Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, May 15, 1907, Image 2

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    Bohemia Nugget
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Boliwl'a Nittr PwbtoM C.
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ID 3 ICCffCnSCa rOnil KJT UUr
Eusy Refers.
A FUeume of t!t Lea lporUit but
Not Lmi bteM-tn; Evts
f Paat Week.
Mexico has just sent a representative
. to the Jamestown fail.
Chicago streetcar employes have, de
manded an advance in wages.
raris has just had a fire the property
loss of which amounted to $2,000,000.
Major Edwards has been forced to
resign a9 agent of the Umatilla Indian
Berlin has automobile hearses, au
thorized and licensed by the city and
they seem veryp poular.
The Russian czar is in contempt of a
French court because he does not trim
the trees of a villa he owns at Nice.
William A Finketfon, of the Chicago
detective aenccy, says President Moyer,
f the miners, is the Chicago burglar.
New York police are being held In
readiness tc prevent expected riots
growing out of the longshoremen's
Statistics show that during April 322
people were killed and 303 wounded in
Russia by robbers, police and in various
street riots.
The tempcratore in Pittsburg has
suddenly dropped from 65 derees to 32
degrees, making thecoldeet May weath
ef on record. j .
Mexico has withdrawn her demands
on Guatemala.
The Harriman lines have orders for
110,000 tons of steel rails for delivery
in 1908.
Armed bandits are reported to be
committing depredations in several sec
tions of Cuba.
The shipping trust declares it will
never give in to the striking New York
An heir to the throne has been born
in Spain and there is great rejoicing
throughout the land.
An enraged mob at Butte made an
unsuccessful attempt to lynch an officer
who ehot an escaping prisoner.
A Chicago paper claims that Charles
H. Moyer, implicated in the Steunen
berg murder, is an ex-convict, having
served a term in Joliet for burglary
The Court of Appeals of New York
has granted the attorney general the
right to contest Mayor McClellan's
seat. The recount of the ballots is now
expected to commence coon.
E. H. Gary, chairman of the United
States Steel corporation, says if rail
roads would use heavier rails there
would be fewer accidents. The heavy
cars now used by the roads cause fre
quent breakage of rails.
The death list in the steamer Poitou
wreck is placed at 48.
From an unknown source Princeton
university has received a gift of $1,
There is some suspicion that an ex
pert jury fixer is at work on the Hay
wood jury at Boise.
JITwo volcanoes in Sicily, Stromboli
and Etna, are in active eruption, caus
ing terror on all sides.
One oi Oermany's leading papers
editorially predicts war between Japan
and the United States.
An excursion of Omaha business men
will make a tour of the Northwest.
There will be 125 in the party, which
will start June 2.
A suburban passenger train on the
Burlington rosd was wrecked six miles
out of Chicago. One passenger was
killed and a number injured.
Colorado men are endeavoring to
have patents to several thousand acres
of lacd set aside because it is claimed
the lumber companies obtained posBee
eion fraudulently.
Passengers at New York wishing to
cross the ocean are carrying their own
baggage on board vessel on account of
the longshoremen's strike. Freight is
piling up on the docks and thousands
of boxes of citrus fruit has been ruined.
Russian Socialists are to hold a con
tention in England.
Union teamsters of Los Angeles are
on strike and all other organizations of
the city may join them.
The Imperial council of Mystic
Shrlners is in session at Loa Angeles.
Seattle is working for the next con
A new Irish home rule bill has been
introduced in parliament. Absolute
control of eight departments is granted
.by the bill.
A San Francisco maniac killed six
people with a shotgun. He declares
they were trying to poison him for his
In a collision between a freight and
passenger train on the Mobile A Ohio
railroad at Percy, II., eight persons
were injured.
Butte Chinese charge the police with
burglary. The Orientals say officers
are in the habit of visiting their stores
frequently and helping themselves at
the point of a gun.
