HINTS FOR FARMERS Trrmmrnl l or llnltt.tr. The vt'torlnnry of the Atlanta Con Mltut'on prpsrrlt'rs the follow Inn trout mont for quitter of font In horse niul mules: Clean the foot niul nut It luto n cloth hoot oontiilnliiK' lruii imultlot for several days, olianplns; the tmulUee dally; then remove l parlus will) a sharp Knife any oile of hoof that may lo tu-ossim: on tlio soro jdaoe; then prolio tlio oponint: or tNsure to find Its depth ami dlroition. Take a lira la of liohloi'iio of lneivury. roll It up in a piece of tissue papor ami press It down Into each oponlnff. Tut tin' foot In a to protect It from soil ami lot it alono for three days; thru clean out tlio opcninc ami repeat tlu Mchlorlde of mercury, ami so on for two weeks or until tlio parts hoeotne healthy; then make up a foothath of one ounce of chloride of 7.!ne dis- milvod In one jrallnii of water. Tut the foot In the kith tw ice a day for twen ty illiniums at a time. S nooii as the fissures hao healed Mister the coro net by ruhhimr In an ointment of two drains of eanthaildes mid one ounee of lard and repeat In two weeks If necessary. When enred put on a bar plioo for some time. 4 It'll n Yniir lirrnnii. With a little tlnir put as many cur rants as required iul a paper Vug. After shaking them well emptv them i Fpworth l'acue, ti::U) p. in. Into n e,.l a ii. lor. l:n! tliem well, and . meet Inn Thursd.iy evollinj Won, except in so far ns the regular military Inlloon servioo of tlie ar my is concerned. In tlio tumr fu ture. Cencral Alien cajs, the War Department hopes to civet at Foil Omaha, near Omalm, Nel., whero most of the expnimcnt are eartiel on, n plant for tho manufacture ol hyiltocn pas. At the pte'ent time tho Signal Corps is compelled to purchase its ai nt 1'aslern points atul ship it to the Missouri tiver. In uslnr eoui,l syrup, why not ;ef the Ik'sI? one that come highly nvo mi ndo.l is Htv- Laxative Couh Syrup, eontiilns Honey and Tiir and is superior to other cough syrups in many ways. Children tilw nv like It iHrause It contains no opiates, i n laxative and i- puarantee.l to jjlvo satisfaction or your money refunded. Try It. Sold by New F.rt. Priii; Store. MARKET REPORT No. I 1 I- For Benefit of Farmers and Merchants ON HOME PRODUCTION. I liODt l K. At the Churches Methodist Kpiseopal Church. Kev. .1. L. Ke.'itv. Pastor. Prvnelilng services at 11 a. in. and :M p. in. suimav sciioin, in a. in.. Prayer at 7 ::. tou will find thev will U- clean aud ! Allan- eoruiauy inviien 10 no present dry in a few minutes. I'.y this process the full flavor lnc;l. of the currants is re- (Prices quoted are wholesale.) Huttcr, fountry -'sc Mutter, cooking j,v nutter, creamery, U o Hutter fat v V.-e KRR i 7 1 .