HUNDRED ARE LOST Trench Steamer Goes Ashore on Coast of Uruguay. YESSEL AND CARGO WILL BE LOSS Heavy Gala Make Rescue Difficult, but E.ffortaAreStlll Made to Heach Survivor. Montcv'dco, Uruguay, May 0. Tho French iruiiHMtf t Maritime Poilou, from Marsoilhw April II fur this Kir I, has Imm'H wrecked off Kitti Jose Ignacio, on the count ut Uruguay. Nlin In unltr stood to Imvo had .'100 jwiHHciigcM on Isiard, mill, ncooi ding to lato reports, nearly 200 of these Imvo been rescued and aie on their way to this city. The vessel and her cargo will prolmhly prove a Un loss. The casuulity tint has liccii reported at 100, luit (IiIn lum not Ihtch corroborat ed. VI id government is doing every thing p nihil, l to succor tho Shipwreck ed OOplo. Niii Joso Ignacio in n small rocky promontory surrounded by reefs, -1 miles west tif Capo St. Muriii, on the 4otitliciiHtrn roHttt of I'ruguiiy and about hi) mile from Montevideo. Tlii' vessel was driven on the rock yesterday. Sim lies 30 yur fN from bore. A heavy pile ha lcen blowing for several days, and in still continu ing. 'I his renders tho work of rescue very diflieult. Tho effort to get tho remainder of tlie a'RetigcrH uml crew to In ml aro being continued with untir iiiK energy. Panic broko'out on board the vessel when ntiti grounded, and a number of terror stricken puiplo jumped over iMinrd. Aivnrding to n report a mi iiiImt of women inanugcd to swim ashore, lint many wero drowned. It 1h known that cusbuns officers at Itincon do per ?ro km ved 50 rxiHsengcrs. SAN FRANCISCO CARS RUN. Heavily Guarded, Two Make Trip of About Six Milea. Snn Francisco, May l. Tho police, for the first time Mince tho commence ment of tho sir. M'tcar strike furnished iictuul protection yesterday afternoon for two of the United lvtt UrmlH car iimnncd by 21 strikebreakers, mid as a reHiilt of thin protection thcHe cms wero tun over nix miles of truck without the firing of a idiot. Four men, one of them a strikebreak er and tho other three moniliers of tho Electrical Workers' unit n wero injured. There wiin Intermittent burling of mis siles by union crowds at various points along the route and for two or three miles h mob of at least 1,000 men and iMiys ran with the curs, ywlling, calling epithets, during the nonunion men to got off the caiH and fight and cheering vociferously whenever for one caut-o or Another tho curs were brought tempor arily to a atop. After tho return to tho earliouse at tho general oirices at Oak mid Broderick drects, Mr. Mullally sUttod that cars will he operated again today. He thought it Ust not to divulge the start ing time or give the route In advance. A majority of tho strikebreakers who manned tho cars cnino from Kentucky. Of the thirty odd persons who wore itthot or elherwiso wounded In Tuesday's pitched butt lea on Turk street, four aro expected to die. This would increase tho number of deaths to flvo, hm James Walsh died Tueeday i If it. Many of the others among the injured have 1hhh removed to their homes. A ance Not Aimed at America. Paris, May 0.-M. Knrino, tho Jap Aneso mininUr, stated that tho series of treaties blwoen Ciroat Brituin, Franco, HuHHia and Jajian, guaranteeing tho territorial rUttus Uo In the Far East, impliei an agreement to prevent other countries from acquiring territory thore. He denied that the entente was in any way aimed at the United States, adding: "Japan, In spit of the San Francisco incident, has always been most sympa thetic to tho United StuteH because sho was tho flrnt to treat the Japancso peo ple on a footing of eiiuullty." Fire In Kansas City. Kansas City, May 9. Fire this after noon destroyed tho five story Universi ty building at tho northwest corner of IKHist and Ninth streets, canting a property Iosh of $250,000. One life Mas lost, six persons are missing and may bo buried in the ruins, und 15 peo ple were more or kss seriously hurt. Tho debris is still burning tonight, and cannot be Boarched until tomorrow. The building waH occupied by Montgom ery, Ward x Co., as otlices. Immigration Board's Plans. New York, May 0. -The committee appointed by President Hoosevelt, Vice President Fairbanks and Speaker t an non to Investigate all the phases of the problem if immigration has decided to extond its work to the leading emigra tion cities of Kuropo and has made ar rangoinents to sail from Boston May 18 for the Mediterranean on the etcamor Canopic. , ' Omaha Building Collapses. Omaha, May 9. A tlx story building at Ninth and Leavenworth streets, oc cupied by Parlin, Orendorff & Marlin company, wholesale farm implements, collapsed this morning, the walls fall ing n i ward. The proprtey loss, which cannot yet be estimated, is heavy The employes had not reported for work and no one was injured. FIXTURE8 