Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, May 08, 1907, Image 8

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(Continued from first paw.
of the president have tnn again! a
condition which if the tet is at
tatnpted, may invalidate the cutire
'tprioultural appropriation bill. It
sppiin that President IJoohcvcU did
not the bill until !' o'clock
Monday morning. Maicb 4, lie
took the pains of making the date
clear and of putting the time down
!:Pt a m. He evidently did this
o as to make it clesr that he did
not sign the bill until after the
proclamation creating the desired
forest reserves had been issued.
Now it is said he may have invali
date the entire bill, as the congress
adjourned ou the legislative day of
March '2. It is argued that, ou the
r.fternoon of March 4 the new cou
yrfss cmne into existeuce and the
newly elected members began to
draw their pay and the old mem
bers, whose term expired, ceased
to draw pay. Heuce it may be
urt-d that, oonx.ructiveh . the date
of March 4 belongs to Ihe new con
gress and not to Ihe old one and
tliat a bill could not bear date ot
March 4 and be valid when the old
congress adjourned on the legisla-
tive day of March 2.
It is said there is no xaet prece
dent for the situation thus develop
ed. The nearest approach to it is
back in the Lincoln administration,
when Lincoln signed the bill known
as the capture and almndoneil prop
erty act ten days after the adjourn
ment of the congress and so indi
cated in affixing his sigijatuie. That
bill stood the test ot the court of
chims but never was tested in the
t'mled State Supreme court.
Umpqua Valley News.
Cottage Grove Women are Finding
Relief at Last.
It does seem that women have
more thuti a fnir share of the aches
and pains that afflict humanity;
they must "keep up." must attend
to duties in spite of constantly ach
ing backs, or headaches, dizzy
spells, bearing down pains; they
must stoop over, when to stoop
means torture. They must walk
aud ben l and work with racking
pains and many aches from kidney
ills. Kidneys cause more suffering
than any other organ of the body.
Keep the kidneys well and health
is easily maintained. Read of a for kidneys only that htlpi
ami cuies the kidneys aud is en
dorsed bj people yon know.
Mrs. Ii. S. C. Oliver, of (512 Ma
pie street. Pendleton, Ore., says:
"It is now arly two years since I
have had any occasion to use Doan's
Kidney Pills. Prior to that time I
had my share of kidney trouble,
and if there is auything that causes
more misery than a disordered con
dition of the kidneis, accompanied
with backache, tired and listiesw
feeling and reutlessn ss, I have yet
to experience it. Doan's Kidney
Pills, ivhich I procured at h drug
stor, brought me entire freedom
from the pains, aches and lameness,
regulated the action of the kidneys
and restored ambition to me s'j that
I could yet aroiind and attend to
my duties without discomfort. I
do now and always will recommend
Doan's Kidney Pills to those suffer
ing from kidney ailment in aoy
form. hor mI hy all dealers
Price ."0 cts- Foster-Milhurn Co.,
Buffalo, N. V., sole ugeuta for M-e
United States. Iteint-inlier the namei
Doaus mid tle no others, .'loot
New Brick Building.
Lieutenant Bert K. Lttwson lias
notified the occupant of his build
ings on First street to vacate 1 his
month us he inteitds to begin the
firKt of June the erection ol a brick
building. It will be two fdorifs
high, lh upper Hoor sv ill be used
as an ar-'ory by Co. K and stoie
rooms below, one of which will be
occupied by David SclioU the jewe
ler, and one by J. Thornton the
confectioner and the Vogu milli
nery will probably occupy the
h'or legal blanks Nugget oflice.
Th Original Laatlv CoutfK Syrup containing IJonoy and Tar. Ar Improvement over oil Couth.
Lung nd Bronchial Remedies. Floasant to tha tasle and good allho for young aud old. All couiiU
ayrupa containing opiates constipate tl.e liow.ln. Hm's I.aKallyr, lj.inV a.ul I nr moves thy bowels
and contain no opiates. Prepared by I'lNE-Vtt MtJClNt; COMI'ANY. CJUCAOO. V. fa. A.
For sale by New Era Drug Store
Lodge Directory.
RKBKhAIIS - Cot line tirni
LM. Mivtlnp 1st, rtr.i. and Mli.
ibiv nf every ntmith,
r. i r IS vm v, S.
K tu: 11. kk ii. sec.
No. '
1 1.
tin.l Itli Wednesday of em Ii mouth.
Miis Makv Wm k. i;u i i .
Mi;h. C, V. W'.ki i. i:, to i-.
C. V. Itohenii.'i Camp. No.
Meet e crv Pildax cvenliur.
Ii. V. liK H, (lll--lll t
Cm V n!i ki ii., clerk.
K O. T. M.
Cnsen.le C.iini N,. -i
Mei'ls I've
v I inirmav tuii;.
O II. V i n ii. (
11. K ,Hi:Mt, Cuter.
K. of I. .1 nvent n-
Meet every edn,
s .
