Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, May 01, 1907, Image 1

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    0 e! 0
Devoted to the Mining, Lumbering and Farming Interests of this Community.
NO. 13
Surveys on The Proposed
Canal Authorized
An Enthusiastic Mass Meeting Held
nt Eugene lias Undivided Support
Executive Committee Appointed
to Make Preliminary Survey.
Tin-lii st Mcp tow.H'l M-cming a !
cfMial I mm Eugene to a juncture j
wild tin' U illmiH tt- iiv i nt Cor-j
villi, tlif h ii'l 1 S minor utiviga- j
ti'ui. wan taken n( a meeting
at 11 I.'""' county eouM In him' Sat-j
tml.y 1 vn s a nulv t im-scnta !
tivn iiii'i tin;.;, up 't liiiMiiet-s
nu n "I Luene, .- 1 1 1 ui;:'i' til, Junc
tion 111, 'I C. .tta,"i- Gmve, tli'il i'.m-
!, I 'i 1 1 . tt'.in tin j iit- cnek !
v .)!.v an.l nl'iti:: tin l"ie of t li
!)' ( (I 'lit' h
was tit!-.. I
1 1 c 1 - , 1 1 1 1 1 1 tun ;
ll.'l (III 1-pillt ol
biiMiiC'M iirvai''l
I A I Cl"'1. "Ini .is rli a i f 111 'i 11
of llu iai .il 1 ,11 111 It. .l S ni-l l"!
rail: 1 . 'I ' ! Ill" !'' 'i'l's ' t i-r. ,
III M ,lii';; ill' ,ii' I ., of lllc llieel-
in;; In- t inn (I tl-.n line ol the pro
posal in,, I I .-lit iii;ciih l I'Narj
I.ukr, .il"ii!' Ih- i liiii of l.ikc-s in I
tin I, mi'; loin bottom Ik a junc ture
vi;h tin- Will inn tt . !! u rj.-e-'l j
Ih in n -.wily ol 'icM!liiii: cniitio! j
ol Hie anal fatlm;,' into Iniinls ut j
tin. iail'i.i't ioin;mny "Rather,"!
lit mim, i'ii 1' reeoiu sihmim ie
kept vi mi to iniin a basin for sot
ting u 1'iic' it the state or federal
govct ntm nt -l.i'iil'l lut l liu.v 1I10
canal. Nothing will help tin" val
ley so much as water tninspoita
tiun. Tin' chair culled on S. II. Friend
ly who bespoke th co-operation of
tlm MnjM'iic Commercial Clul) ami
the Meicl ant' Piotectivo aHsocia
tion. "Such a canal," he said, would
not only lower latcs, but would be
ut inestimable value to the county,
especially the Long Tom country
by reason of tin drainage it would
nlTuid. Can jl ! done? It ran if
we wiP all woik r.nd pull together.
Eugene j-.i ts a pnstofiiee building,
beiaii' the citieun all pulled t'
gether an I our ipienciitativos in
congte-s will do what they can to
further tli- pioject."
Mr. I'lu ndly closed by failing
on W. C. Ibiwhy, congressman
hum Huh i i .1 i i t t .
Mr. Hawley declined he had
come to lis'cu, an ! wanted to
know t.omcthing as to what it was
proponed In do. Me outline I briefly
Homo ol the work he had been do
in;,' for Oicgou us- a representative
to Washington, working to make
available the physical resources of
the state. In the. matter of patent
ing homestead)!, he has secured a
ruling from the Interior depart
ment thnt entries whero there is no
suspicion of fraud, ah'all be com
pleted us rapidly iih possible, and it
has been found that no ono entry
in ten is held up for investigation.
Another thing he has been working
for in the restoration to entry of
tho uiauy little valleys of fanning
and fruit hinds that have been in
cluded within the broad linos of
tho forest reserves.
The audience expressed apprecia
tion of work of Mr. Hawley when
he announced that the attorney
general of the U. S. in going to
compel the Oroiron and California
railroad (S. P.) to livo up to the
tortus of tho land grant given to
aid construction of the railroad.
