Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, April 10, 1907, Image 1

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    o Of o
Devoted to the Mining, Lumbering and Panning Jntciests of thi:, Community.
NO. 10
1r r
a m
J jl JJ. JLwA JL
ON 0. A. C.
Is Claimed (o be
Without Foundation
University of Oregon Officials and
Lane County Representatives De
clare the Report to be Untrue.
A rt-ictit (liwpatcli to tlic Oregon
Journal ni Portland fiom Eocene
rum y n . , , ii. r 1 ivijwij , it ijt.n 'i
tlm l'nivriity of (hrgon says in
regard to a statement that appro
priutioiiH lor (). A. ('. and other in
(dilutions might be subjected to
referendum, that them wits no idea
of doing such 11 tiling in Etui'
. I., ....1 !... .I. ......... ...
OWIIIJ Ull'l H'dl 111 wl
'resident Campbell also said that
lit had no knowledge of such a
.iw,i'i..iiiit mi. I iiifnilltiil tint r.'iintl.
' 1
very much aa he wna on the bcHt !
terms with ). A. ('.
Jtf presrntiili ve Katou, author 'l
tin- I 'nivermty appruptiulicii bill,
aid that h knw nothing I'oin'ein
in; 11 moVfiiR-iit to lifer the O. A.
C bill, on. I that a petition in I'll
j;enii would not get lUO stguatuicN
"The I'lopohition ju absurd,"
il l.aton.
A null known biiHinesa man tuiid
thnt if the tefcri-ndum vore in
voked action might lc taken to
place nil iiiNtitutioiiH of the statu on
a like basin.
Revival Meetings
Mr. ('. M. Nan Marter, who
closed n Hi-rirs of meetings at Oak
land, Oregon, next Sundav will
come to Cottago drove- and hold
revival services at th M. V,. ehuich
cuinmcming on Monday night,
April l.lth. A ludy singr comes
with Mr. Van Marter ami her
sweet solo'a will add greatly to tho
wcrvices. Kvcryone is cordially in
vited to attend these niectingo.
Pneumonia's Deadly Work.
Had hii nerloiiHly affected my rllit
ii n (f, riles Mrs. Kaiiiiiu Honnor, of
Kural Houtc 1 (leoigetown, Tetin,
"that I cnlllicd contlniiollHly lilKl't
and day ami tlm neighbors' pifdict
ion eoiiHumj.tloil Hiiemed Imivitablt'
until my huMliumt brought homo a
but tie of lr. K lint's New I llseoye i y,
which in my cuhd proved to be the
only real couli cure ami restorei of
wik, Mom Iuii'h." When all other
ri'iiiedles utterly fall, you may ntlll
win In tho haltle naiiiMt In n ami
throat troubles with New Dlscoveiy
the real leiued.v. (luatanteed by
Unison's I'liarmiuy. "(i! nn.l if I. no.
Trhi I bnltlo free.
Scholl-Van Riper.
On Sunday evening March Mat
at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. J.
W. (lowdy at H o'clock, a very
pretty woddiug took place, the con
tracting parties being Mr. lavid
John Scholl, and Miss Amm Van
Kipor, both of this city. Rev.
draco of the Presbyterian Church
ofliciating, the ceremony being
witnessed by a large circle of
The bridegroom is one of our m
rprising men, engaged in the jew
elory business and the bride ono of
Cottage Orovo's most popular
young ladies.
After the ceremony the guosts
sat down to n sumptuous wedding
supper, after which tho happy
couple were made the recipients of
many handsome and useful preseuts
.many of rare value.
The Nugget wishes to be includ
ed among their many friends in
winliin;; tin in a bni;.', happy nnd
prosp"iois j'luih'j thimili life,
und tlml all Hi' it amliii i',n . tuny
ho fully salisfied.
Among th"''' pie , hi 1 1 1 the
list of gifts Wi i
Mr. mi. I Mr . M M i -1 I t . . nt r.t
WlltlT It"! t l I l . f.lW I I I I III. I. Illil '.
Hilda ten Hit, Ml. ;iii'l Mr I l.nil: V .
I rye, h i 1 hii.i r nli' II Mi .iii'l Mi".
