Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, April 10, 1907, Image 2

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    Bohemia Nugget
Bohemia Nuctrl Puhllihinf Co.
Id a Condensed Term for Our
Easy Readers.
A Resume of the Lex Important but
Not Lett Interesting Events
of the Past Week.
The official plurality of Frederick A
Busse, as mayor of Chicago, is 12,!2:l.
The United States has joined with
Mexico in a move to stop the Central
American war.
Senator Clark, of Montana, had
Close call bv breaking through t tie ue
on Trinidad river.
Congressman Townsend, of Michigan,
savs he ean see no wav oHt of Koosevelt
tunning for a third term.
Freneh seamen threaten to strike and
in event thev do warships will carry
the mails that would otherwise be de
hsposure of bribery by Hearst men
lias caused a row in San Francisco re
form foiees but Hooney will go on just
the same as before
A fast east bound Pennsylvania train
was wrecked near Hudson, Ohio. Pnt
one man was injured. Otlicials lay the
blame on trainwieekers.
Reports show that 25 persons were
killed and moie than twice that number
injured in the recent tornado in Louis
ana Mississippi and Alabama.
The minister from Salvador to the
United States says the conservative
people of Central America are becom
ing tired of the frequent wars and pie
diets that a confederacy will be formed.
Carnegie has given an endowment of
$6,000,000 to Carnegie institute.
All railway employes rfast of the
Mississippi will demand more wages.
Cubans are eager for a decision as to
when the end of intervention will come.
President Joseph
Mormon church has
Smith says the
abandoned poly-
President Bonilla, of Honduras, is
gathering forces to continue the Central
American war.
The amount of coffee being import
ed into the United States is decreasing,
but the importation of cocoa is increas
Roosevelt is counting on compelling
congress at its next session to pass a
reform land law by enforcing present
Eight more indictments are coming
for San Francisco telephone men.
Ileney has sent a warning to Detwiler
that hb had better give up.
Fngland is becoming aware of the
fact that 75 per cent of the canned
goods used in that country come from
the United States unlabeled and that
English labels are put on by the im
porters. A part of the outer wall oi" the Vati
can has collapsed.
A denunciation of the czar may cause
dissolution of the douma.
Roosevelt gays corporations have con
spired to defeat his policy in 1908.
Thaw iias been declared sane, but
Jerome will appeal for a right to see
the evidence.
John A. Lewis has reached Chicago
from Mexico and will at once start the
fight to secure control of Zion City.
Governor Swettenham, of Jamaica,
resigned because he was ordered to
apologize by his home government.
The army quartermaster's depart
ment at Manila is under fire because
the payroll has been found to be pad
ded. ileney has found that the telephone
companies contributed to both sides in
the campaign of Schruitz for mayor of
San Francisco.
llarriman's lawyers are defending
before the Interstate Commerce com
mittee the right of railroads to water
stock. They also claim rival roads have
a right to combine.
Oklahoma elections gave Republicans
Six men were overcome by gas in a
mine at Lead, S. D.
The Hermann defense has attacked
Hitchcock's methods of conducting the
land office.
Doctors in the Thaw case have dis
agreed, some saying him sane and oth
ers insane.
J. J. Hill has formally retired as
president of the Great Northern and his
son Louis has assumed control.
All cities and townB of Colorado ex
cept Denver have just held municipal
elections. The liquor question was the
chief one and in a large number of
places the temperance people carried
the day.
As a result of the city election In St.
Louis the Democrats are in complete
control of every branch of the city gov
eminent. A letter from Harriman to a friend
published in Eastern papers, says
Roosevelt as.ked him to raise $200, 0U0
for the 1904 campaign fund, which he
did. The president says the statement
is false.
Nicaraguans have captured another
Jlonduran port.
Spokane Chamber of Commerce Be
gins to Boom the Project.
Spokane, Wash., April S. Uy mak
ling public today tlie report of the "new
s'ato" committee and nnnoucning its
! adopt ion by the chamber of commerce,
Secretary L. ti. Monroe, of the latter
body, formally launched the cnmiMiign
for the creation of a new commonwealth
comprising the "Inland Empire," for
which the name "Lincoln lias ihvii
most fieqiiently suggested.
