Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, April 10, 1907, Image 8

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    Lodge Directory.
R KIU.KAHS Cotlnve liniM-, No.
J I. Meet iiifTs 1-1. :'.nl. and Mil. Itl-
1 1 ;l v of t eV Hii "lit ll .
i : i t n vki i-. . (5.
K r 1 1 T. 'rxi' i'.
ami Mil Wednesday of each month.
lic M u:V L.vM k. Olio I 1.
M us. C. Y . YV mi mi. Lit.
V. O. V. I'.nheinin Camp, No.
Meets everv Friday i veiling.
1,. W. LvKi K. Consul Com.
t ii s. ' n Dinim m.. ' lei k.
' ' , N
For Benefit of Farmers
and Merchants
i l'i ires iinotod arc wliolosnlc.)
Putter, oounlry
liittrr. coolim? Jo'
K. of !.) in fill us I, .. lire Ni. ls-1 JUitter, crenmerv, lh 4V
UeeCevery sday m,!, j ,Ulttcr fat ' pyjC
;;. U. S. i hRRfl 1 7 1 . 0
Chickens 11 to l.c
K O T. M. Cascade Camp N.. -t'.i)
Meet every Thursday nfiilit.
O. II. r v n ii. Com.
ll. K l'.l NN1-. Cooler.
Cm s. ' wl'i Lrui
('oi i u;i: ii:o r, v;
llospifaliinil S i , i I , j i n ; i
v1 I
Ml I In1 l.l'i it ll r.i! nirliK
nix iti t mihi'iib i;
V !
I. O. O. F. - Ci'l t;i'i lilove, N'i. ".
Meet I'M i v Saturday ui.nht.
lii n. Covin;. N. i.
A. L"1C1 w I li. SV.
M. W. of A. Mei'tinus 1st and .'.id
Tuesdn v in each iiiimi t Ii,
A. S. Low 1:1 i.. Consul.
'. YV. Wji in i . sec.
M. B A. Modern lirutherhood tf
America. Mi't l t li Jd anil till Tues
day . i T each im itt Ii at l.( .t .l'. Hall.
T, Y . .1 kvkins See.
W. 0. W, M. Valentine Circle P.M.
Meets 1st an I :lrd Tuesday in each
HHMitli in W. (. W. Hall.
l l in; v .1. Mil l. i n. Clerk.
Foresters of America M.-et every
Momlav evenim:.
C. C. Cm i i an. C. I!.
llKN SvNiol.'l', I' .S.
A. F, & A. M. ruttaiTi' (Hove. No.
."d. Mi'itin 1st and .'!r 1 Wcdnes.
lay of each ni 'iith.
Oi.ivi i; Yr n ii. YV, M.
IK V.. Win i i.v. Sr.
7 c
Onions, cwt. f-.Oo
ApvIos, bushel, aceordinj: to
' quality 5 -5
Chittem bark, old
Hides-, green
Suit hides, dry
CiLlini;e, cwt
Turnips, cwt
Carrots, cwt
Parsnips, cwt
(Retail prices are quoted)
Wheat, bushel SOc
Wheat ami vetch, chopped
Oats, bushel Oi
lman, ton JO.oo
Clean wheat chop, tou $'Jo vo
Oats and vetch chopjied, ton 00
Mixed, tou S-t.oo
Shorts, ton J.'.mhi
Flour, valley, cwt Si.qo
Flour (hard wheat, cwt .50
si!i:i;ii i's sai.k on r. 1:1 i 1 io
IN I'OKl'.C! (si ;
NnlKv is liet'i'liy r.lveil that ly
virtue of 1111 I '.ei'lii ion ami Order iif
Sa le issueil nut til' the Cn em t Cum I 1
of the State uT l fur t lie Cm I tit v '
of I. line nn tliel'-'lli day uf March!
I'.Nir mi a Judgment rendi ied 111 sai I j
euurt uf the llh il.iy ul Mateh l uir in j
a suit wherein Mr-'. C V. Nil Im
plaintiff and ,lnh M. Sweeney and j
I'lanK . Sw iH'nev, Lei huliiinl audi
. 1 1 . Co j ! Ja nd and M . S Ciiju-I.-i nd .
