BOHEMIA NUQQET HOHI-MIA NUUUliT PUBUSMINU COMPANY. Mufcf all chlrk .nllf to Nngtet Vb. Co. Kptcreil at ht poatotllf at 'oUf Urtve, iiTKon an rlwu luall matter. M'HSlT.lPTIoN ItATK.S. t month $1.00 I .v.'iir - IS innntliH f..iii If paid in mlvaiuv. Clubblnt Pates. Tin Hohonil.i Nntrvt one yvixr vltli miv uiip nf th following li.ittlon one ,ver for mnotuit wt Olipowlle: l ii' lfle Monthlv '-00 Wtvklv Oivjionlan (Portland) J-.'O Wifkl'v .loiirnal (Portland) fi'.oo lailv Mining Utvord (lenvr) ."i.f0 Weekly Mliiintf lWord 'J-'-5 I'ailito Homestead ti.'2. Nortliweni Poultry Journal $17.' 1 hi .nir t 1-)I on nlf bv TltK AMK.KI 'AS MIMMi t'OSiiKKV, l'h mil tier ol lorn meice litiil'liiiic. l-eiofr, I'olo . here ir ......i..r sin i, flntiii i iti nre til Ibe tail liiK imperil Irwlu the cmns 111111I11K 'tia 1 Ae WM, Mientitie library anil miller1 e Kll.ll. rillHPAPt.R ikpl on tlicat E. C. Prafce'i rf.lvcrlisiuK Amicv. filamliii .Merolianis ht haiiKC Kraiu-iM-o, I'alllornia. w li.'r for atvrnigin( can I maite lor it. Wednesday, May S, 1907 ThelotiS trial nnd final acquittal j of Hinger Hirniann calls to mind 1 Kti injustu-e that is hard to roirect. j In prosecntinp tbi ram tlje govern-1 ment spent probahlv $ -5 ro and it j is perfectly right that sufth'ieni j money tdiould le used to uncover eveiy stone tht mivh hide a con vic'ion. Rut on tlje Mher han.l what is lo b done with the de fendant? lie wss compelled to spend large sunm of wouey to prove his innocence and it is right tiiat he sho dd have aud spend every dollar necessary 10 a full and complete defence, but thin xpense in itself isa fever& , punishment. This is not right. If a slate drags a man in'o court and fail' to prove its case, then the state should pay every dollar of legitimate expense that man has heeu put to in prov ioz hi innocence. This is true, however, in all criminal cases, aud the government is not the only one that is remiss. The same principle holds good down through the state and city courts to the most in considerate offender. At present, if a man is charged witb a crime, no matter how innocent he may he, he is forced to spend money for lawyer's fees and to collect testi mony to prove his innocence, aud in this he is punished, even though the jury does clear him of the charge. Many an unfortunate has lost all he had in just such a man ner and it is not right. The state should reimburse him if he is innocent Improper actions of the kidneys causes backache, lumbago, rheuma tism. Phieules Is a kidney remedy that will relieve these diseases. Pleas ant to take and guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded, "lie lief it every dose." Sold by New I-;ra Drug Store. path of a rond that Tim Mill or Mr. llartiunn as hnilditig, nnd thev had ample funds to put i' tlnont;h. doe anyone think they would not make n better tdiowinjr than lms thus far been made 0.1 the Isthmus? J In our time we have met very few men who did not believe that they were entirely cointK-tont I-."- ru; a newspaper on ndw n rd '.tun, eliminating present o locations, or to superintend the opi-niii;: and wot king ol a jrrcat mine. So to ho ordinary moiIhI it l. i.ks lo inn a raiitoad. Hut kCuitillv a Stale Tjcgislatttte or loiigrexs itself I .in always enough idiots and 1:1 Has to neutralize honest an I capable wotk ptoposed evtii in simple things. (Jive tluin a continental railroad to handle and it would nt be a year until men would be prny- ing for bnll "'tis. Then lli- 1 iu w ! table eniiali-i!ion ot "power in ! d oral hands- wuil I be eij'ial to i d;ii 1 ly prophecy ot the 'iei i'ii ti,,ii el , the Republic. -Salt