Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, May 08, 1907, Image 5

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    lift 111 P NKWC ,,cn,!i ' 'nlcrcsl in fl,ld a,,oi,t
nUIHL llCuJ Collate drove and vicinity.
LJtB. fi ft fl Aft fl fl JlJLAJlJlS.ULS.fl AJ H&ATOY U S B 3 VB VV Tf AJLfl 11 JU flflJUULflJlAJ
Dr. Jol f :til J'lif.otio a visit on
T. A. Iiti!htfoin of Divide wan
in the. city hint week.
I.urnlhfty puiil tho county neat
n vinit 'u Saluidiiy, On Sunday May Ctli to
Mi. imkI Mis. A. II. Kin; a won.
Mim. C I!"hm King upc it Sunday
nt Vii'iilla visiting fimndw.
Il on want ii gom f.itiu tu'k to
1 liml the i 1 estate limn.
New m k ol ilry i;ooiIh ami
hllOCH III Vl'l I'iltfh'N.
The l!iovn Shoe C. hIioch rnn't
do beat. Sold by )liver Watch.
Misn Annu K y of Creswell
wan isiting fiicii'ls in lh city Sun
A1 Churchill o Itoliciniu was in
CotluK Oiove loi a few days last
K li.
liOliN On Thniduy May 2. to
Mr. an I Mis. .Miijui-t n a !' pound
dnughtt t
Mis. Jesse Ji illin f line iu wan j
in 1 1 o 1 1 y Sunday viniting f i il-iuIh
and ti'lutivrs.
WANTKI)- At 1 1 - i olliiv. clt-an,
cotton tn''H foi whii h -e will I'uy
'J 1 . cents a pound.
MntiHv;-r Wrl' li i.f 1 1 Willam
ette Vilh'v coin; ri'iV in t'iHii"r
( iiii Iiumiicm: 1'int week.
W. K. I'rcwn -f llu- I'.nnvii I tim
ber C. ul l'.uK' in- was in lli" city
on lmniiiCH'i lu-,1 Tluii x',n . j
(''" Milit-i mi l wile wtie pun-
Hei'j'.riH In 1'iiill.iinl S.i' hi tlaj 1 1 I - j
tli'-y will isi( lii ii ffv iI.ivh. J
'l'lu' cilv council iiK-t on M niday j
night wimc of tin. members lit-.
ing absent Innn Urn city, tho meet-1
ing adjourned until Thursday
Victor, Ivlisoii Mini Cohiinl ia
talkinj.' machines and records m the j
Bazaar. tf j
1 1 urrn "I nielli lark of CNerelMi' are
tin- in.'i iiii-u ii-i'h ( il,VfifHln. A
Hln'H I'J f.i t n Tnblel niter each
inenl ill Ih iHki'MIou. improve I lit n
jii lld'. S l I liy Ni w l .ni li n More.
The 'tiiHini'sH of tho geneial tttoro
of Hague X' Itnuiloti ut London
Springs h ih outgrown its building :
mid litr;i addilionii ate heinK add
rnl to both stoui and warehouse.
Miss llaol MatiNcr, Mins Lulu!
Will'ir l. Miws Mattie McCulIoiigh j
and Misi Dollie Hawkins spent I
Sunday at Drain, visiting with n
unmoor of fiiends, returning on I
tho ovirhind Sunday night.
There lire many kidney remedies
Mil few that iieriiinlili the redllf
"I'liieules" h n kidne.V remedy Unit
contains no nlclml or nptuitt'H of any
kind, eomlilies with the Natloiui,
food nnd I'lii' l.nw, puirnnteed toj
lve will i Thirty tlnyn trenj-i
inent for Impilre nlioiil "I'ine
hIch." Sold liy New I'.i'.i lru Slme.
Knowles & Gettys
Bohemia, Oregon.
Knowles & Gettys
Orscco, Oregon.
Miners Supplies
at reasonable prices.
Our 'Motto:
Good Goods at Reasonable Prices.