Ids w ile were defendants :uid at!.iiii-l
Hnid defelldantH. .Illli.l M Sweeini
und I "ra M L A. Sweene I'm the smn 1,1 ,
elfhl hundred dollar with iul.uwi 1
t liereun fruin said l!hl., ufMaiih!
l'.'OT at the i.ite uf T 1 i- 1 1 ( inn a 11
limn and eu-hty dull u . .it t 1 in s ire
and nineleea dullars e..-. ; .1 n dN
hill M'liient s hieh 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 w a 1 eli !
.... 1 1 . 1 ... 1 1 1 . . . . 1
iuvuf 'n;;,,;,::V,;: ;h,:nn;,X;V,;M,nrl: 7sVi:,'V!'vVh,N ,,,,,5!TlicIIoil,rc JIKh Klvca pcrlcct .HCmrallon
Man n r'i aniisani I .eeii 1 1. 1 .111. 1 1
Older uf sale tii me d ii eeled ii 'iiiiii.ui. I M. . Nn. i.
illi; me in I he nanii-ni I he stale ni ( t j i'", .
I'L'vill. Ill UI'illT to s.ltisl :nil in, I
I 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 ' I , 1 11. 1 1 l.l.r
I." 1 I ll' I r.' . till , . 'lil, ,
"I ne 1 h' rrl ; irn I h. 1 1 i 11 eiir
nanee l ( 'h 1 n, I 1 1 1. .; ', u I he
: Orrinm y discs $ I prr Week,
; l "i im Hii'i p. 11 1 ..'urn - niiii .'.
11, c. si in r.i:i'.
." y - .",. N . S. ' ' ', ' , '.v
M 1 ii"in ! Siini'v N t
Livery Feed 8c Sale
A. S. Powell, Prop.
Cottage Grove
I lieu t , eut s a lid .'ti'i'l'lllhu ei i-1 s In seil
the follow In w dese rilied I e.d '! i ijiei t v
to wit:
The nuithwet iinarliTui -iiliui
rinc-I.ciMl Ores
t went eiu lit i L'si in o iisln 1 1 t wen I
i'.'iM N'Mlth l a n lie funr III i e-t uf
laniette nieridi.iti l.ane Cuiinty, Ore
N'uw therefore. In t lie name of I he
StateuT Oiei;on and in e 'in plia m e
with -aid I'.m'cii t i, m and i i hi . l
Le i ed t.itiil.
VI'" ll'ii U I w I,
1 ! ' i - I . ill .! ;e I I I ,
'I i ;' ill I ..ei,
I In I mini S:iles,
I ' M nlu , ad- !
. I . i n. I 'i m n I , !
I'liic ;it Lit' I
IdVI llUko'Sl,
mi-nvi-.k c;on
Rolled barley, per 7."lb sack $1.05
Rolled hurley, standard, wick ft.on
G. A. R Xppoinat.iN V1 No 34,
.Meetriat 1 p. in., mi the I'd and 4tli
S:i 1 11 I'd.) v nf e.ii'll 111. nit ll.
In: I. L. Wuiiiw, I'. C. i Hay, baled, ton $1
U. W. Pa VN.M us. Adj. j I.I VK STOCK MAKKKT.
L. O. T. M. I.adv l. tPiM.n Hive, No i Cows
li'. Meet- -d and I'.'i Prid iy of 1 Sheep
each month. j Venl. dressed
,li:s M.t:v -' III M l, 1,. v , irrtc ,iullflj
l c;ou!el Will. m Wt'dllesd.-lV the Ul da -1'1' -'
,00ji'(May l'."7 lelwe.-li the huiirs . . , 1 11
' in'eloek a. in. and I oYleek. p. in. In ',,v' i
w it at utie u'i Im U p. in. nn -aid
at the s"iithwet iliinn l thei nnnu
I'ourt linn-e in I 'ii.ri'in'. Lane Cminty
Oremni, offer torsile. totlie h i u hi' t
liiddi'l'. fur e ish, -nliiiet to led' inj,
tioll, all uf the defendant ; ali .e
nameil r i 1 1 1 . title and Interest in and
to t lie almVe deserlned real eell.
