Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, February 20, 1907, Image 8

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    I. -
By Dr. Franc Lucile Har.1. Rooms
1-4 Chrisman Unilding, Kugpne.
Aqueous Humor.
Crystaline Lous.
Vitrious body.
Optic nerve.
Chorioid coat.
Scleriotic coat.
Astigmatism is a condition which
ie crrflt1r misunderstood by most
people. It is thought to be many
things, from something growing
over the eye to the even turning iu
or out. I5ut these ideas are all far
from right.
instead of beine a disease of the
eyes it ia an error of refraction, that
is, the rays of light coming irom an
ohiect looked at. do not tocus
evenlv on the retina and so cause
the object to look slightly distorted.
In astigmatism the seat of the
trouble lies either in the cornea or
the Crystaline lens. Both of these
have a great degree of curvature
and in order that the rays of light
may pass through them equally in
all meridans, they must be curved
just alike all over. But this is not
so in many eyes. Either the cor
nea or the lens curving mere in one
direction than in the other. This
causes the most violent symptoms
such as headaches, nausea, dizzi
Dess and all the other symptoms
caused by a severe eye-strain.
Many a poor stomach has been
dosed wilh mdicine tor inaiges-
tion etc, when it wnsn t to oiunie
for the trouble at all, and when a
puir of property fitted glasses would
have relieved all the symptoms im
mediately. Of course we are not
saying that all deranged stomachs
come from astigmatism, but a
larger percentage of them man is
generally known are so caused.
Astigmatism requires the most
careful attention of the eye-'prci!-
is-t because unless the glasses arc
iust rieht the troubles will bo ag-
P . . i flirt
gravateil instead wi ii'vim .-.
case should be.
Glasses should always set on the
face straight but especially so in
astigmatism for th- astigmatic lens
is not alike in all directions, but
specially ground to fit the curva
ture of the eye. And so if they are
tilted it will through them out or
adjustment and the rays of light
will not enter the eye iu the correct
Miilc lchtlikf mthoA, Art ; font plot
AciiiVmld luir: ipcUl imlm'ument. for
tnformalto ftdJrtss liter Superior.
A CowDoy's Girl
Is one of the gieatest plays of
Modern times, a play designed to
meet the popular taste for pure un
alloyed pleasure. A new story of
the plains. A play that goes right
down into the hearts of all, a play
that you take home with you, a
play that lasts forever, that you
never forget, a play that causes real
gennine plensure to all.
feJi. n ii t t , I k i. H I...-.IM. If mu lirtiro
tn II .1 il V, :llloW.
i rink'. il.
rvn'l.-l.n, t.urn l iv t Biijnlio a I'-rfool
Kin bt li.irflil.--ii kimrntit. nl lurtbuila I
will ni'ii.l ,i'ii n (rii nni(ti!i't. In a I'luln
tnvrloti aMni; nil 'itrllular. If .roil
rlft t-'-tn 1 lii' ii':i;i rlMIliril.
MADAMt. llUPSON. Mrlr.y bld.
mI Wnhlrct.-n t . IVrllnn.l Orriem.
nLAiiii in
TIlC relief f t'OUll-i Ull I folds
through laxative In ll umi . originated
with I'.ee's Laxative v'ni ;!i Syrup
contuinini: Honey and Tnr. a uli
syrup i onbdn'nij no opiates or pois
ons, which Is estensl vi'l.v siil, Secure
a bottle at once, obtain a t:uuruntce
coupon, and If not fully satNiied with
results, your money will be refunded.
Sold by 'New Kru lVun Store.
Hunting for Trouble.
Tve lived In California L'O year.,
ami dm istiil huntintr for trouble in
the way of burns, sores, wound.
bolls, cuts, sprains, or a case of piles
'that Ibieklen's Arnica Salve won't
quieklv cure," Sierra Co. Xo use
i hunting .Mr. Walters: It cures or
I money' refunded at Uenson's l'hr-
macy, -e.
Mrs. Thos. Pearce who has been
visiting her mother in Eugene for a
tew days returned home Thursday.