The report of the committee, which
was adopted unanimously, consists of a
review of conditions that brought about
what it tetnis the unnatural arrange
ment of Umndarios now existing in the
Noithwest, advances reasons for the
construction of a new state and suggests
the following Kwndaries should I e ap
proximated: That the 45th degree of latitude, or
the present north line of the state of
Wyoming, extended, be designated as
the northern boundary of the state of
Idaho, and the 120th degree of longi-'
tnde, or the eastern lnmudary of the
state of California, carried uoith, until
it intersects the 45th degioeof latitude,
bo designated as the western boundary
of the state of Idaho, and that the east
ern California line, carried to lrit isli
Columbia, be designated as the eastern
boundary of the state ol Washington,
thereby leaving a new state to be here
after named and from which a cential
city should be selected as the capital,
comprising the panhandle of Idaho,
Northeastern Oregon and Eastern I
The report goes on to say:
"This proposition should not come
from any one town or looalitv, but
should be brought from all the principal
towns north of the said 45th degree of
latitude, and, if possible to secure their
consent and approbation, then the mat
ter should le taken to the principal
towns and cities south of the said 4oth
degree of latitude, to secure, if possible,
their cc-operaticn."
Thecommittee recommended that the
chamber of commerce send copies of
this report to the various cities inter
ested, placing the matter before the
board of trade, city council, or other
body of like nature, to the end that
stens be taken looking to the necessary
action by congress.
The report points out that the pan
handle of Idaho is cut off from the
south by an impenetrable mountain
barrier, and that the scut h has domi
nated legislation to the exclusion of the
interests of the panhandle; also that a
similar condition exists in Washing
ton, where the Cascade mountains con
stitute a natural barrier.
It is argued that similar conditions
exist between Fastern and Weston Or
egou to even a more marked degree.
Chinese Famine Drives People to Dig
Up and Eat Dead.
Washington, April 8. To correct an
erroneous report that has found general
circulation with harmful results, the
Red Cross has issued the following
statement in regard to the Chinese fam
"The famine in China is unpreee
dented in severity, and the period of
greatest agony is vet to come. Many
weeks must nass before there will lie
relief from new crops, and millions to
day are kept alive only through the
contributions to the American mission
and Red Cross society from the Ameri
can people who sent their donations to
Washington. These two great organi
zations are working together fur the
common cause and have furnished over
two-thirds of all relief supplies sent to
"The following cablegram, received
by the editor of the Christian Herald
from the editor of the North China
News, terrible as it may seem, speaks
only the truth:
"Shanghai, April 6. Klcpsch, New
York. Approaching period of severest
pinch. Authentic instances of corpses
exhumed, canibalism. Foreign relief
working effectively, maintaining whole
districts until harvest.'
"When a people have been reduced
to such straits that they will dig up
ami eat their own dead, the severity
and w ide extent of the famine can be
Scurvy Follows Trail of Famine.
St. Petersburg, April 8. Scurvy is
making great strides in the famine dis
tricts. The official reports for the sec
ond fortnight of March show 1,055
cases in Ufa province, and 717 in Sara
tov, compared with 438 in Ufa the first
fortnight of March and 350 in Saratov
province during the same periou.
There has been a slight decrease in the
spread of typhus. The project to trans
fer the famine relief from the govern
ment to the Zemstvos has been approv
ed by the cabinet and will be eubmit
ted to parliament.
Pleads Guilty to Rebating.
Minneapolis, April 8. Agreeing to
a stipulation of facts on 15 counts, in
volving illegal rebates, the Great North
ern railroad was today found guilty and
fined $15,000 by Judge Page Morris in
the Fedetal District court. This hand
ling of the case is to facilitate an
appeal by the railroad upon the ques
tion whether it is possible to bring
prosecutions under the Elkins law on
charges which defendant allfgea are
covered in the new Hepburn law.
Coxey Plans Ano'her Crusade.