I.ake SVw Prepare This Yourself. For those who have an v 1.1111 i' lil, 10 I .ttsoi I 1 s . wli wan 1 n -w. 1 U Ii ; I KhkI and plenty of it, try tlii-: 1 l"lllid't I l.ilnleliiMi, um h.dl'i ounce: Compound Imii'oh, unej ounce; Compound Syrup Smsipa j rilla, 1lire ohhiw:. Shiike well in a l -tile ;ind I ike m ; teaspoiitiful ,lo-es alter ni-li ine;il and at bedtime. Anv iro ph .na.n v . i 1 : supply the ingredients ut Mil ill eo- !. Tills is the pi i-m'I i I H .i ui.i !i. when ln.i le up Nealled ' The ; talde Trent ment" oy oih. 1- ' I'll- - , clone Ulood l'uilti-r." it - i-; i-.n l , and certainly d's won!ei m f r - aae j people wll mi' Hii-kiy, v.-ejil; Jli.d o-.t ; of sorts, and Known to relieve -1 1 1 1 oils, lon---t aiidinr ea of 1 1 n-m i : tisni and 1 hi. lile leiekarhe Make soioe up and try il j An iilitrtratioii i the fjii-nt in-! crease in cot-t ot eoiistt iu tine, in: ' gallon canals and striK-tuns m ihi j west and the diih ulty ;h" (ilcmi I ment i exptneiu-iug 111 se 111 in.1, ' reasonable prices was furnish d ; when bids were opctid at Khun tli I Falls for the excavation of th 1 Keuo canal. This contract, w hieh involved the excavation of SO 01 10 cubic yards of eurth nnd rock,' was advertised for more than two mouths, but only one bid was re ceived that of l'apiet (Hebisch v Jopliu of Porlland, for f,2,S2!i. An analysis of this bid showed that the contractor was- asking " ceDts per cubic yard foremlh n cavation. Less tnnn nine moi tlis ags the Government let a coutmcl for work of this character at less than 10 cents per cubic yard an out of 14 bids received, Is cents was the hihent amount asked. On the ground that the bid of the Portland linn wis excessive, the Secretary of the Iutetior i jected it and authorized the Kec! mat oii Service to do the work by force account. It is probable that by subdividing the contract it can be ltt to individuals residing in the vicinity of the project. A great many people who have favored Government ownership of railroads are hesitating now. They see the tpectacle of great through lines of railroad, which have been managed with consummate ability, now in the midst of apparently great piosperity, half stranded ar.u their managers at their wit's ends what to do to mtet the traffic that presses upon them aud at the same time keep their loads in Working order. I.ookiug ut this aud then thinking what the ordinary state Legislature would do, or even what Congress would do, thinking men recoil before the prospect. "Hut" says one, ''those railroad sharps manipulate stocks; they are not fair to stockholders; they discriminate against towns and firms and indi viduals." Probably yes, at leaHt some of them, but a firm execution of the Jaws would stop all those things, aud would they be cured under Government Ov. nership ? Klecting men to high office does not change their nature. And with the best intentions some high of ficers make but a sorry showing when given some great work to perform which is out of their sphere. For instance, the work of the Panama Canal has not been, so far, an unqualified success. Sup pose that were interposed in the V V v of9 A f? ?7 m ; ,;n j iwt v r U i 1, J' - 1 4 If i . Its No Wonder - THAT- THIS TO;ilCRY li.-.s.-m iiii- ' mi-use HAT tr.-nK" when n von siiK r tlir .New Styles .111 i in;.', every two wetks t j- ; : . ; 1 ififjh Grade Mears t: Alum C.UI: l-S f; 1 1 I I . si 1 1 Hi. iel 1 uisiM ilcr.s - - I r eou in jiunl . I' t ..... r,iF"" ' : tinned use means ncrmaueni u ; Fresh Beef, Pork, Mutton and Veal always i(a(y. ?: Our Refrigerator is t lie finest in I hvi u. ' l:rcsh Nsh each Tuesday ami l:t itlay. See our plant, every tiling new ;tul up t ilnte. Fred Herrcn. Main H ,y in jui) tu I km! in. y " . . . . . 