Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, May 08, 1907, Image 7

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M Feed Your Nerves
' Upon rich, ur, tiourlahliig blood by
j taking Hood's Hnranparllla, unit you
will be frna from thoan sih'IIs of do.
til r. thoan sleepless nights ami atiilou
' day, tlnM KiiMiinjr, di'Hiliiika f'--M nun.
thoaa tmldi'ii ( n rt at nurn not hlriK".
. thoaa dyMitlo symptoms ami Mlmliiitf
i lii-mlni Iiph, Hood's Haranpnrllla bus dona
' this fur ninny others - II will rum you.
j Hood's Sarsaparilla
', In usual 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 form or in rhoi olalnl
tablets known as Saraataba. Io0ilois$l.
WanliiaT If lldMvrniiinn,
"I lii-nr yuti have been k''iIiik married,
Ardup. Sllll hilling ami nmlng?"
"I'iMiliiK only, Itmley. The t tttll iriar
will cum on the firat tiny of the mouth."
Unabla to Do Evan Homework Be
cause of Kldnty Trouble.
Mrs. MiirKiiri't Kminerieh, of Clin
ton St., NHiliin, ()., Saya: "For (If
Iwm year I wum a kiciiI auffcier from
kidney tumbles. My
luck pniui-d mo tdrii
lily. Kvcry turn or
move caused uluirp,
fluxitiiiK pitiua. .Sly
eyesight wits wKr,
(lurk H(ot appeared
hcfotp mo, and I had
tllr..y iellH. For ten
years 1 rould not do hotim-work, and (or
two year it did ml (ft out of tin; honae.
The kidney Hecretioiia were irregular,
Htid d''tora were not hclpinx mo.
iHmti'a Kidney 1'il In liruiinlit mo. ii)lck
relief and Dually cured me. They saved
my life."
Sold by nil tlealcra. 50 rout a x.
Foatcr-Milhuin Co., Iluffalo. N. Y.
t Treaernlee Overflowlngf.
Through IiikciiIoiin methods of tnilng
rnllronda the treriaurlca of aome Mutes
are o swollen Hint Mule olhVera are
pur..lcd to kimw what to do with Kf nt
fund. New Jeracy's receipts from cor
INirntlona have filled Hit treasury. 1'erin
n I vii n lit had n aurplii of $(i,(MHiHKl
find no debt to apeak of. Mink tnic re
I'flvt'il from railroad mid the collection
of n wur cliilm of $I,(Kmi,(HK) luivc en
abled WUcoiinIii tfi my extraordinary
expeuaca, put J'll.'I.imo Into tin' Male
tiTMKiny mid cut tin- school tux levy In
TITO v"""' t'erv-a '1
rl I V prmarintlr curiM l,y
t'an'n and all Norrmia filcaaM
I'r. Kllfift'ii Orai
IrratHu. lit. II. tl.Klln,ll.,ai Arch HI., I'lilla.,l'a.
"What do (liny cull tliia akyarrnprr on
llit Iff I V" BMki"l tin1 atrmiKiT.
'"Iliat'a Hip Iti'lianrf Imllillng," anld tlm
nativo. "It'a occuiilfd almoat cutlrrly by
"Ily doHoraT And ttiry call It tba 'Ite
liani a?" Wrll. wHI !"
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Dsara tho
Blguatura of
A .uriK for Mr I Itoata.
A jroiiiiK New York woiiihi; la n trriln
is I tiuriM' for ali'k l.Ka. For hoiih tlun1
xlii' Iim a Ih'i-ii n iiicuilK'r of tin KtnfT of
tint Ni-w York IfcK lloHptnl, wIhtp tb
alrk jx'tt f tin wfnltliy nrt nurwd
buck to ln'iilth. Hhr ofti-n tin h na iniuiy
iim n biiiidrcd l't to cure for. It la
lirr duty to (l vt tlifin thi-lr initllclni,
mid In til her wnya onrry out tht tloo
tor'a ordi-ra rxm-tly na n triilnt-d naraa
would do for liunmn pntlnita.
An latllan Irrrnad,
I arla from ilrtama of thftt
In tb flrat awt-ft bIin-w of nlfflit,
Wbfit tlit wlnda arc lirnillilng low
And tliH atnra art ahlnliiK hrlutit.
I ariao from ilrciiina of thee,
And a apirlt in my feet
Until l-d iiif - wbo knowa bow?
'I'o thy cliniiilcT window, Hwittl
'ilia wandriiiK alra tby faint
In iIih dark, tba ailt-nt atri-am
And I Ik- CbHiupak'a odora pint
Ilk" awrct tboiiKhta III a drram ;
Tim night liiKftla'a oinplalnt
It dira upon hrr heart,
Aa I inuat dia on tbina,
(), tfovn aa thou art !