New York, April 8. The Herald this
moining says Jacob Sechler Coxey,
communder-in chief of the Coxey army,
is planning another great national cru
sade on new and sensational lines, and
lie may commence upcruiione hub year.
Linn County Grangers Hold Up Uni
versity Appropriation.
AU-any The University of Oregon
appropriation bill Is to le referred to
the people. Effort of Linn county
Orangcrs to hold up the university bill
culminated in a meeting of representa
tives of all grange organizations of Linn
count v in Albany.
lies idea the Grangers there were in
attendance President P. L. Campbell,
of the university, and Senator M.AJ
Miller, meniU-r of the board of re
gents ol the school. These men pre
sented very strongly the university's
side of the case showing t be need of
more money than was appropriated.
The $125,000 can ied in the bill was
segregated by President Campbell, who
explained the use to be nmde of every
dollar. Hut the Grangers were obdu
rate and at tho close of the conference
decided to use the referendum to hold
the appropr iat ion up until the next
general election, when the people
determine the fate of the school.
Hut little argument was used in
port of the position of the Grange, oth
et than "retienehment ." It was also
decided to have leproduced an editorial
printed in the Oregon ian of Saturday,
February 11, 1905, entitled "Machine
Made Citizens," and scatter thousands
of copies over the state.
Country Sheep Inspectors.
Pendleton State Sheep Inspector
Lytic has announced the npMintmctit
of eight county sheep inspectors for
Eastern Oregon. Appointments hae
not yet been made for Wheeler, Har
ney, Iike, Klamath or Gilliam coun
ties. Those named aie: I'matiHa
county, John P.rvant, Pendleton, pres
ent incumbent; Wasco, P. J. Walsh,
Antelope; Crook, J. A. McCoy, Hay
Creek; Malheur, H. L. Anderson,
Skull Springs; Grant, George Irwin,
Monument, present incumbent; Mor
row, Andrew Cook, Heppner, present
inoimilent ; Wallowa, J. W. Dale,
Wallowa City, present incumUmt;
Haker, A. N. Ingle, Richland, presvnt
Students to Fight Sheep Disease,
Corvallis Four Oregon Agricultural
college students are leaving college to
take positions on the government staff
for eradicating sheen diseases in Ore
gon. ThevareG.A. Hudson, Walter
Foster, Edgar W. Duinelly and Henry
Hooper. They receive good salaries and
have their expenses jxud. The work
will extend from now to the end of the
summer. Their appointment-) art re
ceived from the bureau of animal in
dustry at Washington. Dodson, I li
ne! Iv and Foster are to operate in East
ern Oregon and RoojM-r in the Willam
ette valley.
Commission to Hear Protests.
Salem At a meeting of the state
railroad commission a conference for
April Hi was set, to hear the com
plaints filed bv the lumbermen along
the line of the Southern Pacific railroad
in this state, in regard to the raising of
rates on rough lumber from $:5.IO per
thousand feet to $5, which rate is to go
into effect April 1 8. Among the con
cerns that have filed complaints are the
Western Oregon Lumber Manufacturers'
association, of Cottage Grove, the Ore
gon i" Washington Lumber Manufac
turers' association, with oll'.ces in Port
land, and the H oth-Kelly company, of
New Insurance Company.
Salem The first domestic corpora
tion ever organized in this state for the
purpose of doing a surety and accident
business insurance has leen authorized
by the secretary of state to incorporate
under the laws of the state, proving
that they had available capital to the
amount of $100,000. The Union Guar
antee association is the name of the
new firm which will have offices in
Portland. William Glafke in presi
dent and H. D. Wagnon secretary.
Part Payment Stops Limitation.
Salem Holding that payment of
part of a joint obligation by a maker
thereof or by his agent or legal repre
sentative revives it is against all per
sons who are liable thereon, and also
that sin h payment, however small, is
sufficient to remove the bur of the stat
ute of limitation, the Supreme court,
in an opinion by Justice Moore, af
firms the decision of Judge Harnett,
of the Circuit court of Marion coun
Prizes for Cover Design.