"The p'ophi of Oregon have
showed a commendable spirit in ap
propriating f300,000 toward the
purchami of the okn at Oregon
City," said Mr. Hawley. "It shows
couuroKH that the people have faith
in the resources of their country.
And now you are to add another
argument for the delegation in it h
work for an open nvcr.
On motion an executive commit
tee wan apjjointed to have prelum
nnt-y surveys nunle, the commit tee
to arrange fur tho necessary cx
pi nnoH. The committee is as fol
lows; h. h. Whitsoii, president of
tho P.ugciic Commercial dub, chair
nut ii ; W. C. Washbnrno of Junc
tion. D ue K. Hill of .June lion; F.
M. W'ilkiiiH, of Eugene and J. J.
Hryun of Spt i r 1 1: fl . I I .
The inecliug ailjourned to meelj
again at tho call of the executive
My Best Friend.
A li'Miii'lri li-ntoii, who llvi'M on
Itnrul l:..ui- I, Fori F.'lwur.l. N'. Y.,
ii-: -'lr. KIuk'm Nc 1 ilncovery in
my l.cHt imi I lil.v friend. It ciiitiI me
of ll-'llllllll Ml Vl'IIIH llll. It IlllH IllHO
pet fui nii'il n woii'l, i ful cui'i- of Ini-ip-n-iit
iimii in 1 1 1 iii t-iriiiv hi in 'h wife.
I'ln- 1 i t Imltle cii'licl tin1 tenllile
i oiiuli, and tliln urciiiiiilKln'l, tin
oilier - liiiloin left niic I'V one,
until Hill Will ! f-i-l I ' wi'il. Ir.
K iiik'm N-w 1 ii-co -t y 'm io w i-r over
coiikIim nut i-oI'Im I -1 in i'l ' iiinrvel
oiix." No nllii-r rrlinily IhlM ev-r
iiinii,-,i it. I'niiv :iiii'C'i ti.v r.-ii-
moiiV I'lmriiiiiey. Ml.- and fl. Trial
I nil tie flee.
On the University Appropriation by
Eastern Oregon Granges and by
Business and Professional Men.
Albany, Oregon. April -7. Cy
rus II. Walker of the I.inn County
grange dct-iiron to co-itradi t the
statement that tho eastern Oregon
grangts are opposed to the referen
dum on the university appropria
tion. Secretary Walker him re
ceived a letter from a prominent at
torney ol i 'an von City, (irant
county, whereiu it is Htated that
out of Ho interviewed 75 readily
nigund the petition and he believes
that with a cauvaHs 1,0(10 signa
tures could easily be obtained i:.
that section. The signers repre
Hent practically all the leading bus
inoHH and professional men, to
gether with the county officials. An
extract Hays:
"Tho people of this county and
especially tlrant county, are too
much imbued with good common
horse cense to stand for the bill
No considerable portion of the
signers here have a fight against
the university, nor against auy edu
cational institution; yet wo do not
believe the legislature should go ho
far in its wonderful bonevolouco ns
tosotasido $12.r,000 or auy other
sum or amount, to the University of
Oregon without placing on that ap
propriation some restriction ns to
the tioie, purpose nud use. The
rogeuts of the university are con
sidorod men of the highent mental
and moral calibre aud themselves
consider it unjust for the legisla
ture to. place them in the embaras
iug position of expending tho
amount of the annual appropria
tion, whether the need actually
exists or not."
Memorial Day Services.
Decoration day services will be
held at Cottage Grove, Oregon,
May 30, lt07. The Mayor, city
council, all organizations aud the
general public are hereby invited
to participate with ua in such ser
vices. We will meet at the Lank
corner at 0:30 a in, proceed to the
cemetery and after dinner will meet
at 2 p .in at the Methodist church
for further observance of the day.
D. I,. Woods, Post Com.
Oregon Securities Mining
Properties Sold.