Hated this -'i'iiiI day nt Mareh. P.mi,"
Pi:i H l e i. .
Sheritl' of Lane I '. unit . rer , m.
TI.MP.l'i: I.ANH AC I. .ll'Ni: ::.U7s
notici: i-'oi: im in. ic i ii
Pnited, s Land Min e.
Loseliiiru, Orennti. M.iri Ii '.n. I in,"
Nutiee is herehy i;ieii that in e,,m
plianee wiih tlie pru isiuii- the
aet uf i 'oiii-rress uf .lime .; I7S. , n
titled "All ait tur t he sa le "I t itn I ier
lands in the state uf Ca Ii:- rn i. i . ( )i .
t;on, Nevada and Wa-hiiiL-'uii IVnt-
4 I lory, "as een.le. tn ad III" I'nhl
Miss 1j: i v S vm ukii, K, K.
O E. S. Cottage (irove Chapter No
1. Meetings iienl on 'Jdand 4th Fri
day ot e e h month.
Mi.s. Po.-KMU i:i;. W. M.
T C. Win i i ia: V. P.
Mks. AIaihk Whii i.t:i:. See.
W. R. C Appomattox W. K. C, No.
12, Meet at 1 p. iii. on Hie '.'d and
1th Kat unlay of each month.
Mai:v lUt'KK.Y, Pre?.
K. Jknnii: Win ins. See.
6 to 7c
7 :e
"Yes" said the reformed cannibal
S. ! ;lli lit ti l I ,1111 hue if f. , ,, l,e
ihiu'l.,ii lu,e, ,i ,i i ,' i , l.earinir
-."I I .Hid -ll i I , ! he - iia" helm..: V
I'll';.'. , i I M I 1 1 U ,,,il II ,i ; ,, N, "I
lll ll I '.. ' ,11 II II I ll, dl-.
' III t heieon Willi I.I. e
! :;imiiii in" lo. t in w i Ith. S.tu.ited in
tin' S .. ul -ee. I I ..l ,en,e. I I .
. K. I L. of lie ill on, Meudl.lll
in the IV In mil nine..'. )jsl i let ,
l"iii;las ( mini . I he '.mi. onl de
rilied 1 . ih, . i!i, i 1 1 i 1 1 hi i i siiti
pn-te, ,nl ! t 'ie he tn,',.. ,,n ,e
in tie- i "III.. . .f I l;e C - i ,, i ho
Lulled S( ile . I I ( I:!,, e ,,t !;,,.
I'lll:r. O,, ;;,,. ..i..w . ' - W l I
Le 'i n Ii , 1, ., ' ' ,i . I e ee
Ih. L n M V No 1 i -,i.,.,.,.d in
" m . N ii :' ' lie N. . . il : '!s inn.
Ill i e . , III, ,., I!
I'll. SL. '..r. i I. i aspen. led i I'
- : ' L I I . ill I ! e lll.nilel te Me
I ,, II. I I! I s , I ,
L ::.:... ,n ft .
l henee S. ., , , ' ;
I. . Cm-. No .'
I hetiee S. t ,1, 1:
to Cur. u .;
Tlii'ii.e N . ' ." !"
t.. ( 'Uf. N I. I.
I'l e N '( ,, -
II. to Cm'. N I 1 1:
a ri it i, ,ii .' i !,
I.aiid States hv aet u; X 1 1 r i l 1
uf Lonim, . oiinty ul Lane. t:,t.. i ,,r
i.'iiiinn i ui . nriiii, ii i- i 1 1 1 1 1 1 , i f I .' i : 1 1 1 ! i
tiled in thi-otlie.' his mmiii -tale I ll et ui'hSnr Nu
! II lent No. 7s7 I f. il' I he I II n il l - e . f t lie I i I,, , I i. o I , , , ,
chief, "I us-'d to eat eveiy mission- j N 17 1 . ,f -e. thm N ., . i. m '..u iisinp ! . , i.h.m ...,.-r, it
.: I m n , at ee
ii.Pi. i.i m ft.
1 II 1 1 n L. !.'!" I it.
.''' mill L. i 'I" ft
: i "i i n w . i .i i, i
, I' " I ll 1,1'! l
ary that catne out here."
