U. S. DISPENSATORY DrftsllM Ihr IVIrnlr b Imcrt-dlrnU Con Itiinvd In Pe-ru-na. Aro w clulnilriK t inucli fr I't-rnnn Mlii'ii wi cliiim It to h iui ffcHlv rcini'ily fc.r climiilc cntnrrli? Ilnvn wh nliuiiiliiiit ii.f tlmt IVriina I In mill t.V "iii-Ii it i-nliirrli MMiit'ily? a' iih n o wlml tint I i) 1 ( Mule J'iHpi imitury HiyH of tho ir ItH'l jnl lnnroJiojiU of 1 ' i ( 1 1 1 it . Tiilic, fur liiHtiiiico, Out ItiKnuliiMit of llVlltllMl Ih i'MIIII'IcIImIm, or Ifnlill'll HIM I. 'Ilin I'niloil Rutin )iiciiciit ity rnyn nf Hun in riuii HMinily, I hat It m iHrncly iiiiliiyi In Out trcaliiH'iit of i1ciiiivc1 iiiiiiMiuiiN iiiiMiilrHiioi, rlinmic rlilnili (iiiihhI nttiiirli), atonic i1)hm )hIu (-n lurili iif (Iui mIiiiuih'Ii), clirniiii' InlcH tiiuil ciitiirh, nitnrtlml liiiiiilii-o (cu tn nh nf tin- liver), ami in ill i-nm-il nut- -tim iiifiiilitiini'H if tln in-lvin t ki n It U nlrtu rii'iiiiuiii'iiili 1 fni tint trt'iit- ini'iit nf viirimm furiim of iIIhiumcn pivii liltl tl MOIIII'll, Anotlii'i in jri'ilicut of IVriiin, cory (In I in fi ruii'Hii, Ih cIiihhi'iI in llio I'liitixl Slut 'H I MrM lif-tiiry UM u tunic So b.Ih Ih ciiIh'Iw cI.imhimI iih u atmnm-lili1 Mini n M tonic fur tint it i ik'oiih iin'iiiliriiiicc. ('(ilrmi hci iIk Ih ihio1 h'-r lia-ri'illi nl of I -1 1 1 1 1 it , mi excellent ilrtitf tlmt linn lieeii very liiriM'!y overliKikiil ly tin luc.lictil ir ifH-i i i fur tint hhI fifty yciirn. Tim mv'U urn to Im fniiii'l in Very few ilriiK HtoreH. 'I'lm I'nitcil Ktutei I )"K iiMitiry kmvm of tint uctimi 'f ciilriiii tlmt it U iiHctl iih u liiiter tunic n ii I In tint treniiietit of (lynentery, Hint in intel mitleiit (lineuneN an a Hiili- M itnte fi r iiiiinine. Oil of i hi II hi, another iiiRreilierit of I rami in cliiMHttl by tin 1'nito.l Htnt K 1ikm m-iitory km a inilil Mtiniiilant niul linretic. It hcIm on tint Htomiu'li ami intentli ul tract. It net n u Ktimiiliint n tint K'nito-nrliary ineiiilrinicH. 1'Heful in iironle cyntltiK, i-linmlo (lyn t tilery nii"l ilinrrlien, niul iotn( chronic tlmi'iim of tint liver tun! kllncyn. Semi to UN fur H free Ixxik of tenti iikui iiIh of Imt tint pcoplii think of I'eriinu n a catarrh rninvly. Tint Im-kI viileiice In the tentiiiinny of Oiimm who luive trietl it. Mrcltirurltr. "Fellow rlili'iix," Inliiicil tint rising il!l lelnn, "I mn lint nxliniiicil to any tlmt I Kol my ftlnrt In llfu hy m-lllug ih-ws-I !" "Vim fxijflit n't to Im nnliRMinil, lllicr," hlioiilnii n mnu In tint ninllfiii'M. "Tim inWNiitiier guv on j-our alurt In politic!." A HELP TO OTHERS. hoWAItlt K. rH'UTON -A.rr ar1 fhrnil.t. I n'l v lllr( ( '(il(triuih hHM liuurt lirlirai ii. .It rr, I.- ., tl ; 1 1. .I. I, Hllvur.l H : lliM. ..; Zllu-i.r ' "H',(l. ( t til,t Vmiliin mivi.. mill full .pi. t. llnl miiI uu ftiillratloH. C'im1rl nl 1' in- tir tftt.rii illcltL 1liouci t u buiiAis uiial UwK. BORAX bySofttnlnt the Wattr makci tht Skin Cltari Removes Pmplratloa Odor, hitens the Dandii Prevents Dandruff and Makes Beautiful hair. A II ili-alrr. Kmn.U ll.