BY THE POUND. Keystone State Capitol Grafters Must Face Criminal Charges. Harrlsburg, '., May 7. Civil and criminal suits will bo I rought by At torney (ieneral Todd against those re for the state eapltol scandal. A coinploto list of tho defendants will not bo known until tho Inquiry is com pleted. Tho commission will bold no more publio sessions until after the legislature adjourns on May 111. As tho commission cannot finish lis work in tirno to rejxirt to the present legislature, as provided in tho resolu tion creating that body, tho Investiga tors will send a rejKirt to the general assembly which will simply be an an nouncement that the inquiry is incom plete and a reonnst that its time be ex tended Indefinitely, and that it bo au thorized to make itit rejxirt to Governor Btuart whou ready. The suits will be Wised on the testi mony showing that the contractor col lected from the state for 762 thermo stats and I lists Hod only .'i)3, and on the substitution of domestic for aocarat glass and an inferior glass for Tiffany favrilo. The testimony also shows that while the rnoro elaborate of tho 12,000 worth of lighting fixtures was to tie mercurial gold, tho bulk of those in stalled were merely lacqeorwl, the lat ter process cost ing one-tent li the price of tho former. All these fixtures were supplied to the state at a cost of $t.B5 "per pound. GRAFT IN KANSA3 CITY. Investigation to Begin, Conducted by Governor Folk. Kansas City, Mc, May 7. Tomor- tow morning the board of police com missioners will begin their promised Investigation of charges of police cor ruption. Tho probable advent in Kan sas City within the next week, or bo of Governor Folk, who has practically said ho would romo here and take a hand ixTHonallv in the investigation. givcs promise of sensational disclosures. I For a Idng time allegatl iis have ben made that graft waa commonly prnctievd. It bss len cliargot ttiat It extmlea all tho way from the protection of petty criminals to the covering for a con sideration of the graver crimes of mur ders, and dangerous crooks shielded, and appointments made at the behest of certain factions topay olitical debts. Chief of Police Haves has repeatedly sahl that he courted an Investigation of bis deiwrkment, and he baa offered to give the governor and tho police com- misMionero' all aid at his command. READY FOR TRIAL. Lawyers, Witnesses and Reporters Occupy All Available Rooms. Uoiso, Ida., May 7. Practically every available room in lloise, the capital city of Idaho, hae been reserved for lawyers, witnesses, or newspaper men In attendance to the court which will try William Haywood on the charge of tho murder of former governor frank Steunenberg. While there is little or no public discussion of the case, the undercurrent oi Interest runs strong, and every incoming train brings addi tions b the very large number of people connected with tho case who are al ready on the ground. 1 hat there might te some delay has been dissipated by statements emanat ing from both sides. Clarence Darrow, cf Chicago, and K. F. Kichardscn, of Denver, jointly leading counsel for the defense of Haywood, have both stated that they are ready for trial. Counsel for the prosecution, James II. Hawley, and Senator W. K Ho rah, who have lioon engngod specially, are of the opin ion that there will be no further delay. Took Toll From Police. Chicago, May 7. That the city of Chicago has for yearH boen violating the civil service law was brought to the light by too investigation of the police department, which resulted yesterday in indictments being returned against four city ollicers and two detectives un der Mayor Dunne's administration. Tho investigation began ton days ago, following charges made during the re cent mayoralty campaign that ex-Chief of Police Collins had nsed his depart ment to further the smorests of, Dunne by receiving money fromtho police. Linemen May Also Go Out. San F'lancisco, May 7. The linemen of the Pacific States Telephone & Tele graph company held a mooting yester day and were in conference with com mittees from the labor council arid from Uie striking telephone girls on the question of declaring a sympathetic strike in support of tho latter. No decision was arrived at so far as can be learned, and another meeting will be hold today. There was practically no change In the strike toduy. President's Words Denounced. Mobile, Ala., May 7. The Socialists of this city and surrounding places held a largely attended meeting at Fairhope, a singlo tax colony, today. The president's statement as to the undoslrability of Moyer, Haywood and Pettiboue were denounced. Los Angeles Fears 8trlke. Los Angoles, May 7. Prospects for a local teamsters strike which last night appeared