Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, April 10, 1907, Image 4

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MHkf nil f hrrk yM. to NnnKCt rub. Co.
ri'lrrrd at tho p.iMiIHro Hi I'ottait Drove,
O'vkhii v "iM'oiul rims mail uiatli-r.
susu:iition i j ati's.
ti month
I v.-;ir fi-
months f'.V(K)
If paid in advance.
Clubbln? Pates.
Tho lioh.Miil.i Nucirot one year
villi any one of tho following pub
lii'atjons one year for ainonnt wt
l a. Hit- Monthlv ?-W
Weekly Oivgonian I Portland) ff-V.'iO
Weekly Journal I Portland $-.00
ladv Mining IhvotM lUcnver) $.Vf0
Weekly Mining Kecord $2.-5
Pacilio Homestead S-i.lVt
Northwesi poultry .Journal $1.73
. p)..'r : V.M't on nto tv Til K AMKKI-
meicc Hnililini!. IViner, loin , where our
rt'u lrr w ill ! ''ivuc lo ll' ueol 111 load
ing i .i-M! m m Ihf urmis milling e lion of
ll" rM . ; m iont i !u hlitary Hiul mtnrn' 'X-Q:!nt.
riUS I'AI'KR ii. koi'l on Mf at K ('. Prake'
.A.lvfrlisnn: Aarnry. i;imi.f'i Men'l,ants Kx
hmi!:t, :-hm I rHiirbc u. I uluonin. w lioro Oini
rai t? lor a.lwri iv;nt can iiih,1o (or u.
Ykini:siuv, Aikh. 10, 1907
Rich New Zealand.
New Zealand, tho land where
thcic is neither pauper nor million
r.ire, senus to be prospering under
the mol "advanced" Hysteria of
laws enforced anywhere on earth.
Tho liijrh commissioner of the
colony in I.ondon hap received in a
cablegram t be following statistics
for l'.'tKi:
Population, 'JtV.l.OOO; value of
imports, 'f74,'J14,ox), value of ex
ports, 7s.;5.")0,ooo;. Principal ex
jiorts: Wool, ?;', H I, 000; frozen
meat' $n,ooo,ooo; butter, $7, 004,
IM'O; phorminm, -5, 770, 000; kauri
,'um, j,0.s6,coo; cheese, 1,0154.000;
output of sawmills, $10,220,000;
output of at am mills, $"),14;
output of breweries, f 2,7S6,.r)oo;
and output of bacon factories, $1,-
A Wellington correspondent ot
the London (daily) Times states
that with an increase of $10,oooo,-
000 in the value of New Zealand
exports the colony could not well
be otherwise than prosperous.
The to'al commerce of New Zea
land is $100 for each inhabitant.
That of the United States i3 about
$31 for each inhabitant; that of
Great Britain itself $122 for each
inhabitant. New York World.
People Grown Tired ot Their State
Being Held up to Ridicule.
The most Bit iking- and Rtatifying
evidence of the growth of tho senti
ment ngainst easy divorce in sceu in
the notion of the Legislature iu
South Dakota. That body has
just passed a law requiring a resi
dence of one year in the state ud
three months in the couutr he fori a
divorce action can be brought, aud
providing that all divorce hearings
shall be in open court.
That is a blow t the Siox Kails
divorce colony, and the dispatches
indicate that the bill was pa.sBed for
just that purpose. The citizens of
South Dakota have grown tired of
being hold up before the country as
people willing to let out the ma
chinery of their courts for farcical
divorces, in order to attract men
and women who are expected to
spend money lavishly during their
temporary sojourn iu the state. In
pitt ing an end to that scandalous
condition South Dakota has merely
followed the example of other
states western and eastern. It is
not so long ago that the city of
Chicago ws the Mecca for easy-divorce
seekers, and that a stock sub
ject for jokes in the comic papers
was the encounter ot first, second
and third ex-husbands and wives
in the fashionable society of that
city. South Pakota is growing
more wealthy, more populous and
as it grows in material things, it
I develops a higher sense of morality
and of its responsibility to the rest
of the country. The growth of
that sense- will finally put an end to
all divorce colonies. If peopie are
to be relieved from intolerable mar
ital relatious by law, they should at
least have reasons so weighty that
they are not ashamed to stand up
among their ueighbora and pro
claim them.
GIVK it food that will not irritalcor
rctnnl the performance of its natural
functions, and it will reciprocate in a way
agreeable and comforting.
No single ingredient contributes so
largely toward wholesome, nourishing,
agreeable food as Royal H iking Powder."
Royal Raking Powder's active ingre
dient, Grape Cream of Tartar, is the
most healthful of the fruit products.
This is why Royal Raking Powder
makes the food finer, lighter, more appe
tizing and anti-dyspeptic, a friend to the
stomach and good health.
Imitation Baking Powders Contain Alum
"The use of alum and salts of alumina in
food should be PROMIISITIU). The con
stant use of alum compounds exerts a
deleterious effect upon the digestive
organs and an irritation of the internal
organs after absorption.
"Professor of Chemistry
"Harvard Medical School, Uo.ston."