II. ('. M.hI " li, mIIm 1 I 1 . 1 ' . 1 1 1 .
Ml. and Mr . An lm- I Ii .ih.m.ii nt
ghiNH I'i'ir.v hi I .'iihI 1 in I .i' I' r.'.l
dolly ; Mr. an. I M. - ll.i.r S. hull,
cliinit Ifii !( . I.ui-ilf, -iler Ifa
hm .. in , M i" N. l! ! I'm 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 ! 1 i 1 1 i 1 1 .' 1
fii lf 1 1I.1 1 ' , I ' In I 1 .. n. . I ' . . 1 "1 1
t l.liiii tal.i I .i t Hi. I'.. ' Ii i.V 1 'it
kIih-i m.iII .111 I 1 1. I i I el. Arm. id. I
Wynne, null' I lea mi'l'e.- p. .In;
Ml-ts I!!!,. I C.ll!.-. linen, Mr.
j Mr.
. AlUle. .11. t l.l .'I'. Ill
.1 .1'
na 1 1 1 hi ,
.1:111.1 i'll'
I I. Mill.,
I ll M.-
I II. ion!.
t I Ink it . .1 . Mis. I Ii ,1 11 1
p!ale . Mi a ii'l M 1 I'i
t a lilt- lui'ti Mr a 11 I M i
I'm Inn. I, I able ! 11. -ii Mi I
table lim n . Mr. A. II. I
lln.'ii; Mi. an. I Mr. i. M . I i w
I i 1 11 -1 1 , Ml. Sun I V.i f. .', .iiiii
I !'. Mill I Ml-. I illl'-, I 111 1 1 . .' II
. table
. ;li s,
I Inil.'l
I' ll I ill ,
M 1 .
11. 1 Mt
. I r.u.l;
I. .In. C
j lul;'.- ,h'lu
.1 . :
I'. h ,- I:
.'.,' Ii ,'.
Vily I .ili-l
j.l.i t.- Mr.
: Urum an
Ulltili' .1. I.
1 . 1. I. in:; . 1 1.1 11
7'l . 1 'Inn 1 .
Law, hi.
lii'tlii'l i
Tt.lil r.-llker. Uf.l'l.i.
,.,,., v s11, .,, , . ,
j -,t. ,r a ml mI.iiniU Mr ami r-
M. IhII. ! i
1 , i.i,-, . ,
.ml Mi
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j '"
1 ' . . . . .1
I 1 Mi.
I .. I . M .in
..I in 11
v Mi
.1 .
,11 ii!
" "I
; ""
John '. VniMi "l th.- i I.i
lvt7 of the I 'niveisil V ( I ( .
was le'ult r hi th" a Hit m. ill t-
t am
feat- j
Tin I
that .!
e l t- ,
W'lr.1) i 11 g- '
t ill t'4 Mil . it) '
M..! h ' -ll, '
at 1 jl "i lie. '
H i - i. i in -
e.l "),(
.".-n's vet. -ran
Jcle.t- i
i" hai:i;j, j
1 .1 the I'll !
iversity of Oicgon negative team, j
which defeated the I'liiwi.-uty of
Washini't'ui team at Seattle, March
.(), Itob; also having won the
Alumni medal April 1;,, l'.1"1'..
The question debated March -s,
was. "Kcsolvid: That the XV ami
the second section ol XI iimen 1
nients of the constitution of the
United Stales should be lepculed
without regard to the method of
repeal." The feature of the tie
bate was Mr. Watch's lemarkable
rebuttal abilities and his strong
construction wot k. Ilis telling ar
guments showed that he was the
owner of a brilliant mini , uhieli he
uses in class work as well as in de
bate. lfo has boeu manager of Oratory
and Debate, and a member of tho
debate council. Huiing his r si
deuce- at tho University hn h is be
come a very prominent student.
He is the son o Hon. U. M. Watch
ol Cottago drove, from whom he
undoubtedly inherited Homo of his
talent, the senator himself being an
orator of groat ability, and his son
in considered the most remarkable
debater in tho University, for ho is
ono of the few who huvo made a
debating team in his freshman year.
Ho, with l' C. dalloway have been
chosen to go to Salt Lake to de
bate against a team at that place ou
April 2S.
Bitten by a Spider.