Ciik. V Pi r.riii;.
I it lire N
si;iv ni'.'l'l
i:. i'li i t. r. c.
k t.f n ,v. s.
1. O. O. F. Cottage tnne. N.i. n.
Meet every Saturday nicjit.
I i I'd. ( tll I Ii. N. i.
A. r.KK.wm, See. v
M.W.ofA. Meetm.: -Tui'Ktl.-lv
ill each month,
A. S. Pnw I I l
('. Y. W l I i K. See.
I'onsil I.
M. B A. -Modern I'.l ol herl...o ! ,,t t'b'.in w he.i? el.op. ton J.S eo I
Aiiieiie;i. Meet the L'd ;ii.l It h Til.- ,' O.i t s an I v - tell chopped, I'Mi s'.y,i
t'iiV of esc 1 1 llloiit II at I.O.I .!'. Il.ill. I Mi,d t,,n ,
T. W..I..SMNS Sec. ;iSli tn fS..,.:
W O W. S," Vale.i.i,,.. riolo !:'i.;':'"nr' VllK"' V
Meets Ut mi'l :ir.l TiicmI. iv in c.n I. 1 ' 11 1 ( ' " 1 win uS. cM v ' 1
month in V. O, W. t!;ili.
Fi 01: .1. .M11 1 1 it. ( 'i.'i ic
: Fore,ter. of Amort M-ct
Monday evening.
c. c
'1 il IM N . I . II.
IJKN SVMiil.'U, I' .S.
A. F. 6 A. M. 'oi t.ii-f
."1. .leiMli, 1st .'iii'l :
tliiy of eneli 111,11 1 Ii.
( uv k ii 'r 1
l. V.. Wool FY, See
G. A. R A ji . M ii ,ix l',-i N . i.l.i
Meets nt 1 .. 111.. on 1I1.' L' I -in i Ih;
S.atiirtl.a v t,f n-d in ni Ii. !
Hit I' I,. Wool,-. .'
(J. W. Ki vn. i us. A.lj
L. O. T. M l,im-..:i I : x
4- Meet- IM Mini It '1 Priil
eneh month
Mum M.vnv "1 m m i. I.
Miss Lkta S ttii!ii, I:. K.
, S. Co!l,a:,'f (il'iiM' . 'I,.i jf. r .No i
Meet inns held ..II J. I and PI, 1'l'i- 1
day of e n il month.
M lis. Ie sk i:i ia.
T. ('. W iii ri.ri:
Mrs. Mil'Dt Wlin:i l l:. See.
. W. M.
U . P.
W. R. C. Appomattox W. C. ('. No
12, Mi-etrt nt 1 p. in. on thf '.'d und
-4 1 i i Saturday of e.ifli inonth.
Makv hit m. , I'f,
K. Jkxxik Wooiis, See.
Eighth Grade Examination.
The eighth grade final exaiimia-j Christian Science .services In hi
tiou for the public schools vj!i liei(lV(.r Allison's Bailor shoj) every
held: jSunda.' nr'rni'! at ii o'clock ur.d
May 16, 17; June 13, 1.1, 107 jWed'.es l iv eve:;ino in s o'eiocl,.
Teachers who havi pupils reatl',
for the examination should noli.'.
me of the number of (juestmhs ;
wanted and the name of the j.ero'i i
appoint'-d to conduct the i-xaiuina-'
tion at least 15 days before the I it"
for which the questions arc wan'ed.
W. B. i, I
td County SuperinU i:b nt .
of (iitestioiis i
In ustnj eolith syrup, why not
the Im'HI'.' one that eonien hicdily ret-o
niemled is I'.eis Laxative Cuh
Syrup, contains If oney .'Hid ami
is superior to 'ither couh syrups in
nuiiiv ways. Children always lik
lN' it contains no opiates, js. ;i
laxative mul in, guarantee to tvlvi
h.atisfaction or you r niuiiev refuieletl.
Try It. Soltl by New Kr.-i I Mai;; Store, j
Tullar & Powell, Proprs.
Fashion Stables
The Hodge Jig jjivea perlcet .separjalioii
of Xiiic-T,eafl-Orctt
16)4 niakoSl,
i ..iipi t I.,
ipt ices tpMtid nrc wht lc-alc. )
! I .utter, country
I'utl'T, cooking
1 "u
?:x i
i Pnttei , ctcani. ry , lb
l'.nltcf bit
i Chickens 1 1 to i i .
1 1 hiions, cwt. 5m. m
Apples, bushel, a.'corilinii to
. . . 1 1 1 ,
! Chitteui bark, old
1 1 ides, ";!'( I'll
S ilt lii U-s, dry
l'et.ltocs '
Cabl:i;M cwt
Tin nips, cwt
C.U I o's, cwt
1'atsuips, r I
it v v, '.
lit t iil pi it
Wilt .11. InKhrl
. Mi
i .Ot i
I . so
5 1 .50
i:. IN. 1 1.