1 ' t hi i,i t n ;'ih lee of meilii .1 ieiciili-t.., I'.iH'l U'l .uul l;UKchae n.i.:(.i l.'.e proliihitiiiir its unc 1 ' in liieail m.ikin:',. lAmrrieaii h o u s e w i v e s .Nlie.uKi 1 1 I ' 'u in r u. c viiane i? . 1 1 j'.'.rUr Hakino pi u!n t their lli)U.e- ai 1 1 -i .Mum's wMui's CriMiii s, V. 13 i'urc v. 1 nine l. ream Tartar Powder is to for the asking 1 1 1 ; mm : 1 1 ,1 1 1 HOTEL CRAHAH I lcaiUtiartcrs Vnv Mining and Commercial Men H C. T. LONG, Prop. be ia llWi Buy by name J r3 v i Coui:l)f and colds cunt r;i-t"d a' this Sanson of tin y- ir shoiiM Ii iv immediate attention. I'.i-i s'itivi1 Cougli Syrup contaiiiH Money ami Tar ami i iincijiiallcii for hoar)-iii'.s, croup (Hid OonyliM. I'h-asant to laUc, mother 'iidnr.-ji' It, cliiliin-n Jik to tuL-ii it ( Hi t 1 1 It 1 11 1 1 .1 ii:l ! 1 -u fti.iM flic bov. -1m. Sold by .Ww l'a;i )ni'! Sti.rc. - , Th-ie ii a l.lfcuwaki' sjirit of pioiireswiv'-iiesa, hh wi.U a;; a lar Mghted vinsj) f comiii condition?', in the movtiinrnt at Kiito-no for waterway foniifcctimi with I t i n ul and the su. A onul fioin v.': via Monroe t ' junction v.ilh tin lyong 'fom in iienton county, and thence through the f.on Tom and Willamette to Corvallis, tlie pit-sent heful of regular steamboat navia- 1,1 'XOoooooc o '..-" c o .000: 000c j 0 L IV I J -" J . 11. ai:.: . . 1: M .' M. . I . ? A j .--a ion il.v j.- --.ii- l iVi-.-v V 11 1 ,. 1 1 m . . i'.ii i i t : 1 i.i . Y, tl, I h'l .: Ii::r. p 'HI I A I ' ,-.l.- Unit th. v -.ilM-.i l-.u - 0 ' ' ''""' ''' 0 I , t -1 - J I I - - "II 1 1 1 ; I ' i I f .' i t - . ':.itl.' I V w.. ' 1 I 1 . . I . . . I . . I . A V " ; : 1 1 , 1 1 t ti'. i ''lit . . 1 , j . t f) u 1 - .'!ii i:- 1. W.- u.i..l 10 m A Ik I Ii I y : " ! ( ISill 0M.llll;l!(l! IiIDIC f ' J .nyoii" l-i ir .r .!' I -ioi' - o o i 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 . ! 1 1 . 1 ' m' ; 1 1 1 1 1 i 7 . 9 I,;,',',,-;!',, : . ,,.0, .a- j ' Paid Capital $26,000.00. S c t 11 ( 1 1 1 i .-: 1 i-. 'i,y t of l.'li y ? t -nil. Ci.l'.lllllii ' V ' i-.lili- ? -.. V J oj.h'.r.i' .a- 1 nl 1 o. . i II:- j W. II. Ahrau.t I'ri-ldnit b t ,iin,- no nil 'in- 1 11 V O It. Lurch - Vii.e-l'rt'.iileiit O I . . t j j- t 1 1 i t . vi ..f- il if ' C. Hon Kinii - Ciuhier x J -:.iii'-. v. i;l .' ' , . t il 1 J A. II. Kclio - AinUtant Cahier A t plion- ai jolnlclv ir.;:. l!vi i v 4 r, O f : nt i l.oitiidb- !' .1 a 'I- 9 .. V I nj.i' t ,y I 1 1 l.iiloiy . 1 1 1 I t A 61 in v ;.:." ir 'Im r- "'I'-rwi- 1 o ,' r .'n .--ioi ( :i l i v- I. 'in!. ! I In- I l'',"!"l-"l " i- , . A i,ii,..-s of tl.n .-it v and . I ,.. ii 1 , ,. ?, .aiToiimliirr -'.aiii rv. 6 I in - 11 a l " .0 '' ' " 1 v' ! mt 6 I action. ' ' o I 1 ........ I . .1 .f...!.i (1 O l I who is l, I- to I nnd iin.K" 4 Wt Solvit '0lir hn. illc's. A ';o'l all -iiai.mti c t 7 9 t i) . 6 j NOTIONS and WUVCLTIES ; 000000.00000000000000000006 4 ;The Bazaar J j1! 1 Hie 'lRitftilllOllil iilllK i 3 I an , & THE THAT HONES V I, ivc rrrrivr l finr mw, l"t. fl liinittnmt, Imi'l,l, f . 1 1 w e"""l I' i I" k ,in,ii ili il uiually ' il at li.W Ciill 41 IcUil, oliuli iultm jjy dlau- 1 iu i, tii-c In iil.rrl.'C tlir Miilijrrlul iiADIUr.'tTE DOLLAR RAZOR STROP r.'