Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, April 10, 1907, Image 3

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Harriman Coal Companies Oder
Government Stolen Land.
Asks Immunity In Return, I tit Only a
a Small Part of Stealings
I Oflcred.
VaI i i tiK'1 n , April I. It was learned
ton ighl. 1 1 i t 1 1 h 1 1 arrl man corporal ions,
whose ramlliciil ions extend (n null laud
und other vat Intercuts in llii- Far
West, lire ottering to rest-ore to the gov-
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 pmpcrt li'M liny have hereto
fore -In iiitd iiH 1 1 it-1 th by good iiinl in-
pit' til If. They prefer In do til is I ill her
t llllll ) prosecuted.
('ml land worlh ill t In- aggregate mil
lions of dollars is to be rchlrii In I he
public 1 i i in 1 1 1 , iih ii result n( tin- r 1 1 1
lll't i vit il' of I l II t iTH lit l ( 'olllllHTi'l'
olnmisnion . 'I III- Corn In ihH.ii ill several
tnoiit Iih aii in v est igut ct I hi In i 1 frauds
ill V V' mi I lit, ( '"ilniii'ln inn) I'tuli. It
WHS (illlllll tllllt till U 111 ill' t-CCtioll llh
hoiicycoiiilied with i uri upl inn imdils
I I t M 1 1 1 1 1 -Jl t i tllllt till gellellll lalld
illl'c llllil hccll either 1 1 i J n I i-Mf-1 y incom
petent nr worse in permitting tin' rail
mud companies mid their allied corMi
iiiluitiH, llii' t'ninii Pacific 'mil ciiiii
)iiny, tin- I t. ill Fuel i'i n 1 1 'it ti y and tin
('dorado l iii'l A r 1 1 company tn sc.
cure, 1 y iinous mnl .lev inns met 1 ih,
emit ml uf gnat areas of the richest coal
land in tln West .
Tlio Union Pacific Coal Company i a
sulisidiary rui porut inn n( tin I riit
I 'iii-1 lie Kailri'li'l i'iiiii'iiny. All the
stick nf tin- mnl mnipiiiiy, except
qualifying slum h f ir I i r rlniN, i owned
ly tin' railroad i 1 1 1 m ; i y . Tlii'roul
minpiiny secured control nf u large
amount nf M'np mnl iim iI it torn-cure
I'll 1 1 v nf liui'l, u 1 1 1 1 1 1 wiii lii h in the
finest bituminous iinil nf tlic Wyoming
Am it in tin- c 'ii I ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 v is anxious
In n-turn tin- Miliuililr Inti'l to tlif gov
ernment liii'l end the inattel . I'.llt till'
1 1 ill 1 1 1-r will lint lie nllnWi'il tn -lii I
tlifif. Wliili- there in iin pMH-ilili' de
fense tn tin- tit ! II iii If r w liiili this MTip
lllll'l has Is-cll rluiliiiil this, though
very vuluiililc, const it nles i hi 1 v a small
part iii tlif coal liui'l linn liflil by the
I'liinii I'liritii' ruilrmi'l, tin- Union Pa
cific (Val rinn H'l v. tin- I ' li lull Fuel
-Company ami other concerns.
Hundred Cross border From Can
ada and mexico.
Washington, Mun li -1 . Inf.ii unit inn
has ri'iu'lifil tlif i 1 1 1 1 1 i ir.i t i hi bureau f
tin' I ifiuirt iii. .hi .f '.''!i:::::;r;v ;.;..! tlnit liiimlri'ilH nf .In pane ii' Ii:ivi at
rivi'il in Mexico dest iticd for tlif I'nitftl
StutfH. Inspector r.riinn, who was sent
In Mi'xii'u tn investigate, tflf urn p'hiI
today tlnit In' Iiii.I interviewed M vniil
hundred Japanese, principally laborers,
who arc imw in Mexico. Many of them
uri in straightened ciicum-tanccs. They
have lin iiitflitinn -f tcinairiini.' in Mcx
ifit, lint iln desire tn rnliif tn tlif I'liitfil
States. Tlify xjM'ft tn nlitain c mplny.
ini'tit mi tlif iiiilrmnls nf tin- Vct an. I
Sunt liwi'Ht. Sninn nf tlif in liavi" al
ri'iiily iipplifl fnr aJmiHsinn tn tin
Cniti'il StjitrH iiikI Iiiivc lii'i'ii ilfiiifl.