Talesmen Deny Prejudice or
Knowledge of the Cut,
Boise. Idaho. Mav 10. William H.
Haywood, first of the alleged partici
pants in t ho avenging conspiracy by
which it i? averred the assassination of
Frank Steunonberg waa plotted and ex
ecuted, wa placed upon trial for In
I llfo yesterday. Counsel for state ami
' prisoner entered at once, in business
. like way, upon the examination of
privpective juror, ami kept steadily at
the task fot five hours. No juror was
finally accepted, but substantial pro-
cress was made, and the indication at
the close tl the session were that ajmy
could be obtained by the end of next
The opening dav of the tilal went
through to its conclusion in quiet bar
mony, unmarked by unusual incident
It was earnest and business-like.
Its Finking feature was the entire
absence of crowds or demonstatlon in
anv form. At no tune, morning or
afternoon, was the court room more
than half tilled, and the streets. Urm
ina the court house sqnrae contained
not a single loiterer. The ca!e was
halted shortly before 5 o'clock by the
exhaustion of the jury panel, and an
adjournment was taken until Monday
morning. Meantime, the sheriff will
summon a special venire of 100 men
The 11 men under examination but
not yet finally accepted or lejected,
were locked up under close guard.
Railroads to Mak Great Effort to
Catch Up With Traffic.
Chicago, May 10. American rail
ways will spend during the present year
nearly $1,000,000,000 inan extraordi
nary effort to eecure sufficient equip
ment in which tc tiansport the tralfic
of the country, sutlicient power to keep
that equipment moving, and sufficient
rails for both the equipment .and the
power to run on.
It is estimated that, if, the manufac
turers are equal to the test, between
340,000 and 350,000 freight cars will
be added to the tctal equipment of the
railways of the United States, fully
5,000 passenger coaches will be built
and over 6,000 locomotives will be
added to the steam power which is now
available to the railroads. These fig
ures mean that every shop and every
plant where these utensils of commerce
are manufactured must run day and
night in the United States, in Canada
and in Mexico, and that some of the
steel mills in other lands will get a
substantial reflex of this prosperity.
No Peace From Strikes.
San Francisco, May 10. There is
no peace in sight for strike-harrassed
San Francisco. Despite the vigorous
and unremitting efforts of the peace
makers, comprising citizens' commit
tees appointed to bring employers and
employes together on some middle
ground, no conclusion or decision has
been arrived at and no concessions have
been intimated out of which compro
mising might grow cr settlements be
The executive committee of the com
mittee of 60 appointed by Mayor
Schmitz held a secret meeting yester
day afternoon and at its conclusion re
fused to make any statement. It is
understood, however, that a plan for
submission to the whole committee was
partially formulated.
Robbers Trailed Into Butte.
Butte, Mont., May 10. Two men
who are believed to be the North Coast
train robbers have been trailed from
the summit of the continental divide to
a point on the flaw below Butte, where
the trail was lost. Their description
corresponds so much with that of the
two bandits, even to the footprints
found in the snow, that the officers are
almost positive they are the fugitives.
It was announced at the Northern
Pacific office tonight that the reward
offered for the capture of the two men
has been raised to $5,300.
Enjoins New Alabama Rates.
Montgomery, Ala., May 10. Pre
liminary injunctions were granted in
the United States court today on peti
tion or tn railroads in Alar ma re
straining the state from putting into
operation certain new rate la we. A
continuance for 30 days was taken in
the petitions of the Louisville & Nash
ville and the South & North roads, be
cause of their having made rates in vio
lation of the law, which provides for
maximum charges.
Undesirables Will Parade.
Chicago, May 10. The Chicago sym
pathizers of Moyer and Haywood, the
accused officials of the Western Federa
tion of Miners, decided tonight to hold
a parade Sunday, May 18, as a protest
against President Roosevelt's utterances
regarding the union officials. Every
man who participates in the parade will
wear a button bearing the words "un
desirable citizen."
Relations to Continue.