-.rit, Ili uly lliinklen ml Hnuvrnlr I'lrtun1, f rpit Hint ymir ii'Iit'i limui'. farllir (ol llora Co., Oaklanil, Cat. HARDSHIPS OF ARMY LIFE. Ltft Thousands of Veterans With Kid ney Troubles. The cxperlciicit of Ihivhl W. Martin, ft letiretl inerclmiit of Ilolivitr, Mo., Ih jiiHt like thotiHiiinlH of othen. M r . Martin biijh: "I think I luive lial khlney diHeaHit ever iilnco tho war. I hiring nn eniiKe meiit my hornc f,.U on me. Mtrninini? in ii iilc tho kliineya. I have l.cen told I hail u lloiitiiik' kidney. I hnl inteimu mi n In the hack, hcncliichcH ami ilizy hjK'llH ami the action of tint blmliler wiin very lrrcKhir. Ahotit three yearn hki 1 tried iHtan'H Khlney Tillx, and (omul Hiich Kfeat relief that I continual, and liiHlde a (tomparatively Hhort time wiih entirely rid of kidney trouble." Hold hy all dealer. fit) centn a box. Fohtcr-.Milburti Co,, lluffalo, N. Y. r Free Catalogue and Premiums. Kveryono InteieKled in mckiIm, plant, tt(!,, rIioiiIiI have u copy of the Port land iSeed eoiiiiaiiy 'n ll07 ( attloiiit, which in free fur the linking, by men Honing thin aier and addrennln thoin at l'ortlaud, Ori'Koii. Tel In all about their Hplumlid preiuiii'tiiH. Mothar will tin t Mr. Winnow! Doothloi Hyruii thai tit it rxuii'ity to Ua lot thalr clill'lro J lurlug (tie ttiatldiiK rlo'l. In l.fitnl I'orm, "If I tlioiiKlit you with koIiik to jiley ma fnlac, Miirlr," Mn i I iln nnleiit young litwycr, "by tlm ureal born kjxmiii IM liohl )ou w lili a writ of luilieaa riii-pim !" "Tlmt will uot lie low iMmiry," amili-il Minn Murlo. "I'm not koIiik to run nwn.v." "Ho7" ln w lilMcri'i, inoviiiK nenrcr, "All right. Nn etiat will ilu JtiMt na well." Only On "IIKOMO QUININf " Tlial l I.AXATIVK IIKOMU (nliiliiP. Hlml Inrly eaiunl n'iiii'1 Ii miMii'ilima il.-t-a-i vi. I In' flim mel nrlp .mil ..M lalili l In a Will i K l-Ai'K Mil-. nh f ! h niel n-'l Ii-HitIiik, aiel Itrlira Hie h!(ilinluli' nl K, V. liltOVK. K. IVnt WrII - !. "If tlit Senator will ianlon mn for In t rruot in liiui," lilninlly xiiikc ono of the oiIht Ketiatoi'N, "ha !a uot atii klnu to LU text." ".My tail I" tbiindereil tlia fury at a lea mnu. "Tii! is nut a m-ruion, air! 'I'll la la a ronr!" Wberrat ba continued bis roaring. Chicago Trllnun. CITP VUun Iianra and all Nirvoua riaaa f 1 1 j tM-rttiiiaiinr riirnl y Or. Kluin'a On-ai fsrv. Ilrauirfr. rwml rir Kill. K i trial blU anil Irt-atlao. Jir. 11. 1 L k On. , I A., ai A icli ML, l-bUa..l'a. (ham of Mr (hod. "Invratlitnlioiia don't aeetu to br bald In lb ajilrlt of courteay ami forbearance that once jirevallcil," remarked t lie old time atnteaiuan. "No," aiiawereil Sennfor HorKhiim, "the nit lint loo !a becoming diMicult. 1'eoiiln now hold IiivckI Ikm I lulm bm ailHO t liey really w ant to fin I aiciiellilnu out, Inatead of merely for the aike of aoothiuz tbclr m i inla." Wa h I n iti on St n r. riltS CURfD IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. I-AZO OINTM K.N'T In irnarrntet."! lurure an rr (.. lrl.h;u, hllnt, lileflllig or irntrullng pile In ( to II dayt or money rnfunOuil.ftoc. Ilrlped Malta Hint Good. "Diirliijr, our cotirtahl," mild Mre. Wcc1h, "jnMir John declared be would die for me and be did." "Indn-d!" exclaimed tho surprlmHl friend. 