Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, February 20, 1907, Image 7

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It 1:1 perfectly tinturnl to m1 thn ftpot that luirln, nml when the rminrlcfi,
nr-rven, Joint nml 1otie.i nro throbbing nul Iwitchitii witli tlio jiaim of
HluMtnintiHiti the pulTercr it npt t turn t th! liniment buttle, or nomo othct
external Application, in nn Uott to y.v't relief from Hie lim asc, ,y Tirodnt iii
"ounti r-lrtitatloti on tins llcsh. ,Su h treatment will quiet the ;in tempo
rnrily , hut can liavo ikj dim t curative effect on tin; leal disease Ixrcntise it
docit not rcat h tlie 11kx1, where tlio cuuho l x ateil. Klir-tmiatiHtn in more
than bl.U deep it h muted anl grounded in the Mood mid can only lc
rein ln d by constitutional treatment IT CANNOT l!lv KUltHICI AWAY.
Klieumutism h due t- im cxceti.t of utic n id in th; Mood, brought about by
the accumulation in the py-dini of rcfu-io matt r wlii h the natural avenues
of bodily waste, the Jtowcl.i nml Kidney;!, liave failed lr auv oh. This
refuse mutter, coming in contact with the lil7 tent n id: of the body, found
nrle in id which irt iibHorbed intu the blixwl mid distributed t nil l.arti of the
lKdy, nml Kheutuatisiii rets pufetessiun
lire oniv (iympioniH, mm uiougii uiey may lc licatlerrd or relieved for n lime
by nut face treatment, they will reappear nt the first exposure to cold 01
dumpm-iei, or nftcr nn nttat k of indigestion or other irregularity. TUieuma
tinni tan never be pel tuam nlly cured while the circulation remains paturated
with iitilatine;, pain jtodm ititf tuic mid poison. The disease will t hift
front muscle to muscle or joint t joint, dettlin on the nerves, causing
inflammation nml 8 welling nnd wich terrible jiain-i that the nervous system
i.t often i hattcied, the health undermined, nml jxihupM the patient becomes
clef i iimed and ct ippled for life. H. S. H. thoroughly c leansrs tlic blood nnd
renovates the circulation by neutralizing thenci. Is und expelling nil foreign
matter (turn thctiyutciu. Jt wantm nnd invigorates the blood ' that insteaij
niatistn. It contains no olnh, nlkali or other mineral ingredient, but is
made entirely of purifying, healing extracts nnd juices of roots, herbs nnd
batks. If you nre (differing from Kheumativm do not waste valuable lime
trying to nib a blood disease away, but begin the use if S. S. nnd write
us nUiut your case nnd our physician will give you nny information or
udvicCikiiUedfitcof charge nnd willticmlcmrdpccial treatise on Kheumatism.
SIIORIHORN CATllt,-R,f-irrrd,
Cnlalniu tft. Tanfrnt. Orrton
Wllh !T3 i.n lluMirJ hcxikloi, Kltltitf 1 ""
tiM-a lor lioraf In lit llmnr, anq aiel lalry,
"I a Souvenir Dcture, 7i M In., in ,!,, r,
friM ..r .. atil mr l. i.-r naino. Ad.lruM
1'ai'lflfl :mu Ikii.i .., uklau4,
Many Afflicted Country People
rr (inning In tin ftir trrnltiirht ttinl
rrturtiltitf botur rurml v criii
liriulv nl jrt (iiitj.t U run' lit-tir
lion, UhriitiiMttmii, mil I'rlvair mi
Wlitif( lUfrn. Nt-rvtMii i f ir
ilrt, PlArara t( W (Uiit-il ftii'l t litll
ti n. Krem, HIimmI. h In mid
i iutitilf it.nmat No mutter wlit
)our itwublo utay iMi.cutia tn vv ui,
Nf Cmalttwi aoJ Ejtntiutta.
New York Surgical and Medical Institute
frrmaMollr t acU4 It Cawr at $ ih ini
(JiJ'lJ Wuainitva Su., VoiUtai. Dr.
i 'I .-Kin, M I li i Mti .
rpontf J vllb
Int Urpl g
nk It iu imiI i.ut i..nUr one dnllr a
Kflitth plan Hot n a-i-lpninl draili
ti l m i l l. i, nll't l. k'liililly v
ati'l i.t'l'lil'Mlltin All l.uliir oil
tin- !' i fi i'U-1 ii llif.uli iln first
National tlank wf Purlland.