General Merchandise
Miners Tools and Amunitions
HilKboro (laintH to nft'rcn the
Sunday closing law, but the tou
foctioiiors havn lcii granted the
ptivilcge of Hulling ten cream, con-
fcetionH and fruit, but innnt not noil
cigars or tobacco. Could not this
bo rallod claSM legislation t
Vour money refunded if after uhIiik
I liree.fiturl Iih I nf a tulie of Man
iiu, you are iIIhhii I Islled. Ilelni n the
hahoiee o tlii'luU'to your druglct,
and .vour money will lie eheei fully re
turiied. Take ad iiiilaue of IIiIm of
fer. Hold hy New l .ra I i iih; Slme
'I'll flyr wan twt hours late on
Satuiday night, but mad? up some
of the time by making tho run be
tween ln-rn and Lugouo t the rute
of a mile a minute ot hi just 22
hpriliK w ilids e li;i. tall and eause
freekh-H tn api-ear. Clnefiilve t'urlio
lleit applied ill nl;,'lit will relieve Unit.
Hei'ttatluii. Nalure'M own Pynedy,
urtit like a poilltjec lli il draws nut
inllainniallun. Hold hy New lira
I run Store.
We ovri heard a couple of ladieH
talking on the . iV S. Ji. Railroad
the other day when one of them
Maid; "S me women have so little
hi'iiho," then realizing what she
had aid, fhe itcovercd and immed
iately added: ''but plenty of men
are in the name fix." Just lik a
woman, iiiu't it?
Mr I' Ii SiiDdgr.m, of liugeae,
tcveiv..', h It-It giam truin I. J. ISoiik
head consul of W.O.W. at Denver,
atnioiHifi ng the f.i' t that during the
month of April, i;ti;:i applieatnins
(or ineudii'i snip hud In-en rreived
milking the largest llun)be for that
month thai ban been no ivd for
the paHt three vatM. I 'his popular
oider is giowing vt iy iaiidl.
A good mmi V dl lliose who an
interested in nut growing are try
iug tho expei iiiieiit of grafting
black walnuts wilh linglish walnut
buds and as lar as has been shown
ate incetini.' with excellent succt'HH.
The black walnuts are more easily
Htatted and if the glutting proven a
complete success, tho question of
getting a good orchard of Jinglinh
walnuts easily has been solved.
Mel Fenwick, who had the des
perate encounter with the bandit
in the Oil'son cabin nt I.orutie, was
in liugeno yesterday accompanied
by Mis. I-'enwick. They were en
route to Spiingfiel I where Mr.
J'enwick is interested in property
and will ereet a building. Mr. l'en
wkk sayB with positiveness ami
nignifiCiuiee that the Lorane bandit
never left that country alivo - -Ueg-ister.
A Narrow Escape.
(i. V. Cloyd, ii merchant of I'lunk,
Mo,, had a narlow escape four years
ago. when In ran a jiuiHon Imr into
Ids thumli. Ila hu.vh: "Tho doctor
wanted to amputate il lint I would
not consent. I bought a Ipo i( Jluck
len's Arnica Halve and cured the dan
gerous wound." 'J.'ie at Benson's
The I'ngene Ilefjiater hs tbe fol
lowing fo fay of tbe new company:
Tho newly organized Separate Co.
J!. O. N. () , n starting out under
looMt flattering auspices anl we are
inclined to think under a "lucky
star." Architect John Huuieker
is now at work on plans and sjieei
ficatious for a fino two-story, solid
brick armory, 5ox feet on the
ground and fininhed up in most ap
proved style. It. K. Lawaon it the
projoctor of the enterprian and it
will bo built this Hiiniuier. There
will be two largn fc-,ore rooms on
th ground fhxjr and the second
story will be usd for club rootrn,
pailtra and a i r i 1 1 room. This will
give the boy a pleasant home,
gymnasium and dull room right
from the Halt and will be a gteat
incentive towards keeping the or
ganization alive, an 1 doing efficient
The IloUd Graham will be re
named aud known as tho Hohemia
Tavern. A delightful Sundiy din-j
ner in served every Sunday Irora
12. .'10 to 1:.'0. Compliinent your
wile Mid give her a rest, and dine
at the 15'ihemia Tavern. tf
The tire department was called
out last Wedneaday to extinguish a j
fire in a vacant house opposite the
creamery on the went side, caused
by some small !oys playirjg with
There was a dance at Creawell
last Saluidny night, which was at
tended by a large number of young
people from this place. An enjoy
able time is reported.