Commercial Stables
All kinds of First Class
Rigs, at reasonable prices
Large Feed Barn in connection
noticf. fou nT.i.uwnox.
Department of the Interior.
Land Olliee at Koseburi;. Oregon.
lVcemNr 'JMh. LHHi.
Notice is herebv nivcu thit
S.VMI T.L K. I i:vis,
if l itt:it'i t!rovo. Ore-'ott. ha- tiled
notice of Ills intention to make llnal
live-year proof ia support ot liis
claim, viz: Homestead Kntry N.
tOll.'i. mate Jan. IV,, l'd, for th
SV4 Seetioll I. Township '..'J S.
Italic - W., and tnat :d I proof will
lie made before Keii'lsbT and Iteeelver
I'.S. Land Oflleo at Wosebur;;, Ol e
gon on April 1th, T' T.
He mimes the followini; witneseH
to prove Ids eont iimmi-4 reidenee
upon, and cultivation of. the land,
viz: Walter P iker, of Cottage i irove,
Oregon: .1. 1. Palmer, of Cottage
(Jrove, Oregon: .loltn M.utin. of Cut
tage Orove. (regon; .thn Sears, of
Cottage i- ove, ( rcgon.
I'iI.n.ivmin L. Ki'o. K-ci-ter.
riMr.Ki: At r.irsi:::. i:
NO l K I-. rou ri t.i.h atidn.
Fniteil States Land O'liee.
Ilosehuri:. Ore.. Nov. -2-rt. V'
Notlei I" hereby giwn ttuit ia com
pliance with the provi-ioiw ti the aet
ofConures-i of.lul'.e '. entitled
"An act for the sale of timber 1 unls in
the States of California. (hi-uMin, Ne
vada and Washington Ten itoiy," as
extended .o all the I'ablie Land
States lv act of Anuu-t I. l'C,
j'osF.iMi st iim:ii'i:Iv
of I. rane. County of l.ane. Slab' (or
Territotvl of ( n u. h is till- day
tiled in this cilice Ills sworn state
ment No. 7''i.:t, f r the purchase of the
SK of NF. ; F. ',. of SI'.1, and SV ',
Si: i, of Section No. L't.iu 'lowiishij.
No. I'll south. K.Ulge No. r we-t, W.
!.. and will offer proof to rdiow that
the land sought is more valuable f r it
timber ot stoii" than for au'riculi lira I
purposes, and to establish his claim
to said land before W. W. Calkins. F.
S. Coinmis-ioin-r. at his olliee in Fu
gelie, Ireon. on Saturday the i.tli
day of Aprd, l!'i7.
Ho names as witnesses:
Jidin l l'.rien, of lauMiie, Oregon ;
Jacob Kunk, of l.orane, iirevron;
Clark I', lieven aux, nt F.u'iie, re
jjnn: Frank A. Tripp, of I'.u-ene. ore
in Anvandall per-oiss claindiiir ad
vereIv the above described lands are
requested to tbe their claims in this
otliceon orU-fore saidith dayofApril,
I;i:n.iami L F.i-i.n , Ki -i-ter.
pepai tmeiit of the Interior,
I, llllil Olliee at liii'ifliill t Irenoll.
Nov. :';id. l'.ion.
Notice Is lieivliv ulsen that
JI SSF. MAN I I I'l l',
of Mound. Oregon, has Hied notice
of his iati'iitlou to make Until
live year proof In mippurt of his
tlaliii, vit: llomestend Fnliy No.
WM. miide Jan 17, l'.'X. for theS',
SV'., NF SV, and NW, Sl'A.
Section 1, Township -0 S, Knne 7 W ,
and that said proof will be made be
foie W. W. Calkins, F. S. CoiiiiiiIhs
loner at hi oltlce Iu l .ueciie, Oregon,
on April Mh, i'. 7.
lie names the I olio w Imr witnesses
to prove his eontlnnoiis rev-ldence
upon, and cultivation of, the land,
vl.: Walter S. i illlespie, of Panther,
Oregon; 1 rv In l. Michael, of Mound,
Orenu: Fiauk lla..eii, of Panlher,
On'gun; William Curtis, of Madison,
( inigoii.