And a New Company Will be Organized-Fire
Destroys a Residence -Grizzly
Mine Will Probably Have
New Owners Other Bohemia News
The Oregon HecmitieM company's
mining properties, which have been
in litigation for Home time were Hold
at the court house the 'i'Al by Wal
laco McCamant, master iu chancery
for the U. S. court at Portland.
They were bid in by J. V. Heach
for John V. Wheeler for $100,000.
The Hale has not yet been con
firmed by the court but will uo
doubt he concurred in soon after
the firm Monday in May Then a
new eouipauy will he organized
Htid all former titockbolders will be
given an opportunity to participate
on the following baHis
The uaine for the new company
has not been giveu out, nor cau
anything definite be done until the
confirmation of the sale. The plan
is to organize for one rntilion and
five hundred thousand shares.
On condition of clearing thecom
pnuy of all debt the present pur
chaser in to receive four hundred
thousand shares cf preferred stock
which draw from the product of
the mine interest Ht 7 per cent and
four hundred thounand shares of
common stock. There will be left
seven hundred thouuaud nhareB of
treasury stock to be Hold for the
further working of the mines. The
former stockholders will be allowed
to purchase of these treasury
shares to any amount they desiie at
twenty cents a share, which is the
same basis as the bond holders pay.
Combination Mine
Clark Bros, are pushing work at
the Combination mine near the
junction of China creek and Martin
creek, Bohemia and hope to be pro
ducing this Bummer.
Star Consolidated.
Work has been going on steadily
at the mines of the Star Consolidat
ed mining company on Martin
creek, Bohemia, the eutire winter
aud good progress has been ruiule.
Fire at Oregon Securities
Tho residence occupied by the
mill man at the Oregon Securities
burned Sunday.
North Fairview Mine
El.a Ilolderman goes to Bohemia
this wcok to start up the summers
work at the North Fairview mine,
the affairs of the company are in
fine condition, they will work quite
a crow of men.
Grizzly Mine Sold.
From latest advices received it
seems very probable that the sale
of the Grizzly mine in Bohemia to
an English company will be consu
ruated in a short tine.
Real Estate Transfers.
Through the Real Estate agency
of Fingal Hinds the following prop
erties were sold last week.
To Wallace Beaver the Hinds
place on Bohemia Avouue, also the
Nelson property adjoining.
To E. M. Black man the J. J.
Weber residence near the Catholic
church and a lot adjoining,
"Filie Body Of Men" SayS
, jl . ,
InC MuSienn UlllCer.
! The Company Now Duly Organized
i Highly Complimented by the omc -
.als-J C.Johnson Elected Captain.1 T,ie -prie to the host and
n ... , .. iturwAi ihoHess was complete and they
Banqueted by the Ladies of W.O.W. ! !.
' heartily appreciate the friendly
i feeling thus expressed for them by
., , r. j tbeir old neighbors and for the time
Incompliance with General Or-1 . "
being made thera a'moHt loathe to
dersXo. 7, issued from the head-1 g() Those present weri:
utirters Oregon National Guard, aiKi m Twja ana
Brigadier General W. K. Finzer daughter, Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Mc
and Captain W. L. Cheshire ar- Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mc
lived here en Tuesday afternoon for j Reynolds and children, Mr. and
the purpose of mustering in Com-1 Mrs. Burket and sou Carl, Mr. and
pany K, whi'-h hud been formed by I Mrs. II. II. Iiussell, Mr. and Mrs.
the young men of Cottage Grove. ; A. Soderstrom and pons Ed. and
These gentlemen were accompanied j Grell, Mr. and Mrs. F. Simmons,
I heie by Major Voran and Captain J
j Ha mmond. i
I THp hovs met in tl.e Masonic hall!
building at S p m and a large crowd
of citizens were also present includ
ing quite a number or ladies, to j
witness the growth of the Nationnl
(iuard. J. C. Johnson called the I
meeting to order, mated its object,
then turned it over to General Fin
zer who took charge The pbyui- j
cal examination of the boys having I
been previously approved,' the j
roster was called, eieh one taking !
his place in line before the geueral
who then administered the oath
which made them toldier of the
state of Oregon.