Through bloml poisoning caused
by u spider blln, .lohii Washington of
ItoHiiuoville, Tex., would have lost his
lt(, which became 11 muss of running
sores, had ho not been persuaded to
try Hucklen'M Arnica Salve. 1 It
writes: "The llrst application re
lieved and four hoses healed all the
Hores." LTie. (liunanleed by lien
sou's Pharmacy.
Alayor Jones Appoints the
Lare Number of Bill Allowed, and a Lot
of Important Business Transacted.
Time,,,,,.. !! met it. regular sesnion,
last night, all inemberH being pre-- '
ent Th'' Mayor oid not deliver
any m. y., vet bally, but the
,,,liey he vvould have the coum il
1 adopt in g
1 1. -Hows:
ven to the jireHS, in aa
"1 re. om.ncnd that wc do away . " Streets - Hubbell, Venske, aiu,ews "vea mursaay
with 11..- present water eolleeu-r Comer. from the East where he has been
and tie-t enmtninsionir an f be- j On Wat- r Court, IJ .iW-N, and m the milhrig .business all bis life,
liew, wa;,,.. losing underour pn.H.V.Tke, , W found him a most ; nt
.t su, m, from fi.lto $10 per! lire Ward-n Porter. gentleman and from his coin -i-
mwutl, by not l.aung a man to lo-! Applications fr portion of mar- tion believe Lira to be a thorough
-,te tia- consumers and j flial were read from Messrs Snod- '1 energetic business man. He
thr ..mount of hf-k using water, griss, Wallace and Martin. AHI'oke of improvements he will
I t u, pay a collector $55. Then ballot was take,, which resulted in make ,n the near future. but wich
,;,,t th- same to bo street om-, the eh Hi-el th,; present ir.eurn- is not lor publication at present.
sioner at a .-alary of .t2.So per , bent to succeed himsdt. His sal- Mr- Matthews family, c,'
munth; ..No make him citv mar-y. and that of the rnghtwatcfc- of wife and five children came with
;,1 at a salary of $2 oo oer month. : man was fixed at foO per month. !hlin. bave rented the Curnn
This his compensation j A bid for s'-wcr work that was ; house are only awaiting the ar
-, to what is now paid for mar-'"m the Recorder's desk was n ot mal of their furniture to take pos-
.1,1! l.' w,ll u the general ! ren.l but on nvdioti was laid over : sefi5,on- Mr- Matthews was here
inml.-i , .iraft of CcS p, r month. ; "til tin- ivxt ngular meeting Mn February last at which time he
. . . . ..iirfi, iv.a m;n r.r TTn.t..nn ?.
II,,, , i.i .1.1 watehmuu at bull
. .. ..i.:. I...
voluntary con -
I.U HI- nun. i'J a v-vk,
. I l : . I . I I, .11 fri.MI 111.- tmsiiit'SH flll'tl. or
j by an occupation
tax to cover this
I amount.
j I fnither recommend thut all
: pat ti' s owing Hie city on street
ami s.-wer ah.scssment at once be
rcnuii'd to pay, or else the claim
!-e put in ueh shape that interest
be char ged on mi. h delinquent as
l .i.ns against the city should
be swoin to before they aie audited
and that no warrants be presented H" l'" 'equireu an swell aocu-
t . Hi e mayor for si-nature lor work 'ment to be turned over to Record
i!, ,i ii,.. ,tii' ,.f ...,,tl...r r,n;,..ricr KiiiL' at on e.
to pei form such as the financial
statement cost 25. It is the duty
0 1 the treasurer to make such a re
p.'it September 1, March 1, and at
such other times as the council may
I. 1, l.,.i, il. e-iiHtm,, in form or
ears to levy a tax of ; mills an
then run the. town in debt several
hundred dollars. I recommend that
we prepare a petition and circulate
tube signed by a majority of the
...1 i. .,,
lew ten mills instead of fl and pay
..IT sumo of the present indebted -
I I lit is L' 1 V III ' 1 I1C I UUlll 11 IIUIICI 1U
- t r- r- I
ness. Tht tho general fund bor
row (toiu the water funds such
money as is not in use and is
needed, paying therefor interest at
the rate of fl per cent.
