BOHEMIA NUGGET HOI 111 AM A NDCHHiT I'UBLISIIIMl COMPANY. Make .11 clir. Vi. ,y.iMo to Nugv'ct !'" Krlorod M hf poummco at rnlUB On", i,TKn "on.l i-Uss mail mnllor. M USt IMl'TION KATF.S. ItlOlltllS " f I -j!'r iV"J In iiniutli If paid in advance. Clubbinr Pates. Tho r.vbmlM Nupcvt oih yonr vlth finv nut of tli.' following l; U.iUluii-i out' .v.'iir Tor iinumnt not opposite: l-.i. ilii- M. Weoklv Oivi;ni;ui ( FoitlfHUl) WivklV .1 .nru.l ( ,iilv Mininir ll.vonl deliver) Wookly Mining U.vor.l Pacilic llonii'sH'a.l Northwest Poultry Journal SJ.OO $.Vf0 -js J. .'. $1 ;; Thi l,l'r is li'i'1 'V Til K AMKK1- N MIMM. . UM.Ur.SS. Cli(imlT f t oni n.n'.V Hu.i.linir. ixvot-r. f.'lu . brr r;jLr i'llrrs .ll l.o ...U-..-.U- to tl.e uxeof llir lead- ,...orS ir-iii thr Hrioui mmln mh-Iioiin of rlUSVAl'I K ifk.-i't on r.. . -ir . A.i. u..y.' Mervhanta Kv . l aiit.iriiiK. w hore eou- I imiirr, . n f 1 " ".-.'.. - i i .... . riu f.-r mlvcrl.sni run i-r Vkuni:sp.y, Aiku. 1", 1907 Local Alumni Active. Tlie Alu nni association of tlie University of Oregon in Kugene is not going to sit idly hy and sec the nfereuduni invoked against the university appropriation and a meeting has been called lor the pur pose of formiug an organization which omdd work effectively. A committee was appointed lo co-operate with the Portland Alumni as sociation. The committee is com posed of Alfred Cleveland, Judge K. O. Fotler, lion. A- C Wood cock, Judge L. T. Harris, W. B. Dillard, L. L. Goodrich and R. S. Uryson. The ol-ject of the meeting to authoiize a conimittoe to get to gether Htatiatics concerning the ap propriation and the needs of the university which will counteract any misleading statements. Register. In the treatment ir Tiles it hecomes neccessary to h;iv the remeilyput up in su-'h form that it can If applied to the parts affected. Man Zan Pile remedy is encased in a collapsible tube with nozzle attached. It cannot help hut reach tlm spot. Relieves blind, bkvding. itching and protrud ing piles. ."0 cents with nozzle guar anteed. Try it. Sold by New Era Drug Store. VALUE OF A GOOD NAME Norris & Rowe's Circus Enjoyi the Confidence of the Public The value of a good name as a trade mark in winning the confi dence ami esteem of largo number or people cannot lo overestimated and was never belter exemplified thau in the case of the well-known showmen. Norris A Rowe. Kaeh season this really meritorious or ganization comes to us again and we commend the honest policy which gives more than is promised. The present tour is known as the "Jubilee Souvenir Season" ,9 it marks th twentieth year of the partnership of Norris & Rowe. Sou venirs will ho distributed to every one as Norris fc Rowe wish to ac knowledge the compliment of mauy past seasons excellent pat ronage of the public that has al ways greeted their efforts so gener ously. Time and again haye other circuses with false names invaded the territory of Norris V Rowe but some how the public was quick to choose the real from the false and the well known western show men soon had the field to themselves again Norris & Rowe promiso us a great big new circus this year and as their promises have been kept in the past there is no reason to doubt the truth of their announcements this season. From the glorious, gorgeous free street parade, the special side-show features, the comedy of the clowns, the clever ness of the aerial gymnasts and