Ui:n.imix I., r.unv, Kenlster.
department of I he I nb i lor
I .niul Olliee lit Poseburg. Oregon,
Oeceinbel '.'Mh, PHMl.
Notice is lien-bv ulven that
of Pleasjint Hill. Okuoii, has tiled
notice ot his intent ion l make llnal
live-year proof In Ntippoit of Ids
claim, vl.: Homestead l.utry .M.
'.'.is. made April :w. I'.HHi, for the
NW, Section 'i!. Township l' S.
I'..ine.e , an I that said proof will
ls made before Pollster ""d Pccelver
F. S. 1, and Olliee at Kosci'iirg, Ore
gon, on March V b'l'T.
He names the following witnesses
to prove his continuous residence
upon, and cultivation of, the laud.vl.:
( apt. C. O. Hammond, of Fugeiie,
Ore.. Pcinhold Papenfus, of Pleas
ant Hill, Ore., James O. Pristow. of
Fllgene, Ore., Fred II. Streeter. of
I 'res well, t re.
IIkmimiv L. F.iuo. lli:oisii u.
wit nesses
I he bind.
For Your Real Estate or Business
t paT rTTT1 TT No Matter What Your Property is Worth, or in What Town. City. State or
I LAIS Lrlil IX Territory it U ucated
If I did not have the ability and facilities to sell your property I certainly could
not afford to pay for this advertisement. Thin "ad" (like all other "ad- ; Is practic
ally sure to place on my list a number of new properties, and 1 am just as sure to sen
these properties and make enough money in commissions to pay for the o.t ot t hese
"ads." and make a good profit Isoldes. That is why I have so large a real estate busi
ness today. , ,
Why not put your property among the number that will U sold as a result ot
these "ads''"
I will not only be able to sell It some time but will be able to sell it quickly. I
am a specialist in quick sales. I have the most complete and up-to-dat' equipment.
I have branch ollieen throughout the country and a lield force of men to find buyers.
I do not handle all lines usually carried by the ordinary real estate agents, i
MUST SKLL real estate and lots of it or go out of business. I can unsure you 1 am
not golnf? out of business. On the contrary, I expect to find, at t ho close o t he year,
that I have sold twice as many properties ai I did the past year, but t will hrst he.
necessary for me to "" more properties. I want to list OI,ItSand it. it
doesn't matter whether you have a farm, a home without any land, or a business: it
doesn't matter what it is worth, or whre it is located. If you will fill out the blank
letter of inquiry below and mall it to me today, I will tell you how and why 1 can
quickly convert the property into cash, and will give you my complete plan
and terms for handling it. The Information I will j;ive you will be of great valuo to
you, even if you should decide not to sell. You had better write today before you
yrf?ff yoU want to buy any kind of a Farm. House or I'.usiness, in any part or the
country, tell me your requirements. I will guarantee to till them promptly and satis
factorily. David P. Taff, The Land Man, 415 Kan. Ave., Topeka, Kas.
If You Want to Sell Fill in, Cut Out and Mail Today.
Please send, without cost to me, a plan for finding
a cash buyer for my property which consists of
Town County
State Following a brief description
Lowest cash price
Name ; Address.
If You Want to Buy Fill in, Cut Out and Mail Today
I desirH to buy property corresponding approxima
tely with the following specifications: Town or city
County State ,
I'rlco between $ and $ I will pay
$ down nnd balance
Namo Address
liopnitment of the Interior,
Land Olliee at Koseburi;, Ore.
Dee. , pHkl.
Notice Is hereby uUen that
of Cottage drove, Oregon, has liled
notice of lus intent Ion to make final
li e ear proof In support of Ids claim.