- c Chickens 1 1 to i y Onions, cwt. "r'.V.So Apples, bushel, accorilin to quality ?t--S Chittem b:uk, old 5 c Hides, (,'ncii 7c Salt hides, dry .x,- Potatoes $'..; 5 CiiMinjje, cwt -5 Turnips, cwt 5i..S Carrots, cwt t 50 Parsnips, ew t 5- " Loilc Directory. K K.HKk AttS Ci.lt. Crow, :'l. Meet Hi!' ' 1st i'.rd and .Mil. ilav iifever in. mil., I!i 1 ihu r, V (I. K M il: It. I n 11, Sec. HOVA1. NKHJIINOHN Meet .'ml and Mh -lines. 1. 1 i.' ruth niinitli. M i;s l k I', vm 1. t M; I I . Mus. C. i 1 u 1 , I.Vo. V. O. . i;..heiMia Camp. No. :'iii. Meet i'i'i V I I h I.l 1 i 11 1 11 '. I .. . ! M K. ( '1 hi nl I': 'III. Cll s. S l ,(., ( Ii 1 K. LUiAL NOTICES. LKHAI. NOIICr.N. Noi lt i: op APPLICATION P. .S. PATIENT. M. A. No, 17.-, 1.O1 . Poll Mineral N111 vey No. K O 1. M. Meets exel.V P. K .I'.i NMs, ( '. ise Tim, i II C,.i.i, li'e ( '.llll .1 l I ( I - 1 1 I I 1 11 I . No '..'1 ill Ci'in K. of I' Meet .Iiim r el Cll V -. Will I litil l.ii.li' i. ni'--. I.i in s ;. Cii 1 1 1.... K nl I! ; C. C .V s. p I. O. O. Cl!.. e l.l.nr. ,... IN. Meet I'M I V S.I 1 .1 1 . I.I infill. 1 i 1 1 1 t mil l:. ,N . ( i . A. !'. 10 w 1 1:, Sc. M. V. of A Meet ;ii -s l-il and V. I'lte-.. 1. 1 ill 1 ' . 1 1 ' 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 , . S. I '. . I 1 1 , ( '. 1I1 c. W M 1 m 1 l ulled States Lull, I Olliee, llii iebui ir, Ire., I'eli. 7, I'.HiV. Noliee I t hereby ivon thill In pur "ii ineo i.r Chapter II, Tlllo II.', of the I lev I -oil St litotes nf t he I lilted St a ten, A ll.ei tiiii W'niiil liimii I'iihI Olliee ad- I I im Is t'littaje liiioe, I aine CiiiiiiI v, iiri'k'eii Iuin made appllcalioiif.il P S. i'atent tnr biiiil linear feet uf the 'I IMI'.l.li l.NI. No I H I . l ot (" .HM,:l, Is.s I I PMC I ION Plllled Slate I. an. I I Mliee, ItoMi biirn, Oi'ih;iiii, Mmii Ii s, I'.'Ui'. Not ieo In liereliy iriwu 1 1 in I 111 ei mi -pllaneo Willi t lie pn 0 Imhiih i if t lie ai t of CiMIkIcms i.f .lime :l, s,s, entitled "A 11 m l fin- I lie ale uf I under lauds III the NOiIi m uf Calif. H iil 1 Olett.UI, Ne Jlilll alld S" .1 mIi i I,;-. I ill I'ei I 1 1 .11 , ," lf( evleu le.l (.. nil Mie Put. lie Laud States bv in I uf HKil I I. IS'U, lilii; I II P.. SO i.f lbaii , 1. 11 1 1 1 1 nl l inn SMloinr A 1 1 1 1 1 ; : t 1 1 bide, Silf No 1107 beurlnn I'l'el lltnn I id Olip.ull. i;i..l and nIIvci ; the m uiik bidnu N. I Hied In t Id- ulllee her w . has this day 11 a l a lelueii t I M. l A - M .. I. in I'.i. nil. i-Ii.mhI in Alnei ic.i. Mi l t llie . .1 i, l lib 'I'lles d.i.v nl e o h 111. Hit Ii nl I.O 1 p. Hall. T, . .1 1 u 1 s see. Coughs and colds contracted at this season ul the year should have immediate attention. Pecs Laxative Firit Presbyterian Church, Pastor . K. C. Grace. Morning service, 11, (evening 8, Y. P. S. C. 1-. 