acrobats, the skillful bare-back riding by lady and gentlemen equestrians, the trained wild ani mals to the exciting hippodrome races, will be found the most ex hibiting wholesome eutertaiument for all. Norris V Rowe exhibit in two rings and upon an elevated stage and "under a spread of clouds of snowy canvass greater tban ever before. They travel in a train of three sections of fifteen cars each making 45 cars in all. Exhibitions will be given at Cottage Grove on Thursday April 25th. Two per formances, one in the afternoon at 2pm and another in the evening at 8 p m. Commission After Details of Car Shortage. To obtain accurate information regarding delays in obtaining cars and the movement of freight, the Oregon . Railway commission has sent out postal card blanks to ship pers, requesting replies to detailed questions. The Portland chamber of commerce is mailing the cards with" a letter to their members. This iB the first formal action taken in Oregon looking to enforcement of the new reciprocal demurrage law. The railway commission wants from the shipper information as to date when cars were applied lor, nanTe or the carrier to which application was made and kind and number of cars askel for, also the destination to which shipment was intended. The shipper is asked to give the complete result of his application, the date when the cars were fur nished fif ut all, Low and when they were set on the siding, num ber and initials of the cars, the date when they were loaded by the ship per and the date when they were moved out by the railroad company. The consignee is asked to state when the shipment was received. With definite information on a number of cases of failure to fur nish cars, and the delays incident to movement of freight within the state, the commission will be in a position to insist upon the material expediting of shipments and gen eral improvement of the situation. The commission men will probably be the first to respond to tho com missioner's action and in vupport ing any policy that will spur the railroad freight traflic und operat ing departments to prompter ser vice. Journal. Improper actions of the kidney causes backache, lumbago, rheuma tism. "Pineuletj" is a kidney remedy that will relieve these diseases. Pleas ant to take and guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded, "Re lief it every dose." Sold by New lira Drug Store. Social Evening. Miss Mamie Kiine gave a party at her home April 11 th in honor of Miss Edith Hastiogs who expects to move away in the near iuture. There were about 20 young people present. The evening waH spent in music and games. Pop corn and cano'y was served and a jolly good time enjoyed by all. A Spring Suggestion. Fiugal Hinds is adding to the beauty of his home by dressing the house with a coat of new paint, the proper thing to make our city look attractive to the many new comers. Born. To Mr. and Mrs. Joe Danaewood a 10 pound daughter. Revival Meetings. The revival meetings to be con ducted by C. M. Van Marter will commence on Thursday evening. April 18th at the M. E. church. Mr. Van Marter was disappointed in corning here on Monday last as published in last week's Nugget and being compelled to postpone the meeting. A lady singer will come with her and her sweet solos will add greatly to the service. Everyone is cordially invited to at tend these meetings. The Price of Health. "The price of health in a malarious district is Just 21 cents; the cost of a box of Dr. King's New Life rills," writes Ella Slayton, of Noland, Ark. New Life Pills cloanno gently and Im part new life and vigor to the system. 