I vl.: Homestead Fntry No. bl''.."
made Feb. -'I. PniI, for the Lots ." and
I-, Section I, TowNshlp J "J S. Kane
J W.. and that said proof will be
j made before Peglsler and Receiver,
M.S. Land Oltice, at Posolmry;, Oiv-
j gi ui, on .prii i a n, i ,
i He names the following
to prove ids i-oiit InuoiH
upon, and cultivation of,
! U:
i John P. rainier, of Col tage irove,
Oregon; Joel l'almcrcs, of Cottug"
'( irove, Oregon; William Van Oorden,
' of Cottage drove. Oieg n; Samuel K.
! Lewis, of ( ot tage irove, i iregon.
I I' mi.n L. i:i'i-, Register.
Department of the Interior,
Land Olliee at Ibnehurg, Oregon,
I Veeniher '-"Mil. PHX!.
Notice l-i hereby given Unit
of Cottage Orove, Oregon his liled
notice of his intention to m ike llnal
live-vcar (Hoof 1:1 support of tils
claim, viz: Homestead F.ntrv No.
!71J made February 1. I'.hhi, for the
lots 4. ." ami i Si-ctloii :i'J. Township
Jl S, Kange - w., ai.d that said proof
will be ma 1 - before Register and Re
ceiver F. S. Land Olliee at Ro-elnng,
Oregon, on April P'.th Rm)7.
lie names the following wit neses
to prove his continuous residence
upon, and cultivation of, the land,
viz: John Palmer, of Cottage irove,
Oregon: August Sinzche, of Cut luge
( irove, Oregon; James lewlH, of Cot
tage drove, Oregon; Foster Phillips,
of Cottage drove, Oregon.
I'i.n.iamin L. F.MlV,
TH Orltfln! Ltlv CouiK Cyrup containing Honey nd Tr. Ai Improvement over all Cough.
LulMdBmNhlil Remedle.. Plea.ant lo the teste end good ellke for young end old. All eougr
" - .JtliAiWi ooletea oonatlpete the bowele. Bee'e l-lve Honey end Ter movti Uie bowela
For sale by New Era Drug Store
V. S. I'ATKNr.
M. A. Xo, 175. Mineral Survey
Fnited Klates Land Olliee,
Roseburg. Ore., Feb. 7, PJU7.
Notice Is hereby given that Iu pur
suance of Chapter li. Title of the
Revised Statutes of the Fnited States,
Alberton Wood w hoso Post Ollic.i ad
dress Is Cottage drove, Lane County,
Oregon, has made application for II
H. Patent for 1500 linear feet of the
Arlington lode, Sur. No i)7 bearing
gold and silver; the same being N.
21 .leg. ::i mlii. W. rr,0 ft. ami s. i'l
(leg. HI inin. K. '"' ft. from the dls
covery cut thereon with surface
ground '") feet In width. Situated In
the S kj, of Sec. I I (suspended I T.
S It. 1 K. of the Willamette. Meridian
iu the Pohemia Mining District,
Douglas County, Oregon, ami de
Hfflbed by the ollicial plat litrewllh
posted and by the lield notes on file
In the olllcn of the Register of the
United States Land Ollico at Rose
burg, Oregon, as follows, to-wit:
beginning U ('r. No. I Whence:
the U.S. M. N. Xo. I established in
Sur. Xo. -"-'f bears N. 77 deg. lis min.
M see W. 7 101 7." ft.
The Si: (Jor. Sec. 11, (suspended I T.
': S. K. 1 F. of the Willainello Me
riilian bei;i H S. 60 deg. '.Y min. 30 sec.
;i:!c.:io ft.
Thence H. lio deg. LMl mill. W
to (!or. No. 2.
Theneo S. 'Jl deg :;l min. L.
to Cor. No :i.
Thence N. C d''g.. '-' inln. I-
to (!or. No. 4.
Thence X . 'Jl (leg. Ill mill. W. i.".U(
ft. to Cor. Xo. 1 the place of begin
Variation -'0 deg. HO ruin. L. ('on
talnlng l'l..rSH acres, exclusive of con
flict with Hur. No. 57:1 Detroit lode.
The adjoining claims are the above
excluded others if any unknown.
