Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, April 24, 1907, Image 1

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Devoted in the Mining, Lumbering nml rumour .f this Cnmunity.
NO. 12
Tie Leg of American Sp'tsui
printing of lm liter 'm he nis uml t . 1 1 1- j"im- law :i ii'.ti tfidrif
Oregon Will be Ably Represented by (iame-Warden .1. VV. linker,
lis Objects, and the (hime Condition in this State.
J. 1!.iI(t, (Jmihc Waidmlor Mr. linker is Hi- second name
tin-Stall' of Oiegon, left ycM.-id iv ' a'deu t lm up ...inted in ths
to attend the Ninth Annual Meeting M ". hi t .- exeunt m duty in
of tin I - 'f Viiiciicaii Spoils but In; will ii' miS' 1 ai'.ii)l'd
i.ii-ii to li' lu M al Norfolk, Ya , on by Govetnoi h i n ' " n.t ! - ;
Mu (' 7 Mi. l' il. r wns H.poiii vJ r It-rm. ' ho p"n i-.n i- .. -n-. ;
liv (fo'iiioi Ii :i in 1 f 1 1 ua licit- i nit', but inquires a man o neivc,
i . ii i 1 1 .... i
COll 111 V C IMK Slioni'I !' :.njt-n it
H(iill fee for iHHiinit: en h fi -n-.
This expennc to be p lid out of t!i
y.l me fiinil.
That nil fin" f Aif.i : t j i'.,r i 1 ' -lion
of I hr Kini!'- law ! lj I i
the game (mid. I'y m 1-h'k! tin.-
In What Snipe are We?
ot an orr, r,,,,,, f;rove Well s,,p,,1jed
Mr.lV he, lU'ti-itti I, i, Irani, an I -i fm Wkt.fn
! of all def
I'm I ic ii tli'' nil.
Ic. I t.; . '.v I ', ot
r . I . - .1
' ' ' w , j0f tire. It has also hm hooks
I ti.- !. profiting bener. 'ah4 ladder end all that h hwhh.
1 i:tlt i,f on
ratch of
Ns v -T...,-. -
VVy. 4 i
..-''"" ' .'.'' .a. r
,XrAM - ; Off" ;
. -i i. . ' ., ,
,i ' i .'-' '
'.'7',' - - . - '
V. :';'
- r ,.y , .
1 ' , ""' L-.
f ir ..
Liuu in -- "
n-irv ti livht nn inf ituftit iilse. lnt
h itidicd a"''-;nwhnt hape are the m, ci'.Hunes.
, I it positively curtain that tlie hoie
ii iti t?oo 1 roiiditinn nd do we
'know tliMt th" hy 'rHtm nre in
wfrkin; onln ? TIitsi- Ihini." should
not I'" h'.n-d ni w.k al'er vvk
on until li'Os and all go anil assist
cvJr neighhors in pnlliDg the IiagKs
tail hatbeis Talk the matter up
and let us decide quickly.
Seventeen Too Many.
James Williams, who is under
arrest iu Philadelphia for bein too
much married, eighteen women so
fur calliotr him husband, evidently
l?lievMt with the old darkey who
thought if one dose of medicine
wa a g oil tbi'u, a whole bottle
mi l m.-i,th after mouth, sxtnhVd full would be letter. The authori
wi i, t!;c- f i' t tint a inirmtlv thv tt-s daim that Williams has a wife
r-. . .1
... .' . . " - ' - . . - . ;.
Jknt T. , v. v ' ,-ii'..llf i, v-
(lame Warden J. V,.naker.
nl ai r. i tiaiii n mf ti-mrv u d
If th Hi.laiy bin! frxpust-s tl
kiaiii'- m1m. A"ide Ciuii. thi4 ti t
L'uiiif piotntion would lie Hcl'-btia-itainiiiK.
' t'.vi-i five. I -lui'il.'l licc iianf.'
i o'. i-vtr I'l'tv. .
lhn-i-, 'ati-. ns wtll n"!