2.V. KutUfaetlou guaranteed at lien sun's Pharmacy. win: m'MMM wiut-u .DeMcioins iscmit Hot MADE WITH 1WAL BAKING POWDER arc the most appetizing, health ful and nutritious of foods Much depends upon the Halting Powder roy At fUKiNa rower n cr , ntw von. FASHION STABLES! Livery Feed & Sale Tullar & Powell, Proprs. Don't forget entertainment on Friday evening at Masonic ball. Cottage Grove Oregon Gregg-Bartels On Sunday evening last Apiil i the home of Mr. and Mrs. iiaiU'.s was the scet.n of mirth and gayoly and also of a solemn ceremony, the occasion lieing the nriniigo oi their daughter Miss Surah liuteN to Mr. John R. Gregg of Poithuid. The room in which tlie ceremony was performed was beautifully dee orated in evergreen and ilowers. On one side had been fashioned an arbor of lace curtains and trailing plants and Ilowers, in tho center of which was suspended a bell made of lillies of the vdley which made a very pretty effect. At 8:30 p. m. Rfv Olson and guests having all arrive I, the biide and groom tok their respective places under the bell and arch and Rev. Olson pronounced the words that united the young couple until death do them part, after which the gues's pressed forward and extend ed congratulations to the happy pair. A tine wedding suppei fol lowed and the remainder of the evening was spent in music, sing ing and speeches. The bride in the daughter i.f Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Rartels mid is well known and universally admired by a large circle of t.iends and many acquaintances and the Nugget can say nothing that would add to her popularity. Mr. Oregg has served hotu'j time in the U. S. Navy and wa i din charged about a year ago. He is a native ot In liana and by profes sion he is an electrician which busi ness he will follow. The young couple will make Cottage Grove their homo and will go to house seeping at once. They were the recipients of numerous and valuable gifts 'including ut glassware, chinaware, silverware anc furniture. Those present were: Chas. Iiurkholder, wif and daugh ter, Mrs. StoulTer, W. F. Hart an f wife, Dr. Kime an I wife, Joe 'a routte and wife, Kd Wi'smi and wife, VV. F. Conner and wife, Mis. Sherwood and F. M. Ernest. The Nugget extends hearty con gratulations to tho young couple, and trust that their voyage on the matrimonial sea will bo one contin ual honeymoon. 1 ' ----- '1 .1 Collage Grove, Or. Paid up Capital: $25,000.00 Sill'i'ltl ;iinl I ntlU i li 'l I'i'ililH. S5.875.44 Miiih'v t loan on appioveil M-cnrity Kxeliiini'H M!d, avudal'li- .inv I 3 place in Hi" l intel "Male- I M Hkmusrt Kiir .. ' HKta.fR gJ I j l'i.l"ti;. slili-r pj 1 'rggCTHsai gaasaaua aassKaeall OOOOOOOOOOOCOCOflC-OOOCOOOO Directors W. II. AUK !, I'.. I I I." II. w . . II i: n m:, run. 1:1 1 1. i.i:v. r. l.'os.s mm;. Paid Capital $25,000.00. W. II. Abrami I'reiident O B. Lurch Vice-Preoident 9 C. Bo Kink - Cashier A A. H. Kelso - AstitUnl Cashier A rcpic.