The notice of amended location of
said Arlington lodo is on reeord In
tho olliee of the Recorder of Douglas
County at Iloseburg, Oregon, Rook
(i, Page .VJ of Mining Records.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely tlio mining ground and pre
mises or any portion theieof ho des
cribed and applied for are hereby
notllled that unless their ml verso
claims are duly liled according to law
uud the regulations there under,
within the time prescribed bylaw,
wilh the Register of the United
States Land Olliee at Itosi buiy. Ore
gun, they Will be barred by virtue, of
the provisions of said statute.
Ukn.iamin J.. Kimv, Register,
lit 10 ft.
I.VI0 It.
;oo ft.
The privacy of your homo-Thccomforts of a club
Tho luxury of a fiist class hotel.
Oriental Limited
Afford you
Daily between St PaulMinncoplii, Puget Sound nnd Interme.
diate Points via the
For detailed Information, rates, etc., address
S. O. Yerkes, A. O. P. A. Seattle.
S S Minnesota sail! for the Orient April 29
Livery Feed & Sale
A. S. Powell, Prop.
Cot time (Irove
The Hodge Jlgr given perfect Heptiratlon
of Zlnc-IcacI-OrcH
1654 HUkoSt.
Your nioni'v refunded if after ihIii
t hi ee. foil rt lis 1 4 1 af a tuls of Man
. in, you are lisalislled. Ui'turn the
balance of the tube to your ilnirfl'.t,
and your money will Ih-checi fully re
turned. Take advantiiue of this of-fi-r.
Suld by New Lru I i u-SIk
W. R C.
Apixunuttox V. It. C. No. i'2
uifc-ts at 1 p m on the 2nd and Ith
Siturduy of eni h month.
Mi;y Duki y, I'rfKidpnt
IC. Ji'.nnik Wool, Sec.
tim i:i-:i: land" at .1 i n 1 ; :, i;s.
No nci: idi: rr 11 Li 'ation.
I Hitcd Sliiti'H Laud Mllce
Uosfdiuiv. Oregon, Oct. .'th, l!Hi.
Notlc Is hereby niven I hut In com
pliance with the provisions of the ad
of Congress of .1 li In :t, 1h7, entitled
"An aet for the salo of timber lauds
ill I lie states n( ( alllol iila , Oregon,
Nevada and WaMhlnxtoii Tetritory, as
extended to nil the Public lain 1 slates
bv Act of August I, 1SM,',
of Sai;iliaw, county of Lane, Statelor
Territory) of Oiej-oii, has this day
liled In this olliee his sworn Hlateinenl
No. ":i'.'l for the purehusc of tho NL'i
N I of Section No. li, iu Township
No. 'U south, llancu No. I!, West, ,
M, and will oiler proof I o show I hat
the land sought is more vHluablu for
Its timber or stone thuii for infrlcul
turid nnpoHen and to estahllHh Ids
eluiin l mild land before W. '.
( 'alklns, I '. S. 'omuiisMloner, at his
olliee In laiKcne, Oregon, on Monday
the Hh day of February, 11107.
He names us witnesses: James
Sears of Siijrliiaw, Oregon ; Othy (J.
Miller, of Saginaw, Oregon; Seoro
Seals of Walker, Oregon. John II.
Landers of lilmira, Oregon.
Any and all s-iHons claiming ad
versely the above-deseribed iuds are
requested to llle their claims lathis
olliee on or before said Ith day of
Februnry, l'.)7.
I5i:n.iamin L. Lnov, Iteister. LAND, ACT.JUNi: 3, lh7S
I 'nitcd States Tjtmd Olliee,
KoHeburtf, Ore., Nov. .1, HKMi.
Notice is hereby kIvuii that in com
pliance wilh the provisions ol the act
of(!oliK'HH of June U, 1H7H, eutltleil
"An act for tin; sale of t hnber lands In
tho Stales of California, Oregon, Ne
vada, and Washington Territory, " as
extended to all the 1'iiblie Laud
Slates by net of Auiiht 4, I HDL',
of Dexter, f!o. of Ijiine, State (or
Territory) of Oregon, has this day
lile.l In tills ollico his sworn statement
No. 7 I T, for I he purchase of tho H
of SW ', of Section :io, in town
shlpNo.liiS, IbineNo. 1 W.W. M.nnd
will oiler proof to show that theland
sought Is more valuablu for Its timber
or stone than for agi Icultiiriil pur
poses, and to estubli-di his claim to
said land before W. W. CallviiH, U.H.