R. L ALORICH. Mgr. Western Office
203-710 lUrquim Ild. PortljnS. Ortgoa
Maila III nil ' ! nml a I alur. ri ti r tai.l oil
anynlit-rn Ileal Itrllllng Imila mail... t..l .ulu
.ml .rl.-ra. BEAU. & CO.
321 Hawthorn Avt,
Portland, Or.
Tlio Klml You IIuva Always JiniiRht linn borne the ftipim
ture of CliiiK. II. Fletcher, and ImH been mnde under his
JitTNonul Huprrvlslon for over JH Tours, Allow no ono
o drcelve you in thin. CoiintcrfYitft, Imitutions and
iIiiMt-anfrood" are but Kxptrlm,nl, anl Midunpcr tlio
lieulth of Children luiperlrnce nffnlnst Kipcrinifut.
Cnstorla is a lmrruless nubfitltiitA for Cnstor Oil, larc
fcorlo, Drops and Hoothlnir Hjrups. It is IMouwitnt. It
oontulns neither Opium, Morphine nor oilier Kareotio
hiiliNtunec. 1 ts upe is its puarunteo. It deHlroys M'orun
nd allays FeverlithiieHn. Jt cures DIarrha'a and "Wind
t'olle. It relievos Tiicthlne Troubles, cures Constipation
nnd Flatulency. It aNMiiillates the Food, regulates the
Stomach nd ltowcls, Klvlnir healthy anil nut urul bleep.
Tho Children's l'auaceiv Tlio Mother's Friend.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tho
In Use For Over 30 Years.
of the pystem. The nt-hr nnd jains
f it weak, umir f.tream, constantly depobit
ing ncrid nnd corrosive matter in the inus-
eles, nerves, joints nnd bonert, the lly is fed
nnd nourished by iih, liualth-Bustaining
blHtd whiih completely nnd iermanently
what is needed in every case of Kheu-
I ho llunllnaj Old Illlaaanl.
How ilcnr lo my In art ia tlic lirrce bowl
i ti ll i xin rd,
U'liiilj rtnni'M from I lie nortb like a wolf
on llif ftild,
I'rcilii tfil by t'ottpr or aomo oIIht wiinnl.
'I'lio i lmr-iT of Kiiovv ami tin' (li'inun of
rolil ;
I low awi'i't to ho en ut; tit In Ita jrnip like
a fratln-r.
Ami fiml oiirt lf wrnjijird ronml a trie
Knili polr ;
Oil, how we uilurf, in tlila wild wintry
Ttla lilittnnl thnt roinca wlicn you're
rlt-nr out of ronl
Tlila wilil, whirling tilinainl, tlio razor
ultrrtl bl ir.n nl,
Tha loinl liowliiiK tilizzurd frcub froui
tlm North I 'tilt'.
T.ltirolo Journal.
Mothnra will find Mn. Winnow! 'Vxilhloi
Hyrup thn bra I rmurdr ti Una lor tliaircliliarua
luring itiu tra thing rloa.
Aalonlahlnir lirnnraarp.
M iinicnl t'liHtoniiT Wbnt a tine old
ic'iitieii you Imvf up thfrr in lliat glaaa
lit.'! la it u StrniliviiriiiH?
Nt-w SnlfNinnn St riiddy wlint? (JomIi.
uilHtt-r! I'uii't )ou know liddlp Li-a
you nee Olio?
CITO Vitna I'amo and a!1 Ntrrmin rta-ni
II I u iM-riiiiiititiy tmr-l dv lr. Kluif'a t.ral
S.T" ILoniriT. hMMiil f it I III K fJtrlHl Imttli-mid
Ur.tU... lr. It. H. Kiln. .11., W.I Arciir.U,i'iiU4k.l'&
Wron Mil.
AVIilli IttHily wan licildlnc court In
Witslilntoti ('(iiinlv, f ;- rtr I ) . a (vrtnlt)
(ifiirrnl llniistiii t'liini' In mill Kitt down
nt tin aide of tlio Juil't'. inul Iici;iiii to
1rll lit ii nlitiut tin vast amount of
I iri r t y ln nwnt d.
"Sin'i Just n moment, jri'nornJ, aahl
lkmly. "Mr. Slu rirr. mil In Joiit's, tbe
rtx'Hvrr of t it x ri-tuniH."
in n few iiioniciitH that wortny np-
jn'ii ri-il.