Guatemala, May 10. The president
Oi Guatemala, when questioned today
by a representative of the Associated
Press concerning the report that diplo
matic relations between Guatemala and
Mexico had been terminated, eaid the
report was unfounded.
British Aid to Jamaica,
London. May 9. The British govern
ment has decided to make Jamaica a
gift of $750,000 to assist the inhabitants
of Kingston to recover from the effects
of the recent earthquake.
Will Entertain Peace Conference.
The Hague, May 10 The lower
house of parliament yesterday voted
$40,000 for the reception of the dele
gates to the second peace conference.
Fall and Spring Wheat In Harney Are
in Excellent Condition.
Burns Piospocta are good for the
largitd crop of grain, grass and fruit
produced since cultivation began in
llarncy count v. There la more acreage
in train than ever before. Both fall
and spring boat are receiving at ten
tion from the farmers, who desire
see which is the most productive, some
of the farmers contending fall grain
does not do well here. So far, how
ever. It has Ix-en a success.
The sagebrush land cultivated for the
first time last year will produce good
ciyps it tanners will cutuvaie uie aou
as thev do in other successful agricul
turnl countries.
'h native grass Is belter than tor
Beveral years, and there will le plenty
of food for the stock this summer. The
hay crop will be larger than last year
sn I with the fodder left over from la
winter insures plenty of feed for the
coming winter.
Fruit trees are in a healthy condt
tion, and at present there is good proa
poets for a large crop of fiuit. I-ast
fall several collections of fruit were
sent out of this county to show what
could be produced here, ami all was
pronounced of first claaa quality.
Baker Wants Better Rates
Salem Baker City is preparing to
make an effort to secure through the
Oregon Railroad commission to secure
changes in railroad rates which will
make Baker the distributing center for
a large section or r.asiern wregon
Definite plans have not ten made and
the Baker City commercial Interests
have not determined just what they
want, but W. F. Butcher, a prominent
attorney, was in Salem a few days ago
contrring wifUtlie commission and as
ceitaining the procedure it will be dm
essarv to follow. As soon as Baker
City gets ready to present its caee
will begin a movement of some kind for
favorable rates.
Teach Raiting of Fruit.
Salem The rudiments of horticul
ture in the rural Bchool, to be taught as
a branch or side line from tho regular
studies, and to occupy the same im
portance to the country sthool as man
ue) traininn does to the city schools, is
the innovation that President W. K
Newell, of the state board of horticul
ture, is striving to introduce into the
public school system of the state. At
every opportunity he is acquainting the
patrons of. the different districts with
the practicability of and advantages to
be earned from his theory, JeacherH
institutes in the valley give him es
pecial opportunity.
Scouring Mills Start Up.
Pendleton With an increased force
of workmen and new and added ma
chinery the Pendleton scouring mills
has begun the 1907 season's run of
eight months' duration. Manager
Judd, who recently arrived here from
his home in Boston, predicts a hard
run this year and an increase in the
manufacture of woolen goods at this
place to supply the eastern demand for
western made stock. An extra night
shift will start to work in about a
A oany to Have Stock how.
Albany Plans are on foot for the
holding of a stock and horse show in
Albany the coming summer. There is
an abundance of good stock in Linn
county, and since the location of the S
S. Bailey training etables at the Albany
track, this city has become quite a
horse center. Hence it is believed such
an exhibition could be successfully held
here. Committees will probaOly be
named soon to take charge of the ar
Big Cheese Factory for Lorane.
Lorane The cheese factory to lie
8 tar ted during May by E. II. Crow will
be an important industry to this com
munity and county. The milk of about
200 cows will be used at once, which
will bring a return of from $1,200 to
$2,000 a month to the owners. For
the present, the products of the factory
will be handled through the local
New Hospital for Eugene.
