Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, May 15, 1907, Image 1

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Mwarp WTj 3 of o
Is the Opinion Rendered" by
Allomc) -lien. Crawford
Who Holu'i ri'iilioii Must be Tiled
by Person Circuit tiny Hie Same,
and Cites Other Instances Wherein
it h faulty.
S in. Muv I 1. II. I ln; that
umlir hi 1 1 I'M) 1 oi l In mw initia
tive mxt icl'-ieii'luin .nt. l tt 1 1 i"MM
for tln it li H iKiniii of im-as'in-H
ndopt'.'tl tin- l isl itme hIioiiI I
be Hfsciit- I'M tiling I'.v tli r
soiis cuiMil.itiii, tin- faiiK' or I'.v
soiik- aulliori"! a,rnt, Attormy
Oiieial in cll'f't illariH
the I'Hiti'Min for tli" H'fci'iiluiii of
lli 1,'nivUHity ot )n-K'"' "ij)iM i
ntion bill ami otln.r uicasiiifH that
liavn bf n fi iwniiti 'l by mail ol no
Thin (IrrisiDii i inlrrd 11,1,
ijiornin;,' in uply l a '"UP "f
ItR'Stii'iis MiibiniMftl to him !' t,t'
n lary "I Statf I'.cnmni, iikinK for
Itul nilvi " ui "!i tin; Mibj( t. Th"
Attoiiit'N C.UK-iul ulso lit tills the e
lilioim shouM b' pliUT'l on fi't- in
llin p.f.cii'''' "f ili" t--"Vinor ami
the HcriHai v of f-tiitc
III I'lHslll tl if II tllf UI t'l"U of
the vali'lity oi thi' I'ftitioiiH, which
' n 1 u i 1 1 tin- inoii'oiH tillo ol the
ii;Vii:il iinivM'-ii v iiprou iitiinii
bill, aiil ii"t t'tl-' "I tin- art as
ictjiiin l, ilu.' ailoi ncy in lal liohls
that "i lci icul ainl liiimati i i il oti'(i
shouM not b' li' M l" nullify the
liftiti'Mi, nt lli"t if U"' "tain re
uii iiii nis nio shown, it nhuhl be
licl'l hiiII'h ifii t .'
The h'liul i hli"!! as to tho val
idity of thti pi'titioiiH, sime the bu
iriime toiut has fic'iuently hehl
that the lilln, n very innterinl part
of the act, it appears is left open to
attack. In icply to the other ques
Uoiih tihknil he holds in MibHtance;
"Tho omission of the form of
'warning,, t the bend of petitions,
as itqniied by the act, 1och not
niccssaiily invalidate the ietitiou.
Jf the residence or pfmtollice given
in siiflicient t' designate tho resi
dence of the holder so ho could be
lound if wanted, it is n substantial
coinplianco with the law."
( Mtmy Higneis gave no address
The diineiiHiuiiM of tho petition,
an prescribed by livw, are merely
for convenience in filing and bind
ing, and not mandatory, and all pe
tition should be filed acpurately
flud not in book form. He also
Just Complctctl by l;. J.
h"l'li lli .t alt tli'- n inn ol tin'
niiMi'.-i h tdii 'iilil jippc.-u iti tli"' iilli ia
vit vi'iiliii' (lie tui. iiih in
VtllilHlH M-Vfial pfl '.t i.illt IIJ'lll
neatly .ill bil.'s upni; iii' 1: l'" 't i
er tiiltiiii ih bt'iii iii L''t. Ali''
Mtil ioiii r i' I i i is j.mvi.11 t etch
proving! of .' i" pi-ti,"i.
A Stranger Dies from the Effect of;Chicfsof Smice Admjt Mea$ure of
Drinking Wood Alcohol.
On Sunday m muiiik Ir Jt was
called to llf rcHidt it ef ui Mi. II.
KiiiR who liV'-M about u mile iioilli
of tovu lo attend a mull- who w.i
fou fi I in i ilciiij.iiH --'.it'- in a bun
on tiir pi tinis'-x. I'll" innii wis
brought t i t"n mid ibf'l shtji tl y i (piitcs them to dip thur Hheep each
alterwards, iMt withstanding every ' year and to pay an iiiHpector $" a
thiiiR was tjniie to tclp vi" Ins it s d y and bin expense to do the
tress. I he uini is a H r:ni)r t li' ieiwoik. Some have gone bo far as
miti had nothing on hi- pt ism to. to declare that if the inspector
iliseliiNe Iuh identity or win ' he Cum s on their premiseH they will
came fiotti. It iippi arn tlmt he nr- j meet him with n shot gun and ot
rived in town on Friday afternoon kr him off.
ami took his irnrpcr "t V,ls(,n's c,iristie is ,le deputy state
reHtaurant andH.Tt, then, that i1S(.,lnr for county . jIe
night. On Saturday he puu ha- d , rcpnity caiiHM, I()Itif)r . )f U)e ,nw
a bottle ol wood alcohol a. x,t u. mMiM j the local pars.