O, lift ina from tin- graaa !
I dl! I fnlnt! I fail!
jH thy lovt In klaaca rain
On my llpa and aytdlda pnla.
My t'hft'k la rold and while, nlaal
My h'-art bt-nta loud and fnat ;
(, pn-aa it to I hint" own again,
Where it will break at laat 1
-Perry ItyNalu Shelley.
f'roaalnar tti
Hunaet and evenuiK atar
And one clear call for ma.
Arid may there 1m no moaning of tba bar
When I put eut to aea.
But auch a tide na moving aeema aaleep,
T) full for aound and foam,
When that wliich drew from out the
liouildleaa tleep
Turna agniu home.
I'wllijfht and evening bell
And after that the dark.
And may there be no audneaa of farewell
When 1 riubark.
livery part of the Ivxly t dcprrKlent on the Mool for nourishment nnd
rtrc nRth. NVheii this life tit ream is flowing through the system In a Btate of
Inirity nml richness we ore assured of terfect and uninterrupted health;
xn ause pure liltxxl Is nature's safe-guam against disease. When, however,
the Wly is fed on weak, impure or polluted Llood, the nystcm is deprived of
its btrtnRth, disease Renus collect, nnd the trouble is manifested in various
ways, l'ustular eruptions, pimples, rashes and the different 6tin affections
chow that the Llood is in a feverish and diseased conaition as a result of too
much acid or the presence of pome irritating humor. Sores and Ulcers are
the result of morbid, unhealthy matter in the Llood, and Rheumatism, Ca
tarrh, Scrofula, Contagious Dlood l'oison, etc., are all deep-seated Llood
disorders that will continue to grow worse as long as the poison remains.
These imnuritics and noisons find their wav into the Llood in various w.iva.
f. -f l a i ... I
I'ui'u a MugKinn, iuuciivc conumon oi iuc nysieiu, ana lorpia tiaie oi ine
tho' from out our bourne of Time
and l'lac
The flood may lear me far,
I hope to aet; my I'ilot fare to fac
When I have troat the bar.
Alfred Ten ny boo.
Uuld Jloal4-ra mud CoananatlvM
Kouud Travrllnat Side bjr Side
Ever JouriieylnK acroM the dem-rt
auuda and clIiubliiK the urld penks nu t
foothilla of the far Southwest are two
caravans one seemingly rugKd and
hciiltliy, tlwjui'h a ID let cd with a dlaen?
calleil gUtbiinanla, the other emaclattnt
by the great white pliigue.
One la arurccly more optimistic than
nvenucs of bodily waste, leaves the refuse and waste matters to sour and, tho other: one proccHslon aeekji a Klit-
lorm uric anu oiuer actus, wuicn are laten up ny me utooa ana tlistributeu tfrlmr fellow duat that means riches.
urouKiioui ue cirvaiaiion. coming in contact wua contapious oiscases IS other a more precious thing
another cause for the poisoning of the Llood ; we also Lrcathe the germs and ' lieaith. Though the trull may be lotur
microti oi xiaiana imo our lungs, ana wnen mcse K inio ine mooa in ,,,, tlie wnt ifrwjm.t; though
sufficient qimntity it Lxmes a earner of disease instead of health. Some . ,,( Mrt , , UMvTia nn(,
constitutional disease of ancestors is handed down to them'and they are ,o:,pue "w,,,'u w!th t!"n,l: th,"fh
constantly annoyed and troubled with it. Had blood is the eource of all dis-! t,,, "'unlaln" "y x 8t a"J
.o. .,,1 .,;t n,,;.t u .i ,..,.-f..,i i.,t.. :a . ' strewn w ith cacti, there Is the
Buffer in some wav. For Lloo.1 troubles of nnv character S. S. S. is the best flittering substance In the snnd a lit
reiiie,lveverflirnverel Tt ew fb-Ti intn th r-Jrnlntinn m-,m.a nn t'e farther on for the argonaut i a lease
and all poisons, supplies tho healthful properties it needs, and completely ' of I,ft' Bt tl, horizon, when the ml
ana permanently cures Llood diseases of "esert smi announces me uawn or an
other nay, for the white plagues vic
To many seeking their wonted rigor
the hot that ever carries them on
every kind, ltie action or S. 5. S. is so
thorough that hereditary taints are removed
nnd weak, diseased Llood made strong" and
healthy $o that disease cannot remain. It
cures Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula, Sores ward Is sometimes aa futile na tho race
nnd Ulcers, Skia Diseases, Contagious after the will-o'-the-wisp that lures the
uiowi i oison, tic., ana uoes noi leave me1 nrgon.uit.
