Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, March 27, 1907, Image 7

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rnoDioiEs rcn their aoe.
In uny mlin1 ('(iinpntmil un muili Ii- imIm upon tli muniicr in wliii-li it Im
(iiiitMiiinl( it h upon the lii(i;r'iiiiilii 1
I'lrxl, tliero iihihI tin 11 ilmi pr'iHrl Ion of Hut Inn-clientM. Much ilrnx in tlx
pliitrimii-opi'in Iiiih ll-a HpK'iitl m l ion. To ftiinlilnc uny ilrnp; with other lniK
ilnil, Imvii nihility differed, lu'l ion, tint roiiiliinitl Ion iiiiihI, lie rnnlc w II li Ml rid,
ri'fi'ii-iKo to (Im iimii for which tlm coinpoiinil Im inlenili'il . Tln iIpim may lie
well Hi'liTtnl mm (liclr clllmry, hut I Ium-oiiimiiiii1 IINTIKIXY KI'OII Kll l!V
Till': I'Kol'OUTlON in which liny urn emnliinci!.
It IiiLch year htiiI jciirM of experience to iliHi'ovct IhiH proportion. There Im
no law of I m 1 1 1 1 h t r y , of pharmacy, hv which the cxiut hiiliuu'ii of propiilion euii
Im. ifetcriniiic.l. IsX I'Kltl i:N( K IN TII I'1 (INLY i I ' 1 1 I-:.
In coiiimhiimIIiik ii riitiinh r 1 1 h I y 1 r. lUtlmiiu Iiiih IukI rnmiy yi ur' exper
ience. In llii iiHii of tin" viirloiiM Inti'ilii-nlH which eonipuMi tin- culnrrli rcmcily,
rcrunii, hn Iiiih learned, lilt It hy little, how to hiiniioiil.n tint action of each In
yrcillciit, how tnciiiiiliino I hi'tn into ii hIiiMc 1'oinpoiiinl, how to arrange I lie in into
null Hire roort ioiiH hh Ui Mend tlm (ante, 1 1 h opcral Ion ami (hit clii'inli'iil pc
riilinrit Ii N of i-ni'li ci'vi'Mil ingredient in order t pralin e it pharmaceutical pro
duct licynnd tin- rrlticiMin uf iloi torx, lifiriiiiw IhIm or -) u rt 1 1 nt m .
w i ' itci'i.AT that, ahmi'cii hki'mnhh on tiii: way in which
Till': Minis Aid: n.Mi!iNi':i ah hkpknuh iton tiik iut ;h tiik.m-
Tlm i 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 . 1 iiiuhI pri'Hi'iit n Htnlillity which Im not affected hy chiuieH of
cmpclatiirc, lint itffictcd hy cxpoMiirc to the uir, Hot affected hy litfc. It iihihI
hi m ' in 1 1 1 1 no. I llmt It will ri'iiinin jiiHt Hif mime, whether need in the Iniiintf
or milling iiinipi of the nurlliwi mI or tlm coffee plantiil iunc of the trnplcM.
A complete lift of the Ingredient of IVrunii would not ennlilc uny iWuvifl nnd
or il i nIi in it to ti'pioilui'o IVrutin. It Im tin-flail anil ciiiacily by which then-
iiiimcIiciiIh arc momiM toyi-thcr tluit i'inc rciunii much I it it'ii I tar chimin mm
hii I'lhcacioiiM caturili remedy.
Ilnwcvi r much iituc cncli ingredient of IVruim may poHcm, t he value of
the 1 1 1 1 j m 1 1 1 1 i ilcpeieU largely upon the inaniiei ami pi upm t ion in which they
lire 1'iiliihilicil . 'Iheridit inured iciiIh, put together r i K ' ' ' t Im the only way 11
incilu'iil i hi 1 1 1 1 inn c nilele of real Millie.
Iirlallnn llrlni-'-bc-n, thf Rrholiir,
nml Moanrt, l ualelmi, Martrla.
f nil the Infant prllnlcn that havo
I ii I T(-m( I'll am) iihIoiiIhIiciI ImiIIi licinl
HplidcH It Im Kelieriilly lit-llcwd tluit
Hone WIIM Kleater tllllll llllle 'IiiImI hill
I Icliii'i Ken of I.iilieck. Thin rcinarkii
hie JollliUMler when at Co teliiler aire
uf 11! liioiillm WIIM iilile to relic tlie
I'eiilaleii' li without an error ami coulil
Piimm llic ihmmI tliorniiK'li examination
without a Mingle nIIi. Taney a 1 1 1 1 1
uf .'! heliiK Iilile to cnliverHe lluelitly III
IhiIIi I'reiicli ami l.ntlu. Mut that Im
what MiiMler ( 'IiI'ImI la n emlil lo aiel he
coiiM holil IiIm own wllli the hint iiiiim
tel'M of llic-te InliKUaKeM.