".lr. Kfi-flviT," Mid tin Judge, "come
ui hero nml iiiiiLi- an Inventory of Gen-i-rnl
llmistin's irnHTty. lit- had ml.
tiiKfii ino for you." Suiitlay Maga-
xl .
N'utlilna lolna;.
It win an iiiijiosing Imililing, but the
Iran with the aguara viiIim; did Dot Leui
".Madam," lie nnld to the matron who
nppt'iircd, "I t-liuulil like to kIiow you a
xtjjr of our hook, 'The (Juit't Life,' which
ia nutkini; audi n "
"Sir," ahe iiitfrruptod, "tlila la ao In
Htltntlun for the ilruf and duiiib." Chi
cagu Tribune.
Slgnaturo of
Keeling of I iicrrluliily A lion I lion
I lino Work a ure Ulun,
"Wlifii i)(ii full Into the nf
wondering wIh'IIkt they luive lm rou
tine tlilliKH It In hU'll time fir tlit'lll
t roiiHldcr tin' inlvlMiiMIIfy of a real,"
hii Id a iIi.vhIi'Iiiii. "Tliere In tin mircr
hIk'h, to iny uilnd, Hint the m-mIi-iii In
In ioiiiImk ovcrtiixnl tlmn tlilH feeling
Of IIIK'ITtlllllt.V.
"I wiih Ntnylng with n friend tint
other nlylit, kh-iiiIIiik tin' nigh: wllili
Mm, In furl. .'m m inn (i wliiiin I know
pretty mil, am) tlioiiulit at dinner
iiml tliroiiKli tin- cvciilinr, from n llttln
innniier, that IIiIiikn weren't all right I
with him. I.ut I wnan'l iihwiliitelv eon-
' vim-ed till heilUmc npproiielifd. We
Wire MlttlllK IIlMtlllrH III III M Mtlld.V, III
fiitully having retired, unit In nuked '.no
t cximihi. him while he Maw that the
Iiouhi. wiih locked iiji. It wan a Mill
nlK'it and I could follow hU iroifrem
around the varloim roonm on the flrHt
floor, lie Heeined to mi- to he HIHh-ccm-Mnrlly
long and, without being IihiiIhI
tlve, I really lieeiime Interested to
ki:ow whether he wiiHn't making the
n-iindH twlre. Filially hennl him g
Into the parlor, a room I wan Hiire he
vIhIIimI at leant once In-fore. When
en me ujHtaliM I nuked, lauyliliu'ly.
how mnny Hiiich he hud wen that each
I window wiih fiiMtened. p.ut he wiiMii't
In a In iiifhlnif mood nt nil.
'"It'M ii funny tlilnir, old ninn,' lie
Hiild. 'lint I've lii'cn fool i-iiihikIi to look
Ht 1'iicli window two or tlin-o tlmoH.
In you know, It would ntrlkc im' nftcr
I Iiml Ifft n room that htIiiim ( Imdn't
put tin cittfli iriMrly on one of tlift
wIihIowh there, nnd luiek I'tl luiVf t
K to nnike Hiire. JteliiK In there, I'tl
I'Xituilne the other window nifiiln. It'a
heenthnt wny for half n dozen nlfhtH.
Somehow, tloliij the Met thlliKH tloeHll't
wi'.ii tt mnkt the luitreMMlon on mo
that one would e.nt TIiIm lack of
mirenenH Ihii'I etiiillued to lorklnij win
down, either. I III id myHclf nt tht
olllee womlerlliK whether I have K'vell
Htifh mill Bueli liiHtrui'tloiiH Instruc
tions thnt are h much a part of my
dully work that I K'vt' them mechan
ically and then foriret them. Nine
tlmt'H out of ten I flntl everything In
nil rlxlit, hut I'm not quite happy till
I tlo. I kuckm I must 1h? getting old
maldlMh In my old ago.'
"It wits my turn to ho serious then.
I explained to hi in that his forgetful
iii'ss nil came from tielng overtaxed.
From habit In worked like an automa
ton, tilling thin, that nnd the other
thing In hln htiHlnesH or home life, hut
a grent number of his actions were
without the txignlzamv of the hralru
He neeled rent, nnd If he did not take
It he would break down.