7 p, I in. All Strang' rs and sojourners I welcome. 1 Cough Syrup contains Honey and Tar j Episcopal Church. Services held and is unequalled for hoarseness, j the second Wednesday eveuiuy ot croup and coushs. Pleasant to take, each month at 7 :.'?(.) in Masonic hall, mothers endorse it. children like to . There will ho services every fifth take it. Contains no opiates. Moves j Sunday of a month, the bowels. Sold by New Era Prnpf! ston- Catholic Church. Father Carrol. ' " ( Services the second Suuday iu each Wants Uncle Sam fo Build an Ariel ; month. Fleet of War Ships. 1 . ,- ' 1, 1 1 r ! Christuiii Science services held Inventors of aitships and dirigi-.over Allison's Barber shop every ble balloons tire beseiging the sig-! Sunday morning at 1 1 o'clock and nal Corps of the War Department, j Wcdr.esda.r evening at S o'clock. Dozens of plans, ' drawings and i , , , , rr , 1 i Christian Church. Kev D. r.. models ht.ve been ofieied by aspir- . ... c. .11,. 3 x Olson Fastor. Services at 11 in in,' invtntjrs, each of whom be- j ,he morDjD an j 7.30 in tbe even- lieves his own idea of ariel naviga- j ing. Y. F. S. C. E- meeting at tion is ll:e btt. If Uncle Sam C:3o p. in. Sunday school at lo would atP tupt to build an ariel j o'clock, Intermediate Endeavor i 11 ii. 1 Society at 2:io and Choir practice fleet ne certainly will not lack for . , t ,. I very Saturday evening at 7:30. suggestions. However. Brigadier i General James Allen, Chief of the I ... " I ........ . . 1. . . r. 4nn , i . 1 nil It illll niuun iiaj. i.iu ciii.i 1.1111.- Signal Corps, declares that none of pie types submitted, is in any senbe practicable. Furthermore the War j freckles to appear. Pinesalve Carbo li.ed applied at night will relieve that ! iinriun t i.iii Vo t iirn a t vi' r tiiiiiil i Department is not empowered to. tjJliko a poultice that draws ou.t expend any money in experiment- j inaiimiation. Sold by New Km ing with the science of ariel naviga-1 Drugstore. uw, ui. IX, i tv (lietail prices are ipiotcd) Wheat, 'bushel Sin Wheat and vetch, chopped ton 5.v..o.) Oats, biwhcl pie I Pr:in, ton J.m.oo j Clean wheat chop, ton $f t n j Oats and vetch chopped. Ion Js.oo! Mixed, ton j.uo Shorts, ton $-5.no ' Flour, valley, cwt 5i.aii Flour (hard wheat, cwt j 50 Rolled barley, per "'lb sack $1.05 j 1 Rolled barley, standard, sack 51.00 j Hay, baled, ton f 1 :.oo I IVK STOCK M.iKKI-T. Cows ? , Sheep p Veal, dressed 6 to -r dressed 7 ' , , V. O. . 1. ill.Miti'li' Ci, le I I. Alerts lt ..11 I :;r.l l'in"-.l.i in ea. !i tin mi I It 111 W . 