Hon'HdiUK More an. lHt m n, -;o. . , , f (ecftme ac.
i a - i : . i . . t '
nig to mr. K,K a.wn.'.c uc
ond got something toe it Insii id
of leaving, however, he entered the
bain and laid down on Mome !ny .
where Mr. King later found hun j
with the bottle l)inj,' by liis side
partly emptied. Mr. King asked
him what ho was doing there, and
ho liplied that he was, tired and
was resting, but denied that he had
drank any of the alcohol. On re
questing a cup of colTee Mr. King
got it tor him ami told him thai
he could slocp there that iiight, but
took the bottle away with him. On
Sunday morning eaily he heard the
man groaning and on going to him
found him deletions, but lational
for a few iuinuteH at a timo. Dur
ing the rational interludes he said
ho was poisoned and then admitted
that he had drank some of the al
cohol. Mr. King immediately mini
moued Dr. Job who had him re
moved to his office, where the innn
slowly died. lie was a Finn, and
it is said that he told some persons
in town with whom ho couvuiHod
that he had a wife and six children
in the F.ast.
The only thing found on him
was ft Boalod letter which he had
written to a lady in Minueuota.J
which was addressed by Mr. Wil
son at the man's request. This
may prove the man's identity. The
body ban been embalmed by Mewsr
Veatch & Lawsou and will be held
a few days.
Whether it was a case of suicide
or the result of a doHire for liquor
is not kuown at present.
Devoted to the Mining Lumbering and
Mai d, Manager of the Vesuvius Mine, Connecting the
Will Not Allow the Dip Law
to Be Enforced.
Justice in Protest and Will Apply
Law Only Where Disease Actually
is Shown.-Expense Chief Objection.
F.iiRene, May 10. Lane county
fiirmeiH ate protesting loudly
ngnit'ftt the new utock law which re-
r.aii,to.l with the provisions he
was warned by a number of them
not to appear on their premises.
In order to get the matter settled
and to receive iiiHtnictions na to the
procedure to be taken, Dr. Christie
sent for Dr. W. II. Ljtle, state
sheep inspector; Dr. S. W. McClure
federal inspector, and Fi. N. Hutch
instill, of the bureau of animal in
dustry, who found the furmers as
hostile as represented.
It appears the new law was framed
expressly lor Fastern Oregon sheep
owners alone, and the Western Or-
on fanners who own a few head
of sheep each were not taken into
account. Lane county farmers
claim that they cannot afford to pay
an inspector to dip their sheep, as
the wealthy owners of Eastern Ore
gon can, and furthermore ft large
pet ccntage of the sheep of the val
ley are in perfectly healthy condi
tion and do not need to be dipped.
Messrs. Lytle, Hutchinson and
McClure thoroughly investigated
conditions here, and while there i
no official announcement, it is said
they have agreed to let those flocks
which tire not affected go without
dipping, but where it is found they
are diseased the law must be com
plied with.
Dr. Christie while the inspectors
were here tendered his resignation
fts deputy state inspector for the
reason that on account of the hos-
tility of the farmers in regard to
the law, he would, by attempting
to enforce it incnr their enmity,
thereby injuring his practice.
Farming Interests of this Community.
Projected Electric Line Be
tween These Cities.
To be Built With Private Capital Sub
scribed by the Citizens of Coos and
Douglas Counties -Lane Should
Inhale the Spirit of Enterprise.
The people of Douglas and Coos
counties are stirred up over ihe
proposition to build an ebettic rail
road from Roseluirg to Marshfiel.l.
Meetings have been held in the
principal lowns a.,d committees of
business men appointed to take up
the matter of raising funds for con
struction. It is estimated that the
road will cost $l..r.0i,000 and it is
rroposed to raise this sum in the;
two counties interested, without!
waiting longer for outside capital-'
ists to act. Tho movement seems
to be backed up by ft detei urination '
that spells success, l)orn as it is of
grim necessity. For years relief i
has beeu with-held in this direction
by railroad corporations, who have
promised aid to the shipping and
producing industries of that section
only to fail to keep faith. Now
ll IKUflC lUCUMTUr, "ucit.iu-
, I .. .1.. l.....A .1..,
iued to work out their on
tion and they will succeed.
"And right here," says the Fu
gene Guard, "'it if pet tiueut t im
press up n the people of I.auo coun
ty that they have the power in
their own bauds to solve the rail
road pro dem if they will get to
gether and act decisively. An elec
tric railroad to tidewater on the
Siuslaw would be but 70 miles in
length, and would probably not
cost over $1,000,000 all of which
would be subscribed in stock in
rane county, if the proper interest
and enthusiasm were aroused.
Money could be invested iu no oth
er enterprise that would pay better
returns because our immense lum
bering and agricultural output, all
of which would go ever the new
road, would make it a dividend pay
er from the start.
'As to the effect of v the building
of such a road upon ISugone and all
Lane county, it is scarcely neces
sary to speak. It would metan
emancipation from a grinding mo
nopoly in rates and paucity of
equipment, and an era of gnwth
fetid prosperity almost undreamed
j of would bo tho sequence. More
than this, it would awukeu the
' railroad company to the necessity
of bestirring itself to furnish the
MAY 15, IQ07.