"I got hi in nwny from cares for a
bit. nml the next time I saw htm he
laughed ns heartily over the Incident
of the much-locked windows as I pre
tended to. lie tliMfin't know It, but he
had n narrow ncaM. I'm telling this
story that It may servo as a warning
to nn overstreiiuous age." New York
Kvldeniv if earnings of persons pro
ficient in trntlo Is htdd. In ("entral Foun-
tlry Conipnny vs. Itennott (Ala) 1 L.
It. A. ( N. S.) ll.V). not adiiilsslhle Umiii
tho quest Km of tin mages for negligently
killing an apprentice,
A right of action for negligently kill
ing a person Is hold, lu Jordan vs. Chi
cago and Northwestern Railroad Com
pany (Wis.) 1 L. It. A. (X. S.) KST,,
to U an asset of his estate nullit-lcut j
warnint apslutineut of an adminis
trator. That tho maker of a note understood
that It was to carry Interest Is hold. In
Merritt vs. liewoy (III.). 2 L. It. A.
(X. S.) 217. uot to uuthorlze tho In
sertion of an interest clause without
the maker's consent after the execu
tion of the note.
Tls? use for agricultural pnrsises,
by ndjtdnlng land owners, of otherwise
unused and un fenced parts of a rail
road right of way Is hold, In Huberts
vs. Sioux City & 1'. K. Co. (Nob.).
2 I j. It. A. (N. S.) 2?J. not lnooimlstent
with, or adverse to, the enjoyment of
tho easement.
The right to the custody of a child
In accordance with a Judgment lu a
habeas corpus proceeding Is hold, In
Willis vs. Willis (Iud.), 2 L. K. A.
(X. 8.) 244, uot affected by an appeal,
nltlxmgli the atntute provldts that an
appeal thall stay all further proceed
ings on the Judgment
A woman taking her brother Into
her home and without benefit to her
self nurnlng and s?rformtng other
menial services for him during his last
Illness Is held in Mark vs. llourdiuau
(Ky.), 1 I U. A. (N. S.) 8111, to be
entitled to an allowance of tliolr value
out of his estate, although there was
no express contract that payment
should be made.
A waiver w ith resist to confidential
disclosures made to a physician by te
nured concerning his last sickness Is
hold, in Western Travelers' Accident
Association va. Munson (Neb.), 1 L.
It. A. (N. S.) 1W8, to have been ef
fected by a stipulation in a contract of
life insurance to the effect that proofs
of death shall consist in part of the
allldavlt of tho attending physician,
which shall state the cause of his
death, and such other information as
may bo required by tho insurer.
A woman U not sure a mau loves ber
until be U1U ber he does not
Blood Humors
f:lnmoT)ly rui tlnitle. I)ll. lilvi- fffmi
or nlt rliffiirn. or umiin otlirr furm of tmp
tl'in; lut rru'tiin! thfy e int In tli ytmn.
Iiillrkti-l tiT fiwlltilfi t w-ktiM. Urmunr,
Ion of kiipftltn. or irnm-ml dcljlllty. wltbout
raimlnK any tn-akliiir out
IIikkI' Smpiirlll miii'Ii llipm.r!novt(.
utreiiKtheim Unifn tde wliol ytm.
This li tint f'Ntlrnonr of tliotmanfN iinniiIIr
Awl no HuliKlltuie, hut IiimIhI on having
Hood's Sarsaparilla
In iimikl ll(l'l f"rtn or in rhoeolatert tahltti
knuwu an SarsatSbS. IClO donca 1.
Ferry'a 1007 8eed Annual Now Ready
for Free Diatributioi .
IVrry's great Seed JVxik is now ready
for distriliiit inn. This is tlio book that
, every farmer wants and waits fnr. It
! makes lira difference w hat other cnta-
IngiH m lire received, fanners are not nat
' Mid I until they get 1'crry'n, because it
j contains bet ter and fuller information.
Kerry's Seitl Annual, in fact, isrittlly
more than 11 catalogue. It differs from
the UMiial seed catnloiige inasmuch as it
1 really helps each furmer r gurdener to
chooeo intelligently the variet its best
1 stlili d t" his part iciilur needs. Tlie
j wire select inn nf varieties results in
I digger, netter paying crops. The ex
perience gained in lifty ji ars of sii:cohk
f ul seed grow ing is tlius at your com
mand. l-'or freshlirs", purity ami reliahility
Ferry's Seeiljare in a cIiips by them
selves;. They are known all over the
land, and farmers everywhere have
oowifidoiice in t he nainf: of Ferry, and
know for a certainty that their seed.
n be ndied tijion. 'J hey know that
every package has Itchind it the repu
tation nf u hnuse whose biiHiness htuml
ards ure the highest in the trade.