"That was before you yot reli
giou, eh?" queried the new inin
sisnary. "No: before I got indigestion. "
L Cm
' I ' I -1 ' I I , I ,1,11
; 1 1' iii 1 1 i
i re Ih" ati.e,.-
I I II !. I n , W II
I'll" l.ull e . ,t .' lei'l di'd I' e ' t i. Ill f
I I'l I ll Ii I. , 1 1 i'l" I .Ii i ei , . Ill,
Gentleman or lady with eood
If lovely woman, who has no reference to travel by rail or with a
pockets will stop to think that the rlS for a rr" of $250,000.00 eapt
1 a 1 t. n'' 1 I ' tiii'i .11
Avmfrnmnn h.i t Ipi .ivi l- salary m , 2. 00 per year ana 1,., .. , ... :l.
cUm,l',lrei,u((t.,.,,l,,u..iePeufies.8alaly l,altJ weekl nnd;re,piested ehiiins in In-
expenses anvanced. Address, with lhee on or I, f,,,-,. smd ;ih(l... m
Jetters mtrusteU to Lim occasional v k-f,.,, td a AiOVii,i,r June phi, .
don't get mailed. tage Grove, Oregon.
11, i'llsuilt!,, Liu.'.' Nu .". ue-t. M
and will , I'i'er pi u. it to -d ov thatth.
land -nlL'ht 1- 11, . .le a I, la I'l. lu r Its! the 1 1! ' , e ..! 1 1,.- I;.,-, ,1 , ,-
titnlier ur stone tlianfm .im'ieiilt 111 a I j ( '..mi t . ii j;., iii.i', n
purpose and tu est ilill-h In-. e. tun !'.. I'.i"e ,,f Minine ! .' .,.
to naii land l.cfoie W. W Calkins, I . m and ih p.-r-m la im in .1 I
S. C 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i -isluiier, a t hi'ollii'e in I ai- j . r-.l 1 1 - ii,.i,,:: 1 . . : it, ail,i"
ireiie, Oieirun mi Friday, tin- 71 h d 1 , mi.s . r .1 n . 1. 1 ii.h.i
I of .lime. pin7. ' ,iil,". ami o,,,, l..r a.e le'i,l,
lie liaines as Witnesses: in. tilled liiat ui,1,--. Il.iii i,er-i
1 .ei irfjri" I-arinan ul la a nne, ( lie,. .11 , ; "la , in are .I11L I, I ." e , I ; nv t
rl'allK Havts uf l.oralie. ireoli. ; and I he 1 ' :. "il.. ' 1. ,11 ll. i" ..I; l.i
siimuel llarliy ol ,i.',in,.. i. nn . ' u 1 1 In n t ,e 1,1,., 1 !,. .lV
llerliert Hot y 1 .f Lura ne. 1 ir.uii Iwith tin- K" '! t. i 1 1
fi.V and all peu-mis elaiaiiliy ad ."S t ; 1 1 - L in
loveale el ilied lands are I u. ,i . 1 1. 1.
I he pi 1 u 1 a
Norn i; LO; I'LP.I.h M'loN.
I . 1 .1 1 1 1 1 11 -1 1 1 uf the Int. i ini ,
Lain I ( Uhee at I !uiehl I i; . Oregon ,
I li eeniPel' "stll. LMIll.
N ul H e i herel 1 y 1 veil tliat
"l I'lill.L'.i' l.iiili', Oregon ll. tiled
i ut lee ,. Inn intention u make tllilll
iiv. veal I'l'H'f In MippoiL uf hl
i -I. iliii. IL'ini'Htend Lntl'V No.
'.'.I ' made Peluiiary I. I'.hmi, for the
ns , audi; Sei t hm :l'.', I'ownshlp
"1 S, L'.nn;e 'J w.. and that und proul
will he made Si-foil" Ih'K'Isti'r and He
eeh er I S Land Olllee lit II o-el m I
ii'i.m, on uii pin, i : h 7 .