.'; arc pr!c
I V1.
II .ll .11
v( t,-!
toll .'(.U'I
O.ils. U-le. I y,' I
I'l in. ton j 1 .on 1
ot r 7"dl)
ick i.-si
Hack 5i.,' '
f 1;, 1 10
RoMc I 1. 11 ley, .standard
l!:lv, ! a!.' I, toil
1 I VI' Si'' '.'K M IKK l.T.
( ) v s
Veai. .'.i t s d ' ' I
I I .'. s, ul'i's o ,! -
At lite ClattrolieM
1 i io'. Ii. lo'N . I
r I '1 . . ifh in:,' ;
and T:-n p. J
In a. 1:1 .
.. in . I'r.'i vi r I
ii.ii" .at 7 !
;.i. l...i;i. I'..-'
; 1 if.". :i t II a. 11
; 1,1. Sim,!..;, -ih.,,, I
I I '.,'.'. '1 I Ii I .e.i-.riie, o.'.i)
: lie i'l il'r Thnr-'lav n ,
1 1 :i iv i .! 1 i,i I ! v i it i ' i it" 1 " it -MS 1 1 i
I i:
I;, r.
I I'l.
( M I-'
to It 1 1 oi I
M.. ia. ii
. Pastor
Ol'f, 11,
r- 7 p.,
.I lielS !
t (
,n All
I ,1'f
! lli.i rood C!ioif!i S, i
I the second Wedne l.iv '
it c s llfM
t niii': 1. 1
c:ich laoiilh at 1 :''.) in Mas'Miif ha'l.
I'l'li"!.- t'llle servifi-s evety hi'tll
Jsuii lay "f a l.e'iitli.
j t '.iih l,t, t Liir.-li. i al hit Cat rol.
Siryii'is tin' ycei.nd ;iun,i:iv in eaeh
1 Lliiidian (imu li. i..-v l. I.
t'l-"" Pa .'or. iMffs at 11 u
the ni'il nin
in;.'. V. I
I'f.'An p. ni.
md 7
;i! in ih
e 1 II
n at
lit In
S. C 1'. Ill' !
Sunday veh o!
oMt.c !.
I Id' 1 n
I 'ii id envoi-
Socii ty '
very S:d m
1 .
yi ai. i CI tir ptaetie,
i.y evciniio at T.-jt,.
In Ih.' tr. at i,i''in
I '. If.- i I l.eeoini'.i
In t-C'-sa! v t , hav . I he o n
ill SII --I oil hi I i 1 ; i I .-;iii I"
I I,,' par:- .-iii.-.-lfl. M.iu
It'll!, d.v i ' llf.-isfd in a
I nil.- ii Ii in i.zlo atlriflnd.
h.'!, it it ir:i''!i I he - poi
d" put lip
1 i -) . 1 1 1 -' I to
an i'ilf
It f.o.l ot
pi',1 riid-
blind, hi.
iiit! pi!'--
i"!i!i". iteluii
"U ei'iits 'Ail i
Hyii S.,1.1
ii .
1 ,',. I
by N.
inn;' St
o i t; Ki o ,y
riMnt'i; i,m vrr .irsi: :i. mrs
I lit 1 ft S, .J,.., .mill I Wire
Ut isi'lnn t lr.'i;iill, A i il '.'U, I'M'
j N M iff I'. In i l l . v i x . ii i h.'i I In coin
piniiice with 1 1.' .i'o I- lull. 1 1( I In
net of l'n!iiv.-i .if .lini,' '!. Is.'s. en
Illle.l "An act IT I I.o m.i l, of llmlier
lands in the Mai,.., ,,f (, lit,, nni
Oivii.ii., Nc.l,t mul Wihlnrli ii
tin 1 1 m .." .i i- t .-ii. Its I I,.
' I Pill. lie l .llll.l S:,m,v . I el A iiimimI
; , ( vi
, I'l i' l.'l i I' l'U:l'
of l..ii.ine. ft .ii n t v 1 I, ,'
-I. lie t.f
Oi.jioii, -,,!,N ill,, In hN ,,f.
life hi-' km ol n 1,1. in,-,, I V, sn :l f,
c I the p'ireh.ise .1 Hi, S ', , ,1 S, inn
iiti.lNo I, In I-.. mii hii, 'ii ....nil,
. . . . '
i; in :.-o .. MrM, w l . mi. I w ( 1
flier ii,,,,i' (.. h,,M il u ih,. Inn,
t-,.iii:hl Is' in.. I. .ilii'il,!. l..i ii- I, ml,..
or. -.'I one lli, 11 1.11 ;i:',i Ii nil 11. .1 1 nir
po-es , ml tn lit- t 1:1ml I.
1 i I I 111, 1 I, if, no U . . ( .ill.nm I s
I ominissi. ii. l' .il hi-, till,.'