Russia Says Time Is Not Ripe (or
Limiting, Armament.
St. l'ftf rnliurv, April 4. AivnnlinK'
tn I'rnfi'SNiir Ii Mari'iitn, whn mih if
'fivfil in aiiilif iii'ii I iy llnipfrnr Niflin
Iiim yfulcr-lny, UiiHHin Im-Ui'vi'm the tinif
In lint ripf ft r t lie iliiVllChioll nf tlif
ii('Ht inn nf limiliit inn nf iirmiiiiioiitM, iih
pnwt iciil ifHiilts I'linnnt U nlitniiifil,
lint if (lie I 'nit fil Stntci iin.l I tent I'.i it
u in ii ro df t c i in i ni'il to liriny tlio milijtvt
lif fnro t lif conference' lin.-ciii in lint in-
I'lincil tn iiiHiHt on it." e xcliiHimi.
Ill cnliHfillf IH Tf nf the IlliHilfCesf fill
war KiihHiu'H army tin. I lleet are far
lielnw tier tinrtniil ntri'iiu'lh atul hIio in
tint willing to ri'ftrict Ikt freedntn of
art inn in rcpiiniiiK her naval Htrenth.
Four Jurors Are Accepted.
San KrnnciHco, April 4 Three of the
llret tnlecmen who will Hit in the jnry
linx, fiilijfct to pfreinptoty challeniic,
were jihhhimI liy the proHecut inn niul the.
lefetiHe iih a rcHiilt of the. Hecond lny'n
pri.ceeilinH in tho trial of Aliraliiiiu
Kiit'f for extort inn. One having heen
piiHHed by both widcH the Hint day, four
talcHinen havo now heen toniporarily
j'tjlecteil. When this number Iihh been
lnereimed to twelve they will bo mib
ject to peremptory ebullcne, tho de
feiiHo hnvinx t rnt to excuse ten
jnrnrH and the prosecution five.
Detwller Escapes In Auto.
ltattle Creek, Mich., April 4. A. K.
Detwiler, of Toledo, indicted for brib
iry at Sun FranciHco, wiih locateil in u
JM'ivttte rcHidcnco hero thin aftoinoon,
mt encaped arrest by leaving the hotife
by a rear door und wuh whirled uway
in an automobile five minutes holme
the detectives culled at the house to
effect hiH nrront. It Is thounlit Ietwil
r's dint, inut Ion was Itello IhIo, 12 miles
not th of here, where lie could reiu'h
vutch u (iraiul Trunk train for Canada.
Rejects Bering Tunnel Scheme.
St. Petersburg, Apiil 4. The cab
inet today rejected a proposal made on
IjchaU tf an American syndlcutofor the
construction of a railroad tunnel under
lierint? ftiuits, by which it was hoped
ultimately to connect the Trans-SllK'riun
with the Canadian I'aulflo railroad.
Madiators Btlll Hopeful of Preventing
ll'K Rnilwny htrike.