'Yen," continued the fulr widow. "I did the cooking tnyhvlf and be died of IndlKt-xtlon." There tn more Catarrh In thla aectlon of the country than all oiht-r llrata put loiiettit-r ami until ibn laat lew yeara waa auiiat'ii t ti Inoiirat.lo. Kur a grral ninny vrartOoi l.iri j ro nouiici d It a lix'al UlM'a, ami erex rlu-il lcx a' remuillea, ami by onianlly lulling to curt; wltu local treatment. iironuunceU 11 lncural.lo. Helenre baa proven ratarrh to lie a conalltu tloiial (llaeaae, ami llierelure requlrra conalltu lloual treatincul. Ilall'i Catarrh Cure, manu (ai'tureil by K. J. Cheney A Co. .Toledo, Ohio, la the only conatitutloual cure on the market.. It la la on Internally In dmoi Iroin 10 1 roj.a to a lemiM)c.iiful. It acta directly oo the bleed and muv ma irlai'ei o( tho yntin. They oiler ono humlrcd dnllara (or aiw raae It (alia to cure. heml (ir rlrculnra and tcntlnionlala. A'l.lr.'fu. K. J ( Hh.StV b CU..Tolao.O Hul'l t.v I 'ruralif a. T.'ts. llall'a ainlly 1'llla are the belt. Leather waate I no longer wanted. Manufacturer tmo it In a coinpreHHcd form, intend of iron, to mnko cofe-wbeola. 1M7-1907. Sixty yearn n;o AllciM'k'n Ilaatera were lirnt introduced to the p- blic. They aie to- I it v Hi world 'a titamlard tila.iteif. Thin invention lias Ik en one of the frreatei-t blenxingn iuiavinable a id all'ordn t he iiiiekoht. cheapest and Ix'tl ineiinn of healiiiK and reliet for certain ailment, thai bun ever been discovered. AIIcik k' are the original and Kcnuine !ioiouK pl'Oitern ami are Hold by d: ui.'-ts n evi ry pari of the civilized world. New Zealand Christian Kmleuvorere now number 1,(XX). They publinli a haud Kome quarterly. "That waa n beaut fill tboiiKbt tb mlnlnler K'lve ua about belli on the lookout for little uuohtrimlve wnya w ran help nthcm, wann't It?" nnld Minn Six-am, fervently, to Mm. Wnlley, nn the two women wnlkcd alowljr homo from church tnKi-tber. "I'm in, yen, Ifn a beautiful thomcM." mild Mm. Walley, In n mnardi-d man ner, "but the hint Hunt pitrxou preached that Nelinon -'htiin five year Ko, Junt before you cannt bent It Hindu coil Nlderable troiilile In iuy family. ".en," coniiiMieir Mm. Walley, with nn tinneelnic gaze on the cliiiimliiK fol bik'e of the vllbife'it treen, "Illrani naw n btler directed to. bin Aunt Letltla lylnx on the kIMIiik nniui table, and be thought be wouldn't wait for me to link ti I m to post It, name na I nlwaya bad to do two or three timed In-fore be remembered. "That M-riuon wan rlbt frenh In bid mlinl. and bit picked up that letter, denied It, Ntampeil It (Hid ninled If, all without nayliiK a word to me till next day. Then he anjie of It real modest and Jet pleaned with blnmelf. "Tin H'AiiK to try to live up nearer to that Hirmon than I've Ix-cu doliiK, Mandy,' be H'tld to me, 'and mak tbliiKH eanler for you; lift Hume o" the II tt la bunleiiM o life ofTn your dhoul-d.-rn.' "'Well. Illram,' I 'aid, nn soon nn I could npeak wlthc.tit lakliiK bin bead rkbt off, for you know I'm b!li-tem-In-red, except Iiik for what Krace I've IP it, 'I know you meant well but that wann't a letter to your Aunt Letltlu you've wiit off. " That euvejojie bad ber old addrenn. on of cournc you didn't iK'.tlce that. She'll (ret It. but It'll make ber mad an a hornet when Mbe p.eeH It and tblnkrt I've In-en carelenn and forgotten the new place; and limbic Were three ele K''tnt crochet patteriid I wan calculut I lite to take over to the inlnlnter'n wife to -morrow. I put 'em In that old en velope for Hafe-keepliiK they've been there more'n nix moiitbn. I wnn In teiidinfe' tn let the mlnlhter'd wife copy tbein. I laid the envelope out Boon an we Rot back from mcctlni;, o I'd re lueuiber. " 'Votir Aunt Iictltln (Ienpl(en fancy work, ho she'll