O,, ;;, n . .01 'I'll 1: 1 .! iv . 1 1,,'
July for
I If names .1 ; M il 11,' se
I if 1. I've . S.i Inlf is. .i
( l'i'..;on ( ifnr:;e 1 '.'I I' 1 1 1 .1 11
'leon . I ian I, I Ll Is ,. I
ii . 1 ,01 'i 'i' vi !i n ie In-1 ,i
m ,.
I i I i , , y i ,
I'i 1,'IMII.
of I.' III II.'
,' -r.i nr. 1 M t
,:.e, r.
A ! .'iiol ; 1 1 1 i.i-i , ,0 , l.i nun: ad -er
fix tin' ,1 1 ., 1 , ' .1. m ii I 1, 1 l.mlsnie
if ,i. Iftl roll If I Ii. ir 1 I hum in I lie;
olliee on of In ), ir,' 1 ,(, ,,iv ,,
.1 ul , I'.n7.
I'.i vi uu I , I : 10 . I It is 1 1 1
oTT.;i: (iitovi:
All lilt' 1. 1', . I lli'.itllii'li! ,.
l:l.IX :nl MHDII'll'i:!) I!
Ordinary Cases $1? per Week.
I,r f no l, r ,.n i 'ii' 11 ,1'Mi ,' i
in. ii. . m in.i:i:i',
Watch m akhk,
lit' I'll, 1 1 ll K I , I" if.. ,'11,1,1.' I'll ll i't'ft
A 1 1 tv.rk iniitiit.-t'l l.rO . i.f.
VV.ii -lie" t in i i.. w.-i . . n I I . i , .'nt I'o
col tai.i: i.i:n I . im:i:.
.1. S. Meillev.
.1 '. .It Illl-JotI
Jl cd ley ,y- J tlt it sun ,
A 1 1 1 n il. vs . 1 1 la w
Ojjirr SiiHr H int !: !.
... 1 .... 1
UN I i I u a I II!
, , .. , ... , ! 1 1 1 a in oiiKress ti anuti a, is,s. en
Sp.'tlal ;ill.":,iini :rl, n to .MiiiIiik; . , 1 -Anael r,,ri .1,. i.r il,l,r
and i 'i , vpt i rat inn I .
Atloriicy-a I -l,t ie
I Mire .111 Mii'i Miic!, tt ,'ki . 1. h,
CoTTACl! (iKiVr, OKI-:,
Ik: mi,.' jlly , !!u' J, jjoml tluiiri
and ad:d'5 ol.nut CalJ.imia
uJ all the far t,'r.
a niunliily puLlu alion drvutcd
lo I be farming microti of the
a IkjuIc ol Tj pir, roaltining
120 colored pliultrnpln ot
pit tarritjuc joU ia California '
and Oo, $275
All for $1.50
Cllt r.lit '.'.U f 'j-' rti r.i, nt
er.d (.nd with $1.50 lo
JA.VES H.OOD lilJiO.. SAN l-RANfirsfX)
f-j Prepare lor IrriK.-itioii, Spraying
V: and pumping M.uliincry.
F I' nil banks Mli c f i 1 ,'ilin'' J'.n-
:;iiicm for 'iiiii;,ii", : ,i a, in,
'..'t'.Vllltr .'MM lll.r fl llifflfki
i-i .1 1 1 1 -t r 11 i 1 1 in 1 1 1-.' S.-it.i Wii
f,,r weighing. I' ihi lmnl;s-
MolhH I ) lltniiH :)ini Mntt)H
b r owci mid li;.'bl. I' an buiik:.
M'r'. i 1 1 ) 1 1 1 i 1 1 m a ip I Towers
l''iiirb,iiil., Mm -i- I'Yi-d Cli.
I'Cth, firintlcis, Well I'liinpH.
All fii't (imiiiy jmiikIh at low
est pi i i m. Always in stock.
Liberal terms. Prompt reply
to iii'iuiiii'S, tiiii l; 1 hipni' iils.
Writ" for cutul'iji nt- nii'l pi iic.''.
l AikhAMis, Aioksr: & co.
Cortlainl, Oit'iiit.
TriADE Marks
Copyrights Ac.
Anv(,iin.'ii,llin( n rkrlr h nml ili'i'rli)ll,,n nmy
Oult:ltly Hitn.rtitiu t.tir t,iiiin,ii litiu wlii.ltitir nil
liivi-nt t'.n In r. iltit I.I y ,iiii-iiti,l,l,i. CitiniiHiiiifii
IliiliHHln.illyt'.iiillilniilial. (lANIJliUUK nil 1'iili-lila
lit, ui I, t.11. oi,t,'i.i iiii,iicy for i4t'iirit,r iJHlti'i'H. .
i'al.tiil m fnktMi liiri.tmli AluMi A Cu. ruculvo
wjirnm niiricc, wiiiihiil Ci.'.i-iiu, 111 inn
Somnific JTinericatn
A linn, la, 1111, 'If HIiiHtiiiliitl wt-okly l.i,rK'l -lr-i'ti
Iiit 11 tit imy H.',t:ni I'lu J.'iiriial. 'Ii-i him, :i 1
.'i,r ; f.,,,1' in, ml Im, l, Hi.lU by all iiewHil.-iili.rH.