1 . W. Ilall. ' Pi hi: v .1. M 11 1 1 1:. ( h i I, Foresters of Amrrlcl Meet evi i.v M 1 1. id. I y ever !i. C. C. Ci 11 1 u w i 1 ; Pi s S s i ir 1 1, I ' .S V F, S A M. I'l.tM'-i :r ..I. . !b 1st ,111 I :r I day 1.! e;i. I. lie.', I ! i . ( : 1 1 1: Si 1 1 11. . U.nl 1 1.S.I-. A K P-.ni it.i -;it I p. Hl.,11" lii' Saturday .1 imcIi hi i til Pi: l I. u i i . W I : i ' i 1 1 -, ! i P.. -t V, W . ,N. .in M a' :i lulu. . o.ri(l ft. nnd s dei; :il mill. P. ).", ft. frnlll the .11--..'M'lv cut tlieie.yi with Hiiifaee Ui iiuliil Cilil fi'et In Width. Situated In I he M '., nt See. I I ill pen. led I T. L'.'i S P. I I., i.f the Willamette Mi ildlall III tile ll.hellil.l V I 1 1 1 1 1 1 IMhIiIiI, Ii.uiuIjih tiiim, dvuim, and de- i l abed bv 1 1 III. lal plat In lewltli I led an. I l.y the lii ld liutes tin tile III I he i illi t he I!. villi 1' uf t he I 'nited I States Land Olhce nt K.ise I ill 1 1', O i vu, i l I, lis t.illiWs, tn Wit: PeiMutiiiii; at ('nr. Nn, I Vbetie: 111. I! S M . Nn. I CNlaHlMhed ill -in . Nn '.'."I bears N. 77 de. .'N lira. -i c v. . hit ft. I In ST i 'nr. s, c. 1 1 i aiNiiendeil I T .". S. K IV. ..t the Willamette .Me ridian be. li s S. ,',il h-jr ;tj mill, .'in nee. i:. l a'. ::n rt. i In ure S. !',.". , 'K. '-". mill. V. r.im ft. t.i i '..r Nn. '.V I in a. -e s 'M ,. u :; iniii. P.. I.mi ft t . ( i.r N.i ::. Thence N l". V mill. I '.. t'.IMIfl. ! dr. Nn. I. Tin i'ii' N . 'Ji i loir. .".I mln. V. I .".no It In Cm-. Nn. 1 the place nl bi m i . 1 1 1 , :i i l it i..ii :'o tU'n. .'lo mln P. Cm t i n I ii-j: I i nss aercM, ecbmie if ei in- ri ct whIi Sur .Nn. .".r:i I 't r 1 1 bde. I be adjnliiiiifr el. ilnn are the above e. 1 1 1 I -. t ..I her- It nnv unknown. I Ic in it . e i .f iiinei.ded I" ca t Ii in uf II N P. nt M. c Nil. !' Ml till II. I the N. I', i w 1 1 I 1 1 1 7Mi'i, fur I he pill ( ll.l e b hi Nil. '.'V In Kalli'i' Nil f, V. e l . W l . and w III nllei piiM.f In mIhiw llo'l the land Hnulit m inme V o 1 1 1 0 I ' it limber nl' .-Ii. lie than I I nc! Iclll ( II I'M t pulp. inch, and tii I. I a bill ib her claim tn . .ll.l I i a. I bcbitc W. U . ( '.ilk IliM, P. S, ill i in I bun I . ill hii mIIico III Pliucne, Orcpnii, mi i'.i in" du.V , the ,',h d.l. i.f .1 , Put,. S he mi men ii i w It iii'mm'-. ('Mllel.ili I : N,, . . A 1 1.. a II V, In '! . Clwi I l.'M I ,. lib. hum, nt I li l, I Kiin ; I' ii i, U SI W lie . i'l l .ni'i tic, I be mm. .Iidiii . In. I., . t I u cue, llie-l-'i.ii. n niul ill cr i.iim i I, ilniini: ,, vi -r i y the a b, e 1 1.--. 1 1 nd In ud t lire I 1 1 1 1 i-1 1 . 1 In tile their i I illus III 1 Ills nllice i. II i.r bif..e h.iI.I .'.III d.iy uf In tit. pin7 I' l V I N M I S , I .l . Pei'dir. Norin: im: 11 p.i.ii i ion. I ep i rl men' nl I ..1 1 1 1 1 1 iihce ai I;.. . I lie I iilcrlnr. bin;', ( Irivi ui, l'i bv I.'