slightest trace of the trouble for future outbreaks. The whole volume oil ti,e procession moves on nnd on
Llood is renewed and cleansed after n course of S. S. S. It is also nature's I
tlu pilgrims cnunot leave the Minds un-
t a t. . .. i i i.- ,i ' - t i ..I 1 n'
f;rcuicai, iouic, mauc vmirc.y nim u.ira.ti, ami ausoiuveiy . ,,, ,,,, nir aml 8un.shlne have
harmless to any part of the system S. S. S. s for sale at all first class UM the w.ar8 de b dtatU.8 hef
m ne it.rixl IfiVfkLrtf'll I I .Ivi I ntt.l nf nn.l lAnl n t k f In mII aitlt.x mrat
The latet detail rnneernlng tha ronMrur
ttoq ol the "t'lileaa-o New York Air I.lne Hall
road" will t (iiund In tlm ' Air blue Nawi,"
which can U had froa oi any axpanaa by writ
ing the
Portland, Oregon.
NOTIOK-Tha following annouiirameiita are
from Uadlng bualueaa man and rlrnn, and art
wall worthy your carulul readlug. The Hat
may runtalii Juit the propoluou uu ara look
log lor.
110.00 DOWN-$10.00 MONTHLY
Hand In for book let deneri hlnv our guaranteed
lnveatineut at Jamiaaon Parle, a auhurhot
An InTeatment bare enjuyi all tbeaaeurlty
and prolertloii offered ly a avlnu hank or
ll(o tiiHiiraiiru roninany, but the rt'liirna will
net from Ml per ten I lu 100 pur relit oil tho tu
Vfatmulit. Let in mail you full partit'ulam; a poatal
card will bring tliuin.
Ht llliiK Agi'iiti
Spokane, Waahlngtuu National Hank, Ht f.
Tha only traeta on tho market w here you eau
rontrai't to aell your erop. Ten t ruiua a day.
Abiimlaiitv ol water. I'rleo ii.-nnxi per aeru
aaay payiuenla cuma III or rltt) for partlt'll
The Portland Tils and Mantsl Co.
Will be a lad to glva you parllaulari about
Ita iM-ainiliil leramle, Moaale, Knamaled
and Kneauatlo Tllo, wholeaale and retail.
Vi rlto today.
217 Marquam Bldg. Portland, Oregon
Before Colni tltawhara.
342'i Washington St. Portland, Oregon
Ai Cheap u Cm Bi Bouglit la Iti Eist
Dsllvsry Much Qulckar Writs Ih Today
Spokauo, WaHbliiKtoil.
110 Slevcna
$10.00 a nionth'wlll buy you a $;XIX) hear
iiiK orchard. We clear, plow, plant, Irrhtate
and ear for your orchard four yvara. The fruit
will make your paymouta after that. 1'uatal
card will bring true book,
Spokane Washington
If you ara tired of long eold wlnteri and want
to live where vegalalilua grow the year round,
deep, ledlnientary aoll. Irrigated, rail, river
and eleotrlo transportation, xoollout niarkuta,
write for booklet.
Lot Mollnai Tehama County California
WK BUY Timber Landa from ownera
SfAKKS 1IHO., U Uoriiard, Spokane, Waal).
Coeur d'Alena Beaervation will openioon;
4holee land 'ib rullet from Spokane. Coeur
d' A lane Keaerfation Ageuoy, 17-At Kxchange
building, Spokane, Waali.
and consider
W -A
aWaW. X "W aft M
the rr kjt it r
iJirtadt of the best
WflwwnteataM wkl v
jv" - I tali VI
If BttilV TOWIH CANAtlAH (.Uaniru A
'A W tOrtOHTO. CAN. t(
9I0N Of THE flSH
i Towia ca.
95T0, nu U1A
The uinln trail of the wenk-lungetl
leatls from Pecos to Yuma. For nioro
thaj l.(KK) miles prosiiector and plague
ridden traverse Its tortuous course. In
the caravan seeking gold nearly all are
poor. In the caravan exiled and fight
ing for health there are rich and poor,
high and low, democratic and fraternal
la their I'ls and expectancy.
To ajonie tula hope la as uncertain
of realisation aa the prospector's pot
of gold tit the end of the rainbow. But
ninny who have early Joined the pil
grims, after years of travel by day
under the scorching sun and sleep by
ulgut in the pure air of the mountain
top, end their allotted exile and return
to the old home 1,000 or more mile
Hut the ranks are soon recruited
And some there nre who must travel
along the great highway until the end.