enoouraging have sud denly taken a turn in the opposite di rection and there is a possibility of a serious strike in the immediate future with many other branches of labor in-Tolved. NEWS FROM THE JUUCJfc UKAY POSSIBILITY. Conservative Democrats Favor Him for Presidential Candidate. Washington, May 9. A senatorial syndicate having for Its object tho con trol of the next Democratic national convention Is in process of formation. William .1. Bryan might call it a con spiracy, for il Is decidedly antl liryan In character, while tho work prepara tory to launching the movement that is contemplated has I men conducted with well guards! secrecy. Hotnething tan gible, however, is likely to transpire in connection with tho movement with in a few days, when the country will be let into some of the details. Some of the plans of tho senatorial syndicate are merely tcnatlve, but at this time the candidate favored for the presidential nomination is Judge Gray, of Delaware. Unless something un fornoen happens, it Is believed that Judgo Gray will bo the sure-enough conservative Democratic candidate for presentation to the national convention. AFTER THE WATCH TRUST. Its Goods Are 8old Abroad for Less Than at Home. Washington, May 8. Charles E. Keene, of New York, president of the Independent Watch Dealers' associa tion, today conferred with Assistant District Attorney Purdy concerning an investigation which the department is making into the methods of the eocallod "watch trunt." Mr. Keene presented to Mr. Purdy, he said, evdience con cerning the operations of the alleged watch trust. He asserted that Ameri can made watches could be purchased in various European countries for much bss than they could be bought in this country, and that the alleged watch trust sold watches to foreign dealers at a much less price than they quoted to American dealers. He exhibited Amer ican watches which he had purchased abroad for less than he could buy them in this country. AMBASSADOR FROW JAPAN. Will Visit Portland and Seattle on Be half of His Countrymen. Washington, May 11. T. Taka- hoshi, of Seattle, has been in frequent consultation with the Japanese ambas sador the past few days regarding the Japanese situation in the far North west. The ambassador is greatly in terested in Takahashi's statement that business men of Oregon and Washing ton generally aro not hostile to Japan ese and has promised to visit Seattle and Portland in a few weeks for the purpose of making personal investiga tion. The exact date of his trip can not be fixed until the ambassador has concluded the ceremonies In connection with the entertainment of General Ku roki and party in this city and James town. Takahashl will participate in the Kurokl reception here and start for home in about ten days via New York and Boston. May Sever Relations. Washington, May 9. Although the actual news of the severance of diplo matic relations of Guatemala and Mex ico has not reached here, officials have no doubt that Mexico has taken the action that will result in giving to the Guatemalan minister in Mexico pass ports for his withdrawal. The Amer ican minister in Guatemala is now preparing to return home, and the American cliarge, Philip Brown, sec retary to the legation lias been' in structed to look after Mexico's interests in the Guatemalan capital. Express Rata Too High. Washington, May 7. The Interstate Commerce commission has rendered ita first opinion in a case involving the reasonableness of an express rate. .The case was brought by the society of American florists, who claimed that the rate charged by the United States Ex press company on cut flowers from New Jersey pointa to New York city was un reasonable. This rate, until July, 1906, was 50 cents per hundred pounds, and at that time was raised to $1. Com missioner Lane, who delivered the opinion, holds that 'the rate could be reduced to CO cents. Fine Berth for Wood. Washington, May 8. The order as signing various ollicers to command de partmenst proposed by the general staff was issued today by the adjutant gen eral of the army. It provides tha't Ma jor General Wood shall be relieved from the command of the Philippine division and shall assume command of the de partment of tho East at Governor's is land, relieving Major General Grant, who is ordered to assume command of the department of the Lakes at Chi- cago, relieving urigauier uenerai Carter. Another Attempt on Cabrera. Washington, May 8. Another at tempt to assassinate President Cabrera, of Guatemala, according to a dispatch received today by Minister Toledo, was made yesterday. In this instance, what Is described in a general way in the advices as a "mine" was placed not far from the mansion of President Ca brera, apparently with the