(iotibt icieive lhn a Unit ion of ourj
legislators, if they have not already;
(hilclcn Pheasant.
fute Ipmii thu stule K'.iue weeka K '"! jnd'iuei.t uml capability, Bud
iifo. H- Itoin hrie dim I lo!Mr. Maker tins asHociuted with biui-Ni-w
Vol k w I'cre he will viail with ! clf, dt put ica who lmve ti.ue and
iricu Ih I ir a Irw days bffore pro- j aK"in ptoved tlut they posheh the
ccedini; tuNoil'olk. Vn.. tin I bei?e ! qualilic itions which predominate in
I A reasonable bounty should bejdonepo. j
(placed upon the rougar, wildcat,' In the liit of nrne shipped out j
Japanese Pheasant.
lolurnii'; ii 'H'c will spend a tdioit
tune in Kentucky n visiting the
hcenea of bin boyish dayH.
The in.iiii olijact of the Abao ia
t it ti ia to extend throughout the
I'nited Statea a ileaire to secure
Htringent lawa for the protection of
our guuio, and being couipoaed of
ycnuiiifl sportsmen they desire to
sco Mich laws paaae I, which il failh
J ully cat t ied out, will for ever put a
stop to the woikt f wholesale butrh
r of game for revenue and not for
sport, '1 he ineinbera are not vi
verso to the kilting of game under
ccitiin rcstrictioiiH as to time and
quantity, but believe that the time
has arrived when, if it is desired
that game of all kind whall not be
exterminated, to give il protection.
True spoilsmen are now looking to
the I'liciijc stales for game, the wan
ton deafMiction in the east up to the
time of Ihe ti ganialion of the asso
ciation, huviuj exterminated some
the chief. Moie thau once in the
fulfillment of their duty, thev have
received ihiealeuiiiK lelteic, and
have fcV'ii been hut at and ita on
ly a shoi I time ago that one of tin in
received a letter euelohing a piece
ot rope, and a notice for him to
throw up his job, or. It ia need
less to say the thnat failed to ter
rorize, and the walking will be en
titely disregarded- The slriugeut
laws are having the effect of in
ertaiutf the game throughout the
state, at the same time the true
sportsman being required to obtain
a huuter's license helpa to pay the
expense of enforcing the laws, and
Mr. Hater Baya he has the first ob
jection yet to come from this class
ot a hunter.
Air. Haker makes a report to the
Governor once a year, showing the
aricbtn aud convictions for violating
the game lawa; the list of game
shipped out of (be Mate, the finan-
cIush allojM tlu-r, and again, there cial statement, and makes such re-
I : : 1 ' ijT'i
A 1 4
faff. Crry' ffw-
jare well takeD cure of. Do our
: volunteer fireman know thfir duties
and the plae each is expected
to 611 promptly should an alarm of
fire b turned io.
No matter how proficient our
j boys may be, they are bound to get
rusty unless kept bright by occas
ional rubbing up, and the only way
to do this is to have regular prac
tice runsv jd actual throwing of
water. These practice runs also
' would show if there is any weak
!eput in the hose or flow ot water,
j A snap alarm only known to the
' nre chief and town authorities
j occasionally is also excelleut pric
i tice, but a regular practice should
be had at least oncn a month.
In usinjj cotiii yrup, why not ge
the U'Ht? one thiit coinen liiehlv reco-
mended Is I?et- Luxntlve Cough
I Syrup, contains Honey and Tar and
i Is superior to oilier cough syrups In
many ways. Children always like It
liecaiiso It contains no opiates, is a
laxative ami 13 guaranteed to give
satisfaction or your money refunded.
Try It. Sold by New Era Drug Store.
and timber wolf.
The law should be amended,
unking it an offense npaiiist the
Fourth of July.
We note from many of our ex-
in every city from New YJrk to
Han Francisco. If this is so, he ia
rather to be pitied than otherwise
and if the law wants to punish him
all it has to do 13 to tarn him loose.
His wives will do the rest.
The Price of Health.
"The price of health In a ma'arious
J!8trlet is just 2" cents ; the cost of a
box of Dr. King's w Life Pilla,"
wriU'H Ella Slayton, ot Noland, Ark.
New Life Pills cleanne gently and Im
part new lite and vigor to the system.