-ientul i ve bank l the hllriilii' .:s plllilie of tills city Illl'l Hurrnumlimx country. ' We Solicit your business. OOOOO-O OO OOO o o ooo oo o 0-0-0000 1 There are many Kidney remedies hut few that uccomplisli tlu result. "1'lneulos" In a kidney remedy that, contains no nlchol or uptiateH of nn.v kind, complies with tin- Xatioiml Food and Driij? Law, guaranteed to give satisfaction. Thirty days treat ment for $ l.tK). Inquire about "I'ine ules." Sold by New KniDiiitf Store. For legal blanks Nugget oflice. Prepare for Irrigation, Sprayinjc ami pumping .Machinery. Fairbanks-MoiHe (Jasoline; Jin gincK for pumping, npraying, sawing, grinding. Outfit- complete. Fair banks St ales for weighing. Fail Imnks JNIoiho Duiiuins and Motors for power and light. I' a;t banks Morrin indmid and 'J'oweis Fairbanks-Morse luted Chop pers, Orindeis, Well I'umps. All fust ijuality goods at low est prices. Always in stock. Liberal terms, prompt reply t inquiries, quirk shipments. Write for catalogue and prices. FAIRBANKS, Mofcsi: & CO. v Portland, Oregon. 11 ! Eggs For Sale. lirown Leghorn ami Vhito rlytn outh Rock eggs, fifty cents u dozen. Mrs. VV. T. Kavskk. tf i . Its No Wonder THAT THIS TOC;;iCKY tm-tm-tiso MAT ti-julr wlu-n u "' si.K-r tho Now Stvlrs nrriin;4 viiy two witKs V -i- ;Hi(jh (iradc : i; Fresh Beef, Pork, Mutton ancJ Veal 3 always ready. : Our Refrigerator , is tho linost in l )i t ,UHii. ' l-resh Tisli each liicsdax ninl I riJay. Soc our plant, i vt i vthin- now atnl up I" 'hiti'. ,; i Fred Herren. T- -T- IMion Mrttn H v : -T..I;' HOTEL GRAHAM llcndqunrtcrs lJor Mining and Commercial Men C. T. LONG, Prop. J i FREE at ova ssr&ME While They Last Sco Our ti$&ifimivi&c Window Display 8 THE STROP THAT HONES Wf ruv rrlfd a nt !, speflil ll of handsome, tinjl ..rrr. l..ll.. rr. -.n.l B ..l.un.iic k J..r llul srll l li.W e.h al reUJl. lUi c a!e Ja lulrly lire lnicNcili.c llic wuwlcriul RADIUMITE DOLLAR RAZOR STROP ludi ii l.stil, pUMc, JuuLlr, ninvmlroi. and aale. and wblcb It fevolullunllnf Ibaartol ahavlng. A RAZOR GIVEN FREE To The PURCHASER cl EACH STROP CALL TODAY AS THEY ARE COINC FAST. tin ri. it uu ii ft to tiaual all wltri lite uw1a lutl J I tfl-r ..l tn . i (i i lit 1 1 ' i . .4 ltr u4tomlU ItruM, ill h ttl Out luita IImi hnrt a! m.l .Irll.Ate la it. I Urf li i.r l4hini i ..'. tint- ftti't tWttiflit, rrn t mm liA1naf !r hfttll lrt. Thai rrrt f ft fjytrk rQ fthAT duM BOt lM Ul ft rMUf M U ft itmp. WHS tl KAUlUi! ITt bTKOftt Ibe l.t tnlrrl r'r Mr Uotbl ua . hu e-lfr. m l Ibr nt.-. t i t H i i.-. i. ii n finrtt ti-r K ti h rr llvem ftlftll ttm l ll. 11 p"lt-lt" otvlilt. m. r-v i" t.4vr t i i i-tif.nlwrll, i,t .UIIft.tluIlT trk Rft4laviU iif op tol4 m4l Wa p.ltl rf nU V-i.ilU uuot BftUitAttor-r mmOMj will to ruuted. T&ar4V luralUw Ordinary ut bftjr Kur n.idlumlto Strops, BOO to $2.50: Razors, $1 in S3 DASCFR iVRHS IN THE USF OF AMY S1ROP HUT A MD$UM$T t ,?r"tY"?Z HUH)!) ruJHOW. .0.... li- 1,1i.u'tl . Ily ll II If-'.-l 4-HlllllHll.' U"- I- iti lr i A. nil (I -t luik tu U toilUAl i i - I t- K-. Kalff fthftvltlil Uuirt. ftB'l l llsrlf. THE OMLY PlRFFOT STROh 13 t KAOIUMI1. It. i. f V'f. t'.e nryfVAr- I.rar, il'rtitlr. ...ii.iif.ii .w ti M r"-fir4iiir i i. - i rrv hi, t v u. 1 hrV ,,r v' l,l,H h rl)rr 9Ult ' ' :r u t.ii.r triVrt out iifirn wilt 1' f I I . rlr. ft. It til ' 1fflU fl n,V L v i Pl if UJ Uk UU luWUtUlft IM tUftlUf iw" laAbii.ult.C 1 b.4r . i -" VW iftlft lit ibft JftCV Lttt ft i-fcdiBUaiU. Griilln & Veateh Company. r WILL IvXIIIMIT AT COTTAGE GROVE, THURSDAY APRIL 25. Tho Greater NOUS li ROWE cms 3Iuseum Menttfjcrie and ILcatl R.oyoJ Roman Hippodrome. r a.t 10 ft. m. Performancev ut 2 und 8 p. in;