. l'Xl7. Nntlce i . h.-l. b pUeii that .1. Im ). Pa liner i.f t'.ilt.n;.' I I i , ' b .w ill , ha tiled II.. II. e I I, m I ii I 1 1 1 l.ll tn make linal live i'iu pr.nil In )-iipp..l' nl hU il.ilm, x,: II . i tend I . t it, Nn :i7;'7 liunle I . I v . s. I'inil (nt tli.'.sW1, See- . ' I . - I I 1 I I I 'H"I"U I" "II lei'iil'il III I tit 1 1 III, '! iV li-dil p L'J N Pillu-eJ W t Ii " ..nice nl Ihc Peenl.l.'r nf I ..llk l.i I , , , , , M . , , ., ,,. ! '. nut v a I Knebiiri;, Oieirnn, lb I f, .. i ,,. I:, ... a i- K t If bill'L', t i'K"ll. mi M.I-. I. I'm".'. lleuaiiicH the bill .wii'' -.s ItiiCHM's tn pl'..C his rim 1 1 ii.mis n r.;. lice lip- Hoe-S L. t I . M l.olv I. Hi. I'.' .Meet M .and III each III. .Ill II. M i;s M A i.", s. (ii mi ' i -s la i S m i.i a.. 1: K , I' c Hn. , N.I I'nd iv nl I C. Getting Ready to Liquidate. County Treasurer K:ist laui says he is ;tltiiic ready to call i.i all outstaiulitiK warrant- against the county about next Saturday. He thinks ho will be able to pay off ill the lloating debt a:i 1 have about $20,000 or f'O.OOO for ruiming ex penses. As the next three, niontlm will be busy ones fixing up the roads, it will probably w out pretty fust. C K. S. -Cuttii-'e ir. , I. M' .tin held .a ll.l', I . I I ' l I 1 I ill! Clt 1 1 Mi.- i a i I ( '. W in i i i M lis. M l I'l Will I I I I.. - ' . 'Il.lpt. I .an I I'! I .1 ! "I- . i.i. I 1 Mill III'' licciilMH. li. and all iersiim i -1 ; 1 1 m 1 1 1 v- ' i . I p Ii x iTsi'l v Hi ' llilliinv; ul iiiind and pre. Iili-i'i. .' 1 1 1 V . ill I , t hei i-id Hi i d.'M eiilie.l ami applied fnl" aie helebv m. titled th.it nnli'HM their adM'fi-e . I.llll- .lie .lulv .ei acci dllli; In law ml tie' r ".nl.i'l.. t.iere under, wlthlll the time pi escl Im'i by law, with th" le'i'l tcr i.f the Pulled Still, s I ,n nd I lltiee III Ic'Ni-biiri:, Ore ui. t bey ill be barred by lituei.f the p! I i I .i. ll l if Hill. I Htllt llll'. C. i. vi wilt I.. Pimv, IteNit i. r N. I'll . W M W , P. V. K. C. p nln all..'. 'A . I 1 '-', M eel il t I l III i .11 I lie It II Sat I, I'd. iv i.fe i. Ii in. ill! I M ;: lu. i i i P. .Il AMI null ;. S.-e . C. Nn "d an. i'l -. Will accept wood for renewals of subscriptions at this office. w The m Hor.lln an.l i!)r -hf.nl ur ..ur la.iir. Mu-lc I l-.rhilikjr fnnliit!.. Art; i'oiiiilria A.-ii.lrmie l'i. n.i: fi.r-il ii.1'i.',.n.rnt. 'ur iDforMillkD ll.ltru HlKltir Funrrlor rriMtiiLaiiH. i I fill the New? fill the Time Neat Job Work of All KiDds Done (i ' Ole'll treat Von Right "A era m mm t WW ii H H B r3 inT: lki li H I , lir M Rill) i v H 1. F1 '. 