Eugene Eugene iH to have a new
hospital on College hill to cost approx
imately $20,000. The building will be
of wood, and bids will be received at
once for construction, It will be known
as the Eugene General hospital. The
corporation consists of about 15 doctors
of Lane county and a few Eugene citi
zens. Gold Strike at Rooster Rock.
Albany A gold strike is reported
near Rooster Rock, a well known land
mark on the Willamette Valley A Cas
cade Mountain wagon road, near the
Upper Soda resort, which is 67 miles
east of Albany . Some very rich orj is
said to have been found, but the extent
of the discovery bus not been learned.
Close Bridge for Repair.
Oregon City The Circuit court has
closed the big suspension bridge that
spans the Willamette river at Oregon
City to teams and wagons, allowing
pedestrians to pass over.' Extensive re
pairs will be commenced at once and
rushed as fast as possible.
Baker Wins for Inspector.
Salem -Labor Commissioner O. P.
IIofT has appointed Edward Trumbull,
of Salisbury, Baker county, a factory
inspector. He is a foreman in a plan
ing mill and is familiar with machin
Large Irrigated Tract In Baker County
Thrown Open.
Baker City The placing upon the
market of a largo tract of land lying
northeast of this city and owned by the
Baker Irrigation coinaiiy, marka one
of the grciitost stcs In the piogr of
the metropolis of Eastern Oregon. The
opening of this Knly of land to purvha
era is an event that has Ikhui awaited
with interest by a larue number of
homeaeokers of Baker City and vicinity,
who have been watching the progress
of the irrigation ditch since woik coin
inencod on it alxmt 18 months ago.
1 lie canal bonds in the Powder nor
about eight miles south of Baker City,
and after follow ing the tortuous contoi.r
of the valley and the hillside for a dis
tance of 12 miles, reaches the reservoir
sito, one mile wist of this city. Along
a good portion of the mountain aide
above South Barker tho canal has, at
great expense, been cut into the solid
rock, thus obviating the use of the
cheaper but tVmxrary wooden Hume.
The company has not s pined any ex
pense to provide against any avident
tliat would deprive it of tho water at
the critical jeriod of Irrigation woik,
and at one point near Sutton creek a
long line of flume has been dispensed
with by making an immense fill of
cart h.
State to Make Own Light.
Salem The board of capitol building
commissioners has called for proposals
for supplying the state institutions at
Salem with electric light after March
1108, when the present contract with
the Portland General Electric company
will expire. Proposals must be sub
mitted by Juno 4 . In case the state
cannot secure satisfactory terms a plant
will he instated at the ( penitentiary,
and the state will make its-own elec
tricity for tho capitol, prison, asylum,
blind school, mute school, reform school
and osvlum farm.
Artesian Well at La Grande.
I-a Grande Miller A West, who
have been digging for an artesian well
in the O. R. A N. roundhouse varda for
the past six months, have lieen reward
ed by a Mow of cool, sparkling water to
the extent of 100 gallons jxt minute.
The water carries so far a slight taste of
sulphur, but otherwise ia excellent.
Additional digging, it is thought, will
cause a spurting stream of 20 feet. The
well is now 850 feet deep. The water
w ill be piped and used to fill tanks.
Donates Books to State Library.
Salem Mrs. Cleveland Rockwell, of
Poitland, lias donated to the state 11
brary a s't of 36 volumes of Rciiorta of
the tinted States Ccwot and Geodetic
Surveys, showing the sweep of the cmst
of Oregon ami Washington and the
Columbia river. The loka were
part of the library of the late Clove
land Rockwell who took a dee) interett
in the coiwt survey work.
Meeting Demand for Brick.
Albany With a view to avoiding the
brick famine, which prevailed in this
city last summer, J. S. Morgan, of
Albany, is burning two kilns of 3IX),-
000. brick each. Of this amount lie
has orders for 40,000 brick for building
in Albany and surrounding towns, and
is planning to burn another kiln of
equal size.
Wheat Club, 78c;
blucstem, 80c;
valley, 77c; red, 76c.