..,ii i) lihlii, ;.lu!iii , duoLlF, n.nvrn.r nl. ami (ale, anil Which if revolutionism the art ul havlnc. A RAZOR GIVEN FREE To The PURCHASER of EACH STROP I'A! L TODAY AS THEY ARE COINC FAST '- .t 4. ; U'J .t I. I ..I t lllll .l M Mil iiiaivc1uu Alt I lit1 itHOI tAUrlilttUr i W llttb tl.U fr.tiik illr fiA i i.fl.'f a Ii. I n rll.Ml n- i, I lULliiir." I Ml...' in I I.Ui I nirf f lion, is one of the plans proposed. An outlet of the kind would be a conHeijuential auset for tlio future Kugene. The Willamette valley i.s eamly capable of supporting ft pop ulation of . million and a half. There is scarcely a product known to thfi temperate one that t he region will not only produce, but produce iu great abundance and luxuriance. In the now cropH ex perts are evolving it is being hhown that in the immediate future in tho Willamette valley there will be Hiicculent foods for livcHtoek every month i" the year, u condition known nowhere else, unci an asset that will mean millions udded to tin) ( ; j ni t Cmnjii t tllOl it V. !lf ditiuiis, In. wtalth ot i ' I" in:,. li-. ; ;iic :i'l- i- ., ot sin !y,.o v I i. il ..Il i. v,oi Lable JMiMioiHioi) a ;f,r in po-t'iilile i"l' I hi i ;:l i ii'irdiii'ii il V ' ' voi'd section. Tiu ,'. i I' !;f churacter (,'f tin- -i owid'l rod'n ts gives' tin.- rc.'ion a ri--.oniec fai be yond that t' v.liidi il " 'U ' ' ul pop ulation ban ( oin i i.l ion. It ineanri u JiJtuie poiiilu' it ii lliat . ill in. Ke j uf iMit'cii- and oilier ve.lli y towi.n, . .' iMtic. of -i(ai imi'orbmee, wi altli ! ! 1 ''"'f . . ; r' $ I'lC'lill'llt. ami population. A new uiiery 01 : eo nine ree, : ucli 'is a uabr route wilh its eheapi-Kl d :ili Itntisportii lion, would uii in-oMptit'ible Value fur fJn-ene when tho Willam ette v dl y .l ii ill tome iiilo its own. -Journal. Collage Grove, Or. Fai'.l uj Cripitul: i Siii-iiis .iii'l I ' 1 1 f I i , i !-. I'rnii $5,875.44 M .... an V lo In. in "11 iliJilnVi'U '-.' i'! .t i l i .1 1 1 j : "'''I , av Uilalilu i il.ic" in tli l' lali inly a iiki.i.i it pi I-, i.i a... u.nri ir . :.l . IT "ii lnivit in i i 'l :. . sallow, ivi lnl h l i.llilly inlrii li juirt'i't i'ui' Jt-gul LlaLki .'u-et oliico in l.'.n I . ! J ii lil ' i .1 liiMhuu j. 1 ' n ' I"' uiiliirl, in a jilntii 'i- .i-Hi'iiliirn. If yuti i I I V.' ,' ' Ul H I lilllllliKilf iL .!o..l.0.'i, l.'"i Aliiclrny bliltf., I II r l . I ''il'l I.l Mil, I'M-glill. w a I linUol f I'.t Kdi.calU Hlfur .l ti will Hot hnn bc lmr.i Ai. t ni' d .Wli.atc f4o, I i.r f . 't, a - ioiiiii rinl i hi, rvii l'i mm Ititf Hn lit- If t I- i Iv ': " c . t . rv k 1 1. q il'v Bol II 10 n h In ft goU to. u lu ft gon J t r"p. Wl'ti i-- t'l 'Mill! ti'- UOPift tJ.ftiii it lo ut b.e 1 4. iMr4 iTt'i'ti j , r. r,. t' ' I ' " " I I ' .1' t . 4 -l K t . b'l p tl.PHI 41 )l (; ..r til I'. ' ltd'' -Ii illi ol. I' elf l'i ) ' l i l r , tlv "i 1 'tr..',tf II v Cell Kadlumlt Utruji ill under tl p.n.l'ir ,'o -fw. (4 nmtkunito Strops SQo $250: ffo-.rtjrs, 4? I O i '..-., 1, Cii Nt.t.K. UnliitMlt' I fCH. L- A l .i'-'-"1 ' i t-.i ii, ft ' ' ; r 1 i - i . I..t t - .If titMlr n I .iii to. . u I- - j I -l.loi, 11. i .r . - ,ln tl j IteJ IU UltaMi 1 ' - ; " ' l.atMty l i .1 r , an 1 It, dr tr II'.;. r."-"" prr.rror sTRoy t ? v ' CMsv.tMnc i , . , . , ,i. ..'ic, . . ii... .. , ii .... i. i .1 'V- -it - f ln will , , ii , ... . ..! .i : i. .! ., t- . - - - m ,i - .,.,..,.,,,,,,, .ir p i .ii 3 ti.c I. j : -.'.- ,i. f .. . ... , ( : UJT at tu4 Griffin & Vcalch Company. WRITE FOR OUR BOOKLET ON BANKING BY MAIL O INTEREST ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS SAVINGS BANK or THE it (guarantee & Crust Company Pays 4 pvr cent, on Savings Accounts 4 " " " Certificates of Deposit " 3 " " " Accounts Subject to Check J. Thordurn Ross President Ceorce H. Hill Vice President T. T, Burkiiart Treasurer John E. Aitchison Secretary Chas. H. Koff -Asst. Tredsunr 240-244 Washington St., Cor. Second PORTLAND. OREGON