No one coiiM catch him on a kIiikIc
lueHllou In hlMlory, nnclent or modern,
ami he wiim more familiar with re
HkIoiim ami church history than the
majority of clergymen are. Kefore
yoiiliK Helueckeu died, nt the ai;e of
4, he wiim ictti'd and made much of hy
royalty of the IimiiImIi i-ourt, whl.H
t Ikiiihii IiiIh of H'i.ile Hocked to Kee him
and IImIcii to the wonlM of knowledge
wImiIoiii that fell from IiIm hahy
Nti llnnr Hiina. Vi-k, dear, on IhU old hettefl
my Kraiiilfiithcr couried my
Hi-eat j'l'iiliitiiiollier. my jjramlf a t her
coiii led my KtiiudiiKit tier and my fa
ther courted my mother.
.lack l il ea l ('uilil ! Hid you Hay It
was a wtlce?
Kvn W hy. certainly. What did yon
think It wan?
Jack- - 1 thought It1iii im It wan a
KMM cIlt'Mt.
cincl consider
r w ni
aw I m
lsmadf of Ihr bat
rmlmaliiP kWk irllcr
fuft)f AuriiriW nJ wW fc
sign or THE nsH
"na it n 119 Towm una:d ttvxoa aito-vih (
. mm i mm-mimit
Whirl I'rulrrlnr,
When a man Ihivh ii iU'ckm nhlrt iiowb-
1 iIiivm he cull dc'ieiid on the Iiomoiii le
lll( aliHolulely Kmi11csh, Mince, owlnjj to
III Hew deviif that lieell thought of.
the Khlrt Im protected from the touch
of willed IIiikcj-n that mo often wefp
wont to lenve their mark on the fair
This new Ktjle of irotectlon conslnts
of nil fnvi'loie of tratiHpnrrnt paper
that Im liirj;e enmiKli to hold the Khlrt,
keep It aliMolutely cli-nil, Mild Jet en
alilliijf one to mf the t-lze numherM
through It. Williout addliii; much to
the cost, the envelope i a Kl'eat rcniio
my to the iIimIitm and iniikerM, since
with Mm Hie there Im never any cause
for the return of nhirtM to the factory
that have liecn willed In the handling,
as there Im In the cuc of collars ami
Imnnra vs. Ilrpnlra.
In a trolley accident In New KiiKlanJ
in IrlMhman wmm hadly hurt. The next
lay n lawyer called on hliu and asked If
'i Intended to u? the com puny for
"1 iiniaKeM?"' mild 1'at, looklujr feehly
I iver IiIm lunula kcn. "Sure, 1 have thlni
ilready. I'd lolke to Hue the railway
for repalrM, nor, nv ye'll take the ciiKe."
- Youth'H (Vmimnlon.
T.vcry jnrt rf the brxly lcpon!cnt on the Mood for nourishment and
fltrrnth. When this life stream is flowing through the pysti iu in a .state of
I unity and richness vc ure assured of jerfcct and uninterrupted health;
-ct ause jitire MckxI Is nature's nafe-puanf nrainst diHcase. When, however,
the Imdy i.4 fed on weak, impure or polluted Llcxd, the system is deprived of
its strength, disease jfenns collect, nml the trouble is manifested ia various
vaya. l'ustular crtiptions, jiimjiles, rashes nnd the difTi rent skin iifTeetions that the Mood is in a feverish and di.sea.sed conuuion n3 a result of too
much acid or the presence of pome irritating humor. Sores ami Ulcers are
the result of morbid, unhealthy matter in the Mood, and Khcumatism, Ca
tarih, fn-rofula, Contagious lllood l'oison, etc., are all deep-seated Mood
lisordeis that will continue to prow worse as lonj; ns the poison remains.
These impurities and poisons find their way int the Mood in various ways.