(Join iniHsioner, at his oll'ice at Lugeue.
Oregon, on Monday, the Ith day of
March, 11)07.
lie names as witnesses:
I'.ldcll Tclllploimill, of loll, Oregon,
William M. Williams, of Dexter, Ore.,
Hyron Diiiiten, of Dexter, Oro., Kd
wi II Warner, of Dexter, Ore.
Any ami all persons claiming ad
versely t he above-described lauds mo
reij nested to file their claims In this
onicoon or before suld 41 It day of
March, HIU7.
ItlCNJAMIN L. KlllJY, Register.
J. S. Medley. J. '. Johnson
Mcrilci V John son,
Attorneys-Mt law
Of irr Sultr.i II ink Illilfl.
Special attention irlviti to M Inline
and 1 'orporal Ion Law.
inllrt mi Mim mrcrl, Wt s.
CoTTAdlt (iKiJVK, OKH.
KrilrhiK ni rfinrKfU.
All work tlml I'Ibm,
W-tti-hoa, Cliii'lm nii.l Jowrlry t Uivmt Trie
t ciimiii: oicovi: I
I llospilnl and Sanitarium I
J All llm latest trcatniPiit. Tp,
i Electrical I
I Ordinary Cases $12 per Week.
I'or further iiurtiitiiUm mlilrcni
nr. 11. c. s;iili:i:f.
Time Table.
In effect Stindiiy, Nov. 2 ) 12 a m
noktii notjyt)
No ifi 1:3 a ra
No 1H ('otuge drove Local 5.I0 a m
No 1 2 1 i.2o n ru
No 14 New l'uHt Train G:i:J p in
No I5 1.2O a m
No 13 New IiHt Train I.30 a m
No 1 1 2.05 p tu
No 1 7 Cottage drove Local D.50 p m
0. k I E. It .
Time Table No. 4
To tuko effect November 1
KaNt Ilium. I a an, 1 4 Tiioxlay W.
ami Hat only
I aiKl i Dally Hi
No 8 -No I ,m1 HniKlay. No-NO
2:o 7 U .(ToUhku drovo".
2:40 7 :'S) .1.6 .. V allien ....
2:4'J7-.'J tl.7 . Corro OorJo..
H:iHi:ll H ti jioreiia
8:IMH:4U 1' star
8:;n:M:M) Kl 6 Wlcka... .
:'. t:lii, Ifi ...IUmI llrliliiu...
8:.H:lli Ifl.u ...WIIilwiMi.!..,.
3:f. :4il 'IU 0 ., Illusion
Hiilijui't to i'iihiixh wlllioiil uiiiliie.
Alloutwaril IrulKlit lorwar.lod only t lh
Joint rink ol alilitixtr ami RonalKiu-a.
HtaKU leave Wllilwoml after llio arrival
train on Moiulaya, Wednxtilayi anU Krlilayl
for llonltn ami brfi-o. Kctiirnliig nu Tuva
cayii, 'lluirMlayiHiiil Salunlayii.
rrclulit will not ln rxculvi U at Ilia O. fc 8. K.
H. ll. fnit alcer & in. To Inmirit forward.
liiKoiinuit iraln Iii-IkIiI liuiHt liu UttUvitrt'U III
ample Ohio to penult ol It liulntf billed.
Kiev A.M. r.M
Ii7l J2 IHJ 6. IS
710 ll:lii 4:ts
Ml Ir.liM 4:44
1117 10:40 4:117
II III l(l:!'-l
V.m 1U:V!H 4:1H
HMU lU:ri 4:17
l(X.U 10:00 4:IU
A. B. WOOD, Manager,