Chiciim, April .'I. In n limit cff.irl.
to inert the iiiipi'ii'linu riiilinnd nt r i k ,
( 'niiiiiiifi. Knnpp lilid Nfill, the
iiKi'tilM nf I'li'Hlili'iit l.'iHisi'Vf II , will
Ii i it U i it 1 1 i i ci t n 1 1 J ii -ii I t i (he full inm
lliit Iff nf i 'in. I in tnrii till. I tllliliini'll In
ilnv. The liii'i'tliiK will be held in the
Sherman limine, and the I - li-i n I m.'.ll-
IttnrM will lay bffnre the 1 70 ilfli'pitiS
the It I ill 1 pmniHt inn nf t he general Uiliu
iiyi'iM. Wlmt thai prnpiiMt inn ih iii'illi
er the i'iiiiiiniHiniif rs tun the lnbnr
chiefs wnilld ill'rlnKf tniiiht, but it in
tin. If rMlnnd In contain nnme minor con-
I'lic decision nf MfMHrn. Knapp nnd
Neill tn visit the mi'ctiliK of the labni
di'lfpitfP arid ft 1 1 1 -ii 1 t'j thfln direct
was ri'pnrN'.l at a ennference with the
hilior chiefM, which lasted until 11
oYlnck hiMt niht. It was taken to In
dicate that the fnmmittee which has
been conduct int( the mynliiit ions rcfui
ik tn accept the terms ( f the Iniwiutrers
and tlillt it Invited the I'l'deml llicllllt
nrs tn attend the meet ilitf and find out
in a diiect manner w hut the dclcut. s
thnu.'lil nf tin oiler.
At the ini'ctihy tmhiy the entile miit
tiT will be put up tn the ilfli'imtfH nnd
it is believed that it will end the ( nli
fi'Tf nces. Thf cniitrnvftsy will either
be settled Ol the threatened Strike,
which ban been suspended fur several
days w hile the nck'nt iatinriH wen petld
llIK'. W'ill be (leclnred. 'I he prnip4'i ts
fnr an amicable settlement seem mnre
'hiffs Mmrissey and ( iarretsnn at
tended a meeting of the full committfe
and it win said they learned the temper
nftheii men an tn what ciiiicefKioiiH
they would make in the interests of
"Is the nine-hnur day the mil stum
bling hlni k in the way nf peace?" was
linked nf Mr. ( iarn t'-on.
"I am not at liberty to difenss the
Hltlllltinll llnW," he tepllcd, "hut IIS 11
matter of fact theie haf imt b-en a min
ute Mince the confelel ee has Imvuii that
the nine-hour day was not the leal
stumlililit! bliH'k. The men are deter
iiiilie.l nn t hat isnie. ' '
III the event of I he nejiot iat inns bein
bmken off and a strike resnrtrd tn,
which is a strnnn prnhiihility, the real
ii-sue will ). the nine-hnur dav.
Chicago Voters Turn Down Mayor
for New Man.
Chicnjii , April .'t. The Republicans,
headed by Frederick A. JiiisHe fnr may
or, carried Chicago yesterday . I'-crhnis
tin Mie was mure surpricl at the result
than tin Republicans thvmselves. It
marked the climax nf the inm-t mystify
ing and the tilthicbt cainiaiii ever
wa'eil In the city.
Chicago will imw sjM'edily settle its
strretcar jirnblem, which has Im-cii
handed back and fnrth fm 11 yeurn ua n
I m i it ii-n I asset, the service (jmw in: nmre
w retched and ant i. plated every vein.
Within '. days the tract inn enmjiaiiies
timid Hceepi the nrdinances, rehabilitate
the lines entirely, provide stllhcielit
cars, alsilish straps, repave the streets,
sprinkle and keep the streets in order,
build such extensions as the city shall
order and turn over, as fr..m February
1 of this year, .r." per cent of the net
profits. The city may invest this sum
ni.iinst the time it will buy the lines
fnr (100,000 plus the anmunt spent,
or it may he used to lower fares.
Electric Light Plant Valued at Two
and a Half Millions Destroyed.
Sun Francisco, April U. The destruc
tion of the electric liht and power
house of the San Francisco (ins A Klec
tric Fiuht company at Twenty-second
avenue South and (ieornia street by lire
last nik'ht plunged almost the entire
city intn ihukiiess, resulted in the in
juring of five tiremen and causing a loss
c.-'.t hunted at $2.f)00,00(.