Oftentimes the bones of prospector
Mid plague-ridden nre found bleaching
lit the canyon. The skeletoti hand of
one is outstretcheii up tno nillsitit,
where others reach the goal and gold ;
the bony fingers of the other point
home. St. Louis Republic.
We Trust
If you arc suffering from
Impure blood, thin blood, de
bility, nervousness, exhaus
tion, you should begin at once
with Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the
Sarsaparilla you have known
all your life. Your doctor
knows it, too. Askhimaboutit.
T mint Innk wall aftar the cmdltlnn ot
your lltar and towia. Inlata there la dally
actlan of tha txiweu, ,Unn'.ua produata are
altaertMd, caualna handaclie, blllbuaDaaa, oau
aaa. drtpei.ala, and tlma tiretaritln the hr
aaparfila rroin dulug lla bat work. Arar'a
I'llla ara IWar nllla. Ant KrilT. all afutle.
The daa ta ably out pill at bedtltue.
bvJ.G.A jmw Co.. Lowali, Mm
Also DSnilPK
araoturara ot
Tin only two Kreitt Kurojienn capitnla
tbnt never have been occupied by a for
eign foe are Iondoti and St. Petersburg.
r;etln; Ilia Meaaare.
Aunt Flluru was preparing soup for
dinner, when one of th ncllilxirs hnp
petietj in on a liorrowlnjr erriind.
"Why, Aunt Fllura, Isn't thnt nn tin
u an ft Ily large soup kettle?" asked the
caller, with a mlctinltlng glnnce at the
stove on her paasnge across the kltdien.
"If you're Just bulking at the kl'tle.
It does ace in plumb sl.iible," anld Aunt
Fllura, calmly; "but when you cnat
your looks on the extents and pliabili
ty of my Kii'H-h's mouth. I reckon
'(won't )ixik any too Ih rye, that kittle
Properly f'enanrerl.
"When Maxim (;orky dined with
me," mibl h literary New Yorker, "lie
talked alfMit the Itimlan eiif)rHblp.
"lie said that In the eoursw of the
ItUMHo-JiipHiiene war be had occasion lii
an article to describe the heud'iuartei a
of one of the grand dukes. He w rote
of these beadijuartera, among other i
thlnga: j
" 'And OTer the desk of his highness' ;
tent la a large photograph of Marie la I
Jam be, the lieaiitlful ballet dancer.'
"Itefore this article could appour, the
censor changed that sentence to:
" 'And over the desk of bla highness'
tent la a large map of the theater of!
war.' "
The lighthoune at Corunna, Spain, la
I believed to be the oldeat one now io use.
In China and aorne parte of India the I It waa erected tlurinz the reign of Tr
Ineat tea roe tit only (J or 8 cents a pound. jan, and rebuilt in l'i3L
Banking by Mail
agjaaaa r
On eavinga deposit of a dollar
cr more, rompennded twice
every year. It in just aa easy
to open a Savings. Account With
ua by Ma I as if you lived next
tioor. Send for our free book
let, "l!ank:ng by Mail," and
learn lull particulars. AdlreM
Oregon Trust 8c
Savings Bank
Portland, Oregon
Sixth and Washington Sts.
1 v'
c One of the Important Duties of Physicians
is to learn as to the relative standing and reliability of the leading manufactur
ers of medicinal agents, as the most eminent physicians are the most careful as to
the uniform quality and perfect purity of remedies prescribed by them, and it is well
known to physicians and the Well-informed generally that the California Fig Syrup
1 Co., by reason of ita correct methods and perfect equipment and the ethical character of
its product has attained to tne nign swinaing in scieniinc ana commercial circles wmcu
is accorded to successful and reliable houses only, and, therefore, that the name of tha
Company has become a guarantee of the excellence of its remedy.
appeal to the "Well-Informed in every walk of life and are essential to permanent suc
cess and creditable standing, therefore we wish to call the attention of all who would
enjoy good health, with ita blessings, to the fact that it involves the question of right
living with all the term implies. With proper knowledge of what is best each hour
of recreation, of enjoyment, of contemplation and of effort may be made to contribute
to that end and the use of medicines dispensed with generally to great advantage, but
as in many instances a simple, wholesome remedy may be invaluable if taken at the
proper time, the California Fig Syrup Co. feels that it is alike important to present
truthfully the subject and to supply the one perfect laxative remedy which has won
the approval of physicians and the world-wide acceptance of the Well-informed because
of the excellence of the combination, known to all, and the original method of manufac
ture, which is known to the California Fig Syrup Co. only.