intention of exploding it at a time when it would be , most destructive. The mine was dis covered. Treasnry Statement. Washington, May 9. Today's treas ury statement shows: Available cash balanoe, $255,288,079 gold coin and bullion, $99,655,988; gold certificates, $13,325,960. NATIONAL CAPITAL CHINA SENDS GHATITUbE. Viceroy Thanks America for Gifts to Relieve Famine. Washington, May 10. A disjmteli received Uxlay from Consul General Itodgcrs at Shanghai sajs: "The viceroy of Liang Kiang pro vince rnqustos me to offer bis sincere thanks to tho American people and gov ernment for magnificent gifts sent to relieve the suffering Chinese of the Klang Poh famine district. In addi tion to this request cf the viceroy, have received similar expressions from all the ranking Chinese officials of this section of China." Special arrangements are being made by tho viceroy to assist in the landing and handling of the cargo of the army transjiort Bufford. The news of the coming of the Bufford has spread throughout the whole empire. The Hod Cross today decided to remit $1, 000 additional by cable at once to Mr. Kodgers for famine relief. HAS POWER TO REGULATE. Railroads Are Creatures of Nation, Says Judge Farra. Washington, May 7. That the Unit ed States has full power under the con stitution to govern and control railroad corporations is declared by Judge E. H. Facrar, of New Orleans, in a letter ad dressed to President Roosevelt. The railroads, he saye, are creatures of the Nation. This fact places them under the rule of the nation, and lias the dual result both of regulating the roads and protecting them from an unjust exac tion by the states. The roods can be jTotected, he says, agziust the preju dice of the local jury by giving them the right to sue and be sued in the Fed eral courts. The national government should provide the manner and extent through which the roads should be tax ed by the states. Investigate Artesian Wells. Washington, May 8. Representative Jones has just received alliances from the director of the Uniijjll States geoi logical survey that the rbuest for an investigation on artesian water possi bilities in the Yakima valley will be compliwl with. The region specified ie Gold Creek valley, in the vicinty of township 12 north, range 24 east. From a sup racial investigation of this region it appears that artesian possibilities are excellent. The investigation con templated will develop all the facts possible. Henry M. Hoyt Will Quit. Seattle, May 9. Henry M. Hoyt, United States attorney for the Second division of the Judicial district of Alas ka, tonight confirmed the report of his resignation of office. He admits the possibility of continuing in the govern ment service, but declares he knows nothing of any plan to prosecute alleged Washington land frauds. Hie successor has cot been selected, but his assistant, George B. Grigsly, is thought to be the mutt probable choice. Wants Experts for Land Office. Washington, May 7. Commissioner Ballingor, of the general land office, has asked Secretary Garfield to assign to duty in his bureau two of the busi ness experts who are to he engaged by the secretary to suggest improved plans for the betterment of the service of his department, to assist in developing cer tain reforms now in progress in his bu reau In order that particular attention may be paid to the divisions of mail and files and accounts. Northwest Postal Affairs. Washington, May 8. Pcstmasters appointed: Oregon New Pino Creek, Benjamin F. Griffith, vice H. M. Flem ing, resigned. Washington Lamar, Albert 8. Gross, vice M. L. McNelly, resigned. John J. Rezek has been ap pointed regular, Samuel P. Soule, sub stitute, rural free delivery carrier, route 1 j Roy M. Cowles regular, WThit noy II. Cowles substitute, route 2. Wenatchce, Wash. Cruiser Tacoma Leaves Santiago. Washington. May 8. The cruiser Tacoma, by orders of the Navy depart ment, has left Santiago, the scene of the recent collision between the sailors of that ship and the police, and gone to Guantanamo, thus removing the possi bility of further friction. Surgeon Noble Sent to Canal. Washington, May 9. Captain Robert E. Noble, assistant Burgeon, is relieved from duty at Fort Casey to take effect upon arrival at that post of F'irst Lleuteuant John R. Bosley, assist ant surgeon, and will then repair to this city for duty with the Isthmian Canal commission. Opens Actors' Fair at New York. Washington, May 8. At 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon the president touch ed a button at the White House which opened the fair for the benefit of the actors at the Metropolitan opera bouse In New York Awards Carrying Contract. Washington, May 8. Secretary Gar field awarded the contract for transpor tation