ROVAl H A K I N'j l oWlyf II i o., N W Y. JHK
m &
. Its No Wonder
this to;;icuy ii n "
iiii'iisr HAT ti:nlr w In" V" ""
siilcr tin New St lY .11 1 i iif. 1 1
two wet Ks
.High Grade Meats;
Fresh Beef, Pork, Million .md
alwnys re.idy.
Our Refrigerator
is l Ik lines! in I Mi "'
Presli Pish each I'ticsJay ami I thI.i.v.
Scr nnr plant, i-vi-rvtliin.u new ami u l ilat".
Frod Herren.
I'l... 11
Mrtlii H
IinprotT nctioiiH of the kidneys
causi's backaclie, lumbago, rheuma
tism. "Pinnules" Is a kidney remedy
that will relieve thnse diseases. Pleas
ant to take and guaranteed to give
satisfaction or money refunded, "lie
lief it every dose." Sold by New Kra
Inif? Store.
In the treatment if Piles It U'oomes
neeee.SHary to hav. the remedy put up
in su-li furm that it '-an ! applied to
the part affeite.l. Man Zan Pile
remedy- is encaseil In a collapsible
tube with nozzle attached. It cannot
help but reach tho nput. ltelieven
blind, bleeding, itching and protrud
ing jnlfri. .) cents with uozzlo Ruar
auteed. Try it. Sold by New Era
ru g Store.
Eradicate Saloons by Substitution.
In order to study the saloon
problem at first-hand an eastern
minister donned the habiliments of
a tramp and upent several weeks
hanging around liiiorHhops. Then
he returned to his congregation and
told them a few things. He told
them that the saloonkeeper found
it a good investment to maintain a
watering trough for horses, for
while the horses were drinking the
teamster ttopped in and got one
for himself. The saloon doors were
always oj en ami a hungry man
could always laid food therein. He
told thnn that the saloonkeeper
was always kindly, always sympa
thetic and always ready to help.
Then he wound up by saying:
"For $joo some men join exclusive
political and social clubs on the
avenuo of the metropolis. For $"
some men join Young Men's Chris
tian Association clubs, but for &
cents 'h multitude of men whom
only Cod unci (he saloonkeeper and
the ward b"ss know nightly join
the one demo' ratic club in Ameri
can saloon." His conclusion was
that if the saloons must be eradica
ted it must be done by substituting
for it something that will furnish
the social element so craved by
men without mixing with it the ilia
of the saloon.
Referring to the large increase
in gold production, a strong Bryan
paper ol 1896, says:
'This immense expansion his
had two important consequences
It has permitted several countries
to adopt the gold standard iu the
past ten years, Mexico being the
latest of them to make this chauge
It has helped to quicken all sorts of
industries and to send prices and
wages up. These effects have been
felt in all the great countries of the
world, but particularly in the
United States."
Kveryone of mature age remem
bers the effort made by Bryan and
his followers in 1890, to make the
people believe that unless CO cents
worth of silver was declared to be
worth one dollar by merely minting
it, the country would go to the
bow-wows. But through the Re
publican party, assisted by Demo
cratic patriots the free silver craze
was killed and buried for ever, and
the worst of the fanatics are turn
blingover one another to applaud
the result of the policy they con
demned, their eyes being opened at
Then; are many kidney remedies
but few accomplish the result.
"Plncules" Ih a kidney remedy that
contains no alrhol or optiates of any
kind, complies with the National
Food and Drug Law, guaranteed to
give Hatisfart inn. Thirty days treat
ment for f 1 .00. Irnpiire about "I'ini.
ules." Sold by New Kra Drug Store.
Will accept wood for renewals of
(subscriptions at this office.
May Become Popular.
Somebody has introduced hug
ging societies to swell church and
lodge treasuries, and affixed the
following scale of prices; Girls un
der sixteen, 12 cents, for a 2-min-ute
hug, or 10 cents for a short
squeeze; from 10 to 20 years, GO
cents; school inarms, 10 cents;
another man's wife, $1; widows, ac
cording to looks from 'J cents to $.1;
old maids, 3 cents apiece or two for
5 cents, no time limit; Editors pay
in advertisements but are not al
lowed to participate until everyone
else is through.
Graphophone: T
F R 15 i:
Occa-i' inall v per-i ns 1 1 v i 1 i 1 .
' to purchase a 1 1 1 a pi pln me fi n
J elude that they can -eciiu-a -,
cr price n a machine iy Im.i In r
at Ktigene, I'c nt land, nr l.
pending Mast . We want In mal.c
thowe peisiiiix the f. 1 1. w i II
Anyone la in;.' pi'""!' I n-
to thecl'I'ecl that t Lev oranv "f
their friends have purchased or
can purchase, any type of I - 1 1
son. Col 11 m hia or Y id or 1 r.i ph -oplione
or record -i ;il any "f tin
above mentioned place-, any
cheaper than we are selling tic
same, will he given a loaplio
phono absolutely free, livery
agent i.i lioiind by the M.imeea.-t
Iron contract to s 'II only at the
prices llxed by I he 1'adoiy an
any airent doing 1 u her I 1
prompt ly suspended.