I'xtru jsilice weie placed on duty at
the tcmjMirary hall of justice and city
prison at F'.ddy and Mason streets.
hi inu t the darkness, the buildiiiKS
having no as connect inns, no one was
allow ed to enter or leave the city prison
and tio prisoners were released on hail.
His Chauffeur Burns Spy.
San Francisco, April 3. When Su
pervisor .lames i. (iallaher was dash
inn about San Francisco last winter in
his red autninnhile, the quiet, unassum
intf young mahout at the wheel was
none other than a disguised detective in
t he employ of William .1 . burns. When
(iiillalier went to Huef's ollice to jiet
the hoodie money, when ho secretly
sped to tho home of Mayor Schtnitz to
arrange 11)1011 franchise piograms, when
he went to the bank to deposit his own
share, this mahout was always with
him in the automobile.
Montana Is Republican.
Helena, Mont., April 3. Monday's
municipal elections in Montana result
ed in a Republican landslide, only two
cities in the sta'e electing iVniocrat ic
mayors, whil. the opposition party was
successful in all other Instances. Asa
rule, party lines were closely drawn
and a heavy vote polled. Ureut Falls
and I.ewiston elected straight IVmo
cratie tickets, while Hillings, IW.e
man. Livingston, Anaconda and liutte
chose Republican mayors.
Votff on Saloons In Newbraska.
Omaha, April 3. City elections
were held in all cities and towns of Ne
braska except Omaha, South Omaha
and Lincoln. Piobably thiee-quarters
of the towns ignored party politics,
voting only on the question of licensing
saloons. In only a few towns weie the
existing conditions changed.
1 1 1 1
.... .. . . . ........
I UKOrtN blUi'a nual ILI I ItS. fLAN 1U EXACT iHioUlt, I
American Dipiomant Prevsnts Bom
bardment of Amapala.
Washington, April 5. Mr. (lorca,
the Niciiriigiiiin minister, culled at the
State id -1 ii it men! tnday and inquired
w hut aut Imt ity Phillip llrown, swte
laryof the American legation to'iuati
malii and I loiiduras, had fnr his inter-
Ii li nce with the hnmbardment of .ma-
illla, llolidilias, by the N ieaniguan
Mr. Conn's advices) fiom his home
g'lvcriiini'iit nhow Unit Mr. P.rown went
tn A ma I ill III, Jiersuailed the N i.'ii MiguatiM
t 1 cease tiring fni 2 hnurs and then
went to Iji I'nion, Salvador, whence he
issued a protest., saying that Salvador
would regard renewal nf the Isitnhird
incut lis a ilii'larat inn of war against
Salvador. Slate, depaitment ollicials
refuse to disci. i-e what Mr. Plow 11 s in
strui t inns lisve been.
President IWiiila is still surrounded
at Amapala, so far 11s the Stall depart
ment knows, but the hnmliardment of
the town by N'icafaguau gunlsiats 1ms
ceased .
Stickney, Speyer and Whitridge, Of
fer President Suggestions.
Washington, April . The president
has received communications from A.
I!. Stickney, of t he ( h icago i real West
ern; .lames rpcver, ol the liiinking
linn of Speyer iV: Co., of New York, and
I redeiick Whitridge, a New York law
yer, all of them hearing on the railroad
situation. M r. Stickney made a unru
lier of suggestions which he thought
might be o value to tlie president in
any legislation tie might ilesire to rec
ommend to congress.
The president today replied to Mr.
Stickiicy'n letter and requested that lit
lahorate to some extent the points he
had already brought nut. Mr. Whit
ridge has been invited to enme here to
infer with the president and is expect
ed here within the next few days.
Stop Hitchcock Methods.
Wa-hingtnn, April '2. Secret ary
iarlieldis slowly but systematically
liminating Hitchcock method from the
I'lminist rat ion of the interior (lejvirt-
mcnt. The most iinsirtaiit reform now
in contemplation is the elimination of
the practice of lx smirching the charact
ers, of honest men. Hereafter inspect
ing ollicials w ill be held strictly ac
countable f..r their reports and when
ever they attack the character or record
of any u iin, thev must make good or
get out of the service There has been
altogether too much recklessness in
late years, and it has got to stop. (Jar
lield is as anxious as Hitchcock to pun
ish grafters and land thieves but lie
will not tolerate recklessness.