Tho next tiling in outer was the
election of a cupt-iin, which honor j
was unanimously voted to Mr. J.
C. Johnson. The se'eelion of let
and 2nd Lieutenants devolving
upon Caption Johns. n, he named
for 1st Lieutenant U.K. I.a wson, j taiiy UUH rehson t f?el proud of
2nd Lieutenant, H. K. Metcalf. )tue y0nna orators who have gained
His first order was issued to j for it that distinction by their abil
meet on Thursday evening for drill I ity, and Cottage Grove is proud
and lo each man to call at the j to be claimed as the home of one of
Toggery where his measure will be j the able debaters Mini extends its
taken for the uniform. He also an-. congratulations to lotl him and
nounced that upon the adjourn-j his parents.
nient of the meetiug the coaipauy j The Associated dispatch from
would form into line and inarch to
the lodge room of the W. O. W.
where the ladien h id prepared a
surprise for them in the nature of
a banquet- Speeches were made
by General Finzer, Major Yoran,
Captain Hammond. Captain Ches
hire and Captain Johnson, after
which the moeting adjourned. The
following is the roster of the com
McFarlund .1 F
Hlmoml II K
Kuseher W II
Hnodgratw F II
Feti ie II II
Roue Scott.
Porter i W
II 111 Karl
Sly FJ
Hnrtels FJ
Lincoln 11 1
Johnson J (J
Powell A H
Woodruff F
Hayes li W
Potts J n meH
Willard Elmer
Andrews 11 O
Lawson B K
Burnett W 11
Bennet L P
Shrove R H
dray C l
Hutchinson LC
v lydo K K
UrlggH David
Connor 11 F
Kobinson Joseph
Wataon H V
Fomettt! F
Cochran II U
Kiehmoncl A
Kmersou Milo
Mooney Butte
Seo veil Ale lie
Buktr I, W
Slier wood W C
Comer K I
Foster W A
Hubbard I' W
Woods Ih ltoy
Taylor V J
McKernmi Chas
Wbltloek ( C
liluby Lloyd
Cotupton N K
Spear O S
(ioui ley (I S
Anderson M II
Brund A S
Woodnid W L
Van Denburg C A
ZeruU Albert
Metealf II K
Hubbard O M
Ferguson K W
LaC'ttn 1) O
Andrews 11 O
l.angilon H A
Oriltin Albert
Millott lJaymond
Wheeler Harvey
Sanford h I'
Clowe V i:
Fbuhiger Jacob
Whltlock c F.
Comer O O
Ostruudor W II
A Farewell Surprise Party.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis and daugh
ter of the Divide, who left Mon
day for Richmond, California, to
make their future home and where
Mr. Lewis will open a grocery
store, were given a genuine sur
prise party on Friday evening by
their numerous friends, who are
sorry to hps thun leave here, bu'
who wish them unbounded success
' financially and otherwise in their
new home. There wan quite a Utge
P3tberiDB. '"ends mining from far
and near, and a very pleawant even-
jng was passed in games, music,
singing and social convertation and
jit was a late hour when the guests
wishing them a farewell took their
P'le tot their various homes.
Mrs. P. S. Taylor and son Wyatt
and daughter Ruth, Mr. and Mrs.
A. Chapman and children, Miss
Kate Hastings of Goshen, Mrs.
Klh's and daughter. Kdwin Tuilar
and daughter of Cottage Grove.
Win Debate With Utah and Makes
Oregon Champion of the Territory
West of the Missouri.
The following telegram was re
ceived on Friday:
Salt Lake, Utah, April 2(5, '07
11. M. Veatth,
Cottage Grove, Or.
Oregon won two to oje.
J. C- Vfatcii.
This gives to Oregon the cham
pionship of the tti ri ory west of the
Missouri river, with John C Veatdi
as leader of the team. Oregou cer-
Salt Lake Bays: "The University
of Oregon o'efeated the University
of Utah in the interstate debate at
Barrett hall. Two judges favored
Oregon and one favored Utah.