throw Uiein In the fire und then nit down and write Mne.' "So 8bo did," added Mm. Walley, grimly, "and It took a good deal of work tn get her utralKhtened out. "On the whole, there waau't any hinting harm done, but I wan only thinking an I Hat there thin morning, I waa Hurt of relieved to think lllntm'j cold kep' blm home from church to day, all thing coimldered." MARK TWAIN'S "INSIDE PRICE." BLOOD DISEASED 'CATAMKH AND SYSTEM DISORDERED Catarrh is not merely an Inflammation of the tissues of the head nn3 throat, ns the symptoms c f ringing noises In the cars, mucous dropping back into the throat, continual hawking and spitting, etc., would seem to Indi cate; it Is a blood disease In which the entire circulation nnd the greater jnrt of the system are involved. Catarrh due to the presence of an excess of uric acid in the blood. The Liver, Kldnej'3 and Bowels frequently be come torpid and dull in their action and instead of carrying oil the refuse nnd waste of the body, leave It to Bour and form uric acid in the system. This is taken up by the blood and through its circulation distributed to all parts of the system. These impurities in the blood irritate and inflame the different membranes and tissues of the body, and the contracting of a cold will start the Becretions and other disgusting and disagreeable eymptoms of Catarrh. As the blood goes to all parts of the body the ca tarrhal polson-aflects all parts of the system. The head has a tight, full feeling, nose continually stopped up, pains above the eyes, slight fever comes and goes, the stomach is upset and the entire system disordered and I had Catarrh to, abont fifteen feCtf J diseSef- " ,9. WUte f yeara, and no man could bayo time to try to cure Catarrh with sprays, houldTeVr oUutoToodre? Inhalations, etc. Such treatment uitea. i then tievan H. o. a., and uuc-a jiui, rcucu uic moou, nnci can, lucrciure, uo nothing more than temporarily relieve the discomfort of the trouble. To cure Catarrh permanently the blood must be thoroughly purified and thesystem cleansed of all poisons, and at the sarue time strengthened and built tip. Nothing equals S. S. 43. for this purpose. It attacks the disease at its heaa, goes down to the very bottom of the trouble and makes a complete and lasting cure. S. S. S. removes every C article of the catarrhal poison from the lood, making this vital stream pure, fresh and healthy. Then the inflamed mem branes begin to heal, the head is loosened and cleared, the hawking and spitting cease, could aea little iinDroveinent from the first bottle, and after taking- it a short while waa oured. This waa six yeara ago, aud I am es well today ae any man. I think Catarrh is a, blood disease, and know there is nothing- on earth tetter for the blood than S. H. 8. Nobody thluka xnore of B. 8. a. than I do. Si, WATtfON, &aieer, Mioh. PURELY VEGETABLE every symptom disappears, the constitution is built up and vigorous health restored. S. 3. S. also tones up the stomach and digestion and acts as a fine tonic to the entire system. If you are suffering with Catarrh begin the use of S. S. S. and write US a statement of your case and our physicians will Bend you literature about Catarrh, and give you special medical ftdvico Without charge. 