I le liami'M the follow ( w It lleSMCH
I" pl.oe his coiil inmiii tesldeiiee
upon, and cult ivatlon il. the land,
vi: .Inhn I 'aimer, uf Cm taiie l i i o e,
lll.'U'uli. Vllllsl Sill.ehe, ufl'oltiiue
I . im e I l ill . I h nil' ,l'W s, I if Cut
t.i"" t.i.iii', Ou'n.iii: I'uster I'hlllipH,
it ( i .1 tai'.' ( Irove, I hei;..n.
Ll s I MI L Ll.l.v ,
Lej-'Mi r.
Ni M L I n; p p.LM'A THIN.
I f pa I I lilelit i il t he I ntei , if.
I a ml ( 1 1 1 1 - at LuHehnrn, Oregon
I leei'inher 'JM h. I'lIM'..
Nil'" is Inrehv glveii Unit
s V Ml I L K I I. WIS,
"I ' "'lave liimi', Orison, has tiled
i".f f his intention to make final
live ye;. r proof In niippuit of hiM
' hum, i Hoineslead lailry Nn.
I'dl .. ma e .1 an. l'i;. p.nil. fur I In.
M Sei Hull I. TOW IINhlp
I.'.hil;.' J W ., and tnal nnld proof will
lie made liefure LeglHter lllld lil'i'.-hi f
I S. Land Olllee at LuHelnirg, Ole
'.'on mi April Ith. P. H),
1 1
Mil II L LUC I t LLH A I n.N.
I le','l I I men loll he i lit "ll' 'f,
I ,a lid I 'III. i a I le ' elmi i-, I ll en n ,
N '. 'II, PHI...
Nuti.e I In u l. "ie n Unit
.1 I SSL M I I I I I',
uf M id. ' 'I "f Ml, hi" hied lint h
uf n III t . Ill . ill I I 11,11 I O ! HII I
tin' inn I'l o , iii 1 1 p I " 1 1 I f his
ehlllll, l ll'tll. Ii.ld I -III i V N".
'.Mllll. ma le .L'.n I ,'. I'M.', f..r t he S',
SW',. N I s and N SL1,
Section I I u w n"li!. 'n S L.u, -. 7 ,
and Ihilt M il. I ,u..i villi It Hind" U
fni i S . . I all ins I - I i im m imm
hirer at hM . ah. . in I ii,- n. . I Ii i-j.'uii,
un pi ll .1 h. , I'"'.
I le II I ine Il,e tull 'a in,' w 1 1 iii' .. -i
tu pue his i on I III, line ri-idehee
up. .ii, and cull I at m t t In- la ml ,
vl: alt- r . i oil. - p" .1 I' .n',
I n i;..ti I r in I M ,''.,. i . r lonml,
I 'I ll I . a n I. Hi en . . it Pa m Lii ,
I I lll-oll . William I nil' , , .( l a Is. ill.
I hi'V'uii
Pa 'M"i. L Inn.. L. I .l.r.
Ni 1 1 H i l i h; pi i:i.p 1 1 1 1 n
I .-pai I in n' . ,( I le 1 1 1 . i a, r.
Land i :!!. at I;..-. Inn : , l he
I ' , pin.,
N ait , e Is hi I el , -.; I . u ! !, , t
.1 VMLS II Ll U is,
uf Cut t a i-,' I ii ii i', in, i , i,i t'.,.,
IH 't li e . hi- 11, I nl . ni I,, in ,.e Im., I
II VI ear I ii if In ".'ipp a I . ,f hi . claim,
1 : II. .in. i, I , ni rv i pip;:,
made I-eh. J... I . im ih L is , .mil
I.', Section I. l ow -.-hip .'.: s, i: ,m;c
- W'., and t hat aid pi.,., w ill he
Inade lief. hi- I ! i -p i 1 1 t and I.'., elver,
I . S. Land I Hlie.'. at l;,, ., I,ni;-, ( Ii,.-'
K"n, mi Api il I ;t li, I .n, ,
III' II.IIIH III"' . , 1 1 e. 1 1 . - Wltlll-MSI-M
ii... r. . .... ...i
ii.. i , ,. i- . i .... u niu " ll l li i H l . . ......... a ...... i .. . , .