of supplies from Seattle to Rein deer stations and schools in Alaska for the coining season to Captain Michael White, of Ballard, Wash. New Register at Hailey. Washington, May 7. Alvln MoMa hon was today appointed register of the land office at Hailey, Idaho. AJUEBICAJT RAILROADS A3 THEY ARE TO-DAY. The following figures, Just compiled, how the statistics of the American railroad for 1!00: Aggregate trackage of United States. S1S.000 lnll. Total locomotives, about C0.0O0. Total cars, freight and passenger, about 20,000,000. Total private enrs, about 112 000. Sent In rolling stock during past sight years, approximately $2,CO0,0O0, ym. Total trackage under block system. S3, 133 miles. Net eapltalliatlon of railroad. $12, C2,000,000. Capitalisation per track mile, about $10,000. Number of stockholders, about 225,- Paid employes, $ :00,828,20g. Total revenue from passengers, $494,- Total revenue from freight, $1,5S4,- 052,309. Gross revenue, $2,810,700,030. Net earnings and Income, $004,431, 5G8. Average length of passenger's Jour ney. 32.74 miles. Average number of pasnengers, per train, 55. Number of employes, 1.400.77S. Average dally earnings of employes. $2.09. Killed: Passengers, 418: employes. 3,807. Injured: Passengers, 11,185: em ployes, 65,524. Two hundred and seventy-nine oper ating companies went through the year without killing a single passenger on their 119,432 miles of track, but they injured 2,533 during the year. Of all the secrets held by the flotsam and Jetsam of many years, none Is stranger than that of the beeswax of the Oregon beaches. Long before the white man came to the great North west by ship or prairie-schooner, vessels from the Orient had skirted the coast Bits of wreckage havtold the story of Chinese Junks &one gj pieces on the shore, but the most eurfi;s evidence of this Eastern traffic has been found on the Oregon coast, south of the Colum bia River. Mr. Clarke gives an ac count of this treasure-trove In his "Pio neer Days." When Lewis and Clark made their famous expedition, they learned that the native Indians of Oregon had for many years found lumps of beeswax on the sandy shores. Beeswax Is practically Indestructible In water, but these pieces had pounded In the surf until they were black and battered almost beyond recognition. In 1814 Henry, engaged in the fur trade, wrote an account of finding masses of this wax. The pieces were scatered over a wide stretch of coast, and were now covered, now uncovered by the blowing sand. Some of the lumps were softened Into all shapes and sizes by the beat of the sun, and bleach ed nearly white. Others were square, and stamped with strange characters. In 1805 a Mr. Howell, walking on the beach, saw something exposed In the Band. It proved to be the corner of some large squares of beeswax weigh ing several tons. Many smaller blocks were also found, all bearing the stamp ed letters I II S. Besides these squares of wax quantities of large candles were discovered. In looking up the matter, it was learned that as far back as rec ords ran these tapers had been found with the wax on the shore. Of course the explanation may be that some Oriental ship bearing church supplies for a mission farther south went to pieces on the Oregon coast many, many years ago; but what should a ship bound for Mexico or South America be doing so far north, and what use could any mission have for such an enormous quantity of wax 7 HE DIED FIGHTDfG. How Prince ! oula Napoleon Waj Killed by the Zolua. How Prince Louis Napoleon was killed by the Zulus June 1. 1S7U, Is told graphically In tho book by Sir Evelyn Wood, who took part In that war. The little party which the prince accompa nied was surprised and attacked. Sir Evelyn writes: "The Zulus in pursuit ran first after the two white soldiers who were on the flanks, three or four men, headed by Labanga, followtug the prince. Ills horse had JuiuihhI Just as he was mounting, and his sword fell out of Its scabbard. He was very ac tive and was vaulting on his horse In motion when the wallet on the front of the saddle broke away, and he fell to the ground, being at this time only sixty yards behind the (British) fugi tives. There were seven men who ac tually fought the prince. When Langa lebele, pursuing the fugitives, first saw Labanga. ho was running away from the prince, who was rushing at him. Labanga, crouching In the grass, threw an assagai at hi in. The first assagai stuck In the prince's thigh, and, with drawing It froai tho wound, he kept his foes at bay for some minutes. In the native's words: 'He fought like a Hon. Ho fired two shots, but without effect, and I threw an assagai at him, which struck hint, as I said at the time, but I always allowed Labanga's claim to have killed