8. S. S. is for sale at all first class drug stores. THE SWIFT SPLCiriO CO., A TLANTAf CA, Hot the Poor Ilookarllrr Felt Over IHaroanta." ' Murk Twain Home time ago told this atory at a dinner given to Tax Cominla Bloner Charles l'utzcl at the Freund chaft Society Clubhouse In New York: "I aaw Mr. l'utzcl twenty-flve yearn go In rutnam'H book store. I went In there and asked for George II. Putnam, and handed In my card. A young uiau I took it In, but cuine back and said that Mr. Putnam won bucy and could not sc) me. 1 had merely gone there on a eoctal call and started to leave. As I was going out my eye was attracted to a big, fut. Interesting looking Inxik. ! It was entitled The Invasion of En-' gland In the Fourt--nth Century by tho Friars.' I at-ked the price of It "'Four dollar,' was the answer. 'What discount do you allow pub lishers?' " 'Forty per cent off.' "Well.' I said, '1 am a publisher.' "He put down the figures '40 per cent' on the card. "I said : 'What dlncount do you al low authors?' "He an Id: 'Forty per cent.' "'Well,' I said, '1 am the author. You can put that down. What discount do you allow the clergy?' "He said, '20 per cent' "'Well,' I snld, 'I nin on the road.' So I tooli 20 per cent for that. "He put down the figures and never Rinllod once. Hero I was working ofT all thcae scintillating brilliancies on him, and not even a spark of recog nition. I was nhnoHt In despair. I thought I would try hlni once more, bo I said: " 'You know I nm also a member of the Human Kace. Would you allow me 10 per cent off for that?' "He set that down never smiled bo I said: " There Is uiy card with my address on It I have do money with me. Send tho bill to my home at Hartford. "I picked up the book and was going away when he said: 'Walt a minute; there Is 40 cents coming to you.'" Publisher's Weekly. Why He Doesn't Hay "He's a regular Jaek-of-all-trailes. Why, he built his own garage." "Did he? I wasn't aware that ha owned a car." "He doesn't Tho only ear that he'd care to buy Is Just a foot too loug for the garage he built" Cleveland Plain Dealer. llasy. "But," said Drlghtley, "If you were sure the fellow who beat you In the saloon waa a policeman, why didn't you take his number ?" "Well," replied Lusehman, "I ev had had a number too many already." Philadelphia Press. There always seems more excuse for a mau to beat a mule than to whip a horse. Any woman who stoops to marrv sel dom gets time to straighten up agula. A. Doctors Medicine Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is not a simple cough syrup. It is a strong medicine, a doctor's medicine. It cures hard cases, severe and desperate cases, chronic cases of asthma, pleu risy, bronchitis, consumption. Ask your doctor about this. " I tiara uumI a rraat ileal of Ayr'l Cherry pertirai for coukIi ami imril cut nn tha rtiMt. It liaa alwari iloiie me prat a'"!. It U crtalrilr a moat wrinflrful rUKh rrtertl. rlue." MltaAEL i. PlT40ll(ALI, Vladlord, Si. AZ br J. O. im Co.. kowou. Alae BBauuSaoturere ef 9 ABAPAB1LL1- W W- C? HAIR VlOOtt You will hasten recovery by tak ing ono of Ayer's Pills at bedtime. Dates and melons are almoxt the only food of many of the poor In Jeru salem. I'Hiially only one meal a day bt taken liy them. Rheumatism la one of the comititutlorial diseases, it iiiarilft Hta Knelt In local aclics and pains, Inflamed Joints and stiff muaclcs, but it cannot be cured by local applications. It rt-'jiilres constitutional treatment, and the best In a course of the great blood puri fying and tonic medicine Hood's Sarsaparilla which neutralizes tho aridity of the blood and builds up the whole yatern. In usual liquid form or In chocolated tablets known as SarsatabS. 