1". b.l3i NO POISONS. CONFORMS TO NATIONAL PURE FOOD AND DRUG LAW. The Original Lk1Iv Cough Syrup containing Honey end Tar. An Improvement over All Cough, Lung end Bronchial Remedies. Pleasant to the taste end good alike for young and old. All cougU bvruDS contelnlnd opiate constipate the bowels. Ilee'e Laxative Honey and Tar moves the bowels nd contains no opiates. Prepared by PINE-ULi; MEDICINE COMPANV. CHICAGO. V. 6. A. Ei, MmPiT's ,flKflTIVE.H0C3EY For sale by New Era Drug Store rTTjr (ii:ovi: ;t All till' l.lt.-.l Electrical PLAIN' anl MWi'WB Ordinary Cases $1 2 per Week. Tor fiirtlii r paitii ulari inl'lr. -i Ir. II. V,. SCIIM'l'r. 'c..i..' ', -..,1 H. C. MADSEN, Watciimakkk. Hi'. Hiring Ht rciiiKii.Hl.il' riur:'r. All work xuiiruult'ii'l llrnl ciiimh. Wati.'liuN,ri,i'U.4iiii. Je.viil ry ill I. mcI Trim (oTi'AiiK (iiMivi:. tiiu;. .1. S. Medley. J.C. .li.-liiMim Mcdh-ij y- Joint son., A ( toriieyH-n t-l.i v O'Jirt; Silitr . 1 ll ill, lilihj. Spcrinl nl ti'iit ion kIviii to Mining and ( "ori u ;it iuu , w. s U 1 : 1 : 1 1 T's svi.i.nN -;;, ci n IN l i Uti.ci.dSi ..ti.i' lureli.v k'vi'H Unit l.v irtii...t ;ni I Iveeiii Inn nnd (lider id S.i le i-vsmd nut u( tlie Cll. Hit Cii'llt nT the Stnte i.f t r'ti. n fur the Cmiiitv uf I ..-nn' mi the utli diiy of M.iri-li I'X'T mi il )'.lk'lllellt ri'lldnri'd III hiiI. I ei ' i r t of tln MM ilny uf Mun li I miT In n Milt u Ii. ,. In Mm. . A. Ni lin whm I'liilutifi nnd ,1 uli. i M . Swim-i.i'V nnd I'l Jink A. Swii'iii-v, li-r lniidi.uid imd V. II. C.i,. I in. I nnd M. M. Ciiieiiiid. Id lie Wl Tl" ilefelldillltH nnd lltlllt l-.lid ilefelldillltH. Jllllll M . SM'tl'lll'V nn. I 1 liliik A. Swi'i'in-y fur till' hiiiii of elidll ll 1 1 1 1 . 1 il 1 1 ilulluiN Willi llll.'ll'il t In t'.'i.n friitii H.uld 4tlid.iy of Miin-li I'" '7. 'i I llu rnti' ,f 7 jM-r I'i'iit n'r nn iiiiiii ,'ind i 1 1 1 y ilull.iri iittonTi'yii fi'i'ii Hi il nini'ti'i'ii ilullnrH cimtM mi I dli-luir-eiiii'litK w Im li judilui'tit Wiisi'll lulled iiu. I diii ki'ti"! 111 tlit- i li'ikHi.f tin' of - il l I-, u rt nn I In- 1 1 tli diiy f Mnivli l!ni7 iind hiiI. I l!xi'cutliiii mid iiider nl Mnle lu ine dlii'i'ti'd I'.ituuiiind iuir tne iu t In- inline. .1 the Stntn uf ( r- v'uii. In urdi-r lu HulUfv Mud ludi:- f Inelt I . .... I a i. ll.l ii .... t-i 1 1 - ... .1 u t . . u..ll I I."' I' l1V I lie; l ll'ser: I Ii" I ll'lll .lllll'l ty I', u it : 'I he m ii h ,- ( i 1 1 . t r 1 1 r of hit t mil I went v riu'hl ILMIn t..iMiMlii. twi'i.iy i - ' ) H'.utli I .iliKi' fiiur (It went of Wii luiiiette in. I'Ml ui l.ntii' Ciiiinly. ( li'f- U'Ul. Nn A t hrri fill', In t hf lliline nf t he ."lute u! ).i.y..ii nnd lu r uu.llniit'i with -.ill 1,-ii'iiillun nnd Orilir i.f -e.ili' I w ill ..ii W i'diii'Hiljiy t In-IhI d.iy i.f Miy r.Hi7 .ilwifii tin- Iniiirs ul'ii ii'i I.k k :i. in. nil. I I iii'(ick ii. in. to wit ill i nn- n'rliiik i. lu. mi wit Ii I diiy .it Hi.' Huutliwi'.