Postal Agreement With Canada.
Washington, April . At a confer
ence bet ween postmaster (Jencral Ix
mieiix, of Canada, and postmaster (ien
eral Meyer, of the I'nitcd States, in
this city today, an agreement was reach
ed to amend the postal convention ex
isting between the two countries insofar
as it affects the transmission of news
p.iiers and periodicals known as seer ml
class matter U'tween the two countries.
Canada invepts tJie tentative proposal
of this country that second class matter
mailed in one country and addressed to
the other might he subject to a rate of
l cent for seach four ounces or fraction
thereof on each bulk package, prepaid
by stamps affixed.
Prosecute Poison Seilers.
Washington, April 4. The depart
ment of Agriculture is making prepara
tions to begin prosecutions under the
pure food law and Ir. Wiley lias given
instructions to his inspectors to secure
as soon as possible the samples on which
the accusat ions will lie based. The
offending establishments have generally
been hx'tited, and nothing rctuaips ex
cept to obtain specimens tf the articles.
When these are procured charges will
be formulated and supplied to the I'nit
cd States district attorneys in whose
districts the offciidets inav reside.
Circulation on Increase.
Washington, April 3. The monthly statement shows that at the
close of business March 30, lt07, the
total circulation of National bank notes
was $5lt7,l 2. (.':!. and an increase for
the month of $Si!),04l. The circula
tion based on I'nitvd States bonds
amounted to $ri47,ti.'i;t,Ot:?, an increase
for the year of fH.r), 4 ll, 51 2 and a de
crease for the month of 2,104,(K). The
circulation secured by lawful money ag
gregated 140, 570,000.
Believes Negroes Gu Itless.
Washington, April 4. Captain P.
Lyon, of Company D, Twenty-fifth in
fantry, was the only witness examined
today in the Prownsville investigation
before the senate committee. His per
sonal view that negro soldier-t di 1 not
do the shooting attracted much atten
tion, as lie said at first he vva.s con
vinced of their guilt, but ills npinon
was changed by the report of expeits
who examined the shells picked up in
the streets of Prow nsville.
General Humphrey Reappointed.
Washington, April 4. The president
has reappointed Prigadier General
Charles F. Humphrey as quartermaster
general to succeed himself on the ex
piration of his present term.
New Lighthouse Engineer.
Washington, April fl. M. J. Puike,
of Oregon, was today appointed assist
ant engineer in the U. 8. lighthouse
Forestry Service Would Tax Pine
lines of Hight of Wy.
Washington, April '2. 'I he Fori stry j mcnt. Jhc neglect of the Chilean con
HiTvice hai submitted to the attorney : gf'SH to liipropriate suflicient money to
I gem-mi the question of the legality of
the practice rf ho eha rging cor.niierciul a reason for leaving the American mis-r-ompanies
for the right of conducting !'"'"" harge of Alts-rlo VoHeham, pcc-
wnter through the rcw rves for the de-
velopment of power and other i)
it to cause them to contribute to the
expense of maintaining the reserves.
The service has heretofore exacted pay
ment, for pipelines taking water from
the streams in the reserves, hut the
right to do so has been questioned, und
it is now the piirjeisc to secure the at
torney general's view of the mint. The
Forestry administration takes the jKi-i-tinn
that the com jmn ies should pay
s iinething for the service they receive
through the conservation of the waters
of the streams on which they rely, arid
they ti ri'l their only opportunity in the
charge of the right of way.
Practically all the water used by
them is conveyed through pipelines for
the prsliict ion of electricity arid the tie
mand is constant ly increasing.
Express Company as Merchants.