IV1UNN & Co.3P,B'oadwa"New York
Uiauvb Ollluv. m V bt.. WiutlaiiKlun, U.l,
O7 '
Nu ( : ill1 APPLICATION I Olt
r s patpnt.
M. A. N... IT.'
Mhieiiil Survey No.
- il.11.
, , .,
I nlb d state band Oltlcc,
1 b'n tehnur, Ore., Peli. 7, IIHiV.
Nol i.e Ii In reliv Kiven Unit In imr-
' "f Clinptef Ii. Title II.', of til.'
: lit i-etl Sl itutm til the I ultetl Males,
i 1 1 -f I ion U mul w hose I'uhI Hiiro ml-
1 1 1 iv x It 'tit I:iim l iro o. I ,n lie 'oil nt v.
i ',"''''"" ii.'is iiiii.l,. ji p . I lea I it ill f.r
S. I'.itenl for I .IMI linear feet of the
S 1 1 ' " ' 1 "" '"' Sn '' N" hearing
l'"l'' ''i'l silver; I lie hiiii.. helnuf.N.
-. .I...B ''I ..... tt . . I . I, I
1 1 ii 1 1 u .tin i ii. nun .i
I ,'"' " ' ''fl- from Ihe li--
i' :,'"v 'l V till llieiiun with HililMce
i', i on ml Hi i, l fee I In width. Nit mi ted In
I lif N i n See. II l sii'ii'i, Ifd T '.'.'i
s. II I I'.. of Ih.' Uillnmelle Meiitlliot
' o 'lifinia iuiintt imkiih i,
j' i I 'on r. las (onnl v, Oii'i'.un, and de.
1 ' t'lilied liv Ihe iillleliil plat herewith
I .o.,et and l y Hie Held Hole- on lilf
I in 1 1 Miff i if I lie lo'i'lslfr ni lie
j I nitfd .Stales I. and t lihee at I1"hi
; I'l'i .', i i f.'i ni, a-, follow ', In w il :
be iTinnlnii ill ( ',,i . I WheMie
Hi. I S Al . ,,. fsiiil.llshf.l in
' ' in . No. :':" hear , N. ."7 .n. :is urn.
; "i if W. ; ii.7.'. ft.
1 1 if si : ( ', ,f. v,.,. 1 1 , . ,. I,, IimI i T
x Ii I I), of Ihe lllillliel Ie .Me
j I idl.ll) Leal i N. all ,'ix. IlJinln.i'.il ee.
I I :. :;:!m;.::u fi.
i I'lleliee S. Ha ,e j.
j I o i ' i N o. 'J
i I In n. S. -.' ,,a
i - i v ::
mill. v
: nun I'..
'.". inln. i;
i .11. i fi.
I Vmi it.
1,011 ft.
Thf . i.:.
to r. ir. .... i.
I'll, 'iff N . L' .It
;lt lo ('of. ,.. (In
. '' I inln.
W. I Mi, i
ni i ilion '.''I te. :in mill '.. ('mi
I a : nlnr I a 'ifff, cf 1 1 1 mi ve of it no
; rl o l wuhNnr No. .',,:! helrnlt lode.
I lif , adjoining elaims ore nl'.nt'
. f . ia, if. i ..ll it-1 - ll miv nuiannoi.
mil i.f ,,r ami' mli f . if.o h 4"f ' l.amH In I he I il, , . I f ,' In. in hi, t Ire
llilll'.. hide i ill 4 ' 1 1 . Nev.'iil.i lllld W 11 h ' n,' 1 1 ill letll-
I In- olliff ni" I lie Cei'tildf r i,f ,nml.i"
I'onntvnt HiiteliiiiK, Oie;on, 11,,., I,
I'n;'.' t.f Mining llfftii'ds.
i u ami nil per. .ni t t'liiliulnn ml
fis. ii, . milling' Kfoiind u tit I .re-liii-is
nr any portion t l.ei i'., m tits
eiilietl and ;i'),ln d fur aie heit liy
in li!i. 'I lluil nnli'HS thfir
. lain- ni,' I ii I v I'.!" I i.llnn lo law
Ol' I I hf I i .ilia , ... t here lllld. r,
' ' it hin I he 1 1 tut .i",iil,t', tiy law.
vn it h I h. IL' :.'l Iff of the b'nitt-d
Slai.M I .and ( utiff at I!oh ir, Ore-
:;. .11 , t hi'V ill Ii.. Inirred l,y 1 1 1 ti f
I hf pi . i i-.i. ni- i if h,iI. Ktatnle.
l'.l'Mnil I.. I.iniv, Ite-lsler.