Often n tluj?;j?;ish, inactive condition of th? system, and torpid state of the
nvenues of Inidily waste, leaves the refuse and waste matters to sour and
form uric and other acids, which are taken tip hy the Mood and distributed
throughout the circulation. Coming in contact with contagious diseases is
mother cause for the joisoning of the Mood ; we also breathe the germs and
microbes of Malaria into our lungs, and when these get into the blood in
jMiflicicut quantity it becomes a carrier of disease instead of health. Some
ore so unfortunate as to inherit bad Llxd, perhaps the dregs of some old
constitutional disease of ancestors is handed down to them and they are
constantly annoyed and troubled with it. Bad Mood is the source of all dis
ease, and until this vital fluid is cleansed nnd purified the body is sure to
puffer in some way. For Mood troubles of any character S. S. S. is the best
remedy over discovered. It goes down into the circulation and removes any
and all poidous, supplies the healthful properties it needs, and completely
and permanently cures Mood diseases of
every kind. The action of S. S. S. is so
thorough that hereditary taints are removed
and weak, diseased blood made strong and
licallhy so that disease cannot remain. It
cures Khcumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula, Sore3
nnd Ulcers, Skin "Diseases, Contagious
Wood l'oison, etc., nnd does not leave the
(slightest trace of the trouble for future outbreaks. The whole volume of
Mood ia renewed and cleansed after a course of S. S. S. It is also nature's
greatest tonic, made entirely of roots, herbs and barks, and is absolutely
harmless to any part of the system. S. S. S. is for sale at all first class
Aims stores. Hook cm the blood nnd any medical advice free to nil who write,
Another Infant phenomenon, whose
line wmm iiiiihIc liiHtead of laniniMKcs,
wmm heloved, who wiim looked
iihiii iim a harpsichord expert almost
In-fore he could talk. Am a matter of
fact the child, WtilfcniiK Mozart, rom
iscd n concerto at the tender ajje of
4 ami, what wnM still more remarkable,
thin composition was ho IIMlult that
j-oiiiik MunrlM father, who enjoyed
an enviable reputation ns a violinist,
i-ould not master the work of IiIh hoii
until he had devoted coiiHlderahle Mine
to practicing It. ImaKlne thlM lsy jtlv
IiiK n recital in n university hall Imv
fore muslclanM of worldwide reputation
ns studeutH of music who had phi veil
before Mozart wiim horn. Hy the time
lie had reached the nj?e of M thlM nston
lshlnt; youth had won Kurojie entirely
and he wiim In n fair way to lielnjt
sjMilled hy the kltik'M and empresses who
showered hliu with honor, affection and
The Kirk of Scotland has iilwayH laid
great Htress upon the power of sermons
In It uilnlslratloiiM. John Kerr, In IiIm
"Other Memories, Old and New," K'veS
Nome ot hi uwu recollections oil thin
A minister whoso disposition wna
rather to drive thnu to leud called on
u woman wboHe attendance at church
w iim not quite so rcxular hs he wished.
"I wiim pleiiwd," ho Hllld, "to Bee
you lit church yesterday. You have
not been very regular lately."
"Oh, yes, I wiih there yesterday. I
llklt your discourse, and wua uiuckle
the better o't."
"I'm Kind of tluit. You'll remcm
ber the text, no doubt?"
"No, I've a very bad memory for
"Well, you rememlMT what I wild
nlsiut It. or mime of the things I said?"
"No, I cumin say that I can reel off
anything ye said."
"My good woman, you must te a
hypocrite to nay you were the better
for Im'Iiij; at the church, when you can
not tell me either the text or anything
I said Hlsiut It."
"lo ye see," she replied, pointing to
some clothes that were blenching ou
the green, "time clues oot there?"
"Yes," lie mild.
"WtH'l, I watered them half an hour
since, und therc'H no a drai o' water
to be eeeu ou them noo; but they're
hantle the better o't for a' that"
This recall the experience of another
minister whose sermons were dull and
not for edllleatlon. Meeting one of
his congregation who had lieen n erl
ous defaulter In rriM'ct of attendance,
he ald, "John, you have not been at
cLurrh for a long time."
No, I canua Just say when I was
at your kirk. I was gle'en some o' the
lther kirks a bit turn."
"Hut, John, hnve you never heard
that a rolling stone feathers no moss?"
"Aye, hut I hnve heard, too, that a
tethered lamb taks a lung time to grow
$3.00 AND $3.50 SHOES
Men'.Hhova, to l.AO. lloya' Shoo. SKI to 1.. Women'.
Hli.ina. m to Itl.AO. HlnMl' A C'hllilrou'a Ishotia, 4.XS to 1.S.