Ju-t dn p a po-tul to D. M. Ferry
Co., Id troit, Mich., and they will cend
you a copy of their 1H07 See 1 Annual.
It's ahi-oluUdy free.
lriiKU I"ti refiiinl mtiiii'y If It falls to rnre. K,
OitoVK'ri ilKiia'.nru In on cacli Uiz. Zjc.
Had Xot tlbirnrd It.
"It's Niich hnrd work to fn'k through
this tflt'ohonc !" exclaimed Mrt. liigb-
"I hndn't noticed that," aaid Mr. High
mtiM, who had beon listening pTtienlly for
five minutoa at the other oud nf the w iro.
"It may be a little rmrd to joar tb'ougli.
my denr, but It doesn't scorn '.o bavu io
terfercd with the flow of our comersa
tion." Of Interest to Women.
Kvery woman naturally s-lmuld be healthy
nnd Mro'.g. but a great many women,
tmfiirtir.ntely, nro not, owing to the un
natural condition of tie? lives we Pad.
Hernia he, backache nnd a general tired
comlltioil are prevail lit itnioiigt the
women of today and t rc'ieve these
condition women rush to t!i ; i.ruggixt
for a bittl" o! some prtpaiaiiu i supp set I
to be particularly for tfii-m, and loiitniti
ing iiobiMly know s wbnt. If thi v wouitl
jut get a b .x of Uraiidrcth's l' I , ami
take tliuin reg ila-lv every night for a time
all their trouble would disappear, us thesv
pills regulate the organs of the feminine
ytcm. Th" s me dose has the same
ell' -ct. no matter how long they are nseil.
Krandretii's Tills hive Ix'eii in ue for
over a leiiturv and nre sold in every
drug and medicine store, plain or sugar
coaled. Itcallatlc.
Crltick Yes, li'Auher Is home from
bis trip to the Rocky mountuins. He
put in most of his time making sketches
of the mountain oaks. He showed ine
a lot of t hem.
A scum I low were they? Natural?
Crltick Well, they're certainly rocky.
Philadelphia Tress.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
bv local a)ilti atinnB aa they cannot reach the
dlsvaavil . union oi tnu car. 1 l.eie is unly ono
y lo cure ilua.iH-n, and that m by Cuimtitu
tmnal reiueitlca. leaiiii's i causftl y an in
llano 1 cotiditinn ol the uiucoua linlntt of the
Liifttachian I ut. W hen this tuba is in II timed
you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hear
ing.and when it ia entirely closed, lieafness is
tliu result, and titilut. the lnllamniatiou can l
taken out aud this tube re to:ed to its normal
condition, hearing will be destroyed forever;
Him cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh,
which la nothing but an Inflamed condition of
Ihtfiiiucous siiriaces.
"ewillgiY One Hundred Dollars for any
rasa of lit afutss fesused by catarrh) that ran
not ne curea by llall a l alarm l ure,
bend tor
circulars, free.
K. J. CHENEY it CO.,
Fold by I)ruk-Its, 7;"io.
Hail's Family 1'ills are tho best.
Toledo, O,
SorroTt-a of tho Platnrracy.
First Millionaire Hard lines these
Seeond Millionaire Vet; our rela
uvea are wniting for us to aiu to get
our money, and the rest of the world
doesn't want to wait that long. New
York Sun.
Read the Experience of a Minnesota
Woman and Take Heart.
If your back aches, and you feel sick,
languid, weak and miserable day after
any iion t worry.
1 Hum's Kidney Tills
have cured thousands
of women in the same
condition. Mrs. A.
lleiman, of Stillwat
er, Minn., says: "Hut
for roan's kidney
Pills I would not be
living now. They
cured me in 1899 and
I've been well since.
used to have such pain in my buck
that once I fainted. The kidney secre
tions were much disordered, and I was
10 far gone that I was thought to bo at
ieath'a door. Since Doan'a Kidney
Pills cured me I feel aa if I had been
pulled back from the tomb."
Hold by all dealers. 60 cents a box.
FoskT-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Color mora goods brighter and faster colors
uaranteed to give pertect results. Ask dealer,
ci results. ask dealer, or we will send po:
MONKOC DHLHi fa. llalonvllle. Missouri. iu hu toiurs.