Oats No. 1 white, $29;
gray $28
Rye $1.451.50 per cwt.
Barley Feed, $22.50 per ton; brew
ing, $23; rolled, $23.5024.50.
Corn Whole, $25; cracked, $26 per
Hay Valley timothy, No. 1, $1B
16 per ton; Eastern Oregon timothy,
$1819; clover, $9; cheat, $9; grain
hay, $910.
Fruits Strawberries, Oregon, 12W
15: pound; apples, $12.50 per box.
vegetables furnir, $1(S1.25 per
sack; carrots, $I0jl.25 nor sack; bebta,
$1.25(1.50 per sack; cauliflower,
1 .25 per dozen ; lettuce, head, 3.r)45c
per dozen; radishes, 20c per dozen;
asparagus, 10c per pound; rhubarb, 4c
por pound.
Onions Oregon, $2.50(i3 per hun
Potatoes Oregon, $1.85 2 per sack;
new potatoes, 8c pound; sweet pota
toes, (ic per pound.
Butter Fancy creamery, 20a22c
per pound.
Butter rat Urst grade cream, 21c
per pound ; second grade cream, 2c loss
per pound.
Poultry Average old hens, loc
per pound; mixed chickens, 1515Jc;
spring fryers and broilers, 2225c;
old roosters, 910c; dressed chickens,
1617c; turkeys, live, 1315c; tur
keys, dressed, choice, 1820c; goose,
live, 8c; young ducks nominal, old
ducks, 1618c.
Eggs 18c per dozen.
Val Dressed, 58c per pound
Beef, Dressed bulls, 44)o per
pound; cows, 67c; country steers,
Mutton Dressed, fancy, 1010Vic
per pound; ordinary, ft9c; spring
lambs, with pelts, 010c.
Tork Dressed, 69o per pound.
Hops 69o per pound, acordlng to
Wool Eastern Oregon average best,
1519c per pound, according to shrink
age; valley, 2021c, according to fine
ness; mohair, choice, 20030c per
pound. i
San FranclcoScene of Bloody Con
flict Over Car Strike.
San Francisco, May 8. Rioting by
sticeUar strikers and their fi lends and
repented fusillades of bullets from
strikebreakers yesterday marked the
first attempt to run cars on the 1'iiitod
KalliondH since the strike lgan. The
movement of a freight car from one
Utrn was the nigral for obstruction of
the truck by mob and for a shower of
missiles aimed at those who opeiabxl
the car. After running only half a
blm-k the carpus taken back to the
Having thus made a test, tho com
mny at 2:30 p. m. sent a string of
seven passenger cars out of the Fink
sod Fillmore street barns, manned by
armed strike breakers. Their appear
ancn was the signal for renewed rioting.
Brickbats, paving stones and all man
ner of missies were burled lit tho cars
by a pursuing niob of several thousand.
One of tho guards on the cars retaliated
with a shot, which hit its mark. The
assault on the cars Uviime mom furious
and tho guard retaliated with several
fiiMllades, which caused the dentil of
one man, wounded one fatally and 12
less seriously. After running a few
blm ks the cars were returned to the
Imru and the attempt to cratu the
line was abandoned for the day.
I'nion picktta went among the niob,
Imploring them not to throw stones.
Ihcy were jeered by union men and
sympathizers. Tho police with one
exceplicn did not even draw their cluls.
The jxilice did ' little to check the
lawlessness. They attempted to dis
suade the mob from violence, but only
two of them used force and they did It
so effivtively that they cleared tho way
for the cars for the time U ing. The
police ariested 13 of the strikebnakers
for shooting, but mode no arrests
among the mob.
That the many bloody events of yes-terd.-t-
may be rcjieated with even more
tragic results was the fear expressed
I aft night when It was made known
that the United Kail ways' progiam fur
today includes another attempt to re
sume the ojieration of Its system. This
attempt, according Ui General Manager
Mullalley, will lie made Home time in
the forenoon. He declined to state at
what hour or to discuss the company'
plans in this ressvt.