Washington, April At the recent
hi s-ion of congress the senate adopted a
re-olutioti directing the Interstate Com
merce commission tn inquire into state
ments that the American, Adams,
t'nited States, Pacific and Wells Fargo
F.xprcss companies, or either of them,
are engaged through any agents in the
business of buying, selling or handling
on consignment fruits, vegetables ar.d
oysters entering into interstate com
merce and to rejsirt the results of its
investigation to the senate. Today the
commission issue.! an order requiring
the express companies named to file
with the commission statements show
ing in detail to w hat extent , if anv.
they are engaged in the busintss indi
cated. Accepts a New Post.
Wa.-hington, April 4. (iecrge F.
Pollock, the ex-assistant commissioner
of the general land office, lias accepted
a position in the forest service. It is no
secret among the memliers of the forest
service that Mr. Pinehot has wished for
some time tn secure fnr his own bureau
the advantage of Mr. Pollock's intimate
familiarity with public land questions.
A new position lias now lieen created
which will put him in charge of all
matters relating to public lands in for
est reserves, claims, privileges, elimi
nations, etc.
Swift Loses Promotion.
Washington, April 4. Captain Wil
liam Sw ift, who was in command of
the liattleship Connecticut when it
grounded near Culebra on January l.'i,
was found guilty of inatttnt ion and
neglect of duty by the courtniiirtial
which tried him at Norfolk. The Navy
department reviewed the sentence, and
today it was announced tliat Captain
Swift will lie suspended from duty for
nine nmntiis and will lose time num
Ikts. Land Restored to Entry.
Washington, April f. Forester Pin
ehot today recommended the restoration
to entry of 359,000 acres of land that
has been temporarily withdrawn adja
cent to the Cascade forest reserve, but
which was not added to that reserve
prior to March 4 last. The land be
comes subject to settlement immediate
ly and becomes subject to entry after
00 days. I'nder the act of last session
this land could not be permanently re
served except by act of congress.
Invitation Reaches Rosen.
Washington, April 5. Karon Rosen,
the Kussian amluissador, called upon
Secretary Knot at the State department
today and informed him he had receiv
ed from St. Petersburg the invitation
to the I'nited States, to attend the sec
ond Hague conference. The invitation
was in French and it was necessary to
make a translation before it could be
handed to Mi. Koot officially.
Consulship Given Manning.
Washington, April 6. Isaac A. Man
ning, of Portland, was today appointed
consul to Cartagena. Colombia. Mr.
Manning recently took the consular ex
amination for which he was designated
by the president at the request of Sen
ator Fulton in John Karrett. Since his
examination be has lieen strongly in
dorsed by Senator Kourne for early ap
pointment. Dayton Commanes Asiatic Fleet.
Washington, April 3. Pear Admiial
James A. lHiyton, heretofore m com
mand of the Philippine squadron, today
assumed command of the Asiatic fleet
as the relief of Kear sAdniiral Krown
s.011, who has been entered to this city
to relieve Kear Admiral Converse, re
tired, as chief of the buieuu of naviga
tion. Contract for Life-Saving Tug.
Washington, April 6. The contract
for constructing Neah Kay (Washing
ton) lifesavlng tug will be awarded to
Pusey it Jones, of Wilmington, Del.,
their bid being $180,057. No Pacific
coast firms submitted bids.
New Washington Postmasters.
Washintgon, April 0. Washington
postmasters appointed: Waterloo, Wal
ter A. Park, vice II. Thew, resigned;
Gibson, Thomas Willis, vice GuyWar
ing, resigned.
South American Republic Wanted Am
bassador at Washington.
Washington, April 2. Chile's fail
uri) to send a minister to Washington
to repliwi! Mr. Walker Martinez, who
did not return here after the Pan-
- 1 American conference at Rio JatiT-o
last summer, has caused much com
maintain the legation has been given as
;'etary of the legation.