W. U. Diiuglus Blusii are rucognizud by export iudguu of footwear'
touotho bout la stv lo. Ut sun wear jirouuveu m una country, j'.acu
part of tlis dhoo and evory detail of tlis maklnjr is looked after
ami watolied over by skilled (liooiimkers, without regard to
1 1 uio or coHt. It I could take you into my large factories at I
llrocktiin. Mahm.. and show tou how oarefullv W. L. Douglas
hoog are made, you would then tinderHtand why they hold thotr thiijui, tit butto
VIllLP liillirr nilil nr tt Vlkllin tllllll anv nLlinr 111 1LR HN.
w. l llollutaN nikllll ailU prii'ii I millliru on oil iniiiuiii, which iirmrria inn wi-nrir aiminRi ninil
DTliia anil rnliirlur liimii. Tnk Nn taoltatllule. Snhl ly Ifm IwrI liu iIchIi'M tvi'ry wlitri.
fuil I'ulor Jiytlcli used txtlutivtly, Catalog mmUii J ret. V. L., UUtULltl, ltrovb.iou.Maa
llail Knlth In Statlatloa.
A wealthy farmer of Tx-banon Conn
ty, now In his ninety-sixth year, still
persists In working hard every day.
One of his nelghliors, more than IK), met
him one day and said:
"Well, Mr. It., we are getting to be
pretty old men."
"Not ho very old," Bald the other,
"Hut don't you think," persisted the
neighbor, "that we ought to bo eonsld
crlng about the next world? We must
very stwn die, you know."
"Don't know about that," retorted
Mr. B. "Very few men die at my ae."
The Finest Gardens
Are always reported when Portland Seed Co.'s "Diamond Brand"
Seeds are planted. Why ? Because we sell you the kinds that grow
best on this Coast. Our handsomely Illustrated and descriptive
Annual tells all about our Seeds, Plants. Roses, Spray Pumps.
fertilizers, Incubators, brooders, Poultry and Bee Supplies.
Al (or Book No. 260 W. tits hv a ipacltl ctlilof
ol Trata, Shrubs, Elc, Book No 2b I Iim on requoil
Portland, Oregon SpoKane, Wash.
Ilia Dormitory-.
A well-to-tlo farmer up tho State,
who had sent his sou to Philadelphia
to begin life as a clerk, wrote to tho
merchant In whose employ he was, ask
Injjr how the boy was getting along and
where he slept nights.
The merchant replied:
"lie Bleeps lu the store In the day
time. I don't know wliere he Bleeps
nights." Philadelphia Ledger.
A funny Mlaprlnt.
One of tho most ludicrous announce
ments that ever appeared perhaps was
made by a London newspaiier In the
earlier half of the last century to the
effect that Sir Hobert Peel "and a par
ty of fiends were shooting peasants In
Ireland." Tho words misprinted, of
cou r so, were "friends" and "pheasants."
Ail Apology rrilrr1,
"f liripn our riiiirniiK tin- t:rn ilioihoTi"
hmf nijclil ih'ln't iinnoy .Km," said flin
r'titr'r of llic third ll'ior Hat.
"WlmtV" i iMpoii'lid tin' now rr'iitcr of
llio four! 1 1 llinir lint, rdn irn nn mr
"I say It'a n flan iii'irninir," hidlowcd
(lift otlu-r. Into tin- lrniiiii-t.
I'llfS l,lft IN b IO 14 DAVS.
I'AZO OIN IMKN T In jfiiari'iitr I lurufn uny
rrini'iif Iclilnir, hllnd, lilii 'lltiir rr (. r o I r n ! ! nif
I-lln lu Dili M May or fnni.fy r"tnii'l"l ..Vkj.
Ilnil to Nlnnil fop It.
Itnr-on - The leader of that or' ln-stra
Is on his feet nearly th- whole time,
Isn't he?
Kuhi rt -Ves ; It really sei-iiis too had
that he has to stand for that playing.
Yoiikers St.iti'Fiiuiii.
Stood the Test.
A llcofl ' r:ii'tirn have iiiwi 'fnlv
f tin id t hi-1 1 t nf s i x t y y n r-' iiw t,y 1 1 jinh-ln-;
tln ir vlitni" Imvir m-wr Ihi ii i-rpialh-d j
hythi- niiM i-ii piihiiiM im tainri who h iv
Hiiti'hl In Iradi1 upon tin- reputation of
A 1 1 1 i I. ' t'V 1 1 1 ;ik i lor phi - tri" wit Ii holri in
tin-in, i hiiiniii thi'iu to l' "jut a 1 ood hi- i
Alho- k' ."