2oc . Satisfaction guaranteed at Uen
son'a Pharmacy.
M. W. A. Will Have Big Class of
On May 6 the Modern Woodmen
of America will have a county class
of adoption in Eugene. All the
fourteen camps iu I.ane county will
take part and candidates from each
camp will be initiated. Directors
Murphy and Port will speak in the
afternoon and in the evening the
work will be exemplified by the
different degree tennis. Prizes will
be awarded for a tug of-war con
test, foot races- and other Bports
and everything will be done to
make the day an enjoyable one.
Reeves Pheasant.
of the state, the 'demand for the
China pheasant is the greatest. Or- j
ders from nearly every state in the j
I 1 1 fT'
iw to have in pofsosi,,,,. ; umon nave ueen received. iue;
when unlaw ml to kill -r take, any ;Rauie waruen oi ivansas, wrote io
pn ucled gam of Ore-on (except A,r Ilaker. vanting him to pro. ure !
lor M icntirtc or heeding i-urpoM ) : 000 of thfKe birt,a- Mr- Ua" j
o. any part or pared of the fl-h of;k informed him that the whole j
auv g-iue, e.ll.e. deal or alive, nl-t.te could lot furnish that num-!
so .making it unlawful for any ei. r at 1 ten nt, its total cptcity i
sou to have nio.e than leu Cln.a ! ,rt"t e"r being about ". The,
p' casanis. quail, gio.ise, r Oiegon ! bi J 1 that utciirpped are doroesti-j
i cateu or r is i m conimem-nt, aim ,
j a more peop'e are g"'rig i,)t0 the!
I business everv vear. in course of'
A l c in-e upon tumt fish, rnien j time we Ina ftbje t0 supply the j
shou d l requited, the fund ai is- j li mand. j
ing iheieliom to o use. I in provM-i e give on this page the pio-
native phea-ant, in I ii or lier p"s
ses-ion at otn tiiii",
; s..'- t -V.:l'tf-: J- - '
is not the variety that we have in
Oregon. It is due to the efforts of
tlu association, or, perhaps more
correctly stated, to followingits re
commendations, that the West has
now stringent game Jaws, under
which game is increasing, and Ore
k'on has been fortunate in securing
the services of such a man as Mr.
llaker as Game Warden, to see that
he4avv is carried out and obeyed.
commendations, ns he iu his judg
ment and experience consider to be
necessary for the better protection
of the game. In his report for the
year ending December 31. li)0(5, he
made the following reconunenda.
The law requiring each man to
take out a licence bhould remain
upon the statutes.
Provision Bhould he made for the
ing and maintaining a trout hatch
ery, and all moneys collected for
violation of the trout luw placed iu
said fund.
Salmon trout should be taken
with hook aud line at any aud all
times and seasons of the year.
Ten days tiuie 'should be given to
all hunters to dispose of game tak
eu in open season,
Non-residents who pay the ten
dollars license for hunting, should
be permitted to take one day's
hunt out of the state.
Define what conititutes under
tm us of some of the game birds of
Oregon, and also one of Mr. Ba
ker, whom we trust will have a sale
trip and an enjoyable visit, and it
can be depended on that he will
sing the praises of Oregon aud of
aue county aud Cottage Grove in
particular, whenever the opportu
nity occurs.
Improper actions of the kidney
causes backache, ltindav,o. rheuma
tism. "PineiileH" Is a kidney remedy
that will relieve theso diseases. Pleas
ant to take and guaranteed to give
satisfaction or money refunded, "Ke
lief It every dose." Sold by New Era
Drug Store,
Temmlncks Tragopan Pheasant.
changes that our neighboring
towns which will hold celebrations
on the Fourth of July are letiiDg
the fact be known now. This is a
good idea, so that two towus close
together will not both celebrate,
and thus spoil both of them for
lack of being patronized sufficiently
well. What does Cottage Grove
say, Shall we celebrate or pans it
Get Increase but No Vacation.
The Eugene school boaru has de
cided to advance the salaries of the
teachers in the public schools $5.00
per month. The teachers petition
asking lor a week's vacation dur
ing April was not granted.
Legal blanks of all kinds at th
Nugget office.