Big Tunnel Direct With the
facilities demanded by 'the indus
tries of the Villiintte valley.
'Why nt exhale the revivifying
breath of the spit it of entei prise
that in abroad in other portions of
the great went? What Roseburjj
and Mnrshfield are dttermiue l to
do, Kiigene,. Springfield, Cottage
trove and Florence may do.
"Let it be a I.aue county iijov
ment exclusively, becaus; it would
be an easy matter to tiiis a million
dollars for an enterprise that will
increase our material wealth ten
fold and biins prosperity to eveiy
languishing iudu-try."
Wonderful Eczema Cure.
"Our little I my had eczema fur live
yearf." writes X. A. .Vlams, Henri
etta, I'a. "'I wo of our liuine di it-turn
mild the ea"e was In jc!e -s. his I'lny;
lieiny; affected. Yr Ih-ll elUi.iVeil
other doctors. tut nti Ih ii li I ivsul tetl.
I'.v chance we lead ali.iut Lleetrii
Hitter!"- bought .i Imtile n ud souu n
tieed iinprii vi-nient . We e.iutiuued
this medii'ille until - v tal In tl--were
used. lien o.;r h"y was i-i, in
put il.V cured." ile-t of ;dl liluotl
ineiiii'iues and Imdv iuildin' health
toiiies iuai aiitee.l at Iteii-iiu'r l'har-
' "
Adjourned Council Meeting,
The city f.ither- met m a regular
adjourned session on Thursday
evening, but although there was
not much business to transact, for
a short time bud a stormy session.
A resolution was passul that on
and after June 1st the city would
uot need a muishal during the day
time, so the pr sent city marshal
was iustuuu l t-J g 3U duty at -4
ii in i n l rt.'iimn mi tiiit.v until (lav-
1 1 crti r tli. f.i livvunT nirirlilll" mill tllf
waicnman win tane a resi.
It was ordered that Kiver street
fiom Wall sti'et to the city limits
be graded and a new apportionment
for assessment work on l'.-kms av
enue was ordete I made.
A remonstrance against building
a sewer on Fifth street was read,
which had the peculiarity of being
signed by a number of persons who
had originally petitioned for the
improvement. It printed rather
a peculiar situation for the couucil
to face, but the matter was placed
iu the hands of the sewer commit
tee. It appearing that there is an old
ordinance prohibiting minors being
allowed to visit a public pool or
billiard room, on otion the city
marshal was instructed to enforce
the same.
The usual grist of bills against
the city whs allowed aud council
roughs and colds contracted at
tills sensou of the year should have
Immediate attention. Been Laxative
Cough Syrup contains Honey and Tar
ami Is unequalled for hoarseness,
croup and coughs. Pleasant to take,
mothers endorse it, children like to
take It. Contains no opiates. Moves
the bowels. Sold by New F.m Drug
NO. 15
A Crowing Habit That Re
quires Pruning.
A Movement Started in the East to
Raise Funds to Send Peary on
Another Search for the Arctic Re:
gions for the North Pole.
Shortly after the dettruction of
the svlii'fillioiiHes in the disaster of
rm Francisco, a suggestion .vas
mad- !md agitated to solicit dona
ious from school children through
"iit the Uni'ed Stales of t'ti cents
ach, the mount to be used for re
building 'he burned sihooihouses
ic : be city. The proposition, liow
e.vei , we I elieve was never carried
nit, which wa.s well. Njw comes
another begging propositiou to the
same soutce. to rai-e funds to send
IViry to the North Pole. If Ferry
wants to tlisoovet the North Pole,
let htm ask asistance, jf he needs
it, of those who ure scientifically
interested in discovering it. We
most certainly eudorte the following
taken from the Salem Stitesman,
i egar lin this matter:
The public school children of
nearly every . t ity and district are
.- ., ...
to coutn-
lew pennies each to some
movement which is of little conse
quence to them in their efforts to
secme an education; in fact, the
graft as it may well be designated
has beeu permitted to a consider
able extent and the time has come
for it to be checked. The latest
idea to collect money fro.n the
children is in the form of a scheme
to raise funds sufficient to send
Peary ou another north -pole hunt.
The movement was started in the
eastern states not long nince and it
caused a Connecticut paper to cotn
;nent very forcibly and sensibly as
follows: "We dissent wholly and
strenuously from the suggestion,
that our public school children
should be asked to contribute
money to help Pealy to make an
other dash toward tho north pole.
Peary is all right; aud his dashes
toward the uorth pole are all right,
too, so long as men of private for
tuue choose to pay his expenses.
Hut. our public schools exist for
wht'lly different purposes, and
many of those who attend them
have a heavy enough financial task
ou their hands to be there at all.
No contribution box of any kind
.-hoiild be passed arouud iu our pub
lio s'-hools. The moment the ques,.
(Continued to fourth pajjej