Th) VanUea Notion.
There never lived a more steady and
persistent grumbler than Reuben Hall.
Not only tho won: her, the atnto of hla
health and his crop fifrnished hlni
with subjects, but the most reasonable
and lenient laws which could Ik' con
structed raised discontent in Reuben's
"I dnnno what they mean by telling
folks to curt their waste stuff over to
that dump nt the end o' Orntithnm'a
Wood Instead o' leaving It in the
r.nwton miliar hole," he said, Indig
nantly, one day. "StipjsiW! the aullar
bole does show ur fnrn the rond, what
business has this town got to put an In-
Jciictlon on folks dumping stuff In It'' ;
"The town's bought the old Law ton j
place," mild his neighbor. In the pacific ;
tone petiple usually employed In nd- !
(blessing Mr. Hall. "And I thought j
you were one of those that said 'twas j
nri eyesore. I)o you want to dump any !
o' your old Junk In there, Reuh, tidy J
ni you nre?" j
"No. I don't wanter," said Mr. Hall.
sullenly; "but I wanter have the right
In case I wanter, an' I wanter know
why I haven't got It."
PllfS CURf D IN 6 TO 14 DAYS.
PAZO f.INTMKNT in (ruarcnttt; 1 to rur any
can-of tehlng, blind, blei-ding or protruding
piles In C to H lay or money refutided.Soe.
Nlrleflx lla.loeaa.
"The graspin'est rnnn I ever knowed,"
aid 1'nele Jerry I'eebles. "was an old
ilmp named Snoopins. Somebody told
him once that when he breathed he took
in oxygen nnd gave out rarbon. He spent
a whole day tryin' to find out which of
them two gases cost the most if you have
to buy 'cm. He wanted to know whether
he was makin' or losin' money when he
b rea t bed. ( 'h ica go Tribune.
Shake Into Your Shoes
Allan's Foot 1 a.e A powder. It makes tlgh
or new shoes f.-fl ea It is a certain cure for
rwraung, callous and hot, tired, aching feet,
hold by all linunrists. 1'rice ii-V. Trial pack
age rnall"d H'.KK. Address Allen 8. Olmsted,
LcKoy, Sevr York.
Omlaalona of History.
The pood people of Salem had Just
burned another witch.
"According to the census." they said,
"there are too many woaien in Massachu
setts, anyway."
In order to make a show of being Im
partial, however, they looked around for
Wizard ISurbank, but he had escaped to
flRC and Earthquake
dt-sirovett our s?an
'ablished over :U ears
Hijo, but Dr. Pierce's
famous Electric Belts
and Trusses may st li
tie ha.l by addressing
lK. l'IF.Kl E A SON, 1417
Chestnut St., Alaineda, t'al.
Keep this for reference.
In h.' I iper Snake Valley, Idaho, whfm
,Ok.i Mit.sihsiepl Vulit-y ht.mttM'ekers are already
sled. tsAi.ouu arn-s ande flopi d, Irrltrab e laad
still awntt ih settler. hlch- st and best watered
valley In the world. Finest c imale; cho cent fruit;
tnimens crocs uf raln. allalfH suk-ar bettts. t4.lK),
wo Investnl In siir ir factories. Ne R. H. t-xteie
s'on lo VeiloW'.toiiM parlc opt-ns country of vast re
sources. Ashtoii started Jan. 1, lauti, a record
breukar. W rut lor particulars.
St. Anthony and Ashton, Idaho.
When you buy
you want
and long
These and many
other good points
are combined in
ibu cairt afford
to buy any other
An awl
a J fewf CO BOtTO Ua.
,V-W-...J iL , -
ToiiT k
am.A ar at
Harvesting Dollars
it possible if the teed be judicionaly planted.
Southern Alberta, Canada, haa demonstrated beyond a doubt
that it ia the greatest cereal growing country on the continent,
and "Alberta Ked Wheat" grown there took both the Gold and
Bronze medals at the Portland Exposition.
The Canadian Pacific Railway Company has 3,000,000 acres
of the best of land, irrigable and non-irrigable, just east of Cal--Kry,
Alberta, which they are wiling at from (12 to $15 per acre
for non-irrigable and (18 to (25 per acre for irrigable.
Lands void by them three months ago at these prices are now
now being held by the purchasers at 50 per acre and upwards.