. ,,. . , " "..'- ii i.i,o, i i' -i'ience
hit l allm. ul, I h,. land,
law ' i "' , ""1""..' ..-.'..-in" iipun. an
lii. N.I wiin L. Limi
Ih-Ki-I. r.
ni", li. ami cultivation nf. the land . .
i: Walt.T I'.aher. of C,,ttv:e druve. i.a,,, I. i-. .. .. .... .
' 11 . , . , ,. , . . . i'l iaie . 1 1 1 1 i'
t"' " I " Lml.d v' 1 1 ' '''"HT. ol (.ottaKe OreKut, . .I...-I l'i ,,, '..,,(,
i: '....v. .r.o".Oi.-i'o..; .l....i Mai t in of CP , ,,,,, , ,., ,. V..u .o.r.len
ll.. i on , I.v mm, f " '"-"V, Oie-on; John .Sears, of r ,,,., u ,,,, w. ,. ,,, s '
' ' -."! ..ii- t .... a ".".., ,v,., tririHI. Lewi-, ul ,,(..,.',' ;,,.., ',,.,. '
L i i,',;, P-i-i L I n.iwiiv L. I'. liny, lieglster. I ' I --..i i i 1 1 L i ii , l:,."i-.e.
I he .
fill the News
fill the Time
Neat Job Work of
All Kinds Done
(rU mell lm Voti Ri9bt
U -ulllully llluMlattil, y ,i h.K-t
and tr.x'.ct ahom Califumm
u l all liir far Writ.
a monthly puLli. ;iun d.-roti-d
to llie inirrrsit ol the
I I M Ll l: l.Nli. i .ILL ,s
NM' II . 'l IP pi Id p I ION.
I nil. d St a te.. Land Mh.-e.
I lose 1,11 li.: . (lie , , ., '.' :i', pi, li,
V . . I.l...... . . . . . ,'
' '" 1 ' " , i ii I nil In cum
a lixA ol 70 pay, i iiiiiiii,y
120 culurl jjliol.rnnlu of tf 7
pirtuiratwe spot in California
and Oregon.
. Tot I . . . $2.7 j
or S.5(J
Cut out l!ii aiJv,-rn i,i, nt
und teail wiili $1.51) lo
Norn i: i ui: u hlk ai ion.
I epa i t 1 1 ii 1 1 r of t he I nterlor,
I.a ml oitiiH at llosi-hni n', Or.y.m,
fi'liy L'. P.MI7.
Notice is herehy t'iveli tlnlt .lollli l.
I 'a Inn r of t 'nl I au" i n i'". ' Iri'i'i in . has
'"' " nonce i.l nis I li I en I mil Hi in a M" , pun lice W llh I In- I i',,ii t .ei ..( the ml
lih.,1 liveyeal pioul ill SllppoM fit Ills ..fCullyle . 1,1 .Im r ; elillll.-.
' liimi, i iz; 1 1 ' , i in--1 1 a 1 1 i.niry .i n,.',
iiiad- I el.y . s. p.MIII. fur theSW1, See
limi in, I n nship S,, ItaiiK--' .,
ami lhal said , im. f will he made he
l ,e ih- Li'vilcr - Lccrlver, ul l!,.He
li'ii i', ii eyoii, on May I, l'07.
IP' names the following witnesses
to prove his euii t i inn nis i en i deuce up
mi, a ml cull I v.i I if, the la ml, viz:
Lu l-i I'. I'liilllps, o: Culture liri've,
Oi-. l'uii. .lamei II. Lewi, of Cottatr.
linn,'. Ili'nii, Henry ll. Lincoln, of
Watchm a kv.h,
iiv j H i i jut' m f r -t s(f j.j, I ,lc cfui r
All wm k K "'i I aiili'fjii
Wa Liii;H , ' . I nt'k h tin ' 1 IcAi'liynt l..wcHt i'ilrt
(jori AtiK clovi:, oi;k.
J. S. Medley .1 '. .Ii.hnsuii
,AI ('(( $ ,1 oh n hod ,
A 1 1 oriicyn a t la w
h( Snilv 1 1 ink lihlj.
Special altentinii ulveu lo Mining
and ( 'ui'pora I Ion I ,;t w.