I'l M I'-l d: l.M ACI'.II Ni:.l, s7s -
nmi h i, ten: !! iii .n i ins
i I'lni.-tl Nliiles Land Mlliee
J i i:weluin. Oregon. April Ii. I'.(l7.
Nni lee I -, in-riliy K'h fii I hat In e om
I'li'H uitl, the pl'.nelnns of I hf
ii ii' 1 -t hi t In' N tat it nt ( 'al If., 1 11 1,1, n.!
I '..'nil. Ni'vihIm nml WiiMliliiKtuii 'I'l-rrl-
I Inly, an i t Ii'il to all tin- I'l.l.lj,'
1 I. an. I htatcM Ii v ai't of Aiixn-t -I, S'.i?,
'of M.ircol.i, ctninty of I.anc, Statf of
f ri-utiii, (1,1m I i;y lili'tl In tlilMOf.
I tii-e hi r-worn Mtati'ini'iit Nn. Tiwia, for
. tht- I'lin liii -f of thf N W i, f Sfcii,,!,
I N". s. In Toimhl. n. '. Hontli,
j Wiiii;,'!' No. ni'vl, W. .M., ami will
jtiffi i pitioi tt. -Iit.w tliat tln Ian. I
i-oiiht it in,, r,- aln.ilili' for Iih tlin
In-1- i,r rttoiM' than f.ii 111 iriillnral
.urp..M.-i, am I to f-tal.ll h Mm t hilin
; lo mi. I Ian, I I , f w. V. Calkliin,
I'.S. Coliiliii. .,i,i -. 11I liU ollli'n In
1 I airi-iif, 1 h ty.iii , in, I 1 Ma v. I In I '.'lli
I ilav .a .liilv. fa,'.
I I If lia llll'H (IN 1 I lll'Nl H'
I M ir'in I lnt'1,1 hi ., ;uk. , t ii-f.
I jriili: 1 "! I -I" I l,,ls t,f r.lll'llf, U. ;
1 1 1 -1 1 1 : j 1 1 1 l.i- nt lliit iif, Oii'Koli ;
j Haul r.u boii i.f l.lni-l; Hut If. Uii'uil.
I Any ami all ,i'is.,i,n ilulinlnK inl
I M'fMi'l.v thf ,'il..(V.'-i,'-j.-i il,i', Imu'N
ar.' ii-iii.'sifi I,, till- ihflr t lnlins in
I I hi-. ..Ilii f tin or liftoff -ai. I'.'Ui ilay
ol .1 ii!y, ran, .
I'.i vinnv I.,, WfI tii.
I 21
TIMI!i;i: I.ANH ACT JI NK :i, IS7S.-
M)i K i; row i-i'A i kin
I niti-il Static I, ami Ofllt-i'
WfHi'bar;', ;--ii. AH'I L'D, J!MI7
N'"tl.'f In lifi-cby niven that In t orn
,ii.iih-i. wiiii 1 in- pioviHioiiH of the ui t
'.I ( oll;'lfrts i.f .linif .'!, IS?", I'liliHfil
"An lift for I I.f Milf t.f tiinbfi- lanils
in thf Slat.' -t of ( 1 lif.iinla. (Ihu'ihi.
Ni a. la ami WaMhlnxInn Territory,"
a : flfiii..i to all thf 1'iiblif .u,,
.-aaii'M iiy act 1,1 Au;;iiht I, iv.p'
1 i;i:wii; iawman
ol l.iiiaiif, l oiialy o I uiif, Htalc t)f
I'lff,""", haw llllH.iay hlcl In 1 ,JM ,.f
litf hln Kwnrn i-tnif no-nt No. Mi:rj, fur
in.' pint iiasi- or Ihr N 1; (,r Section
O. I ill TllWIINliljl No. L'O Htllltlt,
nai.e .mi. .1 wel, W . ,M ., tt tt I will
1 11. t proof to Hhow thai, thf land
sought Is in. nt- v.ilunblM for its tim
ber or :,oni than for nrii'iill nrnl
pin p".' ! ami to cHtalillnh his claim
lo Mini land bef.ire W. V. CalkiiiH.
I'.S. t'olniniH loner, lit bin olliee in
fa 1
aiyelie, Oregon, 011 'l inn Mtln y, I he
si h day of .inly. P.m7.
lie iiaiaeH us witniMHi'M:
tieniK"' V. Sanilerntin of l.orane,
Oregon; IMwanl K. I'minan of bo
rn ne, Oh'hoiij Plank DuvIh of bo.
mm-, origin; (Woin Kchnledcr of
l.orane, 1 'reon.
Any and all peiHoaH eliilinlnv ud
Ver.Mi-ly I he iihove-tleHi i ibed lamlnare
ieiiie.4lei to hie tlielr clallim Inthiw
olhce on or bernre hii Id iHtli day of
.lull- 1 1 11 17 '
Jii;,s.iA.Mi.N Ii. Kimy, I(.KiHet
I 1 - "i i"t run -'in uraiiiiMi n nuinimi
and CUKE thg LUNGS
0UGH8 an
60c & Jt.00
Frea Trial.