The harvesting of dollars invested in these lands is just as
certain as the harvesting of cereals.
If you are interested drop a card to the address below for
literature fully describing the opportunity of the age.
The Canadian Pacific Irrigation Colonization Company, Ltd.
54 Ninth Avenue West, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Be sure to mention Ihls paper when writing.
than any other dye. One 10c package colore
or we will send post paid at IM (lack
Is It Your
Do you pin your hat to your
own hair? Can't do It?
Haven't enough hair? Itmust
be you do not know Ayer's
Hair Vigor! Here's an Intro
duction! May the acquaint
ance result in a heavy growth
of rich,thick,gIossyhair! And
we know you'll never be gray.
f tlitnV that Att'i Hair Vlifnr t tha most
Wfifidfrftil Imtr icrrtwr lint w tr marts. I
Iisti U4.t it for snrnft tlmn sufl I rsn truth.
futlT th:.t I ani prPHtly -la'l wltH II. I
rhwrfnllr rnr.f.iiTi'-n'l It uplemlln1 preps,
rsllon." Miss V. Iik'k K, Waylsnd, Mich.
MkJ br J. C. A T-r no , Ix)wll, Mass.
Also usouiaoturers or
I'll I S.
prove their worth at harvest
time. After over fifty ycara of
success, they are pronounced
the best and surest by careful
planters everywhere. Your
dealer sells them. 1907 Sett
Annual free on request.
D. M. FEIUtT Jk CO., Dctralt, Xlaa
VoDucrful Home
Thbi wonderful Chl
De e Dtc:or is callod
i;r at bcrau.te he cur e
I co( lo without opera
t un that art ven u-)
thn wnnrlerf ul (hi-
0 v herbs ron s, buds &J-;drJ& IS
barks and veceiablns f S-4vX-K?i-J
1 hat are antlnlr nn- E'fpfS
kn-wn to a I-Vrii&3viS??l2Ja
ii.- Its th'a conn'.r Ihrouvrn tlm u.-ws of thrjso
harm'.ssr. m"dies. Th a httiiJUdo:tr knows
Uiear lonof ov rSOO tiif.-r -ut renifd s, wHicq
he uses sucosslu Ijr In diffvrer.t tllseiuas. lie
rnran toe reca-ar-h.a-.'bma, lans, throat
rh uiuutism, r rvous rss, Btuinach, llvrr, klvl
n'.vs. w. hunrets of t.'Stimoutals.
Changs niod"-Mt. fall and see him. I'a.icnta
oat ot the ciiy wtto f.-r bis- :s and rlrculan.
bDd stamp. CCJjihCI.TATiON iKLli.
The C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co.
1 62 first St, S. E. Cor. Morrison
Mention paper Portland, Oregon
When Sherman, Clay & Company, the
old racitic Coat 1'iaho House, which
has been doiiii; buMne.-s at the eorner
of Kearney ami Sutter strn-ts, San Kran
finco, for over thirty-five years, pur
chased the l'ian.i business of I lie A.len
& tiillH'rt Kainaker Co, it a.s every
where admitted that it was the most
significant transaction ever ann.iunce.i
eoiHerniiiR the music business of the
l'tu'itic Northwest.
Important, be ause Sherman, Clay &
Company are so well known as a
staunch, reliab'e (Inn. They have a
one-price system. Kvery Piano is mark
ed in plain figures. A child can buy a
Piano from Sherman, Clay vV Company
just as safely as can a state senator, and
at the same price. They are I'acitiv
Coast agents for the famous Steinway
piano; also nianr other standard makes
such as the Knate, Kverett, Mason vt
Hamlin, Hardniuti, A. It. Chase. Fischer,
Packard, Conover, Ludwig, Kingsbury,
Kstey, Emerson, Sterling, Wellington,
11 uuiingtiin and Mendelssohn. Also
Kstey, Packard and Chicago Cottage
Organs, piano Players aud Victor Talk
ing Machines.
When you visit Portland, Spokane,
Tacoma. "Seattle, Kverett, Iti'llingham
or San Francisco, you should call and
see the Pianos exhibited by Sherman,
Clav vt Co. Their Portland store is op
posite the postollice, Sixth aud Morri
son streets.
P. N. U
No. 8-07
vyHEN writ In (r to advertisers please
V mention tliis paper.
silk, wool and cotton equally well and la
una. Write for tree booklet how lo dvo,
tea, W