An act im 1 1,.- .I- ,,( 1 1 m I ie r l.ui.M In
the Stales i, f C, l,f , i n, ,, iii,',.Mi ,..
Mi. la and a h i n.-r , m I . 1 1 1 1 . ,i y , " ,M
tcn,e, ,,, ;, n. p, j,,,,. "I'.m,,!
Stiiles hv m l of A n' ,i I I vi "
lOsld'H si UNi.lliLl;'
of I, nane. '.,iiiii ,,i L. , Stni.. iur
Ten Hot y i ,,f in, ,.IM n, ,( y
tiled In ( his ,11, ee hi , ,u urn Mate
ineiit. No. 7h'.::i, f-.r the pniehnsc ,,, ,
-f NL ; I. ', ui M.', ami SW K
S I . of Sect lun Nu 'Jl ... I ... ,,i.i.
a. i i.a..., .. .. . . . . .
, . .i i . , in, ,, nun ,,. ,u a r - o , f h o 1 1 1 r i , I . a 1 1 " i n ,, vi,,.i o.
lii. . .1 I '. . I I I : 1 k. I I ... . ' '
' ' " ' " 1 1 K" ' ' I " ' ' , ' " "-K.OII.
1 1 1 : N.I A M I N L. I a,u',
Iti (.'inter
I fitS
The Original Laxatlvft CoutfK Syrup contalnlntf Honey nd Tr. Art Improvement over all CoutfU.
Lunrt Bronchial Kemedlea. Pleasant to the taale end good alike for young and old. All toui'.U
syrupa containing opiates constipate the bowel. Uee'a Laxative Honey and Tar -moves the bowels
nd contains no opiates. Prepared by PINE-VLE MEDICINE COMPANV, CHICAGO. V. b. A.
For sale by New Era Drug Store
Allormii ttl-Luw 4
- Olliei' en Mail, ,iii.', Went Sl,lu
CoT'J'ACK. (ll'OVP, Ol'l..
.lMMli 60 YEARS
ki;i;isi pa'i ion or land ii i li:.
In Hi-Circuit, dint of tlie State of
i'. oii for he anility nf Lane,
I n Ih- mat Ier i.f t he application uf
L. M. Day to re;-iHter the title to thn ipiailer of heellull 'M In
'l ow n-hip I'l, S. K. 4 west of W, ,M.
aK.iin-t all whom It may concern,
iii i ii'laiits.
lo All. WllnVt tr l V CONlTHN :
lal.e notice that nn (Ik, )stj (;,y ,,f
'ii'iirii A. l. I'.Mh an anpliciition was
liied h.y Maid It. M. Day 'n t lie circuit
Court ul Lam! County, fur Initial iv
idrailon .f the title to Hie land almve
ileHcrihed. Now unlcHs .you appear
on or liefure the pith iliiy of .April,
Li7, and -limv cniis't whyVneli appli
cation shall not lie granted, the Hanio
w ill he laheii ih eonfcMsed and ti le.
ci'i-e will he entered areordlut lo the
prayer of the application und yon will
he fiil-evel' dchal'l 'd from dlHpllHllK
I lie Hllllie. j
I'.. C. Li:ic, Clerk
I!y C M. (JitiMWni.i), Deputy.
.- i
TriAnE Marks
f If 1 1 CorYHIGHTS &C.
Anyonn ntimMtm u hltol h timl cMcriii(loii may
Outckly KHCiirluiii our tninoii Jtoo wdt'iJitir an
Invention ih DiohrtMy )ut( imiI iililn. 'niniiiiiiilf'tt-
)ii.iiHMHicilvcooiii("hhai. HANDIiUOK ni I'liicnta
Hi. nt in ti. otift'Mt npiiiii y tm im tiiiovf iiuttuilN.
I'attuilfi lahcn llnond Aliinn A. i o. ruculV6
ftjm Uu notice, wli IhmjL i:lir, in llm
Dr. King's
s'c;7 Cbcovory
rr.n I UNaUlflf I iwi Prlc
FUR I 0UCH8ani 60o&$LOO
V0LDS Frea Trial.