Put it lias just ls;ome known that
the real cause was hidden deep in
I-atin-Amcriean rsjlitics. Chile difid
ed it would 13 a good idea to have an
arnUissador in Washington, and steps
were taken to discover what the I'nit
ed SUites thought of the profsied ele
vation of the Chilean representative to
The suggestion that the Chilean en
voy might Is; raised to the amiassa
dorial rank set all Latin America on
edge and a general movement was in
Htitutetl by the .Southern republics to
head off such a movement. Argentina
being unfriendly ti Chile was especial
ly opjiosed to the plan, as Prazil and
Chile are always rated as allies and
Argentina did riot want her two strong
tst rivals to outstrip her in American
It has not been the policy of the
State department to send ambassadors
to any country which can not be ranked
as a world power, and when the hostil
ity of the rest of South America to such
a change became known the United
States decided that t he question had
better not be agitated further at this
President of Western Union Explains
Recent Advance in Toll.
New York, April 2. Concerning the
recently announced advance in tne
rates charged by the company, Colonel
K. C. Clowry, president of the Western
Union Telegraph company, tonight
"There has been no large increase in
rates by the telegraph companies. A
number of fpeeial and unprofitable
rates have been increased to the stand
ard of schedule rates. These special
rates wtre discriminative against a
large numler of places and were orig
inally established by competing com
panies, which by reason thereof went
into bankruptcy.
"Most tf the rates increased were 25
cents for 10 words rates. It cost at
least 30 cents each to handle such mes
sages for short distances at the present
time. The increases in the cost of tele
graph material have been from 25 to
in.) nor ent within the last few years.
"In addition to the recent increases
of 10 per cent in the salarias of all
managers and operators, there has been
for years past a large and steady in
crease in wnges of all classes of indi
vidual employes from month to month.
"There is no increase in the extra
word rate, consequently the newspa
pers' rates remain the same."
Grow, Former Pennsylvania Con
gressman Dies of Old Age.
Binghamton, N. Y., April 2. Ex
Congressman Galusha A. Grow died at
his home in Glenwood, Pa., Saturday
as a result of a general breakdown, at
tributed to old age. Mr. Grow was
elected to congress from the Wilmot
district of Pennsylvania as the young
est member of that body in 1851, and
after retirement from public life for
nearly 40 years lie re-entered the house
of representatives as congressman at
large from Pennsylvania.
When he retired four years ago his
public service in the house extended
over the longest Deriod. although not
continuous service, of any man who!
ever sat in that laxly. During the
ante-bell Jin days he was one of the
best known men in the United States,
and in 1864 he came within one vote of
being nominated for vice president in
place of Andrew Johnson.
Disorders Have Ceased.
Bucharest, April 2. It is semi-otti-
cially stated that in many districts the
peasants are repairing the damage done
to property and restoring stolen gods
to their owners. Disturbances are re
ported from Putna in Moldavia, and
many cases of plunder, incendiarism
and aimed contiict in Walachia. A
number of peasants have been killed
or wounded bv troops at Langa and
Patulele. At Galicea, in the center of
the disturbed area, all the ringleaders
have been captured. The communes of
Huerezanl and Pengeni are in revolt.
If Less Pay, Will Strike.
Wheeling, W. Va., Apiil 2.- -Tele-grap
operators in West Virginia threat
en to strike if their wages are reduced
when the new eight-hour law, enacted
by the recent legislature, goes into
effect. The railroad companies have
given notice that there will be a pro-j States, I will propose for him a inouu
portionate reduction in wages as soon ment on Parliament hill."
as the act takes effect, May 9. Ataj
meeting today operators representing Hospital on Mount Olivet.
every division in West Virginia adopt-
ed resolutions to accept no reduction.
Suppress News In Russia.
St. Petersburg, April '2. Premier
Stolypin has sent a circular to tho gov-
emors of provinces ordering them to '
prohibit the printing of news of the '
agrarian disorders in Roumania, in the
fear that they might spread to Russia,
Grand Jury Investigating Mam
moiii Bribe In Bay City.
After Months of Delay Arrangements
Are Completed for Trial of
Boss Ruef.