Poitland At a reccent session of the
board of trustees of the Chamber of
Commerce, the matter of issuing a new
advertising booklet, to be entitled
Oregon," came up, and it was decided
to offer cash prizes of $10, $15 and $25
for the best cover design. 1 he pre
miums will be advertised when the
competition is opened.
Farmers Loyal to Varsity.
Lu Grando The liluo Mountain
Grange at its last meeting resented the
action of the Albany grange in holding
up the appropriation for the State uni
versity. The farmers of this portion of
Eastern Oregon are heartily in favor of
helping in every possible way the state
institutions of learning and especially
the state university.
Asylum Board Buys Land.
Salem The state asylum board has
paid over $10,000 to Charles Riley and
iiis wife and the deed is recorded cover
ing 23 acres and a fraction adjoining
the asylum grounds, which was pur
chased by the board recently. '
Military Board Molds Session New
Company at Oregon City.
Salem The state niilitniv hoard, at
its last meeting, effected a remgnuiu
tiou of the hospital coips of the Oregon
National Guard into what will he
known in the future as the ambulance
company, consisting of LI tioncoiiitnis
sioned otlieers and men. A new coin
pan v w ill be formed at Oregon City to
take the place of the one disbanded.
The Dalles, Oregon City, Ashland,
lu'setmi'g, .inanvaiiii omnium nave
offered land for armory sites provided
for by the apptopihitioll of $100,000
in house bill US. No act ion was taken,
the mutter being left to the towns. The
various companies of the state are av
ing an average of $;t(H), per year for tin
use of buildings as armories, and Gen
eral figures that in 20 years tin
state w ill be repaid the $ KM, 000, appro
priation. Very little action was taken on nc
count of the nut iciiatcd action of the
Orange in asking t hat the appropi ia-
tion be submitted to the rcfert ndiim at
the June election.
M.iy Be Held to Three Inspectors.
Salem- State I,abor Coininissionei
Iloffis in a quaudry ovet adjusting
things to tit the new law, nut
him to apKiut spcein 1 deputy inspect
ors ot nuns, lactones ami workshops.
lie has divided the state into four in
spcotioii districts, but now is afiaid the
revenues from the act, which levies an
annual insiiect ion lee of $10 um each
factory, null and workshop in the state
w nere machinery is used, win not sup
port four iusptvtors, and he has about
conic to the conclusion that he will
have to divide the state into three dis
tricts in order to make both ends meet.
He cannot figure that the tut will pro
duce much more than $lo ouo r year
revenue from this tax, and the insptvt
ors are cut itled to $4 per day for each
day's actual work together with expense
allowance of about $4 per day.
Will Sell Mohair Pool.
Silverton At a meeting of tl di
cers of the Silverton Mohair pool held
in this city it was decided to sell the
pool to the highest bidder on Monday,
April 15. The pool this year is the
largest ever offered for sale in Silverton
and consists of something over 5,000
tleeces. Many buyers from different
parts of the state-are interested in the
sale and it is predicted that several will
be represented when the product is
turned on the market.
Offical Notice of Forest Reserve.
Salem Governor Chamberlain has
received the three prooln mat ions of the
president . dated March 2, I'M', creat
ing the Tillamook, I'mpqiia and Co
ijllille forest reserves. These reserves
all border on the Pacific ocean, com
mencing at Tillaomok county and run
ning outh as far as Curry county. The
aggregate amount of the three reserves
is alxnit 4,000,000.
Hundred Divorce Cases on Docket.
Oregon City The April term of the
Ciicuit couit will be convened in this
city Monday, April 15. The number
of divorce suits on the docket will ex
ceed those of any former term, there
licing nearly 100 such cases pending.
Wheat Club, 7.'lC74c; bluestem,
75(ii;7"c; valley, 7oC" 71c; rod, "If" 72c.
Oats No. 1 white, $2i.50; gray,
Hurley Feed, $22.50 per ton; brew
ing, $2.'l; rolled, $2:L50fif,24 50.
Rye $1 .451.50 per cwt.
Corn Whole, $25; cracked, $2(5 per
Mny Valley timothy, No. 1, $15
16 per ton; Eastern Oregon timothy,
$17(18; clover, $0; cheat, $!); grain
hay, $wC,10.