This valuable remedy has been long and favorably known tinder the name of
Syrup of Figs and has attained to world-wide acceptance as the most excellent of
family laxatives, and aa its pure laxative principles, obtained from Senna, are well
known to physicians and the Well-informed of the world to be the best of natural
laxatives, we have adopted the more elaborate name of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of
Senna as more fully descriptive of the remedy, but doubtlessly it will always be
called for by the shorter name of Syrup of Figs and to get its beneficial effects always
note, when purchasing, the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co.
plainly printed on the front of every package, whether you simply call for Syrup of
Pigsor by the full name Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna as Syrup of Figs and
Elixir of Senna is the one laxative remedy manufactured by the California Fig Syrup
Co. and the same heretofore known by the name Syrup of Figs which has given sat
isfaction to millions. The genuine is for sale by all leading druggists throughout the
United States in original packages of one size only, the regular price of which i3 fifty;
cents per bottle.
Every bottle is sold under the general guarantee of the Company, filed with the
Secretary of Agriculture, at Washington, D. C, that the remedy is not adulterated
or misbranded within the meaning of the Food and Drugs Act, June 30th, 1906.
Louisville, Ky.
San Francisco, CaL
U. S. A.
London, England.
New York, N. T.
Color aaora foods brighter and faster colore thaw any other dye. One 10c packaga colors silk, wool and cotton equally well and U
guaranteed lo give perfect resulta. Aaa dealer, or we will a end post paid M 10c paefcag Writ for free booklet how to dye.
leach and mix colore. MONROE DRUG CO- UnioaviUe. Missouri.
The deepeat Bounding yet made in the
oceans ia said to be in the Aldrioh deep,
to the east of New Zealand. Here the aea
30,030 feet deep.
Mothers will find Mrs. Wlnslows Boothlas
Byrup the b. at remedy to use lor their chUdrej
luring the teething period.
Switzerland has twenty-Eve anowaboa
clubs, with 800 members.
OaaaUaa Baalnaa and Irrl
eatioa riaata
Watarlae Wall Drill,
built aapeclalty for iwrt
in tha norfhwwat. trill
in and nahiiw rooU.
Wa aarry a lance a:oca
W rite uaall onr machin
ery watita. Well driller
oonrruot blanua free
OOMfANT. lll-l-t ktor
rlaaa St.. rorUaa.4. Or.
P. N. U.
No, 19-07
'IirUlCN wrltlna; to advertiser please
1 1 Boeuiiua
ita tbls paper.
llluatrloua Shoeiuakexa.
Shocmtiklng la a calling which has
given the world very great men.
One authority asserts that the majority
of cobblers have exceptional brains;
that their attitude when stooping over
their work tends to a cranial develop
ment In the part where the Intellectual
faculties are seated. Some one has
written a book of Illustrious shoemak
ers. In It are Sir Clouuesley Shovel,
Glfford the Terrible, Rloomfleld; author
of the well-known "Fanner's Boy;"
Carey, the orientalist; Admiral Myngs,
Georgo Fox, founder of the Society of
Friends ; John Kltto, the biblical echol
ar, and Sturgeon, the electrician. The
list of illustrious shoemakers runs Into
Hove to Hbonlaa,
ricture frames, chairs and other fur
niture may be ebonlzod by w'nshino-
' them four times, thoroughly drying
I between times, In a boiling uilzture of
strong logwood and water. Then wash
tha wood In a solution of acetate of
iron, which is a mixture of iron filings
and vinegar
Prlea 25c and 50c
skfAtafF w7Mr aaTakvjr Vjaaaa
t. Vkaf
V ; Ji
fThe Fi nest Gardens!
Are always reported when Portland Said Co.'s "Diamond Brand"
Seeds are planted. Why ? Because wa sail vou the kinds that erow
best on this Coast. Our handsomely Illustrated and descriptive
Annual tells all about our Seeds. Plants. Roses. Spray Puitids.
renuuers, incuoaiors. Brooders, poultry and bee Supplies.
Aak hw Bock No. 260 W ah s isaelal aattlof '
oi Traaa. Shrub. It.'. Boo Ho. 201 Ira an nquaat.,
Portland. Oregon SpoKane, Wash,
'Mr: - f
Poes not enlarge the instrument or
change style ot caaej mechanUin all below
keyboard; operates piano aotlou abstract
direct, and preolsely as regular piano keys
do, securing the same expreaalon as the
artist can by hand; can be entirely removed
from the piauo In five tnlnutea's time, aud
that without the uae of a acrew driver.
Write for Free Booklet