Engineer Loses Life in Saving Passen
ger Prom Destruction.
Butte, May 8. The North Coast
Limited wist hound train of the North
ern Pacific Railroad company was held
up early yesurday morning !y two
masked men near Welch' spur, a sid
ing 18 miles east of Butte, and Engi
nccr James Clow sin, dead and Fire
man James Sullivan shot thrciigh the
arm. Without making an attempt to
blow up the expris car, a whs cvi
dently intended, the two roblters jump
ed from the cab and run down the
mountain aid", diap-urihg in a gulcl
several hundred yards from tho truck.
On the tender of the locomotive wa
found a telcseiqte grip full of giunt
powder, intended for use in blowing
up the express car.
The two bandits thus far have mun
aged to elude aioiit to omeera scouring
the mountains in tho vicinity of the
hold-up. Officers returning from the
spur state that tho trail was lost by the
prison dogs on a road leading to Butte
where the ltandits had sprinkled
quantity of red pepper. Tho ollicers
have a number of fresh bounds in re
serve and the hunt will be resumed.
Give Back Their Coal Lands.
Denver, May 8. Through the in
strumentality of officials of the depart
ment of Justice here, certain persons in
a state farther eaat have surrendered to
Assistant United States Attorney Gene
ral Burch the patents for and deedod
back to the government voluntarily Im-
tween 1,000 and 2,000 acres of very
valuable coal lands in Routt county,
Colorado, for which nearly $100,000
had been offered them, the probable
value being two or three times that
amount. This was done after careful
consultation with eminent counsel.
Trains Crash In a Fog.
Wheeling, W. Va.. May 8. In i
dense fog early Unlay tho New York
Chicago ex pi chh No. 7, upon the Bulti
more & Ohio railroad crathod into an
east bound freight tiain as it was tuk
ing the siding at Kosby's Rocks, 20
miles east of hero, killing four of tho
railroad men, seriously injuring three
others, and slightly injuring five pas
sengers. The engine, baggage, mail
and express cars were demolished, but
the passenger coaches and the sleepers
were uninjured.
Telephone Girls Weakening.
San Francisco, May 8. Despite the
enthusiasm shown by several hundred
girls at the meeting of the striking tel
ephone operators today, the indications
are that, unless tho linemen go out and
oin plicate the eituution, tho company
will have practically a complete force
at tho switchUmrds within tho next
few days. A committee of linemen
waited on President Scott of the tele
phone company to intercede for the
htriklng operators today, " y-
2,000 Hodcarrlere Join Striken.
Chicago, May 8, Twc thousund hod
arrbrs and building laborers today
oined the strike of the bricklayers. A
needy set t lenient is predicted. The
total number of men now out is about
10,000. ,
San Francisco Railroads and Car
men Refuse All Overtures.
Mayor, Howevitr, Ditctarat Depart
ment Is Competent to Cope
With the Situation.
San Francisco, May 11. The street
car strike has developed Into a light to
a finish. Neither side Is w tiling to ac
cept arbitration and I he clt ixcii' com
mittees apsiuted to secure Industrial
pence have been unable to tlnd any
basis of settlement. It has l'en de
monstrated that the present police .rv
is iliadc'i'iate mid that stronger mens,
tires will Ih in-eesMiiy to Insure a gen
eral resumption of service, if Urn strug
gle Is conducted on present lines.
The wish yesterday of tie I'lilled
Railways oilici'als wax to run a siting
of ears fioui ill" Istrn at Oak and Brl
crick through the burned district and
north on Market street to the feny
building, but the consent of tho xdici
department cnuld ml l obtained . Am
a compromise, two ear were run as f n rj -Into
the burned dis.til.-t us Ijtrkin
strict, Is'ing ojx'rnted on link, Ktanyan,
l'agc, IVvlsadero and Hutter strict.