Aluoik'v pl.-i-dTH to'la indor-i-'l
by not only tin- hijdii- t iiii-dicid author-;
iln-M hut hy liiiliion- of jriati'liil patn iiti !
v, ho hav i- proM-d t In ir i lln ivy an a houe- i
noni ri'iuc iv.
I'lllplnoa t.o fo llfntnll.
I'llliliio laborers are leaving .Manila
for Hawaii in parlies of from .V) to 10.
These men ami their families jo to
Hawaii as roiitraet lahorers on sut'ar
plaiilatloi.H. Kxteusioii of suar rais
IliK 111 the I'hilijipilies can not he car
ried on while tin- door of the j;reat
Vuierlcan market Is practically shut
inalmt Philippine products.
Mothers will find Mm. Winnow. Toothing
Hyrup th- In it rt-iin-dy to umj io their chmlrua
Jurlug ttio teettilng pcrloa.
.Much ot tin- country ttirouh which the
Siberian railway passes had never been
traversed by whit men before tli; survey
ors came.
anking by Mail
On pavings depositi of a dollar
cr more, compounded iwio
every yar. It is just hi easy
to open a SaviriK" Account
us hy .Ma I as if you lived next
door. Send for our free hook
let, "IiankitiK hy Mail," and
learn lull pait culars. Ad'Ir.n.H
Oregon Trust &.
Savings Bank
Portland, Oregon
Sixth and Washington St3.
Portland Oregon
UtliMst J- You Co ElMwhert
l!rl'l - W. rk, pT
!! H.lvi.-r t iillnn.
I Irnt Kir .et lUlUUMi, OI'.KflON
loM I fiwn ?1 ;
1'nih, . 1'iHl- .
!h;; l.o.J i 1 1 1 1 . K
Thr-re In more Cutnrrh In thin diction ot the
country than all uih. r liiae put tuKCther,
aiil until thr lam tew yearn win supposed to ba
iiiciirabli. K'.r nifrrHt iiiniiy earn doctor iro
n.iu nc d 11 a !. ulM.-a-e, and jr?Ti I1 local
r.nedlfi, and by ciumniiily fullinit to cure
wlta local tr-atnivut, pronounced It incurable.
Science baa pruvi-n catarrh Ui be t conftitu
tional disease, and thereforo rcjuireii coimiltu
:lonal treatincnt. Ilall'a amrrh ( ure, icnnu-'ai-turcd
by K. I. ("lu ney A Co., Toledo, Ohio, In
the only con'tttuiloiial cure on the rn nrket. It
m taken Internally in dews Irom 10 dropa to a
. ena pxjim f u 1. 1 1 acta directly on thn bloerl aud
muc u au rfacea of t be ) stem. They ofler ono
hundred dollara for an v cane It faila to cure.
Send for circular! and
Addre-jH, K.J.I 11 KNK Y ii CO., Toledo, O
Bold liy I'niRristii, 7 c.
liall i rainily PiUi are the beat.
An Krrrjilny (Irrurrrnre,
"The clearin;: in court of that receiver
of otolcn goods was a homely (sort of tri
umph for the lawyers."
"In what way';"
"It nan a whitewashing of the fence."
Baltimore American.
There ix $:iMi.HX).00 worth of Knlih
money invexteil in Hiihinarine cablen.
Mode In all ! ami a 1 (let wtr and ofl
anywIi'T". l'eit iirulliig 1-,.n na.!". (let calae
lo-a i rel jirlc-H. BEALL & CO.
321 Hawthorne Ave. Portland, Or.
That l I.AXA1IVK Itl'.'iMn (minine. Pimi
larly named reinc'lici omeiimcs depcive.
Hie Aim ali i orii-iiHl C,,l.l Tablet is aWHITK
I'ACK AiK with tilack and re l letturiiiic, and
bcara tbe fciiiature of h, W. tiK'JVK. 'hj.
IlllS' 1JA A.X !l"l ""t'll
t AVj tiicj v 4iSni!. .1.1110 oji j.ih.k);i
iJ.l.idXO lUOJUtM V SB
XjH:rtI) m..n:ii. I'll' a'1I 'I',!UM
IUUjh Ojjjiuo.v w lvv
TITO Vltiia Pance and all Tferroua rlaanes
I 1 1 u permanently cured hr Ir. Kbne'a (ireat
serve lleauirer. fend for KHKK 2trlal bottle and
ireatne. ir. IL JLKlln. , Ui..VU ArcbBU, l'Llla-.i',
"I feel awfully sorry for Mabel, don't
"Why Borry?"