Apples Common, 751.25 per box;
choice, $1.50)2.
Vegetables Turnips, $1VL25 per
sack; carrots, $ 1 .25 per sack ; beet-',
$1.25Ci;l .50 per sack ; horseradish, 7()
He per pound; caluitlower, $2.50 jmt
dozen; celery, $i per crate; lettuce,
head, 35fi;45c per dozen; onions, i)(n
12c; per dozen; sprouts, lie; radish
es, auc per dozen ; asparagus, iw per
pound; rhubarb, $1.50(1.75 per box.
Onions Oregon, $1.20(1.00 per
Potatoes Oregon Rurbanks, fancy,
$1.40o;j,l.lS5; extra fancy, $1.75; No. 1
choice, $1.2501.40.
Putter Fancy creamery, 3235c
flutter Fat First gruoo cream, .jh)
per pound; second grade cream, zc less
per pound.
Poultry Average old hens, 15c per
pound; mixed chickens, 14e; spring,
fryers and broilers, ZOOJuo; old
roosters, 10(5)12o; dressed chickens, 1(1
f"17; turkeys, live, 13fa15c; turkeys,
1 reused, choice, 18ii(V(20c; geese, live,
8c; ducks, ((w,Hc.
Kggd Oregon ranch, 18c per
lozen .
Veal Dressod, 5i(,He per pound.
Reef Dressed bulls, '.'lOij'ic jar
pound; cows, 5fV(ic; country steers, (1
Mutton Dressed, fancy, lOC.ilO.lJo
per pound, ordinary, 8!)c; spring
lambs, 2WM..
Pork Dromed, (ifOo per pound.
Hops 8llo per pound, according
to quality.
Wool Eastern Oregon average best,
13lfe'c per pound, according to shrink
age; valley, 202.'le, according to fine
ness; mohair, choice, 28(ji2,Jc per
pound. i
Railroads and Trainmen Have Reached
an Agreement.
Chicago, April 5, The differences
between I he Western fond and the
member, of the Order of Conductors
and the !rot herhoiul of Tiaiinnon were
tluallv adjusted yesterday. The men
abandoned their demand for a nine
hour work day and the roads made an
advance ovel their previous proposition
in the pay of baggagemen, llitgmeii and
brakemeii of $7.50 pet month.
The original 'demand of the men
were for an Increase of 12 pel cent and
for it working ilny of nine hours. The
managers ol'icred an Increase In pay of
10 per cent and declined to grant the
nine-hour day. 'I he agreement was
reached mainly through the efforts of
Chairman Kuapp, of the Intcr-lale
Commerce commission, and Chuiles
Neill, I'tiited States labor commission
IT. The agi cclnclit , which goes into
effect dating from April 1, follows;
The pay of conductor in the passen
ger service to be increased $10 per
month, that of baggagemen $7.50 and
that of lliigmeii and brakemeii $0.50
per month as applied to the i-clicdiilcs
In effect November 1, ll'Oti.
The railroad are not to make any re
duction in crews or increase in mileage
for t lie pin post. of hIT-m-M ing the in
creased wages given the pnysougci
t laillinetl.
Oveltime in the passenger Set vice to
be allowed on the lasis o 15 mile
per hour, bi be computed for each pait
of the run separately. lime h to be
gin at the sihednle t i me of lent ing.
Load on a basis of more than O n
hour per day for a helper m construc
tion train seivice are to make no in-
ciease in the rate paid for stub ser
vice. I he ini reuses granted in the
agriement are to apply a!-o to rate
for special services a specified in the
individual schedule.
I'poti road having a bi tter basis for
a day s work or for payment ol over
time ot other allowances ill all blanches
f train service, the acceptance of this
agreement is not to act a reductn ii.
The I'rot herhool of Locomotive Fire
men wn also granted bv the railroads
in iin iease of 0 per cent ,
Champions of Simplicity Rrjoice Over
Number ot Conver's.
