf of 'ynmasium. bttln, readiu"; room, and other up-to-date, conveniences. The dub give wociuls, picnics nnd entertainments to which the public will bo invited. Hurried tiieah, lack of xitcJhh are the mainca u-es of dyspepKla. A Pings liy.-pep-ia Tablet alter e.acli iiii al aids digestion, improves t ho ap petite. H M by New Lra drug store. SILK CHEEK ITEMS. Mr. and Mrs. l'armelo went to Cottage (irove lint Wednewdfiy. Mr. Cusebeer is making lrer sistr Mis. H,ul.ili Pistes an ex tended Vl!-'it. Klder J. Cole end wife from kohfcburg were on the Croek (or several days tin; last of tho week. Sunday School was held at the appointed tiine but .Sunday. Three young men, students of Royal Academy, were buptj.e'l, Sunday. Calvin Punch visited his daugh ter Mrs. Pint Leo of Divide, Thurs lay. Improper actions of the kldneyn cause backache, lumbago, rheuma tism. 'pineulcK" is a kidney liinedy that will relieve these diseases. 1'leilH a in to take and guaranteed to ylvo saii faction or money refunded, "He lief it every dose." Sold by New Lra Pni'' Store. For legal blatka Nugget office. I ooooooooooooooooooooooooo Director W. II. AllKAMM, II. I I Hi ll, W, maiiti nu, pun. nut Kt i:v, r. itoHS kind. Bank of Cote Grove Paid Capital $25,000.00. i M. s W. M. Abrami . Larch C. Iom Hint A. M. KW Vlc-rrildBl - CaahUr - Aitlitaal CaahUr I 1 A represntatl ve bnnk of the husinesH puhlie of this city und surrounding eoiintrv. We Solicit your business. 0MotVOvoOOK00X000 Graphophonej FREE ! ! i t Occasionally persons delrlnrf i ' t i nnrcliiiMe :i 1 1 rii iiotiliolit eoli- ; J chide that they can tws-ure a low- ! fT,'0" " n "' ")H h' f at Lunelle, Portland, or by sending Last. We want to make those iM-rsoim the following proposition: Anyone laving proof lie fore us ' , " I tlielr friends have piueliaMel or I can piirchae. any tM of lali- t son, Columbia a- ictor inapli- .1 ophone or records at anv of the to the effect licit they oranvof 'I aliove inelit ioned places:, aliv 4 etieaper than we aie sellliiK the same, will Is )ivell il loapho- T phone absolutely free, livery aent is bound by the Mainecasl- Iron coiitiact to s.-ll mil.v at the prices 11 xed by the factory and I any ag;etit doinn otherwise Is promptly siiNpended. When yoa buy elsewdiere you nre Hiuiply o-ut tho e.xpn-ss. I freight or your ear fare In trans- action. j Buy from your hwd dealer who is here to stay and make :: i:: K:;ol all guarantee. NOTIONS and NOVELTIES The Bazaar. -OF- Coltage Grove, Or. Paid up Capital: $25,000.00 SurpliiH and I'ndlvlded Profltn. $5,875.44 Money to loan on approved security KxchangcH Hold, available any place in the United States IIIHBIKT KAK If. Frenlitent T. ! WHill.r Ctuhler Cottage Grove Public School Monthly Report. Month ending May .'Id lioys Girls Total enrollment New enrollment DajH attendance Davs absence Tim en tarily TimfiH truant Days taught Days holiday 22 'i.'l'l 0 1 2807 32o(i;4 253 210 f,C, 42 0 0 19 1 0. I,. Stranox, 8upt. For legal blanks Nugget office. STOCK 1 V. .1. .J . .( ,. .p .. . .J. . J J Fresh Beef, Fork, Million find Venl always rcnuiy. : Our Refrigerator ; is llir lim sl iu f )n tMHt. L Presli lrish c;icli iiustl.'i :unl Priilny. f Si't imr pl.tnl, i vi 1 1 liin;; tn-w ami up l il il . i: Frod Hcrrcn. I t H0TEL I lcail(iKirlcr I : r B O IB I Miiitni and 1 c C. T. LONG, Prop j oi I Wt hc iriivr,l .1 fmn iifw, itpfd il It, n h4m!vri'. I m1 l" I. Im.IIu khim.. V I.1 ...... 1 1, ,1 m.l illu i I ,11'lllrul. ,li,M,il (..). t. M.r llfi.-J.J lately lire li .l ci Uc iht liJ rt il nnnniiiiTP nm i An imuiumiiL uuLLHi. : Ji 11 hilit. ulut lc. dural lr r. Tivrnirtj. m l lhfMrtnl It ail iw CALL TODAY AS THEY ARE COINC lt-tl riU At l 00 l I'liil ti a 1 .,nt M.t i-. i 1 M..t rilir . ( k4tamlt Nlruf., i I U ' ! I,. I In tk. -,. ,.1 h . -k. a . i, IU MAUIUkirti HTK'irH u r bi ,1 tri. 1. .( i k 1, .1-11 ' .( I t I . rr.t it fti t 1 i 'X I'? I t!..' r f . I til-J,t ! LJjf4.t4ilf mi.&; will b r(au J li , V-f I . it I Ullltlt tott. b . J Hlh'tt PHI Wf rlUl.l.U DAHufit sunns in rtir us? ot it .. tr .. a. in. j.r n.4 ii can i.u kAK r t-l l-milr. Il f tt .- I ( , t t ' A . t,f . H I tt i. i i I i'i i ..i(t v ( -. i . t .in i ft. it.. 11 I Jit' I I I I ; " . t: .t ' I 1 I ' A RAZOR GIVEN FREE To ThV PURCHASER nf EACH STROP S I HOMES (JriHin & V catch Oinipany. Wynne Hardware (o. BANKING BY MAIL YOU MA V Kill- AN ACCOUNT Willi I IS IN PORTLAND, OREGON NU YOUR NliK.IIHUR KNOWS NOTHING VF IT INTEREST WRITH I OR OUR MOOKLET ON BANKING BY MAIL -UNf.l.K SAM'S I'OST CH I ICI: MAKES OUR UANKINCi HY MAIL SYSII M A SUCCISS SAVINGS BANK oi- tiii: itlt Guarantee & vmt Company 240-244 Washington Street, Cor. SetonJ, Portland, Oregon 1- -1 tirade rieiifs; I'llO II Mntu H ,1 (iKAHAN Commercial Men 1 8 THE nwrnn nmnn iiHiLUii oinur fr- art ! IiU1i it f t vululloiillntf !? THAT FAST. . . V "V..'. -.rx.-.'.VT u t 1 ii. .' .1 I ' - ' m ' 1 t I' r li r f 1 1 In. ' ' 1. r w I. I i- f ... . . .t .. ... u , sir. 1 . .'1 , iir- ' I ' I. 1 k , 1 r I I j I .- , 1 1 r . I , t ' I r fe . r M I I r . , (, r .1 I; n I V . f U . t.'. W'T ' l -i"br ,t t. r, , o. i : iiiBr 1 1 ' l"llf:i;l Ii ii l l H ) I i . i "I Ar snu-t sun a nAutvMnr t - .i i i i . '. i I i ' t I ' r I i . I l lull 111 t. t ,L,i t,,W - . Ut f lr. --lit - il . , . -( 4 O o