A large number of Cottage Grove
people, memlerH of the M. W. A.
order, went to Iiugene Monday to
attend the grand rally of the mem
bers. MiflH Dossie tlarma risited her
uistt-r Miss Orpha, the operator for
the l'ostal Telegraph Co. at lin
ger., a couple of days last week.
A county grange picnic and
farmers' institute will be held at
London Springs about the first of
June to laut three days.
WANTliD At this office, clean,
cotton rags for which wo will pay
2)'t cents a pound.
Mrs. F. D. Wheeler, who has
been visiting in Kugeno returned
home Saturday.
Mies Lizzie Veatch of Grants
I'aBs is in the city visiting relatives
and friends.
V. J. Hard, accompanied by his
wife left F.iigeno last evening for
Denver, Col.
Don't Pay Alimony.
To Ik dlvoreed from your appen
dix. There will Is? no occasion for It
If you keep your bowels regular with
III". KIiik'h New Life rills. Their
aetlon Ih so gentle that the apenllx
never uih eauso to make the least
eomplalnt. tluaranteed by Benson's
l'hnrmaey. 25e. Try them.
Memorial Day Services.
Decoration day services will be
held at Cottage Orove, Oregon,
May .10, 11)07. The Mayor, city
council, all organizations and the
general public are hereby invited
to participate with us in such ser
vices. We will meet at the bank
corner at D:30 a ui, proceed to the
cemetery and after dinner will meet
at 2 p in at the Methodist church
for further observance of the day.
D. I,. Woods, Poet Com.
By Rev. J. L. Beatty at the par
sonage May 1st Mr. lred Gugger
son and Mioa Minnie Garrison. The
happy couple took tbe south bound
train for their home near Druin.
A (piiet wedding took place in
rortlaud last Tuesday April 30th
at the First Presbyterian Manse,
the contracting parties being Miss
V.. Koby Baker of this city and Mr.
Fred T. Milea of Psrtland, ltev.
Montgomery officiating.
Mis? Baker ia the youngest daugh
ter of Mr. and Mib. J. W. Baker, u
young lady of accomplishments
and lias u host of friends in this
city who wish her all the joy ob
tainable in life.
The groom ia the popular Wells
Fargo express agent running be
tweeti Portland and Dunsmuir and
a young man of excellent character.
Mr. and Mrs. MileB will make
their home in Portland. Leaden
Everyone known that Hprlng is the
Houson ut the year when tho Hywtem
needa cleanslnfr. Dude'a Little Liver
I'illH are ninthly recommended. Try
them. Sold hy New Era dru Htoie.
Cretwell Items.
Not lorij; ao a complaint was
read in one of the Muene papers
that tho stork had heen very Hpar
injj of his visits to F.ugene this
year, which is not the ease in thir;
vicinity and Mr. Stork hc-ems to
have a groat fondness for hoys.
Home one was heard to remark
that Creswell nhonld ho dubbed
"Cream Town." because so much
cream is heing shipped from here.
V. J. Mulkey, who has coudueted
a boarding house in 1'iueno for n
number of years, has bought the
Martin boarding hotisa at Creswell
and will erect a two story front,
24x2'! to the same arid open an up-to-date
hotel in the remodeled
structure. He will will furnish it
throughout with new furniture and
will give Creswell people good ser
vice. The price paid for the jrrop
erty was $1 100.