New York, April .r. Chairman
P.rander Matthews, of the Simplified
Spelling board, at its first annual Hirel
ing today submitted a report stating
that at least 1 OO.OOO person were 11--
ng the form of sellmg urged by the
organization. Mont of the criticism
again-t the Umrd's activity, Professor
Matthews declared, had coire from
men of letters, but this had been mi re
than offset bv the supHrt of men of
science. Profiler Mat I hews say I'resi
lent lloosevelt 's wn nil att it iide toward
-implitieil spelling had also been a
powerful factor in advancing the work.
Kesolut ions were adopted t hanking
Andrew Carnegie for the aid he had
relide'ed the board and expressing the
conviction that through tin help thus
rendered there "would he instiled for
unit h s gem rat ions a great diminu
tion 111 the labor of leaching and learn
ing- with a projKirt ionate increase in
t he things taught and learned; a vast
increase in the facility of spreading
ideas, and therefore it vast inciease in
eacn 1 ini 1 v ii nit 1 a siock 01 original
Hermann Explains Why H Made Way
With Letterbooks.
Washington, April !. Ihiring the
hour lie was on the stand today Linger
Hermann narrated the circumstances
under which he ordered the destruction
of his .'!" private letterlssik, gave his
reason for so doing, and also explained
the distinction h drew lictwcen n r-
sonal and official coirespoiidenci.
While telling the story of the Ixioks, he
for the first time displayed signs of
emotion, and his earnestness and
stmigthforwardni-HH as he talked direct
to the jury were con vicing.
From his own testimony it was evi
dent that Hermann never drew a line
distinction between the official and tin
personal in his correspondence with
Oregon friends, In fact, the bulk of his
:orrcsxinlenco with personal acquaint. -
anccs at homo was rcganicd oy mm as
personal, notwithstanding much of it
dealt more or loss) extensively with land
ollieo business.
How Germany Understands It.
I'.erlin, April 5. The statement
made at the HritiHli foreign ollieo today
that (neat Hritain had net in any way
altered her request that the question of
the limitation of armaments) bo includ
ed in the program of the coming peace
conference at Tho Hague, causes some
surprise in Herlin, as the (icrmnn for
eign office understands that (ireat Hrit
ain does not insist on tho question be
ing formally included in the program,
hut only reserve" tho privilege of rais
ing tho question in the conference, thiiH
leaving the other powers free.
Strikes Out 360 Counts.
Chicago, April 5. Ah a result of 111
mot ions f r dismissal of count in the
indictments, against the Standard Oi4
company, of Indiana, charged with ac
cept ing il legal rales on shipments of
oil, Judge Landis today in the United
States District court ordered .'i.r0 of the
counts si rickcii out. Tho government
at toiiieys expressed but little concern
at tho dismissal, saying there are still
'n cone li it Ji the indictments
0 n btand.
Two-Cent Pare for Michiggil.
looming, Mich., April 5. The senate
today, 27 to 3, passed a hill requiring u
2-cent per mile passenger fare on all
Iiwer I'eninsulu railroads, tho net
earnings of which exceed $l,200a mile.
Sweeps Tliroinjli Louisiana. Mis
sissippi anil Alabama.
Portions of Four Towns and an In
snno Asylum Devastated - Lois
Placed Hi $600,000.
w Orleans, m., April il.piobuhly
Lr live veie lost May by a t-u nnl'
which swelit Ill Toss lioltiou
of thl
1 : .1 1 r ..1, it., ini, I which was Inn cable for
11 distance of ;I00 miles. The tornado
moved from west to cii-t over the south
em extremity of Louisliiiul and Missis
sippi, and sinking into Alabama for a
snoit distance. I'oitiounol (our town
Wire destroyed, tin I dll mage II ppMl 1 -mating
$.'ini,(hhi wa done.
The toinado .began at leandf ia,
I. a., soon iiftet I d'cln-k ve-terday
morning, instantly killing four person
there, (alally injuring three and sen
oiisly wounding LI other.