Burest anU Uuickest Cure for all
i'or legal LluLkb Nugget oflice.
TIMUKIi I . N I . ACl.M'Ni::!, Is's - -
Norn i: i 01: riTiidc viKiN
I'lllted SlllteH t.llh.l tllllee.
Ih en hlll'U', Orenoll, Alill'eh S( 'Ml7,
Not iee Is herehv eh ell thill III eolil-
1 1 ll I If i with the pr on ln.iiH of the net
of ConnreiM nf ,lnne:i, Isrs, entllled
"Alinel for 1 1 1 ; 1 1 i if 1 1 1 1 1 1 o i lands
III the ,k tali s of California Dickon,
N, ail.l iilid W iimIiIiikIoii l ei 1 1., ,"
Hi elflldfd u all 'he I'lihlie I, -Ml, I
NtaitK l, ai t of Anon d ,1. vi;f,
' l : I . I i I II c. nu
i d 1 1 ol 1 1 . tiiiinlv ni I Hill Ntnlelof
Tei rllnl'v l of I ejon. litis IIiIh ihl.V
liletl In lld't ollli f her mi oin Hlnleinenl
o ,'siiil. for the .iilehie of the .
;. i, I N,-, 1 1, in No. :'s, In T. i s iid , 1 1
No I'l Hoiilh. liiilli-f No .'iWe.,!, W .
M , (Hid W III i ilfer proof (,i iih 1 1 w that
Ihe land "oiiht I-. more nliinhi. (or
1 1 s 1 1 uiIiit i it I . 'lie than 1 1 I- o u r h 1 1 1 -
Inial .iiii..sf. , and t IuMkIi her
elalm u said I Old lffoi , . ('alU
I I m , I . S. ' i .1,1 in I ' I. .11.' I , ii I 1 1 1 M ulheit
III i 'llUi IH'. Ilri'l'iill, on 'etiei,l, ,
I lie Mil ill.V if .llllif, 1:1117.
She na iih"! ii ' w ll iifM-'t". .
t 'ailfloii I '. s i if 1 1 oi n . I )reiiiu
Charle i I,. U illli,is, ,.r lie ler, i if"
Kim ; I'l'uili l Wile , of 1 : 1 1 1 -1 iif, le
noli .lohn II. I..,i'f laii'Klie, (lie
eon I . nml all I'ti .ohm t 1 : 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 fl,.
v i r .i h llif n 1 1 i e i If s.' 1 1 1 if 1 1 hi in I '4 lire
ii'.iie,.i. to hlf thfir t I iIiiih In this
ollne on or l.t . if vtaid .'.Ih day of
.1 , I'm,".
Id . i.'ii -. I.. I i. nr.
I IMIUd: l.M Al l. .It Nil .I.s7s -
m i n i ; i in: pi iii.ii n i iu
I'ldted StiiltH Land Illliee,, ir. h Ml, I'.ll7
Nollif Is In ii liv I'hi'ii thai III foul-
ilani'f Hli lli.- ,i . i l.ioi r the
m l of I' .if r,'t i, .liinA ;;, s7s, eli-
t H It. I u ai t It. I the .al.- . f tlinlier
tor.V," at fteii'le. In ill til-- I'llllllC
band Ma ten I'V a. I .c iuut ,
I l m:i ri;i N si: .
i.f I, ni nil.-. ,"iiniv ,,1 I .a in , si.ite 1 nr
rfltil..l nf 1 )i i-e...!,, hi . linn iuy
lile.l in llit- t.l'lt - hi . -, ,,1 11 . lute,
infill V . l i.,r lie- i ii 1 1 I, , ,f t he
N I i 1 1 1 if 1 1- ni N.i I. 11, I'm iimIiiii
Nil. '.'II Hi lilt ll, I III-,. Nil ,1 Ul'.l. V ,,
and will 1 ' -I' , to, if ,. m ,, tlnit the
land 1 1 -1 1 1 . i,,.,i-.' al iiii,,- lor Hm
tlmliff or ' ,a.' A 1 1. till n 111 1
,iii I mi I 1. 1 . h thli -h hi claim
to al. laml I., f ,ie . V. r.ilhlliH. I'.
S. ' 111, in I ,Hi iin-r, a t hit ..thrf Inln
Ken''. 1 ii. v,.ii mi Iri.biv.ihe 7th d.y
of .1 nil.-, I'ltiT
I If nam, - ., ii i,, -. ,
tlenrjje ruiiniii nl I ."I a if, ( t t'K' in ;
lunik I ii v I nf, Orison;
Satnnt I llaitlv of l.-irune. Oiej;.ii);
lleibell I . . t of I .ot'.'i lie. trefoil.