"The HKr girl can't blush." Wash
ington Star.
Penetrates to the Spot
Right on the dot.
Price 25c and 50c
An Explanation.
An alienist came wandering through
nu insane asylum's wards one day. He
eame upon a man wbe sat la a brown
study on n liencb.
"How do you do, sir?" said tbe alien
ist. "What is your name, may I ask?"
"My name?" said the other, frowning
fiercely. "Why, Czar Nicholas, of
course. "
"Indeed." said the alienist. "t
the last time I was here' you were tbe
Emperor of Germany."
"Ves, of cour&e," said the other,
quickly, "but that was by my first
w I f e. " A rgon a u t
fcae itood the test for orer vj yenfra.
and are sti 11 in the lea 1. Tiieir absolute
certainty of provtih, tiieir uucommonly
lar;,-e yields of delicious vegetal '.es anl
Deautiiui nowers, maicc inein inc mosi
reli.ib.i; and tne most popular every.
I A where. Sold by all dealers. 1307
i-'X Seed Annual free on request.
d. u. FEftry a co..
Detroit. Mich. -efT"Jsfo'rf'.
In hot water (1 tablespoonful to a quart) will
easily and quickly clean tarnished silver, forks,
spoons and metal ware giving a high polish.
All dealers. Sample Borax. Souvenir Picture
in l'i color" an ! bouklct "m and dealer's name.
I'ACinc COAST H'iKAX CO., Oakland, ( at.
P. N. U.
No. 13-07
I JEN writing to advertiser plea
loenfion in is paper.
Literal Information.
"Did the doctor cauterize that dog'a
bite for you?"
"Goodness gracious! Why not?"
"He seemed to prefer to cauterize tha
place tbe dog bit." Baltimore American.
rj One of the Important Duties of Physicians
is to learn as to the relative standing and reliability of the leading manufactur
ers of medicinal agents, as the most eminent physicians are the most careful as to
the uniform quality and perfect purity of remedies prescribed by them, and it is well
known to physicians and the Well-Informed generally that the California Fig Syrup
Co., by reason of its correct methods and perfect equipment and the ethical character of
its product has attained to the high standing in scientific and commercial circles which
is accorded to successful and reliable houses only, and, therefore, that the name of the
Company has become a guarantee of the excellence of its remedy.
appeal to the 'Well-Informed in every walk of life and are essential to permanent suc
cess and creditable standing, therefore we wish to call the attention of all who would
enjoy good health, with its blessings, to the fact that it involves the question of right
living with all the term implies. With proper knowledge of -what is best each hour
of recreation, of enjoyment, of contemplation and of effort may be made to contribute
to that end and the use of medicines dispensed with generally to great advantage, but
as in many instances a simple, wholesome remedy may be invaluable if taken at the
proper time, the California Fig Syrup Co. feels that it is alike important to present
truthfully the subject and to supply tho one perfect laxative remedy which has won
the approval of physicians and the world-wide acceptance of the Well-informed because
of the excellence of the combination, known to all, and the original method of manufac
ture, which is known to the California Fig Syrup Co. only.
This valuable remedy has been long and favorably known under the name of
Syrup of Figs and has attained to world-wide acceptance as the most excellent of
family laxatives, and as its pure laxative principles, obtained from Senna, are well
known to physicians and the Well-informed of the world to be the best of natural
laxatives, we have adopted the more elaborate name of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of
Senna as more fully descriptive of the remedy, but doubtlessly it will always bo
called for by the shorter name of Syrup of Figs and to get its beneficial effects always
note, when purchasing, the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co.
plainly printed on the front of every package, whether you simply call for Syrup of
Figs or by the full name Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna as Syrup of Figs and
Elixir of Senna is the one laxative remedy manufactured by the California Fig Syrup
Co. and the same heretofore known by the name Syrup of Figs which has given sat
isfaction to millions. The genuine is for sale by all leading druggists throughout the
United States in original packages of one size only, the regular price of which is fifty;
cents per bottle.
Every bottle is sold under the general guarantee of the Company, filed with tho
Secretary of Agriculture, at Washington, D. C, that the remedy is not adulterated
or misbranded within the meaning of the Food and Drugs Act, June 30th, 1906.
Louisville, Ky.
San Francisco, Cal,
U. S. A.
London, England.
New Tork, N. T.