What of the other side of the
question':' Why, what is sauce for
the oose ought not to hurt the
gander. A short time ago when
1 .ci Minnr. 1 and several other dives
and three or four bawdy houses
were running at full tilt, cries were
heard, "lh what will become of
our beautiful town?" I suppose it
isn't any worse now to hear a few
say tho same. 1 won't make any
promises as to what tho council
will do but some may think the
mayor is not such a figure head
alter all if he should deem it neces
sary tJ havo ill) or 30 policemen on
duty at certain times."
The first business wag the elec
tion of a councilman to fill the va
cancy caused bv tho resignation of
Mr. McQueen. Councilman Comer
nominated Mr. Wood and Couucil
nian Battels nominated Mr, Van
Denburg who received the ma
jority of votes. He being present
was called forward by the Mayor
ami the oath of office delivered to
him by ltecordor King. He then
took his sent.
Mayor Jones at this time ap
pointed the various committees as1
j J. JLI
Various Committecs--A
On I inanco - Jiartels, Corner,
Port. -r.
On Sewers - Comer, Hubbell,
(n Lights enske, IlublJtJl, Uo-
.u existu.-g auteemtut anJ IwD.i
! between Liucolu Tailor and the city
: fur l ho
ft;j,;,, ft( .o-,i..r;,t ,,a
oujnuiu wi iJinti t ii vj
the performance of c woik
was read, and being found to be
defeetivo in certain points, it was
left with the water committee to
, siraignten out wiui .Mr. inyior
The Kecor.h r not yet having re- j vuv.u mine
ceived all the pa: rs books and! F. J. Hard yesterday let the con
other documents belonging to the ' fact for 50U feet extension of the
town, but in p )se-sion of ex-rt-; "iUl Ifog tunnel. Work will be
I cor.ler Young, Recorder King as
instructed to notify Mr. Young that
The matter ofth cti. g a health
ollieer for the ensuing term, brought J several Western Oregon cities in
Dr. Oglesby to his.feet and receiv- Eugene last we-k steps were taken
ing the assent of the mayor and j to form a Western Oregon iDter
tho coum-ilmea proceeded to ad- j scholastic debating league, also to
i dress them on the matter of the
.duticH oftbc health oQicers and
jl said that if he were appointed he
could assure them that he would posed to form a Dorthern and eouth
see that the law was carried out to i rr" division and to provide for
the letter, and that all filth and
rubbish now conspicuous in many
' oi our alleys ami i-v-ways suouiu
.. 11 i ti
! bc cleaned up. The election was
' deferred until next regular meeting.
The following bills were then
read and being OKM by the finance
' committee were ordered paid.
Willamette Valley Co $
Western Oregon Pub Co...
J I) Young, salary 111
S Teeter, labor
F H tSndgrass, salary
James Craig,
(iriflin A: Yoatch, hardware
A. 1 A. M., rent
2 2 1 85
8 1
1 00
6t 00
3 4I
2 00
j j j'fJi,'
is 001
0 oo
Tom Allen, rent ...
Per'y IJogets, .hauling
Veach SchiuuU Druy Co
J H Parted, salary
H U Job. salary
"j j()
t; -jfl
1 1 00
lj 00
i'j 00
II enske, salary
Ceo McOucen, salary P- 0o
J C Porter, salary
H 11 Bailey, work
Election beards
1 00
tii no
Tho matter of the arc light in
fiont of tho Oregou hotel was
brought up, and at the Mayor's
suggestion, the matter was referred
to the chairman on tho light com-
I ,nittce lo ivcSti-ato, who was also
requested to make a report as to
how mnay lights were actually fur
nished the city and being paid for.
Council then adjourned until the
next regular meeting.
Badly Bruised
Harry Hart met with n acci 'e
yesterday eveuiiic, ha jui V
caped beiug a 6erious oue, but he 1
.fs-.'ipod with being badly bruised
and will probably be stiff and sore
' 'or a cvv days. "e waH unloading
1 m
i pii-H irom a wagon, when one
'slipped and knocking him down
rolled from his angles to the thigh
wl,er0 jt held him down until as-
! His'.ance came to him. Dr. Kimo
j attended him but found no boDes
! broken, but that ho was badly
I bruised.