-it door i.f tin County (hiiiii liuu-f iii Kiii'iii', Iiiini' County )ii''.n. offer nn' Midi', to tlin Iiimhi-w't liiddi-i , Tor i'uhIi, Miliject to H'di mp tlnii, nil ui the ili-ri'iuluuts nli. .i' liniiicd liht, title nnd IlltefiHt 111 it II 1 to I hf allow ili'Hi'i ihi'd ri'itl iiTn'i'fy, Dated llih 'JJnd dny i.l Mun li, l'.Ml7. I'm n Fk-k, Shcrill' .,f Lmih- C'oiint.V, OrrjTou, I HI , II II. I III 1 1 I X i.iil. til the i ii.. I, . I'llitll I', Chilli-.- ul i llil;;e l..'i, l'i-e.i III, .1 .1 n.e . I I I.l W I- ul I 'uttiyii I iruvi', I i hi lleiii i l.n. nln. of Ci t lne.. t ; i , , , 1 1 , , . ii , .1 . .Ii it I i M n r- I In. ul Ci i I e,. I j i , n ,. l ,,. ., ,,, I' l S I 1 Ml I , I , ll , I!- i-i.li r. i;i;iii -n; v rii ui i. mi 1 1 1 i.i:. Ill the I'lli llll I I, llll I.l the SHU,. ,,f I lll l. Ill f .l I he C.llllll 1. 1 l.lllle III III" IIIM ! tl I' i.f t he , lii It'll Iii m , ,f I'.. M li.iy t'i ie.;iit. r ihe iii),. o. i.iihe.ii iii uti r "t i tluu :;f, in 'I'iiw ii-.lni l'i. S. i! ... t.,- w. M. ilKUlll-t llll Whu III I' lll.l l. .In I'l it. def. I'.hlllt -.. I'll Al l. IL. VI I I l W i i S. I li . Tn to- liutiii- Hint .mi the llh d.iy of Muii'li A. I. I:mi7 nn it j l tt-nt ion wa-t lili'd l.y w.i id II M I i 'n t lac- Cn nil Cull It ut I ..'I lie C. ei Ii I s , f ,- . it j-,. jr. iit mi Ion uf t he t ill. ti tin. hi ii. I nl.. mi den. i llie.j. i,w ui.i.-h tint niN-ar nn i.r In f .ie I In- I ! I, ,,r Aj.i if I:hi7, mi l . h'.w inn x hv mi. h n..ll- Cttlon hhidl li. .t he ihle I. I he miiiiii Will 1. 1' taken ih n.lll.'K n illld. I de cree will I"- i'l,!. ivi hit ifdliu ti. tin. Iiruyi'f nl I hi' iipplle it Inn nn. I yi. ii will In' fnft'vi r del. .ii n d fi . iiu iltHimtliiK the Mnilll'. I'.. I . I.i i , I. rl I'.y C. M. lilllW'i.l li, )ee.li. J. E. YOUNG Atlonietj-at-Laiv . Ollii'c iiii Mul n HlicL-t, VVbkI H i 1 1 o COTTAC'IC GliUVH, ()UK. . r , , , . . (, ilril( f.M :t. ' '. i l,, i l:l. I... I. i n.i. . , VI 111 ni'lnl i -.1. i- l.v. .. . I'tvl;,-: . u rn.- I ..( . II.. MAllA',;,. ifiji-.,. ;j kV -I.. . ' is ! . I '..I- i--. .... .U VC I ' i" inn ''" ii'i'i.i' .'.I i, in. niiili i.-i, il ,u ..I.. . ... ' il, i. .. i ri..-i II, N III .1 lillltU i If ,)'.m 1 .. I.ll -I..-.1. M...'l....y l.l.lg , In . k-.ii 60 YEARS' . , ' ' fEXPLU IENCE 3 i ij4vr'uyrwrf Trade Marks rj'Ofl',, CoPvniGHTS Ac Aiiyinn Hi'iiilliiK ft Kliclfh ..mi i.H-rl i .(J. ii.uy qul.kly itiii-.irliilii i.ur i..i.ii..u lr.it wh. .liter tut lav. .ul k.i. ih .r..li.il.ly .at m 1 1 . ii.l... I'.i.ihnii.iI.