. ii.V mid nil iei ..oii t elaindiie; nt
xelhM'lv the alMve .li- ci IIm-,1 I tm Ih urn
-,.iieM,-d tn Ii Ie I lit-il , Lilian In h
oillfii mi ni- Ii f,.re Haul Tllltla.V of
.lane I'hi7.
I'l M VMIS I.. r.MlV
Welf ter.
11 m writ Ii.wd, r.n i: -t, isrH
mu k i: l (W I'l I'd It A l HN.
I n, If. I Mule, band Olli.'c
WoMeliiir;', I h".. , -I. 'Hi7.
Notlt-e In beiebv .;i ,-n that In com.
pll.nin-f with the .., Mini nf tint
lift of Cnliyrff nf .llllif !!, s7, in.
lltlfil 'Ali net (nr the .ale of tllllU-r
IiiihIh la the Snuih of 1'alifoiiil i, Ore
?in. Nevada and a-diinulnii Tcill
t " r y . ' ' ai fxienl.d to all the Public
Land Mai.- . 1. v in 1 nf iiiiusi , sr.
1 h.ici.i;s ii:mai:i:si
of Ciirlloa. county .! amlilll, Slut
lor 'I'i 11 il nf i nl Oi.'.'.iii, IniH tills
day liletl In this nllii e In . Miviiin Hlale
Ilielit No. 7 'I.", 7 I ,1 the l.llichaieof tho
V ',..r S i: "... 1; i, ,, s K and H
I.'i of N I.1, 01 S.'.lion NiiihImT
"'J III 1 in ll hip No -.'il Minilli, WilllO
Nil. 1, went, S . VI . and will offer
proof to h ivv that I Ii land aniht
1 inure v.uaniiie for Its HiiiImt or
ft one I bail f..f i;'l lenlt ill nl pilrpoMCH,
ami to i-Htahll-li Ins claim to unlit
land befole . V. 'alklllH, P. S
CoininlNMolier, at his nlllea Iii laineni',
Ori'Kim, nil riniiKtla v, tin- llth day
of July, P.miV.
I Ie iiaiat'M ;ih wit m hNt h: Willi, nn It.
Kelly, of l.otaiie, U.t v-uii; ;, bi lly,
of l.rane, (rej;nn; Henry Coe;ill, of
Spi iiiRlieltl, (ireon; I rank INikIII, of
Sprlin-lii-ld, Onvnn.
Any und all p.joim claiinlne; ud
VlTfi lv t he above dfia i lbeil land urn
re.iit Hled lo lile thiiir flalliirt In thin
olliee .ni or before waltl 1 1 1 h day of
July, l!M)7.
Iti s.i oiin Ii. Ilin.v, It-'Khter.
TIMIIPW l,NI A! T JPNi:., s7h
NOIICi; 1'OW PI libit ATK IN
I'llited Slater. 1 ,11 in T Olliee
UnHeblllK, OiCK'ill, April ti, !M)7.
Notice i. hereby nlven I lint. In com.
pllaiice Willi ti,., provlMioiiH of llirt
act of CnneiiH-i of .luiie :i, Is7s, on
tilled "An act for the hale of timber
lands In the htalcn of ( 'nhfurnin, )ro
Kon, Nevatlii ami WnaliitiKton Terrb
tory."an eten.e.l lo all dm Public
bnml htali H by act. of Anoint I, 1 H'.ll?.
Wi;i;'l II A M. (illiSON.
of borane, county of bane, NliiUtof
Oregon, has 1 li i m day ii,., (,H uf.
lien tier mwoiii Hlateineiit. No. 7!).",S for
t lie piirclni'e ..f t, n v yt f section
No. .'ID, In TovMihlnp S( 20 Hinitli,
WiuiK"' No. n west. W. M.. nml will
offer prnof to Hhow tliat I lie land
hoiikIiMh im .re valuable for ItHtlin-
nei orHL'iim than lor iiKi'li'iiltiirnl
PUI'iiomch, nml to eHlahllHli her claim
to i'l land before W. V. CnlkliiH,
I'.S. (JoliiiiilNHiolier. nl. hik. ,a,.... I,.
PaiKeiie, Ori-noii, on 1 hiiiHilny. tin
11 Mi day of .Inly. p,iu7.
Slie nami H iih witneNHiiM:
John O'l'.rlen or luirnne, Oreuon;
Hurdy (!nnv of la It'll III I Ire ii'jiri
MeoiKC MettH of boraao. Oreiron:
M'aiik (illl.ei l of borane. Oren-on
All.y und III! lieiHoliM clnlmimr ml.
Vei'Hely Mm nbove-deHcrlbed lumU nro
I'eiiiieHLed lo lilc Ihelr claim in
uflieiion or before mild lltli diy of
.III 1 tll7 J
I!i;n.ia.mi I,. i:i,i(V, JtclHter.
1 :m
Aoad.mlo cVuVM.'.J.Hi?!,.'"' "