When von buy el-ewhcre you
are simply out the cpr-;,
freight or your car fa re In transaction. from your local dealer
who is here to stay and mala
good all !'uarutitec.
The Bazaar. I
Headquarters IW
Mining and Commercial 31cn
C. T. LONG, Prop . (
Boirdlns and day icbool (or touui lailirs.
Muilc (Lcacbtltkj method). Art; t'omplrit
Acdmlo Cour: tpc-lal InducemroU. Cor
laformaOom addxts fiutar fiuucrlor.
Dr. and Mrs. Horsfall. of Marshficld
Are Commissioned to Accompany
Oregon Girls.
Tho interest iu advcrli-itu; Ore
gon at the Jamestown exposition by
moans of the pn tty b'-vy of t;irls
who are to be drilled and coiummid
ed by Col. J. C. Co.. per, of Mc-
Minnville, is growing ihroitg' out
the state and various ( .omiii'-u i il
jodies are making arrange 1 1 1 1 lo
send a rcpmseiitutivn to be diiljcil
for the ;x(-rcises to be given at the
exposition. Coos county will hnvo
representative and will pay lur
expenses to the exposition.
(lovcrnor Cliambcil iin h is mad
two appointments conneded with
the expedition. Mrs. I.yilia K
forsfall of -Marshficld, Coos county
was commissioned as chaperon ami
musician to the Oregon (Jills' Drill
Company for the Jamestown expos
ition, and Dr. Horsfall, also of
Marshficld, was ceanniissioiicd ns
attending physician of the same
icjKirc for (n igalion, Strayiiix:
anil )iiiiiiiiix M.K finery.
(h 1 mii iiaiiks -.ijiii e i.i'.oiini' i',ii-
jj ';)CM lor pumiiie, J r.-i yili;..' ,
Sij sawing, gi hiding. Oullas
r4 complete f'uii bniiKs Scab s
for wti'diiir" I 'a 11 bun I. s-
Moise I 1 1 1 1 1 . and .Motors
for powci mid light. I'aii btiiiks
Mone U iudmiils and Toucis
luii ban I-. s Mon(i Jm cd Chop
pers, f j r iiidi 1.;, Will l'ump.i.
All lii'.t (pialily ooods at low
est pi ices. Always in stock.
I.ibenil terms. J'reimpt reply
to impiirics, fiii(. I; shipnaiiits.
Write for 1 utaloj.Mie and prices.
Portland, Orcj-eui.
- j hi
1 4
' "' jlj
I I, I
s gxxm. sismrn!
: : " . "-I ."Si 4 IV (.W-.v 'l
.1,1 . 1
Wynne Hardware Co.
R.ead the Nigget.
it. 1 m 1 1
10 V T:lliii!l:ll ll.'illL' 1 i I
i Collate (irovc, Or.
t I Paid up Capital: S 4 ' ' . -
jgsurp.u.n,,, indiUd..., PmhU. fi t, ' hf?l '
Jb&mifcKf'V:- '
; H Money to lo.oi on app; intv :l if ja-iL'' JV ' f -i" ' f.1 .-.VV.Vfc
;g Ivv.-h.uiL'.- i.l. I. Me . i r , v g V TS&4-"" -'' A.- .- : -I' Y",(v
I t? !'. in !! I Ii l-i yf.iu . il B JC --, - "-'-0 ' T
iK 19 m, tev- "v i, ; - -i j t
4 hf n h i - r"
I'll l'i..-i.i-..i. .-hi.-. U I - - Pi -, n.-;.,:j m . ; 1 ' V'r
I T I r u I . . l m i . . aa r - . i 1 "1 y7I
; I;ssS??:;l5 c-X
g Ui rectors 'X Ul ' ' " " " " : -! t-Un
4 Jj 6 "i""MWBMBMaMBjgi
i . II. Mill I!. I I I I II, . . 2 t
X II l: I I no. I II II. I; 1. 1 Ii I I ', X
4 X I '. I f os I, I i . . 9. I j .. - .. " n
Iliiiik ol Cottciiro Grove mmWmA-
I Paid Capital $25,000.00. 9 V. ' U'? c r? ! l 3 y -11 ' ;: y I '- " v
9 9 h ' S Er." c -:s -" ; c . - . . ! '
W. II. Abram. . I're.ident VQ 9 1A o ' V'' o " ' ' '- ' I ' 1 V J ,
0 B. Lurch . Vice.rrciident 6 ? ' - li'l'' i ; - . " t " " : - : ? J , (
9 C.RoMKinii - Canhicr 9 V. S " t ' " ; ? ?. - ii t , r. i . -
5 A. H. KcUo - A..Utant Ca.hier X X3 - - 5" h 1 1 h Z ' L : ' JI.7), s ,
I M 2 -i l g ;
2 A icpiesenl.ltivc bank o the g "" -
9 business public of this cily and 9
X surrounding country'. X i..
1 2 Wc Solicit your Im-iness X ', 1 r frr-- ' t
ix s i;, ii -r- ..,--r-;:..'' .;, i.
N MJr.
C ; ,;
f:. -2ryiK I , I . , 1 ' , v ' .-. ..- - ) ' ; .- '
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