This route was covered twice. On tho
first trip mounted jsdice acted a out
riders, and mote than a score of jmlrol
mcn rode in automobile, but no vio
lence, wa offered by the crowds.
On the second trip the hioiihtd otli
ceia were w illnlrsw u as nil exs-rimeiit
to determine the trmcr of the crowd.
Missiles wen hurled from building
and f-eversl rsoiis were injured.
An iiMsistanl to i'renldciit Mulliilly
said today f.r had several hululrct
strikebreakers, inotormell and coi'Iue
tois, itiartcicd in the company's burns,
anil that they lire comjietent to imtiv
practically the entire streetcar ssUin.
Mayor S limit said the jmlice dcpiirt
meii "Is coiiN-tiut to cojio w it li tho
situation." Chief of Police lhniiii said
his men w ill preserve order. Mean
time the imputation of Sail r'rnuc Imm is
deprived of a sreetcar service, ami sub
jected to the alternative of walking or
paying live price for a wagon service.
Reduced to an arithmetical itsevt,
the problem Is simply this: If f( po
lice are reipiired to afford safe condui t
to two streetcar dally over six mile of
truck when no passenger are carried,
how shall 20O cm be on-rated in pas
senger trallic ever 2M mile of track
wit h a total force of only '00 police,
riot mote than half of whom can lai on
duty continually? That the running of
two or throe cat a day may iiuto
the no tiro strwt-ritr service for a city of
.'( K l, M h ) ci.ptc for an Indefinite time is
pcrftvtly npaiciit unless an adequate
protective force Is srppllod.
Stung to Death by Antt.
Puerto ("orfe., Honduras, May 11.
American arriving lieie rcrrl that the
Guatemalan government is committing
unspeakable outrage and atrocitit.
Even women and i hildien aie not being
spared. A family of 10 was massacred
by Guatemalan soldiers nrnr Guatemala
City bv order of the government, when
Jose Olevora Incurred it hostility
through xililiial activity. AhiU Criv
care, one of Cabrt"u's silitical opjsi
nents, near Livingston, was tied to a.
stake in the middle of a hill of poison
ous ant, which stung him to death.
Queer Place for Strike.
Han Francisco, May 11. The plant of
the Hercules Powder company at Pi
nole was tied up today through tho re
fusal of the union men to work at the
side of 11 non-union machinists who
had !oon imported by the comjwny to
take the places of tho machinists who-
struck for an eight-hour day. Nearly
1,000 men are affected by the strike.
The Ixiller makers' helpers, electri
cians, lead burners, steam fitters ami
other unions called out their memlrs..
Deep Snow In Wyoming.
1-nrnmio, Wyo., May 11. For two-
day a snow has raged in tho Houthcrn
Wyoming mountains, and snow is .ev
en foot deep on a level. Klnce April 15
the sun has not shone, and the storm
has not ceased a moment. The temper
ature has been between zero and 10 de
grees below during that time. It is tho-
most remarkable storm that ever visit--
ed the Wyoming mountains.
Unrest In India It Growing.
Lahore, India, May 11. The politi
cal unrest bore is assuming graver pro
portions. The authorities are drafting
troops of all arms, and have issued a
proclamation prohibiting meetings of "
every kind. A sensation wag caused
today by the arrest of a prominent law
yer in tho Punjuub. He was immedi
ately deported to another province.
Fire Lois of Half a Million.
New York, May 11 Fire cuused a.
loss estimated at $500,000 tonight In
the building at Sixth avenue and Thir
teenth ' street occupied bv Hhennard.
Knapp A Co., dealers in furniture ami
:arpeta. Many oriental rugs were do--
More Strikebreakers on Way.
Denver, May 11. Kiic carloads ol
strikebreakers on their wav to Rarv
Francisco passed through Denver over-
the Union Pacific railroad this after
noon. They were Joined bore bv & ,
number of men recruited by laborr
agents In this city.