100 doses $1. 3 W i mn - MMsaaJasaaai CROPS NEVER FAIL In ihr l i.r Anikt Valler, Idaho, whern 2i,ai MlMilnnippI Ymllrr rniro"iw-rlc-rs ur already io'-atil. wji.UUu erra unilfvvlup. d, irrlKab e land till await I lit- wttlrr. KWll l aol ll rva'rrrd r&llar In thr- world. Fin! (Mmaie: rho c-i frull; Imiiifn rro;i of vraln, allalfa ftui-ar bHtH. H '". Ouoinvird in augur faciorlra. New K. K. rxteu i!fio to a:lowiitoii para npnn rountrf of aat re xiurce. Aalitou ninrird Jan. ), I'juti, a rrcord hrraker. Wrlin lor eariirularn. t. C. MOtlltK KKA I. KSTATK COMPANY hi. Autlionr mud Aahtun, Idaho. GOOlTsEEDSl Each year brings us Increased orders for our seeds. Why? Because we supply only those that produce satisfactory and profitable crops. We know, after many years of experience, what sorts are best lo plant on this coasl. Buy P. S. Co.'s "Diamond Brand" Seeds, the best for the West. Our new 100 page Annual Catalog and Seed Planter's Guide; No. 260 free on request. PORTLAND SEED CO. Portland, Oregon Spokane, Wash. Many Afflicted Country People arernminKto us for treatment and returning home eured. We perma nently and promptly cure Indiges tion, ltlieiimaliMU, all I'riyate and WaMiiif lilM'ati-s, Nervous Difor-U-rs, Iieae of Women and Child ren, Kcccma, Illnod, Skin and Chronic Uiteaxe. No matter what your trouble may be, come to see us. Fret CoasulUUoa and Exunlnatioa. New York Surgicaland Medical Institute Ptrmantntlr Locattd at Corotr of Sixth al (12i') Waihimtoa SU,, Foftliod. Or. ill AUSTIN WELL DRILLS Mails In all styles and a l site. Uet watr and oil auv where. Ileal irUlliif TihiIs made, liel cula lutis aud prlcea. BEALL & CO. 321 Hawthorne Ave. Portland, Or. Ferry Seeds are not an expert- "ment, but with proper culti-N valion.tliev aaaure aucceaa from the start. Vaera have l.o doulita at planting uor disap pointments at harvest. Get lor biggest, surest, best eropa at an ucaiers. ramous lor over 50 yeara. 1007 sa Auuuu iree on request. D. M. FIRRY 4t CO., . Detroit, Mloh. MAKE EVERY DAY COUNT- no matter how bad the weather You cannot , afford to be without & TOWER'S WATERPR00F1 OILED SUIT ,0R SLICKER. When you buy look, for the SIGN OF THE NSH ata)HMl lis aw a 1 lout Co eosnx uli tOWtS OUlH CO I'O TO.OTOfAM An Arl Anerdole. Klwnr'l H'mi'Wiitcr. foii'uli-r nnrl ali tor of flic Oiiuilm lU'i timl n alrif-oro love of art. He lintcd jil turra tlmt In dicated ni'iiriijicd work, no cnllc! Im-Iin-KMloiilatlc jili-tnrca tlmt were merely rout'li ntul hurried akeichca and so ciilliil portrait tint bore no Ukenean to tlielr orlnlnnla. A j-ouriK painter allowed Mr. Itoaewater one day a Ir tralt of a mutual friend. "Tlmt n portrait of Hinltli!" tlie ali tor exclaimed. "I'd never Imve known It" "fill," tlie nrtlHt exclaimed, "I didn't try for n llkcnc, you know. I tried for an effect nn effect In crny." "I know n man In New York," unld Mr. Ilosewater, "wlio Iiad liU portrait painted laat year. It eoit hlrn llKKI, nnd lie waa very proud of It. When It came home he showed It to his cook., "Well, Mary,' he nald, 'how do you like thin portrait? "'Sure, sir,' said the cook, 'It's love ly. It's, beautiful. Iff) divine. "'And, of fourae,' nald my friend, 'you know who It In?' "'Oh, of rourwj I do, ulr,' said the cook. 