Cottage Grove Flour Mills Under New
' A Nugget reporter called at the
.Cottage Grove Flour mills and
'uuuu luc wjiiiciui uH w ms
neck, ho to ypeak, in work. Mr.
r"' K.uoe .
lla en wno nave 50 ucce9siuiiy
: .I 1 t r T7
. fl
' conuucieu u in me pasi. air. nan-
seu .1S preparauons io use
a trip to ivirope to visit his parents
but will probably return here and
continue in some kind of business.
I I......!... ft :
commenced at once and pushed
j 'h-ou as rapidly as possible
Debating League Formed.
At a meeting of City School Su-
, pennten Jeuts
an 1 principals of
'"mi au organization to handle ath
letics in high schools of the west-
Pa" 01 lue 5iai'- " s pro-
championships, making uniform
regulations and doing away with
troubles that have heretofore af
fected high school athletics. Those
in attendance at the meeting were.
Principal Marlott. of the Salem
High School; Superintendent San
ders of the Albany Schools. Super
intendent Davee of the Roseburg
schools; President A. L. Briggs, of
the Drain Normal School; Superin-
j tendent Arnold of the Kugene
1 Schools and Principal Cleveland of
the Eugene High School.
The two livery stables of Cottage
1 drove are now under one manage-
meut, Messrs Tul'ar and Powell
having cousolidated and bought out
the interests of Wm Baimbridge in
the Commercial stables. Both in
stitutions will be kept up by the
uew proprietors, the one known as
tlie Fashion to be used for livery
business exclusively and the Com
mercial stables as a feed and trade
Cottage Grove Public School Monthly
Month ending April 5, 1907.
Boys Gi"ls
Total enrollment
New enrollment
Days attendance
Days absence
Times tardy
31311J 3AC8
210; 2G5
29 4?
t Oll'l'l
C, L. Strangb, Supt.
At the Court House, Eugene
on April 21.
Farmers of Western Lane Especially
Interested in the Movement Are
Thoroughly Aroused Investigating
Committee Reports Favorably.
We are in receipt of the follow
ing letter:
Crow, Ore., April 2, i907,
Edi'oi R-.i-ter: I have d"cd
ed to cail a niHss meeting of the cit
izeti of Lane county to take into
consideration the building of the
proposed canal for Lnne and Een
ton counties.
Publish the meeting for April 27,
1907, at 10 o'clock, in the court
he use Y'ours truly,
J. A. J. CROW,
P. S. All county papers please
Mr. Crow is chairman of the
committee appointed by Sius'.aw
Grange at a recent meeting at
which time the Grange endorsed
the Eugene-Corvallis canal and
named a committee to investigate
the feasibility of its construction.
This committee has gona over the
route, found it practicable, the peo
ple along the proposed waterway
enthusiastic in its support and
ready to not only give right-of-way
through their land but will sub
scribe liberally to stock for its con
etrnction. There should be a big turnout at
this meeting and the enterprise ex
amined into detail.
It the project is to be taken up
now is the time to begin the pre
liminary work necessary to get it
going. Register.
An Enterprising Firm.
The proprietors of the Fashion
Livery Stables, have shown an en
terprise tb it is most commendable,
and is fully appreciated by the citi
eD8 of Cottage Grove. They have
added to their fully equipped barn,
one Jof the finest funeral hearses
that is made, and are able to fur
nish on occasions a number of ele
gant carriages. The service that
the firm can 6upply when needed,
is not excelled in any city no mat
ter bow large, and it is a pleasure
for The Nugget to draw the atten
tion of the public to the enterprise
of this,up-to-date firm. They can
also furnish you a spanking turn
out, either single or double, or good
Baddle animals for either a lady or
Eighth Grade Examination
The eighth grade final examina
tion for the public schools will be
May 1G, 17, 1907.
June 13, 11, 1907.
Teachers who have pupils ready
for the examination should notify
me of the number of questions
wanted and the name of the person
appointed to conduct the examina
tion at least lo days before the date
for which the questions are wanted.
W. B. Dillard,
County Superintendent.
Doing Business Again.
"When my friends thought I was
about to take leave of this world, on
account of Indigestion, nervousness
and general debility," writes A A.
Chlbbolm, Treudwell, N. Y "and
when it looked us If there was no
hope left, I wus persuaded to try
Klectrio Blttors, and I rejoice to say
that they ate curing me. I urn now
if.,11 .,.
louio u.uu.cuee; uiurumeeU by Ueu
soa'fl rharruacy. COe,