him, for his assagai hit the prince In the left shoulder, a mortal wound.' Man Is always more of a lover of women than of woman. CONFLICT IS FEARED Violence Seims Certain In 3tn Francisco labor War. MILITARY f ORCLS ARE PREPARED United Railways May Huddle Undsr Ea&U's Wing by Asking for Federal Injunction. Fan Francisco, May 7. An air of nervous expectancy hangs over the city of Han Francisco. It is such a quiet, suppressed sentiment as benpi-aks ap proaching conflict. The situation is serious with a gravity born of uncer tainty. The United Railroads pro poses to resume the operation of its lines with non-nnlon men. Two thou sand union men are rn strike, and, while neither side will discuss the ri sibility of violence, the situation baa been carefully canvassed by the olice, the militia and the officers of the regu lar army. There is a settled feeling in the city that the cars cannot be operated with out violence of some ttort. Wherever the subject was discussed, the opinion waa expressed that trouble was Inevita ble. While still hoping that no out break will attend the running of the cars, the authorities have made prepa rations for any emergency. General Funston arrived last night and assumed command of the department of Califor nia. The militia armories are being guarded and the police force has been given emergency orders. The situation is complicated by the telephone strike and the vast industrial army made idle by the ironworkers' s:ke. Among the .mions the feeling prevails that the defeat of the carmen would be the heaviest blow the unions could receive. Reports are current that, if trouble attends the attempt of Mr. Calhoun to run the cars, he will force the issue up on the government, either through a request for a receiver or through injunc tion proceedings in the Federal court. PREDICTS CQAL FAMINE Union Pacific Official Says Road Will Sell No More Coal. Cheyenne, Wyo., May 7. "I look for a greater coal famine nextyear than ever before, and the Union Facitic, which hae always taken care of the peo ple along its line, will no longer be able to do so on account of the Hepburn bill, ' is a statement attributed to W. L. Park, general superintendent of the Union Pacific railroad, bv the Wyom ing Trbune today. "The email dealers," Mr. Park is further reported to have eaid, "have in a way depended upon the railroad for the supply of coal to help them out. and, unless they store their own coal during the coming summer, they will face a famine in the winter. Coal con sumers along other lines w here a simi lar arrangement has been maintained by coal-carrying roads will meet the same emergency. The Union Paclfio will store coal as usual this summer, but will have none to sell." TORNADO WASTES PRAIRIE. Wrecks Villages and Kills Peopls in Northern Texas. Fort Worth, Texas, May 7. A utorm of wind and rain, which waa general throughout a considerable area in Northern Texas and which at iome places assumed the proportions of a tor nado, according to meager reports re ceived here tonight, has resulted in the loss of at least three lives, the Injury of many other persons and great danue to property and crops. Several villages were wiped out, but because of the prostration of both tele graph and telephone wires details are almost impossible to obtain. At It- port, one of the largest villages in La mar countv, 20 miles froni Paris, the storm passed northeast, cutting a path about 200 yards wide. Record Trip Around Horn. Los Angeles, May 7. A special to the Htmlil from Kan Dietro aavs that the steamer President, one of the vessels atloat, now engaged in an effort to break the existing record for a voyage around ' . If a.h I . I.U..A n.dUA O , t. Tl.a call i'iego ytBieruay un meesago was received by wireless tele graph and stated that the President, which left Philadelphia March 23, nrrnl,t nrrK-A at. n Kmncini'n tonlirht or Wednesday morning. If the esti mate is correct the Persldeut will make the trip in 46 days. Shots Fired In Labor Riots. Coonneslvllle, Pa., May 7. Benja. min Carter, a neuro strike breaker, waa stabbed in the back, two negroes were arrested for carrying firearms, and pa trolmen and members of the state con stabulary were fired upon tonight dur ing a riot between white men and negro strikebreakers at the plant of the 'Bligo Iron A Steel company. The mills have been closod since April 13 until a Mew days ago, when several carloads fofj ne groes were imported from Pittsburg. Relations Not Severed. Mexioo City, May 7.- Diplomatic re lations between Mexico and Guatema la have not been severed. Tonight'the sub-secretary of foreign affairs, Jose Alegar la, emphatically denied the re port emanating from Washington to the effect that Minister Garaba had Ik. en recalled.