San Francisco, April 2. A new link
has lieen added to the chain of evidence
which connects the United Railroads
with the l(cal brilry deals. It is the
most important link and comes from a
source within the company. The grand
jury will sison return indictments in
connection with this mammoth brib
er) by which the sum of $450,000 was
divided among Mayor Schrnitz, Alie
Kuef and the supervisors.
While no definite statement has lieen
I forthcoming as to the men elated for
I indictment, this much is certain the
I prosecution will direct its fire to three
I branches cf the corporation. These
" I branr hes are the control, represented
by Patrick Calhoun, the fpresident of
the company; the active management,
represented by Thornwell Mullally, and
the law department, at the head of
which is Tirey L. Ford. The next
week will determine w here the blame
is to be placed. It may be distributed
among all three branches.
The grand jury today set up George
Hatton, former political manager for
Senator Perkins and more recently on
the j-olitieal staff of the Southern Paci
fic, for its special mark. It was brought
out that Hatton had been attorney for
the Home Telephone company before it
Isjught its way into San Francisco. It
transpires that Congressman Julius
Kahn was also attorney for the com
pany during the early stages of its fight
to enter the San Francisco field.
When the trial of Abe Ruef on a
charge of extortion is called today in
Judge Dunne's court, prosecution and
defense wjll alike answer "ready." The
last of the many postponements and
interferences which have caused the
preliminaries to drag out over several
months, are at an end.
Final Stage is Reached in Matter of
Harriman Lines.
Chicago, April 2. A dispatch to the
Tribune from Washington says:
The final stage in the investigation of
the Harriman situation will begin on
Thursday next, when the Intersatte
Commerce commission will hear its own
i counsel and that of involved railroads
j in explanation of points brought out in
the testimony taken.
Following arguments the commission
will refer all testimony to the attorney
general, with a view to the institution
of legal proceedings for a dissolution of
the combination existing among the
I'nion Pacific, Oregon Short Line,
Southern Pacific and allied lines which
have been f ur:d to be competing, and
will prepare a report for the informa
tion of the president wherein will be
Set forth steps which the investigation
shows will improve the transportation
facilities generally and legislation nec
essary to insure more satisfactory Fed
eral regulation.
Hermann Has Inning.
Washington, April 2. Numerous
witnesses for the defense were placed
on the stand today to impeach the tes
timony brought out by the prosecution
during the past seven weeks of the Her
mann trial. Their statements, while
contradicting considerable testimony
offered by government witnesses, had
no direct bearing on the principal points
at issue, though their denials had the
effect of weakening the prosecution.
Henry Meldrum, during his examin
ation, testified that he called to see
Hermann at the request of II. P. Gat
ley, son-in-law and associate counsel of
the defendant.
Bulgarians on Warpath.
Belgrade, April 2. It is reported
here that a band of Bulgarians has at
tacked the old Servian towns of Rudniu
and Toolocha, burning 31 houses, kill
ing seven men and maltreating a num
ber of women and children. Increas
ing bitterness is being displayed here
toward the Bulgarians, owing to the be
lief that, while the powers have called
the attention of the governments of
Servia and Greece to the atrocities per
petrated by Servian and Greek bands,
they have made no protest against the
actions of Bulgarian bands.
Chance to Earn Monument.
Ottawa, Out., April 2. James Bryce,
British ambassador to the United
States, was the guest of honor at the
Canadian club banquet tonight. Sir
Wilfrid Laurier said that Mr. Bryce
was the first British ambassador at
Washington to visit Canada. "If Mr.
Bryce," continued the premier, "is
able to turn a new leaf in regard to
Canada's relations with the United
Jerusalem Anril 2. The foundation
stoIie of the now German hospital uron
the Mount of Olives, was laid Sunday
in the presence of the governor of Jeiu-
salem, the other local officials and
many spectators, to the accompaniment
of cheers or Emperor William and for
the sultan of Turkey, w ho gave the
land and author 'isd the construction of
the hospital.