The three-ac. comedy "Muidens
Forelorn," gi en by the ladies ot
the Ilebekah lodge last Friday eve.n
iui; was a hotvliug hucccks from
start to finish ami Irish 3Iollie
walked off with the cake. A large j
crowd witnessed the produouon.
Hardly a day passes out what we
can see the need of a b irk here at
Creswell. Last week it was almost
impossible to get any c&sJi, all
checks. j
Creswell sports certainly have!
the fishing fever. Most anv day
some of them may be seen hiking
clown the road ro the nver. They
are having great luck too. as one
wa gone all oay. went without his
dinner and came homo in the even
ing with one little fish and that
was a chub.
Mr. aDd Mrs. Frank Morton
start Monday for Alberta on a pro
spect trip. Frank kavB they may
stay if they like it. Iu-ank:'n father
will run the blacksmith shop dur
ing his absence.
Henry Kirtley, w ho lias "been put
ting in strenaouH das with a
bridge gang in Eastern. Washington
arrived homo Tuesday for a much
needed rest.
Several of our young ladies are
making good money nowadays,
training hops. Ite.gister.
Lucy A. Wilcox ot Denver, Coi- j
orado. at the Iiodib of F. Hard
in M n 1 nriT iti I
leaves a huaband wb.o is in De M"vcr,
and two daughters, Mrs. F. J. 1 Xard
of Eugene, Oregon, and Mrs. W.
B. Leffler ot Duajte, Californ.V.
and a son O. W. Wilcox of Denve X,
Mr. and Mrs. Hard left last evenV
ing for Denver with the remains,,
for interment in the family lot at
Riverside cemetery.
At her home in this city on "Wed
nesday May 1st Mrs. EJdah. Jane
Nicholls aged lit yyars, 8 months
and 5 days.
Mrs. Nicholls has lived in this
city for several yars and ha been
an invalid for some time. She waa
a widow, her busband died in this
city about 7 years ago.
Tbe fumjrtt took place at. her
late reside jco Thursday morning" at
10 o'clock, services being conduct
ed by "Rev. Beatty of the M". K
rresuyxeriau serviue. 1
There will be services at thel
ft 1. . j r
PreBbyteriaa Church ou Suaday
morning at 11 a. m., llev. C. II.
Wallace o'Jiciartiug.
Cottago Grovet Public School; Monthly
Month, ending May W.
Total enrollment
New enrollment
Days attendance
Davs absence 1
41 LitfJ
Times tardy
Times truant
Days taught.
Davs holid av
(X L- Strange, Supt.
Hind 4 has so oae of the be st Tesi
dencea. in tho c;ity for sale m good
F.ugem; Ster im Lauudry? jMHsou
ar,d Hastings agents.
wj.iiii .'.i1 n tt'.rtjvj'ff" m.-wit.tjhw w ivmniia
GGiitlemen's Sim Sis
II . i
A :
H I urn
CArvi-ELOCn co
mZ ;
Main Street,
New Ribbon Shoes for
Exclusive Dealers in l'.rown Shoe Conij,iauy'si Ladies and
(ientH Shoes. Everybody known they are the
Best for the Money.
r 11
I o
j Successor to
; t
i I e o
I , ,
l j.Mi-. . --- ..; I l
: ' ' ' I j . - - .
fi rla I r. 1 : I II lit1
2i -efSS- fi
2.-3j 210 I "Mf,:;li,,
0 0 ...
I 1 -mr -
Wynne nartiwarc u.
R.ead the Nvigget.
Legal blanks of all kinds at
isuccei ouiuc.
Now is tlie time to
come and have your
measure taken for a
new suit. I have sam
ples from one of the
largest clothing stores
in Chicago. 'All styles
and grades of goods.
A large shipment of
straw hats just arriv
ed including men's,
Inn'?, womens' and
girls', in all the lead-
nig styles.
Cottage Grove, Oregon, j
the 1 F(jf legai blanksNugget office