-ii. tl.i.iiiHirli.'llyi'i.iill.liiiilliil. HANUUOOK on I'.ii. i.U Hunt fr.'ii. nl.li.nl iu'imiiy fur h.ji i.i iii i.ul ih.ih. I'al.'i.iH tuk.in llir.ftiili Mu.ni At Cu. runlvo t;;flil mil ice, wit hunt chniyu, In tin, Scienunc JTiiiericarte A liniKt.iinnly Itl.iHlri.l.'.l wi'i'kly l.i.ri'i.nt Hr- irilllll ll.l. I.f ...iy M.'l.ll.l IMD J.illl'lllll. 'I'.' I .lln, tl u yi-ur: limr ii.i.nl l.n, (I. ri.'lUUyull iiuwHil.-iilnrn. MUNN&Co.3P,B""1' New York Umuuh OUltu. m V bU Wiwuliiiiiuu, V.Z, MAGAZINE READERS SUNSET MAQA2INC Lriutlfully illuitiled,goodloriti nd irticlr about CclJqiUUI and all ll.e far Wcat TOWN AND COUNTRY JOURNAL a monltily publication devoted lo the forming interecU of the Wt. $1.50 yeai $0.50 yeai RCAO OF A THOUSAND WONDERS a book of l'i paget, contaioinf 120 colorad pkotograplii ol "J piituirvjue tpoU in California and (Jrrgon. A - To-l . . . $2.75 Ml for. .' $1.50 Cut out tills advrrturnteoi And icud with $1.50 lo SUNSET MAGAZINE JAMF3 I LOOD DLDG.. SAN FRANCISCO Tl.MltKK I.WH ACI. .MM..'! s7N -MUlCi: I nl: II 1 : 1 .1 1 A T 1 1 N I'nlti'd ,S uti h 1 jut. I l Hliee, Hi iMi'lmru:, I ii'i' iii, M.ii eli ;:n, :iii7 Notife is hi it'l.,' .;m.i tli.H in e. .Ill JilluiU'e with the .1 t l.iji in- i.f (hi III' t. of Culll'rert nf .hllie S7 I'll titled "All IH I ln the H.lle i, . r litiidt III the i-t.itt'M .. CiL:ii.,iiihi, lr.' ton, Ni vudn nnd WnHhinioii It n . lory," n-t I'vli-nded to nil iiu; I'uhlio l.mid StntiH l.y net uf Auj-umi I I Ml-, i:iVAIM I A K.MAN SI: , nf Limine, nun, ty nf Lillie, Stntn or Territory I of itvumi, Ims thin tiny lili'd iu 1 1 1 1 -i i it I i i-i his m.,in Ktnte nteiit Sii. 7V7-I, fur the .un i.iMe of tlm N F1, nf fi'i linn No. I. in Ti.M iiMhi No. JllHOIllll, lillle No. ;. west. V M mid will ifffi'i iioi.f t.i si i . w tliatllin land moiiuIiI hi ii.nii' vnlunhle (or iIk tlllllier or Nil. lie I hull for il " lii'lll 1 1 m I illtioHeM nnd to t 1 1 l i -ti his rl.iliu tOMihl hind In f . ie V. W. C.iIUIiih, C. S. I'oimnl.iHlouer, nt hii .,11,,'e In ',i. Kene, Oii-niHi ,, I I Id.'i y, I he 7lhduy nf June. :m7. Ho niiim-N im w It iieRiii'H : lieoi'Ke Fal'liiiili ill l.i.liilif, Oifeon ; I'l'iinli lal-i of l.oiiuie, Oregon; Siuiiiiel llnrtly of I,i .lititi'. tlttj;,,,,; lleilitrt Holy of Loi'.'int'. Drt'iiiiii. Any nnd nil ,eiHniiH ihilinlii"" uJ ViTHelv the ul n vt'-i i hi 1 1 , I l.mdw nm reiiieHted tn (lie heir i lnlinH In t Ivin. ollle nn or h fur,. H)li, 7, dny 0 J writ) !iti7. I:i:n.ia.mi I,. I, y KejiMter. KILLtke couch and CU R Ejths L UNCS WITH Or. Cins's Now Oiccovorv ONSUMPTlON Prlco 0IIC.H8 anl OLUS COc &$1.00 Froo Trial. Surest anUUuickuet Curi lor ull THROAT And J.IJ1JO THOUll LE3, or WONKY HACK. Tlie BIocIkc JlgH give a pcriect Kcparalion of ZIiic-Lcail-Ores JOHN lb 34 DlAkoSt, A. TRAYLOR, MINING MACHINERY DENVER COLQ