Scientific Jliiieilcnit,
A ImmlrtoiiH'ly llhiHtrntt-fl weekly T,fiij'Mt i lr
( iilalion ol any mi Mini Mir Joiii nal. 'I i'i ihm, $ 1 a
ytinr; 1 our iiiontiiB, L bulUbyull iiuwutd'alurM.
MUNN&Co.3P,B'Md"- New York
aliauvtt OOiuv, m BU Wiwlilualuu, U, U
Barest mill Uuitktat Cure for all
())' It Is j mil' ilo f . ui,, h yii.,.f
" lltll-ll.'lh.i US llili.Kllil,.. f yH luiVK
FA AiJiBL' Hi """"Lv, .,iiw,
, . , V "l,, llii.lKhll,
'I'l, l',i. I.i.rn ln,w lu ui'tjiiliu a u-rfu.-t
nl. In ,,v i:,rii1.., (iiii rn nt. .it uiftbiida I
Hill .,i,i n a fr,,. ,uiii,il,.t, In iun
illiv,.,i,,. Klvllit; i,l (.ulllcululi, If .J
wilt." l aliiv I I vi y.-ara atnlilli,)id
MAIlAMh. HUDbON, !i,)7 Maclaaf Mm
iiMI Wu.lili.yi.m at., I'lirtlaud, Orcvaa. .''
l.. mill Will ..tier l.rool I 1 1 J,,,,. (,,.,
the In ml soiivhl Is net,, vahmhle for il't
tlmliiT or si. , ii,. than f,,r aurleuUunil
purpoH.-H, and to esiahlish us t-alii
to nald land define '. W. C.lkins,
N. C.,inmlMi.oii.-r, a t his i.tliei" In
Ri'lie, Oregon, on Saturday the 1,'th
day of April, I'.iu;.
Ile names as wit lien i s:
John O P.- len, ,,f Lorane, Oi-.-lm,,
lacod HunU, of Lo,ne, uxx-
' l;"'n nuv. r L.UKe,,,., ine.
Ron; I- rank A. Til,, p. ,,f I lu'i'tm. i )n.
Any and all persons i.t..ii,,.i., ...i
vei-'.ely the ahove .eM l lands lire
reipicHteil to llle Ihei, clal.nH in thH
ollleoo,, ,., hefnie sa id hi I, da yof A pril,
IU:n.iamin L Lnnv, Kci-der.
N() H i; Hi I I itLICAl ).'
L'nlled Slat.'M Land Wllce,
Koseduin, OrcRon, March s, p,Mi7.
NotleelH herehy KVl. that in com
pliance w II, the iii'iii'lulimu ,.r ii
Of Coiikivmh of June :i, S7S, enlltled
All act r,,- t1(. ,;!,. (l( tj,,,!,,.,.
In the Sial. H of California. OreLfon
Noviidaan.l Washing,,., 'I'erritorv
H I'Xtende.l li the Puhlj,. J,;,,',,,
. ....... n ,.,. (If ,Mn,M ly,.,
of All. liny, county of ,im, Slnle(r
lerrl,,ry, of Ore,.,,,,, mM,lh
(iledli, tl.lHol ice her h wo,-,, Hta.e.nct
's',,l. th.i tiureliase ,,r (. ,N
K ut Seel Ion No. L's, In Township
No. l'i HoiiH,, It,u,Ke . rMVl,(; vv'
;M., an. will off,..- p,,,of PkI,Uw 1 1 , . , t
the Li ii I MoiiLdil. h more cil.e.i.i.. .....
Hfl I, I,, her or nl one Ih..,. i,. i.....
lural piu poHCH, a.i,, lo -1 al ilish ,r
claim to Hiild l uid defutn w, w. (juiK
UH, II. K. ( onni.lsshmi-r, nl, hiMolllee
111 I'.IIUCIII'. Ole.roii .... VV... ..
Hinnl lMhty ()f .luniV'pM'rV." ""X
sue niinie.s iih Wlllli'MHeH
Carleloii I-" v..,- .1' ii . .
cji..iri,,,i - v . : '
U-OM .'r,i,.l, M v,i.. 'i '"1'
renucbted to in,, (heir cl,,lmH thin,
llKN.IAMIN I,. Kliliy,
'S. ' , l,t. A i.V a 'av'
i - r f, '