'Of courne, of courw.'.' An ahe poke fhe kept drawing nearer to the picture, Kludylng It more and more l-loHoly. 'Of eon rue, !r, he BJiId. 'It'i you or the mlstresn.' " lluffalo Enquirer. MUSCULAR AILMENTS rwia. The Old-Monk-Curo will straighten ou' a contracted muscle 1.1 a Jiffy. ST. JACOBS IL Don't play possum with pain, but 'tends strictly to business. Price- 23c snj 50c IJOO.OOO Cipitil Stxk. J200.000 dpmrtd a-itb ni. Dept. of Hichifia UNITED STATES HEALTH & ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY Of bai(Iiiaw, Mlrhi(an. WRITt TODAY akin at-out our popular one dollar a month plaai that pays aiTldental d-ath and a I'liTit and nick Indemnity. (ive aie and orrnput on. All business on the l-acinp Coast paid through the first National Bank of Portland. R. L. ALDRICH, ff.gr. Weslem Office 209-210 Karquam Bidg. Portland, Orrgon FRUIT TREES, VINES, PLANTS BERKSHIRE SWINE, rReKtcred) SHORTHORN CATTLE, 'Registered) BARRED AND WHITE ROCKS ! PACIfIC NURSERY CO. Catalogue free. Tangent, Orcton P. N. U No. 9-07 TTTHEN wrltlna; to advertisers pie: If mention tills paper. 3 A MARVEL IN APPLE CULTURE - i ; ! I i j j , i , I 1 The Spencer Seedless Apple Is the most remarkable discovery made in fruit culture during the last century. No seeds, no core, no waste; rich, red color; com mercial size; good shipper; ex cellent flavor; splendid keeper; a market leader; no bloom, frost proof. WRITE TODAY It t- - t 1 ll-m. I . 1 ror iree Dooiuei ana particulars. Splendid inducements to agents. The SPENCER SEEDLESS APPLE Co. MAIN OFFICE 414 American National Bank Bldg., Everett, Washington, "a ino or dtuimr PIANOS Hteln way Knsbs Maaun A Harullai A. B. Ghats Krerett Packard Piaohor ('Borsr Katey King-aburjr Kuieraon Lndwlf HterlloB Welllnaton Huntington Mendelssohn PIANO PLATERS Knabe-Anaelua Kuieraon - Angelua A. B. Chaae Player Klna-abury Player OKUANS Katey Packard bloaare f'ottaae VICTHK Talklea; Machines and Keeords PIANOS iHE STEIN WAY PIANO has always been at the head ol the list. It is the l'iano of highest quality. Its reputa tion is world-wide. CREPUTATION is invaluable. It is an asset more precious than gold. If it be a reputation truly built by years of honest toil in the creation of a work of art, it is priceless. C.The STEIN WAY is A work of art. It is supreme wonderful as compared with other pianos, it is king. C.The word STEIN WAY is a synonym for achievement and superiority. In all the world of music it is the standard by which other pianos are measured. OTHER PI JIM OS We have other pianos. Read the list and you will recognize familiar names of old, reliable, stand ard makes of pianos. We call your attention to the Stain way, at $325. OO and up. Packard $aoo. Ludwlg $373 Cable $350. Kingsbury $323 and $30. Wellington $283, $275 and $263. We also have a fine six octave Organ, $SO Write to us for Catalogue, prices and terms. Be sure and mention that you saw our ad. in this paper. Our principal stores are located at PORTLAND, SEATTLE, TACOMA, SPOKANE, EVERETT AND BELLINGIIAM Stclnway Dealers 11 The House of Quality Sherman Ifflay & Go.