Soon after daylight it n ached the
Mississippi river, killing four person
al .Jackson, la., while at Layou Sara,
l l . at least half II doell othet were
killed. Micro was one fatal injury at
The tornado next appeared at Cai
son, Miss., when great pr p tty dam
age wn done. AUait noon near Selma.
Ala., the inhabitant saw the clouds
rise into the air and the storm dl-ap-peared.
I he insane asylum at .lackson, Iji.,
was almost wholly wrecked, with a lo
of about $2oo,00ii. In addition h three
female inmate killed many sustained
injuries. Two negroes wi re killed on 11
ne.irby plantation. eport from the
surrounding country indicated that
there was plobably more lo-s of life
among the negroes, w liose flimsy i iihili
iplickly collapsed before the wind.
Commander-in-Chlnf of Grand Army
Issues Proclamation.
anesville, (., April 0. ('olnmimd-
er-in-ehlef Hrow 11,
of the Lcpuhlic,
(land liny
issued hi
Memorial hay proctamal ion, of w hii h
the following is a aumuiniy:
On Thursday, May :i, will occur the
annual ceremony of gai lauding the
graves of the dead, and t he commander -iu-chief
calls up' a 1 the sst to sec that
Ihela-t resting place of every I'limit
soldier, sailor 01 murine in their re
spective localities I fittingly decorated.
Wherever practicable, public com
memorative rvice of the heroism of
the dead should be held ut some cell tin I
point .
I 'epart meiit commander are cha rgc-l
w ith the duty of pitrlotic Instruction
in the public schools insofar n the co
operation of t he school nut horit u s 1 an
he secured, bet Friday, May 21. "i
the last day preceding Memorial Pay,
he set asiile for this laudable ptiM-c.
Ill nciordatice with a t i me lioin red
custom, each ost w ill attend divine
sen ice in a body on Sunday, May, 2'i,
to 1 cinler pin ise and thanksgiving unt
the liod of hill 'lolls, the Inatl'folil
blessiniis of tin- past 11 1 1-1 thcundirt
till bed enjoyment of the fruit of an
enduring place won by the I nioii aim.
Will Appoint Grand Duke Michael Re
gent for Infant Czarevitch.
Lmdon, April tl.- The Iaily Mirror
claim to be in a osilinn to announce
u 1 sin tin "highest, authority" that the
euiHror of Russia purwises to ahdicato
within a in nth and that i rand I hike
Michael will Is apKiuted regent dur
ing the infancy of tho czarevitch. For
the past three 01 four weeks, the paper
says, event have been proceeding in
this direction with lightning like ra
pidity ill SI. I'eteisblirg, but the Secret
has been Well kept.
"Lately," sayss the paper, "theem
peror'a mind has given way even 1110m
completely, and he has shown himself
incapable of performing the smallest
duties of his rank."
Warrants for Trainmen.
Colton, Oil., April i. Coroner Vim
Wie today swore out warrant, foi tho
arrest of the employe of the Southern
l'acillc! who were held resonsible for
tho wreck on March 2H, in which 2.r
people were killed and 75 injured. Tho
following aie the names of the men
against whom warrant were Issued:
L. It. Alvord, foreman of the switching
crew; J. O. I rusemeyer, switchman,
Clarence Warmlnfgtoti, engineer. Tho
complaint charge them with causing
the death of . F. Walther. of Sacni.
liiento, who was among the killed.
Road Got Mineral Land.
Leno, Nov., April (i.Tho
1.,,,. I ..I I I... I ..1....: . . . . . 1 .
.... ... ... in,, nieiior IS, III Hlle lilt holllll-
ein I'acilic company at once h enncel
nil patents issued to tho railroad in tho
While Horse milling district on tint
claim that tho land was agricultural.
It. Is now alleged that the land for
which the railroad received patents was)
mineral. Tho White Horso district
has developed n ,,,.,. t r()1m.;ll(,
distuct and the action will affect lauds)
worth imllionH of dollars for mining.
Tax Collector Short $40,000.
New Orleans, April (I. Ah a result
of an examination of the nctwmtH of
l'ordinnnd Hiidenheifer, btato tax col
h'etor. it was announced today that
there wan a bhoitago of over $40,000.