"The question was, Uesolved,
that the fifteenth ameudtueut and
section twoofthe fouiteenth amend
ment to the constitution to the
United States should be repealed,
it being conceded that the difficulty
in the way of repealing shall not
enter into the discussion."
"Utah had the affirmative. Rich
ard W. Young Jr., of Utah, was the
first speaker. He dwelt on the un
soundness of theory and the un
soundness of practice of the 15tb
amendment. J. C. Veatch of Ore-1
gon spoke next. He dwelt on the
treachery the amendment prevents,
and said the white man is not ruled
by the negro. Chris Jensen, cham
pion of the Utah team, quoted
promiueut educators, newspapers
and leading statesmen to show the
unsoundness of theory and practice
of the ameudtnent.
"The next speaker, F. V. Gal
loway of Oregon, showed himself
perfectly at home in front of the
unfamiliar audience, and in pre
senting his argument he exhibited
powerful oratory.
"Presideut James T. Kingsburv,
of the University, acted as chair
man, and the judges were Judge H.
P. Henderson, ex -chief justice; N.
It. Raskin and Parley L. Williams,
general attorney of the Oregon
Short line."
Furnish the Company With
a Copy of Their Decision
The Commission Declares the $5.00
per Ton Rate on Lumber to Frisco
Excessive, and Advises that Old
Rate of $3.10 be Restored.
In an opinion rendered upon the
complaint of the Lumber Manufact
urers' Association against the
Southern Pacific Company the rail
road commission declared the 5
per ton rate on rough lumber to
San Francisco Bay points excessive
and in conflict with the ruiiogs of
the interstate omource law, and
says the old rate of 10 should be
restored. If thin ord-r is not car
ried into effect by the S jithern Pa
cific in a itasouaLle length of time
the rate will be declared unlawful
and the case formelly placed before
the interstate commerce commission.
The opinion in substance says:
"The commission being fuily ad-
! vised iu the premises, fiu'is the rate
of $ per ton -of 2000 pounds
charged by defendant for the trans
portation of common green fir lum
ber in straight carloads from Port
land to San Francisco is excessive
in amount aud discriminating and
in conflict with the rulings, orders
and regulations of the interstate
commerce law and that in the opio
iou of the commission a rate of
$'i 10 per ton of 2000 pouods is a
reasonable charge lor defendant to
make between points in Oregon and
California poiuts, aud that defend
ant should make such lower rate ef
fective betweeu all of said poiuts."
A certified copy of the opinion
will be presented to the Southern
Pacific with the request that its
suggebtiou be followed out and the
rate changed to $3.10 per ton, car
load lots.
A Narrow Escape.'
U. W.CIoyd, a merchant of Plunk,
Mo., bad a nariow eneuiKj four years
ago, when he ran a jinison bur into
hts thumb. He says: "The doctor
wanted to amputate it but I would
not consent. 1 bought a box oi Uncle,
leu's Arnica Salve and cured the dan
gerous wound." 2'tc at Benson's
A Small Blaze.
What might hive been a serious
conflagration was kept within th$
bounds of a ecu all blaze yesterday,
by the prompt and efficient work of
our volunteer fire department. At
11:30 the alarm bell gave the no
tice of a fire, which proved to be in
the restaurant building known as
the Imperial. Smoke was issuing
from under the shiugles in au ugly
looking cloud, uud flames vsere
playing arouud the base ot the
chimney wheu the alarm was given.
The boys took the hose cart, ran
two blocks, made connection with
the hydrant and had water on the
flames in three minutes. 'I his is
excellent work and the boys are to
be highly commended foi their
prompt work.
Don't Pay Alimony.
To lie divorced from your appen
dix. There will be 110 occasion lor it
it you keep your bowels regular with
Dr. King's New Life Pills. Their
action is so Keutlo that the "appendix
never has cause- to make the least
complaint, (luaianteed by Benson's
Pharmacy. 25c. Try them.
New Bulletin Board.
Agent Isham of the Southern
Pacific has a new bulletin board in
the waiting room at the